HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.11.01 - 1728NOVEMBER 2, 1976 tITV or tATHRup VILLAGE 4F VOTE S AT THE ELECTION November 2, 1976 (DATE OF ELECTiON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF I NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) OAK14ND MANUFACTURED LLI Ii) III ELECTION SUPPLY MANWACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M.397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary oi Special Election BY HELD ON The whole number of ypt...:s given For th off ice .of ILMAN vvas and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS R HG THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS FRED BY I NGTON II I LTON IINAKABE_RRY_ 2. 3, 4, TOTAL Year term fora NUMBER F VOTES WRiTTEN IN WO V INCE.NLAO 1AIELL 4 5. 6. 8, _ 9. 10. The whole number of vote:.: given for the office of was and they were given for the foilowing named persons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES TOTAL for a Year term: NUMB R OF VOTES WRI TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the ohfice of for a Year term was . and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE V UMBER OF VOT WRITTEN IN W DS -h The whole number of votes given for the off;ce of wo and they were given for the Followin g named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING 14E VOTES 4. TOTAL NOVEMBER CITY OF LATHRUP VILLAGE STATEMENT OF VOTES, DJIDM fflS & CO VITAYatod. mtc0:.-ticoo—r6gm NO. PCT. YES . ... •NO• :••••,. .• • :yts • • :.• NO :••• ..yEs NO YES NO• C 13 TOTALS .'STATfMENT'OF:VOTEi' TOTAL PUT rtGurrlis IN THIS 4411,Uhlil was a_ of which number votes were marked YES votes were marked NO The whole number of votes for and against the Was of which number votes were marked YES and The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and agamst the ADV I SORY OLIESTIOIL._7 SHO_ULD ,IIIE__C_ITY_MINC-11—CHANGE ZON I NG -ORD-LNANCE_ TO PERM IT THE_SALEAEALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES_IN _PACKAGE_STORES AND_RESTAURANTS Y j: .CLIMMF RC I AI -ZONFS? SC. votes is elemid iikreby Cle.erinines Nnria Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below eh,.afeci 444ftlimmid. Having Sufficient votes was Not Received - ADVISORY QUEST ION Received Passed Havin g " , Sufficient votes was Nat Neceivea Defeated ife7A;9.tt!t,i,f, We have hereunto set our hand5 ond affixed the Seiiiid .COUNTY . . .of OAKLAND , City, Towlship or \e'Hage; (CooMy, City, Township or Vilkigc,I NAME OF PROPOSITION - _day of- NOVEMBER nine: 4ptified and seventy-six BOARD 2 C AN V A$SERS this-------- in the y-•t, tie thousa CHAIRMAN, OF CANVAS5ERS. C ER A T "14 A STATE OF MICHIGAN 0.A.K.LANO_ COUNTY — The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY OF OAKLAND , (Coi.r.nTy, Cl .ty, Tov,,nship ar Villdt.g&) {County, CH.y, Township or Village) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said C I TY OF LATBRUP VILLAGE , . (Counly, CO, laavimOiip or Village) ut the GENERAL_ Election, held on the 2nd _day of .,._NAvomizer. _ _ .. _ _ one thousand nine hundred and. seventy...75_1x . Do Hereby Cei471:1 and Determine having received sufficient number of votes is elected COUNCILMAN That_ .z - ..c..c41, ./....J.2,:: ;,.....:,......P,.!--x:-.1:,.... -.....,,,,, having received sufficient number of '..../ votes is elected COUNC I LMAN That_ .if e:.--cf',•: —.:(2.il.'' baying received sufficient number of votes is elected COU NC I LMAN That__ votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected_ That votes is elected_ _ votes is elected That votes is elected having rece i ved sufficient number of having received sufficient number of __.having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of - having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of NAME Of PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSMON Received Passed Suffi c ient Having Not Received votes was Defeated