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Resolutions - 1984.03.08 - 16861
March 8, 1984 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 4 84058 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: 1983 YEAR END REPORT AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all accounts have been posted and final adjustments made for 1983, with the possible exception of adjusting entries which may be required by the independent certified public accountants; and WHEREAS restatement #1 of the Goverment Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting standards requires that encumbrances and appropriations carried for- ward be treated as a designated fund balance at year end and that such amounts be reappropriated in the subsequent year in order to be available for expenditure; and WHEREAS the results of operations after consideration of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments and closing entries produces an excess of available resources over total charges as reflected in the attached schedules; and WHEREAS the 1984 Budget anticipated $467,561.00 fund balance in the Land Sales Fund to be included as Revenue and the actual Fund Balance is $516,936.46, there- fore an additional $49,37546 is recommended to be int7luded in 1984; and WHEREAS it is desirable to have adequate working capital in each of the County's proprietary intergovernmental service funds and this can be accomplished by redistribution of a portion of the fund balance within these funds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report of operations is accepted and the results of operations by line item after inclusion of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments and closing entries are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the various line items in the 1984 budget be amended to include the encuMbrances and appropriations carried forward as reflected in the attached schedules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1984 Budget be amended to place the 1983 excess of available resources in the 1984 Contingency Account as shown below: Revenue 909-01-00-9901-Prior Year's Balance Appropriations 909-01-00-9900-Contingency $271,405.82 $271,405.82 I ki* ROVE TH OREGOING RESOLUTION I !. 4? BMW et. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1984 Budget be amended to include the excess fund balance for the Land Sales Fund as follows: Revenue 909-01-00-9901 - Prior Year's Balance - Land Sales $49,375.46 Appropriations 909-01-00-9900 - Contingency $49,375.46 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the transfer of $22,553 in Working Capital to the Dry Cleaning Fund and $16,139 in Working Capital for the Radio Communications Fund; such funds to be transferred from the Facilities & Operations Fund. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE $ 54.234,125.00 300,000.00 100,000.00 $ 95,634,125.00 $ 1.505.000.00 $ 275,000.00 $ 1,700,000.00 $ 2,361,879.811 1 7,361,620.66 I 2.361,820.00 1 541,11P1.10- i$L$10% 1 67,039,125.00 $ 275,000.00 $ 67,114,125.00 / 96,034,107.67 $ 0,04007.6? $ $ 210.662.02- 101.021$ _ _ County of Oakland STATEN-NT Or afCriPTS - COollrY 0nE80JiNG FUNDS For eho Fear (nitre' Docoober Al, 10113 •udget As Adopted Oudget Adjustmonts Budget at Adjusted, to 12 31-83 Fstielotoel Aseetwo total Revenue transfers Nokia tlevenutil A Frankfort Baloncw er 1stimete Bet Collected % Fear Allalrweel 100.00% Porrontlego CoIllocked racirF171t ICS INS? Tar levy lets: Allowance for tlft Delinquent Tomeg yurrent Collection' Delinquent las Rtvolving Lisa: Tar Tribunal Appeals Bet Comfit Property las mom iaxtS ntlinvent Taxis Prior tesrs • Trier lo, Land Transfer Tar Toeal lades TOTAL PPOPFN1F AND 01'1411 Tkrts 1 65,234,125.