HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2011.07.21 - 18653July 21, 2011 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #11153 BY: Public Services Committee, Jim Runestad, Chairperson IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS — MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, OFFICE OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS, COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND APPLICATION FOR FY 2012 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State of Michigan offers funding to local communities under PA 511; and WHEREAS this funding is targeted to divert non-violent offenders from prison into local jail or sentencing alternatives; and WHEREAS Oakland County has been receiving Community Corrections funds since 1994; and WHEREAS the application has been completed and is requesting funding in the amount of $1,795,303 for plans and services for the grant period October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012; and WHEREAS a total appropriation of $2,132,513 is requested for probation residential services, which the State now pays directly to the Probation Residential Centers since they hold the contract for all residential services; and WHEREAS the grant application seeks full-time eligible funding for positions 7425, 7426, 7428, 7429, 7432, 7433, 9243, 9247, 9291, 9295, 9648, 9649 and PTNE funding for position 9292 within the Community Corrections Division; and WHEREAS the grant application also seeks funding for positions 7834 and 9396, whereby the State will fund 50% of the costs, and the County will match 50% of the total costs for these two (2) positions in the Community Corrections Division; and WHEREAS the grant application seeks full-time funding for positions 7419, 7420, 7418, 7421, and PTNE funding for positions 7417 and 9397 within the Sheriff' — Correction Services Division; and WHEREAS any programs created through these funds become part of the County's Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan; and WHEREAS PA 511 of 1988 requires that the "County Board or Boards of Commissioners of the County shall approve the proposed comprehensive plan prepared by their advisory board." NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the application to request $1,795,303 from the State Office of Community Corrections for the purpose of continuing programs contained within the Office of Community Corrections FY 2012 grant application for offenders who meet PA 511 eligibility is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the $2,132,513 allocation for probation residential services to be administered by the Michigan Department of Corrections / Office of Community Corrections. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the proposed comprehensive plan prepared by the Community Corrections Advisory Board. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMI I I EE Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson absent Subject; Attachments: •siroms Coordinator Division Piir, Gala <piirg@oakgov.com > Friday, July 01, 2011 12:23 PM 'Hankey, Barb'; Linda Pearson GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF - Community Corrections - FY 2012 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application - Grant Application Grant App sign off pkg.pdf ANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Community Corrections GRANT NAME: FY 2012 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Corrections — Office of Community Corrections DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Barb Hankey 248 451-2306 STATUS: Application Resolution required DATE: July 1, 2011 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant application package (which should include an application Report from Fiscal Services to the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners', the grant application, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be submitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners for review and signature, with informational copies to the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s). DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (6/21/2011) Department of Human Resources: Aoproved. — Karen Jones (6/22/2011) Risk Management and Safety: Appmved by Risk Management. — Andrea Plotkowski (6/27/2011) Co;inse: is grant application, there appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require action at this time — 6/22/2.011) 0 michigan. OV .•-:::PARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS "Expecting Excellence Every Day" Office of Community Alternatives Community Corrections Plan and Application Fiscal Year 2012 C CAB Name: Application Type: Email the application to: d, Send one copy of the application to: IVID O C-O CC DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Office of Community Alternatives PD, Box 30003 Lansing„ Michigan 48909 t need to complete SECTION I (A, B, C) as well a.s the new ',..-.:`.277ET fo .- -...:grarn changes: Page I of 13 Cli CI, — City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: g, 02 V V. CO fri - en SC! SEC11011 1: INTRODUCTION — Name of CCAB: Federal I.D. Number: : General Contact Information: Contact Person (manager) FiF.c.2! Agent Name: Address: CCAB Chairperson .