HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1991.10.24 - 18721Nr‘' Ly MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #91222 October 10, 1991 BY: GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE, RICHARD G. SKARRITT, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - INCREASE VITAL RECORDS FEE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Public Act 296 of 1984 allows the local governing body to adopt fees for certified copies of vital records held by the County clerk) and WHEREAS the vital records fee was last revised in 1981 (Miscellaneous Resolution #81222) which set the fee at: $5 for a certified copy of a live birth, death, marriage, or divorce record and $2 for each additional copy) and WHEREAS the County Clerk/Register of Deeds and the Department of Management and Budget recommends that the fee be increased to $10 for one Certified copy and $3 for each additional copy, which is the allowable statutory rate that has been included in the 1992/1993 County Executive Recommended Budget. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the following revision to the vital records fee, effective January 1, 1992; $10 for a certified copy of a live birth, death, marriage, or divorce record and $3 for each additional copy. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 'b.,Y I Pit:11- THE FOV1 FISCAL NOTE October 24, 1991 2 3 4 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, DR. G. WILLIAM CADDELL, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - INCREASE VITAL RECORDS FEE, MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #91222 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscellaneous Resolution #91222 and finds: 1) The resolution should be amended to add a fourth WHEREAS paragraph which reads: "WHEREAS the Finance Committee recommends that the fee for initial certified copies be increased to $6 for a live birth record and $10 for death, marriage, or divorce records and that the fee for each additional copy of all vital records be increased to $3." The NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph should be amended to read: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the following revision to the vital records fee, effective January 1, 1992: Initial copy of live birth record - $6 Initial copy of death, marriage, or divorce record - $10 Additional certified copies - $3" The fee increase will be effective January 1, 1992, thus amendments to the 1991 Budget are not required. As amended, the increase will generate an estimated $66,400 in additional revenue annually, which is less than the estimated $139,500 included in the 1992/1993 County Executive Recommended Budget; therefore, an amendment during the budget hearing process is required to reduce revenue by $73,100. FINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution # 91222 October 24, 1991 , In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this .24th day or) October 1991 \. . e("1. Le, ZC:. Moved by Skarritt supported by Caddell the resolution be adopted. Moved by Caddell supported by Crake the resolution be amended as recommended in the Finance Committee Report. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the amendment carried. Vote on resolution as amended: - AYES: McConnell, McCulloch, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Olsen, Palmer Pappageorge, Price, Schmid, Skarritt, Wolf, Bishop, Caddell, Crake, Ferrens, Gosling, Huntoon, Johnson, Law. (20) NAYS: Oaks, Pernick, Aaron, Krause. (4) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County .Board of Commissioners on October 24, 1991 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. Lynn 10. Allen, County C1erk 192 Ns. 333.2889 HIstotissl iuid Statur.ory Notts For contingent qffe..ot provioionit of P.A.1987, NO. $3. 5A-a the ri ,)t following 333.2S81, COMPILED LAW ANNOTATED 333.2890. Issuance of mVaing child's birth certiflaataa requests; notification of state poll( e S. 2890. (1) l'f a missing child's birth certificate in tagged pursuant to section the state registrar arid local registrar shall only issue a ,:e.py of the missinri; child's birth certific.5te, certificate of re;;-isfaaation, or otherwise venify, alatify, or provide Information concerting the items indicated in section ":1(2)2 by mail. The docament mailed shall have the phrase "rnisaing person" marked on the face of the docurneat antii shall no; be mailed until at least 72 hours have passed from the time the registrar noted the department of ataae police pur$.;ttant to subsection (2), (21' A local reg-W;rar shall immediately telephone the state registrar upon meipt of a request for a remd tagged pursuant to section 2883 and shall provide as EIWAIL as possible a copy of the written requeat and any pertinent infortna.on liuch as the requester's name, address, and if rec,uested in pceson, the requester's driver's License number, ti the state registrar. If the state registrar receives a request foi- a record tagged pkIr;uar4t to section 2' or the local restrar notifies the state regiatrsr of the receit of a request for s, tagged record, the state registrar shall immediately telephone the slate police and shall provide ea aoon as possible a copy of the written request and any perEcent Information such as the requester's name, address, and if requested in person, the requester's drivertu lionise number, to the department f stare police, The depa?a•nen -, of state police shall immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of a request for a tagged record . and shall forward to that agency the infor-mation recelaeal from the registrar. - • . . • •' . P..k.1378, No: 368, 2g9.0, added by P.A.1987, No, 83, 1, Eli. Eft. June 29, 1967. '1..aection 333.MR. . • . • . . 