HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2011.12.15 - 18818MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #11305 December 15, 2011 BY: Finance Committee, Tom Middleton, Chairperson IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2011 YEAR-END REPORT AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all accounts have been posted and final adjustments made for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011; and WHEREAS Statement #1 and #54 of the Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Standards requires that encumbrances be treated as an assigned fund balance at the year-end and that such amounts be re-appropriated in the subsequent year in order to be available for expenditure; and WHEREAS the results of operations after consideration of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments, and closing entries was a favorable variance of total resources over total expenditures as reflected in the attached schedule; and WHEREAS FY 2011 General Fund General Purpose actual revenue was less than budgeted revenue by ($917,852.56): and WHEREAS FY 2011 General Fund actual operating expenditures and transfers were less than budgeted operating expenditures and transfers by $31,836,022.97 rendering overall operating revenues more than expenditures for FY 2011 by $30,918,170.41; and WHEREAS the following Non—Spendable reserves have been created: $147,770.97 to cover pre- payments and $144,926.77 for inventories; and WHEREAS $3,540,508.71 transferred into the General Fund due to the closing of the Property Tax Forfeiture fund is restricted for this purpose; and WHEREAS a portion of Convention Facility Tax revenues received is restricted for Health Substance Abuse programs in the amount of $1,746,562; and WHEREAS assignments have been established to recognize planned use of fund equity to balance budgets for FY 2012, $17,508,009; FY 2013, $39,083,224 and FY 2014, $45,816,531; and WHEREAS an assignment of $10,000,000 has been established for FY 2015, to cover potential increases in the Annual Required Contribution (ARC) in the event that the County's actuary determines an increase must be made to the VEBA fund; and WHEREAS an assigned fund balance, in the amount of $9,000,000 has been created in order to meet future capital facility needs of the County; and WHEREAS subsequent to the events of September 11, 2001, the Administration reviewed the security of County facilities and operations and an assigned fund balance of $6,000,000 has been established to continue funding anticipated improvements recommended as a result of the study; and WHEREAS $5,428,993 of previously budgeted but unspent funds, assigned for carry forwards in the General Fund/General Purpose is requested to be appropriated to departments for use, as reviewed and recommended by the Department of Management and Budget; and WHEREAS the rates charged by the Information Technology fund do not include an amount required to replace fully depreciated equipment, and $5,000,000 has been assigned to continue to build a replacement fund for technology replacements and hardware; and WHEREAS $5,000,000 is assigned for potential costs related to Federal Health Legislation; and WHEREAS $4,000,000 is assigned to cover potential shortfall in State and Federal reimbursements; and WHEREAS $4,000,000 is assigned to cover revenue losses for Personal Property Taxes as a result of reduced asset valuation; and WHEREAS $3,500,000 is assigned to upgrade the tax and assessment system; and WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #89283, the Board of Commissioners established an assignment for Operational Improvements, which makes available a source of FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote absent. funds departments can use to support innovative programs, providing the Board approves the use of the fund balance and the requesting department commits to a pay-back within six (6) years of the original allocation. The designated fund balance of $3,000,000 is restored from current year favorability, resulting from efficiencies achieved due to implementation of approved projects; and WHEREAS $3,000,000 is assigned for an upgrade on PeopleSoft financial and human resource software; and WHEREAS $2,876,802 is assigned for the Tr-Party Road Improvement program which includes prior year balance and adjustments for funds returned to Oakland County on prior year projects of $451,541; and WHEREAS $2,842,173 earned as a result of Property Tax Forfeiture is assigned for this purpose; and WHEREAS due to recent economic conditions which lead to increased appeals of property assessments, fund balance of $2,000,000 has been assigned to cover expenses related to Tax Tribunal appeals; and WHEREAS in the event of a Public Health outbreak or disaster, the County has taken a proactive approach by assigning a portion of fund balance for pandemic response, in the amount of $1,500,000, for response to such an occurrence; and WHEREAS due to the increase in the number of data security threats, an assignment of fund balance has been continued at $1,500,000 to fund the technology necessary to protect data privacy and security; and WHEREAS $1,186,292 transferred into the General Fund due to the closing of the Sheriff Aviation fund is assigned for this purpose; and WHEREAS an assignment of fund balance, in the amount of $600,000, has been continued to fund the development of alternative programs related to reducing jail population in Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners has established the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, and $500,000 is assigned to fund the collection of data and various new programs; and WHEREAS efforts are continuing to seek out new grants to assist Oakland County with enhancing operations and new programs, an assigned fund balance is continued for County matching fund requirements of new grant opportunities in the amount of $500,000; and WHEREAS an assignment of fund balance, in the amount of $500,000, has been created to cover anticipated Human Resources — Legal Expenses, including actuary costs, court reporters and expert witness fees associated with union grievances and Sheriff's Deputy Public Act 312 process; and WHEREAS $480,000 is being assigned in anticipation of future mileage rate increases which could be approved by the Internal Revenue Service and possible increase in fuel costs for buildings, vehicles, etc.; and WHEREAS based on a study by the Department of Human Resources, an additional $320,000 is designated to cover emergency salary costs for FY 2012; and WHEREAS an assigned fund balance, in the amount of $300,000, has been created for the Human Resources Department to conduct a