HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1989.08.17 - 17295August 17, 1989 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 89192 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - 1988/89 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL - ACT 416 - GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #89105 requires the Finance Committee to review the acceptance of all grants that vary less than fifteen (15) percent from the original grant application; and WHEREAS the Michigan Office of Criminal Justice has approved the Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program grant in the amount of $800,378, or 94% of the applied amount; and WHEREAS the grant is for the period October 1, 1988 through September 30, 1989 with $621,706 (78%) funded by the State and $178,672 (22%) funded by the County as detailed in Schedule A; and WHEREAS the 1989 Sheriff's Department budget includes $104,250 for grant match, which is $74,422 less than needed to fund the 1988/89 Secondary Road Patrol grant match, thereby requiring a budget adjustment; and WHEREAS as an ongoing grant, an additional $44,668 in County match should be budgeted for the last three months of 1989 in anticipation of the 1989/90 grant award, with the remainder of County Match to be included in the 1990 Budget; and WHEREAS the current 1989 Amended Budget for the Secondary Road Patrol grant of $758,255 should be increased by $42,123 to reflect acceptance of this award; and WHEREAS the grant agreement has been reviewed by Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the 1988/89 Secondary Road Patrol grant in the amount of $800,378. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1989 Budget be amended as follows: Revenue 3-27314-436-30-00-2185 $42,123 Expenses 4-27314-436-30-00-1001 Salaries $(107,452) 4-27314-436-30-00-1002 Overtime 60,000 4-27314-436-30-00-2070 Fringe Benefits (3,382) 4-27314-436-30-00-3409 Indirect Cost 33,732 4-27314-436-30-00-6610 Leased Vehicles 51,225 4-27314-436-30-00-6600 Radio Rental 8,000 $ 42,123 $ -0- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following inter-departmental transfer be made in the 1989 Budget to accommodate the increased grant match: 4-10100-909-01-00-9900 Contingency $(119,090) 4-10100-431-01-00-3380 Grant Match 119,090 $ -0- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said contract and to approve minor changes and contract extensions, not to exceed fifteen (15) percent variance, which are consistent with the contract as approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the future level of service shall be contingent upon the level of State funding available for this program. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE mrsherroadpatrol EpEBY APPROVF lifE FOREGOING RESOL an A T C Em-utite /DatO , Schedule A Sheriff's Department 1988/89 Secondary Road Patrol Grant Application/Award Variance 1988/89 1988/89 Increase/ Application Award (Decrease) FTE Positions 13 12 (1)* Expenses Salaries $454,808 $422,234 $ (32,574) Overtime 60,000 60,000 --- Fringe Benefits 205,408 192,412 (12,996) Total Personnel $720,216 $674,646 $ (45,570) Leased Vehicles $ 84,000 $ 84,000 $ -- Radio Rental 8,000 8,000 --- Indirect Cost 36,011 33,732 (2,279) Total Cperating $128,011 $125,732 $ (2,279) Total Expenses $848,227 $800,378 $ (47,849) Revenue State Grant County Support Total Revenue $621,706 (73%) 226,521 (27%) $848,227 ======= $621,706 (78%) $ 178,672 (22%) (47,849) $800,378 $ (47,849) * One (1) Traffic Safety Coordinator position was originally requested, but was later deleted in the 1989 Budget. OFFICE OF C.:IT:MINA!, JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF MA•Ac:ZMENT AND BUDGET SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PRQC 'CONTRACT. SOURCE State Allocated Amount - 1 County Supplement 1 Total ' ,• AMO COUNTY OAKLAND: APPROVED BUDGET SUMMARY PERSONNEL AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT OPERATING MEM TOTAL AMOUNT 1E74,646 8 14000 - 8,000 $80,0,378 OCJ CONTROL NUMBER 50771- 11W89 PROJECT START DATE 10/01/88 