HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1984.07.26 - 16643July 26th, 1984 Miscellaneous Resolution 84203 , BY: PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE - Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson Property Management Division - IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF "OFFER TO PURCHASE" OF SOUTH PART OF OUTLOT A, BRIAR HILL SUBDIVISION, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN - SIDWELL 23-04-452-014 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS South part of Outlot A, Briar Hill Subdivision in the City of Farmington Hills described as: South part of Outlot A, Briar Hill Subdivision, being a subdivision of the West half of the Southeast quarter of Section 4, Town 1 North, Range 9 East, City of Farmington Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Liber 93, Pages 10 and 11, Oakland County Records, being more particularly described as beginning at the Southeast Lot Corner (Outlot A); thence due West 133.31 feet to a point; thence North 54 06' 29" West 115.55 feet to a point on the East side of Old Bedford Road; thence along a curve concave Northwesterly, with a radius of 481.46 feet, Chord Bears North 29 °56' 15" East g 9.82 feet, with a distance of 100.00 feet to a point; thence South 66 23' 57" East 135.48 feet; thence due East 52.96 feet to a point; thence due South 100.00 feet to the point of beginning, which disposal has been recommended and authorized by Donald W. Ringler, Manager, Sewer, Water and Solid Waste, in correspondence dated February 23, 1984; and WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 84124, dated May 10th, 1984, authorized disposal of said property; and WHEREAS the current use of the property is vacant and unused; and WHEREAS the property has been appraised at $17,500 by Roland Harkless, MAT; and $19,600 by William E. Hoover, SRA, ASA; and WHEREAS any monies realized from the sale of the property, after cost of sale have been deducted, shall be deposited in the "Sewer and Water Reserve for General Operating Fund No. 83200, Account No. 305-011;" and WHEREAS John and Julia Selke o f 23767 Pheasant Run, Novi, Michigan 48050 has submitted an offer of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000. ) and included a Two Thousand Dollars 4 ($2,000. ) deposit for said property; and WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the "Offer to Purchase" form. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners to execute the Miscellaneous Resolution Acceptance of "Offer to Purchase" of South Part of Oudot A. Briar Hill Subdivision, Farmington Hills, Michigan - Sidwell 23-04-452-014 (Property Management Division) Page 2 necessary documents for the sale of said property to John and Julia Selke of 23767 Pheasant Run, Novi, Michigan 48050 --' for Twelve Thousand Dollar ($12,000. ). Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Plann.lng and Building Committee HFAMY APPPCA/r- 7" r n N G RESOLUTION LIU g13 an contrac ril•utro ot as n„ 4)-Lot 129 .- an er Tit "CeVer Sheet", PROPERTY DISPOAITION INFORMATION Sidwell No. 23-04-452-014 Date 4/19/84 Property Description,: South part of Outlot A, Briar Hill Subdivision, being a subdivision of the West half of the Southeast quarter of Section 4, Town 1 North, Range 9 East, City of Farmington Hills, Oakland County, Michigan, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Liber 93, Pages 10 and 11, Oakland County Records, being more particularly described as beginning at the Southeast Lot Corner (Oudot A); thence due West 133.31 feet to a point; thence North 540 06' 29" West 115.55 feet to a point on the East side of Old Bedford Road; thence along a curve concave Northwesterly, with