• Type of Community Corrections Board: Counties/Cities Participating in the CCAB: Date application was approved by the local CCAB: ' Date application was approved by county board(s) of commissioners (and city council): Date application was submitted to OCA: y i, 701.1 CCA,D, !%le nib Eca'lip Name (and email if available): County Sheriff: Chief of Police: Circuit Court Judge: District Court Judge: Probate Court Judge: County Commissioner(s): . Service Area: County Prosecutor: Criminal Defense: Business Community: Communications Media: Circuit/District Probation: : •,• General Public: • •• i•• • • • City Councilpersorr Wler \Afere your bylaws last updated (send copy)? -; your (LAB B a "definition of a pattern of violence" that excludes offenders from any PA511 programming? Page 2 of 13 a. Hovv no they contribute in reduced/rwintaineci PCRs? 0 /, !"7ereby i 2. What programs, practices and policies contribri_e to improved jail utilization? ,c1 the PRC a. Hoy,/ do they contribute to improved jail utilization? b. Explain what data/measures show your PA511 funded programs have contributed to improvements in your jail utilization: •-„. • • • - Briefly summarize the key points of yo.,1;- Community Corrections Plan: (ail fie:cis permit carriage returns) ,hat programs, practices and policies contribute to a redction of (or maintenance of low) prison comm .: e cell offenders. c. Explain what data/measures show your PA51i funded programs have contributed to reductions in your PCR: ;'. • •,•-!' vvi:1 • -c° .71 cm to Page 3 of 13 'SS & STRATEGIC PLAN - ON AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR STRATEGIC PLAN: Strategic 'SSUeS, Goals, and Priorities have been established by the Office of Community Alternatives in accordance with Public Act 511 and State Board priorities. CCABs will be required to establish Objectives and Strategies based upon OMNI Felony Disposition, JP!S, CCIS and local data that will support State Goals and Priorities. Strategic Issues are identified as Felony Dispositions, Jail Utilization and Local Priorities. OCA will provide the CCABs with OMNI Felony Disposition and JPIS data. CCABs shall analyze this data along with local CCIS data (reports run locally from Case Manager) and develop Key Objectives and supporting Strategies that will lead toward attainment of Goals and Priorities established by the State Board and OCA, as well as local objectives and priorities promoted in the comprehensive plan. .4 thorough review of the data should include: O Overall PCRs, rates within sentencing guideline ranges, PCRs within Group 1 and Group 2 offense categories, status at time of offense and technical probation violation PCRs G Reference to changes in PCRs compared to prior years O Other changes in your CCAB/area that influence changes (new stakeholders, policies, emerging crimes, offender characteristics, etc.) O Review your past OCA funding proposals for ideas Example: For the Strategic Issue of Felony Dispositions, consider the stated Goal and Priority as outlined on the following pages and complete an analysis of your county's prison commitment rate data provided by OCA. Establish objectives related to prison commitment rates. For example: 1. Reduce PV commitment rate from 32% to 25% 2, Reduce Straddle rate to from 43% to 35% Under each OBJECTIVE outline in bullet form those STRATEGIES (steps) to be taken, including continuing, new and revised programs, or established and revised policies or practices, that will support the attainment of the objectives you have specified. Identify if these are "new", "continuations," or "modifications," or for short term (this fiscal year) or long term imple.mentation. Keep in mind that all of the programs for which you are requesting PA511 funding should be identified as strategies. Additionally, policies and practices you propose (such as targeting specific populations or characteristics) are also strategies. Strategies may apply to more than one objective and should be repeated under each objective as appropriate. For Example, the objective or "Reduce PV rate from 32% to 25%" may have the following strategies: 1. Initiate structured sentencing with jail followed by RS followed by community Cognitive Behavioral Treatment program that targets Level 2 arid 3 probation violators. (New, FY 2012) 2. Target P\is Level 2 and 3 PVs as priorities for Residential Services. (Continuation) The same strategies (with modifications) would be appropriate for the objective of reducing the PCR of Straddle Cell offenders, Further OMNI data analysis may support an additional strategy of: 3. Target CURP eligible straddle cells, especially those from Group 2 without MDOC status, for local sanctions including _ Page 4 of 13 Your analysis forms the basis for your objectives and strategies. A weak connection between data analysis, objectives and proposed programming (strategies) may result in denial or conditional approval of your plan, Using OMNI Felony Disposition data supplied by OCA for CV 2009 and FY 2010: 1, Are felony dispositions increasing, decreasing, or stable? Describe changes within SGI_ categories, , Report rates and elaborate: . „ • 14Sr. This feud tc- e b 10 77-s Page 5 of 13 E;: Felony Disposition Analysis (NOTE: Regional CCABs should complete