HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1984.07.26 - 16642Jul' 26th, 1984 has ($20,9 3 3. ) Michigan 48018 for Twenty Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty- Miscellaneous Resolution e84207 BY: PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Property Management Division - IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF "OFFER TO PURCHASE" FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN - PART 4.. - Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson OF LOT 114, OLD HOMESTEAD SUBDIVISION, OF SIDWELL 23-17-403-013 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Lot 114 in the City of Farmington Hills described as: Lot 114, Old Homestead Subdivision of part of the South half of Section 17, Town 1 North, Range 9 East, Farmington Township, Oakland County, Michigan, which disposal has been recommended and authorized by Donald W. Ringler, Manager, Sewer, Water and Solid Waste, in correspondence dated February 23, 1984; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 84126, dated May 10th, 1984, authorized disposal of said property; and WHEREAS the current use of the property is vacant and unused; and WHEREAS the property has been appraised at $20,900 by Roland Harkless, MAI; and $20,800 by Robert H. Scott, SRA, ASA, NAR; and WHEREAS any monies realized from the sale of the property after cost of sale have been deducted shall be deposited in the "Sewer and Water Reserve for General Operating Fund No. 83200, Account No. 305-011;" and WHEREAS Robert F. Novak and Laura Rene Novak 35914 Quakertown Lane, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 submitted an offer of Twenty Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Three Dollars of and included a Two Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($2,100. ) deposit for said property; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the "Offer to Purchase" form. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to execute the necessary documents for the sale of said property to Robert F. Novak and Laura Rene Novak of 35914 Quakertown Lane, Farmington Hills, Three Dollars ($20,933. ). Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. 67-el --T)11 • Planning and Building Committee I HUMPY APP_RnVF rA.UTION PROPERTY DISPOSITION INFORMATION Sidwell No. 23-17-403-013 - 'Property Description: Date 4/19/84 Lot 114, Old Homestead Subdivision of part of the South 1/2 of Section 17, Town 1 North, Range 9 East, Farmington Township, Oakland County, Michigan. (27,945 square feet) Approximate Crossroads and Municipality: Northwesterly side of Quakertown Lane between Old Homestead Drive and Paddleford Road. Sketch of property and location of easement: to scale -------m SEE ATTACHMENT 1. Cost and year of original purchase: $ N/A ; 19 58 2. Additional costs: None • 3. Purpose of original purchase: Community well and pump station site. 4. Current usage: None - vacant land. 5. Compatables of adjacent parcels: May '83 - Lot #49 - 23,400 S.F. - $24,700 _7 year land contract - $4,000 down; November '83 - Lot 71 Pleasant Valley Farm Sub. No. 2 - 26,680 S.F. - $23,625 Cash; May '83 - Lot #11 - Tall Pines Sub. - 19,463 S.F.- $23,000 Cash. 6. Applicable historical notes, if any, concerning property: (Is it buildable, what does it cost to maintain?) This is a buildable lot. No information on costs to maintain. Abandoned wells on the site have been capped according to State. requirements. 7. Price of offers received: 1. 2. 3. S. Recommendation of Property Management Division: $20,850 Cash or 10 year land contract 1_02Denoqir 11% Interest Per Annum on Unuaid 'Balance. 