HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2011.06.09 - 18599MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION /111O7 May 19, 2011
Chairperson, Ladies, and Gentlemen .
WHEREAS the City of Rochester Hills desires that the County, through the Department
of Facilities Management-Building Safety Division, monitor the City's Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition System ("SCADA" System, which would collect data in real time and alert the
County when a problem exists, such as a leak, spill, overflow or broken connection in the City's
water and waste water system); and
WHEREAS the County Department of Facilities Management currently monitors 210 sites
for Water Resources Commissioner; 22 sites for West Bloomfield; and 22 sites for Orion Twp.;
WHEREAS the County shall perform all services set forth in Exhibit I. Scope of Services,
attached hereto; and
WHEREAS the City shall pay the County Twelve Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve
Dollars ($12,312.00) per year as Fees ($18 per alarm point per month for 57 alarm points) to
perform the services set forth in Exhibit I, Scope of Services, due and payable on the first of each
month, excluding costs associated with the operation, maintenance, or repair of the SCADA
System or equipment connected with it; and
WHEREAS the agreement would remain in effect from the time of execution until
December 31, 2013.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners approves the agreement and hereby directs its Chairperson to execute the
attached agreement between the County and the City of Rochester Hills.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gosselin and Crawford absent.
L/ cWFl.N
This Agreement is made between Oakland County, a Constitutional and Municipal
Corporation, 1200 North Telegraph. Pontiac. Michigan 48341 ("County") and the City of
Rochester Hills, 1000 Rochestel ill • Drive. kochester Hills, Michigan 48309
-11l -- i (R ils). th and IIills may also be
referred to individually as "Parts " or jointly as "Parties."
PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT, Pursuant to the Urban Coopelation Act of 1967, 1967
PA 7, MCL 124.501, et ,:cq.„ the County and Rochester Hills cut,. i into this Agreement.
Rochester Hills desires that the County. through the Departmeat otTaeilities
MiininJement —Building Safety Division. monitor Rochester Hills' Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition System ("SCADA System"). The County Department of Facilities
Management currently monitors similar systems for the Water Resources Commissioner.
The County is willing to monitor the SCALIA i. tern. The purpose of this Agreement is
to delineate the responsibilities and obligations of the Parties regarding monitoring the
SCADA System.
In consideration of the mutual promises, obligations, representations, and assurances in
this Agreement. the Parties agree to the following:
DEFINITIONS. The followinf words and expressions used throughout this
Agreement. whether used in the .ingular or plural, within or without quotation
marks, or possessive or nonpossessive. shall be delined„ read, and interpreted as
1.1. Agreement means the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Exhibits
attached hereto, and any other mutually agreed to written and executed
modification or anlifklinctit.
1.2. Claim means all anplaints, demands for relief, damages, lawsuits,
causes of action, proceedH:.. iudgments, deficiencies. penalties, costs, and
expenses arising under or relating to this Agreement, including, but not
limited to, reimbursement for .1‘..d -;onahle attorney fees, witness fees, court
COSTS, investigations, litigation :‘xpenses, amounts paid in settlement, and/or
any other amount for winch either Party becomes legally and/or contractually
obligated to pay a third party, whether direct, indirect, or consequential,
whether based upon any alleged violation of the constitution (federal or
state), any statute, rule, regulation, or the common law, whether in law or
equity, tort„ contract, or otherwise, and/or whether commenced or threatened.
Rod) Hills SCADA FINAL Agreement 04 12 11.doc
I .3. County means Oakland County, a Vlunicipal and Constitutional Corporation
including, but not limited to, all departments, divisions, the County Board or
Commissioners, elected and app•inted officials, directors, board members,
council_ members, commissi , iluthorities, committees, employees,
agents, or any such persoii ce ffs,
I .4. Day means any calendar da h ,.:Y inning at 1200 a.m and ending at 11:59
1:5. Exhibit means all of he dl lm Mg documents which are fully incorporated
into this Agreement:
1.51 Exhibit 111: Scope of Service
I .6, Fees mean the amount of money paid by Rochester Hills to the County to
monitor the SG:WA Sysim pursuant to this Agreement. Fees do not include
costs for operation, 1 in a. k e and n_Tair of the, SCAD.A System or any
equipment connected with
1.7, Rochester Hills means the City of Rochester I tills including, but not limited
to, its Council, dcpailicients. divisions. elected and appointed officials,
directors, board mernhe•. council members. commissioners, authorities„
committees. emplo:y ec„. ,r.„.:,ents, subcontractors, or any such persons'
1.8. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System ("SCADA System")
means the system oii ned.. operated and maintained by Rochester Hills which
provides real time in intoring, reporting, alarms, and alerts for the Rochester
Hills water and .,\;isii..\\ ater (sewer) systems.
