HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1961.08.22 - 19425Miscellaneous Resolution August 22, 1961 BY: Mr. Levinson IN RE: BIDS FOR WEST ADMINISTRATIVE WING TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen; In accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution No. 3819, your Special County Building, Ways and Means and Buildings and Grounds Committees and the Board of Auditors met in joint session on August 10, 1961, to receive and tabulate bids on the West Administrative Wing of the Oakland County Court House, Oakland County, Michigan, to be constructed at the Service Center. Bids were received and tabulated as per tabulation attached, details of which have been previously furnished each member of the Board. Proper bid bonds have been filed by all bidders and O'Dell, Hewlett and Luckenbach, Associates, the architects, report that all low bidders are responsible firms. The low bidder, Barton-Malow Company, having declared that it had made an honest mistake in the neighborhood of $50,000 did, on August 11, 1961, withdraw its bid and request the return of its bid bond. The joint Committees recommend that the Mechanical and Electrical contracts be assigned to the General Architectural Contractor and the percentage fee stated in its bid be paid for such assumption. The Committees further recommend that the base bids of the Bundy Construction Company, the Soma Electric Company, Inc. and Eames and Brown, as modified by changes, alterations and omissions be accepted. It is further recommended that the joint Committees and the Board of Auditors be authorized to make such other substitutions and revisions to the original specifications and drawings as may be recommended by the architects. Your joint Committees recommend that the contract for the first wing to the Court House Office Building, Oakland County, Michigan, be awarded to: BASE BID Deduct modifications $406,838.00 17,072.34 P89,765.6-6 General Architectural Trades - Electrical Mechanical Bundy Construction Company Soma ,Electric Company, Inc. Eames and Brown and that the architects fees be paid to O'Dell, Hewlett and Luckenbach pursuant to the existing contract. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the foregoing recommendations be approved; 2. That the "General Contract" be awarded to the Bundy Construction Company of Pontiac, Michigan, at the figure of $891,850.60 computed as follows: BASE BID Add 2% for subcontractors (Mechanical and Electrical) Deduct modifications the "Electrical Contract" to the Soma Electric Company, figure of $141,148 computed as follows: BASIS BID Deduct modifications $917,000.00 10,618 .27 $927,618.27 35,767.67 $891—,-83-0.6-6 $153,448.00 12,300.00 $141,148.00 Inc. of Detroit, Michigan, at the the "Mechanical Contract as follows: o Eames and Brown of Pontiac in the sum of $389,765.66 computed 3. That the issuance by the Board of Auditors of a letter of intent to proceed with the work subject to the substitution and revision of work as recommended be authorized; 4. That the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Auditors be authorized to execute the contracts on behalf of the County of Oakland; said contracts to be prepared by the Architect and approved by the Corporation Counsel. David LevinsonTlhairman 'Tan B. Osgood, C Arthur G. Elliott, Paul W. McGovern Milip E. Rovvston Frazer W. Stonia,i FreaT,-7ockev Thomas H. C.1 0.3noghue Frank J. VolL, 5. That the Board of Auditors be authorized to pay the Architect pursuant to the provisions of the existing contract; 6. That upon the execution of all contracts the Board of Auditors be authorized to return all bid bonds. MR. CHAIRMAN, on behalf of the Ways and Means, Special County Building and Buildings and Grounds Committees and the Board of Auditors, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE BOARD OF AUDITORS SPECIAL COUNTY BUILDING COMMITTEE Tfj()41 -y, L , .'