County-wide salary structure study and workforce planning; and WHEREAS an assignment of $300,000 is continued to fund various County events and provide quality of life initiatives to attract new businesses; and WHEREAS as a result of the County's Business Continuity Planning Process, each department has identified additional supplies that must be procured in the event of an emergency, and a $300,000 assignment is continued to procure these supplies; and WHEREAS $288,679.76 has been assigned for General Fund/General Purpose encumbrances obligated through the end of FY 2011; and WHEREAS $238,654 transferred into the General Fund due to the closing of the Community Partnership Fund is assigned for continuation of community programs; and WHEREAS a $230,000 assigned fund balance is for Board of Commissioners special projects; and WHEREAS pursuant to board action, an assignment of $200,000 has been established for the Microloan program in FY 2012, and FY 2013, to cover loans for small businesses; and WHEREAS $123,539 transferred into the General Fund due to the closing of the Jail Commissary fund is assigned for inmate programs; and WHEREAS per Miscellaneous Resolution #03043 a Budget Transition Account was created and an assignment of $$16,976.472.35 is recommended to be used for FY 2015 and beyond; the assigned fund balance has been updated to reflect the balance of funds available for future years; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to recognize additional revenue from the State of Michigan for Convention Facility Tax by $593,123 more than 2011 amended budget, of which $296,562 (one-half) is to be used for Health Division Substance Abuse programs; and WHEREAS the General Appropriations Act (MR#10248) requires that appropriations accumulate at the following three summary levels of expenditures within each County Department and are deemed maximum authorization for expenditures: Personnel Expenditures, Operating Expenditures and Internal Support Expenditures and in reviewing the FY 2011 year-end financial reports, it was determined that budgets for departments for a number of line-items was not sufficient which caused the following departments to go over budget: Sheriff, Treasurer, County Executive Administration, Central Services, Health and Human Services, Management and Budget, Human Resources, Public Services, Prosecuting Attorney, County Clerk, Water Resources Commissioners, 52 nd District Court and Probate Court and a budget amendment is recommended for FY 2011 to cover the shortage in the Personnel Category, Operating Expenditures and Internal Support. While individual divisions may be over budget, the budget is controlled at the department level; and WHEREAS several previously approved Tri party projects were completed and final project costs exceeded the original appropriation and an additional appropriation of $47,449 is required in FY2011; and WHEREAS $3,308,638.87 was transferred into IT Operations due to the closing of the Office Equipment Fund; and WHEREAS $44,806.64 was transferred into the General Fund due to the closing of the Printing and Mailing and Copier Fund; and WHEREAS Children's Village is in need of a case management database system for tracking individual resident information ($51,000) and also an upgrade to the current employee timekeeping system ($35,110), and a budget amendment is recommended to re-appropriate $86,110 from various accounts to implement and upgrade software; and WHEREAS donations have been received by Oakland County restricted funds totaling $86,907.88 which includes the following funds: Animal Control Legacy Fund, $64,885.21; Women's Commission, $1,150.00; Children's Village Donation $12,608.17; Medical Examiner Library Donation, $1,000.00; and No Haz Waste Donations $7,264.50; and WHEREAS the Reference Library accepted a donation of used books with an estimated value of $12,027 which requires no future financial commitment from the county; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Department of Economic Development has attempted to collect funds from loan recipients for the Community Development Block Grant ($521,454.82) and the Home Investment Partnership Act accounts ($603,715.61) and recommends $1,125,170.43 be written off; and WHEREAS the Parks and Recreation Commission has attempted to collect Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) for returned checks, and recommends $224 be written off; and WHEREAS the Department of Information Technology has attempted to collect funds owed to the county and recommends writing off accounts receivable of $100,319.13 in the Radio Communications Fund, $32,425.00 in the CLEMIS Fund and $1,779.00 in IT Fund for various vendors. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners accepts the report of operations for Fiscal Year 2011 and the results of operations by line-item after inclusion of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried-forward, transfers, adjustments, and closing entries are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2011 budget be amended pursuant to Schedule A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that various line items in the FY 2012 General Fund/General Purpose Budgets be amended to include $288,679.76 in outstanding purchase orders (encumbrances) as detailed in the attached schedule, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that adjustments to the General Fund Balance be approved as follows: Excess Revenues over Expenditures (Result of FY 2011 activity) $ 30,918,170.41 Add to General Fund Balance: Prior Years Encumbrances $ 153,953.13 VEBA 2012 10,000,000.00 VEBA 2013 10,000,000.00 Tr-Party Road Improvement Appropriations 888,143.00 Carryforwards 154,493.00 HR Compensation /Workforce Planning 200,000.00 Uncollectible Property Tax 1,500,000.00 Anticipated State/Federal Shortfall 4,000,000.00 Fuel/Mileage Increase 20,000.00 Wellness for Dependents 50,000.00 Microloan 100,000.00 Committed to FY2011 200,000.00 Committed to FY2013 5,640,511.00 Adjusted Total Including Additions $ 32,907,100.13 Deduct from General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance: Increase in Prepaids ( 32,147.94) Increase in Inventories ( 144,926.77) Increase in Imprest Cash ( 38,235.00) Increase in Restricted Funds ( 1,203,912.54) Personal Property Tax Reduction ( 4,000,000.00) Tax and Assessment System Upgrade ( 3,500,000.00) VEBA 2015 ( 10,000,000.00) Peoplesoft Upgrade ( 1,500,000.00) Property Tax Forfeiture Activities ( 2,842,173.00) Committed to FY2012 ( 3,293,840.00) Committed to FY2014 ( 36,245,370.00) Committed to FY2015 and Beyond ( 16,674,067.35) Total Subtractions to General Fund Balance $(79,474,672.60) Adjusted Total including Additions/Subtractions $(15,649,402.06) Unassigned Fund Balance at the Beginning of Year Unassigned Fund Balance at the End of Year $ 17,149,402.06 $ 1,500,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $7,175,555 from the FY 2012 Assigned Fund Balance for Carry Forwards and Restricted funds be appropriated departmental use: General Fund (#10100) Revenue 9010101-196030-665882 Planned use of Fund Balance Total General Fund Revenue Expenditures 1 030803-1 84025-731150 1060232-134850-731458 1060213-133130-750154 1060261-134790-731682 1050110-183010-731073 1050110-183010-731458 1070401-113060-731997 1070401-113061-750224 1070401-113180-730373 1090108-171030-731458 1090201-171000-731458 in FY 2012, as specified below, for Central Services Maint Contracts Prof Services —Dental Expendable Equipment Substance Abuse Satellites HR Legal Services HR Professional Services Community Corrections Transp Community Corrections Ground Supplies Community Corrections Contracted Serv Econ Dev Prof Serv Econ Dev PEDS Prof Serv $ 7,175,555 $ 7,175,555 $ 4,500 331,975 40,000 3,654,428 48,000 25,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 129,360 166,866 1090201-171000-730072 Econ Dev PEDS Advertising 21,000 4010101-182025-731990 Prosecuting Attorney Transition Funds 8,300 4010101-122050-750154 Prosecuting Attorney Expendable Equip 11,180 4010101-122050-750170 Prosecuting Attorney Other Exp Equip 3,833 4010101-122050-750490 Prosecuting Attorney Security Supplies 5,000 4010101-122050-730688 Prosecuting Attorney Expert Witness Fee Mileage 38,089 4010101-122050-732158 Prosecuting Attorney Witness Fees Mileage 38,089 3010101-121100-731822 Circuit Court Special Projects 179,958 3010101-121100-750154 Circuit Court Expendable Equip 36,339 3010301-121100-732081 Circuit Court Visiting Judge 25,000 3020101-121021-702180-21427 52 nd DC -1 Emerg Sal 26,734 3020101-121021-712020-21427 52 nd DC -1 Overtime 28,084 3020101-121021-722750-21427 52 'd DC -1 Worker Comp 331 3020101-121021-722770-21427 52 nd DC -1 Retirement 16,173 3020101-121021-722790-21427 52 nd DC -1 Social Security 4,111 3020101-121021-722820-21427 52 'd DC -1 Unemp Ins 118 3020101-121021-702180-21426 52 nd DC -3 Emerg Sal 12,000 3020101-121021-722750-21426 52 nd DC -3 Workers Comp 300 3020101-121021-722770-21426 52 nd DC -3 Retirement 2,800 3020101-121021-722790-21426 52 nd DC -3 Social Security 750 3020101-121021-722820-21426 52 nd DC -3 Unemployment Ins 200 3020101-121021-702180-21420 52 nd DC -4 Emerg Salaries 13,000 3020101-121021-722750-2142052' DC -4 Workers Comp 450 3020101-121021-722770-2142052 nd DC -4 Retirement 3,000 3020101-121021-722790-21420 52 nd DC -4 Social Security 1,000 3020101-121021-722820-21420 52 nd DC -4 Unemployment Ins 154 3040403-124015-750168 Probate Court FA Expendable Equip 7,350 3040403-124010-731822 Probate Court Special Projects 3,987 4030601-110040-750070 Sheriff Deputy Supplies 25,000 4030601-116240-750154 Sheriff Expendable Equip 39,287 4030201-112580-750581 Sheriff Uniforms 32,662 4030901-116240-760157 Sheriff SRT Uniforms 45,000 4030901-116240-750154 Sheriff Expendable Equip 17,500 4030301-112620-750170 Sheriff Other Expendable Equip 72,350 4030301-112590-730373 Sheriff Cont Serv 40,000 9010101-155080-740044 Non-Dept Drain Assessments 124,349 9010101-153010-740135 Tr-Party Roads 1,760,097 9010101-112700-788001-20293 Due to Child Care Fund 113,851 Total General Fund Expenditures $7,175,555 Child Care Fund (#20293) Revenue 9090101-112700-695500-10100 Due from General Fund $ 113,851 Total Child Care Fund Revenue $ 113,851 Expenditures 1060501-112090-750168 FA Expendable $ 16,400 1060501-112090-750119 Dry Goods 18,710 1060501-112090-750063 Custodial Supplies 30,653 1060501-112700-731059 Laundry 48,088 Total Child Care Fund Expenditures $ 113,851 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $86,110 be re-appropriated within the Children's Village FY 2012 budget to upgrade the time management system and support database system as follows: Child Care Fund (#20293) Expenditures 1060501-112090-750168 CV FA Equipment 1060501-112090-750119 CV Dry Goods 1060101-112090-750063 CV Custodial Supplies 1060501-112090-731059 CV Laundry 1060501-112090-731773 CV Software Rent Lease Pur (Emp Timekeeping) 1060501-112090-731773 CV Software Rent Lease Pur (Resident Database) Total Child Care Fund Expenditures $(16,400) (18,710) (30,653) (20,347) 35,110 51,000 $ -0- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the uncollectible debts, as recommended by Department of Management and Budget and detailed in the attached schedules are authorized to be written off . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the donations be recognized in the various Restricted Funds as detailed above and for books received by the Library Board. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE enisrmoore, ..sesameemen WINOINE, diZEMEEP Revenues - over/ (under) budget Expenditures — (over)/under budget Total Officially Reported Favorability $( 917,853) 31,836.023 S 30.918,170 $ 31,836,023 ( 65,644) 31,770.379 $44„920,132 COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET L. BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Laurie Van Pelt, Director TO: Members of the Finance Committee FROM: Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management and Budget Tim Soave, Manager, Fiscal Services Nancy Fournier, Chief, Fiscal Services LaVerne Smith, Supervisor of Fiscal Services SUBJECT: Letter of Transmittal - Fiscal Year 2011 Year End Report DATE: November 14, 2011 FY 2011 YEAR END REPORT Attached please find the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Year End Report. The result of FY 2011 activity, for General Fund/General Purpose (GE/GP) operations (all operations except grants, enterprise funds) is favorability of $30,918,170. This overall favorability is split between receiving ($917,853) less revenue than anticipated and favorability in expenditures of $31,836,023. GAAP The above presentation shows the County's financial reports as prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The variances, if presented purely according to GAAP are: Actual to Plan However, the following variances listed below are presented to reflect the true fiscal activity of the County for FY 2011 as detailed below: Revenue Variance Add back — Planned use of Fund Balance Revenue Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) $ ( 917,853) 14.067.606 $ 13,149,753 Expenditure Variance Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition. Expenditure Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) Net Variance from FY 2011 Activity The differences in the presentation revolve around the Planned Use of Fund Balance (on the revenue side) and the Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition (on the expenditure side). 