9. Appraisal Information: Robert H. Scott - $20.800 ROLAND HARKLESS - $20300 Files can be reviewed at: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION Department of Public Works EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING & 1 Public Works Drive 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD Pontiac, MI 48054 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 IeSsn1 orJ ,,,,,,,„, 6„,......e.„,_...... r 1 .6%4— 7 1 ,-----tr.4 :.."- -. '' i;..,. 3 1 1.,—...- -, ,...041,, 1.5 • : liii...±:j...; V. . .,, - —ftii- LocAriom Nolo ;t 114 3. ii-4as -am 'te • 11 iire‘230 NN / +!'? MOTE. g*OndOitesi Itir, Ise rImQv. ji 110{41$414111 for magoi• canyrustIcin. 45k. \>) Nf;A' , t,47. , Pg.>, OAKLAND CCUN7Y DEPA RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PRCPERTY MANAGV4EN7 2,1 vISICN :2C0 7 1.--FtA CO NTC, 'MCHIGAN 48053 , OL HCME5TEAD S U NI /4 of Sectton ;7, City For._ Jin ton Hiils B. H. mom '.1 Jo- —144tfOLV-10400-- -17A, e, g I ld'Ir ;in Id ft- f p.0 - irk / F rnpl Otj P Et itt 1LL all Or I' tie „.11. Thirs-- aik • i _ 84 --41- ---% t' _ tk i, • v. _.,.. .. t... rs- ... „.. .4 P , -- TT e g I I grraill Leo • trf tpitivi fiC —VAIN If _01/0- litli111i 1it1111 11 111 1111 All -17 - - ft I oVel 44-THE DEM 0 ET NEWti ritiov..tuivt :t. 1984 _ FOR SAL -z-,. VACANT LAND COUNTY OF OAKLAND In pursuance ot &resolution adopted by the Board oil ComrMs- sinners toe tollileilog surplus primer ry olfored for sale on a Sealer.) loiter to purcease basis_ The sale I i sublet! to ell gay- eremenlet reouiations. slalv-es. ordinances. easements, boilding and ose restrictions, and said Bowel makes no war- comneser rep r •ortoni., to tee uroperry . The Board al Corneresuuners r eserves tOe ri g ht Po withdraw peopertv leom tne so,e prior to the lime and dare seise/Wen tar op enley Me Offers to out-chase, to waive defects In the bidding aed nu sole will be tleal Until art otter I aCeept- ed by the Oakland Canty Board uf Gemini Ssiuners The fonowino COndltIon$ apply to all surptus property being offered for S4le: 10,5 depOSIt tO OCCAmpArlY sealed otter to purchase, and 11% interest per annum on unpaid batanre. NORTH PART OF OUTLOT A, BR /AR HILL SUBDIVISION F AR MING TON HILLS North part of Outlot A, Brlar Hli Subdivision. being a sobdIel. Ion ot lee West half oil the Southeast quarter of Sectlan 4. Tenn I North. Range 9 East, C.t y or earryprigrja Hies. losk • land County, Michigan, according to the olat thereof Al recorded In Liber 93: Pages 10 and II, Oakland Crient y Records. belny more Particularly itestribed as beginning at the NOrleeaSt LOt COrner !Outlet A), thence veWiI 55.0 seat lo a paint: men ce North Yr 31' 51" West '1,1.95 feet to .s plaint On the East side al Old Bedford Road: !hence Mon o a curve con- cave Northwesterly, radiuS Demo 481.46 'eel Chord Bears South 17° 43' 3V" Wes, 145C3 loot, aed o ll Stance el MI& feet, thence South 66' 73' 57" Eat! 132.13 Feel to a point; thence Cue East 52.96 leel to a point; thence doe North 12644 test ft the point 01 beoinnino_ Price — 1.17,930.09 Cash foie er ben (101 Year lend contract SOUTH PANT OF OUTLOT A, BRIAR HILL SU DIV /SION FAR MINOTON HILLS Si:Willow, or Outlot A, Briar Hill SubdivIslan, belfry a subdIvl. slats of the West half of the Sotrtheast quarter of Section 4, Tewe I NOM, lfançCt East, City of Farmington Net s, oak. land CoUnly, Michigan. according to the Plat thereof et recorded In Liber 93. Pam. 10 and 11, Oakland County Recorgs, being more particiderty described as be ginnin g 61, The Southeast Lot Corner (Outlet el, thence due West 133.P feet to a point; thence North 54' 06' 2e" West 115,55 feet Po a point on the Colt Side of Old Bedford Read; thence along a comet concave NOrtheresterly, with a radius Of 481.46 feet, Chord Bears North 29 56' 15" East 9912 feet, with a distanee at 100.00 feel lo a point; theece South 64° 33' 57" East 135,48 feel, thence due East 52.96 feel to a point; thence due South 100443 feet to ft e point Of begi nnIng. Price — 010,550.00 Cash sale or Tort CM Year lend Cielfrwa