HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1987.12.10 - 18185COUNTY OF OAKLAND BOARD or COMMISSIONERS ADOPTED BUDGET FOR MS: SUGGESTED GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT miSCEL ANEOUS RESOLUTION BY; FINANCE COMMiTTEE, G, WILLIAM CADDELL, D.C., CHAIRMAN IN RE: 955 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS AC1- 00 DIE OAKLAND (01 NY BOARD OF C.OMMISisIONERS and f.'0.:rd.IL.Aien: WHEREAS in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139 of 1973 (as amended by P.A.'100 of 198.0), the Unified Form of County Government Act, all-d Public Act 821 of 197,5, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Government, it is the responsibility of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to establish- and adopt the annual County Budget arid work program; and +1-1lilREAS the Finance Committee re.c.eiv.e...1 budget requests from all County D.epartmients„ and has reviewed in detail the County Executive'.s 1958-1939 Biennial Budget Recommcf..nd.ition; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee, after due deliberation, has formulated a R.ecoint4nded General -Appropriations Act balancing total appropriations with amia blu resources at $264,6.10,021 for calendar year 1955, a summary of which was included in the Notice of Public Hearing published in newspapers of general ibl-cidation; and WHEREAS the further intent of this rasolution is SO establish a budget system lam the .County of Oakland; to define the powers and duties of the County's officers in relation to that system; to designate the Chief Administrative Officer and Fiscal Officer and to provide that the Board of Commissioners and committees thereof and the Fiscal Officer Shall be furnished with information by the departments, boards, commissions and offices relating. to their financial needs, receipts and e ,ipenditures, and general affairs; to prescribe a disbursement procedure, to provide for an allotment system; and to provide remedies for refusal or neglect to comply wiIi the roquirerhents of this r.f.5.31 n3ti ,lr. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt the 1955 General Appropriations Act recommended by the Ilmance committee as advertised and placed in the Clerk's Office for public inspection; and bE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a;-iproxiinately $300,000 or balance of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds included therein be egarilly divided between the Sheriff's 13,partment and thc Tpartrierrt of ',Linageweriz and i3udg,1•t; and BE 11 EURTLIER RESOLVED that the funds appropriated in the professional service line-Item in the Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department not be committed without prior approval of the Planning and Building Committee, and A BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funds representing the four percent penalty On 19.55 delinquent real property taxes (approximately $2,W),009't rie transferred from the Delinquent Property Tax Fund to the General Fund and included as part of the Treasurer's revenue !Lite-item. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one Assistant Prosecuting Attorney position, or the equi v alent thereof, shall -be utilized by the Prosecutor in the Tt arrants Di fisieri located in Royal Oak. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with.P.A. !9 9 of 1977., which established the Tleclicald Reimbursement Program, and in accordance \i.ith Uiscellanentis Resohations 113273, 1192!9, 11.9631, 1131/i9i. /7'3,2165, 11$3333, /1.3.4329, 63535 .19, and 1./34333, the 1.935 salary and operating costs associated A:it!, rh- following positions shall be hilted to the Circuit Court General Account, to the extent lids are avail let Friend of the Court 3 t toriCv I Technical Support Clerk Dorniestio. Relations Iniestig.ator I Circuit Court 3 CircOit Court Judges 3 Coudt Reporter III 3 Judicial Secretary Court Clerk I Prosecutor 2 Assistant Prosecutor Ill; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that: I. The County Fxectitive is hereby designated the Chief Administrative, Officer of We County of Oakland and, further, that the Director of Manag,ernient .3nd Budget shall perform the duties of the Fiscal Of (icier 35 specified in this resolution. .••• 2, The Fiscal Officer shall provide an ozientation session and written instructions for!preparing denartutent budget requests. These instructions shall include! information that the Fiscal Officer determines to he useful and necessary to assure that the budgetary estimates of the agencies are prepared in a consistent manner and the needs of the Board of Commissioners and Committees are .net; and 3. Any offices, departments, commissions and hoards of the County of Oakland financed in whole or in part by the County of Oak!.and h s ttdrismit to the Fiscal Officer their estimates of the amounts of money required for each activity in their respe.ftive agencies, as well as their estimate ofrovenues that will be generated fro tri charges rot Sttli;[ t'S. TIIL-tisH .1k0 Silb ,nit any 'other information deemed relevant by the Fiscal Officer and/or the Board of Commissioners and committees thereof; and The Fiscal Officer shall prescribe forms to be used by the offices!, departments, commissions and boards of the County of Oakland in sii5mitting their budget estimates arid shill prescrihi. the rules and regulations he deems ,iecriissary for the guidance of officials in preparing such budget esti-nates. The Fiscal Officer rnay require that the estimates he calculated on the basis of iaribus 355,1 npti,)ns regarding level of service. The Fiscal Officer nay also require•a statement for any proposed expenditure and a iustifictitio. oil the sersicei financed; and. 5, The Fiscal Officer shall prepare estimates of revenue for each budgeted fund, classified in order to show in detail the amount expected to be received from each source. Estimates of expenditures and revenues shall also be clasSified by character, object, function and activity consistent with the accounting system classification; and 6. The Fiscal Officer shall review the agency estimates with a reprei:seritatiie from each agency of the County of Oakland that has sobinitted such estimams. The purpose of the review shall be to clarify the estimates, ensure th(1 .ir accuracy, and to determine their adherence to the policies previously nnnnc ifel b the Fiscal Officer and the Board of Commissioners or Committees tl4reof as herein required; and 7. The Fiscal Officer shall consolidate the estimates received from the various agencies together with the amounts of expected revenues and shall make recommendations relating to those estimates which shall assure that the total of estimated expenditures including an accrued deficit does not exceed the total of expected revenues including an unappropriated surplus. !3. The recommended budget shall include at least the following: Ca) Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal year arid estimated expenditures for the current fiscal year. (b) An estimato of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, the government of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers, Cc) Revenue ida ta for the -nest itocentiy completed fiscal Year and estimated revenues for the current fiscal year, ficl) An estimate of revenues, by source, to be raised or reeitried by Oakland County in the ensuing fiscal years, fe) The amount of surplus or deficit from prior fiscal years, together with an estimate of the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the current fiscal year, (1) \n esti =na te of the a mo unt ne eded fur deficiency, contingent or emergenc .i. purposes and the amounts needed to pay and discharge the principal And interest of the debt of Oakland County due in the ensuing fiscal ydars, '11.1',DNVIVI111.1.1,1,f14110trtIlltAirr'il III, (g) The amount of proposed capital outlay expenditures, except those finanCed. by enterprise, public improvement or building and site, or special assessment funds, including the estimated total casts and proposed method of financing of each capital construction project and the proiected additional annuli operating cost and the -nethod of financing the operating costs of each capital constriction project for three (3) years beyond the fisza: !.e.ar covered by the budget, (h) An inforrnathanal su -nmary of projected re renues and expenditures of any special assessment funds, public improvement or building and site funds, internal service fund, and enterprise. funds, 0) A comparison of the revenue and expenditure amounts in the recommended budget. to the budget previously adopted by the Board of Commissioners with appropriate explanation of the variances, • (i) Any other data relating to fiscal conditions that the Fiscal Officer Of the Board of Commissioners Of Committees thereof consider to be useful in considering the financial needs of the County. • 9. Not less than ninety (r.i) days before the next succeeding fiscal year, the County Executive shall transmit the recommended budget to the County Board of Commissioners. The recommended budget shall be accompanied by: • (a) A proposed general appropriations measure, consistent with the budget, Which shall set forth the anticipated revenue . and requested expenditure. authority in such form and in such detail deemed appropriate by the Board of Commlissioners or Committees thereof. No appropr:at:ons measure shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners in which estimated total expenditures, inOucling an accrued deficit, exceed estimated total revenues, including :an available. surplus. • (b) A budget message which shall explain the reasons for increases or decreases in budgeted items compared with the current fiscal year, the o f the County executive as it relates to important budgetary items, and any other information that the County Executive determines to be useful to the Boa-d Commissioners in its consideration of proposed appropriations. • (c) A comparison of the recommended budget to the current year adopted bUdget, together with an analysis and explanation of the variances therefrom, such variances being divided to show the portion attributable to the current year budget amendments and the portion resulting from the recommended budget, The County Board of Commissioners, or any committee thereof, may direct the County Executive and/or other elected.officials to submit any additional information it deems relevant in its consideration of the budget and proposed appropr:ations measure. The Board of Commissioners or the committees thereat may conduct budgetary reviews with the Fiscal Officer, and/or County departments ,and divisions or agencies, etc„ for the purpose of clarification or justification of proposed budgetary items. (-3 H. The County Board o.f Commissioners may revise, alter, or substitute for the proposed general appropriations measure in any way, except that it may not change it in a way that would cause total appropriations. including an accrued deficit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including an unappropriated surplus. An accrued deficit shall be the first item of expenditure in the general appropriations measure. 12. The County Board of Commissioners shall fix the time and place of a public hearing to be held on the budget and proposed appropriations measure. The Clerk/Register shall then have published, in a newspaper of general circulation within the County of Oakland, notice of the hearing and an indication of the place at which the budget and proposed appropriations measure may be inspected by the public. This notice must be published at least severi days before the date of the hearing. 13. No later than December 11, the Board of Commissioners shall pass a general appropriations measure providing the authority to make expenditures and incur obligations on behalf of the County of Oakland. The supporting budgetary data to the general appropriations measure shall include at least the following: (a) Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal year, (b) The expenditurn budget as originally adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the current fiscal year, (c) The amended current year appropriations, • (d) An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, the governm .ent of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers, (e) Revenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated revenues for the current fiscal year, (f) Budgeted Revenue Estimates as originally adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the current fiscal year, (g) The amended current year Budgeted revenues, (h) An estimate of revenues, by source, to be raised or received by Oakland COunty in the ensuing fiscal year, (i) The amount of surplus or deficit froM prior fiscal years, together with an estimate of the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the current fiscal year, (j) An estimate of the amount needed for deficiency, contingent on emergency purposes, and the amounts needed to pay and to discharge the principal and interest of the debt of Oakland County due in the ensuing fiscal year, (k) The amount of proposed capital outlay expenditures, except those financed by enterprise, public improvement or building and site, or special assessment funds, including the estimated total costs and proposed method of financing of eachcapital construction project and the projected additional annual operating cost and the method of financing the operating costs of each capital construction project for three (3) years beyond the fiscal year covered by the budget, (I) An informatIonai summary of projected revenues and expenditures of anyispecial assessment funds, public improvement or building and site inc;, internal service funds, and enterprise funds, (m) Any other data relating to fiscal conditions that the Board of CommissiOners considers to be useful in considering the financial needs of the C ounty. f,n) Printed copies of the Board of Commissioners Adopted Budget, Financial Plan or any facsimile thereof shall contain all of the above data unless otherwise approved by the Board of Commissioners. 14. The Board of Commissioners may authorize transfers between appropriation iterriS by the County Executive or Fiscal Officer within limits stated in the appropriations measure. In no case, however, may such limits exceed those provided for in paragraph #71 of this resolution. 13. A deviation from the original general appropriations measure shall not be made without first amending the general appropriations measure thru action by the Board of Commissioners, except within those limits provided for in paragraph 1/16!of this resolution. 16, maximum authorization to incur expenditures: Salaries and Fringes, Overtime, and Operating. The County Executive or the Fiscal Officer shall exercise supervision and control of all budgeted expenditures within these limits, holding expenses below individual line-item appropriations or allowing overruns in individual line-items providing that at no time shall the net expenditures exceed the total appropriation for Salaries and Fringes, Overtime or Operating expenses, respectively, for each division as originally authorized or amended by the Board of Commissioners. The Fiscal Officer shall submit to the Finance Committee a quarterly listing of all of the new line items created administratively which were not properly classifiable. Line-item detail, division, unit or cost center detail and allotments, which provide a monthly calendarization of annual appropriations, as deemed necessary by the Fiscal Officer shall be maintained and utilized as an administra the tool for management information and cost control, The Fiscal. Officer shall not approve any expenditure beyond that necessary to accomplish stated program or work objectives authorized in the general appropriation measure as originally approved unless amended, in which case the amendment takes precedence, 1 7 . The Fiscal Officer shall maintain, for all budgeted funds, appropriation ledger accounts in which are to be recorded such expenditure encumbrances and obligations for the future payment of appropriated funds as he may approve. 1 13. Each purchase order, voucher or contract of Oakland County shall specify the funds and appropriation designated by number assigned in the accoanting system classification from which it is payable and shall be paid from no other fund or appropriation. The necessary amount of the appropriation from such acceunT, shall be transferred pursuant to the provisions of this resolution to the appropriate genral appropriation account and the expenditure then charged thereto. .....,.......-",......--..r••••••••••n•••.,,mos...r.r.rWraatw.errp,n••• • n T •1 -rwirclommworn II -• .•,• r la. No obligation shall be ilcurred against, and no payment shall be made from any appropriation account unless there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in the appropriation and sufficient funds are or will be available to meet the obligation. MI capital projects funded from the Capital Improvement Fund shall require approval of the Board of Commissioners on recommendation of the appropriate liaison committee (Planning and Building Committee) prior to initiatioe of the project. Any obligation incurred or payment authorized in violation of this resolution shall be void and any payment so made illegal except those othera. ordered by court judgment or decree. 29. The Fiscal Officer, after the end of each quarter, shall transmit to the Board of Commissioners a report depicting the financial condition of budgeted operations, including, but not limited to (a) A forecast of actual revenues hy major source compared with budgeted i :evenues accompanied by an explanation of any significant variances. (b) A forecast of actual expenditures and encumbrances by department compared with authorized appropriations accompanied by an explanatioa of any significant 7ariances, and (c) A forecast of actual expenditures, encumbrances and transfers from each of the se teral non-departmental appropriations and reserve accounts compared with authorized appropriations accompanied by an explanation of any significant variances. 21. Direct expenditure and/or transfers of any unencumbered balance or any portion thereof in any appropriation reserve for transfer account to any other appropriations or reserve account may not be made without amendment, of the general appropriation measure as provided for in this resolution, except that transfers within and between budgeted funds and departments may be made by the Fiscal Officer in the following instances: (a) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental overtime reserve acount and fringe benefit adjustment account to the appropriate departmental budget as specific overtime requests are reviewed and approved by the Budget Division. Additionally, overtime appropriations may be transferred between divisions within a department at the request of the Department Head, if authorized by the Fiscal Officer or his designee. (b) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation reserve accounts for Maintenance Department Charges and Miscellaneous Capital Outlay to the appropriate departmental budget as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by the Fiscal Of ficer. (c) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation reserve accounts, Summer Employment, and Lmergency Salaries as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by the Personnel Department. • (ill Fringe benefit rates shall be established annually in the budget process to charge all Governmental, Special Revenue and Proprietary funded agencies for actual employer fringe benefit costs. Such rates shall be sufficient to meet all fringe benefit costs including sick leave and annual lea le accumulations, as well as retirees hospitalization and retirement administration. All funds collected for Retirement, Social Security (FICA .), Hospitalization for active and retired employees, Disability, Dental, Optical, and Life and Accident Insurance shall be transferred to the Employee Fringe Benefit fund as established by Miscellaneous r gwirwrr. it oriomt 'MT,' 0 1 11 Resolution //St-312. Sufficient funds shall be maintained in the Employee Fringe Benefit Fund reserve account for sick leave and annual leave to cover the accumulated liability at an amount equal to 5 1")% of the sick leave accumulation and 100"'S of the annual lea ye accumulation. All funds collected for Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation shall be transferred to their respective self insurance funds as established by Miscellaneous Resolution 031-7;12, (e) An amount for capital improvements shall be added to the Building Space Cost Allocation charges. Funds collected as a result of this charge shall be accumulated in the Facilities Maintenance and Operations Fund for capital improVements. The transfer of these funds to the Capital Irnpro.rement Fund shall not be made prior to December 31, without approval from the Finance Committee of the Board of Commissioners. 22. The Board of Commissioners may make supplemental appropriations by amending this general appropriations measure as provided by this resolution, provided that revenues in excess of those anticipated in the original general appropriations!measure become available due to: (a) rim unoblfgated surplus from prior years becoming available; • • (b) Current year revenue exceeding original estimate in amounts great enough to 'finance increased appropriations. The Board of Commissioners may make a supplemental appropriation by increasing the dollar amount of an appropriation item in the original general appropriations measure or by adding additional items. At the same time the estiMated amount from the source of revenue to which the increase in revenue m3y be attributed shall be increased, or other source. and amount added in a sum sufficient to equal the supplemental expenditure amount. In no case may such appropriations cause total estimated expenditures, including an accrued deficit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including an unappropriated surplus. 