HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1976.12.16 - 16923/ / December 16, 1976 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen: in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139 of 1973, the County Executive submitted o proposed budget to the Board of Commissioners which was referred to the Finance Committee on November 4, 1976, for its review and recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. Early in 1976, the Finance Committee adopted a meeting schedule intended to allow a substantial increase in the time available for preparation of a budget based on the County Executive's Recommendation. Our pfans were diminished by the lateness of the Budget Recommendation, hut your Committee met for many ho urs in an attempt to give each County Department an opportunity to be heard as respects their request and to respond to Committee questions, A review of the present budget-making process clearly demonstrates a need for a change in the present process. A budget that represents the combined thinking of the Board of Commissioners and County Executive must be developed jointly. We hope that the 1977 Finance and Personnel Committees will find a mecha n ism to accomplish such a joint budget-making operation. The Finance Committee has begun a zero-based budget approach in this budget as respects several departments: and, as a result, recommends the Board set new pt iorifies For delivery of services by eliminating obsolete or low priority programs and improving and adding new programs that meet the needs of the people of Oakland County as determined by the Board of Commissioners. The total budget has increased over the County Executive's Recommendation mainly due to the addition of $1,100,000 of federal counter cyc l ical funds and a $725,000 increase in Year End Balance due to the carry Forwcyld of the remaining balance of Solid Waste funds bringing total revenues to $67,280,269. The budget presented by the Finance Committee includes the following variances from the County Executive's Recommendation. Program improvements i) Five thousand dollars is appropriated in the Friend of the Court budget for printing of a client information booklet. Four thousand dollars is °pm opriated for an improved telephone system. Page 2 of 7 2) Ten thousand dollars is appropriated in the Board of Commissioners budget for the development of c program with the Oakland County Cultural Council 3) One hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) was added to the Health Department budget for program improvements. 4) The Social Services Administration budget was increased by $5,500. Four thousand dollars was for their annual Association dues and $1500 for a n increase in their travel and conference expense allowance. Also, $8,800 of C.E.T.A. funds were designated for an emergency food coordinator position. 5) One hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) was added to the non-departmental appropriations section of the budget for an audit of the County lay a C.P.A. firm. 6) Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) was appropriated for the development of programs For senior citizens. 7) Twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) was appropriated for the development of new nutrition programs. 8) Sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) was placed in the Board of Commissioners budget for research assistance. 9) Twenty five thousand doliors ($25,000) was added to the Office of Management and Budget for staffing improvements. 10) The Soldiers Relief line-item is increased by $5,000. 11) The Sheriff's Department budget is increased by $125,000 for the development of a program of assistance to the Prosecutor's Organized Crime Strike Force. 12) Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) is made available for transfer to the Oakland County Rood Commission to be used for matching local and Road Commission funds For road improvement programs. 13) County funds in the amount of $18,111 were made available in the Library budget For continuation of jail Library Services in the event that grant Funding is discontinued. 14) Forty threetother sources-positions are established in the Drain Commissioner's office to enable the Drain Commissioner to carry out the responsibilities assigned to him by the Board of Commissioners. Page 3 of 7 Program Reductions and Eliminations 1) Funds in the amount of $30,000 for the County Executive's lobbyist have been eliminated from the various administrative budgets. 2) Clerk/Register's budget line-item for printing of the County directory was reduced by $4400. 3) The Bicentennial Coordinator and related staff positions were deleted from the Board of Commissioners budget. 4) Membership dues and publications in the Purchasing Division budget were reduced by $750. 5) The appropriation for the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society was reduced by $1,000. 6) The appropriation for the Tourist and Convention Bureau was reduced by $20,000. 7) The position of Public Information Officer was reduced to a part-time or contractual position at $10,000, 8) The Special Projects Director position was eliminated. 9) The Coordinator of Management Information Systems position was eliminated. 10) The Planning Division budget was reduced by four positions. 11) All vacant "other sources' positions in the DP ,W, are to be eliminated. 12) The salary of the director of Disaster Control and Civil Defense was reduced by $9,000 to make it a port-time position. 