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Resolutions - 2011.08.31 - 18718
August 31, 2011 FISCAL REPORT (misc. #11197) BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON RE: PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE 2011 COMMUNITY POLLUTION PREVENTION GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO: Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance Committee having reviewed the above referenced resolution on August 25, 2011 reports with the recommendation the resolution be amended as follows: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED if the contract changes made by Corporation Counsel result in the grant not being awarded the Board of Commissioners will be notified immediately." Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing Report. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE 'JOIE Motion carried on a roll call vote: Middleton, Woodward, Long, Potts, Runestad, Dwyer, Zack, Greimel and Quarles — yes Taub and Crawford - no MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #11197 August 31, 2011 BY: Planning and Building Committee, David VV. Potts, Chairperson IN RE: PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE, 2011 COMMUNITY POLLUTION PREVENTION GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Environmental Assistance has awarded grant funding to Oakland County in the amount of $50,000 for the period of September 15, 2011 through September 30, 2013; and WHEREAS this grant will be administered by the Planning & Economic Development Services Division to work with a group of urban communities in south Oakland County to develop a collaborative, coordinated local sustainability plan; and WHEREAS the product of this process will be actionable Sustainability Plans for each participating community, as well as a "Toolkit" that can be used as a model in other communities; and WHEREAS through the County's competitive bid process, the Planning & Economic Development Services Division has contracted with the firm of Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber to conduct a similar planning process with Auburn Hills, Rochester Hills and Rochester; and WHEREAS the County will amend the current contract with Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber to include the professional services included in this grant; and WHEREAS this is the first year of grant acceptance for this program; and WHEREAS this $50,000 grant funding requires $33,861 of in-kind match; and WHEREAS $23,861 of the in-kind match will be provided by Planning & Economic Development Services Division staff, $5,000 in-kind match will be provided by Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, and $5,000 in-kind match will be provided by WARM Training Center a subcontractor for Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber; and WHEREAS no new staff positions will be required to implement or administer this grant; and WHEREAS the grant agreement has been processed through the County Executive Contract Review Process and the Board of Commissioners' Grant Acceptance Procedures. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts grant funding from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Environmental Assistance in the amount of $50.000 with County in-kind match of $23,861, for the period of 9/15/2011 through 9/30/2013. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners accepts the $5,000 in-kind match from Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Hueber and the $5,000 in-kind match from WARM Training Center as a donation to this program as outlined by County policy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant agreement and to approve any grant extensions or changes, within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which are consistent with the original agreement as approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment and that no special revenue positions are required for acceptance. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE PLANNING & BUILDING COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried on a roll call vote with Runestad voting no and Crawford absent. Rasegan, Bret From: Piir, Gaia <piirg@oakgov.com > Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 4:50 PM To: raseganb@oakgov.com Subject: FW: GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF - Planning & Economic Development Services Division - 2011 Community Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant - Acceptance Attachments: Grant Accept sign off pkg.pdf; 2011 Community P2 Oakland contract.pdf From: Piir, Gala [mailto:piirg@oakgov.corn] Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 4:35 PM To: raseganb©oakgov.com ; 'Tinsley, Monica'; Keller, Wayne; Misuraca, Nina; 'Hunter, Dan' Cc: Shortley, Joellen; 'Plotkowski, Andrea'; 'Sandy Johnson'; 'Terri Easterling' Subject: GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF - Planning & Economic Development Services Division - 2011 Community Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant - Acceptance Please Note: the attached contract is the final version and should be included in all BOC packets. GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Planning & Economic Development Services Division GRANT NAME: 2011 Community Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Environmental Assistance DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Bret Rasegan 8 -5445 STATUS: Grant Acceptance DATE: August 15, 2011 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Mnnngarinant. and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (8/10/2011) Department of Human Resources: Approved. — Karen Jones (8/9/2011) Risk Management and Safety: Approved subject to the modifications shown below. — Andrea Plotkowski (8/10/2011) MDEQ GRANT CONTRACT — Project #430185-11 SECTION: XI. LIABILITY AS WRITTEN: 1 (A) The Grantee, not the State, is responsible for all liabilities as a result of claims, judgments, or costs arising out of activities to be carried out by the Grantee under this Contract, if the liability is caused by the Grantee, a ny subcontractor, or anyone employed by the Grantee. MODIFICATION REQUIRED: (A) The Grantee, not the State, is responsible for all liabilities as a result of claims, judgments, or costs arising out of activities to be carried out by the Grantee under this Contract, if the liability is caused by the Grantee or anyone employed by the Grantee, SECTION: XVI. INSURANCE AS WRITTEN: (A) The Grantee must maintain insurance or self assurance that will protect it from claims that may arise from the Grantee's actions under this Contrac iscartt-Ge-mav-eia-neta-Hawe MODIFICATION REQUIRED: (A) The Grantee must maintain insurance or self-insurance that will protect it from claims that may arise from the Grantee's actions under this Contract. Defer to Corporation Counsel re Section V. Grantee Responsibilities: V. GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES (D) The Grantee is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other services furnished by the Grantee or its subcontractor under this Contract. The Grantee or its subcontractor shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors, omissions, or other deficiencies in designs, drawings, specifications, reports, or other services. Corporation Counsel: It is my understand that Economic development forwarded my legal concerns to MDEQ and was advised that they would not permit any amendments to the grant agreement. The following are my concerns with the incorporation of the insurance issues raised by Risk Management: 2 1 (A) The 1, CIO:f CA. ) nd Griii:,t-t!,17., not the State, I (-LIT •1 Xvi.iNsvii,NAcg 1.0 C.) r tat arise from the 'Th‘E.. Grantee. will cI rnav froro aclons Jrth;E, Lorr hilfpfq101.,!:g.: .,.