analysis for each county. Carriage returns are permitted in this section.) Strategic Issue: Felony Dispositions Public Act 511 of 1988 stipulates that counties shall develop a community corrections comprehensive plan and provide an explanation of how the county or counties' prison commitment rate will be reduced by diverting non-violent offenders, and promote recidivism reduction while public safety is maintained. The Act is intended to encourage the participation in community corrections programs of offenders who would likely be sentenced to imprisonment in a state correctional facility or jail, who would not increase the risk to public safety, have not demonstrated a pattern of violent behavior, and do not have a criminal record that indicates a pattern of violent offenses. Goal: Reduce demand for prison resources and related budgetary requirements. Priority: Reduce prison commitment of offenders who can be safely and effectively sanctioned and treated in the community by following the principles of effective intervention (i.e., risk, need, responsivity). o changes in rates: in 5. Describe ai-ry nges in criminal justice system stakeholders that may have contributed ice lot 1.4.1ere "liz".:1' S.UpEi ,i,•:!mge is the .::.end i9 •:.•,ight• be tr: tett in .?0% for the third 7713 3. What, if any, significant changes are reflected in distribution of dispositions among SGL categories? There • 4. Can you attribute any changes to strategies/programs in your comprehensive plan? o join the C. Descri -!e any changes in felony populations or offender characteristic that warrant a change in your plan: 7. Provide additional analysis you feel necessary to explain your prison commitment rates here: Click here to - - E2 ":2: Key Obje,..,fes and Strategies Five objectives are not required; objectives should be measurable and provide sufficient detail so progress can he monitored. Each objective should be followed by at least one strategy (step, action, policy, program) that will help You achieve your objective. Your objectives and strategies should he supported by the analysis you did above. If you did not provide analysis foI a PV or Group 2 population, you wouldn't develop an objective related to that population. • • Page 6 of 13 Keep hi mind that all programs for which you are requesting funding are considered strategies. Be sure to clearly identify them as strategies. 1. Objective #1: . i. „ j , in support of ' _ ft - (ni...i-,-,' ,mit.1 separate strategies by using carriage return [enter]): . , :Jos in A v/ u/? rill! Oi :01? corn IT) enaction involves pri.son, . .rr :,.'(I ed uc. (it/0,', t; 0.,-,:l:Riit'..)17 .:•1('I en ts- c-Iricloth,:y f'<ev StOkeimicierc liy ii Corrections- p., : — ) Mot amii.,16..0ons i,,, recio'iv)srri and 2. Objective 42: . ,'"Ci? for :• • -- c-f:41 Group 2 C , :1',..,rs- not 1.41,:-:;,..f , from -,c. 25 offender! -3oi this ca te. cy ,:.:.,, Strategies in support of Objective #2: - 1,11h o rffeive o loll Sentence .7,,t'?d ore 10 r -;e.eci of cognitive 1 -.-rovide the COMPAS assessments completed through the CIAU or Step Forward intake to probation agents through C*Star, so that the results may be used to determine appropriate referrals for programming based on risk / needs of The offender. --Educate the probation agents through printed materials or meetings that offenders not on probation may be eligible for PA5I1 programming too. -Promote referrals to the Step Forward program for offenders who are high risk / high need with a focus on those offenders within the straddle cell category who have a Group 2 offense and are not under MDOC supervision. 1 Objective #3: Strategies in support of Objective #3: rii .s, step forward, aid A71: for RV techs. identfied through the C(..'2404,„5 to reduce the risk f•..... :cc urring criminal , -Change the way in which PV placements to PRS are handled; Agents will make placements directly to the PRCs on PVs therefore cutting down on administrative paperwork and possible denials. - Through supervisor review of placements ensure that straddle cell PVs have been considered for PEP prior to any show cauy2. hewings. 1 4, objective 44: To, cs,,-, ..,-,-, 44,-, 0' PRC to on more than 18% by diverting II more n".-... ----T from this , -:uouort of Objective #4: _ oui/J-_, for pi • Ci ill_ /j , - c ofi i , ' sentence. program for OWL Ills (in particular intermediate sanction cell) offenders, that uses success -...: as a determining factor in the length of the jail sentence and work release eligibility. , oh 01.1iL ill offenders to determine appropriate LOC. :: p.,,:!cialized groups at the PRCs which provide additional, specialized treatment for this group. ;et...0 Forward case manager and intake to support the OUIL III deferred sentence program 1 L, 01-;;ject:ive #5: ; in support of Objective 45 : . . ,.„ Page 7 of 13 ACSP Vsrine'nt IJ s e OMNI data to track changes in prison commitment rates that were identified as objectives. Monitor and report on changes in local circumstances or offender populations/characteristics that prevent attainment of your objectives. a Use CCIS data to determine the utilization of your proerams by your targeted population7 \Allaat steps \mill you take if you :,nd that you are not nice r your objectives or your stratees rC not being innplerien1.