23. Whenever it appears to the County Executive or the Board of Commissioners that. actual and probable revenues in any fund will he less than the estimated revenues upon which appropriations from such fund were based, the County Executive shall present to the Board of Commissioners recommendations which, if adopted, will prevent expenditures from exceeding available revenues for the current fiscal year. Such recommendations shall include proposals for reducing appropriations, increasing revenues, or both. After receiving the recommendations of the County Executiie for bringing appropriations into balance with estimated revenues, the Board of Commissioners shall amend the general appropriations measure to reduce appropriations or shall approve such measures necessary to provide revenues sufficient to equal appropriations, or both. 24. All appropriations are annual and the unexpended portion shall lapse at year end. Encumbrances and appropriations carried forward will be recorded as a reservation of fund balance and the subsequent year's budget amended to providejauthority to complete these transactions, as defined in NCGA, Statement I. The recommended year-end.budget amendment shall be supported with a staternnt of revenues and expenditures and operating surplus or deficit which shall contain the .following data: (1) budget as adopted; (2) budget amendments; (3) budget as adjusted; (4) revenues and expenditures, operating surplus or deficit; 1.5) accrued revenue and expenditures; (6) transfers; (7) total revenues and expenditures and transfers, operating surplus or deficit, including accruals and transfers; r...4,111nn••••n•••n•-•.11,1,. Date : (8) encumbrances; (9) appropriations carried for ward; (10) total revenues and appropriations utilized, operating surplus or deficit, ; r•rr, rarri appropriations carried forward; (II) balance of revenues not collected, unencumbered appropriation balance, operating surplus or deficit; (I :?), detail of adjustments to designated and undesignated fund balance, detail of adjustment to!reserves and/or any other utilization of surplus; (I 3) final szjrpitis or Ile f irit or undesignated fund balance carried forward to the subsequent year's budget. 25. A member of the Board of Commissioners, the County 7ixecuti1e, any elected officer, the Fiscal Officer, any other adrninistrati /e of ficer or ,emploee of Oakland County shall not create a debt, incur a financial obligation on behalf of the County against an appropriation account in excess of the amount 'authorized' nor apply or divert money of the County for purposes inconsistent with those specified in this general appropriations measure as approved and amended by the Board of Commissioners. Funds shall not be expended or transferred from "off-budget" or balance sheet reserve accounts, contingent liability accounts, designated and undesignated fund balances without specific appropriation or other appropriate action by the Board of Commissioners 26. Any violation of the general appropriations measure by the County Executive, the Fiscal Officer, any administrative officer, employee or ineinSer .)f the Boa ,d ' of Commissioners detected through application of generally accepted accounting:procedures utilized by Oakland County or disclosed in an audit of the finanr-ial records and accounts of the County shall be filed with the State Treasurer and reported by the State Treasurer to the Attorney General. Pursuant to Public Act 621 of 1973, the Uniform Budgeting Act, the Attorney General shall review the report and initiate appropriate action against the person or persons in iioiation. For use. and benefit of the County. of Oakland, the Attorney General or ProsecutMg Attorney may institute a did and/or criminal action in a court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of County funds disclosed by an examination to have been illegally expended or collected as a result of malfeasance, and for the recovery of public property disclosed to have been converted or misappropriated.' 27. The provisions of this act shall be applied to the General Fund and all Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds of the County, including Enterprise Funds and Internal. Service Funds. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution which embodies the I9S3 General Appropriations Act as detailed in the 1988-1989 Biennial Budget document. FINANCE COM \IFTTE. G. William Caddell, Chairperson I HERY APPROVE THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION page 1. Moved by Caddell supported by Richard Kuhn the 1988 Budget and Suggested General Appropriations Act be adopted. Moved by Caddell supported by Lanni the General Appropriations Act be amended by adding the following paragraph at the end of Section 21. "Road improvement funds may be released to the Road Commission upon approval of the specific projects by the Transportation Committee of the Board of Commissioners." Discussion followed. Ms. Hobart suggested the amendment be corrected by stating "Tr-party" before funds if that is what the amendment is for. Dr. Caddell stated he had no objection to the amendment reading "Road improvement Tr-party funds Vote on amendment: AYES: McConnell, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Moffitt, Oaks, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon. (26) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Lanni supported by Gosling to amend the General Appropriations Act on Page A by adding: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds appropriated for the Oakland Livingston Human SErvices Agency (OLHSA) in the Institutional and Human Services Department not be released without approval of the Health and Human Services Committee. Said approval is contingent upon the Committee receiving monthly reports, until such time the Committee determines quarterly reports will be adequate.