HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.08.02 - 1795313/474-6115 Office of City Clerk City pla R ington Hilles4 31555 ELEVEN MILE ROAD, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48018 August 8, 1988 Mr. Howard Altman, Director of Elections 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Dear Mr. Altman: Attached please find the City of Farmington Hills Canvassing Board's Certification on the City Charter Amendment which was voted on by the electorates on August 2, 1988 at a Primary Election. As you will note, the following has been certified: City Charter Amendment: YES 4,166 NO 3,734 Amendment passed. Very truly yours, --' , y //:/ \ /11 A77-b40(1,•LVVZ/9te-AJ qthryn #e Dorman ity Clerk KAD;mj cc: City Attorney attachment 313/474-6115 Office of City Clerk "t,C) YES 4,166 NO. 3,734 BOARD OF CITY CANVASSERS MariOn E. McCoy, , — ATTEST: Clerk of Board of City Canvassers Dated: August 3, 1988 BOARD-OF CITY A Goo,rge Pp.ertn UrCx., Patricia J. City V Pi: ington Hills 31555 ELEVEN MILE ROAD, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48018 August 3, 1988 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION 7J The Board of City Canvassers of the City of Farming -edn Hills having ascertained and canvassed the votes of said City at the General Primary Election held on Tuesday, the 2nd Day of August, 1988; DO HEREBY CERTIFY AND DETERMINE THAT: CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSAL Shall the City Charter of the City of Farmington Hills, Section 3.02. C. be amended to allow members of boards and commissions to become candidates for election to the City Council without first resigning from their appointed position? Under the current Charter provision citizens who serve on a City Board or Commission are required to resign their appointed positions if they become a candidate for City Council. The resignation provision does not apply to members of boards and commissions who become candidates for any other elective office. STATE OF MICHIGAN) )ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND) AMENDMENT PASSED ncerely, Jam -es J. Blanchard Governor STATE 01? MICHIGAN OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR LANSING JAMES J. BLANCHARD GOVERNOR July 1, 1938 Mr. Paul H. Bibeau F armington Hills City Attorney Brennan, Bibeau & Poehlm an, P.C. 30000 Northwestern Highway Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018-5687 Re: City of Farmington Hills - Charter A mend merit, Section 3.02 (delete resignation requirement for appointed officials who become candidates for elective office) Dear Mr. Bibeau: Notice is hereby given of the submission of the above-mentioned charter amendment for the City of Farmington Hills to the vote of the people. Pursuant to statute, charter amendments adopted by the electorate must be filed with the Secretary of State. For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of this approval letter for inclusion in such filing. ts/396 cc: Attorney General's Office 06 PAINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER