HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1962.02.16 - 19793February 16, 1962 RES OLUTUOV #3913 BY WAYS & MEANS COHNITTEE - Mr. Levinson RE: PURCHASE OF AIRPORT PROPERTIES & AIRPORT FUND, TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF .StiflEgVISaRs Mr, Chairman, Ladies & Gentlemen; WHEREAS, it appears that in order to advance and promote the interest of the County it is necessary that the County own and operate an airport; and WHEREAS, Act 327 of the Public Acts of 1945, as amended, being the Aeronautics Code of the State of Michigan authorizes a County to acquire property, real and personal, for the purpose of establishing, constructing, and enlarging airports, landing fields and other aero- nautical facilities, and to acquire, estbblish, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, operate and regulate such airports, landing fields and other aeronautical facilities, and other property incidental to their operati)n, either within or without the territorial limits of such political subdivision and authorizes the acquisition by purchase, lease, gift, condemnation of dedication; and WHEREAS, it appears logical at this time that a County awned airport should be located in the north central part of the County; NOW THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED that the County purchase for the purpose of an airport the following described parcels of land, to-wit: Copies to Aud., Tom and Smith IIP o 4- TZE; 160 acres #3913 OPTION in (Vh.-i Wilfred E. McGrar and Ethel M. McGran, his wife Airport) 130 acres L'ECAL DESCRIPTION: Pa7ce1 71 - The 61'!,L 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 of Section 34, Orion Tow.r.ddo, Oaland County, excpting therefrom the northerly 30 acre:',, eiso the - nor t. pare of tl'e .,o .,,ithca2t 1/4 of Secrion 34, Grion.Ishrip, Oakland. 7cwity, d:7:sc7.-ibed as 1)eginniog at the seuth 1/4 coy-nor, ei the tnte:4sect:ioni and a ,-15, thence rorth 1983.33 feet aloup. the cev.tvrline of e.oad to point of beginning; thence East 2744.74 east Section 34; therer:,e rirth 615.26 feet alorg said eac Ofl 1.1.ne to the F.4st and West 1/4 line; thence west along Fast and Wc›t 1/4 117.e to center of said Section. 34; thence south eiorg the centerline of Giddings Road to the place of ber,:inny. Excepting therefla from Parcel #1, described ,:bove, a certain parcel of land described as a part of the nthwest 1/4 swiT'oroa.6t 1/4 of Section 34, Town 4 North,. Range 10 East, described as: Beginning. point on the north and south 1/4 line located due Nortl! 1983.33 feet the south 1/4 corner of said .iection 34; thence due. north along the 1/4 a Y00 feet; eiencz: South 89 deree!s 37 minutes 30 secads E.;'1%st 133 feet; th,-.ce due South 100 feet; ';.ence north 89 degrees 37 minutes 30 second s Wt 33 feet to the place of beginning, containing .3053 acres, :c.rre or less, 1;Eject to the rhts of the public along the westerly 33 fur highway purposes, and, in addition tl,e7et0 Part ef tIA! 1/4 of Section 34, Town 4 North, Tange 10 Orion Townsljp, Oakland County. MJchian, described as beginning at a north and south IV line of Sect -Lan 34, located North 1317.03 f:eet from the south. 1/4 cornr c,f Section 34 whLch is the intersection of ao.A and Brown Rod, thence North 26.5'3 fact along the nortli ard sut 1/4 line to the Vorrh. LInu of MAilg .an Gas Storage easemnt; Ceohc:e i cantinuing north 639.81 ftet ilong the norLh: and south 1/4 lisa to the' 'ou'rher1 '1.1ne of Parcel #1 above; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds :74:tst Long the southerly line. of Parcel #1 271.95 7Foet to the east line of Section thenee South 00 degxees 23 minutes 3Q sconi',s West 584.8-9 feet alon the ast 5e0j0a line to the north line df .eaenent; thence contlnulng. south 00 agrees 23 minutes 30 seconds West 6.0i e.et to the south line of easc.mnt; ':)cnce North 89 degrees 55 minutes 05 secows West 2574.44 feet along the ;eL.th lire of easement thence continuIng 7o-s-th 89 degrees minutes 05 seconds e t,TJ the point of begicuilen containing 3. 'dacres and subject an easgment for right-of-way in fevo• of Michigan Gas S:73e. Comp,iny, a Corporatiot as recited in :greemenL 0,1ted 1,1957, recorded 0,pril 11, 1957 in Liber 3679, Page 168 Oakland County Records, PITON #2 Carrie I. Williamson ML The east 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 easit 1/2 of the southwest 1 /4 of Section 34, Town 4 North, nAnc4a 16 ;w:, Orion Township, (-:4kland County chigan, subject to the ese,.t. alee rig;ILa-o-wy of record, oe 2. #3913 Thomas C. McDonald and inc. M. McDonald I.; OPTION #3 1 OWNER: G. Grover Shimmons and Elizabeth M. Griffin Shimmons Si:: 80,2653 acres DESGIPT1CN: H A part of the tortheast quarter ot Section 34, anC a part of the Northw !I quarter of Section. 35, -1411 4 North, a 10 F-;,.-t, M.%7.:1n, described as commencing at a poil“ ou .O.e North line of said S,,,ctIon 13, 27.1 feet ea..5t of the Northwest oener of said Section; thence Niirth ,r6 d egrees pm.!,nut es west along the North lina of said Sections, 1323.85 7cet to a point; thn..ce South. 4 degres Si. minuts 20 seconds West along existing fence line, 2637.87 ; feet to a peir!:. La the 33,at and West quarter Section Ur• of or id Sction 34; rn South 85 degrei 51 minutes along said quarter i(1 -0 lirt,e and the continuation of tho running YLong sting fence line, 1122.30 f.et to point whicO is 1 foot east. of the cf.art,..7 post of said Section 3; - thence North 4 de.F;res 33 ,Amites east along f;!xiting fence line, 2647.90 eet to the point of beginning, containing 2,0,2663 acres of land, more or less, OPTION #4 North 71.249 acres - :=.ECAL Parcel, 1 Land in the Township of Orion, County of Oakland, State of Michin, described as: Part of the southeast 1/4 of Section 34, Town 4 North, Range 10 East 'Orion Township, Oakol-::. Co1A-Ity, Michigan, describ e d as: Beginning at a point rriat the south. 1/4 corner of Section 34, which is the intersection of G;ddings qt;o:Id and Brown Xoad; thence sowh 89 degrees 49 minees lh seconds East [C2,724.24 feet CO the cat section line; thence north 0 degrees 39 mmutes secondseast 1,321.73 t along the East section line to the south the Michigan Gas StorzR Co.iTany easen)ellti thence north 89 degres oPa.j.o:,uteH ..econds west 2,176,54 Zeet along the .=outh line of said i'l..emfInt; thence 5:,4th 2 degrees 4 minutes 10 secervls West 933.15 feet; chenc• UoT:th 87 degre.c 1 02 minutes 0 seconds Wa..se 527.32 feet to the north and sol.h. :/4 line; thence !south along the North and South 1/4 line 406,69 feet to th lace of beginnirT, containing 71.249 acres, •ction 130. of #3913 thc dcribed the sum herein appropriated. Tolxxxxxxmoof mwxxxn C-42 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the VetwAe theteni and affixed the seat of said tcoacc at tolsiecht in my handIN TESTIMONY WHER,Egtlyllavveohnetrieaucn, Z. Chief Deputy Clerk. 68 19 ..... AMERMaRkiaii0W By icth day of Soptember #3913 Moved by Levinson supported by O'Donoghue the resolution be adopted. Moved by Lessiter supported by Cyril Miller the resolution be referred back to the Committees for further study. A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lest. Discussion followed. Movedby Hursfall supported by Cyril Miller that the vote on the motion to "refer" be reconsidered. AYES: Brickner, Clack, Davis, J. W. Duncan, Hoard, Hocking, Huhn, Hursfall, Johnston, Lessiter, Majer, Clarence Miller, Cyril Miller, Oldenburg, Smith, Taylor, Tinsman, Veil. (18) NAYS: Allerton, Alward, Anable,Archambault, Bloc, Bonner, Calhoun, Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Cummings, Demute, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, R. Duncan, WM, Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Ewart, Forbes, Fouts, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hill, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudson, Wm. Hudson, Hulet, Johnson, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Levinson,. Lewis, Love, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, Melchert, Menzies, Mitchell, Noel, O'Donoghue, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Rowston, Staman, They, Webber, Wood, Yockey, (60) A sufficient majority not having voted therefor, the motion lost. Vote on adoption of resolution: AYES: Allerton, Alward, Anable, Archambault, Bloc, Bonner, Brickner, Calhoun, Carey, Charteris, Cheyz, Clack, Clarkson, Cummings, Demute, Dewan, Dickens, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, R. Duncan, Durbin, Edwards, Ewart, Forbes, Fouts, Gabler, Goodspeed, Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hill, Hoard, Hecking, Horton, Huber, Wallace Hudson, Win, Hudson, Huhn, Hulet, Hursfall, Johnson, Johnston, Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Levinson, Lewis, Love, Marshall, McCartney, McGovern, Meichert, Menzies, Mitchell, Noel, O'Donoghue, Oldenburg, Osgood, Potter, Rehard, Remer, Rhinevault, Rowston, They, Veil, Webber, Wood, Yockey. NAYS: Davis, WM. Duncan, Lessiter, Majer, Clarence Miller, Cyril. Miller, Smith, Taylor, Tinsman, (9) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. CERTIFICATE OF COPY OF RECORD ST COUNTY CLEP.K STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTYCIFOAKLAND 5 ss- Julia Maddock, Chief Deputy Clerk of Liamm umm3iN.i6.3z,,,x5d_pa- the County of Oakland, en3PMN 3tVRNiv4t5f:)R.-e and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of Resolution #39,13,..nfloptad...b.y.._1:11..aki.Bad._CcIlulty:../3.aar.d..of...Sup.r.-.v.i.,a'or at their Febru ary 16, 1902 'mting (SEAL)