HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1988.08.04 - 17349nty Exc.-to' Miscellaneous Resolution 88179 July 14, 1988 BY: HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE RE: PROBATE COURT-OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE FUND BUDGET 1988-89 TO: THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Madam Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, Pursuant to provisions of Act 280 of the Public Acts of 1975, as amended, Oakland County is required to develop and submit a plan and budget for the provision of funding of foster care services to the Office of Children's and Youth Services, Department of Social Services annually; and WHEREAS, The Oakland County Probate Court, County of Oakland, and the Oakland County Department of Social Services have developed the attached foster care services budget for the State's fiscal year, October 1, 1988 through September 30, 1989; and WHEREAS, The Health and Human Services Committee has reviewed this budget and recommends its submission to the State Office; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Oakland County Board of -Commissioners authorize submission of the 1988-89 Oakland County Child Care Fund Budget to the State Office of Children and Youth Services, Department of Social Services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County - Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to sigh said Budget. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Health & Human Services Committee, move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. A L/ • & pv ivy HE* z!Y APPROVE THE FOREGOING Rc_77.!.1.710,41 COMPONENTS OF CHILD CARE FUND EXPENDITURES $11,206,452 $11,691,875 $11,522,496 $11,626,674 $11,061,350 $1,216,132 497,4384 $1,216,132 497,438 $1,713,570 $1,712,570 $9,803,9 26 $9,913,105 7,808,7545 7,808,754 $2,000,172 $2,104,351 $(104,178) 39.80% 39.39% -0.42% ---.-..— $0 e $0 $( 104,178) 11TN. $46,992 $0 CHILD CARE FUND 1988/.29 APPLICATION - FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 1908 ADOPTED BUDGET 1908 AMENDED - BUDGET . 1989 ADOPTED BUDGET 1989 1982/09 1908/89 AMENDED COMBINED • -CCF BUDGET- FISCAL BUD6ET 1 APPLICATION VARIANCE CHILDREN'S VILLAGE CAMP OAKLAND CONTRACT DEPT. OF SOCIAL SERVICES JUVENILE MAINTENANCE FUND LESS STATE INSTITUTIONS2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES CHILDREN'S VILLAGE JUVENILE MAINTENANCE FUND TOTAL REVENUES NET EXPENDITURES CHILD CARE FUND CAP NET EXPENDITURES OVER CAP CCF REIMBURSEMENT RATE $7,905,255 1,161,902 73,617 2,866,548 (1,232,000) ------------- $10,775,322 $1,163,316 580,250 $1,742,566 $8,191,277• 1,161,908 • 73,617 2,966,548 (1,232,000) $1,186,816 580,250 $1,767,066 $8,308,783 1,208,384 88,313 2,903,972 (1,280,000) $1,192,904 609,100 ---------- $1,802,004 $8,694,206 1,208,384 98,313 2,989,972 (1,288,000) $1,225,904 609,100 $1,835,004 $8,556,726 1,196,765 04,639 2,958,366 (1,274,000) • $8,595,869 1,212,625 89,145 1,728,025 13( 39,143) ( 16,860 ) ( 4,506 ) ( 43,669 )3 $( 104,178 ) FOOTNOTES 1) 1980/89 FISCAL BuoGET .= 174 (1982 AMENDED BUDGET - CAPITAL OUTLAY) + 3/4 (1929 AmENDFD BUDGET - CAPITAL. OUTLAY) FISCAL. YEAR FOR THE CHILD CARE FUND Is ocloBFB 1, 1980 - SEPTEMBER 20, 1909. CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGET 1980 BUDGET 1989 BUDGET CHILDREN'S VILLAGE $44,992 $0 CAMP OAH.AND 0 0 005 0 0 JUVENILE MAIN -I FUND 0 0 3,463,665 3,774,316 52.1% 3,618,991 (1 55,324 ) $ 3,7644447 3,995,355 51.5% 3,879,901 (115,454) 3,890,033 4,534,098 53.8% 4,212,065 (322,033) $ 3,926,208 4,726,781 54.6% 4,326,495 (400,286) 3,369,866 52.2% 3,227,559 (142,307) Total Net Co. Exp. Percent of Gross Exp. 50% County Cost (Over)/Under 50% Reimb. History of State Reimbursement - Child Care Fund State Fiscal Year Oct.-Sept. County Exp. to "Cap" County Exp. over "Cap Total Gross Exp.* 1981 2982 1983 1984 $ 6,170,504 $ 6,173,995 $ 6,191,298 $ 6,490,818 284,614 207,741 231,309 747,163 $ 6,455,118 $ 6,381,736 $ 6,422,507 $ 7,237,981 1985 $ 6,827,820 931 ,982 $ 7,759,802 1986 $ 7,261,412 $ 1,162,7/9 $ 8,424,131 $ 1987 7,603,176 1,049,813 8,652,989 Less: 50% of "Cap" Less Social Welfare Foster Care "Cap" applied to County Exp. State Supplemental Reimb. $ 3,105,202 $ 3,105,202 19,950 18,205 $ 3,085,252 $ 3,086 ,997 -0- 63,029 $ 3,105,202 9,603 $ 3,095,599 $ 85,122 3,260,462 15,053 3,245,409 218,256 $ 3,423,485 9,575 $ 3,413,910 350,537 $ 3,645,543 $ 14,837 $ 3,630,706 $ 3,801,588 259,327 224,620 3,827,821 26,233 Total State Reimb. to Gross Exp. $ 3,085,252 $ 3,150,026 $ 3,180,721 $ 3,231,710 3,241,786 50.6% 50.5% 3,190,868 3,211,254 (40,842) (30,533) *The expenditures submitted after the deduction of revenues by the County to the State; i.e., the net expenditures of the Children's Village, Camp Oakland, and Juvenile Maintenance (including Alternative to Secure Detention and Repeat Offender), are reimbursed 50 percent by the 'State up to the "Cap" set by the State. This State reimbursement is credited only to Children's Village to off-set their costs. Any subsequent State supplemental reimbursement is also credited to the Children's Village. Note: Capital Outlay, Special Projects, and State Institution expenditures are not included as expendi- tures for state reimbursement. 1 Includes 80,433 supplemental appropriation for FY 84/85 received 7-31 -86. 2 $11,702 was included in the Contingency payments for Social Welfare and is not included in the $259,327. 3 $1,786.19 was included in the Contingency payments and applied to Social Welfare. This amount is not included in the $124,620.04. Prepared by the Accounting Division C. 2) EXPENSES FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS ARE NOT SUBMITTED ON THE CHILD CARE FUND ACCOUNTING REPORT FOR REIMBURSEMENT SINCE THE STATE BILLS FOR ONLY 50% OF THE COSTS IN THIS LINE ITEM. 3) VARIANCE REFLECTS ADJUSTMENT FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS LINE ITEM INCLUDED IN THE BUDGET BUT ROT. INCLUDED IN THE CHILD CARE FUND APPLICATION. JUVENILE MAINT FUND REVENUE OFFSET AGAINST CUE EXPENDITURES = 75% X PARENT SUPPORT PAYMENTS + 100% X GOVERNMENT BENEFITS 1908 BUDGET 1989 BUDGET PARENT SUPPORT $402,800 $422,800 GOVERNMENT BENEFITS 177,450 106,300 TOTAL $580,250 $609,100 1988/89 FISCAL REVENUE BUDGET = 1/4 (1988 REVENUE OFFSET) -± 3/4 (1989 REVENUE OFFSET) 5) THE COUNTY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED VERBALLY THAT THE 1988/89 CAP WILL BE THE SAME AS THE 1907/88 CAP ($7,808,754). THUS, BEFORE ANY DISTRIBUTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL REIMBURSEMENT MONIES AT THE STATE'S FISCAL YEAR END, THE COUNTY WILL RECEIVE 50% OF THE CAP OR $3,904,277. THE ADOPTED BUDGET WAS BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE CAP WOULD INCREASE FOR 1988 AND 1989. REVENUES FROM THE CHILD CARE FUND WAS BUDGETED FOR $4,014,640 IN 1988 AND $4,140,325 IN 1989. IF THE CAP DOES NOT INCREASE FOR 1989/1990 ALSO, BUDGETED REVENUES WILL HAVE TO BE ADJUSTED DOWNWARD BY $110,263 IN 1988 AND $225,948 IN 1989. PREPARED BY BUDGET DIVISION 91-40'441.0aif:.; REPORTCCF88 McFarland/Sharp ( 313 ) 858-0247 RUM SSR A. Number of Youth Secved .1 (In-Home Care) B. Number of Days of in-Home Care See Attached C. Number of Service Units (1 Unit = D. Total Component Cost E. Average Cost Per Day or Unit 8 9. PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL COST NUMFER COST • _ 10. REPORI Departm -t c• • One of these forms must be completed for EACH Basic Grant/In-Home-Care Service component F C.C•771.71 '.:4-'.. Comenneni Title COMPONENT "D" INTENSIVE COUNSELING Component Meneger Name Time Period (.7.-0,2,r0r1 FROM: THRLI, Oct., 1, 19 8 7 seat 30, 19 AdminieniM [}0 COURT Telephone Number DSS t. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: (..Theck all that apply. ._ 1. PROGRAM TYPE Ei BASIC GRANT WIN-HOME CARE 2. COMPONENT STATUS E CONTINUED 0 TER? !HATED 0 REVISED 3. TARGET POPULATION(S) SERVED A. Children Under Jorisdfcbon of Cord R71 DELINQUENT 0 NEGLECT R. Cnildrnin NOT Under Juri8dicition or Goon! E. WRITTEN COMPLAINT 0 SUBSTANTIAriD C.P_S_ (OBS) 0 ChlIciren likely to come under jurisdiction of the c.6 (Basic Grant Only) .,,,....,..m ........... 4_ AREAP OR INTENDED IMPACT A REDUCTION IN: '1.0 _ LI ot L.liF i ..:„T.:,.-...,...; LI NLii i';,..., n,,, Ei Number of Adjudications [;-j Number of Days of-Residential Treatment Care El Number of Days of Family Foster Care 0 Number of State Wads Committed(Act 150 & 220) 0 Number of Days of Out-Of-Home Detention 5. SERVICE FOCUS 0 Provide early intervention to treat within the ch. c's home El Effect early return from foster or institutional ce -e .. IL SERVICE AND COST INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR COMPLETED (BEING COMPLETED): INSTRUCTIONS: a In columns 7 & 8 enter the numbers and costs projected at the beginning of the fiscal year. In columns 8 & 9 enter the actual number sod cost's (year-to-date and projections if fiscal year is not complete). Time period of report from October 1, E.---=Dternber 30, 19 88 IMPACT — or cor&nuric) or ending components. REDUCTIONS - AREAS OF IMPACT 1 -1. Number's or Days L 12: Costs — .„_.... ...• . Youth Petitioned a Adjudicallons C Days of Family Foster Care O. Days of Out-of-Home Detention . 119 13,724 . .... E. Days of Shelter Care Days of ResjdentIal Treatment Care 540 62,277_ . _..._ . G. State Wards Committed IV. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: • For ALL Components in effect during the most recent fiscal year: 13. Assess strengths, weakness and problem areas of this comrionent. As-sess th-s intended impact areas and results. Explain the • reason(s), or cause(s) for the difference be.tween the projected No's and cost and 7..-e actual. DSS-44715 (BAckI c) -20-88 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. COMPONENT IN-HOME CARE PROGRAM REPORT II. B.9. 0.9 Because of an unexpected lack of cases in our cachement area, we went through a period of time during the reporting period with a considerable smaller than planned caseload. A change in area resulted in an increase in caseload size that has brought us up to anticipated levels. C. A service unit equals one caseload day. III. B. From this population, we would expect a 75% recidivism rate within their court career. Most of those would have been readjudicated within the first 12 months. From this group of 14 youngsters, we would expect at least six new adjudications. We have experienced two - one for a violation of probation (status type problems) and one for a new non-status offense. At the court minimum processing cost of $1,080 per case from authorization through disposition, the savings amounts to $4,320. III. D. When looking at impact of the program, we make the following assumptions - some based on our recidivism study, some on standard court operations: - Six youngsters would have been adjudicated for new offenses. - Five of those new offenses would, have led to temporary detention, pendino adjudication and disposition. - The average leneth of time from authorization to disposition is 42 days. - Youngsters detained at preliminary hearings remain in detention throuch disaaosition. - Children's Villace per diem is $115.33. Our actual experience has been that two youngsters have been detained for new 2ffenses. In addition, one youngster spent seven days in detention prior to release. 