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h-E,: 7.0CUIY Februar7 24, 1959
The S14pervi5or's Inter County Committecs was organized in 1954 for
the .r.rT:;e as stated in its Bylaw6 . for the purpose of aleeting
at regular intervels to discuss and study community problems of mutual
interest ard ,oncerh to the counties comprising the mtropolitan region
area, and to develop reccondations for ratification by the several
hoards of Supervisors."
There is no desire to superimpose another governmental layer on top
of existing .covernments. It is the unique purpose end value of the
Supervisor's Inter C ounty Committee to fully utilize all the inherent
strength of exist/111.z tools and agencies of government --- to devise a
means for putting them to 'work to their fullest capability on the area -
wide proble=., which face the six-county area of Macomb, Monroe, Oakland,
Clair, waeLthaw and Wayne Cuunties.
eouhty has equal representation and an equal voice in
the Co,..-.!..ttee's work. Iach county is rosented by the Chairman of its
'&oard. of Supervisors and by a five-member cerf.ittee attherized by the
Board of Supervisors. T.eotings are held each month in one of the
From the very beginning of the work of the C•mrr,cittee, Oakland
County nas been assigned to important Posit:1.one of leadership. Our
own Floyd Andrews, while C -h..airaP nf this Board. In 1954 took a very
prominent part in the form at lon of the Cortmittee, and served as vice-
Other melibers of our present Board serve in important posts:
Say Ran7on„ - Chairman of the Fewage and saste Disposal Committee;
Howard Kelley - Chairmen of the Cater Committee as well as the
aeutheastern. Michlgan dater 4kuthority, which presently inclades
macemb and rd Countis; Hiland Thatcher - formerly Chairman
of the had Committee ,e11 as the Inter Cunty Highway Commission,
and now Chairman of the Special Proz'ects Committee;
Delos Hawlln - our own bard Chairman., who is now Chairman of
7iser's Inter County Committee,- end7in 1 the Six County -
Cornoration the agency set 1 to administer the vari o us research
," nas been d c' eleated mdn j ant sub-co=ittees, such
as Chairman. of the 4.viation Committee 'ALere he has steered imnortaat
legislation through the tate Legislature in the interests of the
future of av aUin. ancl brght together divergent interests in this
flelu to a -coirit du st yesterday the Inter County _',0;r:1-:.Ittee
tentatively acceLcd. a prop•al made by Landrum and Srown, A.Trport
Consultants, of CI:Joinati, Chic, to develop a com:crhensi7e Mater
Airport Flan for the six county area to meet reTairements for air
travel and transportation facilities to the year 1075. This survey,
which will be the batis for further cleaning and action, is being
financed by the Inter County Committee, the State Department of
Acronantics and Industry
The wor of the Inter County Committee has brought about a
t900,00000 grant from the Ford Foundation for a series of governmental ,
research orojects for our six county area, and again, our Chairman,
Delos HPmlin, was called un,on to serve when he was elected vice-
chairman of the Southeastern Tic.hieea to i7otellten C ty •. •• c 1-1
projeete He serve on this ,J.rovn oT ith 41 -11iam nay, president
of Michigan. Be .11, who is the CI,airman, Joseph Dodge, the treasurer,
and Edward Conner, the secretary
The leadership of our Chairm an ha2 also been recognized by the
State Association of Supervisors which just last month elected him a
StaLe Director and by the lational iLociation of County Officials
IC a member of the Roads He has been invited to
speak on the subject of ',-ater Pollution Control at the National
Association mcstIng in VvashIngton D. C. next month.
So busy is "Delos tnese days - ssrving, our Co u nty in these and
many other important positions - that it has become a full time job
--- and we are ever grateful to him for his service and the sacriflIces
he makes of his personal time as Chairman of our board and as
official representative of our County.
All of these efforts end planning are bringing re8:).1ts, not
only for the Si7. county area, but for the people of Cakiend County .
as well.
Cur relationships with the City of Detroit have been grestly
improved through this ba s is of mutual cooperation and uarstendiha
to a lot we are able to (,.-cute most satisfactory contramts
for 3sAage Disposal the ough our Coiunty Department of Public 'clrks
--- where we have been able to obtain a $250,000,00 Federal grant
towards the Evergreen Interceptor Project and where we have been able
tc secure ',.;:.,600.00 Federal grant towards our plans for the
Clinton River H. in Drainage Project.
Virlen we further consider that the plans for solution of drainage
problems in the Huron River Vatershed Area are going on through the
'inter County comilittee, which will benefit not only our County but areas
In 'ayne, Aashtensw and 'Monroe Counties as well, ,we see that our joint
efforts in the Inter County Committee are really worth
Inter County Cooperation is ant too when we consider or
islotIve program The:pc,: are 52 of the 110 State Representatives
and 12 of the 1-4 State Senators from the Six County Are This
cooperation has greatly assisted us in getting new laws to set up
a later Authority, under Howard Kelley's leadership,and our County
Departm.ent of Public orks, under our Chairmen's leadership.
Recent reports show that 53% of the state's total population is
in our siix county area and that the same area has absorbed 53% of
the state's total 5 year population increase. This area Is now
regarded as one of the fastest growing areas in the country - and
in recognizetion of that fact, our Inter County group along with the
State Association of Supervisor's has been able to bring th ,3 sznutli
meeting of the National Association of County Officials to Detroit
where they will meet next July.
Planning must be continued on an ever expanding basis for water,
sewage disposal, drainage, transportation facilities - land, air and
sea - as wela as recreation ahd the .:ty other special robiems which
our area faces. The Supervisor's Int e r County Committee is we
pl organized to help us meet tIlese prob]erils end complete
now beng made to to continue on with a program of mutu a l cooperatio
of the many governmental units in our Six County Area in furtherance
. our loi:,,6-term pls 77,n