-.,rrinteci or .F:Ilectrcrii(: mziterial prepared by or bn iributE'd mtitout ;.he prier Wilt r-r`: thE2lT 44'antee CO.qtr3C3' The County lacks the legal authority to be responsible for the actions of third parties (subcontractors) as required by Section Xl. The responsibility for employees should be qualified that they are acting within the scope of their employment, Section XXII's prohibition against the disclosure of information is contrary to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. I would be glad to provide cases to MDEQ which explain that the County cannot indemnify third parties. The issues in Sections XI, XVI and XXII need to be addressed. —Joellen Shortley Blaszczak (8/12/2011) COMPLIANCE The grant agreement references a number of specific federal and/or state regulations. Below is a list of these specifically cited compliance related documents for this grant. Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act —"Act 453 of 1976" http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(uq3lxgeltmri5z55z2uiwv45)/mileg.aspx?page=getobiect&objestname ,mcl-Act-453-of- 19768tquervid=14718540 Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act "Act 220 of 1976" http://www.legislatu re. m i.gov/(uq3 lxge Itm rj5z55z2u iwv45)/m leg.a spx?page=geto bject&objectna me=rnci -Act-220-of- 1976&queryid=14718589 3 Michigan State Contracts with Certain Employers Prohibited — Act 278 of 1980 http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(5(ealracw4unclgl3vh10521355))/mileg.aspx?paqe=getOblect&ol2jeciName.,mcl-Act-278- of-1980 Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments (OMB CIRCULAR A-87) (2 CFR Part 225) http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/chlwaisidx 08/2cfr225 08.html Anti-Lobbying Act (18 USC Section 1913) http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse usc&docid=Cite:+18USC1913 Michigan's Lobbying statute http://legislature.mi.gov/(S(fvkv5s55va33yt55yfrk4b4.5))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&olojeci:Narne=mcl-4-415 Government-Wide Debarment and Suspension — Non-procurement (45 CFR Part 1185) http://www.access.:.o. ov/nara/cfr/waisidx 05/45cfr1185 05.htrn1 Gala V. Piir Grants Compliance and Programs Coordinator Oakland County Fiscal Services Division Phone (248) 858-1037 Fax (248) 858-9724. piirgeoakciov.com 4 Carol Panagiotides, Sr. Environmental Analyst Name/Title Office of Environmental Assistance Division/Bureau/Office 27700 Donald Ct. Address Warren, MI 48092 Address 586-753-3725 Telephone number 586-753-3731 Fax number panagiotidesc@michigan.gov E-mail address Date Date 2011 COMMUNITY POLLUTION PREVENTION GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND OAKLAND COUNTY This Grant Contract ("Contract") is made between the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Environmental Assistance ("State"), and Oakland County ("Grantee"). The purpose of this Contract is to provide funding in exchange for work to be performed for the project named below. The State is authorized to provide grant assistance pursuant to Community Pollution Prevention Fund, 1996, Public Act 384. Legislative appropriation of funds for grant assistance is set forth in Public Act 189 of 2010. This Contract is subject to the terms and conditions specified herein. Project Name: Building Sustainability in South Oakland County Project #: 430185-11 Amount of grant: $50,000 100% of grant state I 0% of grant federal Amount of match: $33.861 = 40.38% PROJECT TOTAL: $83,861 (grant plus match) Start Date (date executed by DEQ) End Date: September 30. 2013 GRANTEE CONTACT: STATE'S CONTACT: Bret Rasegan, Planning Supervisor Name/Title Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Organization 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Bldg 41W Address Waterford, MI 48328 Address 248-858-5445 Telephone number 248-975-9555 Fax number raseganb@oakgov.com E-mail address 38-6004876 Federal ID number The individuals signing below certify by their signatures that they are authorized to sign this Grant Contract on behalf of their agencies, and that the parties will fulfill the terms of this Contract, including the attached appendix, as set forth herein. FOR THE GRANTEE: Signature Michael Gingell, Chairman, Oakland County Board of Commissioners OR Jeff Matis, Vice Chairman, Oakland County Board of Commissioners Name/Title FOR THE STATE: Signature Bryce Feighner, Chief, Office of Environmental Assistance Name/Title I. PROJECT SCOPE This Contract and its appendices constitute the entire Contract between the State and the Grantee and may be modified only by written agreement between the State and the Grantee. (A) The scope of this project is limited to the activities specified in Appendix A, and such activities as are authorized by the State under this Contract. Any change in project scope requires prior written approval in accordance with Section III, Changes, in this Contract. (B) By acceptance of this Contract, the Grantee commits to complete the project identified in Appendix A within the time period allowed for in this Contract and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. II. CONTRACT PERIOD Upon signature by the State, the Contract shall be effective from the Start Date until the End Date on page 1. The State shall have no responsibility to provide funding to the Grantee for project work performed except between the Start Date and the End Date specified on page 1. Expenditures made by the Grantee prior to the Start Date or after the End Date of this Contract are not eligible for payment under this Contract. III. CHANGES Any changes to this Contract shall be requested by the Grantee in writing, and approved in writing by the State. The State reserves the right to deny requests for changes to the Contract or to the appendices. No changes can be implemented without approval by the State. IV. GRANTEE DELIVERABLES AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The Grantee shall submit deliverables and follow reporting requirements specified in Appendix A of this Contract. (A) The Grantee must complete and submit quarterly financial and progress reports according to a form and format prescribed by the State and must include supporting documentation of eligible project expenses. These reports shall be due according to the following: 1 Reporting period Due Date January 1 — March 31 April 30 April 1 — June 30 July 31 July 1 — September 30 Before October 15* October 1 — December 31 January 31 *Due to the State's year-end closing procedures, there will be an accelerated due date for the report covering July 1 — September 30. Advance notification regarding the due date for the quarter ending September 30 will be sent to the Grantee. If