a radius of 481.46 feet, Chord Bears North 29 ° 56' 15" East 99.82 feet, with a distance of 100.00 feet to a point; thence South 66 ° 23' 57" East 135.48 feet; thence due East 52.96 feet to a point; thence due South 100.00 feet to the point of beginning. (23,263 Square Feet) Approximate Crossroads al-4 Municipality: North side of 13 Mile Road between Drake Road, on the West, and Farmington Road, on the East. Sketch of property and location of easement: to scale See Attachment) 1. Cost aad year of original purchase: $ Unknown : 19 58 2. Additional costs: Not Known ; • 3. Purpose of original purchase: well site for water supply system 4. Current usage: None - Vacant parcel 1) Lot 132 Green Hill Woods.Na. 2,16 000sf; 1983 5. Comparables of adjacent parcels: warranty deed, $23,000 "newer subtivision" 2) Lot 49 - Old Homestead Subdivision, LJ,UUU 3) Lot 77 - Woodbrook Sub., 33,986 s.f., 1977 - warranty Meadowhills Estates Sub. - 12,000 s.t., Sub. - 10,962 s.f. - 1979 Land Contract, $26,250. 6) Lot 6 Woodbrook Sub - 18,454 s.f. 1979 - warranty deed, $24,000. 6. Applicable historical_ notes, if any, concerning property: (Is it buildable, what does it cost to maintain?). Parcel is the north half of the former well site for the community water system-. The well site is more or less located on the lot line. The well(s) were abandoned according to State code.- This is a buildable lot. It is noted that building foundations exist on the property approximateW 4Z' deep also the l2' 6" well casings also exist. No information on costs to maintain the parcel. deed, $15,000. 7. Price of offera received: 1. 2. 3. 8. Recommendation of Property Management Division: $15,550.00 Cash sale or ten (10) year land contract, 107 deposit, 11% interest per annum on unpaid balance 9. Appraisal Information: Roland Harkless, MAI - $17,500.00 William E. Hoover, Assistant Manager - Equalization Department - $19,600.00 Files can be reviewed at: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVTsTnm Department of Public Work! 113 DUE EAST 55.00' LOON MAP 7 i '4 4 • 1 7.‘ %.11. ••al 94 , ^ Z 1111 erS k NOTE: Abandoned facilities may be removed as necessary for house construction 84 86 OAKLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 OUTLOVAH BRIAR HILL SUOIV1SIO4 DATE 3-28-84 S.E. 1/4 of Section 4, T. 1 N.. R. 9 E.. C irV of Forminqton Hills B.H. // //g 112 OUt101- "Ali (N. Pt.) 88 1-4 23-04-452-013 Aparoximate t7ocofion of Abandoned 8 Wotermain DUE EAST 52.95' Aporoxtrnate Location of Abandoned Wells 87 'Ne.! N.Sro .6" OUttOt (S. Pt) 23-04-452-01.4 , DU. WE___V ' •0 tut ; = S' Pvt. Drainage and/or Utility Easements 85 8E4CONTREE — ROAD RD. 3 n.ff.S. 1 cZ; ,•1 ft a 3 • Am/ / CZ• are g C47a2 /01.41/0 .5•47eS .400-cv, 36, awl '4, 7"i41 .0eg ow' - 15 _no-2 ,3•2 ' a 4 /Or. • /06..4,o4 I ,1,9-ae-7 • • /a7.assi v.a.Fs • /07.4,5 • /34.42,2 /74. dai-4 4.17-10,46 73.T 7.7"_ • /27.46,5 9.2aai ;114.± 9/ .4re? '41, 1 I 1 4046. de ' e_fa.,•,• t t.---'-- a 9DE16110S5W7 It tt ./..5 -fr!. **IP `. a -a Rft • 152.?? 1.1, .- .z. 4. ... \ . ..., . It . ..1 AO :8. _24.474/ , 1 gi N. lat:24/06 F . L.. 't A 7. 1 41 i-cr a (04 AP- . .i.e. 9. 1 /ita.ontil ...„. .- 74 Idik. "...1024, 11 • 1 \ 1 * /ftiVer 'ZS . ° 1 25- 00 ../ ..? 17, .,-.1 A Z 1. .ir • it 1,1% A <Ira, t 24...10.7 ' 11 1 ..b.-4 4 1 /442.1g— ' -°4 ,..00...".. i I MgAtai ee-wr eril=oz, 90.gzo BANBURY 0 , a- T. 4.5- .-, s -5,- a 1 4 .11 4, *I 'Ciii tn '9 9 q t1 I 0 4 'Zi a o 43 a a a , a '1.. Cli 4.1 `,. a t', 'a N, "... ',.. -N. 't.„ ••••, '•., , ok .. la -,. Cs' 11. ;1/41 1 141 a 'a .Z.Nh a a o '... N ,. 5 o .." s ct 4 ' .3 NORTH WIC( - eao 64-441 1.; 2E(S.F1 O&E Thursday, may 24. 