HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1984.05.10 - 16967e 4 May 10th, 1984 Miscellaneous Resolution k 84121 By: Planning and Building Committee - Anne M. Hobart, Chairperson in Re: Evergreen-Farmin gton Sewage Disposal System To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Cnairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the "Agreement for Use of Certain Detroit Sewers" dated December 30, 1958, approved by the Board of Supervisors by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3446 provides "that the Evergreen-Farmington District shall be temnorarily served by an outlet to dispose of sanitary sewage into the Detroit Sewer System at Southfield and Hassel Avenue for a part of the term of this Agreement. At such time as the Detroit FlTZ,t - Hamilton Sewer has been completed and placed in operation, the County will discontinue the use of the temporary outlet to the satisfaction of the City, and make a permanent connection into the First-Hamilton Sewer at or near San Juan and Norfolk Streets to serve as an outlet for the sanitary sewage for the Evergreen-Farmington District for the remainder of the term of this Agreement," and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Evergreen-Farmington Pollution Control Facilities comprehensive facility plan said system will require additional capaclty in the Detroit Metro Water Department sewerage system, and WHEREAS, Wayne County D.P,W. is having plans prepared for the first segment of the North Huron Valley-Rouge Valley Wastewater Control System, which will require additional capacity in the Board of Water Commissioners Oakwood-Northwest interceptor, and WHEREAS, Oakland County, Wayne County and the Detroit Metro Water Department (DWSD) have negotiated an "Evergreen-Farmington Relief Outlet, Design Agreement" whereby D.W.S.D. would design said relief cutlet with funds to be provided by Oakland and Wayne Counties, thereby providing both Oakland County and Wayne County with the required outlet capacity, and WHEREAS, the Evergreen 8.D.S. and Farmington S.D.S. have surplus construction funds to pay Oakland's share of the design fee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE "Evergreen-Farmington Relief Outlet, Design Agreement" dated April 2, 2984 is hereby approved and the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Executive an Department of Public Works is authorized to make the required payments to D.W.O.D. rom existj.ng surplus contruction funds. MR. CHAIRPERSON, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE 6-e / NERT4tY APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Tel T. artip45,f-C37:14-W.J.tive ZELLL4/ Date WAYNE -0AELAND-DETROITs-PLYMOUTM EVERGREEN -FARMINGTON.RELIEF OUTLET DESIGN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 2nd day of . April 1904, by and between the COUNTY or WAYNE, a Michigan Charter County corporation (hereinafter *WAYNE"), by and through its Chief . Executive Officer, acting through its Department of Public Works, and the COUNTY OP OAKLAND, a 'County corporation in the State of Michigan, (hereinafter, "OAKLAND"), by and through its County Executive Depart- ment of Public Works, and the CHARTER TOWNSHIP or PLYMOUTH, a Michigan Charter Township, (hereinafter "PLYMOUTH"), and the CITY OF DETROIT, a Municipal corporation of the State of Michigan, acting by and through ita Board of Water Commissioners (hereinafter 'BOARD"). WITNESSETE; WHEREAS, WAYNE owns and operates certain sewage disposal systems for and on behalf ofits residents; and WHEREAS, OAKLAND, operates certain sewage disposal systems for and on behalf of its residents; and WHEREAS, the City of Detroit operates a sewage disposal system for and on behalf of its residents, and ham contracted to provide sewage disposal and treatment services for adjoining .areas, including areas Located in Wayne and Oakland Counties; and 't 1. WHEREAS, WAYNE has been the recipient of cortain Federal grant monies and has been the lead applicant wit il respect to certain other Federal grant monies for the benefit of its residents and the residents of Oakland County; and WHEREAS, PLYMOUTH is presently the recipient of 4 certain grant advance from the United States Environ- mental Protection Agency; and WHEREAS, PLYMOUTH has made an agreement with WAYNE to utilize said advance for design purposes, a portion of which is to be used to provide payments for the services performed under this Design Agreement; and UMEREAS, the parties recognize that it is immediately necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the residents of a portion of the areas served by WAYNE and OASLAND that certain eewerage facilities be designed and built; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto believe that the most reasonable and cost effective method to solve present sewage pollution problems in a portion of the areas served br WAYNE and OAKLAND require that certain sewerage facilities be constructed in the cities of Detroit and Southfield; and WHEREAS, the BOARD states that it has the necessary technical staff and capability for completing the design of such facilities; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to enter into an agreement whereby the BOARD will provide the technical services, design, and conatructioe COntrACt documents for the needed facilities, said facilities being ,commonly known as the PEVERGREEN-FARMINGT0J RELIEF OUTLET', (also known as Component 9 - Detroit Improvements), hereinafter referred to as the '11ROJECT*. 