HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1987.05.14 - 17860FINANCE COMMITTEE RESOLUTION Deft ' APPFIOVED;WTO FORM Departmonl.'of Corporartim , Dated -.MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 87114 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: HEALTH DIVISION - 1987 CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT AWARD - ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #86186 requires the Finance Committee to review acceptance of all grants that vary less than fifteen (15) percent from the original grant application; and WHEREAS the Board Chairperson per Miscellaneous Resolution #86186 approved the camps Development Grant application through the Michigan Department of Public Health (MDPH) in the amount of $294,440 for the period January 1, 1987 through December 31, 1987; and - WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed said grant as approved by the Michigan Department of Public Health and finds the grant award in the amount of $293,461, an amount of $979 less than the original application for the same tine period; and WHEREAS said program is 99% funded by the State ($292,486), with the remainder being indirect cost which will be treated as in-kind local match ($975); and WHEREAS this grant contract has been reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS application or acceptance of the grant does not obligate the County to any further commitment. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept the 1987 CHAMPS Development Grant Award in the amount of $293,461 and authorizes the appropriate budget amendments he made. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute said grant contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to approve minor changes and grant extensions, not to exceed a fifteen (15) percent variance, which are consistent with the grant as approved. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, T move the adoption of the fore going resolution_ COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT Of INSTITUTIONAL AND HUMAN SERVICES Daniel T. Murphy, Oakland County Executive HEALTH DIVISION Thomas J. Gordon, Ph.D., Manager 27725 Greenfield Road Southfield, Michigan 48076-3625 1200 N. Idegraph Road Pontiac. Micniaan 48053-1082 MEMORANDUM February 23, 1987 TO: Jean Willoughby, Director Federal and State Aid FROM: Rogert L. Zigler, Administrative Assistant Public Health Administration Services • RE: 1987 CHAMPS Development Grant - Continuation Grant Under the New Grant Procedures - Application Attached is the 1987 CHAMPS Development Grant. As this is a continuation grant under the new grant procedure, I have forwarded a copy to Budget Division in order that they can prepare a budget report. The budget report and application will then be taken to the Board of Commissioners for Mr. Rewold's signature. Thank you. Attachment cc: Tom Gordon, Ph.D. Joe Matkosky Debbie Culver Robert P. Locey, M.D. REZ:d Completion is a Condition offonding. Authority; e.A.36a m 197B PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Contract No. t2/134 Pogram Budget Period Date Prepared CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT 1/1/87 To 12/31/87 2/17/87 Local Agency orismal D. Amended Ei Amendment OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION Budget A Budget Number Atiriress city State ZIP Code Employer Identification No. 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN .48053 P38-6004876 W AGREEMENT BUDGET LOCAL BUDGET CATEGORY TOTAL CURRENT YEAR SUBSEQUENT CURRENT SUBSEQUENT BUDGET PORTION YEAR PORTION YEAR 19 YEAR 19 1 Salaries & Wages 214, 382 2 Fringe Benefits 1,780 3 Travel - - 4 Supplies & Materials - - 5 Contractual (Sub-Contracts) - - - IIIIIIII 6 Equipment IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII Other Expenses: 267 303 , 111 TOTAL DIRECT 9 Indirect Costs 4. 0 96 of $24, 975 Milliill Other Cost 10 Distributions TOTAL EXPENDITURES 294,440 1111111111111111 12 Less: Fees & Collections 13 FUNDS REQUIRED 294,4140 SOURCE OF FUNDS 14 State Agreement a 293,465 15 Local o 975 16 Federal Other IIMIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIII 18 TOTAL FUNDING 294,440 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIII CERTIFICATION: I cedity that I am authorized to sign on behalf of the local agency. This budget represents cost necessary for the administration and operation of the program. Adequate documentation and records will be maintained to support all required program expenditures _ ---- r NA E- 4 . . TITLE: DATE' Page Completion is a Conditton of Funding Als11,06,y P A.366 -nt 147 PROGRAM BUDGET POSMON SCHEDULE Page of ----- PrC vfarn Code .............BudgetPenod Date Prepared CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT 1/1/87 To 12/31/87 2/17/87 local Agency lOngonal Amended Amendment OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION Budget Budget F Number ANNUAL TOTAL COMMENTS TYPIST II 1.00 SALARY -- SALARY • 12,191 12,191 SEVERAL P.T.N.E. PERSONS TYPIST II 1.00 12,191 12,191 SEVERAL P.T.N.E. PERSONS 1 .---------- _L_____ TOTAL 2.00 24,382 Cemptenon Is a Condq.on of i-uod,og. 9u,n0ri1y P A66 0, 1918 PROGRAM BUDGET - COST DETAIL SCHEDULE Page of •'Prograini Code Budget Period Date Prepared CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT 1/1/87 m 12/31/87 2/17/87 LOCAL AGENCY 0rirna Arnendmeni OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION Budbgetl LI, ren :ted Number ITEM SUB-CATEGORY/ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY CATEGORY TOTAL TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS SOCIAL SECURITY 1,756 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 24 TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 1,780 OTHER EXPENSES DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMMING FOR: EPIDEMIOLOGY a ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMS 4,100 (100 HOURS @ $41.00/HOUR) PERSONAL S PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAMS 87,735 (2,140 HOURS @ $41.00/HOUR) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS • 87,734 (2,140 HOURS @ $41.00/HOURS) HEALTH EDUCATION & NUTRITION SERVICES PROGRAMS . 87,734 (2,140 HOURS @ $41.00/HOUR) TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 267,303 INDIRECT COSTS 4.0% OF 1987 SALARIES 5 WAGES OF $24,382 • 975 2/12/37 2/17/87 OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION PROJECT PLAN FOR 1937 1. Due to the lack of disk storage space at the Computer Services Department, the Fixed Food Program Element Pilot was rescheduled for February, 1987. Training of Health Division personnel involved in the pilot will occur in January. 2. Depending on the impact of the Fixed Food Program Rlement Pilot, the , following program elements have been identified for development and imPlementation in 1987 for the Environmental Health Services: a. b. C . d. e. f g. h. 1. j. k. 1. n. 0. p- q. r. S . t. U , V. On-Site Sewage (private) DSS Facilities Mortgage Evaluations Pools Mobile Home Parks MDPH Campgrounds Nbbile Foods Vending Machines Indoor Air Schools Solid Waste Toxic and Hazardous Waste Septage Management Private Water Public Water Bathing Beaches Temporary Foods On-Site Sewage (public) Rodent Control Insect Control Residential Housing Transitory Housing Non-Residential Housing Pigeons 3. The screens needed to support client scheduling and an accompanying tickler system will be developed, beginning in February, which will address the needs of several operational units within the agency. AppLopriate training will occur and documentation, in terms of the User Manual, will be developed. 4. To facilitate the auditing of records for quality assurance _purposes . in Field Nursing, an Audit Tallying Screen will he developed to assist in the selection of records using a variety of criteria. 5. All of the operational units currently using the old Daily Activity Coding system will be phased into the new system, which was developed last year. 6. During the course of the year, the management information needs for ail of the operational units will be identified, and the appropriate screens will be developed, tested, and implemented. UNIQUE INTAKE \ 1 \ / PROBLEM LIST EVALUATION iAlv1PS 2/2/87 CASE MANAGEMENT MODIFIED CASE MANAGEMENT COMMON COMON FINED FOODS ) \n_ FIELD NURSING OTHER PE/UNIT PLANS CONTACT IlviMUN I ZAT I ON S 2/2/87 OAKLAND couan HEALTH DIVISION OLD APPROACH NEW APPROACH c) Funding Source State In-Kind $250,000 $293,465 1,574 975 TOTAL REVENUE $251,574 $294,440 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 1987 CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION 1986 Champs 1987 Champs Development Development Grant Award Grant Application Salaries Amount Amount Typist II (PTNE) a) $ 28,099 $ 24,382 Fringe Benefits 103 1,780 Data Processing Programming 221,798 267,303 Indirect Cost b) 1,574 975 TOTAL COST $251,574 $294,440 a) Two (2) part-time non-eligible Typist II positions. b) Indirect Cost: 1985 - 13.2% approved 2/4/87 H.U.D. 1986 - 5.6% approved 2/10/86 Michigan Department of Public Health 1987 - 4.0% currently being negotiated c) Primary source of funding is the Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Michigan Department of Public Health. STATE OF MICHIGAN JAMES J. BLANCHARD, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 3500 N. LOGAN P 0. BOX 30035 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 GLORIA R SMITH Ph.D.. MPH, F A.A N Difecmr April 3, 1987 Mr. Thomas J. Gordon, Ph.D. Oakland County Health Department 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac,- MI 48053 Dear Attached are three copies of the agreement between the Michigan Department of Public Health and the Oakland County Health Department for implementation of a local public health information management system. Please sign all three copies of the agreement, as well as the program budget summary sheets, and return to my office. If you have any questions on the agreement, please contact me. Sincerely, iv7 avid McLaury, Chiet r/ Office of Management' and Intonation Systems DM: cc Attachments Agreement Between the Michigan Department of Public Health hereinafter referred to as the "Department" and Oakland County Health Department hereinafter referred to as the "Agency" for Implementation of a Local Public Health Information Management System I. Purpose The purpose of this agreement is to enter into an agreement with the Agency for the development and implementation of an Automated Data Management System (CHAMPS). IL Objectives The principal objective of this agreement is to continue to provide funding support to enable the Agency to acquire professional support to further implement and develop the CHAMPS system within the Agency. Methodology The Agency will meet the objectives above following the methodology outlined in the proposal and work plan submitted on February 12, 1987. This work plan is incorporated into this agreement (Attachment B). The project work plan includes the major implementation phases and target completion dates. The data management system will incorporate the data definitions approved by the Michigan Department of Public Health. This project shall operate and report in accordance with the Project Funding and Reporting Guidelines developed by the Office of Management and Information Systems (October, 1985). IV. program Budget and Agreement Amount The Department under the terms of this agreement will provide funding not to exceed $292,486. This amount must be supported by a completed and signed Program Budget Summary and supporting detail schedules hereby made part of this agreement. A deviation allowance increasing an established budget category by $300 or 151 whichever is greater is permissible without prior written approval of the Department. Any modifications or deviations in excess of this provision including any adjustment in Ain." lull Ac1 nD,r1D01(:14).! -2-- to the total amount of this agreement must be made in writing and executed by all parties to this agreement before the modifications can be implemented. This deviation allowance does not authorize equipment items or positions not shown in the attached Program Budget Summary and supporting detail schedules. This agreement is conditionally approved subject to the availability of funds. V. Responsibilities - Agency a The agency in accordance with the general purposes and objectives of this agreement will a a A. Perform the work as stated in Attachment B. ' 3 B. Maintain adequate programs and fiscal records and files a including source documentation to support program activities and all expenditures made under the terms of this agreement, as required. C. Provide access to authorized representatives of the Department, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, to all records, files, and documentation related to this agreement. D. All records, including supporting documentation and software, shall be maintained in an orderly and functional condition and shall be available for inspection and copying by the Department, the Foundation, or their agents, for three years after the expiration of the contract, or until all audits have been completed. E. Local contractors shall cooperate in the development or acquisition of and/or adopt standardized data processing models including the State minimum data set, standard definitions