HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1959.09.14 - 19158.3442 3457 to. h Ip the
Jive Program for the Ce)k.Inty for th:e of
Pursuant to Resolutions
on the aroerros made ye Co,cleritt:7,c
in a report such IS deals of oh of the
acts. Your COMMittee -).-ht out, however, that
Acts have a::
Counse.i's office,
of a particular Act, it is
fah clan I ties of the County Drola Commissioner t thr-
Works tne .1 of Pulpiic Works (.)
,„„ your ,„„omirp. in to tI IC in the
a en . Mr. Chc::
::neo duriho.
recommendorp;ms made by
:„essionh. Lonsin z p;., This report l'no,:i.des a resume of the
S ave C.15.- the Township ••:"..):::::rvi.sers and the inter-
r Committee to
whic.h were in a naP by other counties. Of the 11
epproveclam the ihoard, 9 h.. a .:een a: to no mokina e
: the denuie and aufliv:i the copies of the onLt
same con ue ou,tafl-K,'d from the
P any o particular
t My. and he wIli orr that
such for you,
Tr,,,nsfer of D--FP.s .ornmis:,,ioi,er to DPW, to nccornprisil the
is acid have them actuall y n r
of 1:30,000 popaintion an r,r, the ice nina o c
of claims cad i.:irovidine for the orif2,-aernehr of such orcii ,•-•••• es. ss enOthe
were held with our State Senator and the six embers of th reiehtih,h 0
County cis wen as other ke y :Ii.ors an d ch a i rmen o f commiitee.
Durin g most of the iogi.dative session a suit was in the Sup ne baurt testing
the val idity of the DPW Act. After the Supreme Court .aph,=..iid he coast utlo 1t y of the
Act the DPW immediatel y oroceeded with its pions for the Evergr2ea
for However However, ,iiictuai construction had not begun at the time that
an of Therefore our Count y
that it would be in rile interests of the Count y nat to
d your Committee
F this Act this
year but rather retain it for submission neat year after the DLW lw had o;s:..:::ortviiiry ia
:onsirsctior af the and Farnali
in operation. it is ther4.:,wo the recomnasnd.:.:tia sf your Committee that this
of the State Lz„,;:k:,:iture:
The Leg isiatura c,.:::ro,.i:hed on amendment t o the :Sta te Amendme n ts to S
the present ia Act 211) which permits a township in a count y
urriericimeis.t (Palo la Act 1\k,i, 91) which extends the effectivf:i i..iuc', for vac.:iirtation to two
years a dog k with modified live rabies virus of chick Joth
of those amendments were
approval of the Committee.
several of the townships of the had the
Anne..:.:,,tion of To,Arnship Area Where There Are ki,u Lao I Officiais. Legislation
intend ,:c:' to correct the Tro y fownii:ip situation where there ore ,ffieiuls to levy
was approved this ',:::3("ir by the enac....kg•ir of . Under this
amendment to the City Home Rule Act the owners of the reoi ,,nroperty in the portion of a
to,„„,,m4 hi p where th ere are no and fv,-, cJ officIals: rn ..::; for 10
into low Public Act No. 133 sure
an adiacent city and such annexation may be completed by approval of a city and the
County Board of :Supervisors.
Township Planning Act. The Le=;::;::,
which authori -ii:es township boards to create a township planning ee,irimision. The several
townships of the County had approved the form of this new legislation and it is
that this new Act wi I prove of great benefit to the townships in planning their fular
Township Housing Act, In order to assist Royal Oak Township to complete its urban
renewal proUrbm, this rix.i.rd recommended and the State l:,..ogislature enacted into Ic.:qv
amendment to the State IOUSmg Law which permits townships to own and operate public
housing facilities. This Act (Public Act 145) was given imi....ealate effect in ord er to permit
Royal Oak Township to proceed with its progr -:::,:1',.,,thout further delay,
. . „ , Amendments to Drciiii At the of me County LA-am
and with the approval of this board, legislation was adopted by the S:i77:tv Legislature this
year Act No. 70) which sets the limitation of the amount which may be ..7.:.:(1:,ended
each year by the Drain for maintenance of County drains at $300 per mile or
fraction thereof, or 1 % of the a u.iinal cost of the drain, Previously the Drain
was permitted to expend $800 regardless of the length or size of the drain. This .:.:imr.:11r.:.;.)nt
met general support throughou'. the State and was endorsed by the Supervisors Inter-County
Committee, because of the 1-07::(.-::lth matters involved, the Legislature gave the Act immediate
Amendment to Plat Act. For several years an amendment to the Plot Act ts cad the _
County Drain Commissioner to the County Plat Board was sizw„ht. This .,,,ear the
approved Public Act N , 73 and gave it immediate effect, thus making the Drain Commissioner
o meriii;,er of the Ft rd.
, Thi:• !:,gi!iation, which wcr;:: proposed 4 tile Supervisor of Avon Town,
.;tiuQr5eu i.- as part of the County', Program, was never reported
of the :,:-..:htotives of the Vi whr.ocueur ed at the hear
it \A Vil l age Act whi ch d that
e.f the
the Senate but on reac:n:
Amendment to Lak Act. Under tH,,, rvisk-in of '''r Li CtiV4S Lou IT
..:j rneridnlentS to Levet Act were would e1arify r.-:erinods
of financing the cost of the proects by setting up in the o
procedure, The arnen&-,..:::nt would aLa clarify the condf:::::iiiotion procedures.
time as the Act P arri,..,:,r.chd, if the larger icks, level projects which ,yould he
more costly can LE: under the existing iokt. LvrC!ows. Unfaie!),- the
Dminage Cr,f•,m[it7,f., ,df the
have time to fully study
Committee, Your
consideration in the
R.:v,ri::.sentative5, where the bill did not
this year and so the hill wed in
-Itnittee ;,:::,00rnrnends thrJ this item also be he Id for
alive the Cou4sty.