3 youngsters x 42 days - 126 days - 7 days = 119 days 119 days x $115.33/day = $13,724 III. F. Two youngsters have been placed on a full Children's Village Order because of new adjudications. A third youngster was placed privately, not because of a new offense, but because of damaging sexual abuse within the home. Conservatively, looking at case dynamics and interventions, we feel that three youngsters we are maintaining in their community would have been placed in a County facility. Using an average stay of 180 days and a per diem of $115.33, this has resulted in a savings of $62,277. IV. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: The only significant problem area has been the slowness in developing a caseload. Originally, we were sure that one of our four caseload areas would supply the 12-18 cases constituting the project's workload. Nhether the result of chance or inadequate planning, we found it necessary in March to increase the cachement area. This has brought the existing caseload to the proper level and should maintain it from now on. This did affect both our projected days of in-home care and our average cost per day. The approach itself is proving valid. The category of clients is high risk and the intensive counseling model involving the entire family has cut down recidivism and institutional placements. The attachment of this staff with the Early Offender Program has provided an effective consultative and supervisory framwork in which to function. 6-20-88 McFarland/Sharp ( 313) 858-0247 1. PROGRAM TYPE. Li BASIC GRANT. 2. COMPONENT STATLIS C: NEW IN-HOME CARE REVISED CONTIN 5.23 /unit • , Aver-acje Cost Per Day or l.ln4 6-20-88 • 5155) 5J COST ; A. Number of Youth Served ; (in-Horne. Care) Number of Days of In-Home Care C. Number o Service Units t -1 Unit - 1 . caseload—Li-a-Y:7 D. To.tal Component Cost •—• 290 11,580 _ 12,1 :30 63,696 63 :696 i-'-k0-.0iRAM COMPONENT U F Nlich .,,Tactirient o Social Services - .- 011e ot ti-Lt.se forms must he completed for EACH Basic Giant/in -Home-Care Service component :... . which is being proposed for next fiscal year as a New,. Revised, Of a Continued program.. .-COMpn-ncult ifEle . Time PetIod Caveted . Administrative Unit • . . . COMPONENT "E" FROM. THRLT _....... 1N-71-1QMFL.D.ETENT_JON/I.NTENSIVE MONITORIN '1.19 -aa- ser-30.,9 —a9 id COURT Loss. . Teteptvane Nttratxtr Cdrepeeee./ Mandge5 . PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check al! that apply, 3. TARGET POPULATION{S) SERVED A. CO Hdl'en Under _JI.,isde7.1,E,rt Di DELINQUENT Ei NEGLECT 6.0a,it-Jen ROT Under iUn$n7',;:TIOn f2f • WE'UTT EN COMPLAINT SUBSTANTtATE._ CP S Eichildren fiRely to cone under jurisdiction oi the cou ATAR- I Ei ;ED f,-.;-1-10 it-;: ▪ Number of Youth Petitioned Number of Adjudications Li Number of Days of Family Foste,r Care [51 Number of Days of Out-Of-Home Dete,ntiori 5. SERVICE FrOCIJS ri Provide eariy inte.hiention to treat vitI the. Chi:: I early return iro toster irisatiit;-.9h;ti:Co H. SERVICE AND COST PROJECTIONS FOR NEW FISCAL YEAR: lime period of request from October 1, 19 88 thru S.,a'cierntir 30, 19 89 (P.,..asic Grant Only) El Number of Days of Shelter Care fA Number of Days of Residential Treatment Care El Number of Stale Wards Committed(Act 150 & 220) t11, PrOC:i4.31%.M DESCRIPTION: P.i1dri::-;.E‘s lhe '10[10vii.nr:.1 'E,..,FE'IS whIc..1-1 ;-1 7.2-ly 1-• 7: 7,2)1 1, harm kve 0:r.':_iclr;::Dh.5-_ - ..._ ..... . , .................._. . .., .. FOR i',1E-:.';'i OR REV -ISE D(..-.. 0 -N9 P 0 !..-_-_ i'-.4 i -. -..-J_ 1-)to5m St..a 1 EI:111E2 n t - - ',,..."H,:r ,...,::..!.._....,,:',A :::,-..: -:-,2,,,,, f.L.); z'ros p:...:(-,,..:!..2...-..t on.d ).,./ri;:-,1....,..—re!, , _,:,,er,rpH-unc; t<-!.c.-7..•--2-rE.;!eadin ,...1 to the: rEquesL FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 10. Explain items 3, 4 & 5 from the reverse sdr,. FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 11.. Describe how the project Mil be adm inistered, the serv)ces to be provided and tr:, whom. Include the relationship between the court and DSS, and the Contractor if services are purchased. - FOR REVISED COMPONENT:_ 12. Changes --- Describe chorines that are planned in existing programs for the coming year, i.e. target population, type of service, method of delivery number of staff, increase or decrease in costs, etc. • COMPONENT "E" IN-HOME: CARE PROGRAM COMPONENT REQUEST II. A. With a case turnover of 6-8 weeks, carrying an average caseload of 5-7, we expect the intern/monitors to handle approximately 290 during the report year. The breakdown will approximate 50 .in-home detention cases and 240 falling into the other client categories. C. For sake of projection, we will use 42 days as an average case duration: 290 x 42 = 12,180 days. A unit is defined as a caseload day. B. We estimate perhaps 600 days of short-term detention will be used as a tactic with this population. Therefore, the number of in-home care days will be slightly less than the number of service units. 12,180 - 600 = 11,880 days 6-20-88 COMPONENT "E" i IN—HOME DETENTION/INTENSIV Tirne Purely:I Covered FROM: THRU: IIONITORINO occi,is 87 sept 30, is A.dml:ni-FArRtiV6 Uri COURT OSS • McFarland/Sharp Telephone Number ( 313) 858 -0247 A. Number of Youth Served (In-Home Care) B. Number of Days of In Home Care See Attached G. Number of Service Units (1 Unit = D. Total Component Cost AYerarre Cost Per Dos co Urut 6---20--88 250-300 L..7,321 2,920 2,920 53,970 1 8.48. u 31.1, S-dr Time period of report from OctoLTri 1 , 19 -• • t 8. .1 I 10. 1 PF-10.IECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL ! COST .;[..P.-1.,-1,-ER. COST • . t.-4ich)oan Department of Social Services One of thesefounts must be cornpled for EACH Basic Grantil_p-Home7Care Service comrruira. • for which_ there was;St,:...c•Re:,......-.r.mz..-rai -Ourinz-Fiso 2:1 completed crwrpltit,e..f), ii• 1. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMA I ION: (...41eck a-that apply. l_pRoGRAm -uyeE . El sAsio GRANT - - El IN-HOME CARE 2. COMPONENT STATUS a CONTINUED . ED TERMINATED El REVISED i _________ 3. TARGET POPULATION(S) SERVED ......... A Children Under ..I,..Msdien or Court DELINQUENT {I NEGLECT — --6:(5qiren tiiif i.indkr J'irifsdi,.-#.,:on o.FCToe - LII WRITI-EN COMPLAINT 0 SUBSTANTIATED C.P.a upss). LI children Fkely to come under juas dicharl of the court Basic Grant Only) _ ----. 4_ ARENS) OF INTENDED IMPACT A REDUCTION IN: i -7 "-{cri.r,Ti i.:-ir.:- Nii Ei Number of Adjudications [21 Number of Days of-Residential Treatment Care D Number of Days of Family Foster Care El Number of State Waids Commit-ted(Act 150 & 220) U.' Number of Days of Out-Of-Home Detention - _.......... .._..._,_ i 5_ sF,RVICE FOCi.; 0 Provide early intervention to heat within the c -iiiifs home i : i-ftotrt early return from fostes or insfittitional ca-e IL SERVICE AND COST INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR COMPLETED (BEING COMPLETED): INSTRUCTIONS: * In columns 7 & -8 -enter the numbers and csts -_projected at the beginning of the fiscal -year. * In columns 8 & 9 enter the actual number and Cost's (year-to-date and projections if fiscal year is not complete). iDys (A Residential Treatment Care ...... G. State Wards Committed . _ e6.s-44,g CU? USE ADM' IONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED_ I I I. 1 ii-: l",ACT t_Nifii-,L1,1;Viii Cii-,,ii -•-• Ci . • i - i•ii :[.' .'.-_-;r cor,!Jni.dinq or C:r'..:-If1(1 C (TTIL:-.*.-:-:er(.._E. '---. . . AREAS OF IMPACT .. i • L 1 -. N u r,- ; 3 ,- 9- ' s or p T OS .; 12. Costa • ... • .. I . 1. A. 3 OUI ri Petilmnee . - : ., _,.._. • . .... . .._._. _ .............____ • ______.L........... , i . . . i a Adjudications C. Days of Family Foster Care D. Days of Out-of-Home Detentmn E. Days of Shelter Care IV. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: _ . In essence, this is a brand new program for our court. Although qualifying for Child Care Fund matching dollars, The County Board of Commissioners did not approve any expenditures until March. At that time, they agreed to only four 'positions. Those four staff were not hired until May. Our working experience with these positions is minimal. They have begun to monitor in-home detention cases and are assuming a caseload as indicated in our original request. Rather than water down their impact because of the reduced number, we have assigned two interns to each of two areas. The two areas without interns will provide a control group with which we hope to persuade the board of commissioners to approve the full Complement of staff. We intend to run the program as originally devised. A different breakdown of service units gives a more accueate picture of workload and cost. 1 For ALL Components in effect during the most recent fiscal year: • • 13. Assess strengths, weakness' and problem areas Of this component Assess Sc intended impact areas and results. Explain the reasons) or causes) for the dltife.rence between the projected No's and cost and no actual. •• • Ed IN-HOME CARE El REVISED I. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check all that apply I 1 PROGRAM TYPE {1 BASIC GRANT 2 COMPONENT STATUS 11 NEW CONTINUED 3. TARGET POPITTATIQN(S) SERVED A. (.1hildien Wirier Jurisrfip.i pin of Cepri LI DELINQUENT 0 NEGLECT a Children NOT Under JpiisMdion 0! Crrorr CI WRITTEN COMPLAINT III SUBSTANTIATED C.P.S. l'OSS) OChkIren /itKely lb comp under jurisdiction at the court ii3asic Grant Only 7 11 H0./&.CTED NUMBER a • PBOJECrEo COST 32 A. Number of Youth Served $86,310 BASIC GRANT/IN-HOME-CARE PROGRAM COMPONENT - REQUEST.. Michigan Department of Social Services One of these forms must be completed for EACH Basic Grant/ In-Home-Care Service component which is being proposed for next fiscal year as a New, Revised, or a Continued program:- Crimporient lale Time Period Covered Administrative Una --I C— Contract-'-Judson In—Home Family FROlvi: - • . . THRU: Tr eatmerlt oct 1..19 -8_8_ Sept.30. 19 _89 E2 COURT fil Ciprnprinentinri.ger Name Telephone Nurnm:•:..r . James -M. McFarland (313) $58-0247 l .. i 4 P.RAP or INTENDED IMPACT • A REDUCTION IN: Li Number of Youth Petitioned Li Number of Adjudications IN Number of Day S of Family Foster Care LI Number of Days of Out-Of-Home Detention 5.sERvicErocus Li Provide early intervention to treat within the chil 7. 5 home E Effect early return from foste.r or institutional cars Number of Days of Shelter Care N Number of Days of Residential Treatment Care [1] Number of State Wards Committed(Act 150 & 220) II, SERVICE AND COST PROJECTIONS FOR NEW FISCAL YEAR: Time period of request from October 1, 19 88 thru September 30, 19 89 (In-Hcroc Care) B. Number of Days of Irt-Home Care 2,229 C. Number of Service Units (1 Unit = D. Total Component Cosi . P. Average Cost Per Day or Unit $86,310 38.72 /d4y • AUTHORITY. P.A. .51 0.1 197B. - CONIPLETION re(;:riri-2.d. ; CONSEQUENCE FOP P E ICA -j Child care tends ect _ 3T1 1.