1.9. System Contact tr,:.2.11 I lie individual. or individuals designated by the
County and Roc:IR:T.-a. I iills who are the authorized points of contact between
the Coffin ,. and Roc ID-A.:Ill:ills regarding this Agreement.
2. COUNTY RESPONSE -BHA 1 IES. Subject to the terms and conditions contained
in this Agreement, and applicable changes in law. the County shall carry out the
2.1. The County shall pertOrrn all services set forth in Exhibit I. Scope of
2.2. The County shall identify a System Contact and alternate and notify
Rochester Hills in writing of the System Contact and alternate. The County
must notify .Rochester ltills in writing ofany changes to the System Contact
and alternate WitilL11 t :A -ay-four (24) hours of any change.
2.3. 'Me System Goma: :ft ILe the first point of contact Mr Rochester Hills
regarding this i\gi cement. 'The System Contact shall be the sole individual
responsible for relaying information and/or communicating the needs
regarding this grcem,:lo.
3. POLITICAL: SI_TBDIV1S1( 1ZESPONSIBI1.ITIES. Subject to the terms and
conditions contained in thii .2-\.„rcement. ,ind applicable changes in law, the County
shall carry out the following:
3.1. Rochester Hills shall meet all requirements set forth in Exhibit 1, Scope of
3.2. Rochester Hills shall identify a Syitem Contact and alternate and notify the
County in writing of the S ystern Contact and alternate. Rochester Hills must
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Roch Hills SCADA FINAL Agreement 04 12 11.doc
notify the Count y in wriiin,,2 of any chan g es to the stem Contact and
alternate within twent y -four (24) hours of an y
3.3'Fhe System Coniact shall be the first point of conta•t for the Count y
ding th a lient. The S ystem Contact shall be the sole individual
respon 1,,f an ink:irritation and/or communicatin g the needs
re gardMc this meat.
4.1. Rochester Hills pay the Count y Twelve Thousand Three Hundred and
"Fwelve Dollars (S 12,3 12 (.)(.1) per year as Fees ($18 per alarm point per month
for 57 alarm points) to perlomi the ser\ ices set .forth in this A greement
4.2, The Fees are due and pa ,/able on the iii .1 of each month.
4.3. 'rite Fees paid to th, Count y under thi.: \greemcnt onl y include the services
set tOrth in tilt!: inent and do not include ..sts ,is.-,oeiated with the
operation. maintenance, or repair of the SE.ADA S y stem or e quipment
connected with it.
4.4. If Rochester 1 P11.. lbr arc,- faik to pa y the Count y any monk:, ...diet"
due under thi ement, Po,..11,:ster Hills 41.1(2.C., unless expressl y
prohibited lir; that Ilk or the County Treasurer, at their sole
option. shalt be entitled to s....toff amouni. due from an y other Rochester Hills
funds that are in the (.'(unty's possession. Funds include but are not limited
to the Delin quent Tx. ••:'I,inn Fund ("D'I-RF"). Any setoff or retention or
funds by the Count y shall be deemed a voluntarv :1-,s1 gnment of the amount
hy Rochester t tills to the Count y. Rochester I fills waives an y Claims against
the Count y for iliy acts related pecificall y to the County's offsettin g or
retaining such anumnts. TVI, .i l shall not limit Rochester Hills' le gal
ri ght to dispute whether the undLi lyin g amount retained b y the County was
.rtettially due and ov.,in under this .A greement.
4.5. If the County ehoo: not to exercise its ri ght to setoff or if an y setoff is
insufficient to 01 pa y the County any amounts due and owin g , the County
shall have the ri ght to charg,.. up to the then-maximum le gal interest on an y
unpaid amount. [wet-est I .y,..!„ shall be in addition to an y other amounts
due to the County -under this \ cement. Interest char ges shall be calculated
using the dail y un:,:ud Hlanee method mid accumulate until all outstandin g
amounts and a C uni,lated ittterest are fully paid
4.6. -Nothin g in this shall operate to limit the Count y's ri ght to pursue or
exerei-i Leal ri g hts or remedies under this A greement a;.2ain,t
Roctk. . t ecHre reimbursement or at due the County under
The remedies in this Section shall be available to the Count y
on an on c.,);n4 and successive basis if Rochester Hills at an y time becomes
delinquent in its pa y ment. Notwithstandin g any other term and condition in
this z1 grectr ent. i the Count y pursues an y le gal action in an y court to secure
its payment under this: \ ),Imrient. Rochester [-fills agrees to pay all costs and
expenses. includin g .i.ttorr)(.y 's fees and court costs, incurred b y the Count y in
the collection of an y amount owed b y Rochester ffills.