1. The amended revenue budget assumed the use of S14,067,606 in fund balance. The use of fund balance was budgeted, but GAAP does not allow fund balance to be "recorded as revenue". Since revenue is budgeted (anticipated), but not received (recorded), if added back to compare actuals to planned, revenues are $13,067,376 more than planned. Likewise, on the expenditure side, the budget included a planned S65,644 which reflects "credits" provided for each elected official based Upon the fact that they accelerated budget reductions. These credits will be reappropriated in future fiscal years in order to smooth the process of structural budget reductions. These credits were planned before the fiscal year began and therefore if backed out, expenditure favorability as compared to the plan is $31,770,379. EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 41 WEST • 2100 PONTIAC LAKE RD DEPT 409 • WATERFORD MI 48328-0409 • (248) 858-2163 • FAX (248) 858-9172 EMAIL: vanpeloakgov.com It is important to analyze the forecast using both GAAP and in comparison to the plan to accurately reflect the impact of fiscal activity generated from FY 2011 operations. REVENUES GF/GP revenues are (0.23%) less than budget or ($917,853). The majority of un-favorability is Planned Use of Fund Balance. Major variances are the result of the following events: A. TAXES - Favorable: $15,625,301 • The adopted budget estimated a decline of (12%) in taxable values; the actual decline in taxable values for FY 2011 (7.78%). The reduction is less than expected and therefore revenues will be more than budget. Of the total favorability, $4.8 million is the result of the relieving of Tax Tribunal liability. B. STATE GRANTS — Unfavorable: ($2,244,665) • Reduced state funding is the result of reduced Child Care fund costs. The revenue loss is more than offset by reduced expenditures. Expenditures are favorable for Private Institutions -Foster Care and Private Institutions — Residential totaling $3.1 million. C. INVESTMENT INCOME — Favorable: $766,499 • Investment income is favorable due to the increased investment base which is the result of prior years' surplus. D. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - Unfavorable: ($802,829) • Cigarette Tax revenue was unfavorable ($342,845). Revenues have fallen due to decreased cigarette sales. Also note that revenue from the State for Court Equity is unfavorable ($213,370). E. PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE — Unfavorable: ($14,067,606) • Planned use of fund balance is unfavorable since this budget was established only to recognize that funds have been appropriated in departments for projects and carryforwards which are funded by revenues earned in previous years. No actual revenues are received in this account. • Also, as a result of implementation of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement #54 (GASB), several Special Revenue funds were closed as authorized by MR#11207. The change was made effective retroactive to 9/30/2010. Much of the activity now reportable in the General Fund. For example, the FY2011 Adopted budget anticipated a transfer of $7,100,000 from the Capital Cooperative Initiative Revolving fund (CCIRF). Financial reports for the General Fund have been restated to show that the transfer from CCIRF to the General Fund was recorded at the end of FY2010 rather than during FY2011. The increase in the fund balance at the beginning of the year offsets the reduction in FY2011 transfers in. Less revenue (transfers in) requires additional reliance on fund balance. EXPENDITURES In total, expenditures were 7.8% under budget or $31,836,023. Many departments have experienced personnel savings as the result of the hiring freeze, turnover and under-filling of positions. The overall net favorability has been anticipated as part of the long-term financial stability plan for Oakland County in anticipation of future property tax reductions for at least the next several years. Continuation of Oakland County's prudent fiscal policies, such as budgeting for full employment of all authorized positions, will help to mitigate the continued downturn with the goal of ensuring that the General Fund balance will remain healthy in the long-term. Note that while individual divisions may be over budget, the budget is controlled at the department level. The General Appropriations Act requires that appropriations accumulate at the following three summary levels of expenditures within each County Department and are deemed maximum authorization for expenditures: Personnel Expenditures, Operating Expenditures and Internal Support Expenditures. Several budget amendments have been presented to correct departmental budgets where necessary. While a number of departments or divisions exceeded their personnel appropriations, it is important to note that these projected variances are NOT the result of overall personnel expenditures being higher than anticipated — in fact 3 personnel related costs continue to fall. The issue, as is explained below, is a result of the fringe benefit rate, particularly related to retirement and hospitalization cost, not being adequate enough to account for the anticipated expenditures. Essentially — this is a situation where the individual department's budgets were inaccurate — NOT a situation where the costs have increased. Regarding retirement, the negative variance does NOT reflect an increase in retirement cost, rather it appears that the appropriations provided for Elected Officials and Departments did not sufficiently account for the large number of vacancies and positions filled at less than full capacity. The County charges actual fringe benefit cost to each department; unfortunately the rate used for budgeting purposes did not adequately provide enough margin to absorb fixed costs as a result of the large number of unfilled positions. This is a similar situation regarding hospitalization charges. In this situation the County pays the actual cost of care out of the Fringe Benefit Fund. In order to obtain sufficient revenue to pay the actual charge, Elected Officials and Departments are charged "rates"; based upon an employee's family status and particular plan. Unfortunately the rates are not reflecting the actual use of this benefit. It is important to note that the cost of this benefit has been basically flat for the last couple of years, with a slight inflationary increase; the rates charged to departments are not adequate to cover the actual self-insured costs. 