HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2011.09.22 - 18722MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #11206 September 22, 2011 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Public Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Units of Government, provides for adjustments to the adopted budget; and WHEREAS in accordance with Oakland County General Appropriations Act Section 22, which authorizes budget amendments for variances between the budgeted revenue and actual revenue, and Section 23, which authorizes budget amendments for variance between estimated revenue and projected expenditures, amendments are required; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Third Quarter Financial Forecast Report has identified several variances and budget amendments are recommended; and WHEREAS the 52 nd District Court - Division II (Clarkston) and Division IV (Troy) have requested budget amendments to reallocate funds from projected favorable line items to those projected to be unfavorable due to higher than anticipated activity; and WHEREAS the Clerk's Office is experiencing an increase in activity for the purchase of Gun Permits and a decline in Interest on Investments, and a budget amendment of $67,000 is recommended to reflect this change in activity; and WHEREAS with the addition of the Sheriff's patrol contract with the City of Pontiac, additional desk top computers are needed, and a budget amendment is requested use $29,718 of the Sheriff's Office Drug Forfeiture Funds purchase desk top computers for the Pontiac Sub Stations; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to the Sheriff's Office Civil Service Processing to reflect the revenue and expenditure budgets within the division responsible for this activity; and WHEREAS a budget amendment totaling $4,744 is recommended to reallocate funds from the Planning and Economic Development Services' Mailroom account to the Metered Postage account to more accurately reflect the budget with the actual expenses; and WHEREAS the Homeland Security Division has received an additional $7,582 in Federal reimbursement for the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant, with the offset to be budgeted in Budget Transition; and WHEREAS there has been a decline in activity with local municipalities pertaining to the West Nile Virus program, however, the Health Division's budget for the expense associated with this program has not been adjusted, and a budget amendment in the amount of $100,000 is recommended; and WHEREAS per MR #07290 funds were transferred from the General Fund (#10100) to the Motor Pool Fund (#66100) to assist the Fund with vehicle replacements, but is no longer necessary, and a budget amendment is recommended to transfer $750,000 from the Motor Pool Fund to the General Fund; and WHEREAS the Radio Communications Fund (#53600) received General Fund monies to assist with the implementation of the radio system, which is now fully operational, and a budget amendment is requested to transfer $1,350,000 from the Radio Communications Fund to the General Fund; and WHEREAS the information Technology Fund (#63600) is experiencing a hardship due to extensive coverage for depreciation expenses and replacement costs not normally budgeted or included in the rates charged to departments and a budget amendment is recommended to transfer $2,100,000 from the General Fund to the Information Technology Fund to defray these costs; and WHEREAS the Health Division has requested a reallocation of $8,559 from Training to Professional Services to more accurately reflect the budget with the actual expenses; and WHEREAS the Health Division's Women's, Infants and Children (WIC) is in need of more space to better accommodate its operations and clients, and a budget amendment is requested to transfer $4,118 from FA Proprietary Equipment in the Health Fund (#20221) and $26,643 in the WIC Grant Fund (#28553) to the Project Work Order Fund (#40400) for renovating the South Oakland Health Center to provide more privacy for intake and maximize capacity, allowing for greater flexibility to improve clinic flow and better serve the clients; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is requested to transfer funding to the Information Technology Fund as follows: $10,000 from the Community Corrections Grant Fund (#27370) for expenses associated with technology enhancements for the Offender Link Interface, and $6,000 from the Medical Examiner's Office for converting microfilming to digital storage; and WHEREAS the Department of Information Technology has requested a budget amendment in the amount of $616,174 to reappropriate funds previously approved by the Board of Commissioners for various IT projects such as E-Health and CAMS where implementation is continuing in FY 2011, and funding is available in the IT Fund Net-Assets — Designated for Projects; and FINANCE COMMITTEE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford and Greimel absent. WHEREAS the Information Technology Fund requires an amendment to reflect requested transfer of funds from the Sheriffs Drug Forfeiture Fund ($29,718), Medical Examiner's Office ($6,000), and Community Corrections Grant ($10,000) for IT services as aforementioned; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended in the CLEMIS Fund (#53500), Radio Communications Fund (#53500), and Information Technology Fund (#63600) to reallocate Print Shop and Mailroom funds to Printing and Metered Postage to more accurately reflect the budget where the actual expenses are incurred; and WHEREAS a budget amendment totaling $603,156 is requested within the Motor Pool Fund (#66100) to reallocate revenues and expenditures as a result of purchasing more used replacement vehicles, decreased insurance costs, decreased depreciation, decreased auction and car wash expenses, increased internal parts and accessories usage, increased revenues for contract with City of Pontiac, increased gain on sale of equipment and vehicles, and decreased external business revenue; and WHEREAS the Health Division has received additional Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting, and Contracting (CPBC) funds in the amount of $2,084, and has requested budget amendments to increase the Immunization Action Plan — Reaching More Children and Adults Grants (#28550) by $14,348 and decrease the Bioterrorism H1N1 Planning — Swine Flu Grant (#28605) by ($12,264); and WHEREAS a budget amendment totaling $287,485 is recommended for the Health Division's CMH OSAS Medicaid Grant Fund (#28565) to reallocate funds from Contracted Services to Salaries and Fringe Benefits to more accurately reflect the budget for personnel expenses in the appropriate accounts, as well as, increase the MDPH OSAS Grant Fund (#28249) by $157,647 to reflect additional funding received from the Michigan Department of Community Mental Health for State Disability Assistance; and WHEREAS the Project Work Order Fund requires an amendment to reflect requested transfer of funds from the Health Fund ($4,118) and the WIC Grant Fund ($26,643), to cover costs associated with renovating Health — South as aforementioned; and WHEREAS a request for a budget amendment was approved by the State of Michigan to adjust the fringe benefits for the 2011 Community Correction Grant based on an increase in retirement and medical costs submitted for reimbursement not to exceed the fund for individual programs; and WHEREAS with the closing of the Print Shop and organization of Support Services per MR #11049, and the County contracting with Oakland Schools to provide these services, budget amendments as detailed in Schedule C are recommended to reallocate funds from the various County departments' Internal Services Print Shop line-item to the Contractual Services Printing line-item; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has four (4) checks unable to be processed due to insufficient funds amounting to $114.00, and reports that the amount due and Non-Sufficient Fund Fees (NSF) for these checks be written off or deemed uncollectable; and WHEREAS the Oakland County International Airport has attempted to collect payment on several invoices, but has been unsuccessful and reports that $6,292.95 will be written off or deemed as uncollectible; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners accepts the Fiscal Year 2011 Third Quarter Financial Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2011 Budget is amended pursuant to Schedules A, B, and C. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET L. BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE ri'EM Laurie Van Pelt, Director tro Revenues - over/ (under) budget Expenditures — (over)/under budget Total Officially Reported Favorability $( 813,473) 12,718,703 $ 11,905,230 $ 12,718,703 (766_,1) 11,952,505 $18.415,574 TO: Members of the Finance Committee FROM: Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management and Budget Tim Soave, Manager, Fiscal Services Nancy Fournier, Chief, Fiscal Services La Verne Smith, Supervisor of Fiscal Services SUBJECT: Letter of Transmittal - Fiscal Year 2011 Third Quarter Report DATE: September 6, 2011 FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Attached please find the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Third Quarter Forecast Report. In total, Fiscal Services forecasts that the County will complete Fiscal Year 2011 with overall favorability of $11,905,230 in General Fund / General Purpose (GF/GP) operations. GF/GP includes all operations except grants, enterprise funds and internal service funds. This overall favorability is split between receiving ($813,473) less revenue than anticipated and projected favorability in expenditures of $12,718,703. GAAP The above presentation shows the County's financial reports as prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The variances, if presented purely according to GAAP are: Estimated Actual to Plan However, the following variances listed below are presented to reflect the true fiscal activity of the County for FY 2011 as detailed below: Revenue Variance Add back — Planned use of Fund Balance Revenue Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) $ ( 813,473) 7,276,542 $ 6,463,069 Expenditure Variance Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition Expenditure Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) Net Variance from FY 2011 Activity The differences in the presentation revolve around the Planned Use of Fund Balance (on the revenue side) and the Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition (on the expenditure side). 1. The amended revenue budget assumed the use of $7,276,542 in fund balance. The use of fund balance was budgeted, but GAAP does not allow fund balance to be "recorded as revenue". Since revenue is budgeted (anticipated), but not received (recorded), if added back to compare actuals to planned, revenues will be $6,463,069 more than planned. 2. Likewise, on the expenditure side, the budget included a planned $766,198 which reflects "credits" provided for each elected official based upon the fact that they accelerated budget reductions. These credits will be reappropriated in future fiscal years in order to smooth the process of structural budget reductions. These credits were planned before the fiscal year began and therefore if backed out, estimated expenditure favorability as compared to the plan is $11,952,505. EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 41 WEST • 2100 PONTIAC LAKE RD DEPT 409 • WATERFORD MI 48328-0409 • (248) 858-2163 • FAX (248) 452-9172 EMAIL: vanpeltl@oakpov.com It is important to analyze the forecast using both GAAP and in comparison to the plan to accurately reflect the impact of fiscal activity generated from FY 2011 operations. REVENUES GF/GP revenues are 0.20% less than budget or ($813,473). Favorability is forecasted for Property Taxes and Investment Income while most other areas are expected to be unfavorable at year end. Major variances are the result of the following events: A. TAXES - Favorable: $11,949,800 • The adopted budget estimated a decline of (12%) in taxable values; the estimated decline in taxable values for FY 2011 has been revised to (9%). The reduction is less than expected and therefore revenues will be more than budget. B. CHARGES FOR SERVICES — Unfavorable: ($4,114,231) • Sheriff revenue is forecasted unfavorable ($3,945,900) as follows: Patrol Revenue from Pontiac ($3.8 million) due to delay in startup. Reduced revenue from jail board and care ($754,100) is partially offset by favorable Diverted Felon revenue $394,000. Increased use of the tether program has affected board and care revenue. Note that unfavorable revenue for Pontiac Patrol is offset by favorable expenditures. • District Courts are unfavorable ($520,000) Ordinances and Fines as follows: 52-2 Clarkston ($120,000), 52-3 Rochester Hills ($270,000) and 52-4 Troy ($130,000) due to the offenders' inability to pay. • Clerk/Register of Deeds: Favorability of $638,000 is anticipated primarily from: Enhanced Access program fees, $300,000; Gun Permits $200,000; and Certified Copies $170,000. C. STATE GRANTS — Unfavorable: ($901,700) • Reduced state funding is the result of reduced Child Care fund costs. The revenue loss is more than offset by projected reduced expenditures. Expenditures are estimated to be favorable for Foster Boarding Homes, Private Institutions and Foster Care totaling $2.4 million. D. INVESTMENT INCOME — Favorable: $392,100 • Investment income is favorable due to the increased investment base which is the result of prior years' surplus. E. INDIRECT COST RECOVERY - Unfavorable: ($617,500) • Estimated forecast includes reduced activity from construction projects, grants and proprietary funds. Several internal service funds have been closed over the past few years, Microfilm, Jail Commissary, Sheriff Aviation and Printing and Mailing. F. PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE — Unfavorable: ($7,276,542) • Planned use of fund balance is unfavorable since this budget was established only to recognize that funds have been appropriated in departments for projects and carryforwards which are funded by revenues earned in previous years. No actual revenues will be received in this account. EXPENDITURES In total, expenditures are projected to be 3.18% under budget or $12,718,703 favorable. It will be noticed that a number of departments or divisions are forecasted to exceed their personnel appropriations. It is important to note, that these projected variances are NOT the result of overall personnel expenditures being higher than anticipated — in fact personnel related costs continue to fall. The issue, as is explained below, is a result of the fringe benefit rate, particularly related to retirement and hospitalization cost, not being adequate enough to account for the anticipated expenditures. Essentially — this is a situation where the individual department's budgets are inaccurate — NOT a situation where the costs have increased. Regarding retirement, the negative variance does NOT reflect an increase in retirement cost, rather it appears that the appropriations provided for Elected Officials and Departments did not sufficiently account for the large number of vacancies and positions filled at less than full capacity. The County charges actual fringe benefit cost to each department; unfortunately the rate used for budgeting purposes did not appropriately reflect the true charge. 2 This is a similar situation regarding hospitalization charges. In this situation the County pays the actual cost of care out of the Fringe Benefit Fund. In order to obtain sufficient revenue to pay the actual charge, Elected Officials and Departments are charged "rates"; based upon an employee's family status and particular plan. Unfortunately the rates are not reflecting the actual use of this benefit. It is important to note that the cost of this benefit has been basically flat for the last couple of years, with a slight inflationary increase; the rates charged to departments are not adequate to cover the actual charges. In both cases, review of the rates and costs has been conducted. Fiscal Services wishes to evaluate the situation for at least one more quarter and may recommend amendments with the FY 2011 Year End Report. As the year progresses this overall net favorability may increase as departments continue to work to reduce their costs and reorganize. The only departments projected to be unfavorable at the end of the fiscal year (barring any amendments) are the 52 nd District Court. A. 52nd District Court — Unfavorable: $(9,800) e The department is forecasted unfavorable mostly due to 52-1 District Court (Novi) Rent as specified in the lease agreement. This is partially offset by operating favorability in 52-2 and 52-3. Note that while individual divisions may be over budget, the budget is controlled at the department level. The General Appropriations Act requires that appropriations accumulate at the following three summary levels of expenditures within each County Department and are deemed maximum authorization for expenditures: Personnel Expenditures, Operating Expenditures and Internal Support Expenditures. 3 (800.00) 800.00 52nd District Court - Division 2 (Clarkston) Expenditures 3020301 121020 750448 3020101 121021 712020 Postage - Standard Mailing Overtime Total Expenditures c, Sheriffs Office Revenues 4030101 4030301 4030501 112580 112590 110045 670285 630238 630238 Enhancement Funds Civil Action Service Fee Civil Action Service Fee Total Revenues 110000 112590 110045 788001 730716 730716 Clerk / Register of Deeds Revenues 2020201 125000 630868 2020201 125000 655770 67,000.00 (67,000.00) Gun Permits Interest on Investments Total Revenues SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2011 AMENDMENTS IGF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept Program Acct Fund Aff. GENERAL FUND (#10100) 52nd District Court - Division 4 (Troy) Expenditures 3020501 121020 730450 3020501 121030 732018 Op Unit Account Name Defense Attorney Fees Travel and Conference Total Expenditures (2,000.00) 2,00000 Expenditures 4030601 4030301 4030501 63600 Transfer Out to Info Tech Fund Fees Civil Service Fees Civil Service Total Expenditures 29,718.00 (1,480,000.00) 1,480,000.00 29,718.00 29,718.00 (1,380,000.00) 1,380,000.00 29,718,00 7,582.00 7,582.00 7,582.00 7,582.00 Non-Departmental Expenditures 9010101 134860 9010101 196030 Non-Departmental Revenues 9010101 196030 9010101 196030 HEALTH FUND (#20221) Expenditures 1060236 133355 1060236 133355 Expenditures 1060201 133150 1060201 133150 (8,559.00) 8,559.00 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2011 AMENDMENTS IGF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF ALANCING A END MENTS Dept Program Acct Fund Aft. Homeland Security! Non-Departmental Revenues 1060601 115090 610313 Expenditures 9010101 196030 740023 Op Unit Account Name Homeland Sec - Federal Operating Grants Total Revenues Non-Dept - Budget Transition Total Expenditures 788001 20221 Transfer Out to Health Fund 740023 Budget Transition Total Expenditures 695500 66100 Transfer In from Motor Pool Fund 695500 53100 Transfer In from Radio Comm Fund Total Revenues $ (100,000,00) 100,000,00 $ 750,000.00 1,350,000,00 $ 2,100,000.00 Expenditures 9010101 196030 788001 63600 Transfer Out to Info Tech Fund Total Expenditures $ 2,100,000.00 $ 2,100,000.00 731941 Health Division - Training 731458 Health Division - Professional Services Total Expenditures 775754 Health Div - Maint Dept Charges 788001 40400 Health Div. - Transfer Out to PWO Fund Total Expenditures (4,118.00) 4,118,00 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2011 AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept Program Acct Fund Aff. pp Unit Account Name Health Division / Non-Departmental Revenues 9010101 134860 695500 10100 Non-Dept - Transfer In from General Fund $ (100,000.00) Total Revenues $ (100,000.00) Expenditures 1060201 134870 740184 Health Division - West Nile Virus $ (100,000.00) Total Expenditures $ (100,000.00) 00 ACCOUNT NUMBER !PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept ID Program Acct Fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name Community Corrections Grant Fund (#27370) - GR #0000000093 Expenses 1070401 113000 773630 IT Development 1070401 113000 788001 63600 Transfer Out to IT Fund Total Expenses FY 2011 AMENDMENTS Information Technology Fund (#63600) Revenues 1080601 152010 695500 10100 1080101 152000 695500 10100 1080101 152000 695500 27370 1080101 152000 665882 Expenses 1080601 152010 1080201 152010 1080201 152010 1080201 152010 CLEWS Fund (#53500) Expenses 1080305 116020 1080305 116020 1080305 116020 1080305 116020 750170 730373 731458 731773 776666 775667 731388 750392 Radio Communications Fund (#53600) Expenses 1080310 116170 776666 1080310 116170 775667 1080310 116170 731388 1080310 116170 750392 29,718.