•.z. OirisaiiR•ii ••-i•-- I • The. DA.04rtimirnt o Sery;ces not C ci I Cr ndIVEC/W3 I or or uu boo ruse 01 tace se.K, rclq mo age. natideat T.rigtn. color, marital Viatus. or political bE,,t,ejs.. —.-SEE. OVER — DS5-44 71.A 02-07) (Back) USE ADDI7 TONAL SHEETS- AS NEEDED_ Ill. PR OGRAWDESCRIPTION: Aggress Iho lapwing items which apc.'y in -S -,Ort narrative paragraphs. FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 1 Pi°Nein at rent caused the need tor this request and the ning actors leading to the request. N/A FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 10_ Explain items 3, 4 8k 5 from the reverse side. N/ A FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 11. Describe how the project will be administered, the services to be provided and by whom. Include the relationship between the court and DSS, and the Contractor if services are purchased. Ni A FOR REVISED COMPONENT: 12. Changes — Describe changes that are planned in existing programs for the corning year, Le. target population, type of service, method of delivery number of staff, increase or decrease in costs, etc. El Dss Time Period C-oYerr-.)-1 FROM: THRU: Oct 1.19 „„, 8 7 Sept 30, 19 88 Arilerni.:5trillive Unit 12 COURT Teiephohe Number ( 313) 858-0247 IN-HOME CARE LI REVISED 1. PROGRAM TYPE 11 BASIC GRANT 2. COMPONENT STATUS CZ CONTINUED rj TERMINATED A. Number of Youth Served (In-Home Care) B. Number of Days of In-Home Care C. Number of Service Units (1' Unit - REPORT Michigan Department of Social Services One of these forms must be completer,' for EACH Basic Grant/ in -Home-Care Service component for which there was State Reimbursement during Fiscal Year completed (being completed). Component Ilile C—Contract . Judson Center In—Home Family Treatment Corriponent Manager Name James M. McFarland I. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check all that apply. 3. TARGET POPULATIONS) SERVED A. Children Under JdhsdIntion of CO, Li DELINQUENT B. Children NOT Under Junr,doton of Gonot El WRITTEN COMPLAINT 4. ARE.A(S OF tNTENDED IMPACT Li NEGLECT Li SUEISTANTIAT-E0 C.P.S. (D55} Li Chiidren likely to Come under jurisdiction of the court (Basic Grant Only A REDUCTION IN: El Number of Youth Petitioned El Number of Adjudications CI Number of Days of Family Foster Care Li Number of Days of Out-Of-Horne Detention 5_ SERVICE Focus El Number of Days of Shelter Care 12 Number of Days offiesidential Treatment Care Li Number of State We. ds Committed(Act 150 & 220) E7 Provide early intervention to treat within the ch's home Li Effect early return from foster or institutional care II. SERVICE AND COST INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR COMPLETED (BEING COMPLETED): INSTRUCTIONS: • In columns 7 & 8 enter the numbers and costs projected at the beginning of the 'fiscal year. • In columns 8 & 9 enter the actual number ,=ind cost's (year-lo-date and projections if fiscal year is not complete). Time period of report from October 1, 19 _thru S-eatembe.r 30, 19 J'g . a. 7 a. 9_ PROJECT::-D PROJECTED ACTUAL NUMEE= COST NUMBER to ACTUAL COST 32 $75,, 808 2,045 D. Total Component Cost (7- 0 ') OflO: -ill i..808 E. Average Cost Per Day or Unit -* E. A '1"1.' A E) D P.A. 87 of 1975 comPI,ETECN: : oNSEQUENCE LQR r4c1r4comPt_E.T10;'; ChJci re Cods - .1- .7, — .7. :5,03 D3S..--,4 7 n I Otrir.,..,7,..5 day - The Dept -ant of SocJaI Ser,nces will nor drs.ct:r..-.0If.) 0q0iSt arrr 0 are becapso of race Sex. roInJJon. 400 . narn000' 000 0 . color, rtttronsi 5.005, 5001cao, Cr ;-).1q11,..7:)1 SOICItS — SEE OVER — ii 'ii 1\1T-DASTC H GRANT/IN-ii0E cARE PROdRAil-'COM'PONENEPORT) ACTUA - 10-1787 thru 30-88: 1145 Days . Since the .last three months, the program has been filled: quite regularlyWó . project the rest of '1988 as 5: mon..ths.:1-80 days avërAgeH:.900 1145 +900 2045 Actual Costs ! Same Period - $42,012.65 With Logic, As Above: _5 .:onths. • . X180 Average/Month .900 Days a$37.55 $33!795 $42,.1.12_65 $75,7_65 r Nomes -:, )1Ii 1 11q 3466 2 1733 Dclv , ,„ x$11/Day _ _ _ $19063 for foster -home care Assuming 1/2 in Residential Institutions: 1733 Days x$86/Day Average Estimate $149,03-9 $ 19,063 • 149,038 $168,101 6-9-88 E7 COMPONENT "Du • INTENSIVE COUNSELING Cntr, -e.nr in Manager NISIISI Tene Pe6cial Covered . FROM: THOU- . Oet, I. 19 _85 . sew. ao. 19 _8_9 Administrative Unit {3 COURT Telephone TEsreher DSS 1(313 ) 858-0247 y- • Ea tN-FIOIME CARE LII REVISED A. Number of Youth Served (in-Home Care) B, Number of Days of in. Home Care 40,660 20 3,500 3,7600 See Attached C. Number of Service Units (1 1..lnit I D. Total Component Cost 40,660 40,660 PkOc..ii:i.Aivi COMPONENT REQUEST Deparimeilt of Soc:{-al Services Olit thcs•ti: forms must he completed for EACH Basic Grant/in -Hoz-Pe-Care Service component which is being proposed for next fiscal year as a New, Revised, or.a Continued program. McFarland/Sharp I. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check ail that app. I 1. PROGRAM TYPE Li BASIC GRANT 2 COMPONENT STATUS El NEW 3 TARCET POPULATION(Si SERVED A. Chnids-en.1.1risles Ji.irrisdies,en of Couri D • ELINQUENT Li NEGLECT B ch,id,ei, NOT u,,dar CO,T1 WRITTEN COMPLAINT 4 r..EA--"....7,:riNT.F.t.J,:-..:711!.+7 ,-.C7 A RE f: 0 Eli N • umber of Youth Petitioned Ei Number of Adjudications El Number of Days .of Family Poster Care ri Number of Days of Out-Oi-Home Detenticn SERVI°E FOCUS rx..1 P • rovide erly intervention to treat withIn tne chn-: , ' fn3ct early return from fosie:- El CONTINUED Li Number of Days of Shelter Care gi Number of Days of Residential Treatment Care ri Number of State Wards Committed(Act 150 & 220) LI .SURSTANTIATEE, C CC E.DS.S) Children fikely In come under jurisdiction of the cowl (Elas1e Gra nt Only) IL SERVICE AND COST PROJECTIONS FOR NEW FISCAL YEAR: Time period of request from Ocfobef- 1, 19 88 89 thin .E..,:terrTher 30, 19 PPC:=!E•:. i PROJECIED COST • A,'erage Cosi Per aciy or Umt n .29 /unit• 6-20-88 P_R 0 GR.A.M DE1(..-FiCR T 101'47 F - •L":racir..!DhS. )(S FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 10 Expiain terns 3, 4 & 5 from the reverse side FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 11.. Describe how the orojectwiii he administered, the services to be provided and by whom. Include the relationship between the court and OSS, and the Contractor if services are purchased. FOR REVISED COMPONENT:. 12. Changes — Describe changes that are planned in existing programs for the coming year, i.e. target population, type of service, method of delivery number of staff, increase or decrease in costs, etc. 1SS-4471A (12-:E7) (Back) USE ADD(T1ONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED_ re COMPONENT IN-HOME CARE PROGRAM COMPONENT REQUEST II. B. We anticipate a caseload of 10-14 youngsters at any given time. With an average cased duration of 10-12 months, turnover should give us some 20 cases within the unit over the funding period. C. A service unit is defined as a caseload day, with the projected number being the aggregate number of cases times 180 days minus the average length of intervention during the reporting period. 20 x 180 = 3600 Again, we anticipate the number of in-home care days to be slightly lower because of the use of Children's Village as a short-term consequence for certain youngsters. 3600 - 100 = 3500. 6-20-88 REPORT BASIC GRANT/IN-HOME CARE ACCOMPANYING NOTES - STATUS OFFENDER PROGRAM Because of the time frame necessary to submit the In-Home Care Program Component "Request" and "Report", the 12-month period used to provide statistical data of actual numbers and savings will be 6-1-87 through 5-31-88. this "June to May" time period was used for last year's report. Actual costs will be based on the approved 1987-88 budget. We feel that the impact on computations is minimal. II. THE NUMBER OF DAYS OF IN-HOME CARE AND THE NUMRER OF SERVICE UNITS IS ARRIVED AT BY THE FOLLOWING CALCULATIONS: 660 Telephone Interventions/Referrals xo l Day = 66 92_Authorized Cases x 14 Days = 1,288 67 Under Advisement Cases x 30 Days = 2,010 39 In--;Home Detention Cases x 42 Days = 1,638 316 Crisis Interventions x .5 Days = 158 5,160 A. YOUTH PETITIONED: We hypothesize that 5% of telephone interventions and 50% of our crisis interventions have been petitioned without SOP intervention. 660 x .05 = 33. 316 x .5 = 158. 158 + 33 = 191. B. ADJUDICATIONS: We hypothesize the: 95 of the aboVe would have been adjudicated if authorized. IT addition, 755 of the under advisement cases would have been adjudicated. 191 x .95 = 181. 67 x .75 = 50. 181 + 50 = 231. As of 7-1-87, the court figures.: that the minimum cost for processing a case from authorization through disposition is $1,080. 231 cases x $1,080 = $249,480. C. It is rare that either a. detained status offender or a youngster - on in-home detention would have been placed in family foster care. D. OUT-OF-HOME DETENTION: With In-Home Detention cases, the youngsters • Subject to out-of-home detention, we use the following suppositions: 1. The average from first perliminary hearing to initial hearing is 12 2. The average 7mL--om initial hearing to disposition is 30 days: 3uccessfullv maintained on in-home detention. 4. Using last year's figures, per diem at Children's Village was $115.33. 42 days x 44 youngsters x $115.33/day - 213,130. E. DAYS OF SHELTER CARE: Just based on actual cases authorized, SOP intervention and supervised placement within parental, relative's or custodian's home has saved approximately 740 shelter care days. If even 5% of the "adjudications saved" had to be maintained in shelter care, the number swells past 1000. This is obviously conjecture, but certainly, the deeper a home truant penetrates the system, the more likely out-of-home care will be used. 740 days x 115.33/day 85,344.20. F. 1) Conservatively, 20% of non-status offenders in detention until disposition are placed in a Children's Village program as a disposition. Assuming an average of a six-month stay, the cost savings can be estimated. 44 youngsters x 20% x 180 days x $115.33/day - $186,835 2) Conservatively, 50% of those status offenders remaining in care until disposition would be placed outside the home, 44 were returned home or to an alternative placement prior to disposition. By past experience, 10% of those returned home have or will return to placement. Of those placed, ½ would be placed in Children's Village, 1/2 in private placements. Six months in Children's Village (the average dispositional stay) costs $20,759. One year in private placement (also the average) costs $26,752. Therefore, 10 x 20,759 + 10 x 26752 = 4475,110. IV. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: The Status Offender Program has accomplished its basic mission - to deal with all detainable status offenders, divert as many as possible from the system and minimize the need for out-of-home placement. Particular strengths are in diagnosing and mediating during crisis interventions. Staff is experienced and we seem to be past the "turnover" period. The In-Home Detention concept continues to impact "detention days". The paid intern/monitor concept proved to be a valuable tool - so much so that we have expanded its use to new categories of at risk youngsters. This has led to some procedural and supervisory changes which we are still in the process of finalizing. Police departments and victims, in the main, are supportive. 