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Res. # 3598
Your Legis 'ative Committee respectfully report that it has just
complted a study of the various new laws and an nd -nts to existing
14,ns as proposed to by County Officials and Vembers of the Board.
27h2_172,1k2921% are miended:
1. Transfer of all duties g nd responsibilities of the County
Drain Commissioner to the D -partynnt of Public Works through the Board
of Public Works.
accomplish this
nta to ‘t.: following Acts are needed to
iAct 342 of the Public Acts of 1939, as
!Act 194 of t%1 Public Acts of 1939, as
Act 296 of 7ublic Acts of 1945, as
Act 40 of t•Lc Pu.blic Acts of 1956, as
\Act 185 of the Public Acts of 1967, as
amended, (Drains),
amended, (Lake Levels),
amended, (Lake Levels)
nded, (Drains),
2. A new Act setting up procedures for establishing lake
and to provide mnchinery to charge back to b ,4 nefited properties
cost of improvemento,
3, Legislation to amend the State Social Welfa to provide
at least a 50/50 matching . formula for State pa
Welfare c*sts,
Your Committe
ticipation in County
o be the target rds the foregoing three items
objectives of the Countyl s 1960 Le&t3lative program.
The following items are rceml,inded fo oreement:
1, Amendment to Gezeral Propevty Tax LAW to allow a treasurer
of a 7onol unit of government one month r than one week to make his
return of
2 Provide for fee fo.
dollnqa3nt taxes to the County T
of safety deposit box by County
10,0 fee, plus milmsuggested,
State Yental Laws so that:
Tow iuDervisore Associations which is advocated b
Leff isivo
(a) The County will have authority to collect monies from
responsible relatives on accounts paid to the state.
(b) Provide a more uniform procedure governing determination
of ability to pay,
(c) Allow to the County of residence for hospitalization
provided by the Cnty in a private hospital prior to admittance to a
State Hospital the first year of care.
4. Anierrt to General Property Tax Law to have redemption pro-
cedure or 1n7, eales transferred from the County Clerles Office to the
Register of Deeds Office.,
Your Committee recommends endorsement of the following Dr
1. Rep-al of Act No 3 of the Public Acts of 1895 (old Village
Act) 0 sInO,the Act does not give the residents of a township the right
to vote in annexation or imtorporation proceedings. A County policy
of self.determination of the peOple as I as incorporation and annexa
tions are concerned is recovned.
2. Amendment to Act l of the Public Acts of 1959 (Township
Planning Act) to include "approved" as well as "disapproval" of decisions
of the Township Planning Commission on matters over which the Township
Board will have z7 urisdiction to make final determination.
3. An e r'o the Drain Act (Act 40o1 the Public Acts of
1956 0 as amended)0 te provide for re-apportio' ment of drain-at-lar
costs where there is a city or vil incorporated from a portion of a
township area
.tL Amna
Acts of
of the. ccstr
ohip Special Assess.nt Act (Act 185 of the Public
ed)r to inc71. sewer counectAira cargos as ,a part
be included th a special assesfr .t aga:!.nst
benefited propies
not conc:r in this suggestion, Your Committee your (2: 5
5. Although a T=f IDc's:visors Association has suggested
the repeal of Act 2(-; f Ilic tii of 1959 which requires a township
to have an orgized Police Departmt in order to be eligible for
retp271 n of the State collected fees for liquor licenses
recommonct3 that Tc_wrnAps having agreents with the County for pf;Talnts
for additioma :iff services be given credit on such agreementz, for
that portion of liquor fees collected by the County for licenses issued
in such township.
Your Legislative Committee has made a study of Act 155 of the
F-J:blic Acts of 1954 which places a ceiling on the salaries of Circuit
Yrkgc, at $22 p 500.00. An .opinion of the Slate Attorney General rendered
in 196:5 tht this Act is unconstitutional, In an opinion to this
Board o
AttorngyClJleral's Opinion, It is therefore the recommendation of the
Committe our Legislators should be urged to advocate repeal of this
Act at the 1960 Session of the State Legislature as a part of the County
MR. CHAIEJ I on behalf of the Legislative Committee, I YC7:, as
That the foregoing naport be received and the recommendations
Septe 15, 1958, the Corporation Counsel concurred in the
therein made be approve ,t of the County's 13,60 Legislative. P ogram.
2. That the CorporAtic Counsel be i*Structed to draft the approp-
riate atndments or new laws to carry out the fe4goi*g recomtpdatio'its. - -
8. That n certif 4 ed copy of this resolution . forwarded by the
County Clerk to ez; T her of the State Legislature representing OaklaAd