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 616,174.00 661,892.00 29,718.00 6,000.00 560,000.00 66,174.00 661,892.00 (1,937.00) (138.00) 1,937.00 138.00 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (10,000.00) 10,000.00 Transfer In from General Fund (Sheriffs Office) Transfer In from General Fund (MEO) Transfer In from Comm Corr Grant Planned Use of Fund Balance Total Revenues Other Expendable Equipment Application Svcs - Professional Svcs 1T-Professional Services Software Rental Lease Total Expenses Change in Fund Equity Print Shop Mailroom Printing Metered Postage Total Expenses Print Shop Mailroom Printing Metered Postage Total Expenses (20,000.00) (281.00) 20,000.00 281.00 Motor Pool Fund (#66100) Revenues 1030811 184010 1030811 184011 1030811 184011 1030811 184011 1030811 184011 1030811 184011 1030811 184011 1030811 184011 665882 631071 631463 631610 635665 635854 675354 675660 Expenses 1030811 1030811 1030811 184011 184011 184011 712090 730114 730233 Radio Communication Fund (#53600) Expenses 1080310 116170 788001 10100 Transfer Out to General Fund 1080310 116170 796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustment Total Expenses Information Technology Fund (#63600) Revenues © 1080601 152090 695500 10100 Transfer In from General Fund Total Revenues SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FY 2011 AMENDMENTS ACCOUNT NUMBER PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept ID Program Acct Fund Aft Oper Unit Account Name Information Technology Fund (#63600) Expenses 1080101 152000 776666 1080101 152010 775667 1080101 152000 731388 1080101 152000 750392 Expenses 1080601 152090 750154 Print Shop Mailroom Printing Metered Postage Total Expenses Expendable Equipment Total Expenses Change in Fund Equity Planned Use of Balance Leased Equipment Parts and Accessories Productive Labor Ext.-Productive Labor Rev Ext.-Warranty Reimbursements Gain on Sale of Equipment Gain on Sale of Vehicles Total Revenues On-Call Auction Expense Car Wash (3,080.00) (947.00) 3,080.00 947.00 1,350,000.00 1,350,000.00 2,100,000.00 2,100,000.00 2,100,000.00 2,100,000.00 428,256.00 65,000.00 99,000.00 (22,000.00) (31,500.00) 7,800.00 4,600.00 52,000.00 603,156.00 2,000.00 (3,000.00) (10,000.00) Dept ID 1030811 1030811 1030811 1030811 1030811 1030811 1030811 1030811 1030811 1030811 Program 184011 184011 184011 184011 184011 184011 184011 184011 184011 184011 HEALTH - Immunization Action Plan - Reaching More Children and Adults (#28550) - GR #0000000182 Revenues 1060218 133912 610313 133912 133912 133912 133912 702010 722740 730926 731346 Expenses 1060218 1060218 1060218 1060218 Federal Operating Grants Total Revenues Salaries Regular Fringe Benefits Indirect Costs Personal Mileage Total Expenses Expenses 1060290 1060290 1060290 1060290 1060290 1060290 1060290 1060290 133915 133915 133915 133915 133915 133915 133915 133915 702010 722740 730926 731346 750154 750170 773630 774636 State Operating Grants Total Revenues Salaries Regular Fringe Benefits Indirect Costs Personal Mileage Expendable Equipment Equipment Info Tech Development Info Tech Operations Total Expenses SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS -- SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS FY 2011 AMENDMENTS Acct Fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name 730940 Insurance 731878 Sublet Repairs 761156 Depreciation Vehicles 750154 Expendable Equipment 775667 Mail Room 750392 Metered Postage 776666 Print Shop 731388 Printing 788001 10100 Transfer Out to General Fund 796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustments Total Expenses (205,000.00) (20,000.00) (46,000.00) 326,000.00 (346.00) 346.00 (359.00) 359.00 750,000.00 (190,844.00) 603,156.00 HEALTH - BT H1N1 Planning - Swine Flu (#28605) - GR #0000000277 Revenues 1060290 133915 615571 14,348.00 14,348.00 10,007.00 3,069.00 1,279.00 (7.00) 14,348.00 (12,264.00) (12,264.00) (67,217.00) (2,857.00) (8,590.00) (10,000.00) 8,000.00 40,000.00 330,304.00 (301,904.00) (12,264.00) FY 2011 AMENDMENTS Expenses 1060261 134790 730373 1060261 134790 702010 1060261 134790 722740 1060261 134805 702010 1060261 134805 722470 Health MDPH OSAS Fund (#28249) - GR #0000000203 Revenues 1060261 134790 615571 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER 'PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept ID Program Acct Fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name Health CMH OSAS MEDICAID Fund (#28565) - GR #0000000208 Expenses 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 1060261 134790 730373 133490 702010 133490 722740 133950 702010 133950 722740 133960 702010 133960 722740 134790 702010 134790 722740 134795 702010 134795 722740 134796 702010 134796 722740 134800 702010 134800 722740 Contracted Services Salaries Fringe Benefits Salaries Fringe Benefits Total Expenses State Operating Grants Total Revenues Contracted Services Salaries Fringe Benefits Salaries Fringe Benefits Salaries Fringe Benefits Salaries Fringe Benefits Salaries Fringe Benefits Salaries Fringe Benefits Salaries Fringe Benefits Total Expenses (287,485.00) 17,480.00 1,191.00 148,470.00 120,344.00 157,647.00 157,647.00 $ (1,565,495.00) 47,782.00 32,622.00 110,801.00 75,003.00 86,557.00 78,708.00 163,989.00 95,227.00 122,457.00 79,830.00 61,913.00 .46,532.00 410,750.00 310,971.00 157,647.00 FY 2011 AMENDMENTS Transfer In from Health WIC Grant Transfer In from Health Fund Total Revenues 26,643 00 4,118 00 30,761.00 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept ID Program Acct Fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name HEALTH - WIC Grant (#28553) - GR #0000000205 Expenses 1060284 133270 775754 Maintenance Department Charges (26,643:00) 1060284 133270 788001 40400 Transfer Out ot PWO Fund 26,643.00 Total Expenses FM0 - Project Work Order Fund (#40400) Project ID: 100000001501 Revenues 1040801 148020 695500 28553 1040801 148020 695500 20221 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 - Dept 10'10101 1010101 1010201 1010201 1010501 1010501 1020101 1020101 1020401 1020401 1020501 1020501 1020501 1020501 1020501 1020501 1020601 1020601 1020601 1020601 1020601 1020601 1020650 1020650 1020650 1020650 1020650 1020650 1030803 181000 181000 181010 181010 181020 181020 182010 182010 182090 182090 186000 186000 186020 186020 186030 186030 182020 182020 182040 182040 182080 182080 126000 126000 126010 126010 126020 126020 184020 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS ADJUSTMENT TO DEPARTMENTAL PRINTING BUDGETS SCHEDULE C 1—Acc.ount [7 Dept Title County Executive Admin County Executive Admin General Audit Services General Audit Services Corporation Counsel County Legal Services Corporation Counsel County Legal Services Management and Budget Admi Mgmt Bdgt Administrative Srv Management and Budget Admi Mgmt Bdgt Administrative Srv Purchasing Administration General Procurement Purchasing Administration General Procurement Equalization Administration Equalization Studies Equalization Administration Equalization Studies Equalization Administration Equal Management Equalization Administration Equal Management Equalization Administration Central Support Equalization Administration Central Support Fiscal Services Administration Fiscal Services Admin Fiscal Services Administration Fiscal Services Admin Fiscal Services Administration Financial Planning Fiscal Services Administration Financial Planning Fiscal Services Administration Financial Repoiting Fiscal Services Administration Financial Reporting Fiscal Services Reimbursemen Circuit Court Collections Fiscal Services Reimbursemen Circuit Court Collections Fiscal Services Reimbursemen Family Court Collections Fiscal Services Reimbursemen Family Court Collections Fiscal Services Reimbursemen Reimbursement Admin Fiscal Services Reimbursemen Reimbursement Admin Supp Svc Record Retention ME Mail Room Operations 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 General Executive Services General Executive Services General Audit Services General Audit Services Printing 18,494.00 Print Shop (18,494.00) Printing 284.00 Print Shop (284.00) Printing 464.00 Print Shop (464.00) Printing 250.00 Print Shop (250.00) Printing 250.00 Print Shop (250.00) Printing 6,012.00 Print Shop (6,012.00) Printing 15,055.00 Print Shop (15,055.00) Printing 25,809.00 Print Shop (25,809.00) Printing 639.00 Print Shop (639.00) Printing 4,528.00 Print Shop (4,528.00) Printing 136.00 Print Shop (136.00) Printing 4,921.00 Print Shop (4,921.00) Printing 1,723.00 Print Shop (1,723.00) Printing 8.00 Print Shop (8.00) Printing 250.00 184020 184025 184025 140000 140000 148020 148020 183010 183010 183010 183010 183010 183010 133000 133000 115090 115090 132050 132050 113000 113000 113010 113010 113050 113050 113080 113080 113140 113140 131030 131030 132110 132110 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 Fund 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 Dept 1030803 1030803 1030803 1040101 1040101 1040801 1040801 1050102 1050102 1050401 1050401 1050501 1050501 1060101 1060101 1060601 1060601 1070301 1070301 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070401 1070501 1070501 1070501 1070501 Supp Svc Record Retention ME Mail Room Operations Supp Svc Record Retention ME Record Retention Supp Svc Record Retention ME Record Retention Facilities Management Admin Facilities Management Admin Facilities Engineering Admin Facilities Engineering Admin HR Labor Relations EEO HR Labor Relations EEO HR Administration HR Recruit Workforce Plan Adr HR Administration HR Recruit Workforce Plan Adr HR Administration HR Benefits Admin Division HR Benefits Admin Division Health and Human Svc Admin HS Administrative Services Health and Human Svc Admin HS Administrative Services Homeland Security Homeland Security Veterans Services Admin Veterans Services Admin Community Corrections Community Corrections Community Corrections Admin PTS Adm Community Corrections Admin PTS Adm Community Corrections Admin Community Based Prog Adm Community Corrections Admin Community Based Frog Adm Community Corrections Admin Step Forward Admin Community 'Corrections Admin Step Forward Admin Community 'Corrections Admin SF Results Community 'Corrections Admin SF Results MSU Extension Administration 4-H Youth MSU Extension Administration 4-H Youth MSU Extension Administration General Horticulture MSU Extension Administration General Horticulture Account Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop (250.00) 300.00 (300.00) 518.00 (518.00) 257.00 (257.00) 327.00 (327.00) 3,122.00 (3,122.00) 250.00 (250,00) 101.00 (101,00) 9,241.00 (9,241.00) 1,452.00 (1,452.00) 1,829.00 (1,829.00) 400,00 (400.00) 1,000,00 (1,000.00) 1,801.00 (1,801.00) 786.00 (786.00) 5,899.00 (5,899.00) 780.00 (780.00) Fac Mgmt Administration Fac Mgmt Administration Project Mgmt-Engineering Project Mgmt-Engineering HR Administration HR Administration HR Administration Emergency PreparednessERP Emergency PreparednessERP Client Services Client Services Admin Admin 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 1070501 1070501 1070501 1070501 1070510 1070510 1070801 1070801 1070801 1070801 1070801 1070801 1070805 1070805 1070805 1070805 1070810 1070810 1070901 1070901 1070901 1070901 1090101 1090101 1090108 1090108 1090201 1090201 1090201 1090201 1090201 1090201 2010101 132120 132120 174120 174120 174120 174120 114000 114000 114090 114090 114100 114100 114090 114090 114100 114100 114100 114100 113270 113270 113280 113280 171000 171000 171030 171030 171000 171000 174230 174230 174240 174240 172190 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 FY2011 i Fund Dept • Program Account Dept Title Program Title Account Amendments I__ . __. Family and Consumer Science Family and Consumer Science Master Gardener Training Master Gardener Training Master Gardener Training Master Gardener Training Animal Control Administrative Animal Control Administrative Kennel Operations Kennel Operations Animal Control Road Patrol Animal Control Road Patrol Kennel Operations Kennel Operations Animal Control Road Patrol Animal Control Road Patrol Animal Control Road Patrol Animal Control Road Patrol Pontiac Supervision Pontiac Supervision Troy Supervision Troy Supervision Dev and Comm Affai CD Administrative Services Dev and Comm Affai CD Administrative Services Econ Dev Marketing and Comn ED Marketing Services Econ Dev Marketing and Comn ED Marketing Services Planning and Econ Dev Admin CD Administrative Services Planning and Econ Dev Admin CD Administrative Services Planning and Econ Dev Admin Solid Waste Planning Planning and Econ Dev Admin Solid Waste Planning Planning and Econ Dev Admin No Haz Planning and Econ Dev Admin No Haz Clerk Register of Deeds Admin Land Records Management Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing 866.00 (866.00) 84.00 (84.00) 773.00 (773.00) 4,125.00 (4,125.00) 66.00 (66.00) 152.00 (152.00) 19.00 (19.00) 79.00 (79.00) 418.00 (418.00) 2,246.00 (2,246.00) 993.00 (993.00) 4,140.00 (4,140.00) 1,786.00 (1,786.00) 29,768.00 (29,768.00) 500.00 (500.00) 2,500.00 (2,500.00) 84.00 MSU Extensior Administration MSU Extension Administration MSU Extension Administration MSU Extension Administration MSU Ext Natural Sciences MSU Ext Natural Sciences Animal Control Administration Animal Control Administration Animal Control Administration Animal Control Administration Animal Control Administration Animal Control Administration Animal Control Kennel Animal Control Kennel Animal Control Kennel Animal Control Kennel Animal Control Road Animal Control Road Circuit Court Probation Circuit Court Probation Circuit Court Probation Circuit Court Probation Economic Economic Fund 1-0100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 172190 180000 180000 125000 125000 125000 125000 125000 125000 125000 125000 185010 185010 125000 125000 172190 172190 125000 125000 132300 132300 172190 172190 121100 121100 121100 121100 121100 121100 121100 121100 121100 121100 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 Records Management Records Management Records Management Records Management Records Management Records Management Records Management Records Management Election Services Election Services Court Records Management Court Records Management Land Records Management Land Records Management Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Dept 2010101 2010101 2010101 2010201 2010201 2010205 2010205 2010210 2010210 2010301 2010301 2010301 2010301 2010401 2010401 2010401 2010401 2010501 2010501 2010501 2010501 2010601 2010601 3010101 3010101 3010201 3010201 3010301 3010301 3010401 3010401 3010402 3010402 Dept Title Program Title Clerk Register of Deeds Admin Land Records Management Clerk Register of Deeds Admin Clerk ROD Administration Clerk Register of Deeds Admin Clerk ROD Administration County Clerk Administration County Clerk Administration County Clerk Vital Statistics County Clerk Vital Statistics County Clerk Legal Records County Clerk Legal Records Elections Administration Elections Administration Elections Administration Elections Administration Register of Deeds Admin Register of Deeds Admin Register of Deeds Admin Register of Deeds Admin Jury Commission Administratio Court Records Management Jury Commission Administratio Court Records Management Jury Commission Administratio General Services Jury Commission Administratio General Services Micrographics and Reproductio Land Records Management Micrographics and Reproductio Land Records Management Circuit Court Judicial Admin Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Judicial Admin Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Court Business Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Court Business Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Civil Criminal Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Civil Criminal Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Family Div Admin Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Family Div Admin Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Family Court Srv Circuit Ct Administration Circuit Court Family Court Srv Circuit Ct Administration Account Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop (84.00) 2,779.00 (2,779.00) 10,500.00 (10,500.00) 1,582.00 (1,582.00) 651.00 (651.00) 100.00 (100.00) 720.00 (720.00) 500.00 (500.00) 1,435.00 (1,435.00) 1,267.00 (1,267.00) 1,785.00 (1,785.00) 250.00 (250.00) 6,580.00 (6,580.00) 300.00 (300.00) 22,676.00 (22,676.00) 1,826.00 (1,826.00) 2,367.00 (2,367.00) 121100 121100 121020 121020 113290 113290 121020 121020 121020 121020 113290 113290 121020 121020 113290 113290 124015 124015 111030 111030 122000 122000 122030 122030 122040 122040 122050 122050 122060 122060 125010 125010 135170 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 School Violence Prevention School Violence Prevention Prosecutor Administration Prosecutor Administration Criminal Sexual Assault Criminal Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Domestic Violence General Prosecution General Prosecution Juvenile Justice Juvenile Justice Case Records Mgmt Case Records Mgmt Victim Services 3010403 3010403 3020201 3020201 3020205 3020205 3020301 3020301 3020401 3020401 3020405 3020405 3020501 3020501 3020505 3020505 3040403 3040403 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 4010101 CC Family Crt Judicial Support Circuit Ct Administration CC Family Crt Judicial Support Circuit Ct Administration District Court I Admin District Court Operations District Court I Admin District Court Operations District Court I Probation Probation District Court I Probation Probation District Court II Admin District Court Operations District Court II Admin District Court Operations District Court III Admin District Court Operations District Court III Admin District Court Operations District Court III Probation Probation District Court III Probation Probation District Court IV Admin District Court Operations District Court IV Admin District Court Operations District Court IV Probation Probation District Court IV Probation Probation Probate Estates and Mental Htl Probate Court Svcs Probate Estates and Mental Htl Probate Court Svcs Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Prosecuting Attorney Admin Printing 7,016.00 Print Shop (7,016.00) Printing 869.00 Print Shop (869.00) Printing 250.00 Print Shop (250.00) Printing 4,236.00 Print Shop (4,236.00) Printing 4,365.00 Print Shop (4,365.00) Printing 1,250.00 Print Shop (1,250.00) Printing 3,574.00 Print Shop (3,574.00) Printing 579.00 Print Shop (579.00) Printing 6,904.00 Print Shop (6,904.00) Printing 600.00 Print Shop (600.00) Printing 500.00 Print Shop (500.00) Printing 50,00 Print Shop (50.00) Printing 500.00 Print Shop (500.00) Printing 11,406.00 Print Shop (11,406.00) Printing 770.00 Print Shop (770.00) Printing 400.00 Print Shop (400.00) Printing 1,765.00 135170 112580 112580 113380 113380 110110 110110 110090 110090 180010 180010 165040 165040 155010 155010 174250 174250 174450 174450 186040 186040 186050 186050 186060 186060 186070 186070 186080 186080 186100 186100 115030 115030 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 20221 20221 Victim Services Sheriff Administration Sheriff Administration Work Release Work Release Sheriff Training Sheriff Training Sheriff Narcotics Enforcement Sheriff Narcotics Enforcement Treas Administrative services Treas Administrative services Delinquent Taxes Delinquent Taxes Personal Property Personal Property Settlement and Distribution Settlement and Distribution General Accounting General Accounting Investments Investments Bioterror Planning Bioterror Planning 4010101 4030201 4030201 4030401 4030401 4030501 4030501 4030901 4030901 5010101 5010101 5010303 5010303 6010101 6010101 6010101 6010101 6010101 6010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 7010101 1060201 1060201 Prosecuting Attorney Admin Sheriff Admin Serv Admin Sheriff Admin Serv Admin Sheriff Corr Ser Sat Adm Sheriff Corr Ser Sat Adm Sheriff SEPTC Admin Sheriff SEPTC Admin Sheriff