•-•ci as planned? . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 of 13 , ! C: Pail Utilization Analysis: ., ; (:NOTE: Regional CCABs should complete analysis for each county.) ,I Current Jail Utilization , — CO U nty it RDC (including i:.i i:, ii offline beds) ;,i,. i,. .. Utilization as CI l- I , 10 Liii .F. 2 % rif RDC 1i' in.: Operational lo c,t'-: FE.= t:s.: CI - c_,‘ beds # and % of RDC ,,!rCer i,:::,.,!t. nct, _il1- ! 1. Does your county have a written county jail population management plan per PA 139 of 2007? NO 2. In CY 2010, did your sheriff initiate a reduction in population because the jail exceeded 95% of RDC for 5 consecutive days per Public Act 140 of 2007? ' If YES, explain how this was carried out: ::. , .., , 3. In CY 2010 how many times did the county declare an official (in writing) jail overcrowding state of emergency (over 100% of RDC for 7 consecutive days) per Public Act 140 of 2007? 0 4. Does your jail submit JPIS data? '.'"7.' . c-:/ne - . What vendor or jail management software is used to report jail utilization? li no ,_. • ------_-- -- Strategic Issue: Jail Utilization ' Jail resources should be prioritized for use by indivicii.nds convicted of crimes against persoi is i -Jrid or offenders who present a higher risk of recidivism or risk to the p(iNic . Local rorunrehensive community corrections olai is should i educe i the demand for jail beds by diverting non vio'ent -,nd !ower-i•r,IK offenders, promote rntinivisrn reduction while maintaining public safety and reduce Jail o a(.z.i-r, ro v dinE Goal: Operate local jails at 909' or les', of tl--ie rated design capecity which can reduce the costs and iability for the county. Priority: Improve jail utilization and reduce need to board inmates in other facilities; avoid rc ,leases under the emergency overcrowding act;inaintain jail below the rated design capacity. . C-1: Using JPIS data (or local data as available) provide an analysis of local jail utilization incluJing the average da0y populations/lengths of stay of jail populations including felon and misdemeanant utilization, ,.f.2ntenced and ' unsentenced populations, partiy s:ontenced populations, boarders, :::,nd offense ci.,ir-c-tories (Regiomlls:: use carriage return [Enter] to separate information by jRj! L 1. This application uses 2. 2 ' ,,_ol::ngs up, down or stable? Elaborate: , : , 3. 1-) ,ip-- or ,,,..\;!0`3. for major (pilaf.: : F;rox),.. 1 1 1 Page 9 of 13 for is may be c„- r, in '.‘hc f?., jc,lons OS for 1,4.'ere strodthe • „Ts a 13.. -r; es, of Mos.' 7; The L set rio 51 ji ,rogratr,!,,,i,L,..'„ ti7 sed r'"f.ifS Ve. do dty was io,rder to all clitions &dee Homed the 1 rTnforcement priorities, bed closures, etc.: •=.f 00C, === ' • :rusty "5 in( • Eood time and trustee credits awarded/forfeited? 4, Provide additional information to explain your jail utilization here including changes in stakeholders, law - C- policiet; and practices that influence jail population: _ 1. .f'oes the jail have a "bed allocation plan"? NO 2. Does the county have a "jail task force" in place to address jail utilization issues? tf• to. certain types of offenses/offenders/warrants? YE . Page 10 of 13 N. ore Does the Ioil cept boarders from other counties? If YES, what is the daily rate charged for a boarder? Doeit, the jail have a county-imposed cap on local bed utilization to provide space for boarding? NO If YES, repo :-t number of boarders and the Yo of the RDC for all boarders. - Does the jail accept Parole Violators on MDOC detainers? .ig. e ' 8. , Does the jail accept MDOC or Federal boarders under contract? WO If YES, what is the daily rate charged for .__ IVIDOC and/or Federal boarders? H' : 1-,:-: ,.. , 9. What was the revenue from boarders for CY 2010? I 10. What was the revenue from County Jail Reimbursement in CY 2010? 11. Which CJRP "option" did the county select for FY 2011? Dec. ........8 ;WV 35c, Which will the county select for FY 2012 if given an opportunity to change?, iili`i - ',`,..., PRY 35+... 12. Does the jail operate a work release program (offenders leave the jail to work and t:-.,en ceturn to the jail)? YTS If YES, how many beds (number and % of RDC) are work release beds? None. How much are offenders charged to be on work release? $16,00. 1 Does the jail accept weekend sentences? JC If YES, approximately how many weekenders book in each weekend? '-'' 14. Provide additional analysis you feel is necessary to explain your jail utilization here: The charge of C-3: Key Obiective and Str .6 i^,?s NOTE: 6 Five objectives are not recuired: ohectives should be measu eable and provide sufficient detail o progress can be monitored. Each objective shoulcl b- (H1,)vecl by at least one strategy (step, action, policy, program) that will help you achieve your objective Your objectives and strategies should bc- supported by the analysis you did above. If you did not identify tht LOS of misdemeanants in your analysis, you wouldn't develop an objective related to that population. 6 Refer to the most recent JPIS data (or your local data/snapshot if you don't have JPIS). 0 Keep in mind that all programs for which you are requesting funding are considered stroto i;:s Be sure to clearly identify them as strategies. J. Objective #1: (,!y,f!.:, ,el/el. 1:ffl r,:ccordin9 (0 , , Stra . n 1"7;,7,;:-.'