HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1968.08.27 - 18889At a y'
Supervisors nak.
Auditorium in th 2 City of Pcntia ,-,
-Liar meeti
the Oakland County -:card
g a r on August 27 9 6 8H
held in the rvj a Or's g:
at 1000 o'clock Ak stern. Daylight Time,
Bachert, Beecher, Bingham, Birnkrant, Brennan, Brewer, Bryant, Case,
Cline, Colburn, Dewan, Doherty, Duncan, Edward , 'Edwards, Eldridge, Forbes, Fuuts,
Fusilier, Gabler, Hall, Hamlin, Horton, Hurs.fall, Ingraham, Inwood, Johnson,
E. Kephart, J. Kephart, Kramer, Lahti, Lessiter, Levinson,•Linley, Long,
Mainland, Maly, McDonnell, Melchert, Melstrom, Miller, Mitchell, O'Donoghue,
Oldenburg, Peasley, Perinoff, Potter, Powers, Reid, Remer, Phinevault, Rusher,
Schiffer, Shepherd, Simson, Slavens, Smith, Solberg, Tapp, Taucher, Taylor,
Tinsman, Valentine, Wahl, Walker,•Webber, Wilcox, Wilmot, Woods. (70)
ABSENT: Gharieris, Clarkson, Famularo, Frid, Gallagher, Geraids, Grisdale,
Lyon, Mastin, McNamee, Nelson, Paholak, Peterson, Schwartz, Stine, Treacy. (16)
of construction, The of the Township
tion establisn a water supp . to serve all of 7
The f.:.hai.r2:: the fuk",,I .0 vnerx's Cozsmfttea eade the -r-0110W-
1ng report to this board of 7 ,.),:_!rvisors.
All of the areas in the Townsh:lo of Avon are
in need of facilita ,. for the supply, transperttion
and distriution of nuL.nn from local well-fields and
subsequently from the water 51.7.7 facilities of the
City of Detroit, The most practical and desirable
method of nroyiding such facilities is to establish a
county water sunply system and develop a master -plan
and program of financing said system in several stases
Avon by resolution a ,L_7cteC on
uested County of Oakls ..nd, acting thru
its Department of Public Works to establish, construct
1968, has
and fin a county water svnly system within said
township, bursuant to Act No, 185 of Michigan Public
Acts of 1977 as amended, in knit resolution said
township has indicated a willingness to contract with
the County of Oakland relative to the construction and
financing of such a system in' several stases and the
operation thereof by the County
establishment of said water' sl.;,2rly system wili
nrotec't the publ*c health and welfare ef the citizens
of the C-unt The Committee
of thi.w. 7:oerd. of ,Alpervisors rer:o -.0.7pcndr,.4that a resolu-
the areas of the To ,„,c Avon he adopted this
Board of Supervisors in the form submitted herewith„
19 68
)airnar. of Pub
Court of
Works Committee
Miscellaneous Resolution No. 4921
Recommended by the Board of Public Works
TO SERVE AL -1-, AP„..:P.'.; THE
consolidate and over existing wat systems and a program
cost for the first stage of construction of a (,itional facilities
following resolution was o .::Tc.rod by Mr. Case
and seconded. by Mr. Forbes
IT RESCLTID, the Boa rd of Supervisors of Oakland.
County, Mic::-.1Fah, toes I-1.-.rebv at the establishment pursuant to
Act hic) 135 of the ri ,c.higan 7tablic Acts of 1957, as amended, of
water supply system for the ez.Tp transportation and distribution
of water in the Township of AI2•n, said system to consist of existing
water supply facilities and of water facilities in the town-
ship to be P17,nhed -onstructed and. financed in several stages in planned , ,
accordance with a master plan and pa:-77.im of financing to be
developed by the said township and the county and development of a
well-field as a. local oho'ce of supply to be auf7mented or supplanted
at a later date by connections to the water supply facilities of the
City of Detroit and a contract with said City for a supply of water
RT.,SOLVED 7 7,3RTUR, the Board of Publl.c Works of Oakland
County is hereby a.tn.orized and directed to develop a master plan to
of financing and to secure plans and specifications, and estimates of
for said water supply system; to negotiate a contract with the
Township of Avon in renect to the said existing and new water suppl
facilities and. the financing thereof, and in respect to the °refla-
tion thereof; to submit such plans, specifications, estimates and
contract to this for its approval; and to carry out the terms
and provisions of said Act 133 applicable thereto;
known as 'Oakland it rer uppl,N 7 7 .te,71 for fc''on Tonsh
and that the area to '3rethy shall be k11 ,:::qp as the
L3O7NED 71..)-1: that said water supDly system shall
"Oakland County Water Supply District for Avon Townahiri', and shall
consist of all of the territory in the Tcip of Avon not
incorporated as a city or village;
RISObVID FU'iL7, that a certified cony of the resolution
of the Township 2oard_ of the Township of Avon, adopted
1968, be attached hereto,
July 17
At a DagnIalcc meeting of the Township Board of the Township
C Avon, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Town Hall in said
township on the 17th day of July
Daylight Savings
, 1968) at _4:00
o'clock P.M., Time
PRESENT: Supervisor Miller , Clerk Spencer Treasurer Allen
Trustees Borden, Ennis, McCullough
ABSENT Trustee Trimble
The following resolution was offered by All
and seconded by McCullough
WHEREAS, the Township of Avon desires to provide water and
water supply services to its residents by the consolidation and take
