HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1984.05.10 - 16988May 10th,-1984 Miscellaneous Resolution 84129 BY: PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE - Anne M. Hobart, chairperson IN RE: AUTHORIZATION OF SALE OF 1.04 ACRES, +, WHITE LAKE OAKS COUNTY PARK, WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP - SIDWELL NUMBER 12-24-401-001 AND PART OF 1 2_=-24 igaariaja TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is the owner of property in the Township of White Lake, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, described as: Part of the southeast quarter of Section 24, T3N, R8E, White Lake Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as: Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 184 of Fox Bay No. 4 Subdivision,recorded in Liber 127, Pages 1 and 2, Oakland County Records, thence south 35 ° 28' 35" east 330.80 feet along the easterly line of Lots 183 and 184 of said subdivision, thence along a curve concave northwesterly, radius 438.60 feet, chord bears north 46 0 13' 48" east 32.68 feet, arc distance of 32.69 feet, thence along a curve to the right, radius 370.00 ft, chord bears north 52 ° 45' 03" east 111.40 feet, arc distance of 111.83 feet, thence north le 43' 59" west 170.00 feet along the west line of Lot 145 of said Fox Bay No. 4 Subdivision to the northwesterly lot corner, thence westerly to the point of beginning, containing 1.04 acres +, and which disposal has been recommended and authorized by R. Eric Reickel, Manager, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, in correspondence dated November 16, 1982; and WHEREAS said property presently owned by the Oakland County Parks and Recre- ation Commission is not necessary for the effectiveness of the remaining 191 acres of White Lake Oaks; and WHEREAS said sale will alleviate the negative feeling from adjacent property owners as a result of the abuse of said property by neighborhood children; and WHEREAS said sale will reduce unnecessary maintenance costs; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 81091, dated March 19, 1981, authorized the sale of said property at a price of not less than $14,500; and WHEREAS said property was advertised for sale according to the rules of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Section X-E-2 (b); and WHEREAS no bids were received; and WHEREAS the property has been reappraised at $11,000 by James M. Fuller, MBA, MAI, ASA, and $12,800 by William E. Hoover, Assistant Manager, Oakland County Equalization Division; and WHEREAS any monies realized from the sale of the property, after cost of sale have been deducted, shall be deposited in the General Fund of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission; and (-7,7 Miscellaneous Resolution No. 84129 Authorization of Sale of 1.04 acres, +, White Lake Oaks County Park, White Lake Township - Sidwell No. 12-24-401-001 and part of 12-24-426-026. (Property Management Division) Page 2 WHEREAS the Planning and Building Committee has reviewed the information and terms of the sale and recommends disposal of said property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners rescind Miscellaneous Resolution No. 81091 and hereby authorizes the County Executive's Property Management Division to proceed with the disposal of said parcel under the following terms: Price - $11,900 Cash sale or five (5) year Land Contract 10% deposit to accompany sealed offer to purchase 11% interest per annum on unpaid balance BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Property Management Division correspond with all persons who previously expressed interest in said parcel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed offers to purchase shall be received no later than 4:30 P.M. July 9, 1984, at Property Management Division, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053, and said offers shall be opened on July 17, 1984, at 9:30 A.M. at Planning and Building Committee Meeting, Committee Room A, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48053, Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE I klEREV APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION MEAN 4/19/84 COUNTY EXEC. CORP. COUNSEL. --/-'1" _ FAC11,1T LS ENG_ FACUTIES OR. SEE ATTACHMENT Cover Sheet", • PROPERTY DISPOSITION INFORMATION Sidwell No. 12-24-401-001 and part of 12-24-426-026 Date 4/19/84 Property Description: Part of the SE quarter of Section 24, T3N, R8E, White Lake Township, Oaklaud_County, Michigan, described as: Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 184 of Fox Bay No. 4 Subdivision, as recorded in Liber 127, Pages 1 and 2, Oakland County Records, thence south 350 28' 35" east 330.80 feet along the easterly line of Lots 183 and 184 of said subdiVision, thence along a curve concave northwesterly, radius 438.60 feet, chord bears north 46 0 13' 48" east 32.68 feet, arc distance of 32.69 feet, thence along a curve to the right, radius 370.00 ft., chord bears north 52 ° 45' 03" east 111.40 feet, arc distance of 111.83 feet, thence north 14 ° 43' 59" west 170.00 feet along the west line of Lot 145 of said Fox Bay No. 4 Subdivision to the northwesterly lot corner, thence westerly to the point of beginning, containing 1.04 acres +. (45,302 - Square Feet) Approximate Crossroads and Municipality. Noub side of Vanden Drive. west of Rene Street. Sketch of property and location of easement: to scale 1. Cost and year of original purchase: $ Less than $50.00 ; 1973 2. Additional costs: N/A ; 3. Purpose of original purchase: In conjunction with the White Lake Oaks Golf Course. 