2 NOW, TM-WORE, in consideration of the aforemeiwitd promises and the mutual undertalings of the part'..es hereto, it is agreed as follows: L. The BOARD *hail cause to have designecl t -tyl EcUi- ties knowwas the EVERGREEN-FARMINGTON RELIEF OuTLE:T, and shall provide the technical and engineering services related to said'design. The facilities shall inclu but not be limited to: A. An interceptor located in the cities of Detroit and Southfield to transport sewage flows from the Evergreen-Farmington Sewage Disposal District to the Detroit facility known as the First-Hamilton Relief Sewer. D. A flow metering and control facility to measure and control the sewage flow from the Evergreen-Farmington District to the Detroit Sewage Disposal System. C. A control facility to divert and control the sewage flows from the First-Hamilton ' Relief Sewer to the BOARD's facility known as the North Interceptor - at D. The necessary regulating device to divert and control flows from the First-Hamilton Relief Sewer to the BOARD's facility known as the Detroit River Interceptor. 2. It is the understanding of the parties that the documents and plans prepared pursuant to this Design Agree- 'meat shall result in a design of facilities which are approved by and reault in the issuance of a construction permit by the State and are in biddable form for the lot- ting of construction contracts. The BOARD shall provide all. necessary personnel, materials and equipment to 3 provide the complete, professionel,.engineerin:i design services for the facilities for the PROJECT. Thezie design services shall include but not be iimitcd to the tasks as set forth on Exhibit A. Exhibit A, being attached hereto, consists of an eight page docurn r. dated March 23, 1984, outlining the tasks and numbered from task No. 0201 and ending with task No. 2101a. 3. WAYNE shall provide the aerial photogrem- . metric services necessary for the design of the • facilities described in Paragraphs Lk and Le. This service shall include the flying of alternate routes. This Service shill also include for the selected route the ground control and topographic mapping necessary for the proper design of this PROJECT. These services shall be performed ,as set forth in Exhibit *B" being attached hereto consisting of six page document dad March 26, 1984. WAYNE shall consult with the BOAL . and the BOARD shall cooperate with WAYNE in the performance Of this service. The results of this task, including legible copies of field books and other field records, 41411 be furnished to and become the property ' of the BOARD. It shall be the responsibility of WAYNE to deliver same to the BOARD. 4. OAKLAND shall provide the necessary services to acquire the fee simple and lesser interest ie real properties within the City of Southfield necessary for BOARD to construct, operate, inspect, improve, maintain and repair the facilitiee described in Paragraphs ik and IB. These services shall include title search, appraisal, negotiations with the property owners, the condemnation of the properties, if such becomes necessary, and the services to property owners as required undar Part 4, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 4). The Lee simple or other interest in the 4 5 real preperties shall be in the numo of the City of Detroit, by and through its Berard of Water CommLssivp.ers. All documents verifying the obtained interest in real property shall be delivered to the BOARD in recorditble form. OAKLAND shall provide any legal opinions, statements and other documentation required for any application for grant funding of the construction of the facilities. BOARD shall identify the necessary interest in real properties and provide °ARLAND with aketchee and description of the identified properties and interest needed therein. 5. The BOARD shall arrange sufficient conferences with WA YNE end OAKLAND to assure all parties to this Design Agreement that the necessary engineering design work is being performed in order to accomplish the purposes of this Design Agreement; and, further, it shall be the duty of ell parties to cooperate with each other in order to accomplish the purposes of this Design Agreement. WAYNE and OAKLAND shall have the right to review and comment in a timely manner on the plans and specifications during their preparation. 6. PAYMENT: WAYNE and OAKLAND agree to pay the BOARD a total Of $960,000.00 as a lump sum for the services to be rendered pursuant to this Design Agree- ment. The BOARD shall not be entitled to eny further' payment for services rendered pursuant to this Design Agreement other than the aforementioned S960,000.000. The payment shall be made as follows: A. WAYNE shall be responsible for the payment of $620,000.00. OAKLAND shall be responsible for the payment of $340,000.00. B. It is the understanding of the parties that WAYNE's contribution shall be made solely from funds presently obtainable from 6 the EPA grant advance to PLYMOUTH and fro 71 no other source, and PLYMOUTH shall pay the BOARD On behalf of WAYNE in accordam:o this agreement the sums due from WAY. C. WAYNE and OAXLAND shall each malie fifteen (15) monthly payments. WAYNe's first payment in the amount of $60,000.00 thall be made On or before April 15, 1984 and thi next fourteen monthly payments shall each ha in the amount of $40,000.00 and shall be paid on or before the 15th day of each succeeding month. OAXLAND'a first payment in the amount of 632,000.00 shell be made on or before April 15, 1984 and the next fourteen monthly • payments shall each be in the amount of 822,000.00 and Shall be paid on or before the 15th day of eath succeeding month. 