PROJECT END 9/30/89 ATE 2 v. !:f.. ; Only the State Allocated Amount, will,be. paid .by the State of Michigan. ; 7.1 On the basis of the application and detailed budget, submitted by the County and approved.by the Officeof Criminal Justice,'an awareis made "to .the'Countyqm_the: amount and.for the'period shown above.This contract is subject.to the Contract Conditions of the original application' and theContract Special'ConditionaThis agreement becomes.effectiye as of .the'starting :date -shown above after:the'represen- tatiyes of the 'County have signed this agreement'and the original.copy.has'been-7 , returned to the Office of Criminal Justice.;:Failure'to submit the signed contract will result'in OCJ action to withhold the release of funds to the County. k AUTHORIZED BY DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE : "2 >J0,".0 PATRICIA A. CUZA - ACCEPTANCE BY COUNTY: 1 CHAIR, COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1 ROY REWOLD OUNTY SHERIFF TURE te.rd JOHN F. NICHOLS FINANCIAL OFFICER THOMAS M. DUNCAN Mail original, signed contract to Office of Criminal Justice 2nd Floor, Lewis Cass Building P.O. Box 30026 • Lansing, MI 48909 By authority of P.A. 416 of 1978, as amended. , OCJ-402 Rev6/87 2. No ddition,SVISpedial -conditions -are required; •`-' . -; • •:, •- . OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE .' ' DEiARTMENT.OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ':, 1 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM p! CONTRACT SPECIAL CONDITIONS • The County shall comply with the following Contract Special Conditions. Failure to comply will result in OCJ action to withhold the release of funds to the County. - . , . ••• • , •., 1. Reporting Requirements. The County Will 'submit .he following 'reports to the .;7 Office of Criminal Justice as scheduled. , a. 'quarterly Financial iePort (Form 003-405). . . 1) First Financial Report, for the period October 1 to December_31 January 20. 2) Second Financial Report, for'the:period January.1 to March 31„..is due April 20. . 3) Third Financial (epor.t,7for the period Apri1J-,,to :Jane..30, is due 'July 4) Fourth Financial Seportför . the period JulyA:Ad'September..30,:As due October 20 qui .. :Semi-Annual Program Report ,(Form.00J-406).-.,-, • • _ • s il) first Program Report' for the_i:wo .Auarteriy-periodsi':OcCobe0 -.to:December ! on April 20 12),Second:Progr'am Report forthe_two,quarterlY periods April 1. t& June 30 - 7'and:jUly-1 to-September-30.Js ;dUeOctober . , . c. Annual Program Aeport(FormHOCJ-407)*.for the..eolitractyear;-ia ..,due ..on October due . 20 .:1Fina•lExpenditure Summary with Detailed Schedules (Form OCJ7408); including . . inventory Control .:Listing; for the contract year is due December , — • F. a 4.s.e= - -OCJ-4O2 Rev6/87 EALLKIESINDLIUXLES 1 (1) % OF TIME ON NAME OF EMPLOYt J. Heiligenthal $41,264 M. Newman M. McAllister L. Liggett K. Kerchoff F. Herman Deputy II Deputy II Deputy II Para-Prof. Deputy II 18,267 I 100% 18,267 37,025 35,654 35,654 37,710 (1) Salaries are based on 3 months actual and estimated 9 months (4.5% Increase). RETIREMENT _IIDSPITALIZATION OTHER INSURANCE mr&Lizgama, 13 OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM BUDGET DETAIL INSTRUCTIONS: The budget must be completed in detail. Use whole dollar amounts (no cents). The budget should cover only the period for which this application is inade PERSONNEL FRINGE BENEF OCJ-401 Rev 4/88 HAMEAFAMLOYEL T. Poulin -------- R. Hill G. Yon B. Pearson J. Glover R. Hoskins OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM BUDGET DETAIL INSTRUCTIONS; The budget must be completed in detail. Use whole dollar amounts (u0 cents). The budget should cover only the period for which this application la PERSONNEL aA1AKI4_ANP1AGES . % OF TIME ON _201TION_IIILE__; _SALARY_RATE_ ; 416_ACTIVIIIES._: '_COT . Deputy II 34,967 100% 34,967 Deputy II 36,339 100% 36,339 . — Deputy II 37,710 100% ; 37,710 Deputy II 34,967 100% E 34,967 Deputy II 34,967 100% 34,967, Deputy II 37,710 100% 37,710 i422,234 60,000 ,482,234 _sutiontia OVERTIME