194 FOR SALE VACANT LAND COUNTY OF OAKLAND in no, 33=3.140, of a resolution adootod by thy Board co Orompoisionav tho ratoorlog ourpoi) prostooty 1$ mowed for solo on a soahld doer Iaourcrime Maio rho sell to oot000t to cot g00000rnaito, foqwetker4,51101Wee. WiFeenc40. eaafft,...t., Watling onJuror rothiellorto. omit Mid Bawd maim noiwarrartia or repotrototationa ra 10 thoOtatorrty. Tog &Ward or Cuswri41.110,1Iffr7/34rvee 94 901 10 withobort, Mrs pmaerry from Ow solo Po0+ to the iline pocl dour liOnoduktd lc." waning In. Weis lo 10 Wani1 13.40310 in 910 Maim and no ma oat Il. far*ORM an aria 11 accaptail by Ina Ooklend County Bo aid ot Correhlesionwe - Thit 10tOromg soedilittea appiy 10 at surplus prOporly bang Owed lot eaklo 1011, Mogen to accoropono 50&301:101011 4013911:31039:SIlO 119, Intenial por Mains on woad barnOla NORTH PART OF OUTDO T A. BRIAR Hilt SUBDIVISION FA' A IHINGrON RILLS North Port of Oullot A. koar htio SW:goatskin, bathe • eulx;INFrac• of the Well 009 Ca r. Souromat %arta of Section 4. Towel 1 North, Menge 9 East. City al Farniogion $4ii, Ooklited County, mlotogati lic90r9•19 10 Ina Mal thsteof as toctadad In Ulm! 93. Po9ro 10 ono it, 1901940191 County noatircla bang mars ooriiculorNdaerialid 001331c0n3*-03 at ins horthesat 104 C40001,103.1993.01 thence oloaffssi 3513 N14 Ws PC1.1.9; Mance North TO* 11' Sr Seal 1 1.95 ft to • point on 5no Eat *0409 01,1 Bedford Road; Merino 3404190 0,005 r„oricaron teerthwew.e-ly, Nokia parte 441,441.mi Chao Bow* 5(sosh 59" West 50393 fool. and dtsiehos 01 sttei 2s losi; thence Sosiirt 06' 21' 37" Oast 135.43 hal to • boner Menge, due am 52.00 tor so * point IhM0Olidustklorth 134.03 tea cora ciant ot boginoing. Prim- St7,450.00 Coati tanilOtylar land eanireci SOUTH PART OF OUTLOT A. BRIAR HILL SUBDIVISION FAFPLONOTON Hicks South pal of Ounce A, Einar OM SdiOdlotam bang a subdIvOintoi of MO 510 1111 of 110 Bovihoost obertoo SStoOtion A, TCoont 1 ti,rtn. Range 11 East. City al Formingion Halo, Oekleed County, Winton, aostOralng to rho Pod thoroor ao roccrded Utter 93, Pismo 10 and 11, Ooklaod County Fieswde, oang more part:codify donor-Hoed tautening et thoOrinthotot Lot Coma iOutiort AS therov Om Wall 133.31 Inal to o point tnoroto Norm 34. 03! og° yfoot 113.55 to.t lo 101111 ml tta fail ado Of Old Bedhird Road; them. mono a curve concave loonnooltoely with a ralhis Or 161.40 Not Chard Blom Nionti 29' 50* 1S" last 95 37 faid..Ith a (Petah°. or 10(100 00.4 to • pant' trent: Sconti OA' 23" 57- East 135.44 root thence due East 52.90 Nal to • pOlot Wowed:beat:ono 10r1 CO Ma to l'oColait Of bogInnino. Petco • 51a.54{1.00 Cool maw rat Ile? yew hind Melon! LOT '113, OLCI HOMESTEAD SUSDIVISiON FARKINGTON litLLS tot 113. Old Fromeetoad BotittroolOn Of part of Ow $outa hag or Satihon 17, Toon 1 North, Ash), 0 Oaal, FarrnIngtort Tornishilit. Oakland Comoro, Monition. Pilo.- $19,000.00 Cain oats of tar I 10, yaw land cantrrel 101 114. DLONCINIESTAD SUBOWISION FARMINGTON HILLS Lot I IS. 0Pd Rorneetead Sulasihnelon ot part Ce tile South honor f..hciltsa 17, rown Norm. Room 9 ENO, Farmington Tonn990p.OMIOrki Cavnly, MiCrogan. pr•el-720,t1-51,09 Coon straw t0..MO/y.4r had contract Se•alata Offers to purchase eiccetateg until 4:30 P.M. JULY 1. 1984. Offer to PtoThaoe fOrrna end InftentaliOn ows.iato• regarding oasarthents, sun condttiant and claw Wawa Information cres ists ottothect by cist-dachn9 E. Stewart 13131858-018T, or your &distr. COUNTY OF OAKLAND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION ROOM 100 - EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD PONTIAC, !MICHIGAN 443053 DANIEL T. MURPHY, COUNTY EXECUTIVE r(r- 44—THE De.:TROIT NEWS-Sunday, June 3. L984 FOR SALE VACANT LAND COUNTY OF OAKLAND OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC - May 24, 1984 II In PlirSuarrOo of a resolution astoptal Of Meat:lard 01 Commis, skarn, the following surpf too property is aileron tor saga on a Se•led otter to purchase basis. TM Sale Is sublecl to all gay. ornate/stet rooutotiOns, statutes, ordinanues. 