4 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 YEAR END BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2011 AMENDMENTS 1OF/OP OPERATIONS- SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept Program Acct Fund Aft. Op Unit Account Name GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 9010101 196010 620302 Convention Facility Tax Total Revenues Expenditures 9090101 196030 730359 1060261 134790 731682 Total Expenditures $ 593,123.00 $ 593,123.00 296.561.00 $ 296.562,00 $ 593,123.00 Contingency Health - Substance Abuse Satellites Revenues 9010101 196000 601637 Property Taxes 825,326.00 Total Revenues $ 825.326.00 9090101 196030 773630 Non Dept - IT Development (584.040.00) 4030301 112590 773530 Sheriff Corrective Serv - CLEMIS Dev 307,645.00 2010210 125000 773639 Clerk IT Imaging Dev 7,903.00 3040403 124010 773639 Probate Court Estates - IT Imaging Dev 5,268.00 9010101 112700 788001 20293 Non Dept Transfer to Child Care fund 82,100.00 6010101 155010 722770 Water Resources Comm - Retirement 158,600.00 1010501 181020 774636 Co Exec - Corp Counsel - IT Operations 2.095.00 1010101 181000 770667 County Exec Admin - Mail Room 2,510.00 1010101 181000 774636 County Exec Admin - IT Operations 13,255.00 1010105 181000 722770 County Exec Admin - Retirement 20,000.00 1010201 181010 722770 Auditing - Retirement 6,500.00 1010501 181020 722770 Co Exec - Corp Counsel - Retirement 20,000.00 1020601 182020 774636 Fiscal Services - IT Operations 127,800.00 1050401 183010 774636 HR Workforce Mgmt - IT Operations 97,950.00 1070401 113000 774636 Comm Corrections -IT Operations 9,000.00 1070601 132030 774636 Medical Examiner - IT Operations 2,580.00 1030830 184035 774636 Central Serv Support Serv -IT Operations 1,500.00 4010101 122050 774636 Prosecuting Attorney - IT Operations 82,100.00 2010401 172190 774636 Clerk - IT Operations 4,850.00 3040403 124015 730450 Probate Court - Defense Atty Fees 60,000.00 3040403 124015 731192 Probate Court - Medical Services Guardian 4,015.00 3040101 121060 774636 Probate - IT Operations 19,774.00 3040403 124010 774636 Probate Estates - IT Operations 17,794.00 3020205 113290 722770 DC-1 Retirement 11,000.00 3020205 113290 722780 DC-1 Hosp 20,000.00 3020301 121020 722770 DC-2 Retirement 30,000.00 3020301 121020 722780 DC-2 Hosp 30,000.00 3020401 121020 722770 DC-3 Retirement 60,000.00 3020401 121020 722780 DC-3 Hosp 60,000.00 3020501 121020 722770 DC-4 Retirement 17,056.00 3020501 121020 722780 DC-4 Hosp 20,000.00 3020201 121020 774636 DC-1 IT Operations 40,000.00 3020401 121020 774636 DC-3 IT Operations 40,000.00 3020501 121020 774636 DC-4 IT Operations 28,071.00 Total Expenditures S 825.326.00 1 1 47,449.00 47,449.00 47,449.00 $ 47,449.00 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2011 YEAR END BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2011 AMENDMENTS IGF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Dept Program Acct Fund Aft. Op Unit Account Name Revenues 9010101 196030 665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance Total Revenues Expenditures 9010101 153010 740135 Non - Dept In Party Total Expenditures Revenues 7010110 186130 631645 Treasurer 1.715,500.00 Total Revenue $ 1,715.500.00 7010101 186180 722770. Treasurer 27,300.00 7010101 186040 722780 Treasurer 11,100.00 7010101 186180 722780 Treasurer 29,300.00 7010110 186130 730716 Treasurer 559,900.00 7010110 186130 730751 Treasurer 176,000.00 7010110 186130 731458 Treasurer 72,000.00 7010110 186130 731913 Treasurer 698,100.00 7010101 186140 774636 Treasurer - IT Operations 2,000.00 7010110 186130 788001 Treasurer Transfer to Facilities 139,800.00 Total Expenditures S 1,715,500.00 CHILD CARE FUND #20293 Revenues 9090101 112700 695500 10100 Transfer from General Fund Total Revenues Expenditures 1060501 112090 774636 Childrens Village IT Operations Total Expenditures 82,100.00 $ 82,100.00 82,100.00 82.100.00 12 1 106,478 40 4,255,049 94 5,361,528.34 1,091,628.31 251.72 151,699.73 386,305.89 1,629,885.65 COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL FUND GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Revenues Amended Collections and Total Revenues/ Budget Expenditures Revenues/ Uncollected Adopted Budget before Expenditures Unencumbered Budget Amendments 9/30/2011 Adjustments Transfers and Transfers Encumbrances Balance 1 FY 2011 I REVENUES: Taxes $192,809,210.00 $855,926.00 $193,665,136.00 $209,290,437,18 $0.00 $209,290,437.18 $0.00 $15,625,301.18 Special Assessments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 Federal Grants 938,320.00 (80,488.00) 857,832.00 674,484.46 0.00 $674,484.46 0.00 ($183,347.54) State Grants 20,077,106.00 252,822.00 20,329,928.00 18,085,263.75 0.00 $18,085,263.75 0.00 ($2,244,664.25) Intergovernmental 11,277,284.00 804,390.00 12,081,674.00 11,278,845.09 0.00 $11,278,845.09 0.00 ($802,828.91) Charges for Services 81,520,438.00 12,940,276.00 94,460,714.00 94,618.155.39 0.00 $94,618,155.39 0.00 5157,441.39 Indirect Cost Recovery 9,317,500.00 0.00 9,317,500.00 8,770,800.23 0.00 $8,770,800.23 0.00 ($546,699.77) Investment Income 2,616,300.00 216,000.00 2,832,300.00 3,598,798.64 0.00 $3,598,798.64 0.00 $766,498.64 Other Revenues 507,434.00 612,842,00 1,120,276.00 1,023,514.40 0.00 $1,023,514.40 0.00 ($96,761.60) Contributions 15,000.00 368,727.00 383,727.00 347,626.96 0.00 $347,626.96 0.00 ($36,100.04) Transfers In 63,920,798.00 (7,171,637.00) 56,749,161.00 0.00 57,260,075.47 $57,260,075.47 0.00 $510,914.47 382,999,390.00 8,798,858.00 391,798,248.00 347,687,926.10 57,260,075.47 404,948,001.57 0.00 13,149,753.57 200,000.00 13,867,606.13 14,067,606.13 0.00 $383,199,390.00 $22,666,464.13 $405,865,854.13 $347.687,926.10 557,260,075.47 $404,948,001.57 Sub-total Resources Resources Carried Forward TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 (14.067,606.13) $0.00 j$917,852.56). EXPENDITURES: Administration of Justice Circuit Court Dept District Court Dept Probate Court Dept Total Admin. Of Justice $50,877,852 00 $542,371.00 $51,420,223 00 $41,843,760.46 $4,610,690.67 $46,454,451.13 15,919,493.00 610,224.00 16,529,717.00 16,223,370.37 0.00 16,223,370.37 6,092,206.00 180,784.00 6.272,990.00 6,069,812.20 50,000.00 6,119,812.20 72,889,551.00 1,333,379.00 74,222,930.00 64,136,943.03 4,660,690.67 68,797,633.70 $2,848.75 $4,962,923.12 128.75 306,217.88 135.70 153,042.10 3,113.20 5,422,183.10 Law Enforcement Prosecuting Attorney Dept Sheriff Dept Total Law Enforcement General Government Co Clerk Reg Of Deeds Dept Treasurers Dept Board of Commissioners Dept Drain Commissioner Dept Total Gen. Government 18,514,269.00 774,976.40 19,289,245,40 17,112,690,24 1,069,729.76 18,182,420.00 347.00 119,660,893.00 8,485,791.53 128,146,684.53 123,090,701.80 639,234.59 123,729,936,39 161,698.20 138,175,162.00 9,260,767.93 147,435,929.93 140,203,392.04 1,708,964.35 141,912,356.39 162,045.20 10,723,498.00 182,428.00 10.905,92600 9,691,689.09 