the Grantee is unable to submit a report in early October for the quarter ending September 30, an estimate of expenditures through September 30 must be submitted to allow the State to complete its accounting for that fiscal year. The forms provided by the State shall be submitted to the State's contact at the address on page 1. All required supporting documentation (invoices, proof of payment, etc.) for expense must be included with the report. (B) The Grantee shall provide a final project report in a format prescribed by the State. The Grantee 2 must provide a draft final report 45 days prior to the end date of the contract. The Grantee shall submit the final status report, including all supporting documentation for expenses, along with the final project report and any other outstanding products within 30 days from the End Date of the Grant. (C) The Grantee must provide 3 copies of all products and deliverables in accordance with Appendix A (D) All products shall acknowledge that the project was supported in whole or in part by the Community Pollution Prevention Grant program, Department of Environmental Quality, per the guidelines provided by the program. V. GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES (A) The Grantee agrees to abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, ordinances and regulations in the performance of this grant. (B) All local, state, and federal permits, if required, are the responsibility of the Grantee. Award of this grant is not a guarantee of permit approval by the State. (C) The Grantee shall be solely responsible to pay all taxes, if---a-ayif applicable, that arise from the Grantee's receipt of this grant. Grantee is a tax exernatentity, (D) The Grantee is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, reports, and other services furnished by the Grantee or its subcontractor under this Contract. The Grantee or its subcontractor shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors, omissions, or other deficiencies in designs, drawings, specifications, reports, or other services. (E) The State's approval of drawings, designs, specifications, reports, and incidental work or materials furnished hereunder shall not in any way relieve the Grantee of responsibility for the technical adequacy of the work. The State's review, approval, acceptance, or payment for any of the services shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights under this Contract or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Contract. (F) The Grantee acknowledges that it is a crime to knowingly and willingly file false information with the State for the purpose of obtaining this Contract or any payment under the Contract, and that any such filing may subject the Grantee, its agents, and/or employees to criminal and civil prosecution and/or termination of the grant. VI. USE OF MATERIAL Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, the Grantee may release information or material developed under this Contract, provided it is acknowledged that the State funded all or a portion of its development. The State retains an irrevocable license to reproduce, publish and use in whole or in part, and authorize others to do so, any copyrightable material submitted under this grant whether or not the material is copyrighted by the Grantee or another person. The Grantee will only submit materials that the State can use in accordance with this paragraph. Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, the Grantee may not patent products or processes developed under this Contract. 3 VII. ASSIGNABILITY The Grantee shall not assign this Contract or assign or delegate any of its duties or obligations under this Contract to any other party without the prior written consent of the State. The State does not assume responsibility regarding the contractual relationships between the Grantee and any subcontractor. VIII. SUBCONTRACTS The State reserves the right to deny the use of any consultant, contractor, associate, or other personnel to perform any portion of the project. The Grantee is solely responsible for all contractual activities performed under this Contract. Further, the State will consider the Grantee to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the anticipated Grant. All subcontractors used by the Grantee in performing the project shall be subject to the provisions of this Contract and shall be qualified to perform the duties required. IX. NON-DISCRIMINATION The Grantee shall comply with the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 453, as amended, MCL 37.2101 et seq, the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 220, as amended, MCL 37.1101 et seq, and all other federal, state and local fair employment practices and equal opportunity laws and covenants that it shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this Contract, with respect to his or her hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of his or her race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, or physical or mental disability that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position. The Grantee agrees to include in every subcontract entered into for the performance of this Contract this covenant not to discriminate in employment. A breach of this covenant is a material breach of this Contract. X. UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES The Grantee shall comply with the Employers Engaging in Unfair Labor Practices Act, 1980 PA 278, as amended, MCL 423.321 et seq. XL LIABILITY (A) The Grantee, not the State, is responsible for all liabilities as a result of claims, judgments, or costs arising out of activities to be carried out by the Grantee under this Contract, if the liability is caused by the Grantee, any-suboontFa-etof, or anyone employeed-by-the-of the Grantee acting within the scope of their em_ployment. (B) All liability as a result of claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising out of activities to be carried out by the State in the performance of this Contract is the responsibility of the State and not the responsibility of the Grantee if the liability is caused by any State employee or agent. (C) In the event that liability arises as a result of activities conducted jointly by the Grantee and the State in fulfillment of their responsibilities under this Contract, such liability is held by the Grantee and the State in relation to each party's responsibilities under these joint activities. (D) Nothing in this contract should be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity by the Grantee, the State, its agencies, or their employees as provided by statute or court decisions. 4 XII. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No government employee, or member of the legislative, judicial, or executive branches, or member of the Grantee's Board of Directors, its employees, partner agencies or their families shall benefit financially from any part of this Contract. XIII. ANTI-LOBBYING If all or a portion of this contract is funded with federal funds, then in accordance with OMB Circular A-21, A-87, or A-122, as appropriate, the Grantee shall comply with the Anti Lobbying Act which prohibits the use of all project funds regardless of source, to engage in lobbying the state or federal government or in litigation against the State. Further, the Grantee shall require that the language of this assurance be included in the award documents of all subawards at all tiers. If all or a portion of this contract is funded with state funds, then the Grantee shall not use any of the grant funds awarded in this contract for the purpose of lobbying as defined in the State of Michigan's lobbying statute, MCL 4.415(2). "'Lobbying' means communicating directly with an official of the executive branch of state government or an official in the legislative branch of state government for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action." The Grantee shall not use any of the grant funds awarded in this contract for the purpose of litigation against the State. Further, the Grantee shall require that language of this assurance be included in the award documents of all subawards at all tiers. XIV. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION By signing this Contract, the Grantee certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it, its agents, and its subcontractors: (1) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or the state. (2) Have not within a three-year period preceding this Contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction, as defined in 45CFR1185; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property. (3) Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in subsection (2). (4) Have not within a three-year period preceding this Contract had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default. (5) Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other state or federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program. XV. AUDIT AND ACCESS TO RECORDS The State reserves the right to conduct a programmatic and financial audit of the project, and the State may withhold payment until the audit is satisfactorily completed. The Grantee will be required to maintain all pertinent records and evidence pertaining to the grant contract, including grant and any required matching funds, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and other 5 procedures specified by the State. The State or any of its duly authorized representatives must have access, upon reasonable notice, to such books, records, documents, and other evidence for the purpose of inspection, audit, and copying, The Grantee will provide proper facilities for such access and inspection. All records must be maintained for a minimum of five years after the final payment has been issued to the Grantee by the State. XVI. INSURANCE (A) The Grantee must maintain insurance or self- asinsurance that will protect it from claims that may arise from the Grantee's actions under this Contract- GFateeay-be-hek4iableT (B) The Grantee must comply with applicable workers' compensation laws while engaging in activities authorized under this Contract. XVII. OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING The Grantee guarantees that any claims for reimbursement made to the State under this Contract must not be financed by any source other than the State under the terms of this Contract. If funding is received through any other source, the Grantee agrees to delete from Grantee's billings, or to immediately refund to the State, the total amount representing such duplication of funding. XVIII. COMPENSATION (A) A breakdown of costs allowed under this Contract is identified in Appendix A. The State will pay the Grantee a total amount not to exceed the amount on page one of this Contract, in accordance with Appendix A, and only for expenses incurred and paid. All other costs necessary to complete the project are the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (B) Expenses incurred by the Grantee prior to the Start Date or after the End Date of this Contract are not allowed under the Contract. (C) The State will approve payment requests after approval of reports and related documentation as required under this Contract. (D) The State reserves the right to request additional information necessary to substantiate payment requests. (E) Payments under this Contract may be processed by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The Grantee may register to receive payments by EFT at the Contract & Payment Express Web Site (http://www.cpexpress.state.mi.us ). (F) An amount equal to 10 percent of the grant award will be withheld by the State until the project is completed in accordance with Section XIX, Closeout and Appendix A. (G) The Grantee is committed to the match percentage on page 1 of the Contract, in accordance with Appendix A. The Grantee shall expend all local match committed to the project by the End Date on page 1 of the Contract. XIX. CLOSEOUT (A) A determination of project completion, which may include a site inspection and an audit, shall be made by the State after the Grantee has met any match obligations, satisfactorily completed the activities, and provided products and deliverables described in Appendix A. 6 (B) Upon issuance of final payment from the State, the Grantee releases the State of all claims against the State arising under this Contract. Unless otherwise provided in this Contract or by State law, final payment under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver of the State's claims against the Grantee. (C) The Grantee shall immediately refund to the State any payments in excess of the costs allowed by this Contract. XX. CANCELLATION This Contract may be canceled by the State, upon 30 days written notice, due to Executive Order, budgetary reduction, other lack of funding, upon request by the Grantee, or upon mutual agreement by the State and Grantee. The State reserves the right to provide just and equitable compensation to the Grantee for all satisfactory work completed under this Contract. XXI. TERMINATION (A) This Contract may be terminated by the State as follows. (1) Upon 30 days written notice to the Grantee: a. If the Grantee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract, or with the requirements of the authorizing legislation cited on page 1, or the rules promulgated thereunder, or other applicable law or rules. b. If the Grantee knowingly and willingly presents false information to the State for the purpose of obtaining this Contract or any payment under this Contract. c. If the State finds that the Grantee, or any of the Grantee's agents or representatives, offered or gave gratuities, favors, or gifts of monetary value to any official, employee or agent of the State in an attempt to secure a subcontract or favorable treatment in awarding, amending, or making any determinations related to the performance of this Contract. d. During the 30-day written notice period, the State shall also withhold payment for any findings under subparagraphs a through c, above. e. If the Grantee or any subcontractor, manufacturer or supplier of the Grantee appears in the register of persons engaging in unfair labor practices that is compiled by the Department of Labor & Economic Growth or its successor. (2) Immediately and without further liability to the State if the Grantee, or any agent of the Grantee, or any agent of any subcontract is: a. Convicted of a criminal offense incident to the application for or performance of a State, public, or private contract or subcontract; b. Convicted of a criminal offense, including but not limited to any of the following: embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or attempting to influence a public employee to breach the ethical conduct standards for State of Michigan employees; c. Convicted under State or federal antitrust statutes; or d. Convicted of any other criminal offense which, in the sole discretion of the State, reflects on the Grantee's business integrity. e. Added to the federal or state Suspension and Debarment list. (B) If a grant is terminated, the State reserves the right to require the Grantee to repay all or a portion of funds received under this Contract. 