0030 ,71•1313. battling and use restrIchons, add said Board maltio no war. rantles or f eprelenteltorn OOP:ill,* proof,. tv. Th. Board al Conontoolonero notary's tot right to withdraw the property from Ft., taco poor to toe omit and dal. SCIS44110141 for opening thlt Otter' ra porch/Mr, to waive det*St1 ln thlit bidding god ro tale Will ue final until an 01ter fiCtopl, • by the Oakland COotory noard Coi-..7315 stoners_ Tha following conditions apolv to all surplus property being *Heron tor sal. 10% debOoll to et comoany yeatito color to 139,o0.610; and 11% intevital Me annum on unpaid bola octo NORTH PART Oil OUTLOT BRIAR HILL SUBDIVISION F R MiAfC, TON HILLS Norio part of Ooltot A. arlar 1410 Subdivi Sion, being 0subdivi- sion Of Me West. 13313 Of the SautOttaat quoeter of 5ectIon 4. Town 1 North, Rang* 9 Emit, City col Po•mington Holt, oak. land Count'.. Michigan. eccordiO9 to this plat the,reof as reci0f-dad in 1...ber 43, Foos, !Q a fl it. Oakland County Rased% being more particularly dieSCH bed al beginning at 1.0000 r,34 09,r1nr,e;;..Cilvi scl,rav;) 513,09,1c:sc340. tY4.0,303:5.,,On ft0o0n1 -It,. East ad* of 0,0 Bedford Road: Inenco aion O 6 curve cot,- c111 Nartinvottaly, ra41 121. titing 2OI.44 tIlt CISOod ElOaol SOulll 17 13' 59" West 105.177 teat, and a O1sten:v.1i gi 105.24 teat; tharice South ee'' 23' 57" Eat, 115.441 lett to • utlinlo thtnce due eau 22.5* 01.1 to a paint; thence duo North 136.00 test to the 00110 Of brOginning. Price 117,954,00Cash sale or tvoi (10) ylar tondo 111144trnagcmt SOUT • MOLAR HILL SUBDIVISION F AR MIN N GTO 1, SoursFART OR OUTLOT A, Scitith port of ovnal A, Briar HIP Su laell villa°, being a subdivi- Mori Of 'the West halt Of the 5Ouilleast quarter of .5.4ofl0n 4, Town T Nertio Renoir 9 East, City Of Farmington Hills, Oak- 1000 County, Michigan, according 00 ma Plat /hereof as raCerched In L oar 91, Pageo 10 and 11, Oakland County Ripcords being more particularly dirsCrOled as beginning at Ft's Sot/Maul Lot Corner 10010! Al: Merits Out Went 133.31 tort to • mint; thence North 54' 06' 14" West 115.55 flat to a paint on Me East 3190 of Did Bedfard Road: thence along 0 Curve C9n90043 1.491.10‘03%tOrly, otth a radius of 241.44 Chord Bears Nor-nt ar. 56' 15" East M.a7 feet. with a cflateace of 10100 0111 10 a point: tho•ce South ofi• 71.- go East 135,41 tom; mince oto* Coot 53.5* teat to a Point; toomea duo Soviti 100,9179oef tattle mini Of lortginnIng. hit.- SILISO.Ce Cash Wet sr Ten COO mar land cOntrait IfOR BAY NO. 4 SUBDIVISION WHITE LA K e TOWNSHIP Part oil Ilse southgast quarter ot section 24, Town 3 North, Rang el East, While LA K E T owoshl o. Oaltiand County. MiChi- gan, desCrIblal 4l 1649.1nnlog i t 1015 northeast corner 01 Lai Mot Fox Bay NO 6SubdIIttlnn. retordart Litler 127, Paves 30612, °Malaria County R &COL,' it, Mince MOM 15' 21'35" eaat 32111.10 fart along the esoferty ilne Of Lots 163 and 0419 Said sutailvition, thence 0110110 a curve 001000111 northaelOdety, radios 4.410.661 feat, Chord bears north 16' '.3" 211" east 22.54 left. s(C diorbitce of 77.613 feet, mance 31009 a Curve ho the right. radlua370.00 Fret. criord liars north :2" 45 03" oat! I II.*3 feet, arc distance of 111.33 Net, -memo+, 000fit 1.1.1 43' 59'-' west 170.73 nal along 30* **33 line a/ Lot 145 of sato Fox Bay No. 4 O wool- vision to itle olorthwestortv ror coonoo. inenCe waster' Y to the point of tact...ono; contotnong 1.0o acres, more or less. Prise.