. in support;.) Obj I ve if) nunibel OLnII separate strategies by using carriage return): ;I! 0; -:tclit -i Cour i t%;iroog!,, "_/v? (isr o H of Oh jE: Page 11 of 13 — ), ctive 43: !i e :es in support of Objective 43: - - PqC plocernerit cr) ci L P) ' Ts) i! the need5 Or • I 0 often de p! c ogt , tin ?I? 0 Liii_ fir; offenders receive-to k them 5zi. 1ntain program untilization at no less than 93% so that all eligible offenders are being diverted. ,. LL Objective 44:oo eivejwI 1 (7 ' at',Q Luo:ort of n.;:.ctive 44: Fechnicol 0/ J'',.--)v was de /e1(3,(.) f.-,'d Iasi ye lo for , include T, P inte rrredi ale range regurdless of SGL. , Itt IL mciv be o bcircmer to Oeir SUCCESS on probation. ,,, ,rJ 1 igh the COMPAS to reduce the risk of leOCCLI ring , , i II, r r and I' 7 ew proper1:1/ -Charge the way in which PV placements to PRCs are currently handled. r..:; Objective #5: ,,(,./.1:, Strategies in support of Objective #5: Use JPIS data (or local snapshot if JPIS 0 available) to track changes in jail utilization that were ideraled as objectives. Monitor and report on charro ,_ti di (Jr,: umstances or offender populations/characteristics that prevent attainment of your objectiv -s 0 Use CC1S data to determine the utilizatioH '‘f your programs by your targeted population:-: What steps will you take if you find that you are not meeting your objectives or your strategies are not being implemented as planned? '• ' Page 12 of 13 Local Priorities locol priorities such as development of criminal justice coordinating councils, jail expansion/repair; public :h not been Wentified in the above sections: c-fl 13 OCA Use Only. , MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF COMMUNITY ALTERNATIVES FY 2012 FUNDING PROPOSAL for Oakland County Community Corrections Comprehensive Plans & Services Program Program 2012 Funding 2012 Approved 2012 Reserved 2012 Funding Code Request Funding Funding Recommendation Community Service Placement A19 _ Work Crew - Inmate A25 - Work Crew - Community A26 Group-Based Programs Education BOO - Employment 815 - - Life Skills B16 - Cognitive CO1 336,446 - Domestic Violence C05 - - Sex Offender C06 - Substance Abuse 018 Other Group Services GOO - Supervision Programs - Day Reporting D04 Intensive Supervision D23 - - - - Electronic Monitoring DO8 53,121 - 750 750 Pretrial Supervision F23 146,077 - 500 500 Assessment Services Actuarial Assessment 122 82,398 - - Pretrial Assessment F22 381,131 Gatekeeper - Jail Population Monitor 123 96,716 - Gatekeeper 125 Case Management 124 350,062 ,Substance Abuse Testing G17 l lOther ZOO - Totals 1,445,951 - 1,250 / 1 Administration 06,035.00 - DDJR/CTP Program 2012 Funding 2012 Reserved Program 2012 Plan Amount Totals Code Recommendation Funding ,"%ssessnent F.,: TI-eetment S=. es 176, 09 00 5-Day In Jail Housing 67,208.00 r 1 psle,ential ',E: r ic ce ,, 365,286.00 L_ 1 Totals 608,603.00 _r MICHIGAN DEPP-.7-1ViENT OF CORRECTiONS OFFICE OF CC IUNITY ALTERNATIVES Cornpreher–, Plans and Services FY 2012 SPENDING PLAN FOP, Oakland County Community Corrections 1 Program I Contractual Board Program Name ary & Wages Services Equipment Supplies Travel T ring Other Totals Code I s -I jAdrrilsstradcn 73,845 28,690 400 750 750 1,000 600 106,035 1 2 3 I CeigTal ,• . 'i\ rsessent 96,716 95,716 CO1 Ore, Fr•• it 8, Skills Progmm 336,446 230,446 008 Protrial Services Supervision 50,121 3,000 53,121 F23 Pretrial Services Supervision 146,077 149,077 122 1Step Forward Intake 26,131 6,267 32,398 - 1 0 I l'22 ! 1Prptria! ,ervices 381,131 1 - - 1 - - 381,131 1 122 !Mensal Fin I tia liTtlative 50,000 50,000 I 124 !Step Forward 350,062 350,062 . 1 1 1 020-01 i 1 - I ! _ ! 0 0 0 0 J .) ki 1 —h. 1 Totals 1,460,529 87,957 , 400 750 750 I 1,000 600 1,5.51,986 ! I MICHIGAN DEF. I OF CORRECTIONS OFFICE '• \T0/E5 DRUNK VP F FY 2012 SPENDING PL[ N Oakland Community Corrections 1 484 1=':::4D .::.--; SerViCeS rI i D : 4 10E1 4.-i 4 4 i Cosi Proposed Amount Cost Descriptions 1 This funds 1 FTE Communtiy Corrections Specialist ($100220), 1 PTNE community correction Salary & Wages 146,741.00 specialist II ($26,131) and 1 PTNEInmate Substance Abuse Tech ($20,385) Community C—orrections will pay $27.00 per offender per group with groups running once per - Contractual Services 29,368.00 week for specialized DD treatment groups total $14,771; DD assessments by PACF $4,597; alcohol - a - I. - - a - - a - s a . II • I I Supplies Other Sub Total 176,109.00 5 Day Jail Housing 67,208.00 Sub Total 67,208.00 Residential Services 365,286.00 Sub Total 365,286.00 Total Proposed 608,603.00 Program Cost Descriptions For: Oakland County Community Corrections i F I :52 age Costs Position i , I I itie:11nmate Scree ner Name of Individual: I Beni] le Walendzik / I Of HOLTS VY'Cl'ked Per 'leaf. 2080.00 E'TE Equivalent: 1.00I HIE Time is S,080) Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Program Code CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals Duties and Responsibilities Determines if inmates housed at the jail are eligible for 1 123 - Centrzu 1 ,take and 80,711 80;711 programming.Prepares time cut requests and requests Assessent for program placement. 