HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1968.06.24 - 18929lic Actc; c that ,a Oa%land Ac t6 o.Z all .1 n Oij 1:1y" f: • 1.1 CO 1BERSI ORDINANCE NO. 8 OAKLAND COUNTY PLANNING ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE to provide a County plan and County Planning Commission as authorized and empowered by Act No. 282 of the Public Acts of 1945, as amended, with the powers and duties as therein set forth, for the purpose of guiding and accomplishing a co-ordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the County which will be in accordance with present and future needs for best promoting the health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants, as well as for efficiency and economy in the process of development, having con- sideration of existing conditions and probable growth of the territory of the County of Oakland; such planning commissicn to function in cooperation with other constituted authorities of incorporated and unincorporated areas within the County of Oakland and to serve as a coordinating agpacy for all planning commissions within the County. JT OF COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIC* Section 1. Under the authority of Act 282 of the Public Acts of 1945, as amended, there is hereby established an OAKLAND COUNTY PloliNNINO CC7,f1ISSION with the powers and duties as therein set forth and as hereinafter provided and in whom is vested the general administration, management and responsibility to make an efficient and economic plan for the development of the County of Oakland in cooperation with the constituted authorities for incorrated and unincorporated areas within said County as best serves the pies•nt and future health, safety, morals, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of Oakland. This Ordinance shall be officially known and'described as the "OtaLAIDCOUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION". tit Section 2. The planning commission shall consist of eleven (11) members as follows: (a) Eight (8) of the Commissioners shall individ- ually he representative of important sewlents of the economic, goverrocental and social life and development of Oakland County in accoranoe with the major interests as they exist in said County, s.lAc as agriculture, recreation, education, government, transportation, industry and commerce; provided hower, that eight (6) members shall hold no other office or position in County government. (b) The three (3) persons who, from time to time, occupy the offices of County Drain commissioner, Chairman of the County Road Commission and Dirootor of the County Department of Public Works shall be ex officio me4obo!rs of the Planning Commission The trms of office of the ex offico :embers shall correopond to their reopeotive official tenure or as uay be determined by the County Board ervisors. APTOINTMENT AND TERM OF )F COMMISSI Stion 3. (a) The method ciJ e;H:Tient ani term of ,i7.2UJ:2rs of the County Planning Cc7soa shall be by the Oakland County Board fzir F.uprv.is , with the the 73.oad of SuL:.ervisors; rov hI tLat tilc term of ;inted in 7.7:(c:tion 2 (a) shtd for thr e e (3) . first :)poiatment of the m embe r ship by said Che.i (flee may be varied to pe Jb the establishment erms of office. (b) The .reappointment of County Plani ssioners shall not be prohibited. )ATH OF OFFICE Section 4. Each eobcr of the Oa shall, before assuming the duties of 0_,1 an oath of office to he administered b' County Planning Commission ;.iner, qualify by taking County Clerk. 4ACANCY ON COMMISSICI Section 5. A vacancy in the membership of the Cmmission he filled within sixty (SO) days the date of thi, vacancy, 1.( the unexpired term, in the same manner as the position wzs previcu filled. REMOVAL OF MENB Section O. The Oakland County Board of .;:upervisor 1 y member of the planning commission for non-performance sconduct upon public hearing. remove duty or E1MBURSE NT OF MB BPS Sec -411911n 7. (a) :emb,.3.rs of the Planning in oTWatiari i .N'all Dy resolution rece ive ›ebv:XNA,aa compensation and mileage as ›liyx&To&k.Rd›c6ouozeimt-)0* of the Board of Supervisors; except that ex officio members shall serve without compensation. (b) All members of the Co .mmision shall be reimbursed for actual, reasonable and neccssary expenses incurred in the discharge of their c:'.uties. F LOYEES STATUS 0 COMMISSION CHAIRMAN - SECRETARY - MEETINGS Section S. The Planning Commission sall elect a chaiiman from its appointive members as defined in Suction 2 hereof; and •point a secretary; and create and fill such e':he:: ific ;is it determine advisable. The Commi s sion shall eetings as often as is determined necessary, but not less ttv .in regulaf meetings shall be held each year It shall '-r of-business and shall beep a al ens transactions, findings and detEminatious, ve'hch record 1_7 be a public record. All meetings of t he Planninr; ha.11 be public. - QUORUM - VOTING Section 9. Each Commissioper shall be entitled to one vote in the meetings of the rlinnifij Commission. Six (6) rf,,mbers ,Jrf. the Plannim hall constitute a quorum and at uotes shall be necessary for a decision by at nny roetinq of the Commission. APPROPRTATIONS OR COMM SSION Section 10. Inc County Board of Supervisors may apyrate funds for reimbursent of the ro-2mbers of the Cokikmission for: lich reasonablc ahd 1celary expenes as may 1:,o ueoessa,r-y for out the pe.ers herein conferred the Juties helteih JURISDICTION "30ARD OF AUDITORS Section 1l The Planning Department shall be under the jurisdiction of theCounty Board of Auditors, Section 12. The appointment of employees shall be ,,,:rect to the same provisions of law as govern other correspondic civil employees of the county. OF PUBLIC INFORMATION . Section 13. The County Planning 0::nmission i aulorizc,1 directed to !r use of the eport advice and inforzotik-A which may b e furnished by appropriate :fe6oral, state, county and municipal offici„:!3s, ,Ilpa'.