over of existing facilitis and by the location and construction of
supply, transportation and distribution facilities for water to be
obtained from local well-fields and subsequently from the water
supply facilities of the City of Detroit at various points in or near
the township which water supply services are urgently needed for
reasons of public health and which water supply facilities will
serve all of the areas in the Township of Avon; and
WHEREAS, it appears most practical and desirable for the
County of Oakland acting through its Department of Public Works
under Act 185 of the Public Acts of Michi7an of 1957 ) as amended, to
acquire the said water supply facilities as a county water supply
system to serve the said areas in the Township of Avon in several
stages of acquisition and construction and to finance the cot of
the same by the issuance of bonds in anticipation of the collection
Of a.77,06nts to become due under contracts between said Oakland County
and said township whereby said township wIll agree to pay the cost
of the acquisition of the several stages of acquisition and eon-
structicn of said water supply system and whereby said water supply
system will be developed, acquired, operated and maintained for said
township as provided in said contract
I. That the County of Oakland is hereby requested to
establish a county water supply system and to develop with this
township a master plan and program of consolidating existing systems
and taking over same and of financing of supply, transportation and
distribution for water obtained from local well-fields and sub-
sequently from the City of Detroit to serve all of the areas within
the Township of Avon, and to finance the acquisition, location and
construction of such water supply system in several .stages of
acquisition and construction, all pursuant to Act 185, Michigan
Public Acts of 1957, as amended.
2. That the County of Oakland, acting through its Board
of Public Works, and the Township of Avon shall at the appropriate
times hereafter enter into contracts with respect to the payment by
this township over a period not exceeding 40 years, of the cost of
the acquisition, location, construction and financing of the several
- stages of acquisition and construction of said water supply system,
and with respect to the use, operation, and maintenance of said
system for a period of not exceeding 50 years.
3. That this township hereby agrees to reimburse the said
County of Oakland for all reasonable engineering and administ2ative
costs hereafter actually incurred by its Department of Public Works
in connection with the planning, location, construction and financing
cf any pal-t of said water supply system and the master plan and
1.7,1-7osam in the event that, for reasons beyond the control of said
county, the said part of the system or the said plan and program are
not completed or paid for or the bonds to finance the same are not
:1DOP7ED: Yeas - Ennis, McCullough, Borden, Allen, Spencer, Miller
N ay s - None
Absent - Trimble
Township Clerk
) SS:
I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Township
Clerk of the Township of Avon, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Is a true and complete copy of a resola-
pecial .
tion adopted by the Township Board at a xmaltxt meeting held on the
17th day of July , 1968, the original of which is on
file in my office,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official
signature this 18th day o f' July A.D. 1968,
NAYS: None. (0)
Upon roll call the vote was as follows:
YEAS: Anderson, Bachert, Beecher, Bingham, Birnkrant, Brennan, Brewer, Bryant,
Case, Cline, Colburn, Dewan, Doherty, Duncan, Edward, Edwards, Eldridge,
Forbes, Fouts, Fusilier, Gabler, Hall, Hamlin, Horton, Hursfall, Ingraham,
Inwood, Johnson, E. Kephart, J. Kephart, Kramer, Lahti, Lessiter, Levinson,
Linley, Long, Mainland, Maly, McDonnell, Melchert, Melstrom, Miller,
Mitchell, O'Donoghue, Oldenburg, Peasley, Perinoff, Potter, Powers, Reid,
Remer, Rhinevault, Rusher, Schiffer, Shepherd, Simson, Slavens, Smith,
Solberg, Tapp, Taucher, Taylor, Tinsman, Valentine, Wahl, Walker, Webber,
Wilcox, Wilmot, Woods. (70)
ABSENT: Charteris, Clarkson, Famularo, Frid, Gallagher, Geralds, Grisdale,
Lyon, Mastin, McNamee, Nelson, Paholak, Peterson, Schwartz, Stine,
Treacy. (16)
) ss
the! Deputy I, the undersigned, the/ County Clerk of the of
Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete
copy of the proceedings pertaining to the Oak1=2; %un7y Supply
System. for Avon Township , duly adopted and taken by the board of
Supervisors of said County at a regular meeting held August 27
the originals of vhioh are on file in ny
rnef Deputy County Tlerk Oakland Count
, 1968, August 27
Chief Deputreounty Clerk, naklan ant y
r August 27
, Chief Deputy
1, the undersi7ned, the/ County 'ulerk of the (:(Junty of
Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete
copy of the proceedings pertaining to the Oakland County WP,ten Supply
System for Avon. Township, duly adopted and taken by the Board of
unervisors of said County at a regular meeting held August 27
1968, the originals of which are on file in my dffice.
ss :