FOX AT NO, 4SUISDIV1540f4 WHITE LAKE TOWNSMIP Part of the southeast quarter of Section 24, Town 3 North. Range a East, White LAK E Township, Oakland County. Michi- goo. desceibed al: Beginning as the northeast cereer of Lot 11401 Foe Bee NO. 4 SubdieisIon„ recorded In Liber 127. Paget land 2,0akland Cpunty Records. thence tOulh 35' 20'35" east 3311 501001 Meng the easteely line of Lott 153 and Pie Of said subdIrision, thence along a curer concav• northWesterl y, radius 4,3660 feet, chord beart north 44' 13' 48" east 33.68 feel, arc distance of 31.69 feel, 'hence along a curve to the right. radius 370.09 Fee. chord heart north 37" 45' 43" eat? 111.40 beet, arc distance or 111.83 feet M thence north [4' 43' 59" Woos IO) VP!? along the watt Line 0 Lot 13S0? eald Fox Bay NO..1Subdi. vision to lee northwesterly lot corner, thence westerl y PO +Ise point of beginniog, containing Led aCreS, more orless. Price — Sti,900.0e Cash sale Or liv. (5) year land contract 1Am-613 (EXCEPT SOUTH 15 FE EI) FERRY FARM ACIDITION PONTIAC Tawn! 3 North, Range 10 East. Section 33. Subdivislun of Lett. 235. 2,16, 137. 236, 239, 740, 241, 247, 340 and south one-heif of Lot 246 and west 130 feet of north one-hall of Lot 246 and west 150 feet of Lots 243, 144, 24509 Ferry Farm Addition — Lot 613, except south IS feel. City of Pontiac, Oakland County. Michi- gan. Price— 54,730.891Caeh idle*, five (5) year land Contract LOT 226, EYSTER'S WOODHULL LAKE FARMS SUDDIYISICN 10. 2 WATERFORD 1 WitihallP Lot 326, Eecter's Woodhull Lake Farms Subdivision No. 3. being a replat of LOIS 44 and 45, EySter'S Woodhull Lake Farms, and o port al the northeast quarter of 50411 on 3. Town 3 North. Ramie East, Waterford Town ship, Oakl and Calmly, Michigan. according to tee Plat thereof as recorded in Ube, 62 of plats. P.ige 49, Oaklend County Records, exstin hu t part of LOI 174, deSUlted t011OTIS. 13t4„Ileini1y of the hartbeest corner of Lot 226, thence SOutherly along the easterly lot line 30 feet; thence northwesterl y lo northwest lot COrneo, thence easterly clung northerly lot Nee 191.51 feet to the point of beginning Subleci to a permanent easement for water aod 'sanitary sewer purposes; and described as being the east 30_0 feet Of the novel 124.05, and 011* the northeast 30,0 feet of the above described part 0 Lot 326. Price— 217,000.04 Cash sale or Rye (5) year land eontraet TI.3ACRE5,MORE OR LESS PONTIAC Part of the southeast quarter of Section 7, Town 3 North, Range 10 Ease. Clly 01 Portilae, Oakland County. Miehigan, described as beginning at the southeast quarter of Section?. thence north 3' 59' 30" West 543.46 feet to a point, thence SOolh 85" Si' 00" wet' 50491 tett to a point, thence south 24' 30' 45" west 6R4 63 feet to a point, 1 heinee north sew 34" east l[Frit 52 feel la the point of beginning. Sublect to a permanent ease- ment for water-main purposes described at being 14.0 feet wide with a center1Pne daierlbed being north 3' 59' 30" west 25.0 feel Iron tee souirreasf quarter of Section 7, Town 3 North, Range 10 East, City of Pontiac. Oakland County. Michi- gan, to the pint of beginning, thence south 86' 39' 34" west parallel to tee yQuth line at Section), a distance of 1100 01.1 more or less, to the point of endin g along lite easterly line of Assessor's Plat tio. 15.6; containing 11.3 acres: more or lets, Price — $111,000.80Ca9h sale or ten (101 year land contract LOT 636, RV RON GARDE NS NO. 1 WATCRFORO TOWNSHIP Lot 319, Huron Gardens No. 1, a subdivision of part of the northeast quarter of Section 36, Town North, Ran ge 9 East, Waterford Township, Oattland Count y. Michigan.. according 1U the Plat there°, as recorded IS Ltber 21, Page 21 of Plats, aosI3rio County Records, exeefaf beginning at the northwest Corner Of Lot 535, thence easterl y along Ine northerly line 39.0 leer to a poihr, thenre southerly. parallel