-tments and agoncies havino information, maps and data pvrfinent to County US AISSION ;TY OF PL., FUNCTION OF ODUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION AND PLAN Section 14, Itsnall be a function of the Couty Planning Commission to make a plan for the development of t; county, (a) Which plan may include planning in cooperation with the constituted authorities for incorporated areas in whole or to the extent to which, in the Commissioners' rudihl, ty are related to the planning of the unincorporated terrliory or of th County as a whole. (b) The plan, with accompanying maps, pats, charts ahd a7.7. pertinent - and descriptive explanatory matter, sh.7h( show nning commission's recommendations for the of (c) In the preparatisln of a coL,'n,ty development plan, the Planning Commission shall*Wake careful •iJit comprehenive studies of the oxistinn conditions and probable growth of the territory within its jurisdiction. PURPOSE OF PLAN SQ .eti011 15. Such plan shall be made with th.c turpose of guid- iho and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and narmonjous develoLmht of the County which will be in accor d ance with present and P.7.tre needs for best promoting the health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants, as w.11 as for efficiency and economy in the process of development. Section 16. It shall be the duty of the Oakland County Plann- ing Commission to: (a) Make studies, investigations and surveys relative to the economic, social, and physical development of the County. (b) Formulate plans and make recommendations for the effective economic, social andphysical development of the Cokinty. (c) Cooperate with all departments of the State and Feder:A: government and other public agencies concerned with programs dircte::! towards the economic, social and physical development of the Count:: and seek the maximum coordination of the County proms of these agencies. (d) Consult with representatives of adjacent counties in respect to their planning so that conflicts in over-all county plans may he aveideclo )3 1.1an, nil by or tic t7:71.1i.n a n .of any such part, Tution be earriif, Iv of the full lic hearing 1 9,„ tive vo:e ion of ssion after dtay .1sC PUBLIC NO by ti,ie WAIVER OF ion of the plan, or certification fly proj Departn If str-actu thcIeof, tht:, -ORTYINS 'TN (7„7 Section 17„ The Oakland Cc,unty Pl serve as a. co-ordinatn9 agency far all commissions within 1:::e County. •ng .anning o n C tncss and ADOPTION OF PLAN - .AMENDNNT awision !sn t the F) as a Section 18. The Planning by a. single_ reolution, ive p,:s of the p7T, hizal et matter L. t e;,onsin treof or additLo the coun t; and ma -. to onS ant or icap rcsointn all cfor expressly to descriptive and explanatory matter the whol-!:y or part of tho Ian, anf:7 on th,d -,wc,s, plats, •:-,-..harts and theSilTy IflS signt?..,..re of the Chr.C7 and explahatoi:,,. 3f the Commission,, CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF PROJECT B . _ s.sion a land Couhty !_3(N7 : shall be irdtiato;:i by the Couvty Boac land, Section 20. h- - • t ,;_:-) the Plan, itur tin , improvement of any physical facilit rsenl,.. or Ac -,,1 unless a full descripti extm.-4t thereof have report ah0. the •,.:V-ty or 1,-gien.4:4, y the of tb to on 21. TI'w regniret for th ,. Planninq 17 to be ,saived if wlthin 30 cL.. after the pro- U. I ol y:ith the Commion, the Comsion fails to fur n ish in writing i t s report and advice upon ti n: proposal. ADOPTION OF PLAN BY MUNICIPALTT ;ion 22. Any plan dese,17ibin9 the rcoi .nc develc of an c ,frporated area shall not be reognize a.an offic .bat area unless adopted by the munic*ity in th ed for the adoption of said pl;ols by pvisions of' the state statutes or the local charor. PUBLICITY AND EDUCATION ectien 23. The CoTqmission is hereby ,acol..:ere,,1 to pcoto. 