HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1965.04.13 - 19589is an J..,:)11t and contract; or,y f tf CUAIPMLY. on behalf of tto ane I this re1mt.1. th.; AFRIL 13, 19.5 REsoLuTToy No , 4426 BY W4ffai. TIVTT7dF, •InaELWMIL ivA441E3TT h.f!„..AL COJYTT EWAND WM:N:4A: 1)1 :I F :tuner t Corrann t WIll]EAS. Act %tle414 of Commni aesoimi the an6 ty 016 cii a 4c1,5 , 4216 he Community and it may rlotLit., ontrao , • -y for tllo !:Jounty to CvnrAmuity. : with tho Iontiac t7:w ost of such out-ntl)'n ?ithin TT thnt the Chair, , of the Board of 5;117.=*0.-vipn-7! t11,4y by authovL tn P con - for pnYn5hiatrin the Count: 1:4 rntiaG a t ta d mov ent:psychiatrie-.SerVi•COS•• , dianosi, care and *4.4a1 11.1tlatOk: dot4oet as the• nt of persons suff lor ...•:Or..:SinOttosta.• 4-0.i •St0.4tSs:-Ap..t.• 404: :O.t.'Oet.. peychiatr Leg from Aorders. idual medical care and That :OW load shall be dotal eat Abell be **4e ; **vent. AdJueto3elv nts, The quarterly fi losiek each quarter, made. anal. be .#0de: 11 days ant. .to Ca with.. 10.44HVO 1*00ttit i.anyi•Hpatient tre.atMen• Ole under AO terms and....:..COnditiOns; :of •••be sing SYcliL UTPATUNT SiirATIC1.3 ACIza,rinE ml 19651 by 4 4 the and 11** after e ell11.4. the hosp calle d de and entered into tkis ,g: day 11 OP OAKLOV* State 3 -Tactri. ni pormAt 0M1bUi HOSPITAL SS0.1111 Ilift•:.:•O0unty t. under Wither:ill ..gr.anted. by Act •04:•:' • • . •„...„,„:•-. • ••••••. •••• ••• Publ4t:ACip.,*$-•195040(hereinaftim'Caile4:.:.1%.Ct...4.0.).*.desires to secure outpwkient -:00ychialric..setiv.icele.fer -te,01(100A*44fHOeklan4HVOunly..*bo i.:.• ro*Oite...'euch....040*I00*....but. are unable toafford private care; patient psychiatr by the 'Michigan De operating under prl be!Hupcpliai.. represento...that4twill uointainyan:..e01. .c clinic which eatlefiee ::tbe .reqUireolentecpecifiell tee:Tit:0 f Hental.Healtbfer psychiatric clinics 1.440risi •cf:Act 444 CONTA' sent that governe( the It ineNSPORa jt: is understood the termS proviZil Oki i P*Oteeit COVIK014.:•:::00ROrg . 4$4000:..by:::100.1*. part*** tO:.:t4W:•agree , a set or'W:;*crein .,.oire...enbject:..::te and Oie:•::•:=OffitialCHniaa.and •44401sti:co.S.•:•0.f..:•.••••:. tal inSikltkt and Act 54, TIM 110SPITAL AGNEWISs Hospital's Oakland whi iiebed in the fa meats specified by County Community Neetel eitoattO*0***Ont 00y04144.**4 . . . - . . . . . . . . . . • , • , • . 1011,16*-04 ,400.11t*::0;,.. 100141k. the 01:****Itde:•'''e•etab,i;,•::.. • _04 gottios•vmm*..ihe.eligibility reqire rector of • ren tal 1.1***Ib $0tYitee . of.'•the ':HOakland Health Services .searit b) ¶o maintain •al:.psychiatric .outpatient clinic ...witW:perSOI poseesstat.Ahe .:::qUalificationO•.•and•••Mith:.pregra and'proOoditre*..#0;:apeO *fie d • .:•.0t:::*ct 544.%:.arid.,.. %the .BuieS and "Regulations Of••:.the Nichigan Depart ment • of rental The outpatient clinic to be established immediately witñia the hospital rendering ServiCes:. at least ...t.Wenty ttours...per•::14eek.•:anit:••....up.;:' to • forty ..licifr‘a...!pét ::••:•Week• AS soon:. .40 *: heitee :••:sd.jaCertt to the • hospital can be too **aiAable -an4:07taiT employed.. otter .ths ::gran•:t: . . • . : . . . . -.- • . This atroerpnt.4-. available personnel. ) To increase Its persona t ease load, and oornensul on fur CO1OX maw, 00.0n.ty' ••• ••:•••••••• •iJ an'evalhat*O4.