- $13,914.01 Cash sale ern Ye IS) year land zontract LOTAIVEXCEPT 5OUTH 1( FEET) FERRY FARM ADO! TOON PONTIAC Tiara 3 North, 5:M. East. Section 33. S31 991,11310,1 Of Loll 233. 236. L17, 733, 239, 240. 117, 247. 749 end totuito one-holt of Lot 244, and milt 159 feral Of north one-halt of Log 746 and West 157 teat oil Liars 243, 244 745 of Foroy Farm addition - Lot 413. *ROW sosstrli 15 tell, City oil Pontiac. Oakland County, Michi- gan. PTIC• 14.7911.011Cosh 14140,41Y* (5/ Year land contract LOT 721, EYSTHR'S WOOD/IllILL LIKE FKIIIKS SLECIYISPUIS 'hi 2 SMATEPF080 '111ONS1110 Lot 775. Evoter't 'Woodhull Lake FOrMO Subdivision No. 2. being a replat of Loll 44 and 45. Evsrart w000tn..0 Lake Fermi, and. pan f 9f the northealt quarter of Sectiod 3. Town 3111orth, Range, East. Wairrlord rownahip, Oakland County, Mtchlgan, according to the Plat thereof as racism:led In Libor 62.of Pill$ Pig. 49. Do k Iona County nealrdo. except that part or Lot 224, deaCrl bed as follows: Seginoino at the Toy/Naas+ Corn.rof Lot 224 rhencr Southerly 31009 Ihe easter'!" lot 00* IA teat; theme northwesterly to northweol tot cornitr, rhenCe esaterly 'Wog nornorrly 1rrt line I41.51 fill to the point 01 beg4nnIn9. 5,431ev1 to a perrnanent easement for water and sanitary Inver ourocoati and deocribea as botrio rho va*939.0 fiat of Ma north 1344$, arid also thy northeast 30.0 'eel of the alOOsof closCrlimil roinOpl.ol 226. Price $12_000911Casti oat. or flIrs 131 year rand controct 11.3 ACRES, MORE OR LESS P01411 #C Pecs of Nut SOotheest overt*, of Section 7, Town 3 North, Rang* 19 Ball, City 01 P0.itI,S. Oakie,10 County. Michigan, diricribed as toginntng et the southeast Quarter or Soctiori noerKa north 3' 34' Id" woof 546 ge teat to a poi.ot, Phone* south as* SI' NS- *tau 601.91 feet 013 a point, then°, south 74' 301 45" well 404.0 toot 100 hint. Mono* nerth86-.2r 34" eal/ 1093.52 feat to th* point of begInolno. Subittot 10 a 0 11ornanOnt emu,' then* for waternssin purposas described as being 1111 feat wide with a cant/aline describast bcinq nOrth 3• 59' 30" wott 79.0 Olaf from. IllS southeolo Quarter of Section 1, Town Ofornl.Ronst*I9eart, City of POntierO. Oakland County, Michi- gan, to rho point of beginning, Mono* tooln 04. 39" 34" woof parallel la the south lino ol SICttioni 7,0 001 1103.00 feet. froc. or Fell, ta the point of ending along the paster T rine of anessar's Plat No. 156: containing 11:3 acres, more or lesa. 121001.tleCash sate erten (10) year land Oantract LOT sm. HURON GA.RWIEFFS NO. I waTERFoRo TOWNSHIP kat 531 Huron Oarolen$ NO. I. a lubOlvilion of oart 01 the northoost quarter of &hooch 34, room 3 North, Range 9 East, INatorlord Townintp, Oattlano CoOnro, Pa !chicon, accooding to till Plot thoreol as recorded In Libor 21, Peg* 21 of PhltS, OSMOSIS Ce‘fhil Records, eocotot 94910r1no st ogsflomort 1 cornor of Lot $35, thence en 1 re, oy 51009 111, northorly tin,?? 0 low, to a pain, inente southerly. parallot 1o: the wool ISA+ of sold Lt51 511 • olhoOnit 0'51.0 test to a point, thence westerly to • point on Itnt west tine of said Lot 535. sail gal rif rising 53.5 Ore smilhefly ef vete eorlhweet Gerhir Of Lot 535, InenCe mitfori- orly along saw westerly line 53.5 'oar to the Point of fiaOhrinin9: 11/30, toe County at Oakilapal shrill retain a ' pormoneni eaoerriator fOr sanitary Sewer and a pour roma noes. ogoorlood as a...ph...ohs el the northealt co,r di Lot 515 thanco southerly along '110 113101-111 Prot:Parry 11111 11 0 000t tit a point. Mance oouthoestorto approximately 24.9 1343119 31 Polo. 1, mate! northorty, parallel lo westeoly no* of sold lot 2O 0 feet to it *GM/ 00 Oa norther Y lint 01 *old Lot 333, thence tooth- **shorty 01371,9 salOtnormerly Poe 27.0 fest 10 Org