Technical Svc Admin Sheriff Technical Svc Admin Board of Commissioners Admir Board Administration Board of Commissioners Admir Board Administration Library Board Administration Library Administration Library Board Administration Library Administration Water Resources Administratio Drain Administration Water Resources Administratio Drain Administration Water Resources Administratio Soil Erosion Program Water Resources Administratio Soil Erosion Program Water Resources Administratio EU Administration Water Resources Administratio EU Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Treasurer Administration Health Administration Health Administration Print Sho7 Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop FY2011 Amendments (1,765.00) 70,517.00 (70,517.00) 779.00 (779.00) 300.00 (300.00) 2,517.00 (2,517.00) 5,017.00 (5,017.00) 400.00 (400.00) 611.00 (611.00) 737.00 (737.00) 1,128.00 (1,128.00) 3,193.00 (3,193.00) 250.00 (250.00) 50.00 (50.00) 75.00 (75.00) 50.00 (50.00) 1,771.00 (1,771.00) 1,245.00 (1,245.00) 1060201 1060201 1060201 1060201 1060212 1060212 1060214 1060214 1060220 1060220 1060220 1060220 1060220 1060220 1060220 1060220 1060231 1060231 1060231 1060231 1060232 1060232 1060233 1060233 1060233 1060233 1060234 1060234 1060234 1060234 1060235 1060235 1060236 133020 133020 133150 133150 133120 133120 133150 133150 134010 134010 134200 134200 134210 134210 134390 134390 133200 133200 133390 133390 134850 134850 133350 133350 133390 133390 133975 133975 133990 133990 133970 133970 115070 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 Disease Surveillance Disease Surveillance Health Administration Health Administration Lab Lab Health Administration Health Administration Fixed Foods Fixed Foods Private Water Private Water Fund L 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 Program Title Health Administration Health Administration Health Administration Health Administration Health Laboratory Health Laboratory Health Central Health Services Health Central Health Services Health Environmental Health Health Environmental Health Health Environmental Health Health Environmental Health Health Environmental Health Swimming Sites/Facilities Health Environmental Health Swimming Sites/Facilities Health Environmental Health General Environmental Health Health Environmental Health General Environmental Health Health Personal and Preventive Infant Mortality Reduction Health Personal and Preventive Infant Mortality Reduction Health Personal and Preventive General Health Promotion Health Personal and Preventive General Health Promotion Health Dental Dental Health Dental Dental Health CHPIS Health Behavior Health CHPIS Health Behavior Health CHPIS General Health Promotion Health CHPIS General Health Promotion Health Clinic Flu Health Clinic Flu Health Clinic General Clinic Services Health Clinic General Clinic Services Health TB Control TB Health TB Control TB Health Field Nursing Education and Training FY2011 Account II Amendments Printing 500.00 Print Shop (500.00) Printing 14,749,00 Print Shop (14,749.00) Printing 500.00 Print Shop (500.00) Printing 3,187.00 Print Shop (3,187.00) Printing 1,549.00 Print Shop (1,549.00) Printing 1,016.00 Print Shop (1,016.00) Printing 300.00 Print Shop (300.00) Printing 500.00 Print Shop (500.00) Printing 500.00 Print Shop (500.00) Printing 368.00 Print Shop (368.00) Printing 250.00 Print Shop (250.00) Printing 500.00 Print Shop (500.00) Printing 2,000.00 Print Shop (2,000.00) Printing 3,000.00 Print Shop (3,000.00) Printing 5,805.00 Print Shop (5,805.00) Printing 1,000.00 Print Shop (1,000.00) Printing 50,00 Dept Title 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20221 20293 20293 20293 20293 1060236 1060236 1060236 1060236 1060236 1060237 1060237 1060237 1060237 1060501 1060501 1060501 1060501 115070 133190 133190 133390 133390 133300 133300 133310 133310 112010 112010 112190 112190 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 731388 776666 Health Field Nursing Health Field Nursing Health Field Nursing Health Field Nursing Health Field Nursing Health Hearing and Vision Health Hearing and Vision Health Hearing and Vision Health Hearing and Vision Childrens Village Admin Childrens Village Admin Childrens Village Admin Childrens Village Admin Education and Training Maternal Infant Support Serv Maternal Infant Support Serv General Health Promotion General Health Promotion Hearing Hearing Vision Vision Childrens Village Administrati Childrens Village Administrati Food Services Food Services Account Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop Printing Print Shop (50.00) 50.00 (50,00) 5,246.00 (5,246.00) 500.00 (500.00) 1,350.00 (1,350.00) 10,039.00 (10,039.00) 300.00 (300.00) Gramd Total COUNTY 01 OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011 BUDGET AMOUNT ADOPTED AS FY 2011 FAVORABLE/ BUDGET AMENDED FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT REVENUES GENERAL FUND Taxes $ 192,809,210,00 $ 192,839,810.00 $ 204,789,610,00 $ 11,949,800.00 6 20% Federal Grants 938,320.00 839,616,00 810,616 00 (29,000.00) -3 45% State Grants 20,077,106,00 20,155.409.00 19,253,709.00 (901,700.00) -447% Other Intergovernmental Revenue 11,277,284.00 11,501,785.00 11,117,785.00 (384,000,00) -3 34% Charges for Services 81,520,438.00 90,295,796.00 86,181,565.00 (4,114,231.00) -4 56% Indirect Cost Recovery 9,317,500.00 9,317,500.00 8,700,000.00 (617,500.00) -6.63% Investment Income 2,616,300.00 2,616,300.00 3,008,400.00 392,100.00 14.99% Other Revenues i 64,443,232.00 65,554,238.00 ' 65,721,838.00 167,600.00 0 26% SUB-TOTAL GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE $ 382,999,390.00 $ 393,120.454.00 $ 399,583,523.00 $ 6,463,069.00 1 64% PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (1) TOTAL GF/GP FUNDS EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Circuit Court 52nd District Court Probate Court TOTAL ADMIN. OF JUSTICE 200,000.00 $ 7,276,542.13 $ (7,276,542.13) -100.00% $ 383,199,390.00 $ 400,396,996.13 $ 399,583,523.00 (813,473.13) -0.20% $ 50,877,852.00 $ 51,384,826.00 $ 50,784,826.00 $ 600,000 00 117% 15,919,493.00 16,246,261.00 16,256,061.00 (9,800.00) -0 06% 6,092,206.00 6,132,920.00 6,129,920.00 3,000.00 005% $ 72,889,551.00 $ 73,764,007.00 $ 73,170,807.00 593,200.00 0.80% LAW ENFORCEMENT Prosecuting Attorney 18,514,269.00 19,101,297.40 18,176,197.40 925,100 00 4.84% Sheriff 119,660,893.00 127,450,473.53 124,518,873.53 2,931,600 00 2.30% TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT $ 138,175,162.00 $ 146,551,770.93 $ 142,695,070.93 $ 3,856,700,00 2.63% GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds 10,723,498.00 10,836,615.00 10,384,115.00 452,500.00 4,18% Treasurer 3,523,869.00 3,804,223.00 3,793,723.00 10,500.00 0.28% Board of Commissioners 2,913,354.00 2,923,080.00 2,812,103.00 110,977.00 3,80% Library Board 1,421,119.00 1,423,438.00 1,420,238.00 3,200.00 0 22% Water Resources Commissioner 4,936,145.00 5,511,668.00 5,496,602.00 15,066.00 0.27% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 23,517,985.00 $ 24,499,024.00 $ 23,906,781.00 592,243 00 2.42% COUNTY EXECUTIVE County Executive Admn. $ 5,705,589.00 $ 5,740,494.00 $ 5,708,379.00 $ 32,115 00 0.56% Management and Budget 19,761,465.00 20,093,437.00 19,624,562.00 468,875.00 2.33% Central Services 2,026,525.00 2,298,029.00 2,171,994.00 126.035.00 5_48% Facilities Management 1,304,046.00 1.304,153.00 1,069,253.00 234,900.00 1801% Human Resources 4,071,409.00 4.186,803.00 3,877,843.00 308,960.00 7386 Health and Human Services 64,078,741.00 67,502,849.76 64,359,349.76 3,143,500,00 4,66 % Public Services 15,215,429.00 15,712,150.44 15,499,240.44 212,910.00 1.36% Economic Dev. and Comm Affairs 7,089,816.00 7,552,654.00 6,002,354.00 650,300.00 861% TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE $ 119,253,020.00 124,390,570.20 $ 119,212,975.20 $ 5,177,595.00 4.16% TOTAL DEPARTMENTS NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTALS TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES $ 353,835,718.00 $ 369,205,372.13 $ 358,985,634.13 $ 10.219,738.00 2.77% 29,363,672.00 $ 31,191,624.00 $ 28,692,659 00 $ 2,498,965.00 8.01% 383,199 390.00 $ 400,396 996.13 $ 387,678,293.13 $ 12,718,703.00 3.18% General Fund/General Purpose Favorable/(Unfavorable) $ $ $ 11,905,229.87 $ 11,905,229.87 22 $ 192,809,210.00 $ 192,839,810.00 $ 204,789,610.00 $ 11,949,800.00 68,000.00 $ 82,000.00 169,947.00 - $ 82,000.00 139,243.00 - $ 82,000.00 85,243.00 (54,000.00) $ 192,546,710.00 $ 192,577,310.00 $ 204,452,110.00 $ 98,500.00 151,000.00 11,874,800 00 75,000 00 88,000.00 88,000.00 88,000.00 98,500,00 98,500.00 76,000.00 76,000.00 46,001100 272,373.00 300,000.00 46,000,00 272,373.00 300,000.00 46,000.00 272,373 00 325,000 00 810,616.00 $ 3,750 00 $ 1,000,00 85,243.00 5,052,717 00 14,110,999.00 25,000.00 (29,000.00) (54,000.00) (847,700 00) 938,320.00 $ 839,616.00 $ - $ 3,750.00 $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 169,947.00 139,243.00 4,947,461100 5,052,717.00 14,958,699.00 14,958,699.00 20,077,106.00 $ 20,155,409.00 $ 19,253,709.00 $ (901,700.00) 8,940,000 00 $ 125,250.00 8,597,200.00 5 125,250.00 (342,800.00) -3.83% Unfav Cigarette Tax Revenue. 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Adopted Budget Amended Budget FY 2011 FORECAST Amount Favorable (unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances TAXES (601000-601999) Property Taxes - July Tax Levy Other Taxes - Delinquent Tax - Prior Years Treasurer Payment in Lieu of Taxes Other Taxes - Trailer Tax Total Taxes FEDERAL GRANTS (610000-610999) Sheriff - Patrol Sheriff - Corrective Services Prosecuting Attorney Homeland Security - Disaster Control Health Division Children's Village Total Federal Grants STATE GRANTS (615000-615999) Sheriff - Patrol State Match Foster Care Prosecuting Attorney Economic Development Health Division Non-Departmental - Child Care Subsidy Total State Grants 6.17% Drop in Taxable Value was less than anticipated. Budgeted at anticipated decrease of 12%, but actually decreased 9%. 0.00% 98.68% Favorable receipt of Payment in Lieu of Taxes in excess of budget. 0.00% 6.20% 0.00% 0,00% -38.78% Projected revenues both under Federal Grants and State Grants are overstated due to lack of historical information as to what and what could not be billed hack to the State for DHS Title IV R contracted services . provided by the County to the State, No word trom State. as of yet, as to whether or not the Prosecutor will be able to submit a revised budget. 0.00% 0.00% 8.33% Increase in revenue reimbursed for Refunds School Meals lunch program due to increase in population at Children's Village. -3.45% 0.00% 0.00% -38.78% See note in Prosecutor Federal Grant Section. 0.00% 0.00% -5.67% Built into the Circuit Court Family Division, Health Administration, and Children's Village Budgets are Child Care Fund expenditures. A favorable variance within these areas reduces the 50% reimbursement the county receives. Unfav, variance is offset by Child Care Fund expenditure favorability. -4.47% OTHER INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES (620000 - 626999) Non-Departmental $ 8,940,000.00 $ HHS - Homeland Security 54,000.00 " Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Circuit Court District Court Adopted Budget 4,500.00 2,500.00 Amended Budget 4,500.00 2,500.00 FY 2011 FORECAST 4,700.00 2,900.00 468,841.00 1,960,694.00 11,277,284.00 $ 11,501,785.00 $ 427,041.00 (41,800.00) -8.92% Unfav due to reduced Marine Safety grant receipts of ($15,600) and projected lower lake patrol contract receipts of ($26,200). 1,960,694.00 0.00% 11,117,785.00 $ (384,000.00) -3.34% 315.590.00 1,960,694.00 (175,000 00) 80,000.00 (120,000.00) (270,000.00) (130,000.00) 2,865,000.00 2,021.000 00 4,501600.00 1,745.500.00 3,934,000 00 2,097,000.00 Total Administration of Justice 18,294.400.00 $ Law Enforcement Prosecuting Attorney 500,300.00 $ Sheriff's Office Sheriff - Administrative Services 196,900.00 442,100.00 447,900.00 $ 196,900.00 442,100.00 420,300.00 $ 197,900.00 518,600.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Favorable (unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 200.00 4.44% Fav. Drug Case Management due to an increase in filings. Revenue is generated by specific drug case filings with the Court. The State reimburses the Circuit Court according to the drug case filings. 400.00 16.00% Fav. Drug Case Management due to an increase in filings. Revenue is generated by specific drug case filings with the Court. The State reimburses the 52nd District Court according to the drug case filings. 515,300.00 Sheriff Non-Departmental - Reim Judges Salaries Total Other Intergovernmental Revenue CHARGES FOR SERVICES (630000-635999) Administration of Justice Circuit Court - Civil/Criminal t•-) -Iircuit Court - Family Division District Court - Division I (Novi) District Court - Division II (Clarkston) District Court - Division III (Rochester Hills) District Court - Division IV (Troy) Probate Court - Estates and Mental Health 3,040,000.00 1,941,000.00 4,501,600.00 1,865,500.00 4,204,000.00 2,227,000.00 515,300.00 3,040,000.00 1,941,000.00 4,501,600 00 1,865,500 00 4,204,000 00 2,227,000.00 515,300.00 -5.76% Untay, due to a reduction in the collections of Court Costs ($120,000) and a reduction in Refund Fees PD Det Attorney ($100,000); partially offset by Fav. E-Filing Fees $45,000 due to the expansion of the e-Filing program to additional judicial dockets. 4.12% Fav. due to an increase in Refund Fees PD Attorney collected. 0.00% -6.43% Untav. Ordinance Fines and Costs due to a decrease in the public's ability to pay. -6.42% Unfav. Ordinance Fines and Costs ($200,000) and Probation Fees ($70,000) due to a decline in caseload and a decrease in the public's ability to pay. -5.84% Unfav. Ordinance fines and Costs ($70,000) and Probation Fees ($60,000) due to a decline in caseload and a decrease in the public's ability to pay. 0.00% 18,294,400.00 $ 17,679,400 00 $ (615,000.00) -3.36% 27,600,00 6.57% Fay, variance due to receipt of intermittent, non- budgeted revenue that fluctuates year to year such as Extradition Recovery Fees $25,300 and Microfilming $2,300. 1,000.00 0.51% Increased Fee Income, 76,500.00 17.30% Fav due to increased gun registrali0ns of $68,000: and favorable Fee Income of $38,500.1'i:s is partially offset by lower Recovered Indigent receipts of ($30,000). Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Adopted Amended FY 2011 Favorable Budget Budget FORECAST (unfavorable l Percent Explanation of Significant Variances Sheriff - Corrective Services 1,043,266.00 4,023,266.00 4,310,866.00 287,600.00 7.15% Fav. Due to higher projected Diverted Felon revenue receipts of $394,000; partially offset by unfav Board and Care of ($85,000), lower Fee Income ($15,200), and budgeted Miscellaneous Receipts ($6,000). These reductions are attributable to the growth of the Tether program. Sheriff - Corrective Services Satellites 1,379,136.00 1,398,845.00 729,745.00 (669,100.00) -47.83% Unfav, reflects decline in revenue for Board and Care due to increase in use of the Tether program. Sheriff - Emergency Response and Prepared, 704,900.00 939,421.00 936,221.00 (3,200,00) -0.34% Unfav Dispatch Services revenue of ($149,400) due to the delay in the start of the Pontiac Patrol Contract; partially offset by receipt of Processing Fee revenue of $146,200. Sheriff - Patrol Services 32,372,002.00 37,488,106.00 33,746,806.00 (3,741,300.00) -9.98% Unfav due to delay in start of the Pontiac Patrol contract of ($3,761,800), which is offset by reduced expenditures; partially offset by favorable receipt of Liquor Control fee revenue of $2,700, Wrecker Service revenue of $7,900; Inspection of Boat Livery $6,300 and Fingerprints revenue of $3,600. Sheriff - Investigative Forensic Services 792,392.00 792,392.00 896,992.00 104,600.00 13.20% Fay. due to increased receipts of Reimbursed Salaries $137,000, Miscellaneous $11,900, Confiscated Property $8,500; Wrecker Service of $2,500; and Refunds NET of t\-.) $8,600. Partially offset by lower Drug Testing receipts of ($63,900). Total Law Enforcement 37,430,996.00 $ 45,701,330.00 $ 41,785,030.00 $ (3,916,300.00) -8.57% General Government Clerk - County Clerk 2,420,493.00 $ 2,420,493.00 $ 2,680,493,00 $ 260,000,00 10.74% Fay. Certified Copies $170,000, Gun Permits $200,000, and Garnishment Fees $60,000 due to an increase in activity; partially offset by Unfav. Forfeiture of Bonds ($120,000), Bond Fees ($30,000) and Notary Commission ($20,000) due to a decrease in counter activity. A budget amendment is recommended to recognize additional Gun Permit revenues and part of it will be used to offset unfavorable Investment Income. Clerk - Elections 260,375.00 260,375.00 163,375.00 (97,000.00) -37.25% Unfav. Reimbursement General ($80,000) due to local school election consolidation and Nominating Filing Forfeit ($17,000) due to filing fee refunds that were processed this year. Clerk - Register of Deeds & Micrographics 7,200,200,00 7,200,200.00 7,675,200.00 475,000.00 6.60% Fav. Enhanced Access Fees $300,000 due to art increase in online activity. Also Fay, Recording Fees $110,000, Land Transfer Tax $15,000, Deeds $20,000, Mortgages $30,000 due to an increase in housing activity. Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Adopted Budget 1,985,100.00 Treasurer Total General Government County Executive County Exec - Administration County Exec - Corp Counsel M&B - Purchasing Division M&B - Equalization Division t.V&B - Fiscal Services Division Cr\ 13,392,063.00 $ - $ 170,000.00 3,545,714.00 415,600.00 600.00 27,000.00 1,498,295.00 Board of Commissioners Library Board Water Resources Commissioner 600.00 27,000 00 2,002,669 00 13,896,437.00 $ 600.00 27,000 00 1,884,588.00 (118,081.00) 14,465,456.00 $ 569,019.00 Central Services - Support Services 121,350.00 - $ 170,000.00 3,229,915.00 415,600.00 351,850.00 800.00 150,000.00 950.00 17,000 00 150.00 (133,000.00) Facilities Engineering Human Resources 800.00 HHS - Administration 150,000.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Amended FY 2011 Favorable Budget FORECAST (unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 1,985,100.00 2,034,200.00 49,100.00 2.47% Fav. Misc. Rev. $2,000, Pilot-State Owned Land $43.300, Reimbursement of Salaries $4,400, TIFA/DDA Recovery Delinquent Personal Property receipts of $2,200 and Alternate Energy $2,200. Partially offset by lower Photostats revenues of (55,000). 0.00% 0.00% -5.90% Unfav - Soil Erosion Fees ($120,000) decrease in building activity/permits due to downturn in housing market. Offset by Fay - Donations $1,919 for FY2011 due to 1.5% salary reimbursement from Water Resources Commissioner to be applied to Watershed Councils. 4.09% - $ 0.00% 1,800.00 1,800.00 100.00% Recovery on a judgment. 214,600.00 44,600.00 26.24% Favorable Vendor Incentive Program. 3,344,915.00 115,000.00 3.56% Favorable due to a special project for the Township of Holly for re-appraisals. 483,600.00 68,000.00 16.36% Favorable Late Penalty $50,000, Tax Intercept Fee $50,000 and Reimbursement Contracts $3,000 due to Reimbursements efforts for collections offset by (Unfav) Court Ordered Board and Care ($35,000) based on lower than anticipated referrals, 203,950.00 (147,900.00) -42.03% Unfav vending machines sales ($55,000); decrease in printing ($16,000) due to loss of business; reduction in standard mails ($79.000) due to external revenue less than expected, offset by fay. standard mail expenses. 0.00% 18.75% Favorability due to increased requests for file copies and Merit System Books. -88.67% (Unfav.) receipt of funding for Reimb. General will not be fully realized due to expiration of original contract for Golden Oaks. With a new "tail" coverage 3-year contract (noted in expenditure explanation), no further revenue is anticipated. Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. HHS - Health Division HHS - Children's Village HHS - Homeland Security Public Services - Community Corrections Public Services - MSU Extension Public Services - Medical Examiner 1.19ublic Services - Animal Control Economic Dev, & Comm. Affairs - Admin Economic Dev. & Comm. Affairs - PEDS Total County Executive Non-Departmental Non-Dept - Charges for Services Total Non-Departmental Total Charges for Services INDIRECT COST RECOVERY (640100) Adopted Budget 2,747,837.00 2,887,496.00 300,000.00 29,495.00 189,000.00 785,887.00 419,800.