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 S 65,614,125.00 0 65,814.125.00 100,000.00 ------------__ $ G5,534,125..06 $ 200,000.00 80,000.00 1,225,000.00 1 275,001.10 8 116.179.00- 179,560.00- $ 405,739.00- 81,744,311.57 4,478,555.11 $ 950514.125.00 $ 65,727,127.74 100,000.00 54,650.00- $ 65,534,125,90 $ 416,67t,21v,14 $ 200,000.00 $ 304,0510* 10,000,00 75,21Z.50 1 .'5E10.000.00 1.4112,516.34 $ 113,111.00. 379,s00.00- 480,709,00- 01,2440,1,SP 4,118,555.11 8 65,727,127.74 54,150.00- 95,177,171.11 000.,051.14 75,262.50 1.682,516.34 $ 116,179.00- 3/1 500.00- $ 495,719.00- 41,799,11 1 .57 4.$115.$14.418 4.970,555.17 4.178,554.117- $ 95,722,127.24 $ 113.002.74- 1110.14 56,050.00- 65.150.00- 6S,412.2/2.26 $ 110.1S2.24_ $00,211 $ 306.051.06 $ 156.051.16- IMAMS 75.262.50 4,737.50 94.07 1,967,516.14 2.62,516.36- 132.16 $ 3 ,671,144.75 $ 1.411,944.75 $ 91.501.75 14.0774 10.110.48 10.110.40 10.110.411- 7,213,739.30 7,213,236.30 .30- 100.80 I 3,235,249.00 3,735,748.80 18428.00 91.40 134,270.76 134,270.76 27,179.24 117.83 4,704.00 4004.08 $0.00 WM 12,114,53 12,174.53 2,114.53- 111.1,4 07,718.17 87,311.17 07010,17- 1,802.00 1.107.00 940.00 162.87 610.269.112 610.769.62 50,483.02- 106.01 17.04716 17.941.60 15,857.34 54.38 51,1811.12 51.580.17 51.966.11- 63,502.84 03,502.14 78.507.84- 151.82 21,320.92 21,320.92 80570.011 70,07 217,0+0 211.00 712.00- 3,311.00 3,311.00. 88E00 82.77 374.40 124.46 41.670.00 1,009,313.00 1,004.313.00 53.613.00- 105.63 3,150.01 3,250.01 3,250.01- 150.00 131,136.19 731.716.111 34,016.11 104.96 1.104,117.57 1.704,112.52 43,111.52. 102.41 119,039.05 719,039.05 31,715.95 15.90 2,277,750.50 2,277,758.50 97,104.06- 104.46 86,256.97 88.758.47 24,250.117- 137.90 654,512,84 654.512.14 14.087,64. 107.11 241,887.35 241.1*7.35 16,5111.35- 107.34 516,801.34 519.801.34 54.198.80 9035 600,035,87 611,011.111 61.035.47- 110.70 369,745.75 369.745.78 14,625.18- 104.11 134,800.19 170401.11 53.800.10- 10.30 County of Oehlend S14111011 Of Afff1015 - C0011t OP411116 F0805 For the Cow Ended. december 31, 1903 % of Year Oslance ftmeteed eudget lludgel Coltectione Thtel of tetiestr 100.00% . as Oudget me to Estimated total 11 Mot Percent:4qt Adopted Adjustments Adjusted 12-11-03 Revenue Revenue transfers E Trimelero Collected Collected . 00161110 RECCIPTS Other tNan laves General fund \tete Smote lav t 7.544,406.00 $ 7.S4t,406.00 i 1 .471.644.75 State 1nelilmtions 10,110,48 Clete Reinhor % t- . PA. 7215 7,713,738.00 2.213,7311.00 2,213,730.31 teeeral Revenue Sharing 3,252,077.00 3,252,017.00 Indirect Cott Recovery 162,100.00 182.100.00 134,270.76 Cultural Ilfraire 4,210.00 4,270.00 4.204,00 _Putthaelna 10,000.00 10.000.00 12,174.53 trieborsemmot 17,110.17 Oaelend County Safety Mu. • 7,550.00 2,550.00 1,602.00 Proacion 508,000.00 1 59•106.00 559,006.00 610.769.17 localities feiginseelng Oiv. 11,000.00 33.000.00 11,947.61 Semor. Meter E Solid Waste 51,586.12 Planning 55,000.00 55,000.0D 81,502.614 property Nemegemnt 30,000.00 30,000.00 21,320.92 04o1o1re Relmtimme 71/.00 Medical feaminer 4.000.00 4,000,00 1,311.00 library 324,40 Economic Development 41,610.00 41.670.00 Clerk 064,300.00 61,700.00 055,500.00 1,009,313.00 tlections 500.00 500, 0 3,750.01 14014 er of 0..d. 630,000.00 73,800.00 703,600. 0 736,736.19 ireaeuriir 1,711,711.00 1,241.7/1. 1,784,367.57 Eiruit Court 663,900.00 41.145,00- 822,755. 0 2119,039.0 triend of the Court. 1,162,400.00 17,753.64. 1,175,151, 4 7,717,751.50 Lao Hiner. 14.000.00 40,000.00 64,000. 0 86,256.97 Divilion 1 {Rolled 11.40 840,450.00 640,450. 0 854,517.84 iiiyisio4 il Clarkston) 775.300.00 725,300. 0 241,087.35 0Hoieion 1/1 (Rochester) 574,000.00 574,000. 