HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1973.11.06 - 1898,„...„,,,,: ..,.„.. KO. OAKLAND XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&XXX COUNTY, MICHIGAN REGULAR ELECTION NOVEMBER 6, 1973 C ITY OF NOVI s 1 V C A ST AT THE BECTION REGULAR HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1 973 ( 0 A AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTIIRED BY ' L li _, . ,:, , • , I 1 l'. i:i i , i . ELECTION $UPP:41(...'hiANO.FACTURER.$:: STATIONERS ••AND PRINTERS Order by Form No M.398 CANVASSER BOOK SpnciFy whether General, Primary or Special Election if vTALS 3 4 5-6 I .• .-:-AVG-Si • . • • .• • : • OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES MAYOR JOSEPH CRUP I ROBERT W. DALEY PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 41_11z: LL 7 LI, :1 II TOTAL COUNC I LMEN (2: Yr.Teren „ 1 FI LI 1 • GEORGE J. ATHAS WINIFRED M. DOBEK ) ); STATEMENT .QF'..NTES. • TOTAL H.4.4f,L; I COUNC I LMEN (it Y r . Ter JANICE L. EDWARDS JAMES G. GIESLER PHILIP J. GOODMAN WILLIAM R. O'BRIEN 1. ROMAINE ROETHEL JOSEPH G. 10TH DONALD C. YOUNG, J MABEL A. ASH A. RUSSELL BUTTON LOUIE C. CAMPBELL G. BRENT CANUP FATDAENT or VOTE : 1.•kts toOlot ofhoie number of votes given rcri the Office of mAyo R Vote for not more than one lic; they Were giVen tot. til.eLihowmg narried JOSEPH CRUP I receive • 1 ' votes received• received TOTAL The whole number of votes given car t Two Unexi—ii red Term ce COUNCILMEN (Vote for not more than one and they were given for the foltowing named pers received 1101 ti,,S GEORGE J. ATHAS received t,oles rec d • S • • Tile vitly0.1g! vi..•.•;,E..e.giVen...far•-tile. -office Of ing named pei'soh$1 received . ••. • ..• •.• vores - • • • • • • received TOTAL :•n••.ateS. wh ni.no;.„„e.r of votes (liven fz.7,1. the office . FOVr Year Term COUNCILMEN (Vote for not more than three) WM5 were .•_:t.jve;: ior the folicwin,i immed pe ,•soris MA BE LA. ASH received. :A.. RUSSE LL: BUTTON re7eived: LOU 1E :C. CAMPBELL received G. BRENT CANUP received JANICE t EDWARIIS JAMES G. G !ESLER PHILIP J. GOO DMAN 1LLLLIAM., R ,. ROMA I NE ROETHEL receive _ JOSEPH G. 10TH 1 DONALD C. YOUNG,. received JR. received L. • -•• receiVed. received received- ateS .,iateS• votes • • :voles : •:: votes •• • . votes • ... VOie.,$ • • .•v•c51.65...11 ------,• ...1i 1.1 • • ",.ioies•• 1 .. v•bte. I • Vords.'..1 TOTAL C1ER11 fE ONE: Ao RMINATIO. SS. COUNTY OAKLAND ber e.)1 • -.) . • That_ received the Il lb . • eV,..3.•;;:V! •1;;C1 ; I 1.1 U.! 51 . . • . . . . , Si: ITU :;•1.1 1.:i • vos is elecied- viii)tes is riiteci-i_ votes is elected_ r 4 ii,citc:s is elected having • receiriii• t he rargtiti,l- ribrnaer of haiva g received the largest nurn6er _ _having received the n SM_A rr.t: OF Ail CITIGA OAKLAND Couf Roard of CanvassRrs of the—. .A..9.:eqairy2d and (Lorivr:Ifi.,:ed the \totes C ITY OF NOV I at rhei REGULAR Election, heli.! on the : .:•_NOVE1iBER..1_ _ one rn ir.:...; san d nine yotes is oledi-:.:•d. _tYk-YOR (J That_ • • . .COONC..11_101N L.C.rwo. Yea Term. _ votett i:d COU.NC:I:Lt1ti(EOUrYear.. _Terra _ t Vet( .5 _ _COLINC I LHAN (Four Yer _Term)_ .;•.••• is ,:.4ccifed-...C.P.U.Nc.JI1ON...i.;iii(FOgr..:YeOtir...Te.tilli):i: •f•PJ.Th beq: II _having received the: votes is elect.ed ....That_ • , • . _ . • • _s:riovin.g received ks ior.:•iest..nornbeq. votes is elected _ _ _ votc.::'s is elected .vote is elected... _ _ .That Votes is elected_ _... •-• kaVing.:reCeiVed votes is elected _having receive° the ioNest number or votes b;electecL__ That having received Ale largest nunther of votes is elected That votes is elected having received the Icngest riumbet of That votes is elected havi,vg roceived the largest nuirtber That votes is elected_ having: received the i c,rgev wmb That • having •received .thie largest. wmber of: votes is elected • That having received votes is ele That having received the largest number c4 votes is elected. De Ifurthf!r 1-leket,1 Deterrnimei Ti41 the following Propoitii7,sis or questions were passed or. derei NAME• rk..‹.)P0:0PoN NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSMON NONE 4 eir.R.:i:xed the Seal •Wi;inegs Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands cud cif the County Oak and i'county, City, Town,.r=hip or Viiktrpt.'; (Coi.mfy , i„...,,„J;ip viii.„ge) thiS (4:1— day of November in the year one thousoild Wrie inindr3-4 and .seventy -three tilAiRMAN. •-•=2--, "C.,/ • 110AR:p:..P.F.:•.:..: cA..MVASSERS:. ATTEST: OF BcrArzo is* CANVASSERS, cw•.BOARD.:OF •C•ANVASSEBS.:' ecl as indicted below Received , Having ziirificient votes was, INOt eceive° •170:55e. eteater Receive( Kecciv.N. R-ocekred. • Hovmg rot mek.erv kassed : :"urricient vare, uefr.-.iated tc VC.); Eas was ,3,Sea 1)efecoed Received • Having , Not Received : • • r):: • • • r • assCrt.4 • 01, - • . •