••Of:.:..aerVi0004 %Ce• uu• .riartolt: •111.6.. )...teriev Stith. :11 Solivines Buw mtiwits ee required b ;•• or the State r e Part rrlreotor or en alvtli?fo: re o ords at te oe ostrY t.Yki0V7114.. tte. 0 .01010*1-Ctmty.:VerrclAr*ly reght.7..ditt: ...t110 total .1',,4rOit tIlk....t1)1***...01e6r ifIrty:•00 CtInIts't %Tito' Health operation Of tile ntel. nealtD, 6357vica Rerresotativa to fheY 60•11/ 000e$S2 4 $erviVka' psWitá,fr 404' thQ:•A f114••••••:TA,......10:1.13;t1A rr$•approree r•t•itte ttch treetvr. by t or 9f _7461:411 11.0011.‹.1. OAVe •,:v an ror tue pe tk ins prow az_ bi thi T7 cre4' MAT grital 44010430: an agree upon sus baseO upon: :a) (I) Salaries of prefeasional personnel 2) Sa),ries Of suPPortlt•It Personnel* ( " ) olserl t iot vain ten an c e and 96 rir ce Lbit it a) I (elzhi .11()WITAb A d S for the outpatient ear 7 in accordance with the pr Lc ion seAedulf aP'Proved Yental 1104:.Abf•AO: nar-14 1161110: shall tnched ol).16;11,,e partseut 04 on tzle bas14% rov 1,) be crri, . . . . , na3tic t1 it rr' tO..bia 1 or •::4041,111 r trealvent At the ratl: (t.val4100* 'tlot 1* tir&bte Vor 1r* oYu011ks.§ tr.....0A odoto4t*ti do :Slltit:0:$ XaCA41 :elaitus rl " SeliV710 Ata4010114 ti the ari in•• Uanyntlabl to• 'AnStrAIC . court.9.4:•M: eisl data ang the Sertrjces :11500-..:TAoaPital prepato.*04 aor44*..; . ithe••••CI4OI$P..."-::P*reCter• • • •• • , • . .6t*lant: e4.1:4$..UreaXti4... • lutzult If Thant; kUELL AGR141,, theCountY shall ni t'1=-1 Tioibt.,ltel, or its agents or 41e1P Lc construed an cronting between the GouotY at:,d Lospital L1ail '1.41' de.146 e whollY rosrunsibi° r any act or acts --tilt:110r010:::.#001.gitv,(0:11%. Or.4.0Yot.AltlYe0 bosOltal:•an4 :ir.fCruit ,the Ei ble f eni Lt . . sac COUNTY OP OAMIAND I a Michigan Constitutional Corporntion curphy, lerVisorSi. :ors* PONVIAC,./GEEAL t.. 151Tari—iti7.6r1F--- gel NIcre required 01 to assume o: vIoYees course ati'l Ls aUreettfout. The i.o.:iti.*1. agrees onsibiiities .Cor the acts of its en. iic to be providod dorin& tne ope of That. with the appt'oval of t ions• of this agreement may be attended on Ard of Supervisors of the County. (o) That e reement by givin The intention t Tier the Conut, or the Hospital saY cancel this ty days' notice in writing to the other par' canoe: el as the Auditor are available County's obl the Anditc The shall remain ated or altere atraellint't shall be effoottve for such .nerinds of time of the County certifies that funds have been approoriated, d have been set aside for the purpose hereof, and the tion hereunder shall net exceed the amount certified by the County unless an additional certification is secure of this agreement shall begin on the date hereof, and full force and effect from year to year or until termin. i experience and need indicate. TY WITNESS WM4RSik, the parties hereto Wave executed this ogre in sextuplicate the day and year fir5t hereinabeVe Writien. r 4 , 0 71 76 81 91 - 101 106 - ,f,k9 4:C„.:, • 7i 121 126 131 - 136 - 141 - Ar,s, 156 - 161 - 7 166 171 177 ! 176 - L 4I . a:5 350 n, 19A , d EXHIBIT B T A 12. Postage S..u..pT:qac3 and Xlsc,, T.U.n Psyaistria Social Worker Puchiatric Social Secretary Dtreotor W.4,/JU $24,000. 16,000. 8,000. 7,500. 4,200. 2,000. 600, 150. no. of '