to the west line or said Lot 535. a distance oil 11.0 feet la a point thenee wtsteety In a point on the west lineal said Lot 53S. said point bein g 15 9 feet southerly ur the nerihwest corner of Led 535. thence nor Ph- e rly afore said westeel y llre 55.5 feet to the Point of n e9lrlA/hcf, 4110, the County of Oakland shall retain a permanent enserneet for sanitar y sewer and epourtenances. described as beginning at Me northeest corner of LOP 535 thence southerly along the tralterly property line 1(6 feet to a point. thence southwetterly approalmately 34.0 reel tad point, thence northerly. parA+1011111 weverty 11.1e Or said lot 71.0 feel to a point on Me northerl y rine ct said Lot 535. thence south- easterlY along sale rorrherry one 33.0 feet to begineing. Price — $7,250,00 Cash sale or three ID year teed contract LOT 112. OLD ROM ESTERO SUBDIVISION FARMiNGTON HILLS Lea 113,010 Ho-net...cad Subdivision of parrot the south half of SettiOn 17. Town I North. Range 9 East, Farrreogion Town. ship, Oakland County, anIchlgon. Price -- ilt,400,01 Cosh sala or ton UM year land contract 101 111, OLP WOMB STEAD SU solvisiore F-AnmiriGroN "ILLS tot 114, Old tierresteod Sobcilelslen oh pa*ll 01 ihS Suet/shade Section 17, Town 1 Norm, Rene 9 East, Partniftglon Town 3hlp. Outla ,q, County. ,mcnIga, Price — 020,150.011 Calls tale Or tan OM year land eiretraCt Sealed offert it purchase accepted until 4.110 P.M, JULY 9, 1934. Otter to Purchase terms and inlerrnallen available regarding •asement% tall conditions and other pertirtinP information can be obtained by contacting E. Stewart (313) 1124-0197, Pe ev1ir Broker. COUNTYOF OAKLAND IFROPERTYMANAGEMENT OPVISION 2E{S.F) O&E. Thursday, May 24. 1984 FOR. SALE • • 'VACANT LAND COUNTY OF OAKLAND In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners the following surplus property is of- fered-for sale on a sealed off to purchase basis. The sale is subject to all governmental regulations, stat- utes, ordinances, easements, building and use restric- tion, and s-aid Board makes no warranties or repre- senta Lions as to the property. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to withdraw the property from the sale prior to the time and date scheduled for opening the offers to purchase, to waive defects in the bidding and no sate will be final until an offer is accepted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. • - • 12.885 ACRES FAithlINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN Land in part of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 2, Town 1 North, Range 9 East, City of Farmington Hills, Oak- land County, Michigan, described as commenc- ing at the South quarter corner of said section: thence along the North and South quarter Hoe North 0°04'10" East, 2636.23' to the Point of Beginning: Thence continuing along the North and South quarter line North 0'11'03" East, 1103.27' to the southerly line of Northwestern Highway (204' wide); thence along the southerly right-Of-way line South 53°3252 - East, 799.60% thence South 0°10'18" West, 637.9() to the East and Wc-3,t quarter line; thence along the quarter line North 80'03'12" West. 644.87' to the Point of Beginning, containing 12.885 Acres. - Minimum Offer — $1,909,000.00 Cash or 10 year land contract. 10% depo3it to accompany sealed offer to pup- chase 11% interest per annum on unpaid balance - Sealed offers to purchase accepted until 4:30 p.m., July 9, 1984. Offer to Purchase forms arid information available regarding easements, soil conditions and other pertinent information can be obtained by con- tacting E. Stewart (313) 853-0197, or your broker. COUNTY OF OAKLAND . 