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Amended FY 2011 Favorable Budget FORECAST nfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 2,765,916.00 2,651,916,00 (114,000.00) -4.12% (Unfav.) Flu Vaccine Fees ($125,000) due to ARRA supplied medication leading to fewer fees charged for shots, Reimb Contracts ($61,716) due to mutually agreed upon termination of Southfield contract effective 09/10/10 along with Dental Service Fees Outside and Reimb 3rd Party ($30,000) due to reduced need and less referrals. Partially offset by Fay. Inspection Fees $50,000, Food Service Licenses $25,000, Class Fees $10,000 and Food Plan Reviews $7,500 due to increase demand along with Tdap Vaccine Fees $10,000 due to new vaccine recommendation. 2,887,496.00 3,012,496.00 125,000.00 4.33% Fay. Board and Care $100,000 and Out County Board and Care $25,000 due to higher population. 200.00 200.00 100.00% Fav. due to revenue received from CPR supplies and equipment rental. 300,000.00 230,000,00 (70,000.00) -23.33% (Unfav) due to lower than anticipated offender referrals by the courts. 29,495.00 30,495.00 1,000.00 3.39% Revenue generated from Master Gardner Program. - 189,000.00 229,000.00 40,000.00 21.16% Favorable Cremation Approval Fee due to an increase in Cremation caseload. 841,577.00 669,577.00 (172,000,00) -20,44% (Untav) Adoptions ($47,000) due to downturn in the economy including (Unfav) Sale of Licenses ($125,000). 0.00% 431,980.00 281,180.00 (150,800.00) -34.91% Unfav. reimbursement for NO HAZ Program ($175,000) due to reduced resident participation (NO HAZ costs are correspondingly fay), partially offset by fav. Sale at Maps $17,500 and General Reimb $6,700 for Econ. Growth Alliance. 11,762,979.00 $ 11,763,629.00 $ 11,371,679,00 $ (391,950.00) -3.33% 640,000.00 $ 640,000.00 880.000.00 240,000.00 37.50% Fav. reflects Value Added Communications (VAC) contract for commissions on pay phones. 640,000.00 $ 640,000.00 $ 880,000,00 $ 240,000.00 37.50% 81,520,438.00 $ 90,295,796.00 $ 86,181,565.00 $ (4,114,231.00) -4.56% 9,317,500.00 $ 9,317,500.00 $ 8,700,000.00 $ (617,500.00) -6.63% Unfav. due to lower than expected activity related to construction projects, grants, and proprietary funds, as well as closure of some internal service funds. 281,180.00 125,000.00 200.00 (70,000.00) 11,371,679 00 $ 880 000 00 880,000 00 $ 86,181,565.00 $ 8,700,000.00 $ INVESTMENT INCOME (655000-655999) District Courts (Div. I - IV) Sheriff Corrective Services Clerk/Register of Deeds 6,000.00 $ 69,300.00 6,000.00 $ - $ 69,300 00 6,000.00 $ 100.00 2,300.00 100.00 (67,000 00) 0.00% 100.00% -96.68% Unfav. due to reduced investment base. A budget amendment is recommended. Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Non-Departmental Total Investment Income OTHER REVENUES (670000-695500) Circuit Court District Court Probate Court Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff Office Sheriff - Corrective Services - Satellites Sheriff - Patrol Services Sheriff - Investigative/Forensic Svc Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Library Board Water Resources Commissioner tN)Homeland Security °°Management and Budget Central Services - Support Services Facilities Engineering Health Division Children's Village Public Services PEDS - Transfers Economic Development - Donations Non Departmental - Donations Non-Dept - Sundry Treasurers Transfers Non-Departmental - Transfers In COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT Amount Adopted Amended FY 2011 Favorable Budget Budget FORECAST (unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 2,541,000.00 2,541,000.00 3,000,000.00 459,000.00 18.06% Increase due to income investment base and market rate adjustments. 2,616,300.00 $ 2,616,300.00 $ 3,008,400.00 $ 392,100.00 14.99% - $ 18,940.00 $ 18,940.00 $. 0,00% 215,858.00 215,858.00 0.00% - . - - - 0.00% 50,608.00 $ 383,321.00 $ 383,321.00 $- 0.00% 5,000.00 468,551.00 477,851.00 9,300.00 1.98% Fav. receipt of Enhancement Funds from drug forfeiture account 63,000 and County Auction receipts of $6,300. - 555.00 555.00 _ 0.00% 8,500.00 20,500.00 56,800.00 36,300.00 177.07% Fav. variance is due to the receipt of Ref Prior Years Exp. 21,326.00 83,170.00 153,070.00 69,900.00 84,04% Fay. variance is due to the receipt of Ref Prior Years Exp. - - 4,300000 4,300,00 100,00% Fav. due to cash overages. 200.00 5,745.00 6,045.00 300.00 5.22% Fav. receipt of Ref of Prior Years Exp $300. - 0.00% - - .- . 0,00% - - 1,200.00 1,200.00 100,00% - - - .. 0.00% Fav. due to Receipt of Prior Year revenue from grant, 4,300.00 4,300.00 4,300.00 . 0,00% - 0.00% - - 40,300.00 40,300.00 100.00% Fav. due to correction of grant match $34,100, County Auction $2,600, correction of previously recorded , revenue $2,500, audit findings $1,000 and cash overages $100. - - 400.00 400.00 100.00% Fay. due to County Auction, . - - 0.00% . -- . - 0.00% 15,000.00 15,000.00 20,600.00 5,600.00 37.33% Fav. Donations for Business Roundtable event, offset by expenditures. - - - - 0.00% 417,500.00 417,500.00 417,500.00 - 0.00% 5,300,000.00 5,300,000.00 5,300,000.00 - 0.00% 58,620,798.00 58,620,798.00 58,620,798.00 - 0.00% Total Other Revenues 64,443,232.00 65,554,238.00 65,721,838.00 $ 167,600.00 0.26% PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (665000-665999) Encumbrances Carryfon,vards and Use of Prior Yrs Fund Bal Total Planned Use of Fund Balance - 153,953.13 - (153,953.13) -100.00% 200,000.00 $ 7,122,589.00 $ - (7,122,589.00) -100.00% 200,000.00 $ 7,276,542.13 $ - $ (7,276,542.13) -100.00% TOTAL GEN. FUND / GEN. PURPOSE REVENU $ 383,199,390.00 $ 400,396,996.13 $ 399,583,523.00 $ (813,473.13) -0.20% • Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. $ 8,654,330.00 $ 9,001,058.00 $ 8,921,058.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 1,496,438.00 $ 1,496,438.00 $ 1,531,438.00 $ (35,000.00) 187,764.00 197,119.00 137,119.00 60,000.00 166,859.00 157,827.00 157,827.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 319,239.00 150,000.00 374,394.00 210,106.00 176,442.00 374,394.00 210,106.00 (75,000.00) 155,000.00 - Business Division Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Civil / Criminal Division Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 1,851,061.00 $ 1,851,384.00 $ 1,826,384.00 $ $ 2,100,787.00 $ 2,100,787.00 $ 2,075,787.00 $ 5,243,725.00 5,103,725.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 140,000.00 5,167,627.00 Judicial Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 8,085,116.00 $ 8,085,116.00 $ 8,160,116.00 $ Operating Expenditures 99,975.00 331,442.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 2,426,755.00 2.511,880.00 2,511,880.00 0.00% - 5 9,695,169.00 $ 9,856,392.00 $ 9,691,392.00 S 165,000.00 1.67% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -0.93% - Unfav. Medical and Retirement due to actual adrnin rates higher than budget. 46.77% - Fav. Special Projects $180,000 due to the distribution of Judicial Technology funds from the State and Judges On-Line project (MR #9214) used for courtroom technology improvements, replacing General Fund cost; partially offset by Unfav. Library Continuations ($25,000) due to a higher than anticipated use. 0.00% - 0.00% 0.89% -2.34% - Unfav. Medical and Retirement due to actual admin rates higher than budget. 30.44% - Fav. due to reduction in use of Visiting Judge. 0.00% - 1.35% 1.19% - Fav. $30,000 due to county wide hiring freeze, underfilled positions and vacancies; partially offset by Unfav. Medical and Retirement ($5,000) due to actual admin rates higher than budget. 2.67% - Fav. variance is due to less activity in Defense Attorney fee payments of $100,000. These payments are dependent on caseload, and the Circuit Court fee structure. Also Fav. Juror Fees and Mileage $40,000 due to a decline in caseload. 9/8/2011 AMOUNT FY 2011 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT --------- EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES nnnnnn•••• n•••• 1,4/ 00.1 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Family Division/Juvenile Maint. Personnel Expenditures $ 11,102,869.00 $ 11,102,869.00 $ 10,957,869.00 $ 145,000.00 13,569,838 00 1,644,461 00 4,360,124.00 $ 22,785,210.00 19,025,204 00 4,557,314 00 4,510,124.00 S 50,877,852.00 13,591,188.00 1,621,611.00 4,360,324 00 S 22,785,210 00 19,363,474.00 4,665,712.00 4,570,430 00 $ 51,384,826.00 13,411,188.00 1,616,611.00 4,360,324.00 $ 22,725,210.00 $ 18,828,474.00 4,660,712.00 4,570,430.00 $ 50,784,826 00 S 180.000.00 5,000.00 330,000.00 60,000.00 535,000.00 5,000.00 600,000.00 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out (Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 30,677,292.00 $ 30,675,992.00 $ 30,345,992.00 $ COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT 1.31% - Fav. $70,000 due to county wide hiring freeze, underfilled positions and vacancies; partially offset by unfav. Medical and Retirement ($10,000) due to actual admin rates higher than budget. 1.32% - Fav. Defense Attorney Fees $100,000 and Fees Guardian Ad Litem $80,000 due to a decrease in caseload. 0.31% - Fay. Telephone Communications $9,000 due to less than anticipated use. 0.00% - 1.08%, 0,26% 2.76% 0.11% 0.00% 1.17% 9/8/2011 -2.99% - Actual Medical and Retirement Unfav. ($10,000) due to admin rates higher than budget. Also Unfav. Overtime ($2,000) due to full-time clerks working on the JIS Conversion Project. A budget amendment for Overtime is recommended. $ 185,182.00 $ 401,040.00 $ 413,040.00 $ (12,000 00) Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 5,300.00 5,300,00 0.00% 5,300.00 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT ADOPTED AMIENDED BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2011 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ------ --------------- District Court Administration Personnel Expenditures ------ ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... -2.95% -0.13% -2.71% Division 1 - Novi Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 190,482.00 $ $ 3,912,768.00 $ 1,013,988.00 406,340.00 $ 418,340.00 $ (12,000.00) 3,912,768.00 $ 3,917,768.00 $ (5,000.00) 1,015,104.00 1,042,604.00 (27,500.00) Unfav. Medical and Retirement due to actual admin rates higher than budget. Unfav. Rent ($36,000) and Property Taxes ($3,500) due to an increase in the lease; partially offset by Fay. Drug Testing $5,000 as a result of negotiating a lower price for test cups, Defense Atty Fees $2,000 and Juror Fees and Mileage $2,000 due to a procedural change that has reduced costs and Interpreter Fees $3,000 due to decreased activity. Internal Support Expenditures 431,349.00 455,650.00 453,650.00 2,000.00 0.44% - Fav. Telephone Communications due to decreased activity, Total Division 1 - Novi $ 5,358,105.00 $ 5,383,522.00 $ 5,414,022.00 $ (30,500.00) -0.57% 9/8/2011 Division 2 - Clarkston Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 1,769,141.00 $ 1,769,141.00 $ 1,771,141.00 $ (2,000.00) 593,120.00 26,000.00 597,450.00 619,120.00 Internal Support Expenditures 204,087.00 248,825.00 247,325.00 1,500.00 Division 3 - Rochester Hills Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures 377,643.00 384,100.00 373,100.00 11.000.00 $ 3,550,712.00 $ 3,550,712.00 $ 3,553,712.00 $ (3,000.00) Internal Support Expenditures 797,887.00 859,724.00 858,724 00 1,000 00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -------------------------- ----- ----- --- ----- -- ----- --------------- -- ----- — ------ ---- ______ -------- ___________________ -0.11% - Unfav. Medical and Retirement due to actual admin rates higher than budget. 4.20% - Fav. Defense Attorney Fees $30,000 due to restructured schedule for defense attorneys. Also Fav. Juror Fees and Mileage $4,000, Interpreter Fees $3,000 and Travel and Conference $5,000 and Postage-Standard Mailing $2,000 due to a decrease in activity. This is partially offset by Unfav. Software Support Maintenance ($16,000) due to charges related to the conversion to the State's Judicial Information System (WS) Mainframe Enhancement Project. 0.60% - Fav. Telephone Communications due to decreased activity. Transfers Out 72,811.00 0.00% Total Division 2 - Clarkston $ 2,643,489.00 $ 2,637,086,00 $ 2,611,586.00 $ 25,500.00 0.97% -0.08% - Unfav Medical and Retirement due to actual admin rates higher than budget. 2.86% - Fav, Defense Attorney Fees $15,000 and Jr 'or Fee3 and Mileage $12,000 due to a decrease in activity, pnnJly offset by Unfav, Software Support Maintenance ($16,000) due to charges related to the conversion to the State's Judicial Information System (JIS) Mainframe Enhancement Project. 0,12% - Fav. Telephone Communications due to decreased activity. $ 4,726,242 00 $ 4,794,536.00 $ 4,785,536 00 $ 9,000.00 0.19% 9/8/2011 PERCENT ------- EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES •nn•n•nn• /0/ nn•nnnn•nn•• 1.0 n•nnnnn••nVVIOYIN 1001..n 04." OIMIYIM1MOVI ----- IMO COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) ______-- ----------- -------- --------_---- ------ --- Division 4 - Troy Personnel Expenditures - Unfav. Medical and Retirement due to admin rates higher than budget. $ 2,155,760.00 $ 2,155,760,00 $ 2,157,560.00 $ (1,800.00) -0.08% Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 509,588.00 335,827.00 513,476.00 355,541.00 513,476,00 355,541.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 3,001,175.00 $ 3,024,777.00 $ 3,026,577.00 $ (1,800.00) -0.06% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 11,573,563.00 $ 11,789,421.00 $ 11,813,221.00 $ 2,503,969.00 2,537,100.00 2,527,600.00 1,769,150.00 1,919,740.00 1,915,240.00 72,811.00 $ 15,919,493.00 $ 16,246,261.00 $ 16,256,061.00 $ (23,800.00) -0.20% 9,500.00 0.37% 4,500.00 0.23% (9,800.00) -0.06% 9/8/2011 529,181.00 638,182.40 555,382.40 82,800.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 2,264,589.00 $ 2,199,832.00 $ 2,438,032.00 $ (238,200.00) -10.83% Divisions are reflecting fav / (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel within the Prosecutors Office working across divisional disciplines. A formal reorganization is pending (see offset in Litigation, Warrants, and Appellate Divisions). Operating Expenditures 12.97% Favorable Professional Services of $42,000; Travel and Conference of $25,000; Printing of $14,200; and Transcripts on Appeals of $1,600 are contingent upon anticipated cost of special prosecution events, which have not yet materialized, Internal Support Expenditures 1,839,404.00 1,909,531.00 1,909,531.00 - 0.00% _ Transfers 17,671.00 17,671.00 - 0.00% $ 4,633,174.00 $ 4,765,216.40 $ 4,920,616.40 $ (155,400.00) -3.26% Wigation Personnel Expenditures $ 9,175,610,00 $ 9,322.505.00 $ 8,529,005.00 $ 793,500.00 8.51% Divisions are reflecting fav / (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel within the Prosecutor's Office working across divisional disciplines. Note some favorability is due to turnover and underfills. Operating Expenditures 39,296.00 28,208,00 28,208.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures - - - - 0.00% Transfers Out 855,589.00 1,097,617.00 1,097,617.00 - 0.00% $ 10,070,495.00 $ 10,448,330.00 $ 9,654,830.00 $ 793,500 00 7.59% 918/2011 Warrants Personnel Expenditures $ 2:122,181.00 $ 2,161,539.00 $ 2,086,239.00 $ 75,300.00 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 3,19900 $ 2,125,380.00 $ 2,164,738.00 $ 2,089,438.00 $ 75,300.00 0.00% 0.00% 3.48% 3,199.00 3,199.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES --------- ----------- ------------- ------------- -- -- -------------- 3.48% Divisions are reflecting fay / (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel within the Prosecutor's Office working across divisional disciplines. A formal reorganization is pending (see partial offset in Administration Division). Note some favorability is due to turnover and underfills. Appellate Personnel Expenditures Le..) $ 1,676,762.00 $ 1,714,555.00 $ 1,507,855.00 $ 206,700.00 12.06% Divisions are reflecting fav / (unfav) variances primarily due to personnel within the Prosecutor's Office working across divisional disciplines. A formal reorganization is pending (see partial offset in Administration Division). 8,458.00 8,458.00 3,458.00 5,000.00 59.12% Fav. Personal Mileage, - - - - 0.00% $ 1,685,220.00 $ 1,723,013,00 $ 1,511,313.00 $ 211,700.00 12.29% Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Department Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 15,239,142.00 $ 15,398,431.00 $ 14,561,131.00 580,134.00 678,047,40 590,247.40 1,839,404.00 1,909,531.00 1,909,531,00 855,589.00 1,115,288.00 1,115,288.00 837,300.00 87,800.00 5.44% 12.95% 0.00% 0.00% $ 18,514,269.00 $ 19,101,297.40 $ 18.176,197.40 $ 925,100.00 4.84% 9/8/2011 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST Sheriffs Office Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 1,618,606.00 $ 1,624,151.00 $ 1,652,351,00 $ 131,880.00 (28,200.00) 72,700.00 62,180 00 134,880.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Administrative Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures 260,409.00 260,409.00 260,409.00 2,010.895 00 $ 1,942,055.00 $ 944,843.00 2,019;440.00 $ 1 ;974,940.00 1,825,830.00 $ 1,979,430.00 1,064,106.85 834,206.85 44;500.00 (153,600.00) 229,900.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Corrective Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures 250,323.00 154,331.00 154,331.00 $ 3,137,221.00 $ 3,044,267.85 33,628,137.00 $ 33,507,185.00 $ 2,967,967.85 $ 76,300.00 $ 34,982,185.00 (1,475,000.00) 7,208,906 00 8,623,273.22 7,473,773.22 1,149500.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -1.74% Actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget, 53.90% Fay, Budget Transition expense line item included in the Adopted Budget. 0.00% 0.00% 2.20% -8.41% 21,60% Actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. Fav. Uniform Cleaning expense 834,900; Inmate Recreational Supplies $12,000; Office Supplies $20,000; Uniforms $163,000 due to implementation of cost cutting measures within the Sheriff's Office. Pending final number of deputies to receive uniforms from Pontiac contract, favorability could be slightly less. 0.00% 0.00% 2.51% -4.40% Actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. Also, Overtime is projected to be unfavorable by ($331,000) 13.33% Favorable Inmate Medical Exams of 8130,200; Medical Services Physicians of $450,300; Prisoner Housing Outside of County of $200,000; Transportation of Prisoners of $13,000; Culinary Supplies of $15,000; Computer Supplies of $86,600; Drugs of $200,000; Other Expendable Equipment of $62,200; Groceries of $33,900; and Medical Supplies of $12,200: Provisions of $26,100 due to reductions in jail populations. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 7,334,522.00 7,603,515.00 7,603,515.00 S 48,171,565.00 $ 49,733,973.22 $ 50,059,473.22 $ 0.00% 0.00% (325,500.00) -0.65% 9/8/2011 Operating Expenditures 26,500.00 32,823.32 119,423.32 (86,600.00) -263.84% Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 12,040,236.00 Emergency Response and Preparedness Personnel Expenditures $ 5,210,505.00 Operating Expenditures 877,456.00 876,802.00 193,649.00 $ 12,066,922.32 $ 12,551,722.32 $ (484,800.00) $ 5,883,342.00 $ 5,463,242.00 $ 420,100.00 217,412.50 319,712.50 (102,300.00) ---.1 877,456.00 Internal Support Expenditures 150,560.00 150,260.00 150,260.00 $ 5,554,714.00 $ 6,251,014.50 $ 5,933,214.50 $ Transfers 317,800 00 Patrol Services Personnel Expenditures $33,269,489 $ 37,721,637.00 $ 35,179,437.00 $ 2,542,200.00 Operating Expenditures 412,442.00 682,864.64 569,964.64 112,900 00 Internal Support Expenditures 4,332,789.00 4,634,469.00 4,634,469 00 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFFS OFFICE ADOPTED BUDGET AMOUNT AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Corrective Services-Satellites Personnel Expenditures Actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. Also, Overtime is projected to be unfavorable by ($438,600). $ 11,136,934.00 $ 11,156,643.00 S 11,554,843.00 $ (398,200,00) -3.57% Unfav laundry and cleaning services, personal mileage, and travel employee taxable meals of ($26,800); custodial and office supplies of ($59,800) 0.00% 0.00% -4.02% 7.14% Fay. salaries due to vacancies; overtime is projected to be favorable. Partially offset by unfavorable Medical and Retirement due to actual admin rates higher than budget. -47.05% Unfav due to Auction Expense of ($11,700); Equipment Maintenance of ($80,600); Equipment Rental of ($8,200); Membership dues of ($1,300); Officer Fees of ($8,500); Personal Mileage of ($2,000); Laboratory Supplies of ($1,300); Office Supplies of ($12,600); and Miscellaneous of ($1,800) these are partially offset by favorable Officer Training of $25,700. Overall this unfavorability is offset by favorability in other divisions and is the result of expenses charged in Divisions and the budget is in another division. 