111,252.00 9,802,941.09 11,356.60 3,523,869.00 4,628,601.00 8,152,470 00 8,003,839.33 139,769.83 8,143,609.16 8,609.12 4,334,473.00 40,441.00 4,374,914 00 4,223,182.77 0.00 4,223,182.77 31.50 4,936,145.00 788,451.00 5,724,596 00 5,301,485.29 36,541.28 5,338,026.57 263.54 23,517,985.00 5,639,921.00 29,157,906.00 27,220,196.48 287,563.11 27,507,759.59 20,260.76 County Executive 5,667,989.07 19,645,421.74 2,158,761.89 1,053,794.01 3,739,566.34 58.207,360.09 15,130,754.97 6,642.837.10 112,246,485.21 5,832,706.00 20,510,500.00 2,307,668.00 1,304,154.00 4,363,242.00 68,272.090.76 15,810,696.44 8,089,876.00 126,490,933.20 5,705,589.00 127,117.00 19,761,465.00 749,035.00 2,026,525.00 281,143.00 1,304,046.00 108.00 4,071,409.00 291,833.00 64.078,741.00 4,193.349.76 15,215,429.00 595.267.44 7,089,816_00 1,000,060_00 119,253,020.00 7,237,913.20 353,835,718.00 23,471,981.13 377,307,699.13 343,807,016.76 29,363,672.00 (805,517.00) 28,558,155.00 16,628,568.74 $383,199,390.00 $22,666,464.13 $405,865,854.13 $360,435,585.50 $13,305,565.90 $373,741,151.40 County Exec Admin Dept Management and Budget Dept Central Services Department Facilities Management Dept Human Resources Dept Health and Human Services Dept Public Services Dept Comm and Economic Dev Dept Total County Executive Total Departments Non-Departmental Appropriations TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES 0.00 5,667,989.07 0.00 164,716.93 0.00 19,645,421.74 0.00 865,078.26 0.00 2,158,761.89 3,681.00 145,225.11 0.00 1,053,794.01 528.50 249,831.49 50,000.00 3,789,566.34 0.00 573,675.66 621,573.36 58,828,933.45 52,358.70 9,390,798.61 124.992.00 15,255,746.97 35,342.40 519,607.07 438,205.00 7,081,042.10 11,350.00 997,483.90 1,234,770.36 113,481,255.57 103,260.60 12,906,417.03 7,891,988.49 351,699,005.25 288,679.76 25,320,014.12 5,413,577.41 22,042,146.15 0.00 6,516,008.85 $288,679.76 $31,836,022.97 383,199,390.00 383,199,390.00 50.00 22,666,464.13 22,666,464.13 $0.00 405,865,854.13 347,687,926 10 57,260,075.47 404,948,001.57 405,865,854.13 360,435,585 50 13,305,565 90 373,741,151.40 $0.00 ($12,747,659.40) $43,954,509.57 $31,206,850.17 0.00 (917,852.56) 288,679.76 31,836,022.97 ($288,679.76) $30,918,170.41 $10,000,000.00 10.000,000.00 888,143 00 154,493.00 200,000.00 1,500,000.00 4,000,000.00 20,000 00 50,000.00 153,953.13 100,000.00 200,000.00 5,640,511.00 532,907,100.13 (32,147.94) (144,926 77) (38,235.00) (1,203 912.54) ($4,000,000 00) (3,500 000 00) Adopted Budget Budget Amendments Amended Budget 9/30/2011 Revenues Collections and Expenditures before Adjustments Total Revenues/ Expenditures Transfers and Transfers Revenues/ Uncollected Unencumbered Encumbrances Balance GENERAL FUND GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS Revenues Expenditures Excess Revenues over/(under) Expenditures Adjustments to Unassigned Fund Balance Add to General Fund Balance VEBA 2012 VERA 2013 RCOC Triparty adjustments for refunds etc. Carryforwards HR Compensation/Workforce Planning Uncollectible Property Taxes Anticipated State/Federal Shortfall Fuel/Mileage Increase Wellness for Dependents Prior Years Encumbrances Microloan Committed to FY2011 Committed to FY2013 Total Additions to General Fund Balance Deduct from Unassigned Fund Balance Increase in Prepaids Increase in Inventories Increase in It-net-est Cash Increase in Restricted Funds Personal Property Tax Reduction Tax and Assessment System Upgrade (10,000,000.00) (1,500,000.00) (2,842,173.00) (3,293,840.00) (36,245,370.00) (16,674,067.35) (79,474,672.60) (S15,649,402.06) 17,149,402.06 $1,500.000.00 Revenues Amended Collections and Total Revenues/ Budget Expenditures Revenues/ Uncollected Adopted Budget before Expenditures Unencumbered Budget Amendments 9/30/2011 Adjustments Transfers and Transfers Encumbrances Balance VEBA 2015 Peoplesoft Upgrade Property Tax Forfeiture Activities Committed to FY 2012 Committed to FY 2014 Committed to FY2015 and Beyond Total Subtractions from General Fund Balance Adjusted Total including Additions and Subtractions Balance Beginning of Year Unassigned Fund Balance at End of Year 11/8/2011 ORS& Fund General Fund # 10100 Department Division Division Child Care Fund #20293 Health and Human Services Childrens Village 17,254.08 OAKLAND COUNTY ENCUMBRANCES FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 2011 Central Services Facilities Management Health and Human Services Public Services Economic Development Clerk/ROD Circuit Court District Court Probate Court Prosecuting Attorney BOC Water Resource Commissioner Treasurer Sheriff Support Services Facilities Engineering Health Division Community Corrections Medical Examiner Animal Control Planning Econ Development Judicial Administration Criminal Division Family Court Novi Rochester Hills Estates and Mental Prosecuting Attorney Admin BOC Administration Administration Corrective Services Corrective Services - Satellites Patrol Services Investigative / Forensic Svc $3,681.00 528.50 35,104.62 30,485.00 222.40 4,635.00 11,350.00 11.356.60 2,367.95 470.80 10.00 23.75 105.00 135.70 347.00 31.50 263.54 8,609.12 15,629.16 131,655.92 13,921.00 492.12 5271,425.68 $17,254.08 $288,679.76 Total Encumbrances - General Fund/General Purpose Funds Prepared by Fiscal Services October 28, 2011 16 Budget Commitments FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 and Beyond Carry Forwards 17,508,009.00 39,083,224.00 45,816,531.00 16,976,472.35 5,428,993.00 $ 194,082,115.03 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN GENERAL FUND BALANCE - SEPTEMBER 30,2011 Fund Balance 9/30/2010 $ 149,007,387.14 Changes to Fund Balance Resulting from Implementation of GASB #54 (M.R. #11207) - ONE-TIME Equity Transfer - CCIRF S 15,245,551.64 Equity Transfer - Community Partnerships 238,653.10 Equity Transfer - Jail Population Management 1,387,495.50 Equity Transfer - Property Tax Forfeiture 4,083,158.17 Total Equity Transfers $ 20,954,858.41 Revised Fund Balance 9/30/10 $ 169,962,245.55 Changes Resulting from FY 2011 Operations Michigan Tax Tribunal Settlements (ONE-TIME) Use of Fund Balance Planned Use of CCIRF Revenues / Transfers - Unfavorable Expenditures / Transfers - Favorable $ 4,850,000.00 (7,540,166.37) (8,119,000.00) 10,429,195.37 31,579.608.93 $ 31,199,637.93 Fund Balance as of 9/30/2011 $ 201,161.883.48 USE OF FY 2011 GENERAL FUND BALANCE Non-Spendable Prepaid Expenses Inventories Restricted Property Tax Forfeiture Substance Abuse Satellites portion of Carry forwards Committed 147,770.97 144,926.77 292,697. 