of terms, common diagnostic and procedure code sets, the State chart of accounts, and other common lists and definitions. Where unique development or acquisition of an available model is justifiable, the local contractor shall explain the rationale and receive the written approval of the Department before proceeding. Such development or acquisition which is not approved in advance shall not be supported by State or Foundation funds, and snail be. accounted for separately. F. Submit examples of all proposed subcontracts to the department as part of the original plan and budget, for authorization under this master agreement. Signed copies of subcontracts must be submitted within 30 days of execution and will become attachments to this master agreement. The agency furthermore shall. -3- 1. Require the contractor to comply with all applicable terms and-conditions of this master agreement. In the event of a conflict between this master agreement and provisions of a subcontract, the provisions of this master agreement shall prevail, 2. Assume all responsibility for any work performed under a subcontract including appropriate compliance with all terms and conditions of the master agreement, 3. Assure that any billing or request for reimbursement for subcontract costs is supported by a valid subcontract and adequate source documentation on costs and services. G. Assure that all terms of the agreement will be appropriately adhered to; and, that records and detailed documentation for the project or program identified in this agreement will be maintained for a period of not less than three years from the date of termination, the date of submission of the final expenditure report or until audit findings have been resolved. H. Assure that all applicable federal and state laws, guidelines, rules and regulations will be complied with in carrying out the terms of this agreement including submission of a copy of any audit report relating in whole or part to this program. I. Utilize standard reporting forms. J. Submit both quarterly status reports and annual reports to OMIS as noted in the Project Funding and Reporting Guidelines. Status reports shall compare actual accomplishments to the objectives of the workplan, explain shortfalls, (if any), reflect plans to overcome shortfalls, and have products anticipated by the workplan attached. K. Assure that all purchase transactions, whether negotiated or advertised, shall be conducted openly and competitively in accord with the principles and requirements of OMB. Circular A-102 or A-110 as applicable and that records sufficient to document the significant history of all purchases are maintained for a minimum of three years after the end of the agreement period. L. Inform the Department of any employee assigned to this program who has retired from State of Michigan employment under Acts 2 and 3 of P.A. 1984 (Early Retirement Program). A monthly report shall be required on the first of each month reporting the names of State early retirants who performed work in the previous month on the program(s) covered under this agreement. Such reports are not required for any State early retirant who reaches the age of 62 years. C va;nDond;4N M. Provide the necessary administrative, professional, and technical staff- for the operation of the program. N. The Agency will s participate in a post-installation evaluation concerning utilization and effectiveness of this data management system. VI. Responsibilities - Michigan Department of Public Health The Michigan Department of Public Health in accordance with the general purposes and objectives of this agreement will: A. provide payment in accordance with this agreement in an amount not to exceed $292,486 based upon appropriate reports, records, and documentation maintained by the Agency. B. Conduct a post-installation evaluation of the utilization and effectiveness of this project. C. Provide any special report forms and reporting formats required by the Department for operation of the program. VII. Assurances In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued thereunder, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Michigan Handicapper's Civil Rights Act (1976 PA 220), the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (1976 PA 453) and the Rules of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission which have been promulgated and adopted pursuant to the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act