0.00% 0.00% 5.08% 6.74% Fay largely due to delay in start of Pontiac Patrol contract activities; and lower projected overtime $500,000 for patrol officers; partially offset by unfav. Medical and Retirement due to actual admin rates higher than budget. A fringe benefit amendment will be recommended at a later date. 16.53% Fav. Equipment Maintenance of $81,300; Equipment Rental of $13.000; Deputy Supplies of S20,100; Expendable Equipment of $20,900 due largely to delay in start of Pontiac Patrol Contract; paritally offset by unfav. Office Supplies of ($22,400). 9/8/2011 $ 7,370,681.00 $ 7,370,681.00 $ 7,071,581.00 $ 299,100.00 377,100 00 676,200 00 1,206,400,00 1753,201100 (28,000.00) $ 119,660,893.00 $ 127,450,473.53 $ 124,518,873.53 $ 2,931,600.00 2.30% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Transfers 28,000.00 (28,000,00) 0,00% $ 38,014,720.00 $ 43,038,970.64 $ 40,411,870,64 $ 2,627,100.00 6.10% For purchase of K-9 unit vehicle per MR #11093. The budget was in the Capital Outlay account, but expensed as a Transfer. Investigative/Forensic Svcs Personnel Expenditures 4.06% Fav largely due to delay in start of Pontiac Fire Dispatch contract activities; partially offset by unfav. Medical and Retirement due to actual higher than budget. A fringe benefit amendment will be recommended at a later date. Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers co Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 1,065,428.00 1,961,347.00 334,086.00 $ 10,731,542.00 $ 94,176,407.00 9,983,648.00 15,166,752.00 334,086.00 1,409,079.00 1,959,483.00 556,642.00 $ 11,295,885.00 $ 99,089,469.00 12,164,439.53 15,639,923.00 556,642.00 1,031,979.00 1,959,483.00 556,642.00 $ 10,619,685.00 $ $ 97,883,069.00 $ 10,411,239.53 15,639,923.00 584,642.00 26.76% Fav. Professional Services $300,000; Travel and Conference of $22,400; Drug Testing of $40,400; Expendable Equipment of $35,200; Forensic Lab Enhancement of $14,400; Partially offset by unfav. Towing and Storage Fees of ($11,600); and Laboratory Supplies of ($23,700). a 00% 0.00% 5.99% 1.22% 14.41% 0.00% 0.00% 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 704,437.00 $ 704,437.00 $ 675,937.00 $ 28,500.00 4.05% Fav. $30,000 due to underfilled and vacant positions; partially offset by Unfav. ($1,500) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. Operating Expenditures 40,382.00 64,759.00 66,259.00 (1,500.00) -2.32% Unfav Office Supplies ($3,000) due to higher than anticipated use; partially offset by Fav. Workshops and Meetings $1,500 due to effort to reduce costs. Internal Support Expenditures 172,580.00 162,280.00 157,780.00 4,500.00 2.77% Fav. Telephone Communications $4,500 due to a lower than anticipated use. Transfers - 0.00% $ 917,399.00 $ 931,476.00 $ 899,976.00 $ 31,500.00 3.38% County Clerk (Vital Stats & Legal Rec's) t.J..) Personnel Expenditures $ 3,312,180.00 $ 3,312,180.00 $ 3,196,680.00 $ 115,500.00 3.49% Fav. $120,000 due to underfilled and vacant positions; partially v:D offset by Unfav. ($4,500) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. Operating Expenditures 287,408.00 298,625.00 235,125.00 63,500.00 21.26% Fav. Professional Services $30,000 and Travel & Conference $3,000 due to conscious effort to reduce costs. Also Fav, in Court Transcripts $40,000 as there is no longer a need to print duplicate copies of court transcripts for co-defendents; partially offset by Unfav. Charge Card Fee ($6,000) due to an increase in the public paying for services with a credit card and Office Supplies ($3,500) due to higher than anticipated use. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 597,238.00 670,487.00 670,487.00 - 0.00% - 0.00% $ 4,196,826.00 $ 4,281,292.00 $ 4,102,292.00 $ 179,000.00 4.18% 9/8/2011 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Elections Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 717,454.00 772,850.00 $ 717,454.00 $ 717,454.00 $ 779,864.00 751,364.00 28,500.00 Internal Support Expenditures 129,072.00 Transfers 138,811.00 138,811.00 0.00% 0.00% ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT FY 2011 FAVORABLE FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT 0.00% 3.65% Fay. Professional Services $30,000 due to a decrease in activity; partially offset by Unfav. Fees - Per Diems ($1,500) as the the November 2010 General Election canvass took longer than anticipated. Operating Expenditures $ 1,619,376.00 $ 1,636,129.00 $ 1,607,629.00 $ 28,500.00 1.74% $ 2,894,670.00 $ 2,788,170,00 $ 106,500,00 503,311.00 527,970.00 $ 430,970.00 97,000.00 Register of Deeds (and Micrographics) Personnel Expenditures $ 2,894,670.00 3.68% Fav. $110,000 due to undertilled and vacant positions: partially offset by Unfav. ($3,500) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. 18.37% Fav. Professional Services $100,000 as charges for Land Records Management are now charged to the Automation Fund #21160; partially offset by Unfav. Charge Card Fee ($1,000) due to an increase in the public paying for services with a credit card and Office Supplies ($2,000) due to higher than anticipated use. 459,398.00 Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 435,082.00 $ 435,082.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 3,857,379.00 $ 3,857,722.00 $ 3,654,222.00 $ 203,500.00 5.28% Jury Commission Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 25,295.00 $ 25,295.00 $ 13,295.00 $ 12,000.00 3,725.00 35,750.00 37,750.00 (2,000.00) 47.44% Fav. due to part-time position budgeted in Jury Commission division, but charged to the Election division. -5.59% Unfav. Office Supplies ($5,000) due to higher than anticipated use; partially offset by Fav, Metered Postage $3,000 due to a decrease in activity. 103,498.00 68,951.00 68,951.00 0.00% $ 132,518.00 $ 129,996.00 $ 119,996,00 $ 10,000.00 7.69% 9/8/2011 $ 7,391,536.00 $ 262,500.00 3.43% 1,521,468.00 $ 185,500.00 10.87% 1,471,111.00 $ 4.500.00 0.30% 0.00% $ 10,384,115.00 $ 452,500.00 4.18% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers ADOPTED BUDGET $ 7,654,036.00 1,607,676.00 1,461,786.00 $ 10,723,498.00 AMENDED BUDGET $ 7,654,036.00 1,706,968,00 1,475,611.00 $ 10,836,615.00 FY 2011 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES "WOW ~PA. ••nn 9/8/2011 .nn••nn••nn ..... Administration Personnel Expenditures COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY TREASURER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES — ------- — ------------ --------------- ------ – – ------- – ----___________-- ------------------------- --------- $ 2,720,610.00 $ 2,726,155.00 $ 2,726,155.00 $ - 0.00% - 214,531.00 10,500 00 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 199,920 00 225,031.00 603,339.00 853,037.00 4.67% - Fav largely due to Township & City Treasury Bonds expense $11,100; partially offset by unbudgeted Miscellaneous Capital Outlay expense of ($600). 853,037.00 - 000% - Division Total $ 3,523,869.00 $ 3,804,223.00 $ 3,793,723.00 $ 10,500.00 0.28% Department Total $ 3,523,869.00 $ 3,804,223.00 $ 3,793,723.00 $ 10,500.00 0.28% 9/8;2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ADOPTED BUDGET AMOUNT AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE)PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 2,267,166.00 $ 2,272,766.00 $ 2,236,766.00 $ 36,000.00 1.58% - Favorable due to turnover. 428,181.00 74,977.00 218,007.00 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 435,275.00 $ 360,298.00 215,039.00 $ 215,039.00 17.23% - Fay. Communications $1,000, Workshops & Meetings $15,000, Public Info $3,977, Legislative Exp. $7,000, Legal Serv. $5,000, Personal Mileage $10,000, and Travel & Conference $13,000, due to conscious efforts to contain costs. Further, Fay. Teleconferencing $20,000 is forecasted. 0.00% - $ 2,913,354.00 $ 2,923,080.00 $ 2,812,103.00 $ 110,977.00 3.80% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 2,267,166.00 428,181.00 218,007.00 $ 2,913,354,00 $ 2,272,766.00 $ 2,236,766.00 $ 36,000.00 1.58% 435,275.00 360,298.00 74,977.00 17.23% 215,039.00 215,039,00 - 0.00% $ 2,923,080.00 $ 2,812,103.00 $ 110,977.00 3.80% 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES LIBRARY BOARD AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Library Board Personnel Expenditures $ 657,24a00 $ 657,249.00 $ 656,249.00 $ 1,000,00 0.15% Turnover Operating Expenditures 248,699.00 249,395.00 247,195.00 2,200.00 0,88% Favorable Travel & Conference $700, due to travel restricttions. Also, Fav. Workshops & Meeting $1,500 due to effort to contain costs. Internal Support Expenditures 515,171.00 516,794.00 516,794.00 0.00% Transfers $ 1,421,119.00 $ 1,423,438 00 $ 1,420,238.00 $ 3,200.00 0.22% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 657,249.00 $ 657,249.00 $ 656,249.00 $ 1,000.00 0,15% Operating Expenditures 248,699.00 249,395,00 247,19500 2,200.00 0.88% Internal Support Expenditures 515,171.00 516.79400 . 516,794.00 - 000% Transfers - - - - $ 1,421,119.00 $ 1,423,438.00 $ 1,420,238.00 $ 3,200.00 0.22% 9/8/2011 Operating Expenditures 457,412.00 472,695.00 455,803.00 Internal Support Expenditures 1,171,791.00 1,423,483.00 1,425,309,00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Water Resource Commissioner Personnel Expenditures $ 3,250,777.00 $ 3,559,325.00 $ 3,559,325.00 $ 0.00% EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 16,892.00 3.57% Unfav - Communications ($2,000) for Genesys audio video meeting conferences not budgeted. Fav - Education Programs $15,000 the result of the Soil Erosion unit spending less on education programs to inform the public on the usage of soil erosion products, Fav - Laundry and Cleaning $6,500 budget over estimated for the Soil Erosion staff uniform program. Unfav - Personal Mileage ($2,608) due to increase in staff utilizing their personal vehicles instead of County vehicles, (1,826.00) -0.13% Unfav Insurance Fund ($1,826) due to an increase in the number of random drug test. Transfers 56,165.00 56,165.00 56,165.00 0.00% Total $ 4,936,145.00 $ 5,511,668.00 $ 5,496,602.00 $ 15,066.00 0.27% Department Total $ 4,936,145.00 $ 5,511,668.00 $ 5,496,602.00 $ 15,066 00 0.27% 9/8/2011 Administration Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out Auditing Controllable Personnel CJn Controllable Operating Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out Corporation Counsel Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY EXECUTIVE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 2,010,498.00 $ 2,010,498.00 $ 2,015,243.00 $ (4,745.00) -0.24% - Favorable Salaries $37,250 due to turnover offset by (Unfav) Medical ($41,995). 224,173.00 253,559.00 210,059.00 43,500.00 17.16% - Fay. $27,000 due to invoice for FY 2011 Lobbyist services, inadvertently expensed against FY 2010 budget which resulted in past unfavorable variance as reflected in FY 2010 Yea( End Report. Additional Fav. Advertising $500, Contracted Services $1,000, Equip. Maint. $200, Freight & Express $300, Special Projects $8,000 and Travel & Conference $6,500 due to conscious efforts to contain costs. 490,473,00 478,509,00 478,509.00 0.00% - $ 2,725,144.00 $ 2,742,566.00 $ 2,703,811.00 $ 38,755.00 1.41% $ 593,560.00 $ 602,222.00 $ 627,412.00 $ (25,190.00) -4.18% - Fa.v. Salaries $8,210 offset by (Unfav) Medical ($15,400) and Retirement ($18,000) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. 88,323.00 88,644.00 11,394.00 77,250 00 87.15% - Favorable due to limited usage of Professional Services $75,000. Further Fay. Personal Mileage $500, Travel and Conference $750 and FA Prop Equip Exp $1,000 due efforts lo contain costs. 88,210.00 87,838.00 87,838 00 0.00% - S 770,093.00 $ 778,704.00 $ 726,644.00 $ 52,060.00 6.69% $ 1,954,122.00 $ 1,954,122.00 $ 2,027,122.00 $ (73,000 00) -3.74% - (Unfav) Medical ($23,000) and Retirement ($50,000) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget 57,273.00 61,204.00 46,904.00 14,300.00 2336% - Fav. Comp Research Serv $5,000, Court Cost $1,000, Period Books Publ $1,000, Personal Mileage $3,000, Prof Serv, S1,500, Reporter and Steno Serv. $500, Travel & Cent. $1,000. Workshops & Meeting $300 and FA Equip Exp. $1,000 due to efforts to minimize expenses. Internal Support Expenditures 198,957.00 203,898.00 203,898.00 0.00% - Transfer Out $ 2,210,352.00 $ 2,219,224.00 $ 2,277,924.00 $ (58,700.00) -265% Department Total 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY EXECUTIVE Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out ADOPTED BUDGET S 4,558,180.00 369,769.00 777,640.00 AMENDED BUDGET $ 4,566,842.00 403,407 00 770,245.00 FY 2011 FORECAST $ 4,669,777.00 268,357.00 770,245.00 AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT $ (102,935,00) -2.25% 135,050.00 33.48% 0.00% EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 5,705,589 00 $ 5,740,494.00 $ 5,708,379.00 $ 32,115.00 0.56% 9/8/2011 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Purchasing Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures ct Internal Support Expenditures Transfers COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2011 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Equalization Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 206,587,00 $ 206,587.00 $ 210,087.00 $ (3,500.00) -1.69% (Unfav) Retirement ($2,500) and Medical ($1,000) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. 5,580.00 6,339.00 5,314.00 $ 1,025.00 16.17% Favorable Memberships Dues $265, Printing $460 and Travel Conference $300 due to effort to contain costs. 15,410.00 14,560.00 13,960.00 $ 600.00 4.12% Favorable Mailroom $600. $ 227,577.00 $ 227,486.00 $ 229,361.00 $ (1,875.00) -0.82% $ 1,071,475.00 $ 1,071,475.00 964,325.00 $ 107,150.00 10.00% Favorable due to underfilling of positions with part time staff and turnover. 35,081.00 35,933.00 31,333.00 4,600.00 12.80% Favorable Travel & Conference due to restrictions on travel. 160,264.00 174,252.00 174,252.00 0.00% $ 1,266,820.00 $ 1,281,660.00 $ 1.169,910.00 $ 111,750.00 8.72% $ 7,709,453.00 $ 7,709,453.00 $ 7,549,453.00 S 160,000.00 2.08% Turnover. 18.09% Favorable Travel & Conference $8,000, and Personal Mileage $4,500 due to restrictions on travel. Fav. Professional Services due to limited expert witness fees on appraisals and motion fees $48,000 for the Michigan Tax Tribunal, 237,591.00 334,498.00 273,998,00 60,500,00 Internal Support Expenditures 1,234,683.00 1,367,036.00 1,367,036.00 - 0.00% Transfers - 0 00% $9,181,727.00 $9,410,987.00 $ 9.190,497.00 $ 220,500.00 2.34% 9(8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Fiscal Services Personnel Expenditures $ 7,464,238,00 $ 7,382,189,00 $ 7,285,189.00 $ 97,000.00 1.31% Favorable due to underfilling positions and vacancies. Operating Expenditures 230,324.00 310,832.00 275,332.00 35,500.00 11.42% Favorability for Personal Mileage $1,500 due to minimal travel. Also, Fav. Training Related $9,000, and Professional Services $25,000, due to limited activity, Internal Support Expenditures 1,390,779.00 1,480,283.00 1,474,283.00 6,000.00 0.41% Favorable Telephone Comm, $6,000, Transfers - 0.00% $ 9,085,341.00 $ 9,173,304.00 $ 9,034,804.00 $ 138,500.00 1.51% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 16,451,753.00 $ 16,369,704.00 $ 16,009,054.00 $ 360,650.00 2.20% Operating Expenditures 508,576.00 687,602.00 585,977.00 101,625.00 14.78% Internal Support Expenditures 2,801,136.00 3,036,131.00 3,029,531.00 6,600.00 0.22% Transfers - - 0.00% $ 19,761,465.00 $ 20,093,437.00 $ 19,624,562.00 $ 468,875.00 2.33% 9/8/2011 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 2,616.00 15,202.00 2,857.00 14,972.00 2,857.00 14,937.00 0.00% 0.00% Support Services Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Due to vacant position Fav. standard mail $74,000 due to external expense less than expected, offset by unfav revenue: reduced spending in expendable equipment $5,600, travel and conference $3,900, and equipment maintenance $6,000. -3.65% 3.64% 34.43% 677,114.00 725,450.00 724,900.00 550.00 0.08% - - 0.00% $ 1,807,058.00 $ 2,078,551.00 $ 1,944,551.00 $ 134,000.00 6.45% Fav. due to Printing contracted to Oakland Schools. Internal Support Expenditures Transfers COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ------------- — -------- ----- -------------- ------- — — — ------- ------- ---_—_--------- ----- ----------------------------____,— Administrative Personnel Expenditures $ 201,649.00 $ 201,649.00 $ 209,649.00 $ (8,000.00) -3.97% Unfav. fringe benefits ($8,000) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 219,467.00 $ 219,478.00 $ 227,443.00 $ (8,000.00) $ 1,076,116.00 $ 1,079,645.00 $ 1,040,345.00 $ 39,300.00 53,828.00 273,456.00 179,306.00 94,150.00 $ 1,277,765.00 $ 1,281,294 00 $ 1,249,994.00 $ 31,300.00 56,444.00 276,313.00 182,163.00 94,150.00 692,316.00 740,422.00 739,837.00 550.00 - - - 2.44% 34.07% 0.07% 0.00% $ 2,026,525.00 $ 2,298,029 00 $ 2,171,994 00 S 126,000.00 5.48% 9/8/2011 Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Facilities Engineering Personnel Expenditures $ 223,208.00 $ 223,208,00 $ 225,208.00 $ (2,000.00) -0.90% - Unfav. Retirement and Medical Costs. 4,596.00 5,180.00 3,380.00 1,800.00 34.75% - Fav. Membership Dues, Periodicals, and Travel & Conference based on expected usage. 29,758.00 29,081.00 27,181.00 1,900.00 6.53% - Fav. Telephone Communications based on expected charges. $ 257,562.00 $ 257,469.00 $ 255,769.00 $ 1,700.00 0.66% $ 893,760.00 $ 893,760.00 $ 663,260.00 $ 230,500.00 25.79% - Fav. due to turnover; a funding source change for a Facilities Engineering III position from the General Fund to the Facilities Maintenance & Operations SR Fund; and staff time charged to Building Authority funded Oakland County International Airport (OCIA) Project and other nroiects for engineering services. Operating Expenditures 85,888.00 86,184.00 86,184.00 - 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 66,836.00 66,740.00 64,040.00 2,700 00 4.05% - Fay. Telephone Communications and Motor Pool based on anticipated charges. (ft $ 1,046,484.00 $ 1,046,684,00 $ 813,484,00 $ 233,200.00 22.28% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures internal Support Expenditures $1,116,968.00 $1,116,968.00 $ 888,468.00 $ 228,500.00 90,484.00 91,364.00 89,564.00 1,800.00 96,594.00 95,821.00 91,221.00 4,600.00 20.46% 1.97% 4.80% $ 1,304,046.00 $1,304,153.00 $ 1,069,253.00 $ 234,900.00 18.01% 9/8/2011 Workforce Management Personnel Expenditures t•-) Operating Expenditures Operating Expenditures 16,552.00 16,764.00 10,004.00 $ Internal Support Expenditures 161,732.00 Transfer Out 161,482.00 50,000.00 160,082.00 $ 50,000 00 1,400 00 0.87% Favorable Telephone Comm $1,400 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE)PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 731,232.00 $ 731,232.00 $ 633,232.00 $ 98,000 00 13.40% Favorable due to underfilled position Operating Expenditures 275,506.00 282,814.00 232,014.00 $ 50,800.00 17.96% Favorable Prof, Serv. $33,000 due to limited usage, Employee Med Exams ADA $500, due to decline in submission requests. Also, a reduction in Fees - Per Diem $10,000 due to fewer meetings Additional Fay. Workshops & Meetings $800, Memberships, Dues & Pub. $5,000, due to negotiations to lower memberships tees and Travel & Conference $1,500, due to travel restrictions. Infernal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 52,757.00 48,146.00 47,146.00 $ 1,000.00 2.08% Favorable Telephone Comm $1,000. $ 1,059,495,00 $ 1,062,19200 $ 912,392.00 $ 149,800.00 14.10% $ 1,930,016.00 $ 1,874,101.00 $1,819,101.00 $ 55,000.00 2.93% Favorable due to underfilled positions. 190,295.00 224,545.00 133,545.00 $ 91,000.00 40.53% Favorable Employees Medical Exams $5,500, Recruitment Expense $40,000, and Exam Mat. $25,000 due to hiring freeze. Fav. Memberships Dues $1,500, Professional Services $3,000, Computer Supplies $1,500, Expendable Equipment $2,000 and Periodicals Books Fubl Sub $3,500 due to projected limited usage, Further Fav. Travel & Conference $9,000 due to travel restrictions. Internal Support Expenditures 545,243.00 629,643.00 624,643.00 $ 5,000.00 0.79% Favorable Telephone Comm. Transfer Out $ 2,665,554.00 $ 2,728,289.00 $2,577,289.00 $ 151,000.00 5.53% Benefits Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 168,076.00 $ 168,076.00 $ 168,076.00 $ 0.00% 6,760.00 40.32% Fav Membership Dues $100, Periodicals Books Publ Sub $500, Mileage $800, Software Support Maint. $360, Expendable Equipment $2,000 and Travel & Conference $3,000 due to concerted efforts to reduce spending. 