1 i Totals 80,711 - - 80,711 : !Position 2 , , Title: inmate Caseworker Name of Individual:1Kathleen Paternoster, Paula Newcombe & Rachel Wall I I Number of Sours Waned Per Year, 6240,00 FTE Equivalent: 3.00 Full -ihrne 1.52,Can . Funding Sources &_Cost Allocation Program Code CPS Local/Other . Fee Revenue . Totals Duties and Responsibilities Facilitates all sessions of the LESP also meets with all 001 - Life, Employment & 336,446 336,446 participants on a one-on-one basis to develop a post- Skills Program release plan. Totals 336,446 - - 336,446 -- Position 3 . . . . Title. Manager Community Corrections Name of Individual: Barbara Hankey Number of Hours Worked Per Year. 2080,00 PTE Equivalent: • 1.00 (Full Time is 2,0501 I Funding Sources 8i. Cost Allocation - - i Program Code I CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals Duties and Respons bill les Responsble for managing all aspects of the Community Corrections Division. Completes all required reports. lAdMiniStratinn 176,461 176,461 Develops and malntairs the budget for both the State IvIDOC grant and the county general fund. Cultivates working relationships between Community Corrections and its — . ,. . . , ,z .,. . n Totals - 176,461 i 176,461 1— Position 4 Tit;e: Chief Community Corrections Name of Individual: Robert Gatt r-,n.,i6,-,f DI' HOJI'S Worked Per Year. 2080.00IFTE Equivalent: 1.00 Hul l lime lot.U8IN I _ Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Prograrn Cods I Ch's LocaltOther - Fee Revenue Totals Duties and Responsibilities .esponsible for overall day to day operations. Trouble shoots ploblems, staffing issues and provcies proposed solutlons to 1.41,b32 141,532 the Manager roc nandlIng such masters. Attends meetings or other functions as necessary and acts in the capacity of ._ Manager in her ahserute. lotals . .111,e.32 - 2/.1,532 — 1Positio 1Cynthia Rylanee, Docile LaMar/c, Kathryn Bodl. Julie Berres. Rebecca Tit • .ssister Name of Individual:I ' 101ive , er et Hour, Wurped Per Veer. l 9320.00FTE Equivalent 4.481 lrL.• iene is 2,0r3Ce„ Funding Sources & Cost Allocation -- rh-ogram Code CP II Lou rit T- I x , Rave ue Totals Duties and Responsibilities Assists v, 'h data entry and support at the unit. Inputs Central Intake and 16,005 16,0-05 answers fitern The COR1PAS for scoring, genreal clerical dLit.:25 Assessent Sorts and enters supervision cases as they are received. If'23 - Pretriul I-Ier.fices Secures and enters next court dates from the courts or other 74,645 74,645 duper ViidOri databases. Sends letters and performs other general tier cal duties as needed Acts as administrative assistant to the Manager, also Aden rlisi atier 80,329 80,329 completes payroll, personnel requisiV0E5 and billing duties. Assists in data entry to C'Star for CCIS data, sets up 4 - i- rward 61,902 59 , 453 121,355 appointments for clients, tracks referrals, answers phones, 2 Step o sorts mail. Other general Clerical Duties. There is 1. FIE in c . i Totals i 77,907 214,427 292,334 I Position Community Corrections Support , • Title Specialist Name of Individual. Diana Carver Number of Hours Worked Per Year. (Full Time is 2,080) 2080.00 FTC Equivalent: • . 1.00 Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Program Code CPS Local/Other ' Fee Revenue ' Totals Duties and Responsibilities Responsible for maintaining and updating all databases within Community Corrections. Sends monthly CCIS data to OCC and Ads sin 47,564 47,564 95,128 maintains the integrity of the data. Updates all brochures, I newsletters, and other prinited information for the Division. Totals 47,564 47,564 - 95,128 Position 7 i Title: Supervisor Corni ul Corrections • Name of Individual Karen Peterson, Dana O'Neal, Lisa Smith, Eric Schmidt, un of m s Worked Per Year. 8320.00 FTE Equivalent: - 4.00 (li/rime s 2,0201 Funding Sources & Cost Allocation i Program Code CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals Duties and Responsibilities The step Forward supervisor oversees day to day operations IAdrniral5trarrion 26,281 52,560 78,841 of the Step Forward Program. Responsible for procedures, i employee issues and works as a liasion between OCC staff, mDOC staff and Administration. Aiso carries a small caseload ; 24 - Step Forward 26,281 I 26,281 of special needs clients & transfer cases. [ I The supervisor is responsible both the supervision as and Em units. She is responsible for procedures, staff issues and F23 - Prenda performance appraisals. Also provides coverage as needed. i rvices tade. 123,566 123,566 This supervisor is also responsible for coordinating placement S rvision for all offenders ordered into PRS. In addition she tracks FRS, utilization and billing informatiOn. There is one supervisor to oversee the District Court staff and one to supervise the jail staff and to assist in the r rs22 - Pretr al f,eye.rn-Es 234,0.24 234,024 coordiratedon of video arraignments. Supervisors handle staffing issues, conduct work evaluations, and fill gaps as Tot—tial S2,.:d.,2 410,1S0 462,712 , 1 TiTle 810411 , "rifler! COMMLIIi'" Co icunions Sksiseialist I Jame of mdiv cue Neircoe. of kmirris WorkedPer I- 46680.0011'TE Equivaient: 22.44! I;Full 1 t-1-.C, ''. 