HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.11.04 - 1889CITY or NOVI GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 4, 1975 CANVASS iF VOTES CiT AT THE ELECTION HELD ON Nowther (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF, OAKLAND XWOVARXXXX)00004TXXXXXXXXXXXVX COUNTY „ MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election The we number of votes yiven For the ofijce of ,) MAYOR (vote for not more than 1) for a wc t i it:L and they were given Foi : the falip,,ving ['famed persons: "AA-. CAMPBE LL 1.G I LBERT HENDERSON PERSONS: RECEIVING THE volts NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The w1,a1e numboi of ,,,:otes given for the of'ite of COV rgi 4 and they were g iven for the faliovvki g ilkirmed persons: PSRSONt REci.t_wit:46 THE Votrs WILLIAM R. 0 IBR IEN WILLIAM SPENCER, JR. 3 JOSE PH D 10TH 4 JAMES A SHAW DENN IS L. MURPHY KLENNETILM, MAXWE L L MEYERBRENNAN 8 MELV IN L. STEPHENS_ 9 MARTHA L. MOYER_ EIENN .11E RRY ROBERT D. SCHMID • STATEMENT ...OF:::)(QTES... • . for rot:::..mdre•:.•th•mi CTLMAN • NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS , ear I i for a ER RECEIVWICi V.)T NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 5. TOTAL - The whpli- — , they were:given for the follow named persons: mbeof votes g iven for the office of COUNCI LMAN, . (vote, for not.Anore—Ahart fdr)q. __Z__ye.ar.Year termi: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES ER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS. RICHARD A . BUREAU PATR IC IA A. KAREV ICH A. RUSSELL BUTTON 4, JACK W. CARTER A 5 /7 TOTAL 5:Liwr 1,:c0S:, CO., KALAMilidi,:MI;;H: 5 PROPOSAL A PROPOSAL B CHARTER BICYCLE Street '1.1Tiprovernetit -AMENDMENT TRAILS Bonding Fire Dept. . M I LLAGE Proposition Mi 1 age pRgaNcr: : OR : WARD: NUMBER : YES : 1n1(1 : YES N YES N ; YES :NO YES G LBERT HENDERSON LOUIE C. CAMPBELL 'WILLIAM R. O'BRIEN WILLIAM SPENCER JR. JOSEPH G TOTH ' JAMES A SHAW DE NN IS L. MURPHY KENNETH M . MAXWELL MEYER BRENNAN MELVIN L. STEPHENS MARTHA L. HOVER , DEN IS M. BERRY ' ROBERT DSCHM I D ' PATR ICIA KAREV ICH RICHARD A • . •• •• • • •• • • • • ••• • •• • • • • 8.11REAtV: RUSSELL . . . . JACK W CARTER STATVANT OF VOTES ich number votes were marked YES and PROPOSAL )le numh-,_,r of votes for and agairsi the BICYCLE -RAILS HILLAGE - Shall the City raise for a period ot to exceed three (3) years by a general tax upon the real and personal property in -tE6--- - -Lty, an amount of up to one-half tenth of one percent (.1 mill) for the purpose of building, _ operating and maintaining Bicycle '-rails in the City of Novi? PUT nr;liPP.:i IN THII COLL.' • • was votes were marked YES ano. / r) 01 es were marked NO • TOTAL VOTES :IL The whole number of votes for and against- the of which number votes were marked NO _ „ The whole number of votes for and ainst the WaS PUT:TIOINIES • IN THIS COLUMN . of which number, / votes were marked YES t votes were marked NO PROPOSAL B The whole number of votes for and against theF IRE DEPARMENERILLAGE a- per iod --not- to- to one tenth of one percent (I mill) for the purpose of i !Apt:wing _tbe_Ei re nApattment by-the-purchase-.0 land, vehicles and vehicular equipment and the buildings& FLre,Aepartment -i-es-?- was of which number votes were marked YES TOTAL VOTES PROPOSAL C The whole. number of votes for and actOinst the PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT - Shall the ,Cha0er of the City of Novi : STATEMENT OF VOTES PROPOSAL A The whole number of votes for and agamst the STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDING PROPOSITION - Shall the City of Novi, County of Oakland, Michigan, borrow the principal sum of not to exceed Four Million Eight Hundred Twenty-f ve Thousand_ (0.,825,000.00) Doi I ars and i ssue ts genera 1 ob 1 igat i on unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of defraying part of the cost of acquiring and constructing street improvements Ln the City„consistidg of grading, draimage,Paving and all necessar ri.hts of Way_in connection therewith? exceed three (3) years by a general tax upon the real and personal property in the Cttyan_amountLof-upj-- be amended so as to provide for raising the ad valorem tax limitation by one (1) mill? votes were marked YES COUNTY OP_ OAK IAN D The Board of Canvassers of the having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of -having received sufficient number of F':'ziy.t...;11-.N. 1.1arAy That the followin g Propositions or Questions were passed Of defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION , Pas,ed Having 3unicient votes was , NO1 Received ueteated Received Passed Having - Su fficient votes was Not Recei-v0d . Defeated • Do if ro:qh .i..*ille.reby Detetiniinel That tile Propositions or Quest NAME. OF PROPOSITION ls were passed or defeated as indicated below: PROPOSAL A NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSAL B Having Not Received icient votes was • Defeated Received , . Having NtR4,2utt„icient votes was „..::::d ied NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSAL C Having 'Suff icient votes wo Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of the Li:BATY of _ _OAKLAND ty, Township cYr this in the year one thousand ( . BOARD OF CANVAS$ERS. (Ci)_:elf..?, City , Township or Villo gefi day of_ NOVEMBER me hunched and seventy-f lye hoving received sufficient number of votes is elected' That_ „,/:2: votes is elected That _ votes is ale That votes is elected That IF votes is elected That votes is elected MAYOR COUNC I LMAN L _year term mAr_term • COUNCILMAN.. -. COUNCI LMAN y.e_ar_ ter_M 2 year term having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of PROPOSAL D - Ricycle Trails NAME OF PROPOWION one thousand nine hundred and seve_ntyTf_tme Do Hereby ,Certify and Detertni , te That CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MT:CHTGAN.) •• COUNTY . _OF 'OAKLAND (Coumty , City, Tnshii; Vincig e). having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said_____„CITY_ _OE NOV_ COunty, Cit y , Townshi0 cir Village) at the _ GENERAL Election, held on the 4th day ai___ Npvember_ (CoLinly, City, Township cq. Vinta ge) .