2 Section . , . . • " Historkal and Statutory Notes . • • .• ° For continent elf.'ct provial.>nal)f P.A4981, No. 83, s-oo the note hollowing ,; ::a2$81. 3a3.2s9l. Fees npr vital recares • Sec. 2891, (1) The 'state regi:trar or a localre' gistzar shall, upon receipt of a written • request and payment of the prea'aibed fee, conduct a search for a vital record for pe_rsons who purport to be eligible purnant to section :12 1 to receive a copy, certified copy, or certificate of regStration of the requested dc;eument. ' . . (2) If a. search for a vital record is conducted by the state registrar and the iet(rrd cannct be located, the state registrar shall issue an official statement to the effect that a record. could not be located in place of a copy, a certified copy, or a certicatk of registration of a •rital record.. If the search is conducted by a local registry, an off.cial statement to the effect that a record could not be located lift not required and the fee prescribed may be waived. (3) The state reg'rstrar Or a kcal registrar may require MI applicant who requests a copy, a certified eppy, or a certificate of regiatraticn of a vital record to provide verification of his or her identity before releasing the document if eligibility for the document is restricted pursuant to section :42. (4) 'rho fees for s search are as follows: (a) A search including 1 copy, 1 certified copy, Or 1 certificate of registration of a vital record or an official statement that a record conkt not he (h) Additional identical copies ordered at the same time 3.00 per copy • Sulaatanthre ctIfl,* In twat incil-catact by undortinr, asteria*a • • • inCticat3 clOrton G • LGG • I.) "Ct tI -r COMPILED LAWS ANNOTATI D l 33.2891 (c) Additional years searched-- , 3.00 per year (d) Exemplifed copies ............... 12.00 (e) Additional exemplired copies ordered at the same time ... 5.00 (0 Veritlation of fact delineated in section 2::1(2) 2 , $.00 (5) The feea for (istabliahrr.ent and registration ars as follows: (a) Applicadon for establishm.:nt of a delayed certificate of birth or death which includes 1 certified copy or an official denial of the application „ .$20.00 (b) Registration of a d,flayed eortifinte of birth for a foreign horn adopted child which includes 1 certified! copy 10.00 (8) Upon formal application of :a soldier; sailor; marine; member of the coast guard; nurse; merobr of a wm.en's auxiliary; or a person who is Entitled to .a bonus or a pension or otter compensation under a k.w of this state, the United States, or other state or territory ol! the United States or a :service auxiliary, 1 certified copy of a vital record requested from the deps:rtment rhal ha famished without charge for the purpose of securing the 'bonus, pen.F.:on, or e.ompiensation. If the person entitled to the record is de-ceased or mentally mcompeteril, the copy may be furnished to an heir, guo.rdian, or leral representative of th3 person. (7) Upon formal application, a. copy or a certified copy of a vital record shall be furnished by the state registrar or a local registrar without charge for official use only to a court; a derartment, agEncY, or politic-al subdivision of this state, the United states, or another state; a licensed child placement agency for adoption purposes; or to an official registrar of a foreign country. A copy or a certified copy provided under this subsection shall he marked "for offic.ial use only", (8) Upon formal application, a pe,a-son 5 years of age or older shall be charged a fee of $2.00 for a seszch and 1 copy, 1 certified copy, or 1 certificate of registration of his or her birth record, (9) The following fees shall be charged for the creation of new vital rcesrds and corrections of vital rocord.3; (a) Application to ma:0 a new oartilcate of birth following an adoption; legal ithange of na..rne for minors; acknowledgment of paternity; sex change.; legitimation; order of filiation issued before September 30, 1978; or a requert to replace a court filed certificate of aoption „ , $20.00 (b) Application re:A:wed within 1 year of the date of the event to eres.te a new certificate of birth or death to correct obvious minor erro_73 and ornis- The errors and omissions are limited to the following: (I) The addition of a given first or midrile name when a name was not re....ord.d at the time of filing. (if) A changr. to a sociil security number, (111) The addition .of infc.rmation originally specified as unknown or which was omitted by error. (iv) A minor spelling change. (10) A fee of $20.00 shall be charged for an application to arnend birth and death records more than 1 year after the date of the event for the purpose of adding information or correcting an error in information recorded on the document. (11) A fe stahl not be msessetl for any of the foltovring: (a) A changi. Of 8, vital record to correct an error made within the office of a local registrar or the state regiatrar. (b) C,orreeting an error when initiated by the state registrar. • SobstantIve (+lenges In toxt Inc5catlicl by undoritnir; ashaisks • Indleatiti dolotion 193 . .