HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1971.11.01 - 1839Septembe Oakland County Clerk Count House Pontiac, Mich, Attention: Elections Dear Mabel This is to certify that the fo/lovjng persons have duly filed and their petitions have been found to be in good order; their names will appear on the ballot for the City of Northville's Municipal Election on November 2, 1971; Office of Councilma (four year term) 215W. Main St. NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN 48157 349-1300 1971 WO/40A) W. Wallace Nichols 219 S. Ely Drive Northville, Mich, 48i67 )-r\„ Iy 711744e7/14.) Martha M. Milne Northvijle City Clerk API'' A.A A e, \ 0:1 ,))A, Paul R. Vernon 1080 Allen Drive Northville, Mich. 48167 The above two candidates are residents of Oakland County, Mayor Council , • , ire Nur114111119t 41011 " vtifiry . 215W, Maln St. NORTHViLLE, MICHIG 8167 3 . o Zit • ca. November 10, 1971 Oakland County Clerk Court House Pontiac, Mich. Dear Mr. Allen The City of Northville Canvassing Board Met on Monday, November 8 1971 and canvassed the results of theCity of Northville's 1971 Municipal Election and has certified same as follows: Total Votes cast - 857 *A, Malcolm Allen - - 647 *David M. Biery - 574 Wallace Nichols - - 465 Write-Ins(AVs and Machines) *Paul RJ, Vernon - 467 Paul Folino - 3 John Steimel 1 George White - *Elected for 2-yr,. term Write -1ns(AV) *Elected for four-year terms (1971-1975) CHARTER AMENDMENTS: (Attached 44°i copies of Amendment Proposals and langua0e) YES NO *Proposal A - Elective Officers and Terms,of Office - 317 470 *Proposal B - Election of Mayor and Mayor!Pro-tem 327 435 Proposal C - Administrative Service - Establish 526 239 office of City Manager, together with powers, duties, etc. Proposal D - Taxation 541 235 Proposal E - Borrowing Power 579 173 icont on page 2) City of Northville Certification - 2 Proposal F - Special Assessments Proposal G - Judicial System IBM] 111111. • . Nov. 10, 1971 YES NO 463 276 594 173 * These Charter Amendments were defeated. Sincerely Martha M. Milne ' City Clerk ratree Service Shall:$6e(iOn : CC ,of Chapter 4 of the City Charter be ::: amended to 1),,PqtAbliSh:: thewe of C'tv the „ _ ifs.014k.s: dtitkés:::.arseL espqnbbtie CHARTER AMENDMEN ON AT NOVEMBER AND A PPROV NOV DO T PROPOSALS VOTED 2nd, 1971 ELECTI ON ED; CERTIFIED ON ER 8, 97i •0044:$041:-UkO:040.1:.•'Ottion::4E:6•••.(A,IflIDiSfrt3 I offitTro;:::::47,74.:0.,.:,:!StiOlk:gb are. Ci.:40.144.4kr ClortiA! Fire Chief and such additional adrntrnstiative officers as ii...0-iay.156 .6.6ag04.:Wpt:00400e.::::Th0:::0040 .011*ay::0001;00.0;.:40,42: :adrujuts:tratty:eittieekilt.4fitmanner it deems necessary or advisable for the proper and efilcient operation of the <ity Section 4 6 (8) 'The attorney for the city shall be ap ••::•:010051::by::::0*goi400:.fOr::an mdefmite period shall serve at the p'easure of council and shall have his compensation fixed by council Section 46(C) Except as may be otherwise provided by statute or this charter, the Council shall establish by or • 44000,SUektiopar. tuleutkOttbo....tityllkit deett1iVhee4sgiwy,i or adOtSibleand:Shill...Oregcribthetetifthe functions of .each d t e iep rtmo:ts 0910d..1.1111:::dfintief„ ortties and resix11.-isibilitietif :pe.gtAoh.4c#:'.