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Roch Hills S CADA FINAL, A greement 04 12 1 I .doe
5.1. The Agreement a amendment••• shall be effective ‘vhen executed
N\ both Parties. will •oration the Lti• erning bodies of each
Party, and when I i Filed :t.ccorcling to NICL 124.510. The
approval and terms ot to; and any amendments hereto shall be
entered in tilt: ofticial iliflUiL.• of the governing. bodies of each Party.
5.2, This Agreerneni -hall remain iu effect until December 31, 2013 or until
cancelled rminated by either Party pursuant to Section 7. Rochester Hills
inav renew this Agreement. tOr two (2) years, not to extend beyond December
3!. 2015, by Written request to the County.
6,1. Each Party shall be n .• mnsi hie fOr an, China made against that Party by a
third party. and 10, Jo. r& ari-hi• to-R.1er or related
to this ,Agreement.
6,2. Except as p u oLd iiou 4.6, in any Claini. that may arise under or relate
to this Agreem,..;1:, eaCh ,cty shall sea, its own Hal 0..presentation and bear
the costs associated with such reprg..eiritic.)ri, including any attorney fees.
Neither Party shall have any rig.ht under zaiy legal principle to be indemnified
by the other Party or arty of its employees or agents in connection with arty
_6.4. Except as ritherwiser nv••1_ provided in this Agreement, neither Party shall
he liable to the other Party k r an consequential, incidental. indirect, or
special damages ()lam,' kind in connection with this „Agreement.
6.5, Rochester Hills shall be solely responsible for all costs, fines, and lees
associated with responding to or the failure to respond to alarms or alerts of
the SCADA System.
7.1. Either Party ma ... .1...rtuurit.c Or cancel this Agreement for any reason upon
thirty (30) rti. lionee to the other Party. The effective date for
termination or kancellation shall be clearly stated in the notice.
7.2. Rochester Frills shall not he rc2.sponsible fOr payment of Fees after the
kAfective date of termination or cancellation of this Agreement and shall
receive a pro-rata refund of - any pre-paid Lees.
7.3. Within thirty (30) Days 01 the effective date of termination or cancellation of
this Agreement. Rochester 11 ills shall remove any equipment it may have on
or in County premises or facilities which relate to this Agreement.
7.4. 'The Parties shall ii 't H..obliraferl. to pay a cancellation or termination fee, if
this Agreement is c•:n.,c11, d or terminated as provided herein.
8, NO 'THIRD PARTY Virc .i' Except is expressly provided in this
Agreement. this A ..,.;cc,•!ri Ind is not intended to create any obligation,
duty, promise, contracit:,111 ;,;..n. lit. right to indemnification, right to
subrogation. and/or ail)/ !ri favor of any other person or entity.
9. cOMPLIANC E \'\ F U La( h_ Party shall comply with all federal, state,
and local laws, regulations, administrative rules, and
requirements applicable to its actrvitiL• performed under this Agreement.
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RochFlills S(_A -1.)A ENAL, Agreement 04 12 11.doc
unless previon•i.
subcontract and/Is a.
10. DISCRIMINATION. Flie Parties shall not discriminate against their cmployees,
agents, applicants Ii r employment. or other persons or cut iitysvth p.iTeet to hire,
tenure, terms. conditions. ,Ind privileges of employment. or any matter ilireetly or
indirectly related to emplo\„mcnt in violation of any federal, state or local law.
I I,:RESERVATION OF RIGIFFS. This ',i_rrcemi_nt does not, and is not intended to.
impair, divest. delegate or contra\ cne any constitutional, statutory, and/or other
legal right, privilege, power, oblirldion, duty, or immunity of the Parties.
12, FORCE MAJEURE. I ach Part : be excused from any obligations under this
Agreement durine the time al id to di,. ,tent that a Party is prevented from
performing due to causes beyond such Party*s control. including, but not limited to,
an act of God. wit-, fire. strike, Libor disputes, civil disturbances, reduction of
power source, C;f ignstances bt..,_..ond the reasonable control of the
Rjrly ::! „ H t. n to the affected Party of tin y
the prior written
Party to pursue or en lot ;10
constitute a W'diver of those
of this .Agreement, No
"Agreement, witch1 her :vt
deemed or construJd .. ontinuing waiver orally lerni. condition, or provision of
this Agreement. No \\ :.iiver by either Party shall subsequently effect its right to
require strict performance of this zn greement.