1* inter et in an njo .7standing of the plan and to tl,t cud nblish anl distribute copies of the C ,z...ty Plan or 't thereon su.1 may employ sic other c.i!ans of publicity and edcatioo as it nav determine admisable. Thetion 24. Members of the Commission, when .11ily author by the ,_:omtflision, may attend conferences and v;ith planning problems, and techniques and any hoz..Eir on ;e9i.;nk islation the Commission may, by re.ol py volirpj ecuses incident to snch at 7h'f, ssion, as of its duties, shall consult and ;),.:vi so officials ..n)cl public agencies, other planning Conitisie7, or committ,!c, private organizations and agenies, sad.. citie.ns of the County te develop adequat:e support and nmlerstan:iing of the olotives of the County Plan. GTFTS Section 25. TI-1 Oakland County Planning Commission shall nt to accept nil use gifts to be used for the purposes efoin APPOINTMENT OF ADVISORY commIrr Section 26. The Planning Commission may appoint advi s ory Ci;imfl .t tuec or Councils which may be composed of individuals qualiio::..t cy onpnr hoc, raining, or interests to assist in the consideration and *f County problems and representative of the governmental LA.CLion.s within the county, such as townips or incorporated 1 .--tber functional groups or agoncas. ason sTaLive invaiiity .:ions by 1 !94g, j:lo Delos Hamlin Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors ACCEPTACE OF GRANTS Linn 27. In addition to the powers cc:,nferred by other of this ordinance, the c()milission may dy for and z.ccept grants from any governmenta aiTfy, or from (jovernment, necessary, convoniet or The may do any and all things necessary - or rable to may do any and all things necessary - or e the financial aid or cooperation of the fed! in carrying o -,;.t the functions of the commision, when L:1 vote of the board of supervisors. nmy. SAVING AND REPEAL PROW:576V'; Section 28. (a) If any svction, sub-section, t(nc.c, clause or phrase-of'ihis Ordinance is fol o be invalid or unconstitutional, such hoMi] construed as affectin the validity of any of th ,:, parae7 sentences, clauses or oxd.nn.:n or the or,JinLuce as an entirety; it. bei intent that this ordinance shall stand notwithstan of any see inn or Cart of any section, (b) it is further Ordained hi and County Planning Commission heretol 7y!llaneous Resolution No 2496, dated Auc Oak•ncl County Board of Suprvisors, be and the sane are hereby (c) All Ordinances or Resolutions, or C a rs insofar as the same may be in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. EFFECTIVE DATE Section 29. The effective date of the Oakland County Planning Ordinance shall be the 1st day of August, A. D„ 1568. LYNN 0. ALLEN CLERK - REGISTER COUNTY OF OAKLAND OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK- REGISTER OF DEEDS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN . 48053 March 10, 1969 PHONE 338-4754 The Honorable William G. Milliken Governor of the State of Michigan Lansing, Michigan Dear Sir: In accordance with Act 182 of the Public Acts of 1964, I am enclosing, for your approval, a certified copy of the Oakland County Planning Ordinance. Also enclosed is a certified copy of resolution of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors adopting the ordinance, and pub- lication in The Pontiac Press. Will you please return an approved copy in the enclosed envelope? Yours truly, Lynn D. Allen Oakland County Clerk- Register of Deeds • , / By://,4,4°-_4,?„/ 6/Chief DeputylCounty Clerk im :STATE OF M CHJGA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR LANSING WILLIAM G. MILLIKEN COVER NOR March •1, 1969 Mr. Lynn O. Allen County Clerk, Oeklad County 1200 North TEdegre ,ph Cord Poritiac, MicH9r1 Proposed 3rd. e Dear Mr.Al 1 or Notice is hereby cj;vea, of my approval of the Proposed Ordihacice E=stablishes a pla:Ininp coTrnissic-n fer Oakland CouPty . Sinc.erely, c,„ , ,_, r- ,5vernor • cc: Mrc. Virtu (454-ele„,„a? / 317,1-`210, tIrm 4112 -- fi E.() -CY V AV zpript 601 io I hrri " 34 1 ' '•0. THE PONTIAr PRESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48058 PHONE: 3:52-81 a Vr 0 m)-7p u AMOUNT DESCRIPTION DATE OF INSERTIONS 7/1 9/68 Ordinance OrdinaTree 33 ' No. 8 - Oakland 3.36 ounty Planning 110,88 TO: Julia Ma Oakland 1200 Nor Pontiac, &lock, Chief jjenuty Clerk ountyClerk 'a Off ice -4=L, Michtan, 48053 July 24 DATE CLASSIFICATION 0 r ,T7-1 (f; ot (5-• • '- - fAll 1 7 id - i P. P. Form No. E55-a STATEMENT Please Return Duplicate Copy of This Statement With Your Remittance SEAL) By Moved by Ingraham supported by Bingham that Section 7. (a) be amended to read as follows: 11 Section 7. (a) Members of the Planning Conamission shall receive such compensation and mileage as may be established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors; except that ex officio members shall serve without compensation." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. Moved by Ingraham supported by Shepherd the resolution, including Ordinance No. 8, as amended, be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted there for, the motion carried. CERTIFICATE OF COPY OF RECORD. BY COUNTY CLERK C42 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ? COUNTY OF OAKLAND jcnip; a MURPHY,Clerk of cIRDOOL'iti5r the County of Oaldand,xt6xmot liViNc/PC3i5mFgOataZXand having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed cop y of Resolution.44896 adopted at the June 24 meeting of the Oakland County Board of, Supervisors with the original record thereof now remainin g in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole thereof. - IN TESTIMONY WHE • -OF I 'nave hereunto set my hand ourkty and affixed the seal of said at Pontiac, Michigan this 44 ............. ......... June 968 JOHN D. MURPHY, Clerk .444 4.44.4-.44.14 Deputy Clerk.