of 1969 (1969 PA 306) as amended: The Agency assures that, in carrying out this program, no person shall be excluded from participation, denied any benefits, or subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, creed, age, color, national origin, or ancestry, religion, sex, or marital status (except where a bonafide occupational qualification exists). This policy of nondiscrimination shall also apply to otherwise qualified handicapped individuals. Lameatau_d_ae:aaEsi_pl...L.Eass.L...Linaa A. Financial Status Reports (FIN-I30) shall be prepared and submitted to the Department, Finance and Grants Management, on a monthly basis, not later than fifteen (15) days after the close of each calendar month. The monthly Financial Status Reports shall be used by the Department to reimburse the Agency for all costs incurred in-the operation of the program under the terms of this agreement. r,ry Aq porlpoidDzi 5- B. An operating advance may be provided by the Department to the Agency to assist in initiating the program. The monthly Financial Status Report will be utilized to replenish the operating funds on a regular recurring basis. C. Any unobligated balance of funds on hand in the Agency at the end of the agreement period will be returned to the Department or treated in accordance with instructions provided by the Department. D. This agreement is funded by W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant funds. The Foundation does not allow funding of indirect costs. Therefore, local funding is supporting indirect costs. All other costs will be reimbursed proportionately with grant funds and the remaining local support. IX. Agreement Period The Department will assume no responsibility or liability for costs incurred by the Agency prior to the signing of the agreement. This agreement is in full force and effect from January 1, 1987, through December 31, 1987. This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving sixty (60) days written notice to the other party stating the reasons for termination and effective date, or upon the failure of either party to carry out the terms of the agreement, by giving ten (10) days written notice to the other party stating cause and effective date. The Department may also terminate this agreement upon 15 days notice if the name of the Agency, or the name of the subcontractor, manufacturer, or supplier of the Agency subsequently appears in the register compiled by the Michigan Department of Labor pursuant to Section 2 of Act 278 PA 1980. The act prohibits the state from entering into contract with certain employers who engage in unfair labor practices; to prohibit those employers from entering into certain contracts with others; to provide for the compilation and distribution of a register of those employers and to provide for the voiding of certain contracts. Upon any such termination, any funds not authorized for use shall be returned to the Department. X. Amendments Any changes to this agreement will be valid only if made in writing and accepted by all parties to this agreement. Signature Title Date Date Title 6- XI. Special Certification The individual or officer signing this agreement certifies by his or her signature that he or she is authorized to sign this agreement on behalf fejt the responsible governing board, official or agency. For the Agency: Signatur$ Title For the Department: Date Recommended by Signature CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION 1 CS I ai..04,1.41 I X .j AGREEMENT' BUDG L., LI C A L u 0 Ch ,iteeka,131 .i.e PROGRAM BUOCET SUMMARY tr. 111..1 4./4 P 4.4c 1/1/87 r12/31/67! ”Pilt,V.700 7-1 TOTAL DIRECT 292,486 FUND SOURCES 131 State Agreement 4i State Formula 1 292,486 151 PHS 2141d) 16i M&CH 171 Feoeral 1BI Local 191 Other 975 201 TOTAL FUNDING 293,461: TITLE -.....*nnnnn•••••••n DATE: C ATEGORY TOTAL BUDGET CURRENT YEAR I UBSEQUENT PORTION YEAR PORTION C,URI-IENT YEAH 19--- SUBSEOULN YEAR 19_ ScilarS & Vgaoes 21 Fm qd Benefits 31 Travel Suuoiles & materiais 5i Contractual ISuh-Contracts1 5( Eouloment I Other 71 Expenses: I 24,382 ) 1,780 266,324 rum .evt2neq;moexsARM..............smseosIBI Inairect f..:osts: 4.0% of $24,382 9 1 Cur % Subs. , 975 1...loyassam mapelgesessesen; 101 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Less: Fees & Collections 21 FUNDS REQUIRED 293,461 1 293,461 vne•swffessameetemsememsnormenemesee, CERTIFICATION: I cerftty that I am authorized to sign on beriail tne local a9encv. This OL.auget represents cost necessary for the aorninistration ancl oPeration of trle program. Atter:wale oocumentation ano recoras will be maintainer:: si.ipporr 71.