6-17-88 LE CONTINUED IN-HOME CARE LI REVISED PROJECTED NUMBEP 3. PROJECT ED COST 72 12,660 12,960 252,151 252 , 151 19.46/unit r‘HOGRANI COfv1PONENI 1-7 6#1 r:r - Michig an Department et Social Services ce of tin onus must be conv icted tor EACH Basic U ram./ in-liome-Care Service COHIp0III:.:Ht which is being proposed for next fiscal year as a New, Revised, or a Continued program. Corr,000erItTinle COMPONENT "B" EARLY OFFENDER PROGRAM map,ager t=i1r,re Time PelTod Coveced FROM: THAT): 0c1 1. 10 .— 8_8 ST".pt 3-0, 19 .8„9_, COURT Te1ephnne P.10mber ( 313) 858-0247 McFarland/Sharp . PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check all that .app_ty_.. 1. PROGRAM LYPE Li BASIC GRANT 2 COMPONENT STATUS . LI NEW 3. TARGET POPULAT101,11,S1 SE nvED A_ C1,17reo 1.fr d0r rTsdir.7.11.00 of cou0 DELNOUENT B. Childre0 NOT U0der ,100s-.7.11 cti 00 of Codrt LI NEGLECT B WRITTENCOMPLAINT .SUBSTANTIATED ,,055) . . . 4 AREAS1 Children Rely to come coder unisdiciOn of the coorl (Rasic, Grant Only) A REDLI(..-,-1.10ii LI Number of Youth Petitioned Number of Adjudications LI Number of Days of Family Foster Care C.X Number of Days of Out-Of-Home Detention S. SERVICE teliCuS LI Number of Days of Shelter Care Ui Number of Days of Residential Treatment Care 1.1.)1 Number of State Wards Committed(Act 150 & 220) al i-roviciff early intervention to treat within the chi:c.. -eturn from foster or institutlon,r1! CO If. SERVICE AND COST PROJECTIONS FOR NEW FISCAL YEAR: Time period of request from October 1• 19 88 thru Septernt..--t-rr 30, 19 _.89 .1.11a11 A. Number of Youth Served t on. Rome Care) B. Number of Days of lit HomeCare See Attached • C Number of Service Un-its (1 Unit D. Total Component Cost ' E. Average COSI Pei Day or Unit 6-20,-88 HI. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: A.1,iiiciress the :oH owing items which -,=h-t:iy 5 -snort narrative paragraphs_ FOR NEW -OR FEWSE!.-) COMPONENT: • 0, Problem sta€ement '1./h,,:t caused ihe eed for this regriest and what oetermining factors leading to this.> request. FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 10_ Explain items 3, 4 & 5 from the reverse side. FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 11. Describe how the project will be administered, the services to be provided and by whom. Include the relationship between the court and DSS, and the Contractor if services are purchased. FOR REVISED COMPONENT:. • 12. Changes -- Describe changes that are planned in existing programs tor the coming year, i.e. target population, type of service, method of delivery number of staff, increase or decrease in costs, etc. __- DS:S-4471.A (12-8?) pa.ch) USE A EMDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. • IN-HOME CARE PROGRAM COMPONENT REQUEST 1T.B. C. We anticipate using some 300 days of short-term detention as a program strategy with selected cases. Therefore, in-home care days are: 12,960 - 300 = 12,660 With average intervention with each family being 13-14 months, we feel comfortable using six months, or 180 days, as being the average case length during the reporting period. 72 cases x 180 days = 12,960 caseload days. 6-20-88 -rime Period Covet-ed FROM: THRU: Oct 1,16 _a-r Sept 30,19 AdrrIrlistratve a3V8NEN7 "B" EARLY OFFENDER PROGRAM El COURT OSS Teinphonn Number (313 )858-0247 2. COMPONENT STATUS El CONTINUED 0 TERMINATED 3. TARGET POPUTATIONIS) SERVED A. Children Under Jurisdiction of Court a DaJNIQuENT 0 NEGLECT 13, riTt.:froo hICIT I f nri.e. h wi....14,1inn rf rn, trt . ,.....,,,. WRITTEN COMPLAINT 4. AREAS) OF INTENDED IMPACT A REDUCTION IN: SUBSTANTIATED C.P.S. (DSS) 0 Children iikely to come under jurisdiction of the court (Basic Grant Only) Time period of report from October 1, thru z--ptember 30, 19 (-SS 7. P la 02 ECTED RU MESA COST NUM 8. PROLEL:1E0 ACTUAL BER 6_ 10 ACTUAL. COST A. Number of Youth Served (n-Home Care) B. Number of Days of in -Home Care 72 1_22ft1, 668 12,200 22,a 66a_ — C. Number of Service Units (1 Unit )i 12,5pp , . --------- • I D. Total Component Cost E. Averag e Cost Per Day or Unit 2 1 14,580 I ___22B1668 228,668 _t= 1. 68/unit I REPORT Sc...ciE*] One of these forms must be compined for EACH Basic Grant/In-Home-Care Service component Cdmponont Monagnr Nnrne McFarland/Sharp I. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check all that apply. 1. PROGRAM TYPE 0 BASIC GRANT El IN-HOME CARE L..: Youul El Number of Days of-Residential Treatment Care 0 Number of State Wards Cornmitted(Act 150 & 220) Eli Number of Adjudications Er Number of Days of Family Foster Care of Days or Out-Of-Home Deention 5. SERVE, FOCUS , lI Provide early intervention to treat within the ct‘,• :fs home Li Effect e.:rly return from foster or institutional care II. SERVICE AND COST INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR COMPLETED (BEING COMPLETED): INSTRUCTIONS: • In columns_ 7 & 8 enter the numbers and casts projected at the beginning of the fiscal year. * In columns 8 & 9 enter the actual number and cost's (year-to-date and projections if fiscal year is not complete). DES-4471B (12-87) (Back) 6-20-38 USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NKDED_ ill. IMPACT EVALUAliON ---- Complete for contmuing or ending compoileuzs. REDUCTIONS CM- JNIPAL-1 11 Number's or Day5 12. Co -ts — Youth Petitioned i B. Adjudications 59 $63,720 - L ' Days of Family Foster Care i 0 Days of Out-of-Home Detention I ,069 123,288 : E. Days of Shelter Care F. _ Days of Residential Treatment Care 61480 624,953 G. State Wards Committed IV. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: For ALL Components in effect during the most recent fiscal year: 13. Assess strengths, weakness' and problem-areas of this component Assess the intended impact areas and results. Explain the reason(s), or cause(s) for the difference between the projected No's and cost and tne actual. COMPONENT "B" EARLY OFFENDER PROGRAM REPORT II. C. Same as Request form. ITT. B. ADJUDICATIONS: Research indicates that 87% of this group would have recidivated within 12 months. Therefore, we would have experienced 70 new adjudications during the project year. In actuality, we experienced only 11. This reduction of 59 adjudications, multiplied by the court minimum processing fee of $1080, gives a savings of $63,720. D. OUT-OF-HOME DETENTION: From the anticipated new adjudications, a significant number, perhaps 50%, would be temporarily detained at the preliminary hearing stage. 42 days is an average length of time from preliminary hearing to disposition. Children's Village per diem is $115.33. 59 x 50% x 42 days = 1239 days. From this we must subtract the 170 days used as short-term detention. 1239 - 170 = 1069 days x 115.33/day = $123,288. F. According to past practice, 74% of our youngsters would have been placed in County or private placement as a disposition during their court "career". Full tracking is not yet possible, but our conservative estimatejs that 24 kids are, or have been, maintained in their community who would have been placed outside the home were it not for our existence. Some working assumptions: - One-half (12) would be placed privately; .one-half (12) would be placed in Children's Village. - Average length of stay in Children's Village is 180 days at $115.33 per day. - Average length of stay in private placements is 360 days at $87 per day. 12 x 180 x $115.33 = 249,113 12 x 360 x $87 - $375,840 Total Savings $624.953 IV. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: The basic Early Offender Program approach, using a front-loaded team effort, has seemed to stand the test of time. Adjudication and institutionalization numbers remain relatively constant and impressive from year to year. Much effort has gone into remaining creative and vital. New projects, such as an extended wilderness camping trip, a pre-Echool program for junior high students, and group community service, demonstrate the unit's continued high energy. We recently published an article highlighting our development and implementation and have. drawn :interest literally from around the - globe. Administrative Unit: DSS Li Court (total cost) Total Personnel (total cost) $14,400 200 3. Other (specs fy) ite/unit) DSS-?01;.,, I nev. L;-54) Pro: i 16i Pi; 133 intorm,.; H), ,06 non .0 iN-HOME CARE BUDGET DETAIL cnigan Department of Social Services • FOR THE OFF- ICE CHILDREN AND YOUTH sErivicEs " Service Component ”R" TN—HOME DETENTION/ INTENSIVE MONITORING A. PERSONNEL (Employees of Court or DSS) 1. Salary and Wages (name) 2. Fringe Benefits (specify) B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "A" above) 1. Travel (purpose) (rate/mile) (est. # miles) Mileage—Seeing Clien s $.25 57,600 Supplies and Materials Telephone Calls $10/ Month/Intern I 960 $15,560 Total Program Support C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. Individual Consultants or '--roviders (name) I (rate/unit) (total units/contract) (total cost) 2. Contr-acting Organization a. Closed-end contrac:i. (narne) b. Per unit contracts (name) Local Universities Attarbmprit.) (est. # purchased units) I (total cost) (rate/unit) (source) (purpose) (amount) Total Contractual $48,136 D. Fr) PAYMFNITR ....,.. _..._......._ ........_....., anticipate° average cost (type of service) # units to be of each . (total cost) provided service unit Total Non-Scheduled E. Add Totals for A, B, C, & D above Total Service Component Cost F. If you plan to fund any potion of this service component with other public revenue (including other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specify the following: Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public FlevenLS from Total Service Component Cost NET ANTICIPATED IFIC MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE 63,696 OUT HO TY: Act 87 Public. P.CtS 01 1978, aS amended.. . COMC-5STitJN Hequlyed • PE1`1120_7V, State reimbursement wt11be withheld trona loom govern,- ent. NOT ICE: Oct 133 01 1982 (Paperwork Reduction) reuhires that the Si zze control duplicate Information collection by State . agencies- if this torm requests InharrhatiOn that you haveatreacPY. 5s:tamers< to another agency, please send copies 01 the torn vi depart -- -eat names and term fluMbef5/1:1UeS to the Slate Forms -Mw.,a,00,.(g-,1 aegl BuOgel, Box ]002E, .amcinq, Mi 48909.- 001 ItleAri fil31 YOU -d0o't need- Ifn LC/replete -•. (IA t..e:-artment Snciai Sllrvices wilt not disc.-Mho:He aealnsl ally Coal - giOop Ot 'ace. Senf. f-e“0,00., -age. flat1.0^, Uiqlll C• 014(00. -1.,1.c,ao, of ,.,,j4-171,73 beliefs_ . 085-21194 (Rev. 5-8 ,1) tback) C.2b. COMPUTATIONS - IN-HOME DETENTION/INTENSIVE MONITORING B Monitoring Staff (Contractual with Oakland University) 20 Hours/Week 52 Weeks 1,040 Hours/Year/Intern x$5 26/ Hour ($4.50/Hr. 1st 250 Hrs. - $550/ Hour Thereafter $5,470 Each Intern Per Year 8 Interns $43,760 4,376 10% Administrative Cost $48,136 B.1. Mileage 600 Miles/ Month x 12 Months = 7200 x 8 Interns = 57,600 Miles x $.25/ Mile = $14,400 B.3 $10/Month/Intern - Telephone Calls McFarlanct/Sriarp ( 313 ) 858 -0247 Children likely to come under jurisdiction of the Court (Basic Grant Only) Number of Days of Shelter Care Number of Days of Residential Treatment Care LI Number of State Wards Committed(Act 150 & 220) Hi E NEGLECT Li SUBSTAN HATED C_P.S. (DSS) 8 PROJECTLD COST 40. 18 —/-urt-i_t A. Number of Youth Served - l (In-Home Care) 8. Number of Days of In Home Care See Attached C. Number of Service Units (1 Unit .1_1_320 4. 21_0__ L D. Total Component Cost E. Average Cost Per Day or Unit BASK; Michican Department of Social Services Uric tiicse i0i nis must Ot: coniplei for EACt-i Basic Grant/in-Home-Care Service; component which is being proposed for next fiscal year as a New, Revised, or a Continued program. • C.h.m-p-onent TrUe ALTERNATIVES TO SECURE DETENTION AKA STATUS OFFENDER PROGRAM tvIt;nager titztrin Time Poriod Covered FAOM: THRU• Oct 1, 19 Ea_ Sept. 30, 19 Administrative Unit Et COURT Tetephone Number El DSS I. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check all that apply. PROGRAM TYRE LI BASIC GRANT 2. COMPONENT STATUS El NEW ek CONTINUED E] REVISE 3_ TARGET POPULATIONS) UPRVPII A Children Under Jurisdiction ot Ceort 121 DELINQUENT H. Children NOT Undo Jo irdiGior cit Cowl M WRITTEN COMPLAINT A REDUCTION IN: El Number of Youth Petitioned ri Number of Adjudications E Number of Days of Family Foster Cam E Number of Days of Out-Of-Home Detention 5. SERV/CE tiOLESS L..] Provide early intervention to treat within the chilc ltion'te ki Effect early return from foster or lnstitutIonal cam IL SERVICE AND COST PROJECTIONS FOR NEW FISCAL YEAR: Time period of request from October 1, 19 88 thru .S.E•o(emt:,-Ter 30, 19 8 9 _ 7_ PROJECTED ItABER 055-4471AW2-87HBaM USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDEO. PROGRAM DESC.RIPTION: Address the .foHowirtg kerns which apply ir niort narrative paragraphs_ EOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 9. Problem. statement. WriLd caused the need for ftas request and what 4.,-.ere The :atermining factors leading to the request. FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 10, Explain items 3, 4 & 5 from the reverse side_ FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 11. Describe how the project will be administered, the services to be provided and by whom. Inoludethe relationship between the court and DSS, and the Contractor it services are purchased. • FOR REVISED COMPONENT: 12. Changes — Describe changes that are planned in existing programs for the coming year; i.e. target population, type of service, method of delivery number of staff, increase or decrease in costs, etc. The only change has be en an increase in in- tern/monit,ors and their supervision. As described in a separate component, our court is using paid interns to assist in a greater range of Child Care Fund eligible clients. They will pick up coverage on In-Home Detention cases at the one-week point from SOP staff. Supervision will be done by area caseworkers and supervisors. REQUEST STATUS OFFENDER PROGRAM A. NUMBER OF YOUTH SERVED: 700 Telephone & Interventions/Referrals 80 Cases Authorized 80 Under Advisement Cases 60 In-Home Detention Risk Profiles/Monitoring 400 Crisis Interventions 1,320 B. NUMBER OF IN-HOME CARE D A YS 1) Telephone interventions/referrals average 45 minutes, including logging, consultation, and follow-up. Each would, therefore, be equal to 0.1 (1/10) of an in-home care day. 700 x 0.1 - 70 Units 2) Each authorized status offense handled by our unit would average 14 days from filing to initial hearing when the case would be transferred to area worker. 80 cases x 14 days = 1120 units. Under advisement cases average 30 days. 80 cases x 30 days = 2400 units. 4) _In-home detention risk profiles, participation at preliminary hearings and early 7,:onitoring until transfer to area interns will average 7 days. 60 cases x 7 days = 420 units, *This is a change of unit functionlnq , from last yeas. Interns now work with and for the area cas_eworkers, picking up in-home detention cases as a part of their caseload. 5) Crisis interventions, including follow up and logging, average . 4 hours or 0.5 in-hove care days. 400 crisis interventions x 0.5 days - 200 units. Total Units 4210 C. Because of the varied a=roaches and types of cases handled, one unit equals one caseload day. We have assigned values to the major job functions for the progra,71. These calculations, although reflective of the variety of services offered, do not include such tasks as public education. 6-17-80 T HRU: 11J Dss Admristmtive. Oct EZ] COURT Telephone Number Time Period Covered FROM. Oct 1, 19 0.7 Sept 30, 19 116. fl fu ALTERNATIVES TO SECURE DETENTION AKA STATUS OFFENDER PROGRAM Ce-a7.5ovent M4 ar NPrqe McFarland/Sharp ( 313 ) 858-0247 Time period of report from October 1, 19 S7 5 A. Number of Youth Served (In-Home Care) B. Number of Days of In-Home Car. 1 4,500 Se Attached C. Number of Service Units (1 Unit j 4,500 0. Total Component Cost E. Average Cost Per Day or Unit 4 36.70 $165,123 $31.98 /uni _thru September 30, 19 8_ 7. ROJEC.:TED PROJECTED NUME-,"7:_R COST a ACTUAL. NUMeER 10. ACTUAL COST PROr;RAm' Cr1P7-NT REPORT E__,'—.-r)ar-rrie-nt o SocI Senjoes, • One of these forms must be completed for EACH Basic Grant/In -Home-Care Senicc component , „ . for 1. S. -1_ ' I. PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION: Check all that apply. ......._ 1. PROGRAM TYPE E.) BASIC GRANT @IN-HOME CARE _ 2. COMPONENT STATUS x0 CONTINUED LI TERMINATED III REVISED .... - 3_ TARGET POPULATTON(S) SERVED A Children Under Junsdtotior of Court [.. DEUNOUENT III NEGLECT B. Chikiren NOT Under Jurisdiction of Court 0 WRITTEN COMPLAINT III SUaSTANTIATED CPS. (OSSI g Children likety to come under furisdction of the Court (Basic Grant On ly) 4 AREA(S) OF INTENDED IMPACT A REDUCTION IN: X i-Number OT Youtn i-elitioi,-.-. V Nam ber of Days of SheIlz:.E C.— ai Number of Adjudications a Number of Days offlesidentiai Treatment Care Y Number of Days of Family Foster Care i \ El Number of State Wads Committed(Act 150 & 220) Number of Days of Out-Of-Home Detention 5 SERVICE FOCUS 1-1 K..) Provide early intervention to treat within the cords home V, Effect early return from foster or institutional co-:4- . II. SERVICE AND COST INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR COMPLETED (BEING COMPLETED): INSTRUCTIONS: In columns 7 & 8 enter the numbers and casts projected at the beginning of the fiscal year. a In columns 8 & 9 enter the actual number and cost's (year-to-date and projections if fiscal year is not complete). DS5-447 18 ,2-87) (Back) USE ADDMONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. ic ACT EVALUATION -- Comrde.te tor cortinwng or eridig co; FIEDUCT)ONS- AREAS OF IMPACT i Number's or Days ' • 12. Cpsts t-. 'routh Petitioned 191 B. Adjudications 2 31 $249,480 , C Days of Family Foster Care ! D Days of Out-of-l-lome Detention 1,848 213,130 [ [ E. Days of Shelter Care 740 85,344 1 I F. bays of Residential Treatment Care 7,070 661,945 1 I G. State Wards Committed V. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION: For ALL Components in effect during the most recent fiscal year: 13 Assess strengths, weakness and problem areas of this component. Assess the intended impact areas and results. Explain the reason(s), or cause(s) for the difference between the projected No's and cost and toe actual. (est. # purchased units) (total cost) $ 39 ,430 Total Contractual Add Totals for A, B, C, & D above Total Service Component Cost (amount) Senmn, -,•./va nut tr,a ,/ C,,,II)N51.0 • b. Per unit contracts (name) (rate/unit) Local Universities (See Attached Details) D. anticipate° average cost (type of service) # units to be of each (total cost) provided service unit Total Non-Scheduled — — F. If you plan to fund any portion of this service component with other public revenue (including other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specify the following: -0- Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public RevenuE from Total Service Component Cost NET ANTIC[PATED IHC MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE 252,151 AUT FY: cr. 87 Public ACI'S 04 1978, as amen0e0. COMPTETtON: Required PENAL7Y: Scale reimblirsersent wilf be wIthneid from focal governrest. NOTICE , Act 133 of 1982 (Ppiir‘vork Reduction) requires brat Srflit a:e control dup(icato /or orrnatior% collection by staTe agencies_ if tnis form r.-3,41.“-:sis information I11a4 you nave already - Subloilla,..1 10 aootner agency, please send col-ales of tile lOrTrtS depart,' .ertl names and form citirl,b0r5TEttle to the Slate ForcrI5 Adrelirth:rAlmf. Luaoartment 01 ILl ar I 3ftiIT ant arta `30ill ,ioct, Box 411909. I - ..1101 OISCrIrrrir.ily 4 ,101.51 army 0,1-J4111t, of race. s•IK. OlmOjInil , 3,11 . Stalt,S,11.1,1cflu,p. or 93•-1)c.,1 brilOrlO 0)-I35,2594 fl•Zev, IN-HOME BUDGET DETAIL - COMPONENT "B" B. 1. Personal Mileage 3 caseworkers x 800 miles per month 5 interns x 800 miles per month Supervisor 200 miles per month C. 2.b. 4 intern/monitors - 1040 hours each at an average of $5.26/hour Total $21,882 10% administrative cost = $24,070 2 advanced degree interns ($14,000) on a contractual basis with a university, generally 40 weeks x 32 hours/week or 50 weeks x 25.5 hours/week both at the rate of $6.00/hour = $15,360 Total $39,430 this is the first increase for these interns in three years and will assist in stimulating placement acceptance. 6-16-88 Total Personnel 1. Travel (purpose) (rate/mile) (es. # miles) (total cost) 2, Supplies and Materials 3. Other iy) (rate/un i t) (total cost) _$86 1_310 OS%-2094 5-84 I See reverse sloe tor PA 133 vo-or n-n-n.100,-, I ,rtcl r-.3,-.1P;crIrntnat100 • N-HOME CARE BUDGET DETAIL .Michigan .Department of Social Services • • • FOR THE 0-F- ICE 01- •CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERViCE",:, Servid.e Component C HOME FAMILY TREATMENT A. PERSONNEL (Employees of Court or DSS) Administrative Unit: DSS [.1 Court Salary and Wages (name) (lunction) 2. Fringe Benefits (specify) B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "A" above —0— C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. Individual Consultants or Providers (name) (rate/unit) Total Program Support (total units/contract) 2. Contracting Organization a. Closed -end contracts (name) judson Center In—Home Family Treatment Service Total Contractual $86,310 (source) (purpose) (amount) (rate/unit) • b. Per unit contracts (name) (est. # purchased units) (total cost) 0. • — —S anticipated average cost (type of service) # units to be of each (total cost) provided service unit Total Non Scheduled —0— E. Add Totals for A, B, C, & ID above Total Service Component Cost $86,310 F. If you plan to fund any portion of this service component with other public revenue (including other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specify the following: Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public Revenue from Total Service Component Cost NET ANTICIPATED IHC MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE -0- 86,310 AL.11-1-1C iTY Act 87 Public Acts ot. 1978, as:intender:I : GC.ifytRt....TION: Required PENAL.: Stats eiMbursement will he withheld from 10C41 governr-ent.. rs4 Act 133 al 1982 4PaPer.work ReduC.thmjfenones that the S;?.. COntrql JuIilCatn Information coitc,ctIon by StAte artencistr. if" this forrri requests infornsation that you isave aireany ittorn.e,J to anotnyr agency, lateaSe send coolos of toe forms QJ deoart:--ent (1,1,ne-S dnd form numbetsitftles to toe state Forms Aonsr,,,..:tarof peo.artroont ot Isilu,,you-leret and Budyet, BO. 3002€, 48909_ 3.3410 1, " f ft t 1111,1.1 I ii,t you dciii ntited 11( ttlfi Soc1.11 So-F.041es will not d(s.celtnto sot- Wes( ((•, La ttd., ttqC,It_ots of 11Cc , sex, reflyinn, aye, I nnllor ltlY;(%. ntd(11.11 S11105 ( or (ont Val ty,und s. 1)35-209.5 (Be, 3.-(3 ,‘) 6-16-88 A. PERSONNEL (Employees of Court or 05S) 1. Salary and Wages (name) Administrative Unit: • DSS L i Court {total cost) Jul 1p Plliht_ao, __L_CiaaNEILke: I ill\!..110mE CARE BUDGET DETAIL .Di itban Department of Social Sw'vidus FOR THE OEF ICE pi CHIL.DfiEWANO .YOUTH SLI-ofiCV7 • •• ISrervic! Component ."D" INTENSIVE. .COUNSE FICA, Retirement,. Hospitaliz ation Insurance, Lite Insurance, Workmen's Com-1 9,671 ING 2. Fringe Benefits (specify) pensation / Disability, Dental, Optical, & Unem- ployment .Insurance Total Personnel B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "A" above) 1. Travel (purpose) (rate/mile) (est. miles) Personal Mileage $25 9600 Conference & Travel (total cost) $ 2,400 75 cylpligsoanci Materials Copie r -Rental 3. Other (specify) Bldg Space AllocatAon Telephone e/uni0 725 650 Total Proqram Support L :±? CONTRACTUAL SERVICES lid IVRILE,31 Coris'jf,3ritS Oi• •7:JViC- (name) (total units/contract) (total cost) Contractin ,j Orcnization a. Closed end contrdc,: (o;.11rni) I 3:1 VI 1 or 51' ,^ I Add Totals for A, B, C, & D above Total Service Component Cost (source) (purpose) (amount) b. Per unit contracts (name) (rate/unit) (est. # purchased units) I (total cost Total Contractual _s1i41n1 II FE) PAYIVIVNT — ..,..... anticipated average cost (type of service) # units to be of each (total cost) provided service unit - Total Non-Scheduled If you plan to fund any portion of this service component with other public revenue (including other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specify the following: Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public flevenur..T from Total Service Component Cost NET AN-flCEPATED 11-1C MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE $ 40 660 ALJTHOzl:7 Y: Act 87 71(t)lic Acts of 1978, as amenckacl. COMPLETION: Pebulred PEN50 -7,f: Stale relnlbursement will be withheld from local NOTICE: Act 1.33 of 1982 (Paperwork Re<ILICtIonl teuulres that thrl Sta,...± control duplkate Information collection by State agencies. if thls inrm requests lnfnrrnation that you have already subrobz,c: to another agency, please send Copies of The forms a( 3r,0art7—,4r1t. nar,--1 ,5 and fOrrd rItirdry9rs,d1r1,35 to the State FOrro . Adrmn-,::at-Or. C.,>.art•rdttot ot Marfajerdent and Hudyel.., Box 30020 _arr31-rr3 473909 riot river, that von <hint rACOCI 1< LOMUICI fists fr, • ady Ajrcaup Durr:a.lrn, of race., Urn, r,11 ,T:c,:l. .5443, r,atIon• 1<ancli•Cad,'.0r fl0PtIc.nl brtIlafs. • 005-2034 (CO, 5-84) (a ck.) D. CHILD CARE FUND CPS, PETITIONS, PLACEMENT, AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY REPORT (Completed by County Department of Social Services) Michigan Department of Social Services Office of Children and Youth Services Sections 1 and III are required from all county Departments having Child Care Fund Sub-Accounts as part of the Annual Plan and Budget process. Section IV, A & B is required from County Departments which administer In-Home Care and/ or Basic Grant Programs. Column 4, (Difference) is to be computed in each section that applies. Detailed instructions are contained in the Annual Plan and Budget Guidelines. PRIOR YEAR THIS YEAR DIFFERENCE (12 Month Period) (Most Recent 12 Months} FROM: FROM: REPORTED ITEM 0(...t. 1 1986 Oc L. 1, 1987 PERCENT COST TG: TO: Each * Item is required information Sept. 30, 1.987 Sept. 30, 1988 (+°r-) Nor-) . CPS, PETITION, AND ADJUDICATIONS 1. Number of CPS Complaints Investigated 3795 3648 ..,- *2. Number of Substantiated CPS Cases 1430 1428 *3. Number of Petitions Filed 347 298 - 16 *4. Number of Adjudications 217 166 - 23. 5% I, PLACEMENT AND COST DETAIL (Child Care Funded Only as Reported on 1)55 206P Reports) • _ A. Foster Care 1. Total Number of Day's of Care _ . 2. Total Cost's (Exclude Non-Scheduled Payments) 3. Average Cost Per Day . Residential Care i 1, Total Number of Days Own Facility 2. Total Number of Days Purchased (Treatment/Shelter) 3. Total Days Residential Care 4. Total Cost ..,., \ 5. Cost Per Day 7791.reos.o.,,a,...,-,,ma•-..,a,:a.,-...* a,..em,-,e+«,16,~4 C. Independent Living 1. Total Number of Days _.. .. 2. Total Costs 3. Average Cost Per Day Ill. TOTALS/SUMMARY (Child Care Funded Only, From OSS-206B) l .. *1. Total Number of Youth at Beginning of Year 21 18 14. 374: _. Total Number of Youth at End of Year i 2 10 - 16_ 77.. ___.. 3. Total Number of Days Out-of-Home Care 20131 3 76]. 52. 8 ;',. .... *4. Total Out-of-Home Costs $5603 .5891/i5 597, +$33 Ii7 _ .2 _5 / -k 5._Average Cost Per Day Out-of-Home Care .522 77 5Z Tbe Department of Social Servicesw,II nut dienrineinsie egaiest any indivici,ai or group because of race:sex. releTon. age. natonal origin, color, rnariIeI status, Ea nnicap, on giceccal beliefs. DSS-4473 .nev. 12-873 Prfront:n edit-inn onsouise AUTHCEITY: PA 87 ol 1978. COMPL.E.T1ON: Is required: CONSEQUENCE FOE NON -COMPLETION: Child care fuliisi will not he reimburse," Continue on reverse side — PRIOR YEAR THIS YEAR DIFFERENCE (12 Month Period) (Most Recent 12 Months) FROM: FROM: REPORTED ITEM PERCENT COST TO: TO: +or-) (+or-) :ach * Item is required information V. A. IN-HOME CARE Of Applicable) * -I. Number of Youth Served *2. Total Cost's (As Reported on IHC Addendum) *3. Average Cost Per Youth .. B. Basic Grant (If Applicable) . 1. Number of Youth/Families Serrvecl 2. Total Cost's (As Reported on I3G Addendum) - 3. Average Cost Per Yeuth/Family li5-4-472 (Rev 12-57) (8ack) A) B) C) D) E) F) Subtotal I HO- Court Subtotal IFIC - DSS TOTALS INC IN-HOME CARE SUMMARY Michigan Department of Social Services FOH THE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES County Oakland List all service components which make up the 11 IC program and specify the requested information for each. CCF Other Public Gross (Service Component) (Adm. Unit) Expenditure Funding Expendhue Alternatives to Secure De ention (Earlier Status Offender roject) 169,159 Early Offender Project (Earlier Repeat Offender reject) 5-1- In—Home Family Treatment 26÷ 310. Intensive Counseling 4n,...66o In—Home DetentionfIntensi e nitorino H. For each service component lisTed above, complete a separate 1N-HOME CARE BUDGET DETAIL. (DSS-2094) filling in the appropriate budget items. A UTHC Ill 5Y Act 87, P.Liblic A,;.tS of 1978, as amondtd, compt_ E ON iaequirett PENALTY , State reimbursement will 90 wit99u,10 from Incat NOT ICI_ Act 133 ot 1'382 (P.W ,trW111qC RefilICti00) ri-tt4c1teS Mat Hte State c<mIrol clup$1,.;a10 iutormation toltectson by State agenenzt.. If this form reutie.;ts rnformatl.or, that. you tiave alruadY sibmttt ,:o ti aOnthe a9,,k4Tv. 01eFice send copies of Me forms or deoart.o,,It names and to, u mImbersitlUes to tne State Forms ildinioly+.)1m,, 1,00.311f it4,111 (If M,W.1,1f:Ml!rlt and Budget, k.3n. 30O26. 1'd , 9,1,(Or“1liIItI [AI 1.4 Pi St117,10 111,1 (11,W1 It0o41 I, I this I tie i),t,',artni0{-,! 11,oI.iI ScrtioCes will not d31,crttniti.tte against any Inchvidna! or nitila noctiuse of race, stax, ntlittion, age, 001P1, 104111a1 5101115. handicap, of 901111041 USS 1193 iCy. 8-841 P,,,,,ioos eciltioo! Salary and Wages (name) Judy Dowdal (function) u per visor Ca ts 24 Caseworker Caseworker lb Life Insurance, FICA, Retirement, Hospitalization Insurance, Workmen Compensation, Disability, Dental, Optical Unemployment Insurance Dolores Calhoun Dona Morden 2. Fringe Benefits (specify) Caseworker Total Personnel $160,199 2_ Supplies and Materials Postage (Rate Increase 13.6%) 3. Copier Machine (specOy) • I Building Eplace Rental (rite/unit) Allocation 2,330 OS-S -20'3 4 Prdv.ka ,s od Sdt 5J-du tor Pp, 1 33 in IdrrnatIdn I and don-dIscrIminanon sn att! n if\f-HOME CARE BUDGET DETAIL. Michigan Department of Social Services - FOR THE 04,1, ICE 017 C:73ILUHEN ANO YOUTH SLHiViCe;', " Service Component "A" ALTERNATIVES. TO SECURET - DETENTION ( EARLIER STATUS OFFENDER PROJECT)- - A. PERSONNEL (Employees of Court or DSS) Administrative Unit: DSS LI court Pq (# hrs./wk.) (total cost) 16 ' 16,701 40 36,071 34,737 20,498 38,882 B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "A" above) Travel (purpose) Personal Mileage Travel & Conferen (rate/mile) $.25 {est. # miles) 9,600 (total cost) $ 2,400 300 Telephone Total Program Support C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 600 170 420 2,740 8,960 1. Individual Consultants or (n dine) roviders (rate/unit) (total units/contract) (total cost) -0--- 2. Contracting Organization. Closed-end contract (name) a_ (source) (purpose) (amount) b. Per unit contracts (name) (rate/unit) (est. # purchased units) • I (total cost) Total Contractual 113 ,-,t. ".n••n•• • " antictpatea average COST (type of service) # units to be of each (total cost) provided service unit —0— Total Non-Scheduled $169,159 E. Add Totals or A, B, C, & D above Total Service Component Cost F. If you plan to fund any portion of this service component with other public revenue (including other Child Care Funds or Basic Grant monies), specify the following: -0- Total Public Revenue G. Subtract Total Public Revenue from Total Service Component Cost NET ANT:CIPATED IHO MATCHABLE EXPENDITURE S 169,159 AUTIRO-=.1I-Yi Act 87 PuLti$c Acts or 1378, an J,Ilendecl. COMPLE T [ON 7 R.equIceil PENAL-7e, S.;z1e reimbursement will be wilfiri.81ti from local 140.1 !CE: Act 133 at 1982 (Paperwork Reduction) reciultes Mat the Sitle coMrol duplica10 lcaOrmettlOci C011eCtloil by State 01 lb i5 10,71- requests irtrorrriatioo that you hIve already ¶b'utd to an(mner agenCy. Nease send conms of the forms sa riiame; ant} torrn numbers/titles to the State Forms Oeoartrnent or isita ,a4ensent and Budget, aux 3032C_ _,..;n5Ing.. I 46908, --,ter al :10,11 not rrIE,irl 11131 YOU drirli 011m1 COrr..f_1c tirIr to,.- r win lot C313Crlf r,i,1,)1! .3oy ,O_Irg.)1 :11 ,..)rOtri.n fr,CAUSO of rhce., lox, ir,eil9loci. 442. 