Amendment • oir Rul'e Act PK) Votes hn and . _
of t-hk... , onorcIti-ols e when 30..perwsor
Wier apt-oared with Mr. ienc.n , as Cjiairman of your Cor.-rlit, to c.:-,tioin the purpose
ud the of Committee, ihqs.r.i:::fore, decided not
'ed report the hi I I out:
Amendment to I hip Village Act, When the Cow,ty 's 195,9 1...c:,1z.idtiv4,-; Program was
would 1:::irovide for on e-:::crion i n new v'iages. sun. or to the later act (Act 278 of
the Acts of 1909). The
, Representatives when they . •,,.:41.) 2-,1 favor of the amei.„diyik
the aci. was P11 led in the Va m:';uiPOe on Municipaiities.
Drain and Works Proiects. As the result of
n Court decision in the Cohen vs. County of OakicAnc,
be revived when and if the new State tax ylar is fi.Aly 5ettled. Until tnat it
16, cd UoSn by until there is a occlns. from
necessary to obtain an amendment to the Public Works Act to clarify the question as to
whether or not the township miohr
An amendment was the Legislature (Public-, Act No •.4i-) and pi yen immecb
effect which provides that any township may agree to raise a or any part of its contraot
obl;,gation to a county I on with the FinonNp of woter sewage
$YStf,'MS Ly use of the varmo rri,,thocis provided in the DPW Act not that such contract would
:t to the constiiuti ,..,ihal tax limitation or any lawfui thereof. In order to
expedite pions for the Twelve Towns. Drain, your 5..iimilar
amendment to the Code Act No. 77). This was also -given ii,..inzdiate effect
by the Legislature. two amendments have in -a clarification of ths
ciuesstioris involved us to :lie extent of the to ,..vhship.' liability.
In addition to the County's
, , odvaneU. by the Supervisors inter-Count
five Program, several
ttee were endorsed. These
to arid approved by the board on December 22, iNN , the adoption of Miscellaneous
Resolution No. 3457,
Perhaps the most important of these legislative
State welfare ta matching provision. While a formula of41:: was
by the House of Representatives, it received only 15 votes in the Sercle :.1i;iort of the
necessary number for adoption. The Senator from Oakland County, Honorable L. Harvey
Lodge, cirru.nped to hove the amended formuk referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee
Is was tho vlsi to restore the
the Supreme Court on the new State use tOX there is very s
being taken on the welfare formula.
of any action
chi id or pen,i of the decedent. Act 235). ,
0.1 e
slew acts were
were activ
).,.) which vvi; the fy end IN various units of covers sun: f I: fives
i..:;art of the County';,,,
are as folic.
of Supervisors to be:
Act 46, which cftahori
Sn as to the
of 6oards
:Irif;es the
of the i5oard
Pubiic Act 55, sic oeoce
Act 6,7 which cv.::.'•,-)rize.: iruct as
for p
Other pro:T.o.Das of the Supervkor5 inter-Co .".r.ii-tee which ilc:vcE::Scan
e nacted into taw are as folio ,,,vs:
Legislation requiri ng nterCour.t tn be laid at which will not
k, ::,"ostruct or interfere with estal.: :10 ,.:; drains or ootecitiaj drains Act
Le-..jdatioa to .pc.rmit ,74 Dec& r0 etimiiat raf wner,
deeds , one crier arQ:,rn,:rophotographed . (-odic Act 22)
Veterans Burioi Act to deft er tcste. I E2. S I e meaning
of the Act and as a for 6(,.!r:•.:ination of for payment of buriai
oomer of realty or per.wwi.aity at the time of death, the tide to which
was heki either in the sole i --arne of the decedent or by the entirete:i, tsosry in
and safety.
Ant to the
Act 88 we from tho. p tax iim i tation ac
the mtivrrm rate far a local unit
the min reins smiount,
ass frie a‘oel-09.e. of the nt TIF.,rze
d where
Pubiio Act 100 which increa certain fees in Justice Court.
Act';':: 178 and I wHich permit tow io agree to pay a portion of the
cost of specia l
Public Act I ciz which permits -oot.±ndaries between cities to be relocaN
they divide platted lots.
Fat: ic Act 204 which clarifies certain procedur 1...,-fore a township z
/ Your Committee plans to continue to follow up on several other legislative proposals
which may stLl have a chci.cc nf adoption at the present session of the Ez:,;.?:i:;iature,
have to do with iegisction to broaden the county tax base whi::„i.1 was considered by 'Frie
board on June 2, 1 i..J Under the provisions of AR:F.,(..(,.,:ic.4,:nEi Resolution 3539 your
Cowiai-ii-ee was authorized to 'study such and report back to ti:mo for
approval before taki...q -J se rf action. Iwo proposals were advanced -- the first would provide
for the retention of a portion of any new State tax in the county of origin. The other would
impose a property transfer tax to ke col iected and used by the county. Both of the proposals
arc de. nerd to increase the
ha, thn.
tax ci However, to date neither of the propoals
ft:re in bill form. Th ,,,r'..,':fore your .,:ortn-nittee is not in a
to make a recommendation,
MR. CHA1RAAAN, on behalf of this move that the for,:,:
:irt be received and jjmed on file.
:4154TIVE iy) NW I TTEE