--rectiotreti ixograr?„..toot ,pe.noltures, NAmE : TO T AL 2.00 Con OSeo a COn011,..,O j. PROGRAM BUDGET POSMON SCHEDULE Page ot WPM 014.t iVe4 $ew rogt. CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT I Eluage/ Pernxi 1/1/87 12/31/87 DateempaweW 2/17/ 87 I-0CW Agtficy IOrtgrirta.F I ,, i Amendeo 7 Amenament OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION IfJuthjel L.2-_...'s BusNel ' NurnOef 4=. I POSITTONS POSMON DESCRIPTION ANNUAL TOTAL COMMENTS I REQUIRED SALARY SALARY i TYPIST 11 1 LOU 12,191 12,1 91 SEVERAL P.T.N.E. PERSONS 1 TYPIST 11 LOU .12,191 12,191 SEVERAL P.T.N.E. PERSONS -,--, rc; , .., 1.--,- 1 i 1 1 .1 1 -... .. I ...4-...-- .. .--.., Aat,rwa•ai p A_ - 7 0,61 .11polig T ,12/31/8 Te. mak U/1/87 1 CHAMPS DEVELOPMENT GRANT I OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION DESCRIPTION 4 4T. 1 nAKT.; dieenMOOPTO T.PoTT.worar, QUAN nrv IT E M TO TL ....71=1.0MairifOam. :.1L) rr oc LA rF.GOR roTAL 1,756 24 3,121 87,735 87,734 87,734 [1.-Pi K,4 Id La 1,780 266,324 975 •nn•n•.. PROGRAM BUDGET ---- COST DETAiL SCHEDULE %IV :/74 FRINGE BENEFITS Social Security Workman's Compensation Total Fringe Benefits OTHER EXPENSES Data Processing Programming For: Epidemiology & Administration Programs (76 hours G $41.00/Hour) Personal & Preventive Health Services Programs (2,140 Hours 8 $41.00/Hour) Environmental Health Programs (2,140 Hours @ $41.00/Hours) Health Education & Nutrition Services Programs (2,140 Hours 8 $41.00/Hour) Total Other Expenses INDIRECT COSTS 4.0% of 1987 Salaries and Wages of $24,382 2/12/87 2/17/87 OAELAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION PROJECT PLAN FOR 1937 1. Due to the lack of disk storage space at the Computer Services Department, the Fixed Food Program Element Pilot was rescheduled for February, 1987. Training of Health Division personnel involved in the pilot will occur in January. 2. Depending on the impact of the Fixed Food Program Element Pilot, the following program elements have been identified for development and implementation. in 1987 for the Environmental Health Services: a. b. C. d. e. f. g. H. j. k. 1. n. o. P. q. r. S. t. U. V. w. x. On-Site Sewage (private) DSS Facilities Mortgage Evaluations Pools Mobile Home Parks NDPH Campgrounds Mobile Foods Vending Machines Indoor Air Schools Solid Waste Toxic and Hazardous Waste Septage Management Private Water Public Water Bathing Beaches Temporary Foods On-Site Sewage (public) Rodent Control Insect Control Residential Housing Transitory Housing Non-Residential Housing Pigeons 3. The screens needed to support client scheduling and an accompanying tickler system will be developed, beginning in February, which will address the needs of several operational units within the agency. Appropriate training will occur and documentation, in terms of the Dqe17 Manual, will be developed. 4. To facilitate the auditing of records for quality assurance purposes in Field Nursing, an Audit Tallying Screen will be developed to assist in the selection of records using a variety of criteria. S. All of the operational units currently using the old Daily Activity Coding system will be phased into the new system, which was developed last yea.,r 6. During the course of the year, the management information needs for all of the operational units will be identified, and the appropriate screens will be developed, tested, and implemented. 2/2/87 ClIAMPS 7,.C&.]117tyl jD ic1 parpoidas CASE MANAGEMENT MD IF IED CASE MANAGEMENT Ca/40N CalTACT (\ 1127I ZAT IONS) FIXED FCODS F I EI.D NURSING OMER PE/UNIT 1 NEW APPROACH 2/2/87 OAKLAND COUNTY HEALTH DIVISION OLD APPROACH uv5 n 4om jo ams 441 Act p*)rpc>I&6 May 19 87 day of ALLEN Counity Clerk/Register of Deeds this 1A_th MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 87114 May 14, 1987 Moved by Page supported by Pernick the resolution be adopted. AYES: Wilcox, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, P 4 chard Kuhn, Susan Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, page, Perinoff, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of this Miscellaneous Resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on may 140 lian with the orginial record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan