HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1965.06.28 - 195971965 ii X‘<ao OF F 1 L4447 as ,;.:11174ed in e 87Cif*. -.building on said sae be apiredo "Wilding& and Groundz oI t BUILDINS •f: e""r^. ' ':15? etc, r J-7 . „,,_w v„, ,,,: ,.r.,,,; 0: .,,.,,,, . ,. ,,. .. c,,,,.,,..4:;;1,,,t,ov..e.„6q,g,....;:tr•rt:47:, •',...or,!•'*.:••* ,..:, ,:-.',.•.:, '''--•"'..,:A-.•:-.-: lil...: :„:-! '",'” ' ".,-.7r1:. ' . • , :.,.. „,,,, p :::'-:::---!',':- g,:1:-.','.7.1. 6::::"?';'i :._ .. 1 1- L 1•-•",t 7 Moved by Heacock supported by Cheyz the resolution he adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. ROBERT P. ALLEN CORPORATION COUNSEL ALICE TRLADWELL SECRETAFt? HAYWARD WHITLOCK CH I er ASSISTANT CHARLES J. LONG SENIOR ASSISTANT July 1, 1965 c50 odnx OAKLAND COUNTY CORPORATION COUNSEL OAKLAND COUNTY COURT HOUSE 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48083 338-4751 A ,50 A.1 Oakland County Employees Credit Union 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan Attention: Mr. Herbert R. Radunz, President Gentlemen: Enclosed please find 1 fully executed and 1 conformed copy of the lease from the County of Oakland to your organization for the site of a building at the Service Center near Telegraph Road, The Lease runs for 40 years and 1 would suggest that every effort be made to have it safely stored due to length of the occupancy of the site. Very truly yours, — ,/.71 RPA:AT. Robert P. A Enc, 2 C.C. John D. Murphy County Clerk, Original Lease, Daniel T. Murphy, Board of Audtors Copy of lease, (1 executed (1 conformed copy). MTVI-C„, Pay AD,, 7,65, by rIJ. 'Atween e •UNTY- OF OAKLAND, r. Michigan Con- stitutioma CO) ion, hemlnaro7 calle and OAKLAND EMLOY--: a Michigan Corporation, hereinafter celed the , .7 r i '2flYL3Lisa: The hereto, for 1,', consideration hereinafter mentioned, COVENANT AND A:ItEE as follows: 1. The Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee the following de cribed premises in the Township of Waterford, County of e' l ind, State of Michigan, to-wit: That pat of the Northeast 1/4, section 24, Town, 3 North Range 9 Et, Waterford Township, Oakland G.:m7r:.7, d ,scribed as follows: Ce=encing at a point located 527.00 feet North, along tF, East lire of Section 24, Ind 1943.93 feet Wes from th East 1/4 Section cor ,-?r of 24, n" de a distance of 138.oc t, ti iorth 0 1 ' 511 --c% along the 1St-Aterly - line of Cornt.j .7:1-r Drive sat distance of 183.00 feet, thenc - dn'-1 a 37.74 feet, t )f 183,00 to the point f The to be leas contains 0.58 acr -g,,1 aor -, or less. 2. The L-,ssoe shall have and hold the said ppesi,ses for tb of c:- ,:Ang a credit union business for the benefit of .;,,kLind Count:: ;,1121 ,)yeeso It is mutually agreed that the terms of this Lease shall be for a period of forty (40) years, c77.ning with the date of this Lease upon the paymeW- of $1.0 1 1:- ,--onsidsration thereof. 3. It 1 - 7 -9dthat rsliminary plans and sktches for any bindings, struot -ires or f ,ta additior! or alterations of bullet - 111 be 11;ritt• to and --:roved by.he County of Oakland and that no construction will be ntilsuc'l ;77.roval is nn pl- on such preWL, th: e Lesee agrees not to assign thit nor sif1et prenisese n arlv e a. Tht may be oanorlled by the Lessee provided the event e appraisal s see. L. The LCZ2,9.5 agrees that at all times it will buildings structures to maintain ne l'.nunr71 and ay all Iwildings in a sill:liar as all Qt;r 1 ,=Z:7 -ir&s are meinti service center. Provided, however, upon the failure of t.:! properly maintain the buildings end grounds as d4tere the Lig':R1OV shall maintain tia , 77 maintenance., 5. Lessor grants t:;- th,e Lesan,;1 sla necessary rights of in Va. he L 7.:r jp i•ed: ooroa 1eni ined or controlled by the or the (%ty of Oakland. through its Lessor Is notified in writing, in .$zc ,er4ance with the rule the service of papers as ton cant the MIehApn Cour at least thirty (30) dvy0 prior b. Thip Lfakse 73 carofJles2 the Lessor 1,Y if_ivg one (I) ysT.s written notin to and proviti of suet. on the ,m shall. IHo paid over by the Lessor 8. Lessee.ahall at all times carry such insurance and a7Alte as will, in the opinion *f t he Ba:-.M of Luditors -7 -4, be adeq.a.,t ,e to irr,n,nl_fy the C;ount7 of WP. offccrs, liabilit: such it Copies of aa!,d. to be filee. th e Board. of Audit c:.7 for the County roe aFy separ that the details crcerr llities :ement to be entere6 :,nto between the sole responsibility said Lessee. 