(1)): AU employed h city who are :tut • —9y.. •Ole . leers ..or declared to be ad mrnistrative officers by g or linder.th0:.atithOrity of this section shall be deemed to be employees of the city Any employee who has been discharged or Su§p.604ocl....:.:10.1104Wo revIew nd• confirmation of such action by the oio..:••minag(4k ,:,•• •:••et:'•:•:%. • any administrative officer may within ten days thereafter petition the Council to hear the fatts regarthn their discharge, and in any such e::•the.C.Ourioi.::..i,:0#y.::in its sole discretion, hold a hearing and inquire into such facts and may make such recommendation in the matter as it eon-...:.... sidors:. prOperk.. • :•••:. • •••• • • CITY MANAGER . Compensation Authority • —"" " •••••:.:Responsibilities The Council haJl appoint a City Manager for an mdefrnite term and fix compensation The manager shall be appointed solely on the babis of his executtve and adnianista ative qualities He need not be a resident of the City or State at the time -":••• • • F. -Is all- • only with the approval of the Council Section 4 6 (E) (2) RemnoaI The Council may remove the manager from offiLe in acLordanee with the following procedures • .'••• ••••••••::. " • • 0:Olt shall adopt by affirmative vote of a majority of all its in embers a preliminary resolution which must state the reasons for removal and may suspend the ..::::.i.rianogor::::froto duty fofkperiba.t.4" of the resolution shall be delivered promptly to the manager H Within five days after a copy of the resolution is delivered to the Manager he may File with the council a v mitten request for a Public Hearing This hearing to be held at a council meeting not .•::•':•••• 4.1:i.r.::•.t4:0:11:!:::1$.'d4y:S..!oiltiter than! 30 after:, •-• aItinttve '. whiehrna be le of _ , jarlty: ofill its members at....a0y:littiO:Atte:&:,(1.0y$:.!voig•Thiff: • " doll a Lo ofthe prdiniinary resolution Was delivered to the Manager if he has not requested a public bearing, or at any :.:..,!::•:tiMO:a.tr...:•.thoptiblielteariUgithe has requested one • Tile. , .........: :.:....Manager .shall continue to receive his salary until iht,•effe.O.tiiiO date of final re.Solutiorrof.:territiVOL '••11:1O:Octiott of the council in 'uspending or removing the manager shall not be sub)et.t to i eview by any court or agency Section 4 6 (El (3) Power and Duties of the City Manager '1 he city manager shall be chief adniinistvative officer of the city He shall be responsible to the council for the administration of all clt} affairs placed in his charge or under his charge He shall have the following powers and A He shall appoint and when he deems it necessary for the good of the city suspend, demote, discharge, or take such other disciplinary action against all city employees without confirmation by council except as provided by law, this •••• charter persOO:Opt.::r*e...4doptd pursuant flo may authorie any admmitrative officers he has sub to his dreetiott.:.004.00e.tyisio .00.:exereise:440-4::::putyers respect : ub.otditiato$ ::10,•010:Loffiee.r.'