HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1960.01.18 - 19233Res. # 3616 The Clerk prneentc,d a co7m,:nic Lon from the Secretary of the Board of Public Works transmitting a proposed ordinance to amcmd Section 9 of Ordinance No 5 of iAw ordinances of the County of Oakland which ordinance had bceu, ;,"7•roved by tha County. Board of Public WorIci ed which ordinance her.•nafter set forth. Horton introduced Ordinance No, 6 Mr, moved the adoption of the fore- Mr. Horton Misc. 3 t4b IN RE: M.S.U: ND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM entitled: AN ORDINANCE TO AM%ND SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO 5 ENTITLIT,1) "AN ORDINANC TO PROVIDE FOR ACQUIRING•THE LS U. - OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. TO DE OWNED AND OPERATED BY TEE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, MICHIGAN, ACTING THROUGH ITS BUV1D OF PUBLIC WORKS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF UTT;NUS BOWS TO DEFRAY A PART OP THE COST THERE07; TO ITOVIDE FOR TH1: RETINT AND SECUTUTY OF SAID BONDS; AND TO . 1T OR OTHER /IATT.RS RELATIVE TO SAID SYSTEM AFO SAID BONDS," which ordinance was read. Seriann going ordinance, which motion was supported by Mr. Upon roll call the odinance was adopted by the following vote: YEAS: NAYS: Allerton, Alward, Arc:Lailit, Bender, filoe„ Brickner, Calhoun, Cardon, Carey, Charteris, Choyz, Clack, Clark, Croteau, Curariirs, Diek.('nS, T)obany, J. W. Panum, Dpucan, Elliott, Evart, Fots, Frid, Hall, Hoacoo;A, Bilt3ebranOt, Hoard, Hocking, Holm,e, ik-rton, Huber, Hulot, HursflI, Joie , 77.k,Hart, Levinson, Lev, Major, McCartney, McGovern, fol'horsoil, Melohert, Menzie'6, ::Oarnce Mitchell, O'DonoLue, Oldenblirg, Potter, Heard, 4orocr, Rowston, SchooL, SolIoy, Staman, Stevos, Tif1c., Tinsman, Yell, Webber, Yookey, (6E) None. (.0) ABSENT: Christensen, Gillis, Goodspeed, Hudson, i rff.rahar„ Krio-W]e MacDonald, Cyril Miller, Char, Osgood, Quinlan, iSi6cial Swanson. (13) The following is the ordinance as adopted: Lewis, Smitn, ORDINANCE NO. u AN ORDINANCE TO AMND SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO 5 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR Chairman of covnty Board of Supervisors ACQUIRING THE M.S.U. 0,•aAND c2VAGE DISt'OSAL SYSTEM TO J.E OWNED AND UP7P4NT) 7,Y THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND, MICHIGAN, ACTI,J. MROCGH ITF BOARD OF l'UBLIC WORKS; TO PROVIDE 7'011 TRE ISS12NCE AND SALE OF R.WOUC IIONDS TO DEFRAY A PART OF THE COST THEREOF; TO l'IOVIDE FOR TE,. 1,.:TTREMENT AND SECURITY OF SAID BONDS; AND T PROVIDE FOR OTU7K MATTERS RELATIVE TO SAID SYSIX . AND SAID BONDS." THE COUNTY OF MICHIGAN, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 9 of Ordinance No. 5 of the ordinances of the County of Oakland, Michigan, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 9. The system shall be operated upon the basis of a fiscal year beginning on January 1 of each year and ending on December 31 of the same year. Section 2. This ordinance shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the board of supervisors at which it was adopted, as soon as practicable after its passage, which record shall be authenticated by tu- signatures of the chairman of said board and tbe county clerk and shall be published once in The Rochester Clarion, a newspaper of general circulation within the said county. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.