16. SEVERABILITY. a court or competent jurisdiction finds a term or condition of
this Agreement to be illegal or then the term or condition shall be deemed
severed from this „Agreement, l other terms, conditions, and provisions of this
Agreement shall replant iii full force.
17. CAPTIONS. 'IT.. a. don Lind suNseetion numbers, captions, and any index to such
sections and iimbseetions contained in this Agreement are intended for the
convenience or the reader and are not intended to have t•my substantive meaning.
The numbers, captions and int!, • not be interpreted or he considered as part
of this Agreement. An' itv ,ilar or plural number, :••my reference to the
.male, female, or neuter 's td• . H.Iti any possessive or nonpossessive use in this
Agreement shall he deenAd the appropriate plurality, gender or possession as the
context requires.
18. NOTICES. Notices giveil under this /\greement shah he in writing and shall he
personally delivered, sent by f..ixpres.s delivery service, certified mail, or first class
mail postage prepaid. aid iiiciressed to the person listed below. Notice will be
deemed given on the date of the following first occur: (1) the date of
actual receipt; (2) the next business day when notice is sent express delivery service
or personal delivery; or (3) three days after mailing First class or certified U.S. mail.
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Roch SC:ADA FINAI, Agreement 04 12 11.doc
does not authorize any in-kind services,
'specifically listed herein.
kS.S1GNMENT. A. Party shall not del
or rights under this Agreement without
iii I.
.ent waiver.. no act, failure, or delay by a
rights or jeinedics under this Agreement shall
ihts \.vith neard to any existing or subsequent breach
or any term. condition, or pros isio.n of this
ltict or of in one or more instances, shall he
District Court of the
Eastern District of \-licThy. i n •
jurisdiction '
is proper in the c,p•urts sc Fr
amendments, recissions.
OR .ANIENDMENTS. Any modifications,
releases to this A ,irk.:,-,:ment must be in writing
and agreed to by both Hai:: 'Mess otherwise agreed. the modification,
amendment. reeission. wai:, cr. or releasee shalt be signed by the same persons who
signed the Agreement or other [iersons as authorized by the Parties' governing
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement and
understanding between the Parties, This Agreement supersedes all other oral or
itten Agreements between the Parties. The language of this Agreement shall be
construed. as a whole according to its fair meaning and not construed strictly for or
against any Party.
hie:n. or he United States District Court for the
In Fin lion, as dictated by the applicable
ired by law or court rule, venue
the County, it shall be :,nd sent to:
Oakland (..1‘.ount•:-. I :merit 0:
Attention : Dire(_ or
One Public Vn r,•‘i I
Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners,
1200 Northl elegi ibh,
Pontiac. Michty i
18,2. If Notice • ..,: f • • . : it shall be add's; -•.',ed to:
(it Y 01 WW1!
lt11.11Thill, LII
1000 ROCI-leMO till
Rochester Hill in -48309
18.3. Either Party ii I in..., IL.: and/or individual to which Notice is sent
by notifying IN oi IL, PHIL: in writing of the change.
Agreement shall be goyt rn2d. interpreted, and enforced by the laws of the State of
Michigan. Except as otherwise required by law or court rule, any action brought to
enforce. interpret. or d ide any Claim arising under or related to this Agreement
shall be brought in Ili,. Judicial Circuit ( otirt of the State of Michigan, the 50th
The Parties have taken all actions and
complete this Agreement. The person:
have legal authority to sign this Agreei
conditions contained herein.
«cured all approvals necessary to authorize and
.•ii-ting this Agreement on behalf of each Party
-i.sn and bind the Parties to the terms and
-Roch Hills SCl,All
Page 6
EINA-l: Agreement 04 12 11.doe
ll'SSED: r),\1
IN WITT\ i WI ft J1 0;, Bryan L ham,. it., Ma or, it:l„no,,,h..i.hles that he has
been anihorized by a ution of the Lhc Ir F Fills Cny Council, a certified copy of
to tile tins f‘grcentent on behalf of Rochester Hills and hereby
.ind binds Ro,„ 'nester Hills to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Br ) :In L. Barn( it.
Jane Leslie, City Clerk
Commissioners, hereby ;-Ackno.%
Oakland C ,,,a-ny Board ol(ommi
(iingcll. Chairperson, Oakland County Board of
a he Hi': been authorized by a resolution (date
ertitied copy of which is attached, to
i!..land County and hereby accepts and binds
Oakland Count -:, the tei „aid ci.i.ficittiiiris or this Agreement.