..8.,4004#100itt:;::!9f* or igency • •13 All administrative officers of the city except he attutUey,.!:shap.::00.:01.0e.okuu:40e..:,00:,.udioitustt4ttiyp:.:.:.:0:0021 of' the city manager Lie shall ha'e the right to appoint th Police Chief and Fire Chiel He shall have the san "duthority o er them as over othercity employees SubjecL hi the privilege of appeal to council as heremnbefore set forth Provided However, that with respect to the Clerk I reasurer Assessor and Board of Review, said ad : utiulstratiyo.uffieers.!.:00#.0.1y...,:00•...:oikhorge-st:::4y:::0*.:;.C•16.00-eil. C lie shall direct and supervise the administration of ai departments officers ind agencies of the cmy elforpot. as •otherwise provided by this charter or by law,, D He thoiliattenittall:Oi.iri•OitiriOetirWAilitii is his • lo..:.:.takO::.patti.in discussion but ma y k lie shall see that all laws provisions of this chai and recolutions of the council subject to enforcement b hw •hs: aro'. famthfull executed ••• •-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • •He shall prepare and submit the annual budget and capital progiam to the council G He stAll.'.$141;frott.:••0•.00:::Cot.MOWatut Make:'*.v.iilablej • the public a .complete report : ........ mniistrative activities of the city as of the end of each fiScal H 1-Ia shall make such other reports as the council may require cone€ riling the operations of city departments, of-ficers and agencies subject to his direction and supervision I He shall keep the council fully advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the City and make suth recommendations to the council conternmg the affairs of the city as he deems desirable I He shall • .:•,.•::••• tior(otriw.sue.4....uth.or :Out.los:.$:.afe:::.§tieeitjed in th,' charter or may b. required by the ouneil • !." va:catiotio::016:offiOettf::::the city manager shall be filled within 'ixty days after the effective date et stjeti':::040hiley :.::; or 'ag::..S06ii::::.thete4ftee:4:...tliAeticabl...:::. Section4 6(EI (5) The council may appoint or designate an acting city manager during the ppripci.:.i.pf::::1,70.ca*y.::#1.:: the office or duringthe absence of the city manager from the city The eNSI, R TER AMENDMENTS CITY OF NORTHVI LLE T*a$40:, , Shall ;Section : 9.143. Of Chapter 9 of the City Charter be yatnetid.ed.. to,..provide. that at the time City::: •i:taxes become detintitient.that thete...shall..1).e.'.added:00.re to a•eolie.ctidit4ee of :••2::pertent.:Ahdithat rnterest on said dehnquent taxes shall be char. gerl"bk the City at the rate of of 1 per tent per month from date of delinauencv until payment or the turning aver of the tax: :.:::.....roll .o the county..• ••••••• •••• „.„„... -01.i7A•11;',14:..i00•• August 31 ofeacti year .11-4,11.:N.„.t0.11:eotOd by the Tteaurer• : v ithout collection fee On September 1 he shall add to all taxes paid thereafter a collection Fee of per cent of the amount of said taxes Pius interest at the rate of i of 1 per cent pt r month fiorn Sep mher I to dale of payment or until the tax roll : i' turned over to the County for collection Such collection fee and Interest shall belong to the city and eon stitutt. a charge and shall be a . lip0.::!:ttgAinS.t.:0).*i.:::pOpp.r.y.::.:to.:..:;::.• hich the taxes theiriselves apply, collectible in the same manner as the taxe, to which they are added It is provided, however that if delivery of the tax roll to the Treasurer as provided in SeLtlon 9 L is delayed for any reason by more than thirty days after June 15 the application of the collection fee provided heteia.:,ahatk.:he:::0*.t.poit04.!tbittY:::40y.k. ••• for the first thirty days of such delay and shall be postponed •.:::,••::.afr•additfohar, thirt3i ,•ila,'•.:•for•eidehT:addititiriat:thit.ty -:dW>;.76f, ..