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE)PERCENT $ 346,360.00 $ 396,322.00 $ 388,162.00 $ 8,160.00 2.06% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 2,829,324.00 $ 2,773,409.00 $2,620,409.00 $ 153,000.00 5.52% Operating Expenditures 482,353.00 524,123.00 375,563.00 148,560.00 28.34% Internal Support Expenditures 759,732.00 839,271.00 831,871.00 7,400.00 0.88% Transfer Out 50,000.00 50,000.00 $ 4,071,409.00 $ 4,186,803.00 $3,877,843.00 $ 308,960 00 7.38% t..11 U.) EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 9/8/2011 $ 22,569,724.00 $ 22,216,464.00 $ 22,216,464.00 4,962,672.00 7,512,798.92 6,917,798.92 595,000.00 607,751.00 607,751.00 Transfers Out COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 194,989.00 $ 194,989.00 $ 197,989.00 $ (3,000.00) 11,348,067.00 11,348,153.00 8,948,153.00 2,400,000.00 -1.54% - (Unfav.) Actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. 21.15% - Fay. Foster Boarding Homes $300,000, Private Institutions Residential and Foster Care $2,150,000 (Michigan Department of Human Services), Costs are based on caseload, difficulty of care, and treatment of services ordered by the Court. Fav, is partially offset by (Unfav.) Non-Dept. Child Care Subsidy Revenue (50% reimbursement). Fav. Management Services $500,000 due to change in contract for Mgmt of Golden Oaks, partially offset by (Unfav.) Insurance ($81,000) for a separate one- time premium payment obligation for "tail" coverage of 3 years. Premium is now due since Golden Oaks has officially completed move to new facility. Internal Support Expenditures 18,063.00 17,961.00 17,961.00 0.00% - - $ 11,561,119.00 $ 11,561,103.00 $ 9,164,103.00 $ 2,397,000.00 20.73% 4=> Transfers Out Health Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures 0.00% - 7.92% - Fay. Professional Services $335,000 from dental program due to a lull in admissions as a result of new vendor selection and a change in rates. and $65,000 primarily due to cancellation of x- ray contract. Carry forward of $335,000 from the dental program will be done at year end for FY 2012. Fav. Vaccines $125,000 due to the receipt of free vaccines, thus reducing the need to purchase vaccines, and Education Programs $25,000 due to the use of H1N1 funding to purchase learning materials. Fav. FA Propriety Equipment Exp $20,000 and Personal Mileage $25,000 based on current usage and continued efforts to minimize expenses and contain costs. Internal Support Expenditures 3,263,867.00 3,740,543.00 3,746,543.00 (6,000.00) -0.16% - (Unfav.) Convenience Copier ($3,000) and Motor Pool ($3,000) due to increased activity. $ 30,796,263.00 $34,077,556.92 $ 33,488,556.92 $ 589,000.00 1.73% 9/8/2011 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Children's Village Personnel Expenditures $ 13,882,311.00 $ 13,882,311.00 $ 13,882,311.00 $ Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 3,648,695.00 3,672,568.84 3,597,568.84 75,000.00 (19,000.00) (500.00) 2,754,709.00 2,773,709.00 2,696,087.00 5,064.00 4,564.00 Homeland Security Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 20,227,093.00 $ 20,314,152.84 $ 20,258,652.84 $ $ 745,213.00 $ 745,213.00 $ 675,213.00 $ 261,380.00 323,169.00 474,655.00 55,500.00 70,000.00 25,000.00 7,000.00 298,169.00 481,655 00 487,673 00 Transfers Out COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AMOUNT FY 2011 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 0.00% - 2.04% - Fav. Laundry and Cleaning $40,000, Dry Goods and Clothing $20,000, Custodial Supplies $25,000 along with Toilet Articles $10,000 due to efforts to minimize expenses and contain costs partially offset by (unfav.) Professional Services ($7,500) due to increased need for nursing services and Drugs ($12,500) as a result of increased need for medication to additional residents. -0.69% - (Unfav.) Convenience Copier ($7,500), Motor Pool Fuel Charges ($5,000) and Motor Pool- Lease ($6,500) due to increased activity. - (Unfav.) prior year charge for JABG grant match slightly more than anticipated due to grant year difference from the County fiscal year. 0.27% 9.39% - Fav. due to turnover and under filled positions. 7.74% - Fav. Maintenance Contract $25,000 due to a decrease in repairs for specialty/hazmat vehicles. 1.45% - Fav. Convenience Copier $1,000 due to credit obtained from vendor, Insurance Fund $5.000 and Motor Pool Fuel Charges $1,000 due to decreased activity and efforts to minimize expenses and contain costs. $ 1,550,0:37.00 $ 1,448,037.00 $ 102,000.00 Department Total Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Transfers Out $ 1,494,266.00 $ 37,392,237.00 20,220,814 00 6,465,690.00 $ 64,078,741,00 $ 37,038,977.00 22,856,689 76 6,994,868.00 612,315.00 $ 67,502,849.76 $ 36.971,977.00 $ 67,000.00 19,761,689.76 3,095,000.00 7,012,868.00 (18,000.00) 612,815.00 (500.00) 0.18% 13.54% -0.26% 0.00% $ 64,359,349.76 $ 3,143,500.00 4.66% 9/8/2011 ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT AMENDED EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ••nn••nn•n•nnn 00n1.9n OM./ $ 188.480,00 $ 4,800.00 6,164.00 207,090.00 174,124.00 Community Corrections Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 3,365,777.00 $ 3,365,777.00 3,462,477.00 $ (96,700.00) 524,370.00 530,913.00 487,913.00 43,000 00 Internal Support Expend Transfers 520,867.00 569,092.00 569,092.00 0.00% - 0.00% - ures COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES Public Services - Admin. Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 188,480.00 $ 194,520.00 $ (6,040.00) -3.20% - (Unfav) Medical ($4,040) and Retirement ($2,000) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. 4,800.00 2,000.00 2,800.00 58.33% - Favorable Travel & Conference $1,450, due to travel restrictions. Further, Fay. Special Event Program $1,350 due to effort to reduce costs. 6,164.00 6,164.00 - 0.00% - (3,240.00) 56,150.00 12,900.00 $ 199,444.00 $ 199,444.00 $ 202,684.00 $ Veterans' Services Personnel Expenditures $ 1,339,468.00 $ 1,339,468.00 211,501.00 198,601.00 UI cn Internal Support Expenditures Transfers -1.62% 4.19% - Turnover 6.10% - Favorable Soldiers Burial $10,000 due to lower than anticipated applications for burial. Further, Fay. Fees Per Diem $1,000, Miscellaneous $500, and Mileage $400 all due to containing costs, including additional favorability for Travel & Conference $1,000 due to restrictions. 0,00% - 0.00% 1,283,318.00 $ Operating Expenditures 169,815.00 169,815.00 $ 1,720,682.00 $ 1,720,784.00 $ 1,651,734.00 $ 69,050.00 4.01% -2.87% - Actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget including overage in Community Correction Grant Fund #27370 due to fringe benefit increase. 8.10% - Fay. Personal Mileage $4,200, Rent $14,530, Software Rental Lease Purchase $1,100, Custodial Supplies $2,300, Equip. Exp. $5,125, Office Supplies $1,255 and Grounds Supplies $6,490, due to recent relocation and efforts to contain costs. Also, Fav. Transportation of Clients $8,000 and lower than anticipated referrals to Weekend Alternative Program (VVAM). $ 4,411,014.00 $ 4,465,782.00 $ 4,519,482.00 $ (53,700.00) -1.20% MSU Ext. - Oakland County " See related revenue offset. 9/8/2011 274,685.00 286,927.00 (9,600,00) -0.31% - (Unfav) Medical ($9,600) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. 10,000.00 1.78% - Fay. Equip. Maint. $5,000 due to limited usage. Also, Fay. Travel & Conf. $4,000, Personal Mileage $2,000 and Training $10,000 due to travel restrictions, offset by (Unfav.) Laundry & Cleaning ($1,000) and Transportation Service ($10,000) due to increased workload. $ 3,069,072.00 $ 3,069,072.00 $ 3,078,672.00 $ 559,070.00 561,089.00 551,089 00 Transfers 118,992.00 118,992.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES PRO ^0 O. PO OW .1 AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ----- ----- — ----- ----- --- ------------- – ------ – ----- -------- --_____—___ ------------- — -------- ----------------- Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Medical Examiner Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 771,944.00 $ 771,944.00 $ 795,944.00 $ (24,000.00) -3.11% - (Unfav) Medical ($24,000) due to actual Medical and Retirement admin rates higher than budget. 70,451.00 84,569.00 69,269.00 15,300,00 18.09% - Fay. Travel & Conference $2,500, due to travel restrictons. Further, Fay. Car Allowance $7,000, Communications $500, Equip. Maint $300, and Printing $5,000 due to cost containment. 274,685.00 - 0.00% - $ 1,129,322.00 $ 1,131,198.00 $ 1,139,898.00 $ (8,700.00) -0.77% Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 1,035,171.00 1,058,536.00 1,058,536.00 0.00% - $ 4,663,313 00 $ 4,688,697.00 $ 4,688,297.00 $ 400.00 0.01% Animal Control Personnel Expenditures $ 1,678,894,00 $ 1,829,972.00 $ 1,639,972.00 $ 190,000.00 Operating Expenditures 154,967.00 189,092.44 189,092.44 - Internal Support Expenditures 684,385.00 794,163.00 780,163.00 14,000.00 10.38% - Favorable due to vacancies related to reorganization per MR #11017. 0.00% - 1.76% - Fav. Motor Pool Fuel charges $20,000 pending full implementation of South End Operations and Telephone $6,000 offset by (Unfav) Radio Communications ($12,000) based on usage. $ 2,518,246.00 $ 2,932,219 44 $ 2,728,219.44 $ 204.000 00 6.96% Circuit Court Probation Personnel Expenditures - $ Operating Expenditures 40,798.00 - $ $ 47,562,00 42,462.00 0.00% 5,100.00 10.72% Fav. Equip. Maint. $800 and Office Supplies $4,300 due to efforts to reduce costs. Internal Support Expenditures 532,610.00 526,464.00 526,464.00 0.00% $ 573,408.00 $ 574,026.00 $ 568,926.00 $ 5,100.00 0.89% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 10,413,635.00 $ 10,564,713.00 $ 10,454,903.00 $ 109,810.00 * See related revenue offset. 1.04% 9/8/2011 5.47% 0.41% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers ADOPTED BUDGET 1,561,546.00 3,240,248.00 AMENDED BUDGET 1,629,526.44 3,398,919.00 118,992.00 AMOUNT FY 2011 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT 1,540,426.44 89,100.00 3,384,919,00 14,000.00 118,992.00 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 15,215,429.00 $ 15,712,150.44 $ 15,499,240.44 $ 212,910,00 1.36% * See related revenue offset. 9/8/2011 $ 1,094,176.00 328,059.00 $ 1,094,176.00 534,125.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE :UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures 81,288.00 Transfers $ 1,503,523.00 (Storming and Economic Development Services Personnel Expenditures $ 3,476,089.00 Operating Expenditures 1,060,890.00 Internal Support Expenditures 939,694.00 Transfers $ 970,176.00 $ 124,000.00 493,625.00 40,500.00 94,774.00 92,174.00 $ 3,476,089.00 $ 3,428,789.00 1,275,900.00 849,500.00 858,470 00 9,500 00 100,000 00 100,000.00 11.33% - Turnover 7.58% - Fav. Professional Services $25,000 due to utilization of PTNE position to perform services previously obtained through professional services; fav. Printing $15,000 and Personal Mileage $7,000 based on anticipated usage; partially offset by unfav. Workshops & Meetings ($3,000) due to Business Roundtable Event and Memberships Dues ($3,500), 2.74% Fav. Telephone Communications based on charges less than anticipated. Turnover Fay, Operating $111,400 for update of Solid Waste Management Plan, which is delayed pending reformatting of plan guidelines by the State, primarily Professional Services, Advertising, Printing, Legal Services, Travel & Conference, and Membership Dues. Also fay. operating, primarily in Professional Services, for NO HAZ Program $175,000 based on reduced resident participation (offset by reduced program reimbursement), fay, Business Recruitment $75,000 due to an increased level of local activity in regards to business retention and expansion work, and fay, Printing $65,000 based on expected usage. NO HAZ fav. is offset by revenue loss. 1.09% Fay. Telephone Communications $4,500; Copier $2,500 & Mail Room $2,500 due to usage less than anticipated. 0.00% 2,600.00 867,970.00 $ 1,723,075.00 $ 1,555,975.00 $ 167,100.00 9.70% $ 47,300.00 1.36% 426,400.00 33.42% $ 5,476,673.00 $ 5,719,959.00 $ 5,236,759.00 $ 483,200.00 8.45% 9/8/2011 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET 84,000.00 $ 84,000.00 $ - 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AMOUNT FY 2011 FAVORABLE FORECAST :UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Community and Home Improvement Personnel Expenditures $ 84,000.00 $ Operating Expenditures Transfers Workforce Development Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 84,000,00 $ 84,000.00 $ 84,000.00 $ $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620 00 $ 25,620.00 $ - 0,00% $ 171,300.00 466,900.00 12,100.00 Department Total Spersonnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 4,679,885.00 $ 4,679,885.00 1,388,949.00 1,810,025.00 1,020,982.00 962,744.00 100,000.00 $ 4,508,585,00 1,343,125.00 950,644.00 100,000.00 3.66% 25.80% 1.26% 0.00% $ 7,089,816.00 $ 7,552,654.00 $ 6,902,354.00 $ 650,300.00 8.61% 9/8/2011 STATE AND FEDERAL - COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS Michigan Assoc of Counties National Assoc. of Counties S.E.M.C.O.G. Traffic Improvement Association Total 73,000.00 24,700.00 520,000 00 30,000.00 $ 647,700 00 $ $ 300,000.00 $ 829,417.00 647,700.00 $ 300,000.00 $ Fav. due to current contracts, which has Parks and Recreation . paying 20% of costs. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00°k 0.00% 0.00% 8.65% 0.00% 6.95% 0.000/0 100.00% Accelerated savings from previous budget task, included in the plan to build fund balance for use in FY 2012 - 2014. 0.00% 0.00% 40.00% Fay, due to decrease in cost. 12,000 00 12,000.00 45,000.00 45,000 00 2,441,965 00 2,441,965,00 0.00 162,709.00 162,709.00 224,608.00 224,608.00 1,309,945.00 1,309,945.00 1,984,471.00 1,984,471.00 3,507,726.00 3,507,726.00 36,400.00 36,400 00 56,795.00 56,795.00 53,000 00 53,000.00 220,450.00 220,450,00 9,998,069.00 $ 7,556,104.00 $ 430,185.00 1,608,186.00 856,676.00 7,802.00 430,185.00 1,608,186.00 856,676.00 7,802.00 0.00% 0.00% 0,00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2,441,965.00 24.42% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION 1,400,000.00 100.00 30,000.00 9,620,616.00 $ 11,292,548.00 $ 194,932.00 $ 16,900.00 30,000.00 NON-DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY OPERATIONS Insurance Fund Insurance Surety Bonds Logos and Trademarks Road Commission\Current Drain Assessment Reapportionment Road Commission 11-6 Party Agreement Provisions Transfer to CMHA Total COUNTY BUILDINGS SUNDRY EXPENSE RESERVED FOR TRANSFERS Expenditures Budget Transition 194,932.00 16,900.00 30,000.00 1,534,000,00 77,309.00 2,951,524.00 30,000.00 9,620,616.00 $ 14,455,281.00 73,000.00 24,700.00 520,000.00 30,000.00 $ 194,932.00 16,900 00 18,000,00 1,534,000.00 $ 77,309.00 2,951,524.00 30,000.00 9,620,616.00 $ 14,443,281.00 $ 73,000.00 $ 24,700.00 $ 475,000,00 30,000.00 602,700 00 $ 300,000.00 $ 3,239,304.00 $ 2,887,725.00 $ 2,887,725.00 Classification and Rate Change Contingency Emergency Salaries Grant Match Info Tech Development Legislative Expense Misc, Capital Outlay Overtime Appropriation Summer Employees Salary Appropriation Total Transfers to Other Funds Fire Records Management CLEMIS Information Technology Building Liability Insurance 162,709.00 301,917.00 1,309,945.00 2,073,515.00 5,897,170.00 36,400,00 75,000.00 53,000.00 250,000.00 $ 10,989,073.00 $ 430,185.00 1,608,186.00 856,676.00 0.00 90 .xls 9/8/2011 TOTAL NON-DEPT. APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER TO GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS Public Health Fund Child Care Fund Social Welfare Fund Foster Care COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT $ 2,895,047.00 $ 2,902,849.00 $ 2,902,849.00 $ 0.00% $ 29,363,672.00 $ 31,191,624.00 $ 28,692,659.00 $ 2,498,965.00 8.01% $ 22,828,593.00 $ 25,985,145.00 $ 25,985,145.00 23,641,834.00 23.718,852.00 23,718,852.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% EXPLANATION $46,471,427.00 $49,704,997.00 $49,704,997.00 $ 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 75,835,099.00 $ 80,896,621.00 $ 78,397,656.00 $ 2,498,965.00 3.09% t•-.) 90.xls 9/8;2011 FY 2011 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY 2011 BUDGET AS ADOPTED - GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS $ 383,199,390.00 BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #10272 - 10/21/2010 Management and Budget - Equalization Contract with the City of the Village of Orchard Lake M.R. #10260- 10/21/2010 Sheriff - Amendment to Police Dispatch Contract with Oakland Community College M.R. #10263 - 10/21/2010 Sheriff - Law Enforcement Contract with Oakland County Parks and Recreation M.R. #10283 - 11/3/2010 Board of Comm. - Tr-Party Road Improv Prog City of Novi (Planned Use of Fund Balance) 26 100.00 100,028.00 296,900.00 505,851.00 M.R. #10288 - 11/3/2010 Sheriff/Prosecutor NET Byrne Grant Acceptance Sheriff - Enhancement Funds $ 45,814.00 Prelgppi ant. Fnhannpmpnt Funds $ 32,016.00 77,830.00 M.R. #10293 - 11/18/2010 Prosecutor Attorney - Revisions of the FY 2011, FY 2012 and FY 2013 Budgets $ (141,408.00) M.R. #10312 - 12/9/2010 M&B FY 2010 Year End Report Encumbrances $ 153,953.13 Carry Forwards $ 5,633,486.00 $ 5,787,439.13 M.R. #10323 - 12/9/2010 Health Division - 2010/2011 Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting and Contracting (CPBC) M.R. #10306 - 12/9/2010 HHS Homeland Security Tornado Warning Siren for Commerce Township M.R. #10315 - 12/9/2010 HHS Homeland Security Tornado Warning Siren for Springfield Township M.R. #10331 - 12/9/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Oakland Township M.R. #10329 - 12/9/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Independence Township M.R. #10328 - 12/9/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Highland Township M.R. #10327 12/9/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Commerce Township M.R. #10334 - 12/9/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Rochester Hills M.R. #10321 - 12/9/2010 Sheriff - ORV Grant Acceptance (Off Road Vehicle) $ (149,404.00) 69,000.00 2,250.00 $ (103,509.00) (41,114.00) $ (164,459.00) $ 82,229.00 $ (254,065.00) 3,750.00 M.R. #10326 - 12/9/2010 $ (122,373.00) Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Brandon Township M.R. #10330 - 12/9/2010 (82,228.00) Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Lyon Township 63 85.167.00 55,690.00 $ 5,859,992.00 128,690.00 18,940.00 62,568.00 2,232.00 (78,404.00) 84,500.00 230,500.00 FY 2011 BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #10332 - 12/9/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Orion Township M.R. #10333 - 12/9/2010 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Oxford Township M.R. #11007 - 1/20/2011 Board of Comm. - Tr-Party Road Improv Prog City of Auburn Hills (Planned Use of Fund Balance) M.R. #11017 - 1/20/2011 Public Services -Animal Control Division Reorganization M.R. #11019 - 1/20/2011 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with the City of Pontiac M.R. #11020 - 1/20/2011 Sheriff - Dispatch Contract with the City of Pontiac M.R. #11015 - 2/9/2011 Circuit Court - Accept Donation from Restore Foundation M.R. #11016 - 2/9/2011 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with Brandon Township M.R. #11027 - 3/9/2011 Sheriff - Auxiliary Contract with the City of Orchard Lake M.R. #11028 - 3/9/2011 Sheriff - Patrol Contract with the Oxford Twp Amendment #1 M.R. #11055 - 3/24/2011 Board of Comm. - Tr-Party Road Improv Prog Waterford Twp (Planned Use of Fund Balance) M.R. #11049 - 3/24/2011 Central Services/Support Services Reorg (246,685.00) (103.509.00) M.R. #11068 - 4/21/2011 M&B FY 2011 First Quarter Report Tri Party - Planned Use of Fund Balance Sheriff Helicopter Fuel Adj - Planned Use of Fund Balance Wellness Program - Planned Use of Fund Balance Microloan Appropriation - Planned Use of Fund Balance Health eHealth Food Software - Planned Use of Fund Balance IT/District Court Project Balance WRC - Continuation of CAMS Project Prosecutor - Recognition of Donation by employees in lieu of Pay cut Sheriffs Office - Enhancement Funds Sheriffs Office - Adj Rev for Civil Processing, Div Felon Board & Care Treasurer - Recognition of Donation in Lieu of Pay Cut M&B Equalization - Adj Contract Revenue Econ Dev/ Planning and Dev - Adj Rev est Non Departmental - Adj Property Tax Est HHS/Health - Adj State Revenue Est M.R. #11080 - 5/4/2011 Board of Comm. - Tr-Party Road Improv Prog Royal Oak (Planned Use of Fund Balance) M.R. #11080 - 5/4/2011 Board of Comm. - Tr-Party Road Improv Prog Orion (Planned Use of Fund Balance) 9,260.