1=410PERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION . ROW! 100 EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING • 1290 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD - ., PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 • DANIEL T. MURPHY. COUNTY EXECUTIVE - _ OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC — May 24, 1984 FOR SALE VACANT LAND . COUNTY OF OAKLAND • in ,:ii.f %MM, of a resolution adopted by the Board of C-Onvnieeloriers thw tolktr4ori 1 surplus property Is othwell foe as3 on a eaaled onor in pur011_,1 tlasta. The eats Is sula1ac1 10 Doi gase4ronantal regulations, statute*, ordeientaa,aeettmants, bulicung and no ries-Wavers, And :tell Bayed mtg. so no warranties yr reorseantaLions ea to ] the IS, Opeehr, 'mos-ova Or comrrivakxwa rasa-we the tight to withdraw the property from the sate PeW to the tune and date ar.feedisiad for opening the otti-, to pachme, le win., detects In Pm tku:ling end no ink /1,M Pa time unt4 an O'er Isar...cooled ey tl'a 01-141and Coo+-4-y Board el Cornminatomas, 11, hake...ring cond.nonsaopty teallsorplus properly being offered fro .4.1.: 10% &veal to socomparry earthed offer le purCfress, orni . 1174- IMIKset per annum on unpakl Isalaoos. NORTH PART OF OUTLOT A, BRIAR HILL SUBDIVISION FARMINGTON HILLS . Math pen or Ounot A, Mar Hilt Suladt,uaion, being • sub/3142k* of the Went tele eI MS 5001h4e0ll wager of Section 4, Town 1 mom. it,mge 9 EOM, City a1 Ferreiegtle, 1.11-.1s. 0•141and County. Italchagan, according to tee pill thereat *a recorded in Ltarer 93, Piga* 10 and 41, Clesland County Fisco.da, beam more poe,Tcularly described sa beptrining GI Ilea Northeast Lot Comer Mufti A); Ihserca due West 55.0 feet to a pole!: theme North 70' 31 or ve.l41.9siim to a piAnt on VI-, Fur *ri.01. C1k1 Bedford Hued; therosi4Ong 0 WV" camas, Northwasiar- ly, radlua bang 4+31.415towl Chord Bears South 17' 43' 551' Waal 105.14 feet. and a 1.:,,Ite?o, or 105.34 feet; Meet* South 56- 23' 5r. not 135,48 heal ha a point; 1 thaeue due Ees4 52.46 feat to o peril; thence due Minh 134.00 feat to VW Point Or 111-K100111o. . Pelta-SIT,45000 Cash 9,4 (11. ten CIO) yo.af land cont,eull • SOUTH PART OF OL11'LOT A, BRIAR HILL SUBDIVISION FARMINGTON HILLS Sever port of Outk.w A, toire HIM Subehes1on.0,,Ing a etiOdhasker of the West hair 01 V,* lioulneast quarto. or Section 4, Town 1 tiortn„ H ova I Ems. Qty of f arrnir-Dlon He',, 0 'eland County, Prot.!, occoeu.ng tcn u.-01 PIA themeal as recrordad If. i_lb-Nr 93. Pepe* 10 erict TI. Oakland County Records, being meta volicularly 0Ascribed as 12600fting EA 1h4.50111heiM Lot Cornea (Gullet Ay. thane dl,* Wool 111.14 feet to * point; thew. North 54' 06" 29 - West 115.55 feel to 0 Foot un the East side of Old Becittod Fesed; Pence Wong a ours, COntati. 14 ,11,eeiterty, with 0 railtua DI 441.'.4 feel. Chord Pears North 34' 56' 16" East 51 31 root, Viltris distant* of 100,09 feat to apomt . uk.c1 30,1(11 015' 23' sr East 135 4-6 teat thence ch.,* Era 12.98 foot to a point, thence due South 100,00 feel to 1 i 110 pv,nt 01 txg:nnuv. Polo* -316,550.00 Ce0n 541e or ten ( 10)year tend Contract - . LOT 1 IS, OLD HO MFSTF.AD -.7uaorosion FARMINGTON HILLS . OA 111, OW 1-Fameeleed Subdivision 01 01.4 of the Seven hall el, Secttee 17, Town 1 NOrth, flange.* East. Frwrolndten Toeoeshlp„OnVand County, SA,chigise. - 5 t9,000.00 Cash 1-110 or tan (10/ reef lend Gereyed LOT 1 14.010 HOMESTEAD SLI1)DIV/510/3 FARM! NG1ON HILLS Lel Iii. [I'd Homestead Subdirlsion o t 1:724 of the South halt 01 Section yy. Town 1 Nortn, rtsege 9 Coat. Farmington Township, 0011and CO3Jnty,11J!.chivan, P0 -54,850 00 Cash saki or ben 10+ yaw lied contract - 1 Seale0 011003 10 purchase Rccepted until 4:30 P.M. JULY 9,1954. °Hoe to PurChase RIMS a Rd inturmptron ityiulabie ye±-4ording easement% 0011 condttiony end 011134' pertinent Intorrmelon can key obtairtecl by contacTerg L. Stewart (313)1458-0597, 90 )04.1. FM** r . COUNTY OF OAKLAND • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION • - ROOM 100- EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING ' 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 • DANIEL T. MURPHY, COUNTY EXECUTIVE (4 ..:4 : : (r.',(<— „ : ' .