0 519,1101.34 Di % i % ion TV (troy) 611.000.00 671,000. 0 610,035.17 Ptnhate Court. 355,121.00 155,120. 0 369,745.78 2.uveni1e Court 65,000.00 15,000.00 1311,801.19 Budget Is 2,350.00 $ 63.000.00 545,060.00 1,036,691.00 120,490.00 262,097.00 9UDGF110 A(CUAIS (Cont'd) Other the" terve (Cont'd) General _ford (Cont'd) Sheriff 2,350.00 hdelstrative Services 41,000.0D Corrective Services S45.060.00 ProtetAigt Services 2.414,440,00 t • lechnitei Service' 120,490.00 Oral" Coeuissign 234,000.00 Budget fideptsd fetal leteftwes I lremofere 44,720.01 97,040.78 677.291.00 3,141013.97 12.1.1196.33 269,019.11 t"tleeted !roosters Midget Adjuelogots 201,141.00 27,967,00 0aleote IF teelmeto Net Collected 9 of rear flooved 100.006 up'. 15$ Collected 1 42,370.06- 1.902.901 14.016.76- 151.99 132,231.00- 124.26 104,520,117- 103.44 6,708.33- 105-56 36471.11- 181.11 'Wm! Isvemve $ 44,770.06 97.016.211 6711,291,00 122,190.33 289,0611.10 tb 12-1]-93 44,120,06 11,016./6 291.00 3,141,113.11 127,196.13 269,066.16 50,403,40 $ 761,418.16 $ 10,965,792.36 $ 11,817,836.04 50,463.00 $ 13,666,319.04 $ 11,866,319.04 1. 903,576.68- 100.211 11 Coonty of Oeklmod STA1C0f01 0 11TC/11011 - C094i9 0111111.1186 FUNS Fe r 11%, fear Coded December 31. 1943 !014( •90GE/10 AtalPIS 044(6 'WS $ 26,418,262.00 $ 465,564.64 $ 26,903,046.64 1 2 4 .306.0 70.00 $ 24,3141.171.94 $ 3,736,2411.00 $ 27,631,028.16 $ 2,0.0e2.37- 192.11% At41%itS Other .rundo !rkend vi the Court "Faith Departeent 1 2,269,826.00 Forrgency Alvdicel Service' - Oisester Control 163,155.00 Anisi$ Cemttoi 378,940.00 $ 70,391.16 MAIM Zr953.127.37 $ 448,2116.32- 110.64 '(4,ep 001.0 rhildren't V11119e suNtoilt •siotohanst co/ ia I Sec, (A, t Nospitalilition 406.1 Welfare - 1%ster Carr Mpdical rAWP facility 34,000.00 3,463,367.00 414,000..00 23,000.00 1,49166.00 $ 10,102,274,00 70.191.36 145,00.00 14,461,00 393,666,00 140,000.00 1 70,191,36 1 2.404,924.00 103,155.00 326,940.00 49,411.00 3.657,033.00 0.5,000.04 23,00040 1,613,986.00 70,391.36 7.002.419.32 196,481.42 382,597.64 44,672.60 4,117,142.88 39/.419.13 4,1137,44 12,476.49 3,108,695.66 1 20.191.16 2.941,122.12 196,491.42 362,517.64 44.872.60 4,112.142.08 397.491,13 4,617_54 12,476.49 3,606,195,66 196,401.43 361.597.64 44.022.60 4.11 2 .147.08 391,499.13 4,0 17.54 12 ,470.49 3.800,895 ,66 130,0.42- 120.42 33,459.64- 110,7] 4,500.40 16.72 260,101.88- 906.74 37,500.57 911.37 4,a17,S4- 10,541.51 54.25 114,906.64- 104.119 County ef nahland vimpfr Of AfulnIS . MOTT op(IIIrrOG FAROS F ot eh. 1,441. Endod Dec:caber 21, 1993 Budget os Adopted Blvdget Adjustoonte &Agfa as tdilotted Conection4 to 1?-31-03 fitiostad lirrom.• -------- total NOWV10, Eranolcre Tot al C f raniEeP4 Iolinco of Estimate' Not Collectod % et +lose 100.008 Perstfttoot C011ectld • • $ AfeFluffS (font'd) divAltsneouo_nevenuel use o f Ronny intorrat Suudry tO(AL PtvENIES 6400.000.00 1 A00,000.00 $ 5,400.000.00 275,000.00 fly.000.00 $ 11,2/5.000.00 $ 400,000.00 /100,95e.001.00 $ 1,904,003.00 $111,050,704.00 6,840.035.04 $ 0,048,015.04 $ 6.840.035.04 IS$.757.$B I 2/1,6E6.13 274,470.11 $ $.1$7 ,5113.0$ $ 1100110.14 $ 7,111,511.17 $ 7.117,111.17 Sill 240,210,15 $ 110,01.14 $111,610 $1?.71 3,27%240.00 $114,03.008.70 $ 140,1133,0*- 106.00% 11.171.13- 1.00.61 $ •*2.511.17- 106.63% $ 7,7eS.107.7i. 102,504 $ 6,075 000.00 OrnuOt Fae-mard From Prior toors focuobronceC Appropriation Caeried feruord $ 3.102,005.08 I 3.192,005.0 I 3,102.005_1B $ L197,005.16 $ 3,122100535 $ 3,102,005.61 $ 3.107,005,60 3.1$2 •005.66 $ 1.102,005.10 $ 3•112•000.1$ RICO= 1011.00t 1030t AtoftlES $110 (Imp illsootts ii;9•154-91-42 1.. W4.440.227-4. 11a.4n1,14 $1i4,111.421..it $ IflI1iLUJ LI ti.145.432.41 z.79107. 