mot ri Mica- sZ/SI.at Cash Lobster threat]) year land G0133r1131 LOT 113, 014 HOMESTEAD SUBDIVISION FORMIr4C,ToN HILLS Los Ill, Didiroornostaed Subdivloion ot t000t o1 ttor Sootn loe1t of , Saction it ToNn 1 NOM, 0aroge 7 Ball, Forrple:gfon awn- OOP. Oehler.: Co 9 9 ht mi Lingo.. Price- slteett.ea Cash S.F. or fat ill) yearlong cantreCt LOT 014. CLO NoralaSTBAD SUdOfVISIOM FARtaINGrONslis,La 1,1 114, Old Maroostead Soboloillon of va,t v. 1he South heir of Section 17, TOwn I North. Pano• 9 BOP. FooMingtott Tawro. OaOranal County, Michigan Prfc*- il4a.Sa01CasolaS*ar tan (1) year land conh-art Soalad ellitoat t• pterchala acceptad ohril 4:3I P.M. JUL .! TRW Otter I, POrthami foroit and lolgo.nlall..1 aveliabl* meantime assorrients. sell cOnelltlehe and omminont Inforritootlen can Ise abtalme by contOctirri C. SreWert r3131 33641117. ar your alro ao COUI4TY OF 041(1-AND PR0prarr mANAGENIIENTDovisioN NOB* vo—exacuTiva OF FJC E BUILDING 1201INORTPI T3LEGN4Pts 14040 *Denotes Planning and Building Recommendation COUNTY OF OAKLAND DANIEL. T. MUIIPLIY, COUNTY EXEC/Jr/YE SZALZD OF7=7, JT47-7G ?AR= Ontlot A. South Part, Briar Hill Sub. SIDWELL NO. 23-04-452-014 DA:= 7/17184 7:14.E 930 A.M. Name and Address Terms Offer Amount Deposit Amount 1 *John and Julia Selke Cash Sale I $12,000,00 $2,000.00 1 Ari-El Enterprises 4 year land contract-11% inter:est $15,500,00 $ 500,00 (Gene Komarynski) Property Management Division (312) 858-5402 • Community Development Division (313) 858.0493 Executive Office Building NoRTH -rni,r_rait APIS. ROAD. PONTLA.C, MICHt0A:4 4/453 2/24/84 /7.; for the sua af (S ). OFFER. :0 PURCHASE (1) TiE UNDERSIGNED hereb y offers and agrees to purchase the folloaving described property ; Sidweli No. 4).-3-4. (2) CASH SAL: The sale'is to be consuoaaated by deliver of the usual Quit Claim Deed convey in g title.. Payment of purchase money is to be made b y terrified check made payable to the COUNTY OF OAKLAND. (3) GENERAL CONDITIONS of sale are incorporated and made a part hereof. This is a legal document and the Seller recommends that all parties to this agreement retain an attorney to protect their interest in this transaction. • (a) As evidence of title, Seller agrees Co furnish Purchaser as soon as possible - a policy of title insurance in an amount not less than the purchase price, bearing date lacer than the acceptance hereof and guaranteeing the title in the condition required for-performance of this offer.' (b) If this offer is accepted b y the Seller and if title can be conve yed in the condition required hereunder, the purchaser agrees to complete the sale within ten (10) days alter deliver y of the Coranitment of title insurance from a title c omp any licen s ed to do business in the State of Michigaa and acceptable to the Purchaser. In the event of default b y the Purchaser hereunder, the Seller may, . at his option, elect Co enforce the terms hereof or declare a forfeiture here- under and retain the deposit as liquidated damages. (c) In the event of default by the Seller hereunder, the PUrchaser shall be entitled to an Immediate'refund of his entire deposit in full termination of this agreemeut. (d) If objection to the title is made, based upon a written opinion of Purchaser's attorney that the title is not in the condition re quired for performance here- under, the Seller shall have thirty (30) days from the date he is notified in . writing of the particular defects claimed, either. (1) to remedy the title, or (2) to obtain title insurance as re quired above, or (3) to refund deposit in full termination of this a g reement if unable to remedy the title or obtain title insurance. If the Seller remedies the title or shall obtain such