-*-•.'s, . . . -...... * - . (.7. . ,.. : ... N 2;) if:J.- r.\--A. gic) .... Keith D. Blank 10 yr land contract, 117 interest 1 $15,000.00 $1,500.00 1n•n•••nn•••••• , . . *DeJotes Planning and Building Recommendation ...4. MI 4.„ ,.. ..., ,.! ,) \4•1. COUNTY OF OAKLAND DANIEL T. NICIIPITY, COUNTY XICCISTIVE ?A2T.L1 Lot 114, Old Homestead Subdivision SILIWELL NO. 23-17-403-013 7/17/84 9:30 A.M. Name and Address - .erms Offer Amount Deposit Amount *Robert and Laura Novak Cash Sale David K. Shelton 10 year land contract, 11% intere t $23,000.00 1 $2,300.00 1 Leo Yaros [ Land contract-Both lots 113-114 $34,000.00 $4,000,00 Thea Sankiewicz and 10 year land contract, 11% intereit $16,102.50 $1,610.25 Robert Nersesian 1 $20,933.00 $2,100,00 [ James J. Schulte 7 year land contract, 11% interest $13,100.00 $1,450.00 L An—El Enterprises 4 yr land contract, 1I% interest r $14,000.00 .nn• $ 500.00 ; Aubrey & Virginia Greene. l Land contract-50% down-11% interesl $20,860.00 i $2,310.00 I Property Management Divieion (313)858-5402 s C,orranunity Development DIvIsion (313) 858-0493 Executive Office Building NORTII TELEcakid,pli ROA.D, FONTIAi% 1LCUtQ400S3 1/24/84 OFFER TO PURCHASE (1) THE UNCERSIGNED hereby offers and agrees to purchase the following described property; Sidwell co. 3-17-403e013 le 0 T e 1 I Tr (1c ne s te ad ar n on Hi las elehizae. for he suet of T 1e tv niQu.S Nt .,ve 1 LW ti r .44 ,e):; ei..11.01 (2) CASE SALE: The sale is to be consummated by deliver of the usual Quit Claim Deed conveying title. PayMent of purchase money is to be made by certified check made payable to the COUNTY OF OAKLAND. 3) ,-;ENERAL CONDIT:ONS of sale are incorporated and made a part hereof. This is a legal document and the Seller recommends that all parties to this agreement retain an attorney to protect their interest in this transaction. (a) As evidence of title, Seller agrees to furnish Purchaser as soon as possible a policy of title insurance in an amount not less than the purchase price, bearing data later than the acceptance hereof and guaranteeing the title in the condition required for performance of this offer. (b) :f this offer is accepted by the Seller and if title can be conveyed'in the condition required hereunder, the Purchaser agrees to complete the sale within ten (10) days after delivery of the Commitment of title insurance from a title company licensed to do business in the State of Michigan and acceptable to the Purchaser. In the event of default by the Purchaser hereunder, the Seller may. at his option, elect to enforce, the terms hereof or declare a forfeiture here- under and retain the deposit as liquidated damages. (e) in the event of default by the Seller hereunder, the Purchaser shall be entitled to an immediate refund of his entire deposit in full termination of this agreement. (d) If objection to the title is made, based upon a written opinion of Purchaser's attorney that the title is not in the condition required for performance here- under, the Seller shall have thirty (30) days from the date he is notified in writing of the particular defects claimed, either (I) to remedy the title, or (2) to obtain title insurance as Tequired above, or (3) to refund deposit ia full termination of this agreement if unable to remedy the title or obtain title insurance. If the Seller remedies the title or shall obtain such title policy within the time specified, the Purchaser agrees to complete the sale within ten (10) days of written notification thereof. If the Seller is unable to remedy the title or obtain title insurance within the time specified, the deposit shall be refunded forthwith in full