3%. ..111Ztat Com.ff 0.1te.4 groarkpr nr rT Sr1ItIIr IItLIInlSc rnforifforJ% 010111.111(P 1111* APORnpRiATIngc t14, 7,8r 1-A4Fd Pwr,Opr % sc 1 • firm? NOW Mudge 7.e@leliku,.., 1pv,ftprittions lefal th...tlim- 1 14! .1S7. al 0.440 Ili leritas kstioard trAi t arrit4 109,..pri.akie.1 $1.44 6..te.1111, klepted A4.0".t'fr." 11.d.lPtid 1111:1_,Ot74.7t1 7worndl.i.iu!ts. r7pel!lit ,,,ps Incrobrb.cts co.lomr..1 OFilio16 Illowc4 Dtitilet - ----___ --____-- DtphRIPIR1 1 11STINI1065 PORIMIVRATION Or jy5tRI CIrlr COUR1 idainigtrakion rei.pm4 cIF thr ['rah! $ 5,539.077.01 S 795.546.07 $ 1.1121,521.1Y 1 4.734,111.fl S 1,Lis.s5i.ue 1 7.17,.,,n7,!, 1 3.01rtas :,03.9,41.057 188.412.27 7.7n:,W.P' P.tRA.905.111 .'.10,0,S -75,:'N ,•4 1 , :111. 7111 797 DO . . 71}.51‘.71 1011/4,13,71 453 7/T 71 S 7.9110.170.60 3?4,$56.05 S 6.111,664.15 $ 9.3'5,55D.77 1 1.04,50.00 i 4,4s.51 $ 7.P74.611.51 1 1.75 1,111.54- i73., 7.141.71,1.49 75,071.01 11.09 1.55•711.77 0.741.01! _90.01 I t 1.37%,111.1t. 115.51t Ill‘tOUJ Efts! Nri ll on I Oftlitd LORI $ 903,169.00 $ 119.6%&-h) S 6619.IJ2.61 % 066.761.95 S 1$6,7$1..F5 $ 421.10 1 1300.00 $ 17/.S1ss $ './Cta.se to.nit oi,i81., 11 (Clar6sto.I 179,721.09 OS, 710.90 5111.014.90 510.957.77 5ID,W.77 ol.rro 510.697.77 7.707•H 09.10 IllyisSo, III Otet4,17,.', 907.513.017 61,727.33 fn./SS:SO 717.t50.40 $ 17,217.17 77S,113/..r? 77%.S.7.73 k0.399.14 91.71 Oivision I1 it,..0y7 661,710.0D •9,S50.10 931.570.10 405,115.17 605.195.11 071,6, 11,1041.0e Vls.211.11 17.7111.2, 117.IF I 2.011,11s.00 1 3t4,0011.00 $ S.ISS.161.06 I. 3.016,101.54 I 14,21?-$s 1. 3,106,57%.61. S 1,462M 5 q,T06.04 S S,11$.32%.$ 1 /LA5I.54 PRO9Arf t006/ .}04i1Aal lidri.iStrItion $ 7,102 .544.0e 1 1 11.4t$.2$ $ 2 .Z/t4$$$.75 $ 2 011 .:2,04 5 Z,101,?77.&n $ 6.4511.1, 1 z.iley.girs,s7 1 01.302.3t PCMI JWOOnilir feyrt f.232,F74,0V 10.11/.61 0,74,1 ,].67 6,157.6715.07 .3..157.314,,,pr 1.)25,rop 6. I 60.1M.er :20.670.ss 14.61 70.t.ile •intone,. 1.595,115 OD 1,%$%,75S,00 1.411 .777 .6) 1.11.415.27Y.7! 4,119.17 7.,7 111,0,7.01 91-40 - - S 6,001.675.00 $ 715 .$411.11 $ 10.211,715.111 S 9,1135.511.4, 1 9,815,5RhO 1 6.104,10 $ 9om,1ss.57 4 shi.950,01 94.0, IOTAL ADRINIWAt703 OF ASTal. 1 M7%7,719.00 S i,j15.095.99 7i.7.07.351.11 71,INT.L.211,725 10.49.0pj,13 t 3 1 2 ,546.3: s s.,05.01 172.110.11,- 10.111 Z. 4 E Z5 _E •_,; • 1". .101. a 7 To fl 7.0 31 M Wi 1, I — m 0 a al .1. 1.• • • 0 fk m 0 , y .0 I • .9 ae .7 ' S 0 — 3 , 10 W. as N.M. .aal .-Maa Q. ;v4A4.'skeir'l ••• 0 I 11.1. 0 5 111. ••• *IS 10 tr. S Z7 1 7 , • 7 • •• •• • • -• • • , - •-• • 1r • 4 n4- • 'f.7.% a iTi 2.13 t$1.1'2 4=IT • 0 • • r 000 :'..4 Zr.74225 MZL- qj - - ▪ - , - - . „ • • _ 2 3 • 1 • • • ell • n • V o 2 • • , fie 'a IM ... . .. ! .• a •..... i' was . . •• .a .7 ▪ ift, .0 ¼.S ft. .... 1,0 i.-• 4Y10..,. .0 '........a.}0M Il. ••,....., 1. • ••n ... lawira005Y i., 1.,,, .J..0= .0 ..y ly•Y...... Y ..+9 ,42.+M . 0 10 '0 0 V v 0 V 0 0 .0 0 0 7 V 0 .C. .0 .0000000 -0 -00 0007 • •1 .17 I . L .2 . 1 . . . i . - , n • , . ,-.. ...... .......... - ..... ,a-, 171 1.34,...A. y —.0 .M.- .0. .n00 01.Y,Y , •... Q007b - • of.0001.“,, a wi, laY, OP N...00,, • m 0. 0 - ..M 10.1-YW,411.. M . .... .....,— 1-.. ,M.1....—..., la L a0 . is 7i n a_ 0 * I. I , . • ..I. Ad' i.id ...1 10 • '.0 P, , a ' a 0 , 0 - , 0 1 .... 1 • 0 V -.. ••• p 0 01 .* I.- • - -- • • • 1.1' 0 0 .000 n -.41, lir 1T , f0.2•n -0 k• •, . O 0/ a 0 '-', - 0 0 - Mr —.6011,0 , • — 0 •.t sr , • 0k.P0 "so Aulir1401.10epJ • • , •• • • • , 1•1 M w V • • • ft • V M Itsittss 1..1 5t• a 4 Acuttirora fr.p..441tatIv4 lets! lo peon§ I 4rd s $,.3.C.51,(1 300 I .. 40,117,11 $ 5095.104.Si I . 