74 $ 3,540,508.71 1,746,562.00 $ 5,287,070.71 Assigned VEBA 2015 $ 10,000,000.00 Capital Reserve 9,000,000.00 Homeland Security Enhancements 6,000,000.00 Technology Replacement/ Hardware 5,000,000.00 Federal Health Care Impact 5,000,000.00 Anticipated State/Federal Shortfall 4,000,000.00 Personal Property Tax Reduction 4,000,000.00 Tax and Assessment System Upgrade 3,500,000.00 Operational Improvements 3,000,000.00 PeopleSoft Upgrade 3,000,000.00 RCOC Tr-Party 2,876,802.00 Property Forfeiture Activities 2,842,173.00 Tax Tribunal Appeals 2,000,000.00 Pandemic Response 1,500,000.00 Data Privacy and Security 1,500,000.00 Sheriff Aviation 1,186,292.00 Jail Alternative Program Start Up 600,000.00 Criminal Justice Coord. Start Up 500,000.00 New Grant Opportunities 500,000.00 HR Legal 500,000.00 Fuel / Mileage Increase 480,000.00 Emergency Salaries 320,000.00 HR Comp/Workforce Planning 300,000.00 Quality of Life Initiatives 300,000.00 Business Continuity 300,000.00 Encumbrances 271,425.68 Community Partnerships 238,654.00 Board of Commissioners Projects 230,000.00 Microloan 200,000.00 Jail Commissary 123,539.00 Unassigned $ 1,500,000.00 Total $ 201,161,883.48 17 OAKLAND COUNTY. MICHIGAN USE OF GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2011 General Fund GASB 54 Adjusted General Total Adjustments General Fund Year End General Fund Funci Balance Restatement Fund Equity to Equity Fund Balance Adjustments Fund Balance Fund as of 9/30/2010 of 9/30/2011 FY 201 1 During FY 2011 as of 9/30/2011 as of 9/30/2011 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Non-Spendable Prepaids inventories Imprest Cash Total Non-Spendable Restricted Property Tax Forfeiture Substance Abuse Satellites Total Restricted $115,623.03 $0.00 264.170.00 $379,793.03 $0.00 $4,083,158.17 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $4,083,158.17 $115,623.03 0.00 264,170.00 $379,793.03 $4,083,158.17 0.00 $4,083,158.17 S115,623.03 0.00 264,170.00 $379,793.03 $4,083,158.17 0 00 $4.083,158.17 $32,147.94 144,926.77 (264,170.00) (S87,095.29) ($542,649.46) 1,746,562.00 $1,203,912.54 $147,770.97 144,926.77 0.00 $292,697.74 $3,540,508.71 1,746,562.00 $5,287,070.71 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 Assigned Encumbrances $142,505.37 $1,405.92 $143,911.29 ($143,911.29) $0.00 $271,425.68 $271,425.68 Fed Health Care Impact 5.000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 Capital Reserve 9,000,000.00 0.00 9,000,000.00 0.00 9,000,000.00 0.00 9,000,000.00 Tax Tribunal Appeals 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 0.00 2.000,000.00 Homeland Security Enhancements 6,000,000.00 0.00 6,000,000.00 0.00 6,000,000.00 0.00 6,000,000.00 Technology Replacement/Hardware -5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 Personal Property Tax Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000,00 Tax & Assessment System Upgrade 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 Operational Improvements 3,000,000.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 (254.491.00) 2,745,509.00 254,491.00 3.000,000.00 Carry Forwards 5,583,486.00 0.00 5,583,486.00 (5,583,486.00) 0.00 5,428,993.00 5,428,993.00 Board of Commissioners' Project 230,000.00 0.00 230,000.00 0.00 230,000.00 0.00 230,000.00 Data Privacy and Security 1,500,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 , 0.00 1.500,000.00 New Grant Match opportunities 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 HR Legal 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 HR Comp/VVorkforce Planning 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 (200,000.00) 300,000.00 Criminal Justice Coor Startup 500,000,00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 VEBA 2012 10,000,000.00 , 0.00 10,000,000.00 0.00 10,000,000.00 (10,000,000.00) 0.00 VEBA 2013 10,000,000.00 0.00 10,000,000.00 0.00 10,000,000.00 (10,000,000.00) 0.00 VEBA 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000,000.00 10,000.000.00 Jail Alternative Prg Startup 600.000.00 0.00 600,000.00 0.00 600,000.00 0.00 600,000.00 Pandemic Response 1,500.000.00 0.00 1,500.000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 Fuel/Mileage Increase 500,000.00 0.00 500,000,00 (20.000.00) 480,000.00 0.00 480,000.00 Business Continuity pianning 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 0.00 300.000.00 0.00 300,000.00 Emergency Salaries 320,000.00 0.00 320,000.00 0.00 320.000.00 0.00 320,000.00 Quality of Life initiatives 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 Uncollectible Property Taxes 1,500,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 (1,500,000.00) 0.00 PeopleSoft Upgrade 1,500,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 1,500.000.00 3,000,000.00 Anticipated State/Federal Shortfall 8,000.000.00 0.00 8,000,000.00 0.00 8,000,000.00 (4,000,000.00) 4,000,000.00 Sneriff Aviation 1,186,292.00 0.00 1,186,292.00 0.00 1,186,292.00 0.00 1.186,292.00 Jail Commissary 123,539.00 0.00 123,539.00 0.00 123,539.00 0.00 123,539.00 RCOC Triparty (1) 3,764.945.00 0.00 3,764,945.00 (1,339,684.00) 2,425,261.00 451,541.00 2.876,802.00 Property Tax Forfeiture Activities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,842.173.00 2.842,173.00 Community Partnerships 0.00 238,654.00 238,654.00 238,654.00 0.00 238,654.00 Wellness for dependents 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 - (50,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Microloan 300.000.00 0.00 300,000.00 (100,000.00) 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 Committed to FY 2011 200.000.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 (200,000.00) 0.00 Committed to FY 2012 14,214.169.00 0.00 14,214,169.00 0.00 14,214,169.00 3,293,840.00 17,508,009.00 Committed to FY 2013 44,723,735.00 0.00 44,723,735.00 0.00 44,723,735.00 (5,640,511.00) 39,083,224.00 Committed to FY 2014 9,571.161.00 0.00 9,571,161.00 0.00 9,571,161.00 36,245,370.00 45,816,531.00 Committed to FY 2015 and beyond 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,976,472.35 16,976.472.35 Total Assigned 148,109,832.37 240,059.92 148,349,892.29 (7,491,572.29) 140,858,320.00 53.223,795.03 194,082.115.03 Total Unassigned 516,355.82 16,633,046.24 17,149,402.06 (50,000.00) 17,099,402.06 (15,599,402.06) 1,500.000.00 Total General Fund Equity 149,005.981.22 20,956,264.33 169,962,245.55 (7,541,572.29) 162.420,673.26 38,741,210.22 201,161.883.48 (1) Note that in FY 2011, $258,025.57 was returned to Oakland County from project 449121 which will be added to designations at the close of FY 2011. 