.uorted by Borten the resolution be adopted. lerton, Alward, Archambault, Bloe, Bonner, Brichner, Calhoun, Cheyz, Clack, Cummings, Davis, Demute, Dewan, Dickens, Duncan„WM- Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Elliott, Ewart, F.ou ts, Fri , hil, Hamlin, Hill, Hoard, Hocking, Horton, Huber, Wallace HJ1c.:k,ft Huhu, Hulet, Hursfall, Johnson, Johnston, Kephart, Lewds, Love, MacDonald, Maier, Marshall, McCartney, Miller, Cyril Miller, Mitchell, Noel, , . . Futter, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Sewann, Smith, Solley, st-im;)v,, III c;, Voll, Webber, Wood, Yechey. (76) 10 1 ruaJority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Job No 60-11 BID OPENING August 10, 1961 200 P.M. - E.S.T. Hewlett & Luckenbach -Architects Contractor Base Bid AltPrnates Mills ICont Cal PI r3eoul - Ir I Fees I Bui P Barton Malow Company add 3,337. W. Burke Company deduct 5,000. I 5% I 365 IBond I 1-3 Bundy ConstructiOn Comp add add 2,000. 3,500. 959,710. add add 2,000. 3,377. Palmer-Smith Company Schurrer Construction Co. 'add 2,000 add 968,000, a44 ldeducl 2,000. 13,00.0. J. A. Ut 047,650. add 2,200. add 3,400. Viking Contracting Company Mathew LaIewicz Inc. J. A. Ferguson 5% I Bond' 5% 1 Bond PROJECT: C c1and CoUnty Court House Wes _-„dministrative Ting - TABULATION OF BIDS - Archltect-aral Job Yon Contr, Days I ecurityl to i-comu „e iletins Contractor Base Bid B" Fees A -„, ub ite:L= OtheH 4 inn_no) J,43. 1 51 In A ;44 X F " 500 Sylvan Plhgo a Htg. Beni & Maguire Co. 430 9 470,,00 MECHANICAL Operinq, Au7ust 10 9 1961 2:00 Po M. EoSoT, OIDell, Hewlett B Luol-7enbach Associates - Architects PROITCT: Oakland County Court House West Administrative Wing TA3ULA7TC7 07 BIDS: Mecbanica William A. Adam Coo Allen BriTgs Coo Brady Procr„. Heating glaiiiiiinergammemsammowww. 14 9 000.00 15,'P 00 44i 4 9 500000 Robert Carter Eames & Brown Glanz and Killian dA 5 9 8380 00 CV—) $4 9 600,0) 0 vc, ])/0 10,1 IrO% '3 4,5 John E o (lreen Plb7. & Htg Page Plb7, B Ht7. Goss Mech. Ccntr. Co. $46o,000.o $417,450000 $441,743,,00 James W. Partlan Co. Shaw Winkler Coo Spitz1e7 Corp. ,676.00 1 X X X X X X X X X x x $3 9 292 5% 10 % & 10 or-C 1111111111111 "4 1111 9 900, & „44 I _ 1 I '"',% I0* , 1 I g 292.00I _ I T,i1.2,400H1,6r'q ,-, , i ....1---_-- 141340C:1) $l -- n Of . I , 1 . ....„„. 1 ..„„,, , ,ls,,,, , 1 , ,1 1 •„_,.....1._ 1 , ,.._,......._„+___ , ............4__r_.... 1 i i 1 X ------ - —11—,----1 1 i r'r,77 1 1, 0% "Ire/ I ! ,!! Hamill Elec., Co, 417 99 980 Long Elec, t:7! 7-7-77 20% 1 --- $1' +6 11-1-g ''T 14'12,S Moote Elec. Inc. 18165,51 Schultz Elec. Service 10156,300 + I • - . - ternatel t Days A lE 3ecuri,"7 . uo Cuar. I Si: iEle.ether 1E1 1 ? I - iComplett 1 10% 11C,&1( Bulletins Contractor Drill 77_,.ectc Co, Shaw Elec„ Go, Soma Elec, Co., Inc. Southeastern Elec. Co. , . . Standish Elec. 41412, 821 -13 9 p 1,5 oc Reed Electric Co. Hall Eng'ineering Co, 1 ,0t 80 0 John H, Busby Co. 7:ra7 Electric Co. Harlan Electric Co. 1 1$18,68t 77-7r,,,m7;,Tr,gT - • • Job Yo, Bid Opening August 10, 1961 200 P. NI, E.S 0 5 0 0 ,Dell, HefrArlett b Ltt.clkenbach —41s;loclates Architects PROJCT: Oakland County Court House .e istrative Zing - TBULATIO7 OF BIDS: Tectrical 881 9 200- 15-0:IT/sq0 ft. Eames and Brown (1)- 465,Q9 - IY20.00 Revised Proposal - 375 32 56 isq.ft. jThwlett Lu(Menbach Associates - 950 North Punter Blvd. RIrmingham, Michigan Page 1 of Base Bid: . . . . . . . Bundy Construction Company Soma Electric Eames and Brown West Administrative Wing Oakland C ounty Court House Oakland County, Michigan Job No. 60-47 August 18, 1.961 $917,000.00 153,448.00 $1,377,277070 Revised Sids Bundy Constraction Company Base Bid $917,000.00 (1)- 4,070.00 - Omit alterations to retaining walls (2)- 1-0,378.00 - Omit west portion of retaining walls 720.00 - Omit block facing Room #20 - Tax Records (4)- Jr00.Q0 st1 tu La Visgueen vapor barrier 7 - 1 ( 211 .ang --.s in marble work (6)- 1.000.0e ChangPs in temporary fence (7)- 9,000000 - Change re-steel to high strength (0)- - Change tees in translucent ceiling construction roL ,Il Deductions Revised Proposal )- 8,514.00 )- 1,448.29 )- 74.97 )- 8,945.34 )- 1,100.0o )- 3,150.00 497-7-0 Inc. Base Bid $406,838.00 - C....it inside drain tile connections Car-r-fe-r-absorption un4-t-by-80-tons• - Cwit Carrier conversion work compressor---Automatic-tempr,atur.e....... -Control-3- - Use Westinghous AC-1 unit in lieu of Buffalo Forge - Use Westinghouse AC-2 0 AC-3, AC-4 unit in . lieu of Buffalo Forge - Leave existing capacity control valve as is Omit one cooling •tower cell-- - Use Poppers sound traps in lieu of Industrial Acoustic - Use Westinghons return air fans in lieu of Buffalo Forge (5 (6 (7 -(8 (9 (10 CWS:jb Job NJ. b0 -47 August 18, 1961 Revised Proposal $141,148.00 2.10/sq. ft. Revised Proposals? (SummarY) — ------- $884-3-23'31-0C-: 14/2 148.00 T;FT17777 2477/sq. ft. inc. 2 e -5 ,2CC . on - -9 000.00 -10,900 .00 03.00 (3) (d) ) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) .10 0 .00 - 500.-00 -10,200.00 - 1,100.00 - 1 ,1 5 0 .00 Revised Proposal $368,750.00:: d i iStrative 1,4 JAI g C.,,s4t a„nd Co un tyCocc t Haus e 0:-ftland County ., Michigan Page 2 Soma Eletric Company Base Bid $153.448.00 (1) - $12,000.00 - Change underfloor duct from 4 cell to 3 cell (2) - 300,00 - Omit telephone conduit between telephone closets 1,W0.00 - Total Electrical Deductions Bundy Construction Co Eames and Brown Soma Electric C The following revised proposals were received from the second low bidders for the Mechanical_ and Electrical Trades. William A. Adam Company Base Bid $414,000.00 (I) - 1,500.00 - Omit inside drain tile connectors (2) -12,600.00 - Reduce size of carrier absorption unit by op tons. - Omit carrier conversion work 7 Omit one compressor - Automatic Temperature Controls Use Westinghouse AC77.1 Unit in lieu of Buffalo Forge - Use Westinghouse AC-2, AC-3, A-4 Unit in lieu of Buffalo Forge - Leave existing capacity control valve as is - OmtA one cooling tower cell - Use hoppers sound traps in lieu of Industrial Acoustic - Use Westinghouse return air fans in lieu of Buffalo Forge - Total Deductions Job No, 60-47 August 18, 1961 144,640.00 Revised Proposal Wesl. AEtrative Wing OaRlan ,J. County Court House Oakland County, Michigan Page 3 Schultz El4Lrital Service - Base Bid $156,300.00 (1) -11,39:);00 - Change underfloor dnCt from 4 cell to 3 cell (2) - 7(:)6 - Omit telephone conduit between telephone C losets .U0 Total Deduction rir II of Changes: . • _ „ . _ niectural : ) Omit all work required to extend the existing retaining wall north of existing tower. Reshape grading and place sod between the new sidewalk and existing retaining walls. (2) Omit all work required to install the west retaining wall from a point 24 feet west of the New Addition. Reshape the grade and place sod in the slope in the area of the omitted retaining walls. (3) Omit the 4" block veeneer wall on north wall of Tax Records Room 20. Rub and finish concrete foundation wall. (4) install 4 incILVisgueen in lieu of W. R. Meadows Fremoided Membrane Vapor Seal below concrete slabs on grade. (5) Reduce thick up of marble and serpentine stone to Change method of anchorage to dowels and straps. Chan g e thickness of anchors to 3/16". Omit waterproofing of marble. (6) Use L foot high farm fence .in lieu of chain link fence for enclosing the construction area. (7) Use high strength 30 5 000 PSI in lieu of intermediate grade 20,000 PSI steel for reinforcing bars. (8) Change type of supporting ties for sub-ceiling con- struction above translucent acoustic ceilings. Mechanical? -777--Cmit all inside drain tile connections . (2) Install carrier model 16E-590 in lieu of carrier model 16E-665 absorption machine. (3) Omit carrier companys conversion work on the present absorption machine as specified in Pre-Contract Bulletin M-3. (4) Omit one temperature control compressor specified in Pre-Contract Bulletin M-3. (5) Substitute Westinghouse supply fan and build up unit in field for air conditioning unit AC-I. Unit to have all component parts as specified for the package Buffalo Forge unIto Job No. 60-47 August 18, 1961 ,r-,,nisti'atjve Wing 0:,Akland County Court Hous? Oakland Ucunty, Michigan Page 4 (6) Substitute Westinghous Units for AC-2, AC-3 and AC-4 in lieu of Buffalo Forge - Filters will remain the same. (7) Leavr:. nr?;slit 5" capacity control valve serving the existing carrier absorption unit. (U) Omit one of two cooling tower cells* (9) Use Kopvrs Sound traps in lieu of these manufactured by industrial Acoustics. (10) Use Westinghouse return air fans in lieu of Buffalo - Forge units. Electrical? (1) Use 3 cell underfloor duct in lieu of 4 cell underfloor duct Size of telephone duct will be increased somewhat by this changev (2) Omit 3" telephone condiut risers between ground, first and second floors. Install 3" sleeves in the closet floor to interconnect telephone closets*