4,10,657.3i I 1.1 I id ,41.2.30 $ 2,15S.0, 3.1 49.10f,g s ffir_r0.10 91 SI% 1 .690,000. vi g cS $ 1.4s441,13.14.7,:. $ 7)1 46...;'0.411P6 4Q I S.474..PS, ftvtity Dellend siriwr 00 IsPINDIFUltf5 MOIR 4000910IM 411#10,411 1140 g&&00404104100S For tfes. TOMr. fneled 0,1004, 31. 1 $13 &S geleeted ipttir t (.1senclIturri Iludget 44 /Warr .ct illjust4t1 I. Apprrof14141.4 ra,riod For.ard . . % Of TO_ Iptal INewere- 160.05111 Aftpospriatie.". 14,44 Prect&lar IIPAUIT /1111 1 1 414444AS 41,Noi t.fPv0 1110004414 Lir. nil -NC 1 c If N Nips, g ;q7..101..10 rnu.tv r•Jet 1.529,0,15.3r llectiams t32,19.t7.0D 21,411,er st Nods ,041.00 (now, 14; en 61.500.00 4.781,tl I 144.457.23 135,433.91 1 .66S.938.91 11.1S4.21- 701.02.TO ?7,136.39 907,145.39 502 41? gs 010.84 $ ply 4N 111. 169.P75 /6 5ID 69 $ 1.696,047.02 2,011.W 721,1111.05 041dIS 10 34 00 71.510.01 _ g 2 i 5 tr..$411 .411 1.3ig.en.34 )?-141[1.k)- :71.331,11 40. N.IT.443 • dfalt. $9.$84.09 711,S10.119 07-.11/0 tor.417 II. 11 S3.0 Ili SI 1 004501 0 $ 1,•$1...031.00 g $ 1..15.1 .0)3.00 1.0,000: 17 I;,604,04r.,7 $ .1,606,545.9 $ '04197 131,000.37 $_ I.figg,019,31 $ 1.606,g45.g3 $ 44 $. $$ $ $ 1.109,0$4.95 1 rii.010.0f *0.04 fi.010.17 90.110$ h.1,1441.1:5 FRC DS lljr1t r it ion rcI COiMMEriNfo LOA.. TOO fd NI &Al 4.11 f4P0014 11 1 4, $ 7i5,11415.47 $._1.774,1zb.gr I1.,.$40$Arog. 1 _1)5'J -0/4 :Lag I 73k ."(S." $ 7.?01,100 00 i 5.$5. $ !..4.1 0,071.10 $..1.14,1,4011.4? 4 1 4,111,440 I 1S1 gel If $ f$ 331.00 5 P,4113,0/2 -71 $ 15.0,1P1.411 - - 4. 4.6)0.00 $ 1.141,161.00 $ 11.443,46 $ 1,1».604.‘6 $ 997,474.M $ 211 mr.04 S 1,1.4911.?0 $ 4.410,11/J0 $ 104,01/.11 Ili in — $._. $ LI/7,696.46 I 9q,Il1l $ $40 .411../q " 70 1.11 1 . $ 101,1.14 05.$$$ SO ell kporoori•tions Paruord _ — 7.'014004 % g1 'tar Ualglotri 100,04% P4r,,,r1.414 'I 11 e4 91,1 97.199. 45,14% 41.1•1 95,64 '1.81 11.96 !°'75 Caunti. al Oakfaad 5ftffPf41 Of ltP110011UPES IlictuDINt [4(01104901CIA CIOP4 109009916.1t41r. For tAr !Sr faded Ouc.emblir 33, [961 isicilet builipt 1•pentliluris 44 Budget 44 8414,-4 fltireed ft,tal 14111-44 !diusterms t4ju1riid .!..i1j, rarad4u t.4.15 ti.44 f,ve.ii kuret. _ . _ Eucumbrarges . 1 401 ','4,4C01- ippeopri41/444 t14,41 Uedieed 041a.ct 964.044191E119 t 505111071045 (Ce91 ,6I COulurt Ittculurf attiroiktration 1 $.14.,697,ge t 535,119.D? I 1.1:2,401.01 $ 6.19,210.04 5 1,119.10 i 5sl.q7q.'' 1 7,310.4 1 tbil.696.1! ' tuditi ,59 .110.$99.00 0,595.74 171.181.74. 305,660. ] 8 305,558.19 iroommity t Ni44.501. affal.ra 17.1/0.00 5,163.71 11,b11.17 74,115,71- /t..915.1 , Public lorormition 10[.0,6.00 7,11/.44 103,714.44. 99,516.16 ba„Sit.it Civil Carb4.41 194 •111.00 96,995.00 49i.116.0D 47,195.11 0..12,19b.2 l 173.12 • tdra0cad PPograa4 (1,999 156•254,40 71,600.14 1P2,93t.14 111.149.71 101,1-9,5% :ID 91 $ 1„uu0.)0 1,1l7,049.09 S 10,779.98 171,145.19 ?9.515.. 35 ft,111.,71 1.0111.00 4.1;1_111 442,150 .15 11.155.05 193,356,11 Z,475.11- 49.715 97,9,9 95.12 55.95 91.1 7 07_16 5fatil C faelatall favedi.atbr Cultural affairs 91,212.00 19.45 13,6111.35 11,591.9S 13,511.*S 15,990.00 4,019.59 31.079.59 76,0‘,90 26.954_94 $ 1.797.965M $ 64,9,50.11 $ 2.‘1,.4t5,61 $ 1.179d05 .90 S 1,1111,30 1 !,000.574.:9 9 3.239.90 t 411.666.2 7 71,597.95 10,213,t1 15,979.90 4,090.69 S ?,35‘.450.11 $ 11.995.70 NANAGEOfil I WOW Adsioi,stratiOt I 95.509,00 $ 1,629.77 $ 97.175.37 t 92.42/ Is $ 92.:.19 CAW 115,151.30 135.,915.9.1 T11.3.1.51 699.349.17 941,301.67 S F.000.00 AttoontIng 3,190,51/.00 767,741.46 9.553,275_49 3.409,790_51 3..09.790 ki 5 1.9,.5 , ,S013.00 Porthllin1 300,095.00 1,411,79, 3711.613.1/ p5,711,89 175.111,64 ?.141,11 11.4a411 " /.061,461.00 52,271.17 7,115.00,17 1,955,266 0i t k„195,5D 1.959.411,9' 1_112.39 14194..7, ***** 1 5.10,171.041 111,395.70 5)0016.30 957,130./9 957,1.41.19 1,%142.15 I ..711.17 N19,309.67 13•0-7,1 311.617.09 606 67 1,960,594.73 255.151.19 55 1.1311.76 ;9.122.49. 9,911,107,00 1 941.254.119 1 ,,C86,4:r1.09 5 ',°10,155-b5 I 4.11‘5,90 S r 1 3, .14 ,01Y1.31, E r,:11,2..646.51 I j15, 77S,7 9..r01 MAW AS Aemprocl 44 .11411COOM1 11 T.re, 1.1birbemnro.g co..pc2 .11u3,m 467.01 .041.59 303.14 6.404.53 i 3,950.00 $ 511.051.51 % 514.0,- 100.0411 Idrid15.43 21.910.07- 1.30.412.61 kr.k.4.41 rfr2,4s7,.2,6 11.134.10 $ 3,471,111.11 $ 11,058.10 55.41% 101.4 00.001 154.11 toot, oF 66410.4 cc4A(44:11 WI! Sic I1.09111 15% (0,015141a5 PS.tI 11W 000a550,l1415 In, Pho 14lar I.did Deco•he , 11, 1461 1.44.dltreers $1.140.01 C ,penclilorot AS Adjusl'ed 441uiloor.fit Apprmprietiont (orriod I 44 4.14, 1186414 4 8441 ihm0446. 1441.001 400e41,16tiv.4 44,04 6.4.144t444 Utilir4d 11414.4. 111i111,411 — ,P140 trpvmdil.0-01 (4rwitil! t r ,"4IT Pg[0 1 10. crowd) 1115,1! :451(10% t 54.1..,r46.v t q. 11,1111.1.4,..OPiOn 2 582,741.00 2 i4.,06.621 2 V16.r6P,661 2 kg4,/4h.4 , Palrismd Imunlv ;eel, 1 ' m 1.141,401,0/ 5,4,145.51 1,25 ,,,;(1.5( W73,511 P.,,bolem i,790,74),01 t0,154.04 1,505,51q.04 1,1..5.851,04 1.156.1555Am ,Sriliiies Enginkuring Pirtfirm 164.139.00 13,4,°.? 1/7.r04.?? 131,41.74 I ).1)4.1)4.04 I 207.116./o t 4443050.Po 1 ),96goolt,ie 135 140 IS _ S 1.514,0V 71 $ • Poll 14 CMS 44ei.i4tistit. t 16,44,110 4 all.eld i 46,16/.60 % 911.h55.65) $ wrv51 51 1 Icosim $ waLit tclit PAlic 103,4s 722.755./0 I.055.0s ??1,119.15. 211,6611.9r 2 •01.50 rm,46.1.5i i i65.51 7/0,665.03 1.654.11 WM ',did hoot, 965.445.00 1.100.575.71 7.715,571.11 155.734.51 1,191.36 I 01,05,7) 7,559.159.55 1.760,11 16.75 4,704,40 19.71 • PlAnni.4 515,909.0e 515,120.20 975,675.15 559.154,0? 454,555.07 71, 350 et 611,134.90 41.411.00 44.120 • Orgpeoty OihatitOffit Ir6.115,00 9,955.40 11 ,11 5.271.1A 1 ,10,1i W,F10.5.1. IT1.110.,S Idir.$3 95.511 . _- . I 2,302,5/1.00 2 1.690,6)5.52 2 5,702,4.41,52 I 1,52?,17P,70 $ 3,196.45 $ 2,5)5,024,6S 4 2,410.04.56 0 A In milt el i 51.505oo NABS ..._. . ._ .. trituMbr.,4ret Apor Nobel i C an. Fmrra,[11 _ 1 • too, It I Newt I' *Rol rme•tomft. CICK hfoo, fror et 1144s barb," ff r .. rave Uralrei emfoolte etilievi _ _ - - girgatt 111441:40 1 +14•.,11-i 1.1.,.04 44 C4,14* bt 11•1 or • f ti i silo.. 14441 id,,T.n 1.6 id) 11 ad-rotted Ildjout Ilbrnt a f .Pondi 1.,o, F sprwli tu• rs . _. 104 SS I. 7J,444. 111 $4011. 1 *T. ttlt S I P9.70.57 7151dgq.62 74 2 A75. )1 ea 7.12N. '7 1.5(in. so 1$0,14S.0 7. )116.60 IIU 59,111.0 601.10L40 545.106 . PI t 6,444,14 S14.941 ,161 ii.9.6i, $ l',101. 50 9146,916.02 gal 1.0 1$.14 21.76/....16 . _.,...$016._11 __504.,.215,4_5 _ _ 7,51:0.90 . .__ 415,155,41 _!Mg, 1115z41 ell_Agg.110 MO/ 71$.407,11 s_.1,mr.olos..).. s_1,243,p7.p._66 1, 9.15,..15 $__1,91.2,i,r .71 $ 1,14.4. .60 t _ _1,54P,S0 $ 1,1416,1117/20 $ 6 LW.* In.set E•10•11, 00147.tbd SI Obi! Ir I' 64 I OF ON 11111. 19f1b11101. II1UIIIS 1.1107111. 1411fi brPer7r911,11/11114. Inv 414, "'war fmiltd Ncogipir wrcirolov f 15..111511155 frent'df I prIl IJ 1(.0.41 efe.,1901. $ 2PS.1111.10 $ 105.065.1g 5 11P.451.111 5 37).314.5? Merv. ',.i. I. Oft. 717.571.00 1 .0 '4 et 5.14114n, 541.119.110 `fif"cor. PNRCI-fnt FAO/ Set 741. CIO $ !.•see,etr.oe OMVIS 41.1.,141rglion ▪ h Depoi trenr Al ca,r at' lilt ' Apr 9,4 1 44t WWI?* Monti! 104,10, Pi Ag.NY 181 ',orvf.,01 ▪ ii ror $ 95.445,00 I 5.45.00 I *$.551.01 1 99.1194.95 3 1 ,669.* rg .no 410,414 05 17,300.153 11 11,2)0504 Y.II c ,390,1354 no ,1 .50.1 .4 ,...,197,W..111 t 010 AO .3k I aqb . 2 I. . OR 50.141.4i 1 .I5 .4.11 .40 1 .157,4.96.7/ 1.711.99 c, 9no. 37 g. o0 fin, 5 '1.3,2 6 , WM. 902. 17 S. 9C6,41Cf :75 7,5Pg. 145,00 4.54 1.00 7.511,675 00 2.1860s1 .07 710,091..14 ))1,855.1P0 ,'..01,10.1.4) 1111,54g ,flo 1 4,40),519 11.115,961.0a 1,115051.0o 961.966,14 961.761.00 913.66 /.01 9,674 .94 979 ,465 .91 895 •565./5 $ 26,6106 ,644 .00 A 799.80,00 i 24,600,44-L0n $ 26.664,68.1 II $ , too', /73,.16, 0 5/.149.55 $ 111,1161.15, I 1 . 711 S5- 101.451 11..$42.3.0+. 45 I if..f11.4/ tl .1451.4111 .1S 441.051.1% 111,451 4,150.640.14 5,111.10 4,5551. 05/.14 $1,111111. S4 11,45 1, 159. 2111. 14 215.742.19 . 14 *1 %ICI SA. 95 in, 327. 27 11.07 9.251.20 .."1 $ 4.07'.000 ,00 1.600,11i.71 I. I P9,1411.11. 114.10 3)1.601AD 3 P0,901. So 3,111.30 11.1 4 1.914.2? I. 5.9.5.M-14 09,711.14- 171.10 II 5 .445.05 7,517 .11 5 11.1.15 DI 1011 031.01 10 /11- ) 40 01.111 ---- -„ n _ - - _ $ II, 9)4,9:5. is $ 1$ ,054.:5 t _ t4,491.41 I . 1.0.110O. 00 $ 30.20,142.51 1 7 3,$69.$11- le?.$/$ - - 90.605.0] $ gsi,„4.4a.170 212,661.00 73.1,350,00 176,411.00 481,383.00 142,953.00 50,058.75 36,523.06 IBM 9315 4ovaty 01 piialand $1511 65.ar a$ Fx7E5671u5rs leauDIC ratum15511(15 CO5P54111 wi/m 051107514ri0lls f.4.6 Latrobe 31, 5163 % a/ wear 11'1,149 t lodge( Budget 14c4nditures APPr*Pr if! i nwl 14111 0nontoo. 101 OCA mil Soket at Before 1.41 loattd 14tal larried llooroo(oklan4 5.1.0ti sorLontago Adopted 1114jost•al.41! AnjurfrA _ . Adjust nnn r n 00.andilares ( (orrdi 11,, 04 Encoobranes leeward Iransfor% . Uttli(od — 1101anLa Utili4r1 7.‘v.r7O DtP541 5191, t 115,711ut1DIS 1(..e ,d) Oult+•1 CoctIliirE 1C Wd) Putilt $51.41tt5 INIWIN00 S " Library Coaporatio0 (414nalon 1ronooir Dovelooment Loorooncv Sod. 5orw, Moister CI. Anioal Control 500.0D, 1 20.90.00 $ 11.167.18 1.,041.40 6111,533.90 1141,311.16 6,656.11 244,12).31 283,694.26 52,207.66 165,567.60 360,467.5( $ 10,654.74 117,115.74 153,466.76 5347,441.15 519 ,055.91 404,526.06 10,744.2) 83.16!.16 643,311.16 P63.696.26 118,939.51 153,466.76 5 2,000.06 3 15,034.76 519.656.95 10.254.10 688.244,13 3.772.70 $ 11.163.16 $ f.197AIM 19.4.11Z 64.7_311.16 47,626.n 95,71 757,546.76 677.05 49,7 7 71D.419.51 1L.611.17 16.70 1-Y7,60302 1.„532,77 47.16 529,910%02 r.531.111 192,015.13 12,505,6$ 11 3.115,179.00 I 161,546.66 $ 3.7 74.172 .46 $ 3.10.031 •05 $ 2,452.00 I S.,I4...l.1.0 I 16,026.30 1. 0,734,7$ $ 3.1/7.566 .11 i 107.283.35 96.669 1011P01111 .51.18/C15. a4ioittr4.5"19^ (On CO4Orr 515corivr 1,062,.76%..00 9 1,4.59,214.h2- S '1,521,016,51 1 1,4511,892.42 $ 1,4911,6 4‘.9! I 3482,265,00 $ 1,459,248,4? $ imamiam $ 1.414,4$2.47 I 5, 1,141.„892.15 $ 115,123.60 91.799 $ L09,1192.92 $ 516,123..60 $ $1,751.141.00 $ 5,16..477.13 $ 54.,463.7 ,2.13 $ 4.1.°4„0T+.61 t t„70[,766.56 1 50,700,467 7. 5!',6 79,113.91 $ 5:0.137.53 $ 102,000.eA $ $4 .392 ..02 -01 $ 12 .299.37 50561 (111411111111.11t ASO 1.511(1,10113 $100,63 4,295.1p 5 6.627,054,4f 1104.652,146,0 W1.461,04.19 I 2,1•1,16 !JI 51',4,e07,F..:.1111 ...7s1,5151.o. 407.0.00.00 110,101,6.1.7.!,5 I 4114...2611.777 100_41% 500.000.00 1,401,171.94 7.500.00 11,000.00 ISS,256.00 ?,150.00 24.000.00 11.810.0o 17.210" 500.000..00 6,500.0D 2 4.4)4.57 Ist.:rs.00 Z,Sto.ol 21,214.00 1137 90 12.720.00 t,?olost.rip 7*!YDA.R0 25.10..S? 151 ,?31.0t, 500.000.00 1 .381 .S37. PO .503.P0 88.:V0.00 151.74.00 Z.650.00 21.2,2.00 irlopp.po 13,7g...4110 V1.01 /1..1 101.0/ 4,40.00 100.00 7.791.00 11.50 0.00 0.99 112.00 0,5115.-9 17.?/U,00 .2.5D0 00 ;0.1-511,07.. 1:.770.6a v4501000 4/.500.00 100.00 103.00 0.000.00 137./00,00 t 4.000.o0 I 3,)?5,00 t 2.0?5,00 1,1))./S0.00 1.112,2'0.00 f,11/.2S0.00 41,000.00 .63.5O 36.63'4,40 i33,10t.90 10,105.90 123_1111.00 1lg.53I..44 1,500.000, 0 1,too.00lt,o0 S.S40,051.06, 4a.soo. o soo.o0 49.5f$C.00 2$4011. 