° Moved by Jensen supported by Moffitt the amendment be referred to the Health and Human Service Committee. AYES: A. McPherson, R. McPHerson, Moffitt, Oaks, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Wilcox, Aaron, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, Luxon. (24) NAYS: Lanni, McConnell. (2) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried and the amendment was referred to the Health and Human Services Committee for consideration. Report By Personnel Committee IN RE: Budget Amendment - Salary Increases for Summer and Student Classifications To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee recommends to amend the 1988-1989 Budget document by incre the salary ranges for the following classifications as shown: FROM TO Student $3.62 - $3.88 $4.00 - $4.29 Gate Attendant 3.62 - 3.88 4.00 - 4.29 Summer Employee Level I 3.62 - 3.88 4.00 - 4.29 Summer Employee Level II 4.00 - 4.25 4.42 - 4.70 Summer Employee Level III 4.00 - 4.25 4.42 - 4.70 Summer Employee Level IV 4.08 - 4.70 4.51 - 5.19 Summer Employee Level V 4.60 - 5.22 5.08 - 5.77 Seasonal Program Specialist I 5.43 - 6.46 6.00 - 7.14 Seasonal Program Specialist II 6.46 - 7.49 7.14 - 8.28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create a new class of Seasonal Program Specialist III (o position only at Red Oaks Wave Pool) at a 1988 rate of $8.50 - $9.60 per hour. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to increase Cooperative Extension Assistant positions in Co Extension from Summer Level . III to Summer Level V. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to pay Summer Law Clerks at the same 1988 hourly rate as the full-time Law Clerk classification. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sufficient monies be transferred from the salary adjustmi accounts in departmental budgets and distributed to the salaries line-items as required. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John P. Calandro, Chairperson Moved by Calandra supported by Hobart the report be accepted. $ 40,530 $ 43,500 42,190 44,500 $ 82,720 $ 88,000 $ 46,530 $ 49,500 36,190 38,500 $ 82,720 $_88,000 2; A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Calandro supported by Hobart the General Appropriations Act be amended to concur with the report and become part of the budget. AYES: Moffitt, Oaks, Page, Pernick, Price, Rewold, Rowland, Skarritt, Aaron, Bishop. Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Doyon, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, A. McPherson. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Report By Personnel Committee IN RE: Budget Amendment - 1988 Judges' Salaries The Personnel Committee recommends that in compliance with 1987 P.A. 131 the 1988-198! Budget document be amended by increasing the County paid supplemental portion of judges' salarii effective January 1, 1988 to $37,000 for Circuit Judges, to $44,500 for Probate Judges and to $38,500 for District Judges for total 1988 annual salaries as shown below: TO (Effective FROM Jan. 1, 1988) Circuit Court Judge State Portion $ 51,700 $ 55,000 County Supplement 34,780 37,000 Total -----Tgr,TTO------- $ 92,000 Probate Court Judge State Portion County Supplement (Includes 6,000 mandatory payment towards State Statutory salary) Total District Court Judge State Portion County Supplement Total FURTHER that sufficient monies be transferred from the salary adjustment accounts and fringe benefit adjustment accounts in departmental budgets and distributed to the salaries and fringe benefit line items as required. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing report. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE John P. Calandro, Chairperson Moved by Calandro supported by Crake the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Calandra supported by Crake the 1988-89 Budget be amended to concur with the report from the Personnel Committee. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Report By Personnel Committee IN RE: RECOMMENDED 1988 SALARY INCREASES REPORT BY: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE-John P. Calandro, Chairperson IN RE: RECOMMENDED 1988 SALARY INCREASES TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee recommends to amend the 1988-89 Budget document by increasing the total salaries expenditures for county classifications not represented by bargaining units that are being increased by this report by a total not to exceed 4.5% of the total salary expenditures of these classifications and; FURTHER that classifications included in salary grades 1-15 be increased in the following manner, effective January 2, 1988: Increase the 1987 salary ranges for salary grades 1-15, by 4.5% for 1988; Increase the current salary ranges of classes in grades 1-15, where current maximum is below the 1987 salary grade range maximum, up to the 1987 salary grade range maximum, plus an additional 4.596, except that no increase shall exceed 10%; Increase by 2.35% the current salary ranges of classes whose current maximum is above the 1987 salary grade range maximum, whichever is greater; FURTHER that classifications included in salary grades 16-21 be increased January 2, 1988, in the following manner: Increase the 1987 salary ranges for salary grades 16-21 by 4.5% for 1988; Increase