9. a. Any all structur•erected on the leasehold shall eui;omatically revert to and bcin- the sole property of Lessor upon t•mi•ation of this Lease, tithout orge to the Le6nor for any reason other than as specifi 7-b above). b. In ,vent of cancellation of this Lease by the Llsee, the Lessor has the option of leaving any building or bulldinge on to prenises or having the same re -,77. at the end of eanccalltin, at the cost of Lessee. 10. The Lf,ssee aRree. o pay for all utilities furnished to the Lessee by will bo the Lessor and Lessee herein. 11. The Lessee agrees that the erection, maintenance and oper- on of any and all buildings and structur4s or any additions or alterations of such, on the said premises herein described shall be ar from 12. The isor reserves the right of access to maintain utilities and roads and to construct and maintain such future utilities as may 1,come necessary across said leased preIllAses, and to bring in sipment necesary to accomplish the same. Provided, that suet. use by the Lessor shall not impair the use of the premises for the pur- poses leased. 13. The Lessor, cw•nants tbat the Lessee, on performing all the covenants afrosaid, shall and may peacefully and quietly have, hold and enjoy the said leased premises for the term of this Lease. - IN WIT27.7 tLo Chairman and Clerk of t;1 Board of Supervisrv of Lt•. said County of Oakland in the Se ->f Michigan, on behalf of said County ., have v.z.ected this Lease in pursuance of Miscellaneous Reso:ution 1.4:1 W4.7 passed by the Board of - 3 - pg,rv.119. Ion blTv'r3 , ,telaon Ma respeciv. ean g-oo‘n t t My Coml. estop CZAINTf oka, 1..L•3 Hamitn, 3 f. G;y iv nNow:J. ni&s or the County tIrgaof, in the Court Hous ,.; in this _case 1.,; RADOI , President, being on record "7 th4 Journal .4 the Board of Supervisors in the Office .ity of e•tiao M1oM and re Oakland County Employees Credtt Wn has exw'Aed. and aE',KEI- MAKI, Secretary of its Board of Direators, 51(101A Li td 't• Wtki ().L )() LIJ I, U:\()J AWL $'7,4 A N NI ou!pi L'Jgt c --- Delos liamlin, 1e::J1,'cnaii itt thf- tirflLt..r for the 'DI The!. 7i;J: (11 -; Wash, AP) Co. nNichinists. from If..ssnnedy, F)a..,to itr,jelt to -work today Lini:lz-it a contract providing for a six-1 'watt! study of possible revf-I .ens in the company's per form anee vift:::'ci by an 8-1 fro:TOR' .Moncif,y to accept an agreement tesiolin;f: ifj-el;:y walkout of 85,-, -600 production workers. The failed to achieve its de:iriand for a union but the company ftf2:-.^,..e.:.d. afiother ft-fa:4,0r (1.4etideuts 10 bromijd. de:- lieF.pital-fnedicat,..d.n4:,,if..1 will pry •-.1,7.WII tirq twc, contraef in the last rr,:ii!oye t.:ho riitt family WOl pay will be free In six raimths if of reached on :Jnalysis, the ova.- tb d3 it Rq promotion, 005' a or d:errin:rge, A i-tinon. committee with 71.- The union wasint thf, fflitnin.ated or mod .] itoh more ....you or an inii...Iff;atifii,a n of tic Or. el, foid nie::et-mg abouf. (jiff -31.1 tf1„: tt) let -odor- da-,: -We PM, pNinl'11:11C• L11aiy,s161 tor 4:12;i7:744" P=7,ntiar Prer: Phc.t,D Oartid 1. Muroht. hairman cAfunty ..'efilitors: I:rest- -11'AI; of the iTer:-11: it:fard: and fittifit lif:.acurI.: chaii- ir:an. of the befirci f supervisors' cent- znittee. By DICK KLEINER IW.T. RAINIER mATT.oNi. [ARK, Wash, --(NEA) ne.v.t time. you're a bit rficilf..; f; Sunday afternoon. woo: i ;fflu Mount Everest? The rm. e who did it two s:.:fy- that it is not technicai : very difficult mountain to icr Eight of the 19 climbers it the historic 1963 American PedifiOn held their firsi: it onion here. It was on tilt:: tricky slope MoUrri Ito:III-At that they 1h-- warmed for the Everest I . tem felt this would nks.7)1:;c!, to gather. * fnosd of them a: v.-,...:,..tethers and Ole part. i; conv-nient spot for a ref -mien- CRISP Arf."KRNOON And on a crisp Li/te ; moo :zi-fernom, their can: it at the jasi, the Heathy:€..7:1: . ; Most of the eight brio , ' their wives end sew brought their children, too,.. Chtn-l.e.:. one of I ' . • - - 'climbers :f -vice - !dent of. Deu Aircraft fic isn't et mountain I was the gejk.16.1.... pirit of tI onion. And he 01 oct there. jag flie men they assentf * I sat between William the deputy director of the and Alien Auten, eommithications ;Ydri fated to di: mount.:::fiiwing„ as. thi..ti r 7 1in the :'n dtnin.g ricer of thc ci:u cc tor fbi ari 77' —^---- okays 'se Plan tiple ! he C.14 an ied by \ s. lays zoi in bkrigcop.ii ;ad ItLt plan :ommended an ii a C. P d qua. : , bei ore by Tos.(. .'cc sn pat "present perty in 7S that patenti.,: =Jed pap. any fro C and dP,:..CO rd :111 L'I .1.1e ak7,L1Fil.'y Set ',ICC iF Supervlso.-5, 1.urns tin F .L lit the t..."01.1.nty of A .k.n. Fig F dditch a lag- C, tin at ( ..\.1uvph:v; dent, and -1.Ati.hn: The Lourfticnisc. . . WaS-i THIS AMENDED LEASE, made and entered into this 23 day of Resolution #5802 - Sept 2, 197 1 Amends Res. 4447, June 28, 1965 - Original Lease AMENDED LEASE September, A.D., 1971, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, hereinafter called the Lessor, and OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION, a Michigan Corporation, hereinafter called the Lessee, WITNESSETU: WHEREAS, the parties hereto, by a Lease dated the 28th day of June, 1965, the Lessor let to Lessee certain described premises for a term of forty (40) years to commence on June 28, 1965; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto are desirous of entering into an Agreement modifying and supplementing the original Lease by leasing additional premises to said Lessee. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the Agreements herein set forth and contained, and upon the payment of One ($1.00) Dollar as consideration, the description of the land included-in the Lease dated June 28, 1965 is hereby amended so that the said premises shall be and is hereby described as follows: That part of the Northeast 1/4, Section 24, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as follows: Commencing at a point located 527.00 feet north, along the East line of Section 24 and 1878.93 feet West of the East 1/4 section corner of Section 24, thence due West a distance 203.00 feet, thence North 00' 04' 54" East along the Easterly right-of-way line of County Center Drive West a distance of 183.00 feet, thence due East a distance of 202.74 feet, thence due South a distance of 183.00 feet to the point of beginning. The total said parcel to be jeased contains 0.85 acres more or less.- All other terms and conditions of the Lease dated June 28, 1965 shall and are to be continued in full force and effect, except as herein podified. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the said County of Oakland in the State of Michigan, WITNESSES: 2h Shi n10 ichard A. Elliott COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation,, 4— 7/ By: Wil1Lan M. Richards, chairman man (111 Lynn(I) , Allen, Clerk of the Boar of Commissioners My Commission Expires: _ _ ()C. H.n 2.. OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION, A Michlgan CorporW Willard J. enburo, President V Anton J GUYer, Sekretary of the — / Board of drectors on behalf of said County, have executed this Amended Lease in pur- suance of Miscellaneous Resolution No 5802, passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 2nd day of September, A.D., 1971, said resolu- tion being on record in the Journal of the Board of Commissioners in the Office of the County Clerk thereof, in the Court House in the City of Pontiac, Michigan, and the Oakland County Employees Credit Union has executed this Amended Lease by WILLARD J. HARDENBURG, President, and ANTON J. GUYER, Secretary of its Board of Directors. Patrick D. Campbell e Michael D. Hughson -/ On this 23 day of September, A.D., 1971, before me personally appeared. William M. Richards and Lynn D. Allen, tome personally known, who being by me sworn did each for himself say that they are respec- tively the Chairman and Clerk of the Oakland County Board of Commis- sioners of the County of Oakland, the corporation named in and which executed the within instrument, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Commissioners by Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5802, dated September 2, 1971, and the said William M. Richards and Lynn - D. Allen, Chairman and Clerk, respectively, acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. L1 LT, Notary Public, Oakland Cbunty, Mich. 2- cx7 Notary Public, Oakland Comity, Mich. rn. --"T3 rn N) CD tZ C.= C—! On this _2_13 day of September, A.D., 1971, before me per- sonally appeared the above named Willard J. Hardenburg and Anton J. . Guyer, who being by Me sworn did depose and say that they are respectively the President and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Oakland County Employees Credit Union and that the above Amended Lease was signed and sealed on behalf of said Corporation and they .acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. My Commission Expires: ATcK Ii. CA,V,P3HL Pc Or3 PA:chig .'".