Michael l. (Ilan-person
Oakland County tt..:(atimissioners
Bill Bullard, Jr., Clerk l .:ider of Deeds
County of Oakland
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Roch CADA FINAL Agreement 04 12 11.doc
Scope of Services
. The County through the I
Division ("BM
alarms tOr the SC D :
Safety Division a vvTitten
[ii iit of Facilities Management - Building Safety
I ikn") will provide 24/7 monitoring of 57 specihc
.(‘ in, Rochester Hills shall provide the Building
or the 57 alarm points and their locations.
2, When the Building St'et' Divi‘jen receives an alarm or alert from the SCADA
System, the littildim! Saretv Dr.n. ton will contact the designated person set forth
on the "cull list." -Rochester Hill , shall ensure that the "call list" is accurate and
shall notify the Building Salety Division immediately if there are any changes to
the -call list," F',,e1T. •hilt notify the tiTounty in writing in the manner in
winch the to contact individuals on the "call list."
3. Once the Building Safety Division reaches an individual on the call list, it will
provide that incuviouLa natormation.
4. The City- will provide Building Safety with scripted instructions and at no time
v ill Building Safety be required to make diagnostic decisions or make water or
-0 a •cwater system adjustments. Iludding Safety will be required to login to the
...?!;tem and follow diamostie instructions under the direction of a City employee. ....
5. The Building iL• Division shall maintain written records for seven (7) years
for the rollowing information: ( I ) type of alarm that was received by the County,
(2) who v.a:• i.,(-4itacted in he County, (3) what was directed by Rochester Hills
staff, and (4) what was done online under the direction of Rochester Hills' staff to
reeti -ly the alarm situation. Upon receipt or a written request from Rochester
Hills, the County shall provide Rochester !lilts with the records set forth above.
The request must SU Cliciently describe the records that are requested.
6. Rochester Hills shall provide any and all equipment needed to monitor and
operate the SC.,\Div System. Rochester I 111k is responsible for the .installation,
operation_ maintenance and repair of all equipment needed for the SCADA
System. II the installation, operation. maintenance or repair or the SCADA
System requires work at is .)11 Counly premises or 'facilities such work shall be
approved in writing N.. 'i. onnty in advance of the commencement of the work
and such work shall hi: conducted in a manner as not to disturb County
operations. -Hie County ',hall .ipprove. in writing, all subcontractor or agents that
will perrorm work for Rochester Hills at or On County premises or facilities.
7. At no cost to the County, iZochester Hills shall train all applicable County
employees regarding the SC:ADA System, The training shall include detailed
written instructions that the County may 'keep at the Building Safety Division,
which set forth steps for monitoring the SCADA System.
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Rock Hills SC A..DA FINAL Agreement 04 12 11.doe
Resolution #11107 May 19, 2011
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.
FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #11107) June 9, 2011
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above
referenced resolution and finds:
1. The resolution approves agreement between Oakland County and the City of
Rochester Hills for the Department of Facilities Management-Building Safety
Division to monitor the City's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
2. The agreement is effective upon execution and would remain in effect until
December 31, 2013. The agreement may be renewed for an additional two
years through December 31, 2015 upon written request to the County.
3. The City of Rochester Hills shall pay the County $12,312 per year for SCADA
monitoring services with the fees due and payable on the first of each month.
4. Once the agreement is executed, revenue anticipated for rr.rnsinriPr of FY 9011
is estimated at $3,078.
5. The revenue for the SCADA monitoring services will be recorded in the Facilities
Maintenance and Operations Fund (63100).
6. Revenue associated with this agreement will be included with the County
Executive Recommended Budget for FY 2012 — FY 2014,
7. The FY 2011 budget is amended as follows:
Facilities Maintenance & Operations Fund #63100
63100-1040702-140010-635530 Ext — Other Revenue
631 00-1 040702-14001 0-665882 Planned Use of Balance
Total Revenues
FY 2011
$ - 0 -
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
Resolution #11107 June 9,2011
Moved by Runestad supported by Covey the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent
Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
AYES: Covey, Crawford, Dwyer, Gingell, Gosselin, Greimel, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long,
Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Nuccio, Potts, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Taub, Weipert,
Woodward, Zack, Bosnic. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent
Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
I, Bill Bullard jr., Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true
and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on June 9,
2011, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at
Pontiac, Michigan this 9th day of June, 2011.
&LEE R'j 09-t
Bill Bullard Jr., Oakland County