title policy within the tiae specified, the Purchaser agrees to coaplece the sale within :en (LO) day s of written notification thereof. If the Seller is unable . to remed y the. title or obtain title insurance within the time specified, the deposit shall be refunded forthwith in full termination of this ag reement. (e) The covenants herein shall bind and inu re to the benefits of the executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parcies. (f) The closing of this sale shall take placeat the office of OAKLAND COUNTY CORPORATION COUNSEL, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053, or a place of CORP06.ATI0N COUNSEL'S choice. (g) Purchaser has been extended an opportunit y to review an y or all records . re garding referenced property, on file in the Offices of Propert y Management. (h) Purchaser understands that Seller does retain a per=nent easement over the described property. Seller retains the right to assign this easement. Purchaser understands that the Count y does not warrant that this is a build- able Lot. (i) This offer is subject to approval b y the OAKLAND COUNT'i 3oAa.72;O coy-a-cQ-ror,-77c Dated: - OfZer,tq Purchase ?age 2 of 2 pages (k) This agreement supersedes any and all understandings and agreements and constitutes the entire agreement been the parties - hereto, and no oral representations or staLezhents shall be considered a part hereof. Purchaser understands and acknowledges that he is purchasing in an "as is" condition arid that the Seiler makes no warranties as to the land and structure purchased or the conditions thereof. Purchaser acknowledges that he has inspected the premises covered hereby and that he is sacisfied raiCh its condition. purchaser ac',Inc.sled .ges the reciot of a copy of This offer. c.1) Cther onndicions: (.and Contracts) PURCHASER: I?, . 44 /L 1 1 Ili 11 e 1 i C' e /,5Ji-,' hi./.ii i,c(:&e.,— Mi -,kd ,Q.3 fil if ii - A jil : . •f,:, 6 v . . . . Dated: -2 — c-- ,C--7 . Address ,',7,,.... 7 Phone 3 .A ez PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION'S . ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF DEPOSIT , RECEIVED from the abovenamed Purchaser, whose address is the sum of ($ by certified check to be applied to the above Offer to Purchase as indicated in paragraphs (b) and (c), or will be returned forthwith aftei tender if the foregoing offer and deposit is declined.* Total Amount of Offer Less Deposit Unpaid Balance PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION - Dated: By: • THIS ACKNOrJr-E.DC:,:ENT Is FOR THE DEPOSIT ONLY AND DOES NOT CONST:TCTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ABOVE OFFER TO PURCHASE. DEPOSIT CHECKS 'UST BE MDE1PAYABLE TO THE PURCHASER. ACCEPTANCE BY SELLER The foregoing offer is accepted by Seller, COUNTY. OF OAKLAND, in accordance with the terms stated above. SELLER: COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation Dated: By: ,Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners The undersigned Purchaser hereby acknowledges this recei?r; of the Seller's signed acceptance of the foregoing Offer to Purchase. PURCHASEa; WITNESSES: -0/4) '/A-K.f )(Fh- j LJ — . . / ..4 .! • 26th day of 19 84 I 04208 July 26, 1984 Moved by Hobart supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Fortino, Gosling, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McPherson, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Olsen, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandra, Doyon. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution #84208 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on July 26, 1984 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this Coun y Clerk/Register of Deeds