7 XXII. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION All reports and other printed or electronic material prepared by or for the Grantee under the Contr-,d will not be distributed without the prior written consent of the State eXCEll)11 f01 Items disolose,d ir • • a Freedom of In; Act ...Tt Order or subpq.cri. 8 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT BUDGET FORM (Authorized by 1994 PA, 451) Applicant Name: County of Oakland Project Name: Building . us ainabili y in South Oakland i ty Tracking Code Number: 430185-11 STAFFING GRANT LOCAL MATCH NAME & TITLE I HOURS RATE AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL Bret Rase.an, Plannin.Su•ervisor 70.00 $ 36.95 $ 2,586.50 2,586.50 Charlotte Burckhardt, Principal Planner 60.00 $ 36.49 5 2,189.40 2,189.40 Nina Ignaczak, Senior Planner 170.00 29.77 5,060.90 5,060.96- ,JoAnn Browning, Senior Planner 100.00 $ 29.77 $ - $ 2,977.00 2,977.00 Whitney Calio, Environmental Program Coordinator 150.00 $ 28.20 $ 4,230.00 $ 4,230.00 S - $ $ - $ - $ 5 - - - $ - IS - - $ STAFFING Subtotal I - _I 17,043.80 I $ 17,043.80 FRINGE BENEFITS (not to exceed 40% NAME & TITLE RATE Bret Rasegan, Planning Supervisor 40.00% $ - S 1,034.60 1,1i40 Charlotte Burckhardt, Principal Planner 40.00% 875.76 S 875.76 Nina gn z k, Senior Planner 40.00% - 2,024.36 2 024 6 J Ann B o ningSenior Planner 40.00% 1,190.80 1,190.80 Whitney Calio Environmental Program Coordinator 40.00% $ 1 692 00 1,692.00 - _ S - $ - $ - 5 - $ - S . $ - $ - $ FRINGE BENEFITS Subtotal , - $ 6,817.52 $ 6,817.52 STAFFING AND FRINGE BENEFITS Subtotal 23,861.32 $ 23,861.32 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HOURS Or FtATF or NAME UNITS TOTAL ETCH 1.00 $55,000.00 5 50,000.00 $ 5,000.00 55,000.00 WARM 1.00 $ 5,000.00 S - S 5,000.00 5,000.00 $ - S $ - S - $ - - $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ $ - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Subtotal $ 50,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 60,000.00 SUPPLIES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMEN SUPPLIES & MATERIALS (itemize) QUANTITY COST $ - $ - - $ $ - $ - - $ - _ , 'S , - $ $ $ S $ S $ - $ S - $ $ - SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Subtota - EQUIPMENT (any item over 1000 $ $ - $ c EQUIPMENT Subtotal $ - S SUPPLIES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Subtotal - TRAVEL MILES RATE MILEAGE (not to exceed $ 55imile) I 1 NIGHTS RATE LODGING ±_lill- $ - $ _ - 1 S QUANTITY RATE MEALS r _ $ - - OTHER (itemize QUANTITY RATE - - $ TRAVEL Subtotal - COST-SHARE Subtotal: (NPS Grants Only - S PROJECT Subtotali $ 50 000.00 33,861.32 $ 83,861 32 INDIRECT RATE (not to exceed.20% Staffing and Fringe Benefits) 1 % RATE INDIRECT COSTS (Summarize Below) - - TOTAL GRANT AND MATCH BUDGET $ 50 000 00 33 861. 2 8 83. 61 2 Project Percentage Split 59.62% 40.38% 'SOURCES OF MATCH: DOLLAR VALUE COMMITTED: lOr anization in Kind Cash Total WARM $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 ETCH 5,000.00 S - 5,000.00 Oakland Count 23 61 2 23,861.32 I - - - - $ $ - - S - ' - - S $ - ,. - Subtotal $ 33,861.32 $ - FutPlMatcn Must Equal Amount in Budget Sheet AV.._ ie S 33,86 . 2 SOURCE OF O&M: SUMMARY OF 'INDIRECT CHARGE • 1 Appendix A: Work Plan, Time Table, Budget Community P2 Grant Project: Building Sustainability in South Oakland County Project Number 430185-11 September 15, 2011-September 30, 2013 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will provide communities the tools and resources needed to embrace sustainability and to achieve sustainability goals through coordination and collaboration. The effort will provide transparent, quantitative indicators of sustainability that can be plugged directly into the "dashboard" called for by the Governor as part of eligibility for revenue sharing. The purpose of this project is to: 1. Create a collective vision for sustainability for the three communities, 2. Develop strategy areas appropriate to the three communities, 3. Select indicators of sustainability and assess the baseline status of those indicators. 4. Develop goals, strategies, actions, and timelines to achieve the overall vision for sustainability 5. Develop a template that can be utilized by other communities in Oakland County and Southeast Michigan wishing to develop coordinated, inter-jurisdictional sustainability efforts The intention of the process is to enable individual communities to collaboratively decide on actions to increase the sustainability of the collective larger community. The product of this process will be actionable Sustainability, Plans for each community, as well as a "Toolkit" that can be used as a model in other communities. The implementation of the recommendations in these plans will fall to myriad and diverse stakeholders including local units of government, businesses, environmental organizations, educational & health institutions, residents, and other stakeholders. Success in implementation will be measured by progress towards established goals, as measured by the selected indicators. As stakeholders work together to prioritize common indicators and strategies, local governments will identify opportunities to collaborate to leverage their efforts and resources. Some of these opportunities may take the form of coordinated planning, joint purchasing agreements, shared staff, cooperative agreements, joint efforts, and other forms of inter-local cooperation. This project will hire FTC&H/WARM to conduct an additional sustainability planning process in an additional group of communities, focusing on the smaller, urban, dense communities in south Oakland County. An REP will be issued to these communities, asking them to form a local consortium for sustainability planning. The consortium may be new, or may build on existing consortiums such as Southeast Oakland County Resource Recovery Authority (SOCRRA) (http://l,vww.socrra.org/ ) or the Woodward 5 (http://www.woodward5.com1 ). Preliminary discussions with these communities have already generated interest. Conducting this process in an additional group of communities of a different character will strengthen our final template planning product by providing experience and examples of the needs and issues in diverse communities, both inner- ring/urban and suburban. This will increase its relevance not only to other Oakland County communities, but to those around the State of Michigan. Project Goals and Objectives The following goals and objectives