HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1959.10.05 - 19170936, as 4tnt,o4 betwten San1t4ir7 tti4t.r1c'ci bo the TZWir te rtanquished to the Octnb-1-,r 5, 1959 fly:, DRAIN comma; RE: NORIALAND SANITARY ;AST TO VW oArtAxo mum aoa.Ro OF SUPERVISORS. CKAIWAN, IADVS& GENT113.741;N; REAS., the Northlaal ,41.itary Dist&gt aT establisbd as extein of tht Soutotorn 0e0aand County SewagoPimpo,441 Distriet, pucsuaat t=; /he provisioor, TAct 342 of the Public Act ii of 1939, A$ by Nisoelta:otous Resoloo No 3062 dated Janry 30, 1956; .4nd ERAS, the Worthlatm:: Sznitary District was further en:bw by Iiiaoous Resolutions 3083 dAk*d April 10, 1956, and 3251 dated July 23, 1957, and 8885 dated Jo.rIc WHERkAi, a contract dated April the CountT of Oakland and the Citi of_Detrzpit for diap43al.o from tt4 Northland Swlithry Dietriot; and WITEREAS, toritrIct was amended by n twItTact dated April 15, 19EL, and further amended by A contract dated September 24, 1957; and triao torts of th* contrm4t dated April 10, /956 r as Amended, require that .pv,htkA th* Evergreen Sewage Divosal Di Lt w:xet *ttablihedp the _Northland Senity Dit,trict mould- merg ,N ith and Jti40sWt Art A the evergreen Sege Dioposl Dlatiot; alno;T. W14:I6AS, the Evergr•en Sewao.aiiw5al.Distrit has be , established and the interceptor is presently under conJ',Iruotion by tb4 County Depunt of Public Works; and Northi,rd Swnitary tt lios 441tiTbly withie 1TAg* the Cite of Southfield And -Athin. the Evergre *0-04 ,WEREA5 x Mt City of Sogthfield by Resvsllutton.d Setpt4 8, #7*,zatted that the Wortaa4o4 Senitaryirlot b:i -44inclylliihtid the Cit,r of lo,v,thfi'4 -Adi; TMENEii& IT REOLNW thvA juriV;I;ction of .the it Southfiell Ak1 CoutAT 1 Ki441,14AA,,, bil7TAIL7riMiatin MR. CILLIRMAY, Drki!.4 (-;-41t I the 00,5 5,1 of the foregoing resolutt