7. TIME OF COMPLETION: The engineNring design . . service, are to be undertaken on or abo April 1, 1984. Biddable, permittable documents shall be sub- mitted to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources on Or before April 1, 1985 for review and issuance of a construction permit. The BOARD shall exert its best efforts to secure issuance of a construction permit by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources by June 15, 1985. This Design Agreement shall be completed when the Michigan Department of Natural Resources :es A construction permit. B. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMMTSs All documentu, including but not limited to, drawings, specifixations, data, records, computations and other papers prepared by the BOARD under the terms of this Design Agreement shall remain the property of the WARD. The Hao.R0 agrees to submit to WhiNE and OAKLAND six complete sets each of readable, usable copies of the constr-LcLiu:, contract documents. 9. TERMINATION; WAYNE and OAKLAND hall ht-17 the right to jointly terminate this Design Ag:.'L at any time by giving 20 days written notice of such termination to the BOARD. In the event of a termination prior to the completion of construction contract documents as required by this Design Agreement, WAYNE and OAY -_AND shall pay to the BOARD the prorated Design Agr.olvA‘ent price .to the date of such termination. noweeei., in no event shall WAYNE and 0/AL1ND be required to pay th'I BOARD more than the Design Agreement price - namely - $620,000.00 from WAYNE, and $340,000.00 from OAKLAND. In the eventof termination of this Design Agreement WAYNE and OARIAND shall share in the costs for the prorated price of. the services render... 1 in the 54M1? proportionaA.they_share in tim total costof the prOject. 10. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES; The relationship of the BOARD to WAYNE and OAXLAND and PLYMOUTH shall be that Of An independent contractor. The BOARD shall AsSiume the defense of, indemnify and save harmless WAYNE, OAKLAND, and PLYMOUTH, and its individual officers, employees and agents, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of or occurring in the course of or resulting from the work performed or to be performed under this Design Agreement by the BOARD, its employees Or agents. The obligation of the BOARD hereunder shall include but not be limited to any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses by and of any one directly or indirectly, employed by the BOARD, or any subcon- tractor of the BOARD, or any one for whose acts they • may be liable, or arising out -of the death or bodily injury of any such person, und any such obligation Shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the BOARD or any of the BOARD'S subcontractors under wOrXer's compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts, The mention of any specific responsibility or liability of the BOARD in this paragraph or any part of this Design Agreement shall not be construed as a limitation or restriction upon the general responsibility or-liability imposed on the BOARD. The BOARD shall have no liability for, and WAYNE or OAKLAND or PLYmOUTR shall hold the BOARD harmless for any liability arisieg . out of any negligent or tortious act or omission committed by themselves, their employees or agents during the course of their performance under. this Design Agreement. This paragraph shall not operate as a restriction on the BOARD'S authority to set rates and allocate costs of service to its customers and users. Nor shall this paragraph operate as a restriction on the rights of the parties to challenge the BOARD'S rates and allocation of costs. EQUAL EMPLOYMCNT OPPORTUNITY; The BOARD agrees to abide by All applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations regarding Equal Employmeet Opportunity, including Michigan Statute - Public Act 453 of 1976 with respect to fair employment practice. 12. ASSIGNMENT: None of the partiec hereto shall assign this Design Agreement in whole or in part without the written consent of the other parties hereto. 13. This Design Agreement shall become effective upon the approval of WAYNE, OAKLAND, -.mouvi and the BOARD and when duly executed by the appropriate officer or officers of each. This Design Agreement may be executed in several counterparts. 0 BY BY COUNTY OF WAYNS WITNESS: COUNTY OF OAKLAND CITY OF DETROIT .nnnn•••nn•nn••....nay.minomi....nn•nn••n•nnnn••n•n•n•=wwwiilimn CURTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH BY ii...111....•••n1=•••••n10 9 #84121 May 10, 1984 Moved by Hobart supported by Nelson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandro, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, Moffitt, Moore, Nelson, Page, Perinoff, Pernick. (21) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHiGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Alien, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have corpared the annexed copy of Miscellaneous Resolution 184121 adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meetinq held on May 10, 19E44 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefror, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 10th day of F a May 1 WL NN s ALLEN 984 County Clerk/Register of Deeds this