will be undertaken to complete this project: 1. Select a group of urban communities in South Oakland County to collaborate with on the development of a collaborative, coordinated local sustainability plan. The County will issue a Request for Proposals to communities, asking for communities identify 2-4 partners and submit joint proposals to initiate a collaborative sustainability planning process. The County will select a final proposal based on evidence of committed resources, likelihood of success, past collaboration, and commitment to sustainability. Selected communities will be required to submit resolutions from their elected governing bodies committing to the planning process before work will begin. Building Sustainability in South Oakland County Tracking Code 430185-11 WORK PLAN: Project Description 2, Identify a Sustainability Advisory Board To initiate the process, a Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) consisting of local representatives a across diverse community sectors, including business, health, environment, local government, community services, and education will be convened for the purposes of providing input and guidance into the process. Public input meetings and online public opinion gathering tools (Survey Monkey, Ideascale) will also be incorporated into the process. 3. Conduct a Sustainability Planning Process 4. Identify a Vision and Strategy Areas- An overall vision for community sustainability will be developed based on consensus of the SAB._Spec fie strategy areas will be identified. Energy and solid waste will be required strategy area components of the sustainability plan. 5. Identify Outcomes- Desired outcomes for each strategy area will be identified. For example, outcomes may be call for increasing overall community energy efficiency, and decrease solid waste streams. Energy and solid waste outcomes will be required components of the sustainability plan. 6. Identify and Measure Indicators- Specific indicators for measuring status on various outcomes will be identified. For example, energy use per capita or solid waste production per capita may be identified as indicators. Energy and solid waste indicators will be required components of the sustainability plan. 7. Identify Goals and Objectives- Goals and objectives will be developed based on desired outcomes and indicators, including quantitative targets and timelines. For example, a goal may be to decrease energy consumption per capita by 25% by 2012. Energy and solid waste goals/objectives will be required components of the sustainability plan. 8. Identify implementation strategies and collaboration opportunities- Specific implementation strategies, roles and responsibilities will be identified, with an emphasis on inter-jurisdictional cooperation. For example, communities may decide to collaborate on an energy efficiency campaign to achieve energy consumption reduction goals. 9. Develop an Oakland County Community Sustainability Planning Toolkit incorporating local examples, resources, knowledge and recommendations garnered experience with pilot sustainability planning projects. This document will serve both as a final report for this project and as a resource for Oakland County's communities and for those in the region and state. Appropriateness of Goals & Objectives The four activities listed above are critical and appropriate to addressing the goals of this project. The immediate benefit of this project is chiefly in building the knowledge and capacity for sustainability of Oakland County communities, businesses and homeowners. Within the first two years of this project, we will pursue the development of pilot local multi-community sustainability plans and finalize a Toolkit to guide other communities. Longer-term, Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services will allocate resources to finding funding for additional sustainability planning across the County. Together, we will hope to build a community of trained and motivated municipal staff, business owners, non-profits and homeowners that will carry the task of sustainability into the future. Organization information: Key staff who will work on the project include; Bret Rasegan, RA is the Planning Supervisor for Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services. Mr. Rasegan is a registered architect and builder and is a graduate of Lawrence Technological University with a B.S. In Architecture. Charlotte Burckhardt, AICP is a Principal Planner for Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services, and has an MS in Resource Development from Michigan State University. Nina Ignaczak, AICP is a Senior Planner for Oaldand County Planning & Economic Development Services. Ms. Ignaczak is a graduate of the University of Michigan with a BS in Biology and an MS in Natural Resource Management. 2 Building Sustainability in South Oakland County Tracking Code 430185-11 WORK PLAN: Project Description JoAnn Browning is a Senior Planner for Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Management from Oakland University and has over 20 years' experience working in the Planning field. Whitney Calio is an Environmental Program Coordinator for Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services. She holds a BS in Environmental and Natural Resource Policy Studies from Michigan State University. She manages the county's North Oakland Household Hazardous Waste Program, the $1.5 million Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development and coordinates the county's involvement in the Michigan Green Schools Program. She previously worked as the Solid Waste Director for Calhoun County, MI and for Cleanlites Recycling and the Michigan Recycling Coalition. Partners and their roles: Partners in this program include our local communities and consultants (Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber and WARIVI Training Center). FTC&H will assist with technical tasks related to energy/greenhouse gas inventory and baseline measurement of other indicators. WARM will assist with the planning process and education, both with the SAB and public. Additional partnerships across multiple community sectors are formed as part of the process through the formation of the Sustainability Advisory Board. Through the existing Tr-City project, partnerships with Oakland University, Crittcnton Hospital, local DDA's and Chambers of Commerce, the Older Person's Commission, and the Clinton River Watershed Council have been formed. Additional partnerships will be formed through the formation of an SAB in the new South Oakland County project, if funded through this grant opportunity. The County will also endeavor to work through the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments and Michigan Municipal League to promote the products of this process, especially the Toolkit, to other communities in our region and state. How the project will institutionalize change and provide long-term sustainability: Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services is committed to continuing to allocate resources to and pursue funding for the sustainability planning beyond the initial 2-year life of this grant. Specifically, the County is committed to supporting the Sustainability