„ • • ca I.zeN st v.: 6 st Slc:tion 133.21381 2 Sit.ci.ion 8,9,3,28 1(2). 3 Sonion 3.$3.2$8:3, 333.2.U4, or 833.23-38. Itlatorical and Statutory Notes 19811 Amendment, Rewrote tho nection. 1981 Airoanilmenr, In sta,soc. (8) substituted "his cr her" for "their own"; in subsec. (15) added the second sentence; and added subsec. (16). 198-4 Arleridment. In autilec. (15), Inserted ", and a charter coun1,7 with a ;?opulation of more than 2,000,V) may adopt a system of fees for the charter county which provides for fees more than those r.et forth in this s.ection" In the second sentence, and added the third sentence; in sub. sec. (16Xe), ist5-erted ", or, in a charter county with a popula.on of more than 2,000,00 more than the fees set forth in subsection (4)" in the first sentent* and inserted the second sentence. R poi,4*-6 SectIons 333,3201 , 333.3207 333.3203 333.2206 .... 333,3209.... ...... 333.3211 833.8212 ,...... 313,3216_ „ ..... ........... 333.3201 to 13.-epe: PA. 333.3601 to 333.3622 , Kxpir AaTICLE 5. P. IN Section 33,5114. Test re-s'llts o'nyvging e xrng recu'u-err 233.51142. ReL'e r-s) to lo•nl hea çartr.er pri ,.)rity 4,;:cr: of repor.s. or sure of in!ormat bienn;a1 rot- 82o.5115. PerlDr.s }laving or at ing communicable ( dkr-c-a for dis‘;over; 333.5117. Care of person5 havi: munic&ble d'seas* AIDS. 838.5119. Applicare.a for mar venereal disc's-se s obeons, 33.3.5121. Issutnoe of lices.se g certificati; dis ir_g- or test result: rr.ents by hysic; men t. 333.5123. AIDS test for prevE 333.5125. Eya drops for infantt Substantivt in lex 29 M.0 19,21 PP. (c) CorrerMng a record when requested by a medical examiner to:_. a case within his or her jurisdiction. (d) Correcting a record when the change Is ordered by a court of competent jurisdict4on 'knowing denial of an applicaon to make a change by the department . (0) CArrectting a record wIten requested to do so by a publio agency where the agency is the guardian of the individual to whom the record Rertains. (12) A fet; of $20.00 shitll be charged for an apolication to amend a birth record reording a documented lei-al change of name. (13) The elite registrar or a local registrar with a -oproval of the state registrar may charge a relLeonable fee. to cover the cost4 ., of special services performed pursuant to axtion 2S83, 1::., or 22M,1 (I-4) Fees toll ..ected under this section by a local registrar shall be deposited a-s the governing body of the city or county directs. Fees collecte under this section by the state registrar shall b,u depoEited in the state treasur,y and credited to the general fund of tlis state. (15) The state regi3 trar or a local registrar shall tut charge a fee other than a fee prescribed in this section. However, a local governmental unit may adopt a system of fes for local registrars under the jurisdiction of the ccal governmental unit for a search whieh providel for fees less than those set forth in this ection iind e. charter county with a 1):slu1atiob of more than 2,(*0 000 ma adopt a s •ste:11 of feea-Fir that cha.-ter county. feel; more: _ an t ose set forth In ills section. A chartr.:r coun5r shall 7.7,:71.iiiizse a fill: whicfaster tSan t-b-", cost of the Ise-dce for13,11:7, th—Ve—fee ts chW. (1(1) For searches under subsection (4) a local registmr shall charge fees according to the following provisions: (A) The governing body of a local governmental unit: which has jurisdiction over a local rociAtrar may adopt a systern of fees for the lam] registrar which provides for fees less than or equal to the f?..es net forth in subsection (4)Lor, in a charter county with a in/Min of more thal 2,C0),000, more than the fees set fortiii) subsection 4. A eTirter county sUar iTaTniEcne a fee which is .; -44 7;-tF.-an the cost o . the service tor TT7ee 1i chargeq. The system of ier-e-s-s II useä by atrlocal registrars under the 1-Uriaiction oithe loital governmental unit, and shall be reasonably related to the cost incurred by the local registrar in making the search. (b1 If a system of fees is not adopted by a local registrar's local governmental unit ) the loci! registrar ,shall not charge a fee other than a fee prescribed in subsection (4). Amended by P.A.1980, No. 622, § 1, Imd. Eff..lan. 26, 1981; F...A..1981, No. 63, 1, Imd. Eff, June 84 P.A.3984, No. 296, 1, Xml.. Ea Dec. 20, PART' 32, EMERC;ViCY MEDICAL SERVICIS SYSTEX IMPOSITION TABLE Showing whe.e the subject matter of Part 32, toassting of ¢§ 333.3201 to 333.32 ,49, repented by P.A. [981, No. '19, § 2, can now be found in Part 207, added by P.A.1981, No. 79, tubatantlyt chaIngas In Iaxt Indicated by underilnc_t; attarlsks " * Indicate delotIon 194 Part 53. Expense of Care ....., 55. Alzheimer's Disease anc 57. Exposure to Chemical 59. Michigan Health Initiati 't % 4 ct, °