4. Current usage: None. Vacant land. .n•• 5. Comparables of adjacent parcels: There arealew sales for comparison purposes but the quality and quantity is not there and this only further confirms the thin market and residential building sites. 1071600+ SF, 10/83. $14,900 . 74691+ SF, 5/83 $16,000 65.400+ SF, 4/82 $23,000 6. Applicable historical notes, if any., concerning property: (La it buildable, what does it cost to maintain?) Subject lot is an oversize site but includes a natural drain which crosses under the road, nearly divides- the lot into two equal parts. As per appraisal. "The soil conditions appear to be no better Or worse than the adjoining properties which have their own private septic systems." The appraisals were made assuming there were no problems in securing a septic permit. 7. Price of offers received: L. 2.. 3. 8. Recommendation of Property Management Division: $11,900 Cash or five (5) year land contract 10% deposit to accompany offer 11% interest per annum on unpaid balance. 9. Appraisal Information: James M. Fuller, MBA, MAT, ASA - $11,000 Oakland County Equalization - $12,800 Files can be reviewed at: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION or PARKS & RECREATION EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 2 800 WATKINS LAKE ROAD , 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48054 anaTTAr vrTruTneld /011151 Lu u.i 41 5 cp• TAX PARCEL 12-24-401-001 and part of 12-24-426-026 WHITE LAKE TWP. PT. OF S.E. -1-4 SEC. 24, 13N, .R8E. 4-16-84 PC. 260.70 12-24-401-001 and part of *" 12-24-426426 1.04 AC.. <"4 \fri -0 r- 148 1" z J001 N 1:1,1 ORIQ1N4 470.#11'* . 1:11 MI C V. _........**6..- AW 61 0 , *6 DANIEL 13. 0"k. i S rf : WILLIM . *A . I *: *If LAND 1 I SURVEYOR ale 0 k Ms. 2 1 V.. 25880 ..1 --A. - 4 2... 114: 'I r ) i i CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY KIEFT ENGINEERING, INC. REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS 5852 SOUTH MAIN STREET CLARKSTON. MICHIGAN 48016 Parks & Recreation Commission Survey (or Oakland County AddrmA 2800 Watkins Lake Rd.. Pontiac._ MI TELEPHONE 625-5251 D ate:. 3/30/81 Job No R 1 fi 7 ACCEPTABLE RATIO OF ERROR OF CLOSURE SHALL BE LESS T1-IAN 1/5000 OR ACTUAL ERROR OF CLOSURE SHALL BE LESS THAN 0.15 FT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SURVEYED AN !2 MAPPED THE LAND ABOVE PLATTED ANDiCR DESCRIBED ON 198/. /1. AND THAT THE RATIO OF CLOSURE ON —HE UNADJUSTED FIELD OBSERVATIONS OF SUCH SURVEY WAS 1/Savo ne. AND THAT ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF P.A. 132 1970 HAVE SEEN COMPLIED WITH. BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY WERE DETERMINED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: X dred/t a Registered71.6i7 This is to certify that 1, 4Z6..mi. E 4. Land Surveyor, have this date made a survey of a parcel of land described as follows: /1 Part of the SEh of Section 24, T3Y, R8E, White Lake Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 18 of "Fox Bay No. 4" subdivision, recorded in_ Liber' 127, Pages 1 and 2, Oak- land County Records; thence S- 3528'35' E. 330.80 feet along the Easterly line of Lots 183 and 184 of said subdivision; thence along a curve concave Northwesterly, Radius = 438.60 feet, Chord bears N 46°13'48" E 32.68 feet, Arc distance of 32.69 feet, thence along a curve to the right, Radius = 370.00; feet, Chord bears N 52°45'03" E 111.40 feet, Ara distance of 111.83 feet, thence N 14°43'59" W 170.00 feet along West line of Lot 145 of said "'ox Bay No. 4" subdivision to Northwesterly lot corner, thence Westerly to the point of beginning. Containing 1.04 acres. A E-'!C Ae!Cxe! Valla;get Lewis E. Milt Clialrmen ç ' s stszant Yanage-r Oakland County Parks&Recreation Commission Dan Deno Vice-Chairmen c,arc1 E.Slaniev Secretary n-tatoid A. COuSins .an M. xfax Gore %iv ..4.1nri z?.cnv 0 ...ems...4 Asecr+ Moitame /1;tsar0 V Vogt 2800 'N.47KIN5 LAKE ROA° PON-IAC. miCHIGAN 48054-1 697 November 16, 198Z ,313) 858.0906 ...Ms. Marcia E.. Berkley, Manager Property Management and. Communi ty Development county of Oakland: 1200 N. Telegraph Pont i ac 14 48053 - Dear Ms. fferkiey: The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed your request of October 15,. 1982,. regarding the site of 1.04- acres,. Sectiorr " Whiter Lake TowrishIn.orp ajand. contract.. The Cornmisstort approved your recomendatiorr and authorizes you to advertise for the prroe of $1 .4„500 with a lOt do wrr payment and. 10t interest. Thank you for bringing this idea to our attention. Sincere regards,. A . R Eric Rickel Manager RER:bg cc: Charles Ross, Chief, Administrative Services 4/24/84 THIS IS TO ACKNOWLEDGE+AND APPROVE THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION'S RECOMMENDATION TO DISPOSE OF 1.04 ACRES -, LOCATED IN THE FOX BAY SUBDIVISION, WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP UNDER THE FOLLOWING TERMS: Price — $11,900 Cash sale or five (5) year land contract 10% deposit to acc mpany sealed offer to purchase 11% ipf:tre5t pe num on, unpaid balance ERIC REICKEL Acs.zr• Gans • Glen Oans • Grovelanci Cans, • inaeoenclence Oaks • Orion Oaks • Rea Oaks • Sonngtield Oaks • WaterfOrS Oaks • White Lake Oaks mmanmww-crisi =NM FOR SALE VACANT LAND' COUNTY OF OAKLAND In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners the following surplus property is offered for sale on a sealed offer to purchase basis. The sale is subject to all governmental regulations, statutes, ordinances, easements, building and use restric- tions, and said Board makes no warranties or representations as to the property. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to withdraw the property from the sale prior to the time and date scheduled for opening the offers to purchase, to waive defects in the bidding and no sale will be final until an offer is accepted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. FOX BAY NO. 4 SUBDIVISION WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP Part of the southeast quarter of Section 24, Town 3 North, Range 8 East, White Lake Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as p: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot' 184 of Fox Bay No. 4 Sub- division, recored in Liber 127,. Pages 1 and 2, Oakland County Records, thence south 350 28' 35" east 330.80 feet along the easterly line of Lots 183 and 184.of said subdivision, thence alongoa curve concave north- westerly, radius 438.60 feet, chord bears north 46 13' 48" east 32.68 feet, arc distance of 32.69 feet, thence along a curve to the right, radius 370.00 feet, chord bears north 52 0 45' 03" east 111.40 feet, arc distance of 111.83 feet, thence north 14 ° 43' 59" west 170.00 feet along the west line of Lot 145 of said Fox Bay No. 4 Subdivision to the north- westerly lot corner, thence westerly to the point of beginning; containing 1.04 acres, more or less. Price - $11,900.00 Cash sale or five (5) year land contract 10Z deposit to accompany sealed offer to purchase 11% interest per annum on unpaid balance LOT 613 (EXCEPT SOUTH 15 FEET) FERRY FARM ADDITION PONTIAC, MICHIGAN Town 3 North, Range DIr East, Section 33, Subdivision of Lots 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241,'247, 248 and south one-half of Lot 246 and west 150 feet of north one-half of Lot 246 and west 150 feet of Lots 243, 244, 245 of Ferry Farm Addition - Lot 613, except south 15 feet, City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan. Price - $4,750.00 Cash sale or five (5) year land contract 10Z deposit to accompany sealed offer to purchase LiZ interest perannum on unpaid balance 11.3 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN Part of the southeast quarter of Section 7, Town 3 North, Range 10 East, City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, described as beginning at the southeast quarter of Sectiog 7, thence north 3 0 59 30" west 548.08 feet to a poigt, thence south 85 51' 00" west 808.98 feet to a point, thence. south 24 30' 45" west 604.63 feet to a point, thence north 86 ° 39' 34" east 1098.52 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to a permanent ease- ment for watermain purposes described as being 10.0 feet wide with a centerline described being north 3 59' 30" west 25.0 feet from the south- east quarter of Section 7, Town 3 North, Range 10 East, City of Pontgac, Oakland County, Michigan, to the point of beginning, thence south 86 39' 14" west parallel to the south line of Section 7, a distance of 1100.00 feet, more or less, to the point of ending along the easterly line of Assessor's Plat No. 156; containing 11.3 acres, more or less. Price - $28,000.00 Cash sale or ten (10) year land contract 10% deposit to accompany sealed offer to purchase 11% interest per annum on unpaid balance 4. FOR SALE VACANT LAND COUNTY OF OAKLAND PAGE TWO Sealed offers to purchase accepted until 4:30 P.M., July 9, 1984. Offer to Purchase forms and information available regarding easements, soil conditions and other pertinent information can be obtained by contacting E. Stewart (313) 858-0197, or your broker. COUNTY OF OAKLAND PROPERTY MANAGENENT DIVISION ROOM I00 - EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48053 DANIEL T. MURPHY., COUNTY EXECUTIVE The Oakland Press The Detroit News 10th day of AO May tadlillaWria n . ALLEN 19 84 #84129 May 10, 1984 Moved by Hobart supported by Jackson the resolution be adopted. AYES: Hobart, Jackson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Moore, Olsen, Page, Perinoff, Price, Rewold, Wilcox, Aaron, Calandra, Doyon, Foley, Fortino, Gosling. (2 1) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of al_a1 _adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on May 10, 1984 with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, f have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan this County Clerk/Register of Deeds