Advisory Board(s) through implementation, and to providing County staff resources to additional communities who wish to undertake sustainability planning This project does not include physical improvements. Evaluation: In addition to the evaluation contained in the final report, Oakland County Planning staff will take responsibility for tracking the following metrics: Short-term (Within six months of project completion) Public Participation and Input: A broad and diverse spectrum of the population, constituting a minimum of 50 unique individuals from the general public per community, has provided input to the process, either by attending public meetings or via online surveys. . Adoption of Recommendations: Each participating community has made a minimum of one amendment to plans, ordinances, policies or programs to implement Sustainability strategies within six months of completing the planning process. Access to "Toolkit" product: All communities in Oakland County have received the Sustainability Planning Toolkit document, and it has been made available to all communities statewide. Long-term (Within two years of project completion) Progress on Indicators: The success of the local sustainability plans will be assessed via progress on the indicators identified as part of the process. Indicators will be incorporated into local community "dashboards." Evaluation results will be used to both promote the project and Toolkit via web and media. Our partners will assist us in promoting the program and results through their respective organizations. Products that will be submitted to the DNRE will include the Pilot Sustainability Plans and the Oakland County Community Sustainability Planning Toolkit. 3 Building Sustainat2ility in South Oakland County Tracking Code 430185-11 WORK PLAN: List of tasks and who perform the tasks ......, FIT— ++ CD cu r9 ! o It = 1—E 2 cu co 2 Task Description —71 g c co Z ... 6 o Select a group of urban communities in South Oakland County to collaborate with on the development of a collaborative, coordinated local sustainability plan. The County will issue a Request for Proposals to a select group of communities based on geography, density, and socioeconomic character. Communities will be invited to identify 2-4 partners and submit joint proposals to initiate a collaborative sustainability planning process with the County. A pre-proposal meeting will be held to answer questions. The County will select a final proposal based on evidence of committed resources, likelihood of success, past collaboration„ and commitment to sustainability. Selected communities will be required to submit resolutions from their elected governing bodies committing to the planning process before work will begin. Li Hold pre-proposal meeting for eligible communities 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC 1 G FTCH/WARM 1.2 Write, review and issue RFP 1 M NI, BR, CB WC Community Review RFP s and select communities to work on plan. 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC Selection, 1 G FTCH/WARM Community 1.4 Work with communities to secure resolutions 1 G NI, BR, CB, WC Resolutions 2 I Convene a Sustainability Advisory Board To initiate the process, a Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) consisting of local representatives a across diverse community sectors, including business, health, environment, local government, community services, and education will be convened for the purposes of providing input and guidance into the process. 2.1 Establish project steering committee 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC 2.2 Set up and maintain project website and social media presence 1 M NI 2.3 Work with selected communities to identify candidates for SAB 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC G FTCH/WARM 2.4 Contact candidates to confirm their participation I_ M NI, BR, CB, WC Formation of a Convene SAB kickoff meeting to review project scope, goals, roles and local 2.5 responsibilities. M Ni BR, CB, WC Sustainability 1 G FTCH/WARM Advisory Board 3 Conduct a Sustainahility Planning Process Identify a Vision and Focus Areas- An overall vision for community sustainability will be developed based on consensus of the SAB._Specific strategy areas will be identified. Energy and solid waste will be required strategy area components of the sustainability plan. 3.1a Work with SAB to select focus areas 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC Vision and 1 G FTCH/WARM Focus Areas 4 Building Sustainability in South Oakland County Tracking Code 430185-11 WORK PLAN: List of tasks and who perform the tasks 3. lb Work with SAB to craft a community vision for sustainability I 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC 1 1 G ETCH/WARM Identify Goals- Desired goals for each strategy area will be identified. For example, outcomes may be call for increasing overall community energy efficiency, and decrease solid waste streams. Energy and solid 3 .2 waste outcomes will be required components of the sustainability plan. 3.2a Work with SAB to craft sustainability goals 2 M NI, BR, CB, WC 2 G ETCH/WARM Hold public outreach forum to obtain input on goals from the public 3.2b 2 M NI, BR, CB, W 2 G FTCH/WARM Set of 3.2c Finalize goals with project steering committee and SAP 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC Sustainability G FTCH/WARM goals Identify and Measure Indicators- Specific indicators for measuring status on various outcomes will be identified. For example, energy use per capita or solid waste production per capita may be identified as indicators. Energy and solid waste indicators will be required components of the sustainability plan. 3.3 3.3a Seek nominations for goal workgroups 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC — 1 G ETCH/WARM 3.3b Assign workgroups to select indicators and support their activities 1 M NI, BR, CB, WC 1 G FTCH/WARM Benchmark (measure) indicators and report back to workgroups and SAB for review and approval 5 M NI, BR, CB, WC Set of 5 G FTCH/WARM indicators Identify Targets- Targets will be developed based on goals and indicators, including quantitative targets and timelines. For example, a goal may be to decrease energy consumption per capita by 25% by 2012. Energy and solid waste goals/objectives will be required components of the sustainability plan, 3.4 3.4a Assign workgroups to select targets and support their activities 5 M NI, BR, CB, WC 5 G ETCH/WARM .4b Report targets back to SAB for approval 2 M NI, BR, CB, WC 2 G FTCH/WARM Set of targets — Identify action strategies and collaboration opportunities- Specific implementation strategies, roles and responsibilities will be identified, with an emphasis on inter-jurisdictional cooperation. For example, communities may decide to collaborate on an energy efficiency campaign to achieve energy consumption 3.5 reduction goals. Assign workgroups to identify recommended implementation actions and 3.5a support their activities 5 NI, BR, CB, WC 5 FTCH/WARM 3,5b Report implementation actions back to SAB and Cities for approval 2 NI, BR, CB, WC Set of Action FTCH/WARM Strategies 1 Finalize plan documents and publicize via website, press releases, and final public meeting. Final Sustainability 3.6a Hold final SAB and public meetings to publicize plan 5 M NI, BR, CB C Plan G ETCH/WARM Document, 3.6b Work with media to publicize plan 5 M NI accompanying PowerPoint Post all final products to website 3.6c 2 M NI clideshow Develop an Oakland County Community Sustainability Planning Toolkit 5 Building Sustainabilitv in South Oakland County Tracking Code 430185-11 WORK PLAN: List of tasks and who perform the tasks Write, design, and publish a Community Sustainability Planning Toolkit incorporating local examples, resources, knowledge and recommendations garnered experience with pilot sustainahility planning projects. This document Community will serve both as a final report for this project and as a resource for Oakland Sustainability County's communities and for those in the region and state. Planning 4.1 Write content and design document 5 VI NI, BR, CB, WC Toolkit 4.1a ETCH/WARM document 4.2 Publish to web (pdf) and publicize document via media 1 M NI ' (PDF), Public 4.3 Hold public educational forum on toolkit document. 