HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1961.08.22 - 19421,3n
or crrh succeedth,j
17 C7
AUGUST 22, 1961
TO TN : CuU,,;Y
wHE,,, rocei re insH,=t .i,:uant to Act 40 of the
Public Acts of 1956 as amer, to estblisr 11c
age District; ancl
'ere to be sold to ti ie the cost of construction
of the aighc Mil ,7! Drain; and
Yr. the oaklafid County Board of Supervisors by laneous
Resoluti,-;n Ao. 3438, ded November 10, 1958, as set forth below, Tledged
the full faith cradit of the County of Oakland in cJ .67 to ma. Ihe
fi,ing of the Eight K1 Drain possible., to-wit:
hay' - taken for the V.
arid constru7ti of the Ei;ht MiV! A:orm
n e provioir :,ct No 40 of th c Acts
1956, a at an estimd of
76C,OA; and
wher cost ol i60 0
t7._e of Mi(J',1a,
ijie City of o'ic
ment district; and
in the ':-.0ec1a
Whereas the Couty Orai ,t 1,osioncr has made an order dated
mber 7, ,:.suance by i.i ht. Mile
Road Oraina H7trict of ir the principal s!.,2 of
400,03o ted ,;;Anury 1, 1:7, to bear inrst at
rate cr lerearc determir,c not ed-,ng
per annum re srinlly in the. wnr7 1*)
as in said o:r prvided, sid in Lipation
cYi7 the collection of a principal amour: z_1: aforesaid;
40 provides as foil :
November 10, 195 cL is hereby rescMjd and held for naught.
federal -ennial census, the coun
may by dution adopted by a ma
men , ledge the full faith
h, payment or t 'e
aafter issu ,a—suant
, :AC' any borH retrL..::r-
CCuiy shall be reqt. vancc
such pledge, and if ,tions
shall not be suffici Zc roimburs:
Irain commi! , of
t on
oney r f
„ withi
period from d ite f ad:lc c :,sess the dr in,
rict as in first in-' in rLr to provide for the re-
o the Colinty of the st The f)r ions
ecti '1 not permit rne adrr ,ement •)1 rih fs
of any county meet icy
n assessments oonfirn 1 or to
oe it :J1, in consider6zio ot the general
L ,24leiits tc accru' If Oakla,cA fr-QP: 7Le location,
isliment and cr-..7..tior said Eirt MiHc ,c)ad Storm
(over and for which be assessed at
on account rf ,;,),Lr-L .y highways), n -7der t make the
financing thereof n 1,2j, the full H;t:±! of the
Onty hereby pledge tro payment of the•
prir:ipal ,747 and interest on said bonds as .:me shall mature.";
WHERI ,. the procee ,i for the Eight Mile Road Drain were t-;
-41 December 7, .2 ; and
AS, no bonds were sold for th; 1. ,ile riH ain; and
L:AS, Miscellaneous Resolution :),38 above set forth is of no
force and effect:
NOW .1 ,RE BE IT RE LED, t Oicellaneou! . Jlutiot
, on bch:H of the Drain Co....iLtee, J move
of the foregoing resolution.
Mo,r,.(1 by Calhoun supported by Hoard the resolution be adopted.
Alierton. ALward, Archambault, Bloc, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun,
Cardon, Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Clack, Cummings, Davis, Demute, Pewan, Dictens,
llohany, J. k. Dunc an, h. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Elliott, Ewart,
touts, Frid, Goodspeed, nail, Hamlin, Hill, Hoard, Hocking, Horton, Huber,
Wallace Hudson, W-m. Hudson, Huhn, Bulet, Hursfall, Johnson, Johnston, Kephart,
Knowles, Lessiter, Levinson, Lewis, Love, MacDonald, Majer, Mar -shall, McCartney,
McGovern, Neichert, Clarmice Miller, Cyril Miller, Mitchell, Noel, OYDonoghne,
016:!nburg, Osgood, Potcer, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Semann, Smith, Solley,
Taylor, Tiley, Veil, Webber, Wood, Yockey, Menzies. (76)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority havitif, voted therefor, the resolution was adopted.