•1 tZe., 71' 7.? .CD Ca- Tj —s, P r f Commissioners Minutes Continue September 2, 1971 236 The Personnel Practices Committee, by Mr. William L. Mainland, Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL PRACTICES COMMITTEE William L. Mainland, Chairman" REPORT BY FINANCE COMMITTEE IN RE; ADDITIONAL CHILDREN'S VILLAGE SUPERVISORY POSITIONS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule 11-C of this Board, the Finance Committee finds the sum of $14,500 available, such funds to be derived from the 1971 Contingent Fund. FINANCE COMMITTEE James M. Brennan, Chairman Moved by Mainland supported by Aaron that Resolution 45789 be adopted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. Misc. 5802 By Mr. Edwards IN RE: AMENDED LEASE AND PLANS FOR EXRANSJO OF CREDIT UNION BUILDING _ -- To the Oa kland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland entered into a Lease with the Oakland County Employees' Credit Union of approximately .58 acres of land for the construction of the Oakland County Employees' Credit Union Building; and WHEREAS the OP', land County Employees' Credit Union has increased its membership from the date of the Lease from 2,112. members to 3.600 members and requires additional space to serve the Oakland County Employees' Credit Union members; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Employees' Credit Union has asked for an additional 65 feet on the east side of the present leased premises, which additional 65 feet would increase the total acreage from .58 acres to .85 acres; and WHEREAS the original Lease requires that any plans and additions to the Credit Union Building must be approved by the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS the plans and specifications have been submitted to the Planning and Building Committee, which Committee recommends to this Board the approval of said plans and specifications and the amendment of the Lease granting the additional .27 acres, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners agrees to amend the Lease entered into on the 28th day of June, 1965 by and between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Employees' Credit Union by leasing the following described premises: That part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, Town 3 North, Range 9 East, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, described as follows: Commencing at a point located 527,00 feet north along the East line of Section 24 and 1878.93 feet West from the East 1/4 Section corner of Section 24, thence due West a distance 65.00 feet, thence due North a distance 183.00 feet, thence due East a distance 65.00 feet, thence due South a distance 183.00 feet to the point of beginning (which contains 0.27 acres more or less). and that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and they are hereby authorized to execute a Lease on behalf of the County of Oakland granting the additional described premises; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the plans and specifications and the addition to the Oakland County Employees' Credit Union Building. The Planning and Building Committee, by Mr. Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman, moves the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Charles B. Edwards, Jr., Chairman Moved by Edwards supported by Wilcox the resolution be adopted. AYES: Patnalos, Perinoff, Pernick, Powell, Richards, Richardson, Simson, Szabo, Wilcox, Aaron, Barakat, Brennan, Burley, Coy, Daly, Dearborn, Edwards, Gabler, Hamlin, Harrison, Horton, Houghten, Kasper, Lennon, Mainland. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. REPORT By Mr. Lennon IN RE: RESOLUTION .45791-APPROPRIATION TO CLINTON RIVER WATERSHED COUNCIL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr. Bernard F. Lennon reports Miscellaneous Resolution No. 5791 with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. "Misc. 5791 By Mr. Lennon and Mr, Houghton IN RE: APPROPRIATION TO CLINTON RIVER WATERSHED COUNCIL To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chairman, Ladies end Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Clinton River Watershed Council was established pursuant to Act 253 of the Public Acts of 1964 and is composed of members from Oakland County and Macomb County; and