2 M ETCH/WARM Educational G ETCH/WARM Forum 5 Administer and Report on Grant Develop and submit quarterly status reports following 0EA guidance. Reports Quarterly 5.1 will be submitted within 30 days of the end of each quarter. 2 reports, three Provide draft and final products and deliverables in both hard copy and (3) hard copies electronic format. A minimum of three hard copies and one electronic copy of of all products all final products and deliverables will be submitted to the DEQ. and Develop and submit a draft final report following 0EA guidance, at least 45 deliverables, days prior to the end of the project. Incorporate DEQ comments and submit one electronic final report within 30 days of the end of the G. copy of all Submit in both hard copy and electronic format a draft and final project fact products and sheet utilizing the 0EA template. The draft project fact sheet is due 30 days deliverables, prior to the end of the project. The final project fact sheet will be submitted draft and final with the final report. project report, Submit an electronic copy of all before and after photos and other project- and project 5.2 related photos with the final report. 2 M JB, WC fact sheet. , 6 Evaluate Project Certify and document the following short- and long- term metrics: Short-term (Within six months of project completion) Public Participation and Input: A broad and diverse spectrum of the population, constituting a minimum of 50 unique individuals from the general public per community, has provided input to the process, either by attending public meetings or via online surveys. Adoption of Recommendations: Each participating community has made a minimum of one amendment to plans, ordinances, policies or programs to implement Sustainability strategies within six months of completing the planning process. Access to "Toolkit" product: All communities in Oakland County have received the Sustainability Planning Toolkit document, and it has been made available to all communities statewide. Long-term (Within two years of project completion) Progress on Indicators: The success of the local sustainability plans will be assessed via progress on the indicators identified as part of the process. Indicators will be incorporated into local community "dashboards." Evaluation results will be used to both promote the project and Toolkit via web and Short and long- media. Our partners will assist us in promoting the program and results term evaluation 6.1 through their respective organizations. 0 PG NI reports. 6 Building Sustainabilitv in South Oakland County Tracking Code 430185-11 WORK PLAN: List of tasks and who perform the tasks M=Match G=Grant PG= Post- Grant BR= Bret Rasegan NI= Nina Ignaczak WC= Whitney Calio CB= Charlotte Burckhardt 1.0C 7 Building Sustainability in South Oakland County Trackine Code 430185-11 TIME TABLE TASK I QUARTER MONTH 11 ei) -4-. ITS .12 CO -0 0 0 0 CZ -0 CU 22 CO ..C1 c) .H. .- c%1 CI Cs! CO CI Nt •1: LO LO CO CO CO 7 'N! VI r CO CO 1 C.i CO CO CO 07 ol ci ri oi co ri .SEPTEMBER MEI , 1 --I OCTOBER X X i 1.1 Ella 2011-4 NOVEMBER DECEMBER X In 1 III 1 1110 JANUARY I X X X EMI= M ME 2012-1 FEBRUARY 1 =am x IN MARCH MIIIIIIIIIIII X X 1 IM , , APRIL X X 1 1 I , 11 2012-2 MAY MIMI 1 X , i JUNE 1 , 1 , MINIM JULY; ' MIMI , 1 , NI•mai 2012-3 AUGUST ' 1 MUM 1 X IIIIIIII 1 SEPTEMBER 1 1 1.1111 111 OCTOBER 1 1 MEI 2012-4 NOVEMBER IIII 1 DECEMBER X , JANUARY IIII Bil X X X , 2013-1 FEBRUARY X X X X 1 I MARCH X X X X 1 r ' APRIL X X X X X 2013-2 MAY X MI= JUNE X —1- -- - JULY 1 X X 1 X X•1 [' 2013-3 AUGUST 1 1 EIM , 1 1 1 I 1 X SEPTEMBER 1 all 1 POST-GRANT X 8 August 31, 2011 FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #11197) BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE. TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE, 2011 COMMUNITY POLLUTION PREVENTION GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson. Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Environmental Assistance has awarded the Planning & Economic Development Services Division grant funding in the amount of $50,000 for the period of September 15, 2011 through September 30, 2013. 2. The Community Pollution Prevention Grant will be administered by the Planning & Economic Development Services Division to work with a group of urban communities in south Oakland County to develop a collaborative, coordinated local sustainability plan which will be used as a model in other communities. 3. Additionally, an in-kind match of $23,861 will be provided by Planning & Economic Development Services Division staff, $5,000 in-kind match will be provided by Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, and $5,000 in-kind match will be provided by WARM Training Center a subcontractor for Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, for a total grant program amount of $83,861. 4. No additional staff positions will be required to implement or administer this grant. 5. A FY 2011 Budget Amendment is recommended as follows: Pollution Prevention Fund #29482 Project#GR0000000582 Revenue 1090201-171000-615571 Plan & Econ Dev Admin-Grants—State $50.000 Total Grant Revenue $50,000 Expenditure 1090201-171000-730373 Planning & Econ Dev Admin-Cont Svcs $50,000 Total Grant Expenditure $50,000. FINANCE COMMITTEE Finance Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roil call vote Resolution #11197 August 31, 2011 Moved by Potts supported by Woodward the resolution (with fiscal note attached) be adopted. Moved by Potts supported by Woodward the Finance Committee Report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the report was accepted. Vote on resolution: AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Greimel, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Nuccio, Potts, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic, Covey, Crawford. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution (with fiscal note attached) was adopted. HEREBY APPROVE.THE ROGONG RESOLUTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Bill Bullard Jr., Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on August 31, 2011, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 31 s` day of August, 2011. Bill Bullard Jr., Oakland County