termination of this agreement. (e) The covenants herein shall bind and inure to the benefits of the executors, edminiqreerees, successors and assigns of the respective parties. (f) The closing of this sale shall take place at the office of OAKLAND COUNTY CORPORATION COUNSEL, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053, or a place of CORPORATION COUNSEL'S choice. (g) Purchaser has been extended an opportunity to review any or all records regarding referenced property, on fie in the Offices of Property Management. (h) Purchaser understands that Seiler does retain a permanent easement over the described property. Seller retains the right te assign this easement. Purchaser understands that the County does not warrant that this is a build- able lot. (i) This offer is subject to approval by the OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Robert F. :iovak PMRCHASER: Iur Rene T-cvak / /- s2-- Dated: 7 - g Address '5Q14 ;:uor -owr ir • the sum of ($ ) / Dated': By: 4111, • • Offer to Purchase 2 of 2 pages (k) This agreement supersedes any and all unsiztat.andAngs and agreements and constitutes :he entire agreement between the parties hereto, and no oral representations or statements shall- be considered a part Hereof. Purchaser understands and acknowledges that he is purchasing in an "as is" condition ' and that the Seller makes no warranties as to the land and structure purchased or the conditions thereof. Purchaser acknowledges that he has inspected the premises covered hereby and that he is satisfied with its condition.. Purchaser acknowledges the receipt of a copy of this offer. Otner cohditicns: Terms - Cash 3ale ?age (his offer w DP (1 z'at.r nr, uld nofnestead sub . is accepted.) Farmington Hills Ich.4C 1 ?, 313-47874690 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF DEPOSIT RECEIVED from the aboyenamed Purchaser,' < 4 ' whose address is / ee,t sn..12, Phone ../ . (/1,37,11, -7.7f2izkriliarigiii i- .,..z, ..C., -A.?, by certified check to be applied to the above Offer to Purchase as paragraphs (5) and (c), or will be returned forthwith after tender if The foregoing offer and deposit is declined.* Total Amount of Offer $ Less Deposit $ „, to,f) Unpaid Balance S S indicated in PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION Dated: By: 77HIS ACKNOWLEDOnENT IS FOR THE DEPOSIT ONI:Y. AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ABOVE OFFER TO PURCHASE. DEPOSIT CRECKS MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE PURCHASER. ACCEPTANCE BY SELLER The foregoing offer is accepted by Seller, COUNTY OF OAKLAND, in accordance wttn the terms stated above. SELLER: COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation ,Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners The undersigned Purchaser hereby acknowledges this receipt of the Seller's signed acceptance of the foregoing Offer to Purchase. PURCHASER: Dated: #84207 July 26, 1984 19 84 Moved by Hobart supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted. Moved by Aaron supported by Fortino to reject the resolution and return the matter to the Planning and Building Committee to redo the bidding process, clarifying whether preferences are to be given to cash sales. AYES: Fortino, Moore, Page, Pernick, Price, Aaron. (6) NAYS; Calandro, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McPherson, Moffitt, Nelson, Olsen, Rewold, Wilcox, Caddell. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Caddell, Calandro. (18) NAYS: Fortino, Pernick, Aaron. (3) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seat, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #84207 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on July 26, 1984 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 26th day of Aill J dall11111111111L 11 I. ALLEN County Clerk/Register of Deeds this