„ : . . . . _ Prant of .-Authority: to , • • ":" Shiiii„ .ectiOn: of ChapterIO of the City Charter be amended to provide that paiktolk.,05(-„!, City on rao0gage and other bonds 7,ahnit:tiat.b0:!:=,rel:ter.: than that pertniii*i'iOi-1,:r with:the. roaxtrriur0 Me .t rate alai_uay• on thec st4404400s;:.. , _ . . . lk40rAage:b,t*t*:=:ti;it•At0:*WYif.4;1!• pore provided such bonds shall not impose any hability utility as provided in Article S Section 23, of the State Con :..:.:,..!.. • •••:•••' ugonthe'.e•ttFt•ot shall be secured only -:%•• progerty .ao. reenues of such public utility, mcludinga franchise, stating the terms upon which, in case of foreclosure, the purchaser may operate the same, which franchise shall in nc case otkoafor].6:160g0t.peric4-thati,twenty.ytatf:trotti:..tWdatot::.:::::: the sale ..01....snelf....Attility'.4n4ftenthise.:..:ort...:foreelOgure:::::S000.:.. mortgage bonds shall be sold to yield a rate of interest not to exceed the maximum Interest rate that the cIty can pay for these obligations under state law A sinking fund shall be created in the event of the issuance of such bonds, by setting aside such percentage of the gross or net earnings of the public utility as may be::,:tteeiiie0.$pffjelentfer-$.401.fp4blont,• (F) Bonds issued for refunding money advanced or paid on special assessments imposed, for water main extensions on the faith and credit of the city, to provide for such refun ding from time to time as buildings shall be connected with .such .water main.extensions,. hnO•rke(k.::rhoisnint.I.::#040:::.:end at a rate of intere st no in :.:•.M.:3•140.414.4:::Ag•sts4.0 .)orit. • Shall Chapter 11 of the Uiazt o . Lt tLfl dealing .with.:$0:c.i.g.:•,:•4.i.O$e0.0i0t.i.0. be 4:#00:4ed to provide a E•••;r:01§ed:V.h.tiptetl..keijititintiing:ftpoWet:titheaty209tOtells.-W,: levy special assessments ahttotwitlirigthat:(40:;:00 ..::rpoo:noil, is required tO.::ttreerthe.:::W•oltdiná.ikte:Ahe•ito*Olete:Slieeial assessment procedure, including the preparing of plans and $00.e.ifieatiotla:;•estialatedigtia*.!..::ptepara.40:Adds.hgatiiig:.amt. eofféëtiakof the .§0.00iat::.:.asSe**00.k.toll.bdileeting.!:;!!Sai4::::: :•:apecial ktessraent . and othei, rtvott:r.vs„ assèsiiits 1*rtnitted:E:andet7 .**.lr$tatdte-1::'' " t•e•,,,,tit- I , ' . ..... .• - :., .',1-....• ..- : Seetirdit.11:4 po-vi,; : y to r , : -..,•:,:?:4-44,*ii...i:..'. , t,-,,- : , rr y: ,.:0#q...): srat:::,fig#4.tatt tr:.:iii,-:i::::,:':•:-: :.:,:::'.7", ''.,''''Jrie ;':]iiiiii'the.wh whole 1111111e ..-v'ith"°14itt16/11 a , :upeeytiti.'peuriitah6er:ef..:...bt,...,:.....:....::...:.,„:::::.:.:. ......::,..o.p.::..br 40y.„partot..: the eXpehge.:er..:: „.... . . ,:. ... . ........:...lroproyemenVor..i.tepar. M?.4.11:.:,:.:•:be..H:...00ta*ed.,...by.;...::,:: V :.. .... „ .4. . 06. • 1.. assessments,. • . . ... • : • . • . . „. . .. : . • . „ • 4 .„ •: .„ „- .: .• . .:::u-p-o:- ••• wo .:. ' :• :e -. .: :. " . p . . . . : : . ap- .. e . - . - .. e . l . . . . . . : ö. . t:p ••: r • o : ........ r ..t y " i e .. ' . s . 