SUBTOTAL • INWITALIZATIO _ _aTHEILIN6UH1NUE _ FRINCZ_IIENEEITS URGENT_ rEHOENT 18.12% 10 '4 " litaifEMUUYEULIONTII 3 '79.1 7.51% 3 6 , 216 87,381 50,538 18,277 aUDIDIAL EIT/LLIEIMItaffl 192,412 1674,646 I 13(A) AOI_LAT ESTIMATED ILES .35* 1 240,000 1$ 84,000 TaIAL_AUTOMOTIVE EXPENSES can pc V011 El) at 044V-1 COAT TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ALLOC.ATION County Match* $ 125,732 I A_ 890,378 t_621,706 178,672 14 MAL OPERATING _EXMISES_____ BUDGET DETAIL AUTOMOTIVE EXPENSES Provide county cost per mile of patrol operation. Include fuel, insurance and maintenance. Include a separate narrative defining, where applicable, the county system of vehicle depreciation, trade-in policy on used vehicles and any other _1CICIL1 ProceduLe_aff=ling_lhe_nolmat_operatiQlial cos 4_01Ille_JE.A.,_16 program & NUMBER OF P.A. 1 TYPE OF _41.6 VEHICLES Patrol *See Attached Breakdown EQUIPMENT Include only those items used exclusively and directly for P.A. 416. Include a separate narrative defining equipment purchases, replacement and disposal method for retired equipment, and re 10 DESQ111/1111L-.1__JII/ANTITY Radio Rental I 10 rummse PIUCE N/A LEASE RATE 66.67/MLh. COST 8,000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT OPERATING EXPENSES DESCRIET1ON OF EXPENSE RATE lEIliI SUIT , RADIO MAINTEUANCE CONTEACka NOT TO EXCEED INDIRECT COSTS OF TOTAL DIRECT 00515 t 8,000 33,732 Rev 4/88 *Pays for overtime, ICKerchoff, Radio Rental, Vehicles NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON COMPLETING BUDGET Dale Cunningham TELEPHONE (313) 858-5512 BUDGET NARRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS: Provide narrative below justifying and detailing the basis for determining the cant of the item& included in eJt luid&ea—sategam, 1. SERGEANT: The 416 Sergeant will be in charge of selective enforcement deputies assigned to day and afternoon shifts. He is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the enforcement teams on patrol. He coordinates special patrols from data supplied through TIA and also citizen requests for selective enforcement in problem areas. He is responsible for the completion of the 416 Semi-annual and Annual Reports and the collection of data necessary for these, he also handles all administrative paperwork for the 416 personnel (overtime, payroll, etc.). 2. TRAFFIC DEPUTIES: These officers work under the direction of the team sergeant in the coordination of selective enforcement efforts. Working day and afternoon shifts, the deputies will be responsible for enforcing all Traffic Laws under the Michigan Vehicle Code, all criminal laws, investigating accidents, conducting vehicle check lanes, and participating in traffic safety education programs. Overtime will primarily be through subpoenas received for citations issued or arrests made during regular patrol duties. Patrol Vehicles - Vehicles are replaced efter 60,000 miles, rate per mile includes all operating expenses. Strictly a leased vehicle. • Radios - Radios are leased and includes all expenses. 15 OCJ-401 Rev 4/88 Resolution # 89192 August 17, 1989 this 17th day of August , 1989 Moved by Caddell supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. AYES: Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro, Chester, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, Johnson, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Luxon, McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Moffitt, Oaks, Olsen, Pappageorge, Pernick, Price, Skarritt, Wolf (25) NAYS: None. OA A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MiMGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) 1, Lynn O. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal do hereby certify that 1 have compared the annexed copy of the attached resolut .ion adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their regular ,meeting held on AuQust 17, 1989 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have heremnto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Hichigan LYWIA. ALLEN, County Clerkf Regi/ster of Deeds .