2,03M I Funding Sources & Cost Altocation Program Code CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals Duties and Responsibilities I Monitors pretrial defendants on supervision for ilig .7, Pr eh -al Sam/ices 14'6,077 1h8,250 d4/.,302 i compliance with concitions of bond ordered by toe Superaiiiisin I court. ICs e managers have caseloads of about Cs, of which t'ney leoordinate treatment and supervision pens. Staff is Iresponsilo e for corrrnu [gearing with agents / coke, regrading ;progress or lack thereof. Also required to facilitate, 3 groups I 4 - tel rdiVilurd 2E1,879 222,310 484,189 ;per week and work at least 2 evening shifts (until 7.3/pm). The DDIR case manager has 011it III cases only. this case manger visits all clients prior to being released from the PPC Ito establish a rapport withb the offender. I --+ I To conduct intake assessments (COMPAS) on all i 2 ii- no ifS I ins.e 26,131 90,752 116,883 Ireferred offenders into the Step Forward program ; i li Also responsible for clefendnats placed on EM. Staff (.1)08 - Pretrial Services 50,121 50,121 'responsible for offender whereabouts,scheduling, 1 unervision I monitoring of alarms, and responding to violations. Interviews in custody defendants and complies a bond uvpurt in accordance with MCR 6.106. Bail recommendations are made using the Praxis. All information is verified tnrough .., , F22 Pla! Services 276,444 752 564 1,029008 , - third parties as often as possible. Staff also calculates SG1,5 ' for bond and the felony plea project faccelaerated pleas at DC level) Totals 484,208 1,263,911 2,024,563 Position Title:I Community Corrections Specialist lb Name of t,dividual Edmonds, Stitt, Hadley, Flassinger, Dennis, Baril, Soya, Wood karr burnf [lours Worked Per Year. 16640.00 FTE Equivalf nt: 8.00 (Full Time is 2,090) Fending Sources . Cost Allocation Program Code CPS LocaltOther Foe Revenue Totals Duties and Rosportsibllities Supervises the day to day activities of the Come it Pr etria Sery ces 104,687 304 562 409,249 Corrections Specialists Us. Sets priorities according to i i I , available resources, checks work, acts as a Barron bewteen, 1 Responsible for the day to day operation of the unit and the Offendertink system. Responsible for all new enrollees and 11-23 - Pretrial Services 102927 102,927 those that may be rejected by the system due to incomplete , Su.servision information. Monitors the case loads of line staff to ensure work is being completed in a timely fashion, and also oversees the FM staff Responsible for day to day operation of unit and staff. Carries a smaller caseload but is also responsible for making I Step Forward 202,465 202,465 sure groups are covered, helping line staff with difficalt clients and acts a liaison with outsdie agencies prOViding services at Step Forward. Te conduct intake assessments (COM3AS)ori all referred Stec Pr U, Intake 92,9E1 9.),861, offenders into Me Step Forward program. Provides ron- ' o ' eligible clients with appropriate referral sources. Totals , l.04,687 702,815 807,5'2 i Pos Name of Indivldual: F- 'E Equivalent: Funding Sources & Cost Allocation 0.00 Proararr Code Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals Duties and Responsibilities eta Contractual Services ! !Contract 1 , 1 r-,10 me of Provider 10aldand County in fon-nation technology Dniputers, support, development of all IT $1,738/ quarter or 86,952/ year for computer rental SenAces Prowded• Terms of Reimbursement: aPancations and phone lines and $3,483 for development . Funding Sources & Cost Allocation , ' Program Code CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals Administration 10,483 10,483 - Total 10,483 10,483 Contract 2 Name of Provider: Oakland County Information Technology 530/ month for phone usage $360 / year. $50/month Services Provided: Support and rental of phone, and as lines Terms of Reimbursement: for fax/copier/scanner maintenance and repairs :: : • Funding Sources & Cost Adocation Program Code • CPS Local/Other . Fee Revenue I' Totals lAdministration 1,000 1,000 Total 3,000 - - 1,000 Contract 3 1 _ Name of Provider: Oakland County Facilities, Maintenance and Operations _ Services Provided: Building space rental Terms of Reimbursement: 52100/ square foot X 837 feet of space Funding Sources & Cost Allocation - Program Code 1 CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals /Administration 1 9,707 9,207 Total] 9,207 s 9,207 Contract 4 , i i Name of Prove-len ,,TorerTey, Er.crund 1 assessments. iisferrais„ and Seei ,CeS Plionicleci,ishciit sciution focused individual Terms of Reimbursement: 2.5 days per week X $385 ta 57 weeks loctunselim; Funding Sources & Cost Allocation l,rogram Code I CPS I LocallOther Fee Revenue I Totals Mental Health I 50,000 i 50,000 t 1 .5E1000 ' - _ 1 1 50,000 I c Po.pvittof: ODE. I '- NEEDS mss:- entstor offenders that — I- :sen,ces p,,viceci: rechnre as s... ostance --1:1;,IS a assessment Terms of Reimbursement: S6,00 per test accorclie a to COS/FAS and/or the T CU Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Program Code CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals I 1124 - step f ocf,arc Intake 5.267 6,257 6,26 6,267 Contract 6 Name of Provide,r: hancallie & Assoo Blue water Montoring, House Arrest, Michigan Tether Electronic Monitoring services for pretrial Services Provided Terms of Reimbursement: Average cost $12.00/day plus $100 hook up fee. defedants who are unable to pay. Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Program Code CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue 1 Totals i 1.,08 - Pretrial Services , • 3,000 r pc rvisi on 3,000 1 I 3,000 1 3,000 COntract 7 Name of Provider: Services Provided: Terms of Reimbursement: Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Program Code i CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals i Contract 8 i Name of Provider: Oakland County Slnr if's Office 5:00- 730(2.5 hours) x 4 days per week at a rate of Services Provieed: after hours security Terms of Reimbursement: !$15.30 per hour= :10 x 52 x $15.30,$7,956 I Funding Sources & Cost Allocation 1 Program Code CPS Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals Administration 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 ContraCt Name of Pi'ovider, Services Provided: Terms of Reimbursement Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Program rode 1 c PS Local/Other I Fee Revenue Totals I 1Contract 10 Name ol. "-.. .. I 1-- `er ve;ea Meev de,H: I !Terms of Reimbursement: 1 , I I Funding Sources & Cost Allocation Pro-. tm Coda C P Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals re L f o I _ Amount [Training Program Code ;Administration Description 7501Conferences and trainings within the State Total! 750 i E.* .,., (Erwiprn,nt i, t40i,,n115 defi,ed a, thc=e inems with a Ste enectancy of more than one yeath _ Program Code Amount :Description , !____ Total Supplies Program Code Amount I—Description Administration 400 Pens, paper and general office supplies 1 -7 Total! 400 I Travel Program Code Amount Description !Adosie1stretios 750 Travel within the State Total 750 I [Board Expenses I Program Code Amount Description idministration licil°° Board expenses Total 1,000 Other Progra rn Code Amount Description i „ ,'L..cicra00:tration 100 treratershio 3110 dues i :0,001,nistration 500 Public education Toni 000 1 FISCAL NOTE (MISC #11153) July 21, 2011 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS — MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, OFFICE OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS, COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND APPLICATION FOR FY2012 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen. Pursuant to rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1, The Oakland County Community Corrections Division has applied to the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) for funding in the amount of $1,795,303 for the period of October 1.2011, through September 30, 2012. 2. The FY2012 application is ($18,536) less than FY2011 award. 3. Michigan Department of Corrections holds the contracts for all residential services, meaning the State is responsible for the payment and billing of the Probation Residential Centers in the amount of $2,132,513. The County is responsible for requesting the allocation and tracking the costs. The $2,132,513 will be paid by the State directly to residential centers. The remaining amount of $1,795,303 is the County's responsibility as detailed on Schedule A. 4, This is the seventh (17th) year of the grant application with the Michigan Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections. 5. The grant provides funding for positions in the Community Corrections Division and the Sheriff's Office. 6. The grant will continue to fund the following Community Corrections Division positions: ten (10) Community Corrections Specialist Ils (positions #07425, #07426, 07429, 07432, 07433, 09243, 09247, 09291, 09648, 09649; one (1) PTNE Community Corrections Specialist II (position 09292), one (1) Office Assistant II (position 09295), one-half (.50) Community Corrections Support Specialist (position 07834), one (1) Community Corrections Specialist III (position 07428, and one half (.50 Supervisor-Community Corrections (position 09396) 7. The grant will continue to fund the following Sheriff's Office positions; three (3) Inmate Caseworkers (position #07418, 07419 and 07420), one (1) Office Assistant I, PTNE (position 07417), one (1) FTE Inmate Substance Abuse Tech (position #07421) and one (1) PTNE Inmate Substance Abuse Tech (position #09397). 8. No County match is required with this grant. However, it should be noted that the FY2012 Budget for this grant includes two (2) positions (#1070403-07834 and #1070410-09396) partially funded by the General Fund in Community Corrections. 9. The application in the amount of $1,795,303 is included in the FY2012 Special Revenue Budget. Therefore, no budget amendment is recommended. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Greimel absent. Resolution #11153 July 21, 2011 Moved by Runestad supported by Zack the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Crawford, Dwyer, Gingell, Gosselin, Greimel, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Nuccio, Potts, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic, Covey. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). I HEREBY APPROVE THE FOREGOIllii RESOLGA STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Bill Bullard Jr., Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on July 21, 2011, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 21 5t day of July. 2011. ELa, e uf-21-/L Bill Bullard Jr., Oakland County