1-1.1,3t c0,1 ',tato S. O.,),70±ar). or 0,)Ittlr-,1 OSS-20';im (Rev_S -1t.1) (1-3acki D. (# hrs./wk.) 24 40 40 40 46,331 $175,026 650 4,000 1,000 8,215 3,150 470 37,,c)S Copier C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (rate/unit) Total Program Support —0— ;Ict. 1(>, PA i 33 Intnrc-7131tOn 1 r--6,-:,. rir.rn -,..11,.:r1 -Lir, .:.1`. [...Dr. : — 2. Contracting Organization a. Closectend contracti (name.) `3--B1) IN-HOME CARE BUDGET DETAIL Michigan Department dl Social Stfrvices FOR THE OFF ICE Oi CHILDREN ANI) YM.3TI-1 SERVICE.S. ServiceComponent "13" EARLY OFFENDER PROJECT . (EARLIER REPEAT OFFENDER PROJECT) A. PERSONNEL (Employees of Court or DES) Administrative Unit: DSS Li Court Ei Salary and Wages (name) Ray Sharp (60%) Dave Monroe ,Qary Contesti Mike Amshay (function) Supervisor Caseworker Caseworker. Caseworker (total cost) $ 25,051 32,836 36,071 34,737 2. Fringe Benefits (specify) FICA, Retirement, Hospitaliz- ation Insurance, Life Insurance, Workmen's Com- pensation, Disability, Dental, Optical, •& Unem ployment Insurance Total Personnel B. PROGRAM SUPPORT (For Employees Identified in "A" above) 1. Travel (purpose) (rate/mile) (est. # miles) personal Mileage $.25 67,200 Travel & Conference (total cost) 19,800 300 2. Supplies and Materials Postage (Rate IncHfease 13.761 -) 3, Other—Client Motivation (specify) Restitution Building Space Ail cation Telephone Individual Consultants or Proviciers (name) (total units/contract) I (total cost) Annual Gross Cost (Combined total anticipated expense) Antietoated Days Care 5,066 36,906 County Child Care: Budget Detail Page 1 COUNTY CHILD CARE - DETAIL BUDGET Michigan Department of Social Services For the Office of Children and Youth Services F.Y. October 1, 19 88 - September 30, 19 89 the DepArneni 5oCi rvi ",4!1 1-)n! 'diseruruaalc 7.5c.1.:1111S,1 lIly 3116 ,P,111;11 Ill irt-mp 6p.rmico ;,;qc. 11f)111, CA)111r. AUTHOMY. Ar.i 7 , roMr., r^..,".!s 0: :078. .tC 711 1117P11 COMPLETION)!ftyiiI PENALTY 011ie re.,,Ilurorel cccl wohlIplz1- ?.r0i71 1017';11 ;)(r/PIP,MC`71 County SOakland Date Submitted I. CHILD CARE FUND TYPE OF CARE A. FAMILY FOSTER CARE 1. Court a. Court Supervised Foster Care Payments 427,900* 31,840 b. Court Placed (Private Agency ) Foster Care and Administrative Rate Payments 206,220** Court Subtotal 2, County DSS • a. County HS Supervised Foster Care Payments ___6_34,120 12,174 709 b. County DSS Placed Foster Care and Administrative Rate Payments 76,971 3,052 County DSS Subtotal R9,145 COMBINED FAMILY FOSTER CARE TOTAL 723_1 265 40,667 1r_06. 21197 116, 6 17111 IVbbIlI rEthliorrs obsolele *Non-Scheduled Expenses Included **Non-Scheduled Expenses Included County Child Care: • Budget Detail Page 2 Annual Anticipated TYPE OF CARE Gross Cost Days Care 13, INSTITUTIONAL CARE 1. Private Institution a. Court Placed In-Stale Foster Care Payments 481,939*** 31892 b. Court Placed Out-of-State Foster Care Payments 481,939 3,892 .Court Subtotal c. County DSS Placed In-State Foster Care Payments b. County OSS Placed Out-of-State Foster Care Payments 0 County DSS Subtotal COMBINED SUBTOTAL PRIVATE INSTITUTION 481 ( 939• 1.1S'T 1091 iriev fi 115) P,7,1,115 0.o-kn5 obsOne ***$2,030 Non-Scheduled Expenses Included 0 3,892 Anticipated Number of Children for A.nticioateb In-Home Care Service Days Care 1,734 0 1, /3'i (Combined total anticipated expense) 611,976 O 0 O 0 o 0 County Child Care: Budget Doled Page 3 Annual (Combined total Number • . Anticipated TYPE OF CAPE Gross Cost anticipated expense) of Beds • Days Care .. •-2. Court Operated Institutions (County Executive) a. Detention (CV—Bldg. J (1842)7,A South) 3,245,182 73 23,147 li). Group Care Facility (Children 's Village) 3,334,629 - 80 23,785 Bldg. B,D,G c. Shelter Care Facty ( CV—Bidg . H 2,016,058 GC • 14,380 d. Other Camp OakI§n iN crth) 1,213,625 35 . 12,775 248 74,087 Subtotal Court Operated Institutions _ 9,809,494 3. County HS Operated Facilities 0 0 a. Group Care Facility 0 b. Shelter Care Facility 0 0 0 ct. Other . 0 0 0 • -- . 0 Subtotal County DSS Operated Facflities 0 0 CO • - MBINED INSTITUTIONAL 10,291,433 248 TIONAL CARE TOTAL _ Annual Gross Cost TYPE OF CARE O. INDEPENDENT LIVING 1. Court a. Court Supervised Foster Care Payments - b. Court Placed Foster Care and Administrative Rate Payments Court Subtotal 2., County DSS ta County DSS Supervised Foster Care Payments b. County DSS Placed Fester Care and Administrative Rate Payments County B SS Subtotal COMBINED TOTAL INDEPENDENT LIVING rn, 6 A.51 Nidtops v(1,Lori C. IN-ltOMF CARE SERVICE COMPONENTS 1. Court Subtotal 611,976 2. County ()SS Subtotal COMBINED TOTAL IN-HOME CARE TYPE OF CARE & County Executive E. 1. COURT-, SUBTOTAL A THOU Annual Gross Cost (Coratinerl tota anticipated expense) AnIcipateci Days Care 122,538 11,626,674 2,108,032 9,44-1-4-L,647 0 County Child Care: Budget Detail Page 4 1 4 2 COUNTY DOS SUBTOTAL A THOU D COMBINED SUBTOTAL GROSS COST A THOU F. ANTICIPATED REVENUE 1. Court a. Net Probate Court Ordered Cottections (75% of Gross) - b. Government Benefit Collections (100% of Gross) c. Other Receipts (100% of Gross) Court Subtotal 2. County DSS a. Probate Court Ordered Collections (100% ot Gross) Capped Not Expenditure Level 7 808,754 Net Expenditure Over CAP 1,740,513 18 /-300 1, 2 15,13 2.,/ 1 0 8 a 0.2 705 ,600 (Atty. Fees, 25% State Collections, Parent Reimbursement (including CAA) (Social Security & Veteran's Benefits) (CV & CO per diem, State Aid, School Meals) Do not include In he TOTAL COUNTY CHILD CANE Line. b, Government Benefit Collections (100% of Gross) c. Other Receipts (100% of Gross) 0 0 County DOS Subtotal COMBINED TOTAL REVENUE G. SUBTOTAL COUNTY CHILD CARE FUND NET EXPENDITURES (Subtract Revenue from E. Combined Subtotal Gross Cost) 1,000 IL FOSTER CARE DURING RELEASE APPEAL PERIOD 8,00 III. COUNTY BASIC GRANT 1. Court Subtotal 2. County DSS Subtotal COMBINED TOTAL COUNTY BASIC GRANT IV. TOTAL COUNTY CHILD CARE I THRU Itl [IS:5_21))? tfln-; 6 65) ed,!rn,5 ohsoLor 123,538 CHILD CARE FUND JUDICIAL, PLACEMENT, AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARUEPORT (Completed by Juvenile Division of Probate Court) Michigan Department of Social Services Office of Children and Youth Services Section I and III are required from all courts as part of the Annual plan and Budget process. Section IV, A S. B is required from all courts which administer In-Home Care and/or Basic Grant programs. Column 4, (Difference,) is to be computed in each section that applies. Detailed instructions are contained in the Annual Plan and Budget Guidelines. See reverse side for detailed instructions, 1 PRIOR YEAR THIS YEAR DIFFERENCE (12 Month Period) (Most Recent 12 Months) (Totals) FROM: FROM: . REPORTED ITEM 1/1/86 1/1/87 PERCENT COST TO: TO: 12/31/86 12/31/87 Deling. Neglect Total Deitnq. Neglect Total ( + or -) ( + Of — ) Each * item Is required Information Abuse Abuse - ..... • . • . • -JUDICIAL (For All Youth Served) Less t * 1. Number of Youth Having Petitions/Written Complaints Filed 8627 548 9175 7065 490 9241 1% * 2. Number of Youth Having Petitions Authorized 1839 310 2149 16861E11958 -9% 'Total # hearings * 3. Number of Youth Adjucticatc7d held durin ear 5558 2973 8531 3267 5482 8749 +3% 4. Number of Youth With Placeab e Adjudications/Dispositions Not 11111111 Not INE111 * 5. Number of Court Wards at Beginning of 12 Month Period 811 631 1442 629 863 1492 +3% . ..... Less ttian-:--: * 6. Number of Court Wards at End of 12 Month Period 629 863 1492 1498 +1% i * 7. Number of State Ward Commitments (Act 150 & 220) 67 70 137 60 93 153 +12% I. PLACEMENT AND COST DETAIL (Child Care Funded Only as .. .-: . Reported on DSS-207 Reports) A. Foster Care . 31,896 . 30,046 1. Total Number of Day's of Care Less lhan 2. Total Cost's (Exclude non-scheduled payments) 383,103 381,612 -1% 1491 3. Average Cost Per Day 12.01 12.70 +6% .69 B. Residential 1. Number of Days Detention Own Facility 21,748 (CV) 20,-755 2. Number of Days Detention Purchased 1 ' +300%. Camp Oakland 12,572 12,189 3. Number of Days Treatment Own Facility cv 36,674 38,095 +2% Private 4. Number of Days Treatment Purchased inst.. 11,915 10,506 -12% . _'5. Total Days Residential Care - 82,909 81,545 6. Total Cost 9,357,357 9,895,970 % 538,613 7.Cost Per Day C. Independent Living - 1. Total Number of Days Care 11111111 Ili NI 11111 : fl. — 2. Total Costs _ 3. Average Cost Per Day EaCh Item in required informal:on. The Cepartment of Socia? Services will not discriminate against any individual Or group because of mak sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marOs1 status, handl oactor OSS--1-472 (Rev. 12-87) Previous edition obsolete. AUTHORITY: PA 87 of 1578. COMPLETION: Is required. CONSEQUENCE FOR NV-COMP:1170M Child care fund will not be reimbursed. ... PRIOR YEAR THIS YE-AR DIFFERENCE (12 Month Period) (Mol Recent 12 Months) (Totals) ...._ REPORTED ITEM FROM: FROM: i 1/1/86 1/1/87 PERCENT COST TO:. Each * Item is required Information 12/31/86 12/31/87 (+0,_) LL 0r II. TOTALS/SUMMARY (Child Care Funded Only as Reported on DSS- 207 Reports) A. Court Wards 114,805 111,591 -3% * 1. Total Number Out-of-Home Days Care Foster Home, CV, CO, Private Inst. 9,740,460 10,277,582 +6% 537,12 * 2. Total Out-of-Home Cost's (Exclude Nonscheduled Pa ments * 3. Avera se Cost Per Da Out-of-Home Care 80 92 +15% 1. B. State Wards (Act 150 or 220) 1. Number at Beginning of 12 Month Period 76 87 +1 4% - 2. Number at End of 12 Month Period 87 103 +18% 3. Total Cost 1,277,826 1,453,071 +14% +175,2 , IV. A. 1N-HOME CARE (If Applicable) *1 Number of Youth Served 1 1 046 1,284 +23% * 2. Total Cost's (As Reported on I.H.C. Addendum) 331,254 421,532 +27% 90,278 * 3. Average Cost Per Yo 317 328 +3% 11 B. Basic Grant (If Applicable) . _ * 1. Number of Youth/Families Served * 2. Total Cost's (As Reported on B.G, Addendum) — — ___.... * 3. Average Cost Per Youth/Family _ _ ,—_ INSTRUCTIONS: a Begin on other side. a SECTION I - 4. Each court will define the adjudications which are generally placed out-of-house, i.e., felonies against people, repeated property felonies, etc. • SECTION IF - B 1.2. The count of day's care and youth in a county's own facility would be ONLY the county's own wards and would exclude State wards or other county's ward's. II B 3.4. Treatment would include all residential care exclusive of detention. C SECTION IV - A and B required Information if In-House Care/Basic Grant program(s) are operational. NOTE: Additional detailed instructions are contained in the Annual Plan and Budget Guidelines. 4472 (LH ,r. i2.7) TYPE OF CARE I. CHILD CARE FUND A. Family Foster Care ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES OSS COURT. COMBINED 89,145 723,265 634,120 10,291,433 611,976 0,291,433 611,976 0 11,537,529 11,626,674 89,145 2,108,032 9,518,642 County 50%IState 50% 1 COST SHARING RATIOS County 50-1(}0%/State 0-50%* --stati ft.mtv,64,01-4 ni,-..,41,0( 14-pc7K, [....hR CCF 1 blageriCel ext on.el est n..,_...-...” L H. Capped Expenditure Level I. Net Expenditure Over Cap 7,808,754 ,709,888 8,300 0 0 0 Cat,. 04 Ns Mil)/ COMPLETE BUDGET ON FILE COUNTY CHILD CARE BUDGET SUMMARY Michigan Departritent of Social SerVices For the Office of Children and Youth Services CootY Oakland Fiscsf Year October 1/ 1988—September 30, 1989 - _. Court Contact Pereon Teaepesona Norrt,ef Earl L. Koonce 858-0256 055 Contsci Person Telapnone NOrntser - Jeanne Walter 858-1481 NOTE: DO NOT INCLUDE H. AND 1. IN THE TOTAL EXPENDI- TURE LINE. B. Institutional Care .... , ......... C. In Home Care 0. Independent Living E. SUBTOTALS F. Revenue — G. Net Expenditure CHILD CARE FUND Foster Care Durina Release Appeal Period COST SHARING RATIOS County 100 JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES FUND Basic Grant County 0%/State 100% $15,000.00 Maximum COST SHARING RATIOS IV, TOTAL EXPENDITURE , BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE PARTICIPATED IN DEVELOPING THE PROGRAM BUDGET PRESENTED ABOVE. We certify Plat the budget submitted above represents an anticipated gross expenditure for the fiscal year October 1, 19 88 T hr u -Seutember 30.19 _8_9_ ; P',,,-1.",; J.A;et, ot -'-rni-,t,te Cour!, ,n,,,,,I1-4 0,..u/ort S.cr-,scura t; sic 6 T,. 77' .011 nor cllx,rtn-qnee:a •ny 1e.01310.0. ape. r.en0.,e1 0111310. 00101. II-.Y0l A7_ 1-.M, bb— , . • . MEMO TO: James M. McFarland FROM: Raymond J. Sharp RE t IN-HOME CARE PROGRAMS DATE: June 17, 1988 After careful reading of the In-Home Care Policy, I am confident that the Status Offender Program, Early Offender Program, Intensive Counseling Program, and the In-Home Detention/Intensive Monitoring Component, can be certified as qualifying for In-Home Care Matching Funds. RJStslm Attachments IN-HOME CARE CERTIFICATION Fund Restrictions and Program Requirements In-Home Care program expenditures are restricted to new or expanded programs that are alternatives to out-of-home institutional or foster care. A. ELIGIBTF CLIE\ITS/STAFFM L. Children under the jurisdiction of the court, as an alternative to removal from the child's home, provided that: a. such care is an alternative to detention or other out-of-home care and: * a complaint has been received and accepted by the court, * the expenditures are not for judicial costs, * the caseload size or services are intensive, • non-scheduled payments are not made to pay for basic family needs other4ise available through public assistance programs, * the parent(s) and the youth have agreed in writing to receive In-Home Care services, or a temporary order has been entered pending an adjudication hearing; or b. such care is provided to children who at the dispositional hearing are ordered into In-Hone Care as an alternative to foster care or other out-of-hoTe care, and: * the expenditures are not for judicial costs, * the services are intensive, and • non-scheduled payments are not made to pay for basic family needs otherwise available through public assistance programs. 2. The In-Home Care early return option may be used to accelerate the early return of a youth from family foster care, institutional care, or other out--of-tame care when the case plan identifies an early return goal and the services are provided to •members of the child's family. The case plan should identify the family strengths and deficiencies which, if corrected, would permit the youth to be returned home early. In-Home Care Services would typically be provided to the family during the time that the youth is in out-of- home care and, if recessary, for a period of time after the youth has returned to the family. - 32 - 3. The county Department of Social Services may provide In-Home Care services if the juvenile court orders care and supervision of a court ward. 4. The county Department of Social Services may provide In-Home Care services from its sub-account for substantiated Protective Services cases, provided that: • such In-Home Care services prevent the need to petition the juvenile court for removal or prevent placement in voluntary foster care, and • non-scheduled payments are not made to cover basic family needs otherwise available through public assistance programs. 5. In-Home Care funds shall not be used to meet the court staff-to-youth population ratio of I to 6,000 as specified in the Juvenile Court atailagit. d PA ii t_. e es to- . e o I dre 6. Court staff hired after 4/30/85, who are responsible for case plan development and monitoring must meet the qualifications established in the Juvenile Court Administrative Guidelines for the Care of Children. The following positions are included: * Supervisory Personnel * Probation Officers * Counselors 7. County Department of Social Services staff and supervisory staff providing direct In-Hone Care services must meet the standards set forth in Rules 400.6124, 400.6126 and 400.6128 of the Administrative Rules for Child Placing Agencies. 8. County Department of Social Services staff and supervisory staff providing direct In-Home Care services must be state civil servants assigned to classifications and levels equivalent to staff and supervisors in the state foster care program. 9. In-Hone Care reirriburserrents for program and administrative office space, county purchased supplies, salaries and wages for county employees who provide direct services or support for these services are subject to the same restrictions as reimbursements in .county operated institutions. - 33 - court order, when as part of a formal entered on the DSS- B. USE OF THE IN-HOME CARE °Pr:1LN FOR NON-SCHEDULED PAYMENT If all other In-Home Care requirements are met, budgeted non-scheduled payments for services available to youth in foster care may be provided to youth in their own home. (Non-scheduled payments are defined in the child Care Rind Handbook). C. CASE RECtRO ECCT,M7fATICN REQUIREVENTIS Individual case record documentation is required for all In-Home Care clients. As a minimum, case records must include the following:' family case assesswenc which identifies, by service component, the problems and need for In-Home Care services, date of intake, type of complaint/allegation, supported as follows: (1) delinquency -- a copy of the complaint or applicable, placing the child in In-Home Care disposition. (2) abuse/neglect -- allegation and substantiation 133 in Department cases; treatment plan which identifies the treatment, objectives action steps which will be used to reach the objectives, case plan changes as a result of -supervisor/Case contractee/contractof case reviews, and the worker or * quarterly progress rerzorts, * dates, type and purpose of service contacts wade with the client, * legal status of youth and the family, and • the living arrangeFent of the youth at termination of in-Home Care services. NOTE: Case record content for all foster care cases, under the supervision of a county department of Social Services, should be maintained according to Services Manual Item 722 (6a-9).. It is suggested that all In-Home Care material be kept in the frst inside section of the foster care file. In-Home Cara services cu: chased from a private or public provider requires a contract unless the s..a:-_-vice is supportive of a large component; (i.e., clothing or dental work icr a ,:cuth serviced through an established! In-Home Care program. as for eya=lie, _ntensive supervision). These non-scheduled payments do not require c7ntracts.. In-Home care funds and services are subject to state review and audit and noncompliance with the above restrictions and requirements may result in withholding or repayment of state reimbursement. The county must have all In-Home Care Contracts processed through the county's formal contract approval procedures: The signatures below certify that In-Home Care policy stated in this document have been reviewed. It is understood that these are conditions for claiming In-Home Care fund reimbursement. DATE: Presiding. Judge of Probate Court Juvenile Division OR DATE: County Director of Social Services USE ADOfTIONAE SIfEETS AS NEEDED. USS-44715 12-87)(121A(k) RI. 1:k:112 4t`.:T EVALUATION — Corrip]ele lot coritriumq or ending c ..Ortvo..-lenfs AREAS OF IMPACT REDUCT1ONS U Number's or Days I 12. Costs —I A, YOutil PetOioned i B. Adjudications ,.._ C. Days of FamHy Foster Care D. Days of Out-of-Home Detention E. Days of Shelter Care ' F. Days of Residential Treatment Care 3,466 $168, 101 _ I 6 State Wards Committed IV. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT/EVALUAT1ON: For ALL Components in eflect during the most recent fiscal year: 13_ Assess strengths, weakness and problem areas of this component Assess tne intended impact areas and results. Explain the reason(s) or cause(s) for the difference between the projected No's and cost and the actual. - __- DS'S-4471A (1 2- B7) USE ADIDErIONAE. F.,HEETS AS NEEDED. in. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Address the following items which apy in sr xt narrative paragraphs. .„ . FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: Problem sfaterreet 'y'vinat caused ihe need Or EI S request ivid what ;21CtOf 5 lea(lirl(i to th'ereOuEst N / FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 10. Explain items 3, 4 & 5 from the reverse side. N/ A FOR NEW OR REVISED COMPONENT: 11. Describe how the project will be administered, the services to be provided and by .vyhorn. Include the relationship between the court and DSS, and the Contractor if services are purchased. N/ A FOR REVISED COMPONENT: 12. Changes— Describe changes that are planned in existing programs for the coming year, i.e. target population, type of service, method of delivery number of staff, increase or decrease in costs, etc. A August 4, 1988 FISCAL REPORT BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE DR. G. WITTIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: PROBATE COURT - OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE FUND BUDGET 1988-1989 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 1138179 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Centleuen: The Finance Committee, having reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution 1183179, reports the following: • 1) The Child Care Fund application is for the period October 1, 1988, through September 30, 1989; 2) The Michigan State Department of Social Services requires that this application be submitted by September 1, 1938; 3) At the suggestion of both Management and Budget and Probate Court, it is recommended that the attached revised pages be substituted into the application; 4) The application reflects $11,626,674 in gross expenditures and $1,713,570 in offsetting revenues, with net expenditures of $9,913,104; 5) In comparison, the adopted biennial budget based on the state's fiscal period reflects $11,522,496 in gross expenditures and $1,713,570 in offsetting revenues, with net expenditures of $9,808,926; 6) A preliminary indication by the state is that the Child Care Fund expenditure cap will be $7,808,754; 7) Should the application be approved by the state as submitted, Oakland County will exceed the cap by $2,104,350, resulting in an effective reimbursement rate of 39%. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing report. FINANCE COMMITTEE LYNN/t. ALLEN, County Clerk/Regis t er of 0 Resolution # 88179 August 4, 1988 Moved by Gosling supported by Wilcox the resolution (with Fiscal Note attached) be adopted. AYES: Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Luxon,McConnell, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks, Page, Pernick, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Caddell, Crake. (18) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland•and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of the attached resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at. their regular meeting held on August 4, 1988 with the original record thereof now remaining in my offfte, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Test irony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand 2nd affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan 4th 'day of Aupst 1988 this