the current salary ranges of classes in grades 16-21, where current maximum is below the 1987 salary grade range maximum, by one half the difference between their current salary range maximum and their 1987 target salary grade range maximum; plus an additional 4.5%, except that no increase shall exceed 10%; Increase by 2.35% the current salary ranges of classes whose current maximum is above the 1987n salary grade range maximum, or to the 1988 salary grade maximum, whichever is greater; FURTHER tha.1 all remaining classes not represented by bargaining units be increased by 4.5% effective January 2, 1988, including designated exceptions to salary grades 1-21, part-time hourly classifications, and elected and appointed officials, but excluding: Appointed Board and Commission members; and District, Probate and Circuit Judge classifications, which shall be addressed by separate report; and Commissioner, Commissioner Chairperson, Commissioner Vice Chairperson, Commissioner Caucus Chairperson, Commissioner Standing Committee Chairperson and Commissioner Standing Committee Vice Chairperson; and Summer and Student classifications which shall be handled by separate report; and Friend of the Court which shall have a 1988 salary range equivalent to the Chief-Family Support Division; and Cultural Affairs Coordinator which shall have the following salary range for 1988: BASE 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR O. T. 23,102 24,488 25,874 27,262 28,647 30,033 No FURTHER that sufficient monies be transferred from the salary adjustment accounts and fringe benefit adjustment accounts in departmental budgets and distributed to the salaries and fringe benefit line-items as required FURTHER that any remaining funds in the departments' salaries and fringe benefit adjustment line-items not required to fund approved salary increases and excluding amounts required to fund unsettled union contracts, be transferred to contingency. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Moved by Calandra supported (by grake the report be accepted. A sufficient majority having \Tied therefor, the report was accePted. Moved by Calandra supported by Crake \+he 1988-89 Budget be amended to concur with the Personnel Committee report. Moved by Calandra supported by Pernick that the salaries of the County Clerk/ Register of Deeds, Treasurer, Drain Commissioner and Sheriff be set as follows for 1988: 1. The Sheriff's salary be set at $67,500; 2. The Drain Commissioner's salary be set at $67,500 with 20% being paid consistent with Board Resolution #87322; 3. The Clerk/Register of Deeds andTreasurer's current (1987) base salaries be increased by 4.5% in 1988. Also, if the statutory and established per diem allowances which are paid to the Clerk/Register of Deeds and the Treasurer when combined with their annual base salaries do not total $67,500 in 1988, the difference shall be paid to them in December 1988. Discussion followed. AYES: Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt. (18) NAYS: Oaks, Pernick, Price, Rowland, Aaron, Doyon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson. (9) page 5. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Doyon supported by Aaron the budget be amended in the 3rd FURTHER paragra0 after the word classifications, adding "appointed officials, but excluding", delete the word "and" - and also "and appointed" and "but excluding" so the paragraph would read: FURTHER that all remaining classes not represented by bargaining units be increased by 4.5% effective January 2, 1988, including designated exceptions to salary grades 1 21, part-time hourly classifications, appointed officials, but excluding elected officials, and" Discussion followed. Vote on Mr. Doyon's amendment: AYES: Pernick, Price, Rowland, Aaron, DoYon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks. (9) NAYS: Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobar . Jensen, R. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt. (17) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Vote on salaries increases, as amended: AYES: Pernick, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, Luxon, McConnell, McDonald, A. McPherson, Moffitt, Page. (22) NAYS: Rowland, Aaron, R. McPherson, Oaks, (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Caddell supported by Pernick the 1988 Budget be amended by transferring the $3 Million for Jail Expansion from the Sheriff's Department Miscellaneous Line Item to the Non- Departmental Appropriations as follows: Page 101-Sheriff Department Line Item 3528 Miscellaneous (3,000,000) Page 11 - Building Authority 1,743,363 Jail Expansion 656,637 Contingency 600,000 A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Moved by Pernick supported by Rowland the 1988 Budget be amended by reducing the 1988 budget for each County department to the 1987 amended budget amount plus 2%. Each department head shall be responsible for adjusting changes in their operation to meet this appropriation. This change shall not apply to the Sheriffs Department nor to operations receiving their funds from their own source or outside State and Federal revenues. The Funds saved by this amendment shall be invested in a 1988 millage reduction fund with the principal and interest used to reduce the 1989 millage rate below the 1988 rate. The Chairperson declared a 5 minute recess. The Board reconvened at 11:55 a.m. Discussion followed regarding Mr. Pernick's amendment. AYES: Price, Rowland, Aaron, Doyon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks, Pernick. (9) NAYS: Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart,Jensen, R.Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Page. (18) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Rowland supported by Pernick the 1988 Budget be amended by appropriating $100,000 to fund the extension of the existing 52nd District Court computer system to all District Courts in Oakland County that desire to utilize the system. Discussion followed. Dr. Caddell stated he would like this amendment referred to the Finance Committee to work on developing a program in 1988. 'There were no objections to the referral 4nd the amendment was referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Luxon supported by Pernick the 1988 Budget be amendeo' deleting the funding for the position of Deputy County Executive-Administration. AYES: Rowland, Aaron, Doyon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks, Pernick, Price. (9) NAYS: Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop,, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Page. (17) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Ruel McPherson supported by Pernick the 1988 Budget be amended by deleting the position of Manager-Employment and Training Division. AYES: Aaron, Doyon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. Mcpherson, Oaks, Pernick, Price. (8) NAYS: Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Page, Rewold. (18) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Price supported by Pernick the 1988 Budget be amended by appropriating $250,000 to establish an Oakland County In-Car Computer Terminal project. The details of the program to be established by the Board in 1988 following the guidelines of the 1987 project proposal. The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Public Services Committee. There were no objections. Moved by Doyen supported by Pernick the 1988 Budget be amended by eliminating the $20,000 appropriation for the publication The Telegraph" from the 1988 Budget. Dr. Caddell requested the amendment be referred to the Finance Committee for examination of the cost of printing the publication. Moved by Angus McPherson supported by Pernick to appropriate $90,000 for the operating expenses necessary to establish a branch of the County Clerk in the satellite office of the County Treasurer. AYES: Aaron, Doyon, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks, Pernick, Price, Rowland. (10) NAYS: Wilcox, Bishop, Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Law, Moffitt, Page, Rewold, Skarritt. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Aaron supported by Pernick the 1988 Budget be amended so that all funds designated after the close of the accounting records for 1987 as surplus be allocated to the reduction of the millage rate in 1989 and that such funds to be appropriated to a "millage reduction fund." AYES: Aaron, Doyon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks, Pernick, Price, Rowland. (9) NAYS: Bishop, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Gosling, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox. (18) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Moved by Oaks supported by Pernick to transfer the funding for the present safety division communication agents into the SheriffDepartmentbudget with instructions to begin the consolidation of communication operations of the safety division and Sheriff Department communication operations. AYES: Doyon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks, Page, Pernick, Price, Rowland, Aaron. (10) NAYS: Bishop, Caddell, Calandra, Crake, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, Law, McConnell, McDonald, Moffitt, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox. (16) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. 1987 December 10th day of LEN Moved by Doyon supported by Pernick to transfer the following positions from Public Safety to the Sheriff Protective Services: Manager Safety Div. (retitle Captain Safety Division) (1) Safety Lt. (4) Safety Sgt. (23 Safety Officers Sheriff Technical Services 5 B.S.A. - convert to 3 Sheriff Comma Agents Eliminate 2 B.S.A. positions 28 positions Leave: 1 Safety Captain to Building Safety Captain I Fire Safety Insp. to Lt. Fire Safety Insp. Building 1 Safety Division 1 Secretary II 1 Clerk IV 1 Student 1 I.D. Records Spec. 1 Comma Tech. 13 B.S.A. (Building Security Agents) 1 Information Clerk Total of 21 AYES: Doyon, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Oaks, Pernick, Price, Rowland, Aaron. (9) NAYS: Caddell, Calandro, Crake, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, Lanni, McConnell, Moffitt, Page, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop. (15) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the amendment failed. Vote on 1988 Budget and General Appropriations Act, as amended: AYES: Calandra Crake, Hobart, Jensen, R. Kuhn, S. Kuhn, McConnell, Moffitt, Price, Rewold, Skarritt, Wilcox, Bishop, Caddell. (14) NAYS: Doyon, Lanni, Luxon, A. McPherson, R. McPherson, Page, Pernick, Rowland, Aaron. (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the 1988 Budget and General Appropriations Act, as amended, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of this Miscellaneous Resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on December 10, 1987 with the orginiai record thereof now remainind in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof, I have Hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at Pontiac, Michigan County Clerk/Register of Deeds this