13) The Summer Employment Program was reduced by $25,000 thus keeping this program in line with prior years. 14) The Reserve for 1977 Salary Adjustments was reduced by $500,000, 15) The County's car flee; was reduced by 56 vehicles and the home-to-work use privileges were suspended on an additional 106 vehicles, 16) The County garage operations were reduced by 20% to reflect the reduction in activity due to the changes in the car fleet. Revenue Changes and Cost Realignments 1) Revenues were increased by $1,325,000. One million one hundred thousand dollars represents the anticipated couotercyclica1 anti-recession funds. Two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars comes from the 1976 Solid Waste funds transferred to the 1977 Budget. Page 4 of 7 2) The funds for one probate judge and related staff in the amount of $73,291 were transferred from the Probate Court budget to the Juvenile Court budget in order to more accurately reflect the cost of the Juvenile Program. The variance in funds resulting frr.rn these changes are transferred to the Contingency Fund. The Board should note that some of these changes are not included in the individual department budgets. This results From refusal of the County Executive to set up the Budget in a form reflecting the actions of the Finance Committee, Because the Board of Commissioners does not have the staff or funds to accomplish these changes independent of the County Executive, a review of adequate funding for an independent operation for the budget-making process becomes obvious. However, the fact that the individual changes From the Executive's Recommendation have not been translated into line-item budget amendments in the individual department budgets should not be construed as their representing budget amendments. The changes in fact are incorporated into the individual budget line-items. As a further effort to monitor and control costs, the Finance Committee adopted the following as part of the Budget document. 1) All Professional Services Funds are not to be released until reviewed and approved by the Board of Commissioners. 2) Funds for the Cultural Council ore not to be released until the Cultural Council presents a budget to the appropriate committee and the budget is appro ved by the Board of Commissioners. 3) Funds under Central Services - Special Projects are not to be released until approved by the appropriate Committee and Board of Commissioners. 4) Health Department funds for program improvements are not to be released until the programs are approved by the appropriate Committee and the Beard of Commissioners. 5) Computer Services funds for computer program projects with department priority status 2 and 3 are not to be released until the Computer Services Department presents each request for funding in line with the adapted policy statement, and the program is approved by the Board of Commissioners. 6) Tourist and Convention Bureau funds are not to be released until the Bureau brings in a report within six months as ro what they have been doing and what other Financial support they have generated. Page 5 of 7 7) Senior Citizens' 'funds for new programs are not to be releas ed until the appropriate committee and Board of Commissioners approve each program, 8) Nutrition Program funds for new programs are not to be released until each program is approved by the appropriate committee and Board of Commissioners. 9) B oard of Commissioners Research Staff Funds are to be spent in accordance with the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Bi-Partisan Sub-Committee, if adopted by the Board of Commissioners. 10) Budget and Management increased funds for additional staff are not to be released until the department's recommendation is approved by the appropriate committee and Board of Commissioners. 11) Soldiers' Relief funds to be released on approval of Human Resources Committee or successor committee. 12) The Road Commission funds are not to be released until road improvement projects are approved by the appropriate committee and the Board of Commissioners. 13) Substance Abuse funds For satellite programs are not to be released until the programs are reviewed by the Human Resources Committee or appropriate committee, 14) Solid Waste funds are not to be released until the programs are approved by the appropriate committee and Board of Commissioners. Revenues ($67,280,269) The major source of County revenues (56%)is derived from the property tax levy which will generate $36.9 million in 1977, Even though the mil loge rate has remained constant from year to year, revenues From this source are projected b be less than in 1976 doe to the implementation of the single business tax, which eliminated inventories from the personal property fax rolls. Revenues derived From intergovernmental sources including federal revenue sharing, countercyclical Funds, state-shored income tax,child care subsidy and other miscellaneous subsidies account far 23% of total revenues amounting to over $15.1 million. This amount represents 39% increase over the $10.9 million Included in the 1976 budget. This increase is the result of enactment of Public Act 280, which liberalized state sharing of costs incurred by the child core fund,. Public Act 228, which provided for state reimbursement of revenues lost on inventories ; and enactmentTitle lV oF Public Works Employment Act of 1976. Page 6 of 7 The next major category of revenue is charges for services which amount to $95 million and accounts For 14% of County revenues, This category has experienced a significant year to year increase (13%) primarily due to the inclusion of the Sheriff's patrol contracts in the budget. Miscellaneous revenues account for the remaining 7% of total County revenues which include interest earneci and charges for use of County property as well as the carry over of approximately $1.2 million of prior Year End Balance. Appropriations ($67,280,269) The $67,3 million Appropriation Budget represents a $6.9 million increase over last year's $60.4 million, The salient program improvements that account for the 11.4% increase include implementation of the Prosecutor's Organized Crime Strike Force, incorporation of the Sheriff's township patrol contracts, Full County funding of the Youth Assistance Grant Program as well as the Finance Committee's recommended program improvements previously enumerated in this Message. The balance of the increase is primarily due to inflationary pressures including a $1.7 million increase in the cost of employee Fringe benefits and the provision of a reasonable reserve for negotiated wage increases and equity adjustments. Federal Revenue Sharing and Countercyclical Funds This Budget contemplates C.nercil Revenue Sharing receipts of $2,280,000 and Countercyclical Funds of 51,100,000. These funds will be earmarked for the Following purposes. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Cultural 'Council $ 10,000 Independent County Audit 150,000 Prosecutor's Orgarilz.ed Crime Strike Force 175,000 Tourist and Convention Bureau 20,000 New Senior Citizens Programs 50,000 New Nutrition Program 25,000 New Sheriff's Organized Crime Strike Force 125,000 New Road Commission Program 250,000 Low Library 40,000 Circuit Court Defense Attorneys Fees 300,000 Juvenile Court Defense Attorneys Fe rz 175,000 Res:peal:FA:illy submitted, R. Perri c.k., Choimndn Fi4ance Committee Page 7 of 7 Chapter 20 and 21 Drain Assessments Medical Examiner Planning Department Youth Center Summer Employment Prosecutor's Department Equalization Department Friend of the Court Circuit Court Substance Abuse Department FEDERAL COUNTERCYCLICAL FUNDS Health Department Improvements Management and Budget Department Improvements Library Grant Continuation (if grant Funding discontinued) $ 360, 000 100,000 100, 000 50,000 100, GOO 350,000 200, 000 200,000 200,000 300,000 5150, 000 25, 000 18, 111 The use of the balance of these funds will be designated by the 1977 Board of Commissioners, Capital Improvement Program Although this Budget does not appropriate funds to the Capital Improvement Proaram, sufficient monies are currently available in that Fund to complete work in prress such as the marble corrections in the East Wing of the Courthouse and to initiate new oroiects such as the renovation of the vacated County hospital for additional office space. in accordance with Rule X-A of this Board, the Finance Committee will submit a revised five year Capitol Improvement Program Plan as a supplement to this Budget upon completion of the review and setting of priorities by the Planning aria Building, Committee. MR. CHAIRMAN, on behalf of the Finance Committee, move the adoption of the foreaoing report and approval of the 1977 Budget in the form adopted by the Finance Committee. Fred D. Houghten, Vice Chairman (.. Kenneth E. Roth Bernard F. Lennon Dane' F. Wilson - Mary M. Dearborn Lathy J, ..Fiorrino Hubert Price, Jr. 1977,,E14. ANCE COMMITTEE ..----4. -''.-7- •,`" --.6 t....... , .4--- :..,..,..,::::e-2 Lciwrence R. Pernick, Chairman Waflace F. Gabler, Jr. Robert W. Page Richard R. Wilcox If 7763 Moved by Pernick supported by Fortino the approval of the 1977 Budget be adopted as submitted Moved by Pernick supported by Daly the 1977 Budget be amended on the pages as displayed in the Oakland County Clerk's Office and contained in the amendnt that have been distributed to the Board members, These changes are made only to indicate in the Budget the exact line items as they should appear in the Budget. Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson, Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon. (14) Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt. (13) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Montante the resolution be amended to read: "the salaries of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for the 1977 and 1978 terms be increased to $750.00". Vote on amendment: AYES: Murphy, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Wilcox, Wilson, Daly, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Montante. (15) NAYS: Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson, Simmons, Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Douglas, Hoot, McDonald, Moffitt. (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Dunleavy the salaries of the Oakland County Circuit Court Judges be increased 5% on their total Salary.which would be what they receive from County and State. Moved by Kasper supported by Gabler the amendment be referred to Committee for proper consideration. Mr. Lennon objected to the referral. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: AYES: Nowak, Patterson, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy. (16) NAYS: Olson, Perinoff, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Lennon. (10) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The amendment was referred to the Personnel Committee. Moved by Lennon supported by Dearborn the Probate Judges salary be increased by 5% up to the allowable limit that is allowed by State Statute that we can pay them on the county portion. Moved by Kasper supported by Patterson the amendment be referred to Committee for proper consideration. AYES: Patterson, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, MCDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, (14) NAYS: Olson, Perinoff, Price, Simmons, Wilson, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Lennon, (12) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. The amendment was referred to the Personnel Committee. Moved by Lennon supported by Houghton the other 6 elected County officials (County Executive, Prosecutor, County Clerk, Treasurer, Sheriff and Drain Commissioner) salaries be increased 5%. Moved by Kasper supported by Patterson the amendment be referred to Committee for g.vope- consideration. AYES: Patterson, Aaron, Douglas, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper. (6) NUS: Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Dunleavy, Fortino, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, (19) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on amendment: AYES: Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Daly, Dunleavy, Gabler, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak. (18) NAYS: Aaron, Button, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Hoot, Olson. (7) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Lennon supported by Montante that the salaries of all other County employees, not covered by Union Contracts, be increased by 5% across the board. Moved by Kasper supported by Aaron the amendment be referred -Lb the Personnel Committee. Discussion followed. Vote on referral: AYES: Perinoff, Pernick, Roth, Wilcox, Aaron, Button, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Patterson. (19) NAYS: Price, Simmons, Wilson, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Lennon, Montante. (8) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment was referred to the Personnel Committee, Moved by Gabler supported by Fortino the Board reconsider the elected officials salary increase of 5%. AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Gabler, Hoot, Kasper, Moffitt, Murphy, Nowak, Patterson. (13) NAYS: Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Dunieavy, Houghten, Lennon, McDonald, Montante, Olson, Perinoff. (13) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Moved by Wilcox supported by Fortino the salary of the Reference Librarian be reinstated to what it was originally; providing the Library Board does reverse their decision to pay the reference librarian the extra money. AYES: Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilcox, Wilson, Aaron, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Dunleavy, Fortino, Gabler, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Patterson, Perinoff, Pernick. (22) NAYS: Lennon. (1) PASS: Hoot. (1) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. #7763 Moved by Fortino supported by Aaron that $50,000 be transferred from the Contingency fund to the Social Services Budget, subject to the approval guidelines_ Discussion followed. AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Fortino, Lennon, Patterson, Pernick, Price, Simmons. (10) - NAYS: Wilson, Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Olson, Page, Perinoff, Roth. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion failed. Vote on 1977 Budget, as amended, including the Salaries Portion of the Budget: AYES: Aaron, Button, Daly, Dearborn, Douglas, Fortino, Lennon, Olson, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Roth, Simmons, Wilson. (14) . . NAYS: Dunleavy, Gabler, Hoot, Houghten, Kasper, McDonald, Moffitt, Montante, Murphy, Nowak, Page, Patterson, Wilcox. (13) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1977 Budget, as amended, including the Salaries Portion, as amended, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) 1, Lynn D. Alien, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of 0 0 )apeQuq.P...ers.s1.u.tai,o.n6p#71N,'S) 2170[3 .YIntl beYe 0tchee aO•a0kel0triad0 Coun ty Board of Commissioners at their meetin9 held on December 16 1976 with the original record thereof now remaining in iv office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 16th December 76 ----day of ... . ......„...19.... this ...—. Lynn D. By ...................—............Deputy Clerk Page Recornmeridation Account Department $ 26,000 1,000 62,700 50,000 429,170 1,400 1 1,000 New Drain Act 342 Projects: $ 24,780 22,890 133,560 17,823 17,715 16,628 15,432 59,556 71,185 56,512 83,466 39,123 26,082 36,843 10,760 27,063 $659,418 1,105,500 9,500 1,100 12,800 1,200 10,000 19,981 12 Page 1 of 5 AMENDMENTS TO 1977 BUDGET PAGES AS DISPLAYED IN OAKLAND COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Departmental Expenditures 4 14 32 45 54 83 95 99 Friend of the Court Circuit Court Probate Court Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Drain Commissioner Drain Commissioner Drain Commissioner Civil Counsel Comm issi oners Auditing Public Information Public Information Special Projects Special Projects Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation TransportaHon Former DPW Projects (Act 185) and 1 Chief Engineer 1 Asst. Chief Engr, 6 Civil Engr. III 1 Chief Const. Insp. 1 Civil Engr, II I R/W Supervisor 1 R/W Tech. 4 Const. Insp. Suprs. 5 Sr. R/W Agents 4 Engineering rech. 6 Const, Insp, 111 3 Engineering Aide II 2 R/W Agents 3 Const, Insp. 11 Const. Insp. I 3 Typist II 43 99 Salaries (Other Sources) 100 Transportation 111 Transportation 114 Transportation 119 Transportation 122 (1) Public Information Officer 123 Salaries Regular 124 (1) Director of Special Projects 125 Salaries Regular Page Page 2 of 5 Re C OM iT1 endation Account Department 126 127 127 132 136 148 153 156 161 Services 168 and Operations 174 and Operations 176 and Operations 177 220 Administration 244 251 259 259 259 259 261 261 261 and Physical Development Administration 281 285 295 312 323 362 371 377 381 385 385 385 385 392 County Executive Administration County Executive Administration County Executive Administration Budget Accounting Equalization Management and Budget Security Probation Computer Facilities FaciliHes Fa ci I ities Reimbursement Central Services Public Works Planning Planning Plannina Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Social Services Health Substance Abuse Medical Care Facility Children's Village Community Mental Health Human Services Administration Veterans' Affairs Library Library Library Library Disaster Control and Civil Defense Coordinator of Management Information System Salaries Regular Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation TransportaHon Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation (2) Engineering Aide 11 - Planning (3) Associate Planners - Operations (2) Intermediate Planners - Partners in Planning (0) Research Assistant - Partners in Planning Salaries Regular Salaries Other Sources Transportation Transportation (1) Emergency Food Coordinator Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Salaries Regular Fringe Benefits Books Supplies (1) Disaster Control & Civil Defense Director 0 71 5,689 3,700 600 300 16,350 400 2,600 18,300 6,500 1,900 640 1,760 300 480 650 27,899 58,536 29,051 Other Sources - 0 350,808 17,064 4,300 420 Other Sources 8,800 7,480 1,000 4,800 13,600 36,925 600 11,000 34,637 4,756 16,400 3,500 8,063 Garaae Operations Budget Adiustment Contingency (133,124) Page 3 of 5 Department Page Account Recommendation Disaster Control and Civil Defense 392 Salaries Regular $ 41,097 Disaster Control and Civil Defense 393 Transportation 900 Public Services Administration 409 Transportation 220 Animal Control 415 Transportation 29,300 Personnel 415 Transportation 1,300 Non-Departmental Expenditures Categories - Page Recommendation Contingency VIII 5 2,058, 700 Summer Employment IX 200,000 Salary Adiustments IX 856,704 Total Non-Departmental IX 18,001,134 Friend of the Court Circuit Court Distr i ct Court Juvenile Court Probate Court Sheriff Page 4 of 5 Departmental Expenditures Department Friend of the Court Friend of the Court Computer Services Computer Services Computer Services Computer Services Juvenile Court Juvenile C our f- Juvenile Court Juvenile Court/Probate Juvenile Court/Probate Juvenile Court/Probate Computer Services Computer Services Sheriff's Department Clerk/Register of Deeds Computer Services Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Computer Services Computer Services Purchasing Computer Services Management and Budget Computer Services Social Services Social Services Social Services Health Department Computer Services 4 4 4 13 18, 21 32 32 '")n 33 39 39 39 39 53 53 83 95 113 114 114 114 . 132 136 140 148 152 168 286 286 286 292 292 Printing Communication Date Process - Develop: Data Process - Develop: (Sr 24 Data Process - Develop: Date Process - Develop: Salaries-Regular Memberships Travel Conference So (a•-ies-Regu tar Travel 8, Conference Memberships Data Process - Develop: Data Process - Develop: Organized Crime Strike Force County Directory Dat.p. Process - Develop: Treasurer Salaries - Other Sources Salaries - Regular Cultural Council Research Staff Datc.:1.-Process - Develop: Budget Data .Process - Develop: Accounting Membefship Dues, Publication Data Process - Develop: Equalization Budget Ad, Adj. Cont. Re .,ef Adrnin Membership & Dues Travel & Conference Budget Adi, Contingency Dam Process - Develop: Health Dept. 5,000 4,000 74,q50 56, 136 4, 982 0 2,149, 523 2,470 4,385 535,670 2, 500 1,200 .. 0 125,000 2,000 14,034 0 355,529 10,000 60,000 37,424 46,780 550 37,424 25,000 (440,630) 3,000 4,000 3,500 150,000 0 Professional Services: Professional Services: Professional Services: Professional Services: Professional Services: Professional Services: County Executive Management 8, Budget Central Services - Admin. Planning & Phys, Dev, Human Serv. - Admin. Public Serv, - Admin. 127 152 244 281 377 409 II Revenue: Countercyclical Funds Ill Revenues: Year End Balance VIII Historical Society IX CPA County Audit VIII Tourist & Cony. Bureau IX Senior Citizen's Prog IX Nutrition Program IX Road Commission IX Expenditures: Solid Waste Program 7,500 500 0 Page 5 of 5 De pa rtm e ni Substance Abuse Computer Services Soldier's Relief (Veteran's Affairs) Computer Services Computer Services Computer Services 312 Satellite Centers 323 Data Process - Develop: Medical Care Facility 381 Soldier's Relief 389 Data Process - Develop: Coop, Extension 415 Data Process - Develop: Personnel Data Process - Develop: 294,700 0 6,500 9,356 112,273 Professional Services Line Items Non-Departmental Expenditures 8, Revenues Anti-Recession Funds Solid Waste Hcrica So.7,iety County Audit Tourist & Convention Bureau Senior Citizens Nutrition Program Road Commission Solid Waste 1,100,000 1,225,000 8,500 150,000 20,000 50,000 25,000 250,000 225,000 Lawrence R. Pernicl,:„, Chairman FINANCE COMMITTEE