0 05.000.00 75.019.C.0 20075.00 112.525.00 137...45.no Ltso.po 21.112.t4 212.817.64 71%11%64 1,225.011 tot.00 OT,irt 1.1)2.rs0.00 loo.00 te.63‘.60 4,39s,60 0.15 1196.176.91 141.166.10 56.42 71/,574.4k 15.116.46. ir.o? 1.500.091).00 107,00 46.50.30 100.00 15.000.10 IM01 765.475.00 300.00 9,910.00 217,91? b.. 160,00 C44,4t1 Oak1a.d 1111111111 OF 01,0101 twlf 1E160114 LIC11101011(15 CONP611(010114166.00ppinImis Far the tesr [Rickel Dereobar 01, 1610 nr valor indict iludget tvoitoditur4s Al ludoet as Wore istimaecd Fatal Adopt's' 9Justoonta Adiusted ,Adjuiltoents Ivanditures .., ....__ , i.pendirures Appropriations Corris4 foreard _ 1 of Fier Monied rural UMF•Col.- 100.0011 loorooristions bored Percentago teonsfors 31 ii ealante Utilired 9100000.06-0 itsbulance 4.000.00 Sui/eino Authority . . ti. 1,122,00.00 District Court /fitness fres 41.000.00 mmmmmm L Surety 16,10s 250,20.00 1 02,001.00 5.40drif 220,000.00 3,230.00 Capital imp. Props, 1,500,000.00 flicrofilo Subside 41,500.00 tooth Actiuitiet Cooler 75.000.00 County Annus) itodlt 190,000.00 115,4291.00 Cofeteria-foad Secy.-Study 6.450.10 tofetoeio-0pir,44fitIt 712.112.0 Fiaalf lop I 001and Castel, 500.000.06 County 161101,4s 1,41).116.00 11.119 06- Santivare 7,000.00 11 14 Audit 19.000.00 Council of ii 1 106,150.00 4.9 Preoluon 7,00.00 011,44 Nide Motor Quality Olhsrd 24.000.00 ▪ 641104. No m 1 mmm 1 Assoc. of Counties ??,166.00 16,641,00 Oakland Cooney Pioneer C 1stiritai Sotittw 12,220.00 Southeosters Mich. fourimt. astot, 12,00.00 tourist Convention Bureau ‘9,500.00 lraFfic looroyesent. Assoc, 20.1100.0e tr11,11ifra Foto1 Ooprooriatiros utilitrO 2.100,.000,00 500.00 675,705.00 1.100.00 900.00 11.250.00 590.00 191.912.00 11.9,59 )0 196,1130.0 7 111;„1.9',50 ,103.11 100.0n 100.00 IDD.00 10.13 13!.!1 t'9.1)9 1 1 '.01 100.00 100.00 100.00 109.04 11.16 i00.00 10:.0r9 11.63409 03.931.50 O+.956.00 .F.914,15 491 j,i:CY.136? I_ $1•..r."7 1.,0 ! S 204„1216- 2,800.000,00 70,099.66 & ,J.,071.00 5!..01L.9C 189.711.07 & 18.105,I3 70100,000,00 201.507).:41 h'0.n5 34 I .065.65 d. . 570.00 111,19i%00 11.550,00 2o.,1116.61 165.15- 14,071.10- .7)9.00- t 19.901,00 t 19.905.00 & 19.05.00 1,000,000.00 20.000.00 20,500.00 5439.00 075.705,00 950,910AL 1.500.00 500.00 500.10 11.350.00 1,750.00 500.00 111F 500.09 950,919.34 7,a9.,.155 501.00 1,250 500.00 c oim, br 061.1anA ormE9(01 OF 070F1101101FS IsCluoilt0 tlIkuOis99015 lolln APPG0P0141/01115 ,ss, in0o0 )geoebo, 31. 1413 &Age turget F Frond i toot s Approp,imtiros 611 $ritget el Wore tstiootrd Crtrird Adaptor, lAbitlit!!! Idirito$ Alju$1"." 1.0Oo1Litur10 Ep,mU hriontiq 1 graard 7 01 ri 199,90% 511+rd Oortorta;. latorc.1 rgitirsi 00000010110OS (•rot'd$ A-rmr 4011ocy ro g 19,905.00 Corot, 91110or Flodoction 0411. Clinton 01 ror trlisd Drain lo Flow. Clinton Authority lo.ron stoat sofcrilittl Soil C &ion •ioor Soto,ohod CovKii 56111Srl. 1 A 0t9.or Coo0O 1151.117.04 139.497.00 139,997.00 World, for Gilroy 10,0511.00 10,051.00 10.019.00 Aporrprirtioo 1,975.00 1,935.00 Fee Fording titigotiro EN.1.0 F oor' Nati . 1 O. 170.000.00 170.000.00 109,739.0, training C rultion 145.000.00 23,117.50 t$9,999.50 117.1.97,SO 0.f. 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Discussion followed. AYES: Perinof', Pernick, Price, Wi/cox, Aaron, Caddell, Calandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S.Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McPherson, Moore, Nelson, Olsen. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor,the resolution was adopted. STATE OF M1CHI(All) COMTY or OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that-. I have compared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Reso)ution adopted by the Oakland County Foard of Commissioners at their Aleeting held on Mai -ch 8, 1984 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct trant;r.:-Int therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my har)ii and affir,ed the seal of said County ct Pontiac, Michigan thk