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 254,491.00 $ 215,858.00 $ 520,592.00 $ 300,697.00 $ 28,585.00 $ 2,917,545.00 5,545.00 $ (341,899.00) $ 12,180.00 $ 30,600.00 $ 272.740.00 $ 4,396,194.00 150,667.00 29,167.00 64 FY 2011 BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #11078 - 5/4/2011 Water Resources Commissioner - Budget Task M.R. #11085 - 5/19/2011 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Addison Township M.R. #11086 - 5/19/2011 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Commerce Township M.R. #11088 - 5/19/2011 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Orchard Lake Village M.R. #11089 -5/19/2011 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Orion Township M.R. #11090 - 5/19/2011 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with West Bloomfield Township M.R. #11099 - 5/10/9011 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Village of Wolverine Lake M.R. #11095 - 5/19/2011 Sheriff - Camp Dearborn Contract for Law Enforcement M.R. #11094 - 5/19/2011 Sheriff - Contract Amendment for Court Security at the 43rd District Court - Hazel Park M.R. #11093 - 5/19/2011 Sheriff - Use of Forfeited Funds for Equipment and Training M.R. #11108 - 6/9/2011 Sheriff - Marine Patrol Contract with Independence Township M.R. #11117 - 6/9/2011 Sheriff - Fire Dispatch Contract with Lyon Township (16,218.00) 3,898.00 7,795.00 7,795.00 19,955.00 106,012.00 389800 8,529.00 19,709.00 458,006.00 3,898.00 5,803.00 TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 6/30/2011 $ 400,396,996.13 65 $25 Fee Paid? no no no no Month Letter Written-off ; Sent? 06/11 06/16/11 07/14/11 no 07/12/11 07/11 06/11 07/11 J. Steil Executive Officer - Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission Name (Last, First) Silak, David J. AIler, Michael J. No Name on Check Marton, David NI. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Uncollectible Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check Listing January 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011 BudgeT Date Month Receipt Center I NSF Amount * Replaced Number WLC; 06/13/11 44.00 n/a n/a WLC3 06/17/11 17.00 n/a n/a IND 06/22/11 5.00 n/a n/a LYP 06/29/11 48.00 n/a n/a Total $ 114.00 * Undellectible NSF checks of $100 or more are referred to Oakland County Corporation Counsel (OCCC). Oakland County Fiscal Services Policy: If it is determined that a receivable is uncollectible, then amounts up to $1,000 may be written off by approval of the manager of Fiscal Services. All write-offs shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners with the quarterly forecast report. Write-offs in excess of 61,000 require Board of Commissioners' approval. OCPR Uncollectible NSF Check Listing - write off.xls FY2011-02&Q3 TOTAL 1 $15.00 $960.00 $215.00 $504.54 CUSTOMER AIR1440 AIR2085 are now selling their aircra Per PAC- they are in Federal Court AN AIR LLC All A1R0030579 06/15/09 $23909 A1R0025289 09/15/08 $45000 $450.00 10/15/08 $30.001 $30.00 Al R2 mail Neturnea - unable to contact AIR2517 ARCHITECTURAL AIR AIR0032555 08/15/09 $3000 $30.00 AIR2206 SOUTHWEST AVIATION SPECIALTIE JET CHOICE Unable to collect AIR599 AIR0036343 Mail returned - unable to contact Al R0000403 AIR1003 $211.451 $211.45 60153AIR 60916AIR AIR116 $45.001 $45.00 200.001 $200.00 Al R2595 STUDEN, DUSAN Mail returned - Canadian Co. AIR0035733 01/15/10 $278.94 $278.94 Unable to contact 35.00 $35.00 I AIR2603 Wail returned - unable to contact 04/15/10 $15.00 $15.00 $45.00 07/15/10 AIR2635 D.A.R.M. Al R0038207 05/15/10 $15.00 $15.00 AIR0039811 AIR1151 .00 AIR0040116 48.82 Al R0040466 AIR0040466 $271.00 $27100 $271.00 $4882 $48.82 $271.00 $271.00 $271.00 $271.00 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WRITE-OFFS MAY 2011 Mail returned - Unable to contact A1R0040784 I 09/01/10 54 20 54.20 AIR0031389 AIR0031826 AIR0032038 AIR0032469 AIR0033126 230.00 $24.00 $240.00 $24.00 $240.00 $24.00 $24.00 Al R131 WEBB, WILLIAM unable to collect 05/15/09 06/01/09 06/15/09 07/01/09 07/15/09 08/01/09 09/01/09 AIR1343 WINN, ROY Filed bankruptcy_11/10 A1R0038455 I 05/15/10 A1R0039095 I 06/15/10 A1R0039450 I 07/01/10 A1R0039740 I 07/15/10 AiR004010e., I Ci8/01/10 $240.001 $240.00 $240.00 $240.00 $24 00 $24.00 $240.001 $240.00 $24.001 $24.00 AIR0040396 AIR0041062 AIR0041429 AIR0041697 08/15/10 09/15/10 10/01/10 10/15/10 $240.00 $240.00 $24.00 $240.00 $240.00 $240.00 $24.00 $240.00 AIR0042062 11/01/10 $24.00 $24.00 $6,292.95 AIR0030736 AIR0031178 $230.00 $24.00 $240.00 $24.00 $240.00 $24.00 $24.00 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WRITE-OFFS MAY 2011 Fav, variance due to decreased interest on debt obligations, and lower outstanding debt (see corresponding reduction to interest income). -4.52% 23.77% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.69% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND TREASURER'S OFFICE ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ----- --------- ------- __________ _____ DELINQUENT TAX REVOLVING FUND 51600 REVENUES Charges for Services $25,000,000.00 $25,000,000.00 $30,050,000.00 $5,050,000.00 20.20% Due to increase in delinquencies as a result of increase foreclosures. 2,512,900.00 $27,512,900,00 Other Revenues Total Revenues $27,512,900,00 2,404,300.00 (108,600.00) $32,454,300,00 $4,941,400.00 -4,32% Unfav. variance due to reduced investment base ($298,700); offsel. by favorable Prior Years Revenue adjustment of $190,100, 17.96% 2,512,900,00 OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Interest Expense Transfer Out to Other Funds: General Fund - Collection Fees GF Non-Departmental Work Release Facility Debt Svc Office Bldg Renovation Debt Svc 52-3 District Court Debt Service Total Transfer Out to Other Funds Total Operating Expenses REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Total Net Assets - Beginning Total Net Assets - Ending $ 97,308.00 460,250.00 1,500,000.00 5,299,976.00 23,150,000.00 1,842,800.00 2,083,132.00 1 400,875,00 33,776,783.00 $ 35,834,341.00 ($8,321,441.00) $ 97,308.00 460.250.00 1,500,000.00 5,299,976.00 23,150,000,00 1,842,800.00 2,083,132.00 1,400,875.00 33 776 783.00 $ 35,834,341.00 ($8,321,441.00) $ 101,708.00 350,850,00 1,000,000.00 5,299,976,00 23,150,000.00 1,842,800.00 2,083,132,00 1,400,875.00 33,776,783.00 $ 35,229,341,00 ($2,775,041.00) $225,028,370.35 $222,253,329.35 $ (4,400.00) 109,400.00 500,000.00 $ 605,000 00 $5,546,400.00 Ending FY 2011 Designated Fund Balance: Designated - Debt Service Designated - Deling Taxes Receivable Designated - Collection Fees Undesignated - Fund Balance Total Net Assets - Ending $72,568,273.84 105,909,116.47 15,000,000 00 $28,775,939.04 $222,253,32135 DTRF #51600 Quarterly Forecast.xlsx 9/8/2011 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION (50800) OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ...,,INON-OPERATING REVENUE 0(EXPENSE) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 95,624,784 32 92,683,984.32 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREATION ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ------- --------- -- ----------- -------------------___ $ 8,489,513.00 $ 8,489,513.00 $ 8,489,513.00 $ - 0.00% Revenue is seasonal with the majority of activity occurring in the third uric fourth quarters. $ 25,003,813,00 $ 25,019,813.00 $ 24,379,813.00 $ 640.000.00 2.56% Most expenses are not expected to vary from the budget at this time However, Depreciation is forecasted to be fay $770,000 due to variance between budgeting practice and actual depreciation based on projected completion of projects. $ (16,514,300.00) $ (16,530.300.00) $ (15,890,300.00) $ 640,000.00 3.87% $ 12,862,500.00 $ 12,878,500.00 $ 12,949,500.00 $ 71,000 00 0.55% Fiscal Year 2011 property tax revenue for Parks and Recreation is based on 2010 Taxable Value (December, 2010 levy). Fay. $71,000 due to revised Taxable Value per Equalization's April Report. TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS $ (3,651,800.00) $ (3,651,800.00) $ (2,940,800.00) $ 711,000.00 19.47% TRANSFERS IN $- - $ $ - $ - 0.00% TRANSFERS OUT $- $ - $ - $ - 0.00% TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS)* $ (3,651,800 00) $ (3,651,800.00) $ (2,940,800,00) $ 711,000 00 9/87201 I OPERATING REVENUES: Inside $4,251,282.00 $4,251,282.00 $4,139,282.00 ($112,000.00) 252,000 00 252,000 00 202,000 00 ($50,000 00) Outside Total Revenue 4,503,262.00 OPERATING EXPENSES 4,559,782 00 4,503,282 00 4,341,282 00 4,559,782.00 4,100,019 00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER FORECAST REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES DRPJN EQUIPMENT FUND ( 63900) -2.63% LInfav Rebilled Charges ($12,000) the result of the conversion cost related to the Cities, Villages and Townships for the Collaborative Asset Management System (CAMS) project coming to a completion, which will Do offset by salaries and fringes. Unfav - Reimbursement General ($100,000) the result of the Mapping Unit operations administrativa applied directly to the various systems, which will be offset by salaries and tilt-loos. -19.84% Unfav - External Rebilled Charges Revenue ($50,000) revenue is determined by rebiliable repair jobs. Unfavorable amount offset by favorable Contracted Services, (162,000 00) -3.60% 459,763.00 10.08% Fav - Salaries and Fringes $334,000 the result of the CV-Ps conversion process being completed for the Collaborative Asset Management System (CAMS) project and more of the Mapping Unit operations administrative cost being applied directly to the various systems. No budget amendment required as hours disbursed to other systems_ Fav - Contracted Services $100,000 a result of the decrease in rebillable repairs. Untav - Indirect Cost ($32,788) due to indirect cost rate finalized after budget process, Unfav - Natural Gas ($5,400) a result of increased use for cold winter and higher energy cost Unfav - Interest Expense ($2.045) the result of a loan from the George W. Kuhn Drain Fund for 2 Vectors and Jetter truck. Unfav - information Technology Development ($1,600) for maintenance performed on the Automatic Meter Reading System. Unfav - Maintenance Department Charges ($16,500) for SCADA dispatch services not budgeted (will budget in future). Unfav - Telephone Communications ($26,571) due to increase cost and use of Cell Phones and Mobile Data Cards, Fay - Drain Equipment $80,000, Equipment Repair $16,000 and Materials Supplies $28,000 the result of actual spending being less than anticipated budget projection. Unfav - Small Tools ($10,653) the result of actual spending being more than anticipated budget projection. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE (56,500 00) (56,500 00) 241,263.00 297,763 00 -527.01% 918/2011 $0.00 $0.00 $311,658.00 $311,658.00 3,939,908 00 $4,251,560.00 NET REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER FORECAST REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES NON OPERATING REVENUEI(EXPENSE) 5650000 56,500 00 70,395.00 13,895 00 2459% Fay - Accrued Interest Adjustment $3,028 for accrued booking adjustment for investment income. Fav - Income from Investment $9,000 the result of account earning a return due to a positive cash balance. Fav - Sale of Scrap $1,867 for sale 01 miscellaneous equipment. TRANSFER IN TRANSFERS (OUT) 000% 0.00% 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND RISK MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES I•n•nn n •nn I LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 67700 I OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue $ - $ - $ 25,200.00 $ 25,200.00 - Fay, due to reimbursements from 3rd parties pursuant to lawsuits. Inside Revenue 2,486,481.00 2,486,481.00 2,486,481.00 0.00% Total Operating Revenue $ 2,486,481.00 $ 2,486,481.00 $ 2,511,681.00 $ 25,200.00 1.01% OPERATING EXPENSE $ 2,597,026.00 $ 2,604,528.00 $ 2,682,500.00 $ (77,672.00) -2.98% - Untav. indirect costs due to actual charges developed after budget finalization. CLAIMS PAID 289,455.00 289,455.00 320,000 00 (30,545.00) -10.55% Unfav Claims paid due to higher than anticipated ciaims payments TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 2,886,481.00 $ 2,894,283 00 $ 3,002,500.00 $ (108,217.00) -3.74% OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (400,000 00) (407,802.00) (490,819.00) (83,017 00) 20.36% NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 - 0.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 0.00 7,802 00 7,802.00 - 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES , $ - $_ (83,017.00) $ (83,017.00) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 15,922,335 89 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $ 15,839,318.89 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 'OFFICE EQUIPMENT FUND 66400 I OPERATING REVENUE - INSIDE $ 872,224 00 $ 872,224.00 $ 872,224.00 $ 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSE 988,247.00 1,038,247.00 947,200.00 $ 91.047 00 8.77% Fay. indirect costs due to actual charges developed after budget finalization, Budget amendment recommended. OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (116,023.00) (166.023.00) (74,976.001 91,047 00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 3500000 35,000.00 35,000 00 $ 0.00% NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS (81023 00) (131,023,00) (39,976.00) 91,047.00 VP[RATING TRANSFERS IN 200,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 NET REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BAL)' $118,977_00_ $118,977.00 $210,024.00 $91,047.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 3.001,675.20 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $3,211,699.20 9/8/201 I I FRINGE BENEFITS FUND 67800 OPERATING REVENUE RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION RETIREMENT ADMINISTATION - PTNE DEFINED CONTRIBUTION FLAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND ADOPTED AMENDED FY2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 48,699,588 48,699,588 45,823,288 (2,876,300) -5.91% - Unfavorable due to decrease in full time positions, while costs established by debt service schedule remain unchanged, Partially offset by $1.4 m. favorability of Defined Contribution. 2,242,467 2,307,267 2,200,267 (107,000) -4.64% - _ 116,000 116,000 0.00% 12,200,000 12,200,000 13,600,000 1,400,000 11.48% - Unfavorable ($650,000) due to decrease in contributions, plus $2.1 m. ICMA refund of non-vested employee retirement benefits. DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN - PTNE 175,000 175,000 175,000 - 0.00% DEFERRED COMPENSATION - COUNTY 100,500 100,500 100,500 - 0.00% DEFERRED COMPENSATION - ADMIN 64,800 - - - 0.00% EMPLOYEE IN-SERVICE TRAINING 1,330,306 1,330,306 1,330,306 - 0.00% EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UNIT 629,143 629,143 593,643 (35,500) -5.64% FLEX BENEFIT PLAN 200,000 200,000 188,000 ( 12 , 000) -6.00% WELLNESS UNIT 497,067 497,067 467,067 (30,000) -6.04% FRINGE BENEFITS 90,103 90,103 90,103 - 0.00% TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 260,000 260,000 260,000 - 0.00% RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS 450,000 450,000 484,000 34,000 7.56% ......) GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 859,000 859,000 831,000 (28,000) -3.26% 1-11 SOCIAL SECURITY 15,300,000 15,300,000 15,300,000 - 0.00% - MEDICAL INSURANCE 24,220,000 24,220,000 28,100,000 3,880,000 16.02% - Based on use of Blue Cross illustrative rates and premiums for Health Alliance Plan. PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE INSURANCE 8,957,000 8,957,000 10,400.000 1,443,000 16.11% - Based on use of Navitus illustrative rates. DENTAL INSURANCE 3,051,000 3,051,000 3,051,000 - 0.00% VISION INSURANCE 177,500 177,500 163,000 (14,500) -8.17% DISABILITY INSURANCE 601,200 601,200 580,000 (21,200) -3.53% SHORT-TERM DISABILITY 1,586,700 1,586,700 1,700,000 113,300 7.14% - Fav. due to an increase in short term disability claims, charged directly to departments. WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,658,075 2,658,075 2,804,475 146,400 5.51% UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 950,000 950,000 900,000 (50,000) -5.26% INVESTMENT INCOME 1,550,087 1,550,087 800,087 (750,000) -48.38% - Unfavorable due to lower than expected available cash balance. EXT - FLEX BEN MEDICAL - EMPLOYEE 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 - 0.00% EXT - MEDICAL INSURANCE 280,000 280 000 280,000 - 0.00% EXT - PRESCRIPTION DRUG REBATES 465,000 405.000 500,000 35,000 7,53% EXT - PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT - - 4,000 4,000 0.00% EXT - DENTAL INSURANCE 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 0.00% EXT - VISION INSURANCE 2,500 2,500 2,000 (500) -20.00% EXT - FLEX BEN LIFE INSURANCE 400,000 400,000 400,000 - 0.00% EXT - FLEX BEN DENTAL INSURANCE 115,000 115,000 96,000 (19,000) -16.52% EXT - FLEX BEN VISION INSURANCE 105,000 105,000 105,000 - 0.00% EXT - FORFEITURE OF DEPOSITS 2,110,000 2,110,000 2,110,000 _ 0.00% EXT - TRAINING - - 3,000 3,000 0.00% EXT - OTHER REVENUE - ICMA REBATES 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 0,00% TRANSFERS IN - 50,000 50,000 - 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE 135,502,036 135,552,036 138,782,736 3,230,700 2.38% FRINGE BENEFITS 3RD OTR FORECAST 9 1 11.xlsx 9/6/2011 1FRINGE BENEFITS FUND 67800 ----------- -------- ----- OPERATING EXPENSE RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT PRINC. RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT INT. RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN - PTNE DEFERRED COMPENSATION - COUNTY DEFERRED COMPENSATION - ADMIN EMPLOYEE IN-SERVICE TRAINING 1N-SERVICE TRAINING. INFO TECH EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UNIT FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PAYMENTS WELLNESS PROGRAM ACCOUNTING SERVICES TUITION REIMBURSEMENT RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICAL INSURANCE HOSPITALIZATION MEDICARE REIMB PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE C DENTAL INSURANCE VISION INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WORKERS COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENT PRIOR YEARS EXPENSE UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION CHILD CARE FACILITY INDIRECT COSTS SICK AND ANNUAL LEAVE CASH-OUT TOTAL EXPENSE NET REVENUE OVERAUNDER) EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS. BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING - Unfavorable clue to fees based on increasing value of portfolio. - Favorable due to decrease in contributions. - Favorable due to waiver 0115% adminstrative fees and less service lees. - Unfavorable due to increase in short term disability claims, offset by revenue - Favorable due to less excess workers comp insurance. - Unfavorable due to correction of FY2010 expenditures. - Favorable due to actual charges developed after budget finalization. (860,000) (877,100) -0.65% 2.353.600 - Unfavorable based on past history. VARIANCE FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT ---------- --------- EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ---------------- - (535,000) 700,000 50,000 12,000 (34,000) 28,000 - - (1,000) 222,000 15,000 (92,100) (20,000) 30,600 (449,600) 50,000 7,000 0.00% 0..00% -23.19% 4,84% 0..00% 0,00% 0.00% 0,00% 0.00% 7,95% 6.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -7.56% 2.22% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.36% 0 00% 5.26% -4.21% 1.15% 0.00% 5,26% 0.00% 2. 39% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND AMENDED FY2011 BUDGET FORECAST 18,320,000 18,320,000 18,320,000 30,379,588 30,379,588 30,379,588 2,242,467 2,307,267 2,842,267 14,450,000 14,450,000 13,750,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 100,500 100,500 100.500 64,800 980,306 980,306 980,306 350,000 350,000 350,000 629,143 629,143 579,143 200,000 200,000 188,000 497,067 547,067 547,067 90,103 90,103 90,103 260,000 260,000 260,000 450,000 450,000 484,000 1,259,000 1,259,000 1,231.000 15.300,000 15,300,000 15,300,000 29,500,000 29,500,000 29,500,000 1,000 9,422,000 9,422,000 9,200,000 3,191,000 3,191,000 3,191,000 285,000 285,000 270,000 2,187,900 2,187,900 2,280,000 300,000 300,000 320,000 2,658,075 2,658,075 2,627,475 449,600 950,000 950,000 900,000 249,009 249,009 249,009 292,725 292,725 285,725 718,353 718,353 1,578,353 502,036 135,552,036 136,429,136 0.00 0.00 2,353,600 12,743,506 15,097:06 ADOPTED BUDGET ----- FRINGE BENEFITS 3RD QTR FORECAST 51 11.xlsx 9/C/2011 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES - OPERATING REVENUE $5,084,167,00 $508416700 $4,352,167.00 ($732,000.00) OPERATING EXPENSE 5,705,192.00 5,705,192.00 5,476,692.00 228,500.00 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) ($621,025.00) ($621,025 00) ($1,124,525 00) (224,516 00) (359,516.00) ($503,500.00) (135,000 00) 81.08% 60.13% Unfavorable ($135,000) due to lower than anticipated income from investments (224,516.00) ($638,500.00) ($638,500.00) $0.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (56500) -14.40% - Unfavorable 7-Hangar Rental ($412,000) due to a decrease in the number of T-Hangars leased, Aviation Gas ($176,000) and Land Lease ($144,000), due In lower than anticipated leases and gas concessions 4.01% - Favorable Overtime and associated Fringe Benefits $94,600, due to less maintenance needed with higher 1-Hangar vacancies: Insurance expense, fav. $32,000, Managing Services fay. S28,300, due to less than anticipated managment service needed at the Oakland/Southwest Airport; Bldg Maint Charges, lay. $28,000, due to lower than anticipated costs, Indirect Costs, fay $26.700, due to lower fixed costs due to down economy; Electrical Service lav. $18,900, due to less energy needed for unleased units. TOTAL INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS IN CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 845.541.00 TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS) $0.00 845,541.00 ($638,500.00) 845,541.00 0.00% ($845,541.00) ($845,541 00) $ (1,484,041.00) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $ 67,851,059.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $67,212,559,00 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES MOTOR POOL FUND 66100 OPERATING REVENUE: Outside Revenue ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) _____------- ---------- ------- $ 77,000.00 $ 77,000.00 $ 53,300.00 $ (23,700.00) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -------- --------- -30.78% - Unfav, due to reduced productive labor ($31,500) and CVT's requesting less services, offset by fav. warranty reimbursement $7,800 due to GM warranty claims handled in-house. Inside Revenue 7,422,548.00 7,497,279.00 7,630,979.00 $ 133,700.00 1.78% - Anticipated fav. leased equipment $65,000 and parts and labor $77,000 due to new Sheriff contract with City of Pontiac. Budget amendment is recommended. Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSE co OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS TRANSFERS IN ! (OUT) $ 7,499,548.00 $ 7,574,279.00 $ 7,684,279.00 $ 110,000.00 7,589,548.00 7,677,427.00 7,762,327.00 $ (84,900.00) $ (90,000.00) $ (103,148.00) $ (78,048.00) $ 25,100.00 90,000.00 130,000.00 189,000.00 $ 59,000.00 $ 26,852.00 $ 110,952.00 S 84,100.00 146,992 00 (586,008 00) $ (733,000 00) -1.11% - Unfav. Payroll and fringe benefit expenses ($51,000) due to increase in medical costs and on-call costs; increase in expendable equipment ($326,000) due to purchase of used vehicles for departments and Sheriff's contract with City of Pontiac. A budget amendment is recommended. Fav, fleet insurance $205,000 due to premium savings; reduction in depreciation expenses S46,000 due to departments keeping vehicles longer; decrease in spending in car wash $10,000, sublet repair $20,000, and auction expense $3,000. A budget amendment is recommended. 45.38% - Fay, gain on sale of vehicles $52,000 due to high used vehicles price. Budget amendment is recommended. Unfav ($750,000) due to repayment of prior years advance from General Fund. Budget amendment is recommended. Fav. $17.000 due to used vehicle purchased for NET agreement with City of Rochester per MR #11140. NET REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BAL.) " TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING • $ 173,844.00 $ (475,056.00) $ (648,900.00) $ 8,079,964.52 $ 7,604,908.52 J:1FiscalSvc\Budget\Forecast_New\SUPPORT SERVICES xlsx 9/8/2011 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST 'MAILING, CONVENIENCE COPIER AND PRINTING FUND 66700 OPERATING REVENUE: Outside Revenue $ 583,500.00 $ 291,750.00 $ 266,567.70 $ (25,182.30) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES VARIANCE FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -8.63% - Support Services reorganized mid year per MR # 11049. Convenience Copier program has been transferred to IT fund. Mail Room staff have been transferred to the General Fund, Printing is now outsourced to Oakland Schools. Final closeout amounts will be presented in the year end report, Inside Revenue Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSE OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) NET REVENUE OVERi(UNDER) XPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BAL.) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 2,728,000 00 $ 3,311500.00 3,385,396.00 $ (73,896 00) 1,000 00 1,364.000.00 788,077.82 $ (575,922.18) $ 1,655,750.00 $ 1,054,645.52 $ (601,104.48) 1,692,697.00 1,155,744.17 536,952.83 $ (36,947.00) $ (101,098.65) $ (64,151.65) 500.00 (60,671.86) $ (72,896.00) $ (36,447 00) $ (161,770.51) $ (125,323.51) $ 206,577 15 $ 44,806.64 -42.22% - See note above. 31.72% - See note above. (61,171.86) -12234.37% - Unfav. loss on sale of equipment due to closing of fund. *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item budget), Planned Use of Fund Balance appears listed with the revenue accounts. J:\FiscalSvc\Budget\ForecastNew\SUPPORT SERVICES xlsx 91812011 Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSES 00 TRANSFERS IN COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (#63100) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue Inside Revenue $468,800.00 $524,592.00 $625,492.00 100,900.00 19.23% - Fay. External Other Revenue for reimbursement of utilities costs by Ciena Healthcare due to delayed move from Medical Care Facility to private facility and for reimbursement of equipment repairs. 25,094,06.4.00 25,041,350.00 24,858,150.00 (183,200.00) -0.73% - Reduced Office Space Rental revenue based on lease agreement with O.C. Road Commission for leased space in the IT Center ($50,400): lower Maintenance Department Charges based on anticipated level of departmental requests ($175,000); Refund of Prior Years Expenditure $35,800 for reclassification of FY 2010 charges from the Facilities Maintenance & Operations Fund to the Project Work Order Fund, and Sale of Equipment $6,400. $25,562,864.00 $25,565,942.00 $25,483,642.00 ($82,300.00) -0.32% $26,257,308.00 $26,194,207.00 $23,471,307.00 $2,722,900.00 10,40% - Fav. Natural Gas/ Fuel Oil S800,000 due to lock-in of favorable long-term pricing contracts; fav. Electrical Service $700,000 due to lower-cost third-party contracts and savings from energy conservation initiatives implemented by FM&O; fay. Sublet Repairs $900,000 and Maintenance Supplies $125,000 due to more efficient management of building maintenance related items and fewer required major repairs and project work; fav. Road Salt $73,500 due to reduced road salt usage as a result of moderate weather conditions and implementation of new guidelines to reduce the amount of salt applied per run; fav. Water & Sewage Charges $100,000 based on expected usage; fav. Garbage & Rubbish Disposal $75,000 due to reduced volume caused by fewer buildings and reduced costs at various buildings ; fav. Overtime $55.000 due to moderate weather conditions for snowplowing activity; fay. Depreciation $26,800 based on depreciation schedule; and fav. Indirect Costs $23,400 due to determination of costs subsequent to budget determination. Favorability is partially offset by unfav. Personnel ($33,700) due to underbudeeting of hospitalization and retirement costs; IT Operations ($52,500), due to addition of CAMS software maintenance charges; Security Supplies ($40,000) due to increased use of account (with corresponding reduced usage of Maintenance Supplies account); IT Development (10,000) primarily for website enhancements; Rent ($15,000) required for furniture storage; and Adjustment of Prior Years Revenue (12,900). NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($694,444.00) ($628,265.00) $2,012,335.00 $2,640,600.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $185,000.00 S35,000.00 23.33% Fay. due to higher than anticipated rate of return on investments and investment NON-OPERATING REVENUE - base. FACILITIES INTERNAL FORE.xlsx 9/8/2011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES TRANSFERS OUT (900,000.00) (900,000.00) (900,000.00) 0.00% - Transfers Out to Project Work Order Fund for Maintenance projects. NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES* ($1,444,444.00) ($1,378,265.00) $1,297,335.00 $2,675,600.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $11,199,110 99 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $12,496,445.99 *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. 00 FACILITIES INTERNAL FORE xlsx 9/8/2011 OPERATING EXPENSES $31,546,529.00 $32,437,821 00 $26,039,721,00 $6,398,100 00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Information Technology - Operations (63600) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $931,545.00 $941,578.00 $720,978.00 ($220,600.00) -23.43% - Unfav. Enhanced Access Fees ($117,100) due to decreased customer usage: Outside Agencies ,($163,800) due to reduction in external customer requests & Reimb Equal ($10,600). PartialIly offset by fav. Deferred Land File Tax $69,000 due to increased tax & assessment billings and Sale of Equip $2,000, Inside 24,776,239.00 25,009,034.00 24,211,334.00 (797,700_00) -3.19% - Unfav. Depts OC Dept.{ Dev ($622,000) & Imaging Dev & Ops ($360,700) due to rates at prior year levels and Clemis Ops ($58,4001 subsequent to budget. Partially offset by Non Govt'l Dee & Ops $243,400 due to increase in projects requested by Non-GE. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $25,707,784.00 $25,950,612.00 $24,932,312.00 ($1,018,300.00) -3.92% 00 L•..) 19.72% - Fay. due to Sal & FB $1,690,800 due to vacancies; Depreciation $2,687,600 fully depreciated equip not reflected in budget projection; Equip Maint $938,400 due to lower than anticipated hardware maint costs; Software Maim $159,000 & Soft Rental $ 276,300 reflects actual costs; Indirect Cost $241,800; Copier $60,600; Communications $279,000 due to lower than anticipated costs; Service Bureau $123,200 due to phrasing out of microfiche costs; Supplies $184,400; Contracted Svcs $100,300 due to decrease in costs; Travel $110,200 due to decline in staff attending conferences; Printing $38,700 & Internal Svc $78,300 based on actual usage. Partially offset by unfav. Charge Card Fees ($46,600) for increase of credit card charges & Prof Svcs ($523,500) for previously approved IT projects A budget amendment will be included to adjust Prol Svcs for previously approved projects & planned maintenance funded out of IT equity . NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($5,838,745.00) ($6,487,209 00) ($1,107,409.00) $5,379,800.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 305,500.00 305,500.00 148,900.00 (156,600,00) -51.26% Unfav. Interest Income due to lower cash balance than anticipated. TRANSFERS IN 906,676.00 1,514,427.00 3,614,427.00 2,100,000 00 138.67% TRANSFERS (OUT)- - (215,858.00) (215,858.00) 0.00% NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXF" (.94.626,569.00) $4,883,140 00) $2,440,060.00 $7,323,200.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 22,549,538.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $24,989,598.00 *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. $32,000.00 3,025,664.00 2,681,164.00 $3,057,664.00 $3,481,464.00 0.00% (344,500.00) -11.39% ($344,500.00) -11.27% $67,100.00 1.93% $32,000.00 $ $2,713,164.00 $3,414,364.00 $32,000.00 3,037,760 00 $3,069,760.00 $3,493,560.00 ($701,200.00) ($277,400.00) 22,500.00 75.00% Fay. Interest Income due to higher cash balance than anticipated 0.00% 0.00% ($393,800.00) 52,500.00 ($393,800 00) ($648,700.00) ($254,900.00) 4,658,228 00 $4,009,528 00 ($423,800.00) 30,000 00 ($423,800 00) 30,000 00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Information Technology - Telephone Communications (67500) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Inside TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE cRPERATING TRANSFERS f.k.) NON-OPERA1ING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING Unfav. Leased Equip due to decreased use of pagers. Fay. Sal & FB $30,600 due to under/ills & vacancies; Indirect Cost $63,500; Sublet Repairs $105,600 due to lower than anticipated repair volume performed by outside vendors; Tower Charges $39,900 due to decreased pager usage; Exp Equip $96,t:A0 due to decreased equip replacements; Soft Maint $17,900, Equip Maint $10,000 &M;1'nt Equip $12,700 subsequent to budget; Prot Svcs $4,000, Travel $5,000 & Voice M.):: $2,000 due to decreased costs. Fav. partially offset by unfav. Comm ($301,500) cr..%• to increased usage & Internal Svcs ($18,400) due to actual usage. Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $4,290,370.00 $4,290,370.00 $4,203,770.00 ($86,600 00) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Information Technology - CLEMIS (53500) 2.02% Unfav.CLEMIS Citation ($100,000) agencies utilizing programs less than anticipated, in- Car Terminals External ($132,100) due to Mobile Data participation count lower than budget projection; CLEMIS Ops ($30,000) based on lower participation count & Rebilled ($42,000) due to connectivity costs. Partially offset by fat/. CLEMIS Crash $50,000 due to implementing addl agencies; Parts & Access $4,100 for CLEMIS Tech support: & Maintenance Contracts $163,100 Livescan maint after warranty. Inside 829,465.00 829,465.00 847,165.00 17,700.00 2.13% Primarily Fav,due to In-Car Terminals Internal due to Mobile Data participation count higher than budget projection, TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $5,119,835 00 $5,119,835.00 $5,050,935.00 ($68,900.00) -1.35% OPERATING EXPENSES $7,116,125.00 $7,193,913 00 $5,935,413 00 $1,258,500.00 00 17.49% Fav.Sal/FB $338,500 due to underfills & vacancies; Prof Svcs $414,900 due to contractual services tunded through grants for Records Management System upgrade; Comm $99,500; Rebillable Services $44,500 based on actual connectivity costs to Tier 2.5 & 3.0 agencres; Soft Maint $494,300 due to timing of anticipated maintenance costs; Internal Svcs $176,100 based on actual usuage. Offset by unfav. Bank Charges ($43,800) due to cost for paypal services for E-Commerce transactions; Indirect Cost ($23,900): Equip Maint ($55,000) due to higher than anticipated hardware maint costs; Ad) Pr Yr Rev ($87,400); Printing ($600) for reduced printing costs & Software Rental ($101,900) staff requiring development tools to complete various CLEMIS projects . NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($1,996,290.00) ($2,074,078.00) ($884,478.00) $1,189,600.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 15,000.00 15,000,00 39,200.00 24,200.00 161.33% Fav. Interest Income due to higher cash balance than anticipated. TRANSFERS IN 2,044,186.00 2,044,186.00 2,044,186.00 - 0.00% TRANSFERS (OUT) - - 0.00% CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 800,000.00 877,788.00 1,506,088.00 628,300.00 0.00% Fav. for Records Mgmt System upgrade. NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* $862,896 00 $862,896.00 $2704996.00 $1,842,100 00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 11,589,070.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS- ENDING $14,294,066.00 Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category and Budgeted Equity Ad) in Expenses. OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $6,261,277.00 $6,261,277.00 $6,745,977.00 $484,700.00 290,965.00 290,965.00 309,565.00 18,600.00 $6,552,242.00 $6,552,242.00 $7,055,542.00 $503,300.00 Inside TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE Fay. Primarily due to Parts & Access. 6.39% 7.68% ($2,153,528.00) ($2,153,828.00) ($1,316,528.00) $837,300.00 150,000 00 150,000.00 375,000.00 225,000 00 150.00% Fay. primarily due to Interest income, higher cash balance than anticipated - - - - 0.00% (486,000 00) (486,000.00)0 (486,000.00)- 0.00% ($2489828.00) ($2,489,828.00) ($1,427,528.00) $1,062,300.00 OC OPERATING EXPENSES 3.84% Fay. Sal & FB $141,900 due to vacancies; Soft Maint $128,000, Maint Contract $77,300 & Indirect Cost $80,100 subsequent to budget projection; Comm $89,000, Special Project $40,000 due to postponement of painting towers; Parts & Access $85,000 due to warranty coverage of new system; Travel $13,700 due to decline in traveling; Small Tools $7,500 due to decreased costs; Freight $1,200, Utilities $10,000, Laundry $800.& Internal Svcs $195,300 based on actual usage. Partially offset by unfav. Equip Maint ($99,500) due to higher than anticipated maintenance cost of CAD equipment; Deprec ($249,000); Tower Charges ($22,000) due to contractual increases for leased towers; Expendabie Equip ($152,100) due to Next Generation 911 equip replacement* & Training ($12,600) due to training related costs $8,706,070.00 $8,700,070.00 $8,372,070.00 $334,000.00 NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED BUDGET Information Technology - Radio Communications (53600) AMENDED BUDGET FY 2011 FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 7.74% Fay. E-911 $673,900 due to higher than anticipated revenue from Communication devices including Surcharge rate effective Jul 1, 2010 and Antenna Site $12,100 due lo additional equipment installed by co-locators. Partially offset by unfav.Outside Agencies ($201,300) due to fewer non-emergency agencies than anticipated. TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 57,236,617.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $55,809,089.00 Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 THIRD QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS! ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2011 BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST VARIANCE EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Fire Records Management ( 53100) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NON-OPERATING REVENUE RANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* $200.002.00 $200,002.00 $196,502.00 ($3,500.00) -1 75% Unfav. primarily due to actual Rebilled Charges lower than anticipated. $200,002.00 $200,002.00 $196,502.00 ($3,500.00) -1.75% $628,553.00 $628,553.00 $591,853.00 $36,700.00 5.84% Fav. Sal 8iFB $10,300 due to fav.overfirne & on call; Communications $15,100 due to savings in connectivity costs: Exp. Equip. $11,800 extending useful life of equip; Mileage $2000 & Internal Svcs $4,900 due to actual usage. Offset by untav. Software Maint ($7,600) cue to increase in maintenance costs. ($428,551.00) ($428,551.00) ($395,351.00) $33,200.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,700.00 2,700.00 135.00% Interest Income favorable due to higher cash balance than anticipat 430,185.00 430,185.00 426,485.00 (3,700.00) -0.86% - - - 000% $3.634.00 53,634 00 $35,834.00 $32,200.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 445,104.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $480,938.00 Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category and Budgeted Equity Adj in Expenses. Resolution #11206 September 22, 2011 Moved by Nuccio supported by McGillivray the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Crawford, Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Greimel, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Nuccio, Potts, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Taub, VVeipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic, Covey. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). HEREBY APPROVE ;HE FOREGOING RESOLUTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Bill Bullard Jr., Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on September 22, 2011, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 22nd day of September, 2011. E:dx2_ Bill Bullard Jr., Oakland County