11/30/2011 al):\SDataWly Documents\Year EndI,2011 Close \ EOlyTy RTF 2011 h.xis REVENUES GENERAL FUND Taxes Federal Grants State Grants Other Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Indirect Cost Recovery Investment Income Other Revenues SUB-TOTAL GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (1) TOTAL GF/GP FUNDS EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Circuit Court 52nd District Court Probate Court TOTAL ADMIN. OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Board cf Commissioners Library Board Water Resources Commissioner TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT COUNTY EXECUTIVE County Executive Admn. Management and Budget Central Services Facilities Management Human Resources Health and Human Services Public Services Economic Dev. and Comm Affairs TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE TOTAL DEPARTMENTS NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTALS TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES $ 193,665,136.00 $ 209,290,437.18 $ 15,625,301.18 8.07% 857,832.00 674,484.46 (183,347.54) -21.37% 20,329,928.00 18,085,263.75 (2,244,664.25) -11.04% 12,081,674.00 11,278,845.09 (802,828.91) -6.65% 94,460,714.00 94,618,155.39 157,441.39 0.17% 9,317.500.00 8,770,800.23 (546,699.77) -5.87% 2,832,300.00 3,598,798.64 .766,498.64 27.06% 58,253,164.00 58,631,216.83 378,052.83 0.65% $ - 391,798,248.00 $ 404,948,001.57 $ 13,149,753.57 3.36% $ 14,067,606 13 S 405,865,854.13 S (14,567,606.13) -100.00% $ 404,948,001.57 $ (917,852.56) -0.23% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2011 YEAR END REPORT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FY 2011 ADOPTED BUDGET $ 192,809,210.00 938,320.00 20,077,136.00 11,277,264.00 81,520,438.00 9,317,500.00 2,616,300.00 64,443,232.00 $ 382,999,390.00 200,000.00 S 383,199,390.00 $ 50,877,652.00 15,919,493 00 6.092,20600 $ 72,889,551.00 18,514,269 00 119,660,893 00 $ 138,175.162.00 10,723.498.00 3,523.869.00 2,913,354.00 1,421,119.00 4,936,145.00 $ 23,517,985.00 $ 6,705,589 00 19,761,465 00 2,026,525.00 1,304,046.00 4,071,409.00 64,078,741.00 15,215,429.00 7,089,816.00 $ 119,253,020.00 $ 353,835,718.00 29,363,672 00 383,199,390.00 BUDGET AS AMENDED $ 51,420,223.00 16,529,717.00 6,272,990.00 $ 74,222,930.00 19,289,245.40 128,146.684.53 S 147,435,929.93 10,905,926.00 8,152,470.00 2,948,397.00 1,426,517.00 5,724,596.00. 29,157,906.00 $ 5,832,706.00 20,510.500.00 2.307,668.00 1,304,154.00 4,363,242.00 68,272,090.76 15,810,696.44 8,089,876 00 $ 126,490.933.20 5 377,307,699.13 $ 28,558,155.00 $ 405,865,854.13 FY 2011 ACTUAL 46,457,299.88 16,223,499.12 6.119,947.90 68,800,746.90 18,182 767 00 123,891,634 59 $ 142,074,401.59 9,814,297.69 8,152,218.28 2,829,645.24 1,393,569.03 5.338,290:11, S 27,528,020.35 $ 5,667,989.07 19,645,421.74 2,162,442.89 1,054,322.51 3,789,566.34 58,881,292.15 15.291089.37 7,092,392 10 $ 113,584,516.17 $ 351,987,685.01 $ 22,042,146 15 $ 374,029,831.16 AMOUNT FAVORABLE/ (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT $ 4,962,923.12 9.65% 306,217.88 1.85% 153,042.10 2.44% 5,422,183.10 7.31% 1,106,478.40 5 74% 4.255,049.94 3.32% 5,361,528.34 3.64% 1,091,628.31 10.01% 251.72 0.00% 118,75116 4.03% 32,947.97 2.31% 386,305.89 6.75% 1,629,885.65 5.59% 164,716.93 2.82% 865,078.26 4.22% , 145,225.11 629% 249,831.49 1916% 573,675.66 13.15% 9,390,798.61 13.75% 519,607.07 3.29% 997,483.90 12,33% S 12,906,417.03 10.20% $ 25,320,014 12 671% $ 6,516,008.85 22.82% $ 31,836,022.97 7.84% General Fund/General Purpose Favorable/(Unfavorable) S 30,918,170.41 5 30,918,170.41 19 Adopted Budget FY 2011 ACTUAL Amended Budget TAXES (601000-601999) Property Taxes - July Tax Levy $ 192,546,710.00 $ 193,402,636.00 $ 211,715,610.05 $ 18,312,974.05 Other Taxes - Delinquent Tax - Prior Years Treasurer Payment in Lieu of Taxes Other Taxes - Trailer Tax Total Taxes FEDERAL GRANTS (610000-610999) Sheriff - Patrol Sheriff - Corrective Services Prosecuting Attorney Homeland Security - Disaster Control Health Division 98,500.00 76,000.00 88,000 00 $ 192,809,210.00 $ 193,665,136.00 $ 68,000.00 $ - $ 82,000.00 82,000.00 169,947.00 129,243.00 46,000.00 272,373.00 (2,679,455.06) (2,777,955.06) 174,923.69 98,923.69 79,358 50 (8,641.50) 209,290,437.18 $ 15,625,301.18 - $ - (82,000.00) 78,698.21 (50,544.79) 65,237.75 11,655.75 204,891.64 (88,115.36) 98,500.00 76,000.00 88,000.00 53,582.00 293,007.00 Total Federal Grants 938,320.00 $ 857,832.00 $ 674,484.46 $ (183,347.54) Children's Village 300,000.00 300,000.00 325,656.86 25,656.86 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2011 YEAR END REPORT Amount Favorable (unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 9.47% Drop in Taxable Value was less than anticipated. Budgeted at anticipated decrease of 12%, but actually decreased 7.78% plus relief of MTT ( Mich Tax Tribunal tax liability of $4.85 million. -2820.26% Return of tax dollars plus interest per the order of the MTT (Michigan Tax Tribunal). 130.16% Favorable receipt of Payment in Lieu of Taxes in excess of budget. -9.82% 8.07% 0.00% -100.00% SCAAP (State Criminal Alien Asst Prog) FY2011 funding won't be received untill FY2012. -39.11% Projected revenues both under Federal Grants and State Grants are overstated due to lack of historical information as to what and what could not be billed back to the State for DHS Title IV R contracted services provided by the County to the State. No word from State as of yet, as to whether or not the Prosecutor will be able to submit a revised budget. 21.75% Fav, Disaster Control Fed Subsidy due to agreement for Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) greater than anticipated. -30.07% Unfav. Fedetal Operating Grants due to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Grant (568,368) from a delay in the start of the program (note expenditure offset), Safe Drinking Water ($11,505) as renewal of operator certifications were not fully realized, also Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Inland Beach Monitoring ($8,242) as Grant revenue was less than anticipated. 8.55% Fay, Refunds School Meals (lunch program) due to an increase in population al Children's Village. -21.37% STATE GRANTS (615000-615999) Sheriff - Patrol State Match Foster Care Prosecuting Attorney Economic Development - $ 1,000 00 169,947.00 3,750.00 $ 1,000.00 129,243.00 1,905.00 $ 78,698 20 (1,845.00) (1,000.00) (50,544.80) -49.20% Unfavorable ORV (Off Road Vehicle) grant receipts. -100.00% -39.11% See note in Prosecutor Federal Grant Section. 0.00% * Revenue variance is partially offset by an expenditure variance. Resolution #11305 December 15, 2011 Moved by Long supported by Zack the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Covey, Crawford, Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Greimel, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Nuccio, Potts, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). APPROVE THE FOREGOIN9 RESOLUTION 24/ /STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Bill Bullard Jr., Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 15, 2011, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 15th day of December, 2011. E,La, Bill Bullard Jr., Oakland County