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L:•:„•::..,hall'heereawctvohielithtill•' thait.50:.petteat:.:' pf.theitiital.atiewett ihe.::eity.::::..p7.7T!h7a7.1traaaraikee!11-"Pt!'eal::-Asa—estaileiit:Itell':: :••..,.:.01,011...h.aii.fir4.--aiiyi...0.00 itiried:sixoeorby,tho:::::.Attitua••••••40::::*:-.6:16.:ii•C ipmr...0p# . Afretbfg,bt:he.C: .- '[9'1T•:if:PIo'f to s.•l• ..•c •-•h— e;1 - 4firnatidh•wri(tewóbjectitniAt:h0•0tpposed.inprovot -- :::•-::.: ......::.....ttaybeen'.:::Iiled...:bje... the owners q.,.:.:r.•.:OpgtY.:„.:::::*.high:::',hall.:..,:he:.;':;.:. rg.gx!re4:.te:.h:e. .at..0.C , r ;!:!! e ;•:: , :i::' b: • t ••••• l •1:::•• . :..:.! i ....: :po '. r ... )ce .: n :. t :•••:' o • f ... : hoUa ...:' e :.: ut •••• t •" .o .- r ::: s . a .. l 'd special.osapastett ...i.,::::•Sectio.a.:.,..t.0:.:Nose.sS.:#terot::.Lielit .:::.::::,.:•..:.: • ::.i .:. . . ..::::::•:::: .::::.:...:.•••li.7.1t... It.:::.440.•,:.:.:da..W:i4...::::::..0.0•1ifit.ii*"tibli..::.0ii...itiy•:::.aaadat ::•:-... :. !.,,,:;.:reassessrnent .roll.the.sarne ,shall,o• -titute.4:11••ris:• .11•.::•::".•11!.....trj:!: .:..• terspect ive lots or prentise,„ assessed °II'S 1 Eg "°r* hf.' :tiarli,,,:•: agains„ i,tth: ,i,: :::, tO:;:w49m,,-::'ssettS'',-*,4.--...-.. 11 11'131111i r' '1'1' ' '-' ':::i ' "r a— di ' -ii— i 9--v -: '' l ' : rtu/i t6 the cotifyntreanrei arektfàf taxeg•6;'gy' sth f 0gWt*t00 1:Pet.0 1 Seethin 1. 1 .1* Contest of Assessment No suit oi action of any kind shall be instttuted or .oaintaired.f.Orthe:po„...r.:.pose:of .en.....n.testing.nr.enjohrg the : collection of :asseSsmerit•:.:or ,rea§sesstnenifi:IA) withinUnless ..:...::. . :o days aftei the confirmation of the special assessment roll, ritten notice is given to the city clerk for attention of the city council indicating an intention to file such suit or action and stating the grounds on which it is claimed such assessment is illegal and (B) Unless such suit or acuon shall he commenced within 60 days after the eon firma tion of the roll If the city attorney submits a written opinion ftndrng said roll illegal, in whole or in patt, the city council Taiy,..r601terit0..-66tifitirOtitioli:Ottkli:::t1Will,OtgAlity if possible:, 4i..4:teeoit.firtji•the's-arae;:lgovitteci that no pr .operty .10044*'"fri''' Vvt on the 4,i0i:f40, unUm ticii W t 1 .1q e • • • 3 City of Northvi I 1 e CHARTER AMENDMENTS -„ Shall Chapter 15 of the Charter of the City of Northville be amended by the substitution thereof of a:110.W.Oinp,K acknewledging:.::th.: the 35th ,Iiitejal l)istr jet t.....littro$Etvitig to the City the right to es jhlish its own District Court, or other Julk i;d System as WI ;j Id he oerrnit ted by snh'tnw.nt 1,, '•t11rn9 : : • • • • • • •• • :.• • • '11:' i:i.iHal branch of the City's government is, by state statu. p'•nt.ly a part of the 35th Judicial District. Should ::••••:i enabling legislation subsequently be enacted by the state legislature. Which WOUI(l permit the City to stlilish. by it- self, or in conjunction with other governmt J1,1l Liflit(S), a d: ent juttio41 .0iitehl,i.thré:**.ef and authority to do so is t the above oved at the E lection on duly cenvassed Northvi ie d on November I hereby cert i fy tha amendments were appr 1971 Northvi 1 I e City November 2, 1971 and and certified by the city Canvassing Roar 8, 971: A7,7 Akk /11 , 17712-4-47/- Martha M. Mi 1 ne Northy i Ile City CI erke!