HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1962.04.10 - 19813Ap.r11, 10, 1962 0-1141' of FLawstiv. 7. 1 thA U.160 Olt Et a- 7c.? as Co it- 5md: The f satIrt fart fin..:!,1 4.11 • ; t ? 0 • LCS plan, u_pcfn :6! - 2 vt sere 4/10162 ia.the cors*rsh ,-..,!.--p:.,, plan o!l': county w.JI .n.g" I r J 6) (11; ( I Mese are not be ner ▪ ry tn. form, but rather substantial a 01,tirouta rgpQrt ou the tatus and ee'velopment We havo 1.1h. the Director the prajeco completed whieh axe out- tined in k:tyr z'::ei.: 2,T that the. FIL-.-krg CkelmiGStOrk. IS on which zp.K. ou6incA to p.v.:,n,dix 3,, The proAufn.: uador considtie O. futnre stu0 onAlined :U4 Appendix 4, Appendtx 5 is a. “qA--t on for eince its imepfr,in. in as ;i-affitted Ly Boar Auors„ !but Undo that the work of thz 'mAs, op to this hs,u. !.!;?,n,Tmly IP; ui or ton of data 1-,,,cary for the. nkve Ir.7 the CoWRisSiM1 epgE,nt tovFar. goal, f",....be Plten.rin,n 11-23'2•;T: th!o. r' air:•.1 the Huron furnished ky W4.5 valuabli.., ita' the ‘og.4.0.--ti ,on of its uttixe, a sanitary 360Jel,' Your CO MW . c.q1L ,:N.zs that the. functions of Ylv, PT:anning CorA:sAio:sio axO not being use; fofo fnlleat egtent by !:b2. caamIttte, D*ard of Supervisors or by the vartous devAr.i.p11:z of Ounoty Your Committeeof ou believa that thete should bR a ..eioaer cooroiaat between. the. County I Commision sd the various City stud P4azol,ng Commissions thx:ougboo' tbo •*un-ty„ Your CommlI.f.Ao hltr,v ,Ep,a.tbAtt at tho. time manyporta. o•F County are nov,ac Is ra raptd many of PL;Ja-5...,, held bae;k. frow rapid at that tim& lack. 1,;T:o 5.o5:,L.s4x5: ▪ efile need that should - mutt bomplekian ▪ i'.,m.;j0:131-si. a ann orpossibly.- Your that the,5t most t at this to p.ropk -Your belUva that fulmAio up bayond trt: tfo Latotprtasn of thp specific pis,„ tha. sloo as soon as plan of Ct,, C ,;,:unty is not. furthcom for sow, 5, Air transportation f.r:ktilActi t of :Foi,„2:AA f.4mCkft:bss„ 7 , be cohistreU atudied by Oakland Board of Supervisors Page - 3 4113242 O. ould cz74:a fcilities the followinv I, A study of To.:::r!6, transportatioh facilis: ca61 Mt.tr servu :11(e re.,?..;ir.hts of thi-s o aAd :ftuT tboir 4or, thir shoppt3, atc. 1 Water supply., The timm,10t of maAy owwunitte*. tti 1:r,6Aug held To,ause of the Let:• oi snitablt, 3, Sanitary ,,.3a4hers •ld diAap.0&5d1, facilities ahoult pot.te6. out b .;:i The Dapartmhnt o PWAic Works io design for the various draluage syst.ems, • 4„ Storm water drainage systems:, M7IPONT. as a 1D cta.r.:Ath ok ofSupev...,:....*)1.-3 al. once 0 y,,,„..ns.• and at ,?,.uct b6 - C4 aod County. Board. of Supervisr 4/1,0/62 4„ als& advise c).; :z71 Comm1.sstc,...1, order cf..... 3, arA. witL fo. SPKtAL 0Qflb directeA to mgka tno.udiAt.Q., public factittiea 02. C,..„,anty Dn.ks.41 Supc:::visurs as soon as posible! 5, nor Ckmj comvlo„IA -,z::-;:kwr el Coupt tha. Ell 'e,7:oarda aW. bt so gclvis,P:L, ComwIrLe, e f.;4 ri*ort am4 2, V.01 NORMANR.BARNARD CORPORATION COUNSEL CHAS.A.DAV1S FIRST ASSISTANT ROBERT P. ALLEN ASSISTANT ALICE TREADWELL RETA ERICKSON SEMI ETARI ES are nt= ot: any iug Sett. 5: ,±1 •.nt in thu Act Ca2 or duty, 6 and 5.1192(7) OAKLAND COUNTY CORPORATION COUNS.EL COURT HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING 1 LAFAYETTE STREET PONTIAC 15, MICHIGAN F EDERAL 3-7151 4, Xt nL.P.11 county, ona4..5 in ln of Cols,' oo, The plan. nnu end deecript .ILI,, r:Aaparation of a cokenLy make c7.reful atudi o";. growth 0.an LF! made and a u:.,,dtnated.... 1-11justed and of the ,-,outy whtch will be in accordance wih,A for boat proawtng the bealLh, proaperity and pnnaral welfare efficiency aarA :''.toncmy in the p .y.mon tilt duty of tba: county planning ocro!Agion toz ineeatiatienn and aurveya naigive to the deveic of the county; C2) ferv.ole •pama e for law effective aconomic. the cc..tto: (3) cooperate wit% ,O1.1 governmetflt and other public. tnardog the economic, aorl-A fft wault altth ru5Tect to their planning ao way be avoided,, The county pAen .i:nr; 1,ay coordintzi, agency: for all p ,L eee and within tiF..e county.," plane t,e ..Ltory waLia a,eo of ..Au•d11-k4 dr'.-eldw.mnu needa o*At ae fut ahe recom.6.4eti.i.ma u€ A.ta and federal direcLed. Mt, Page 12-19- hh.A. ho CiJ :I to id to urtzah, (-peratiort., phyGleal. plans and tb..e, provihihho plata 1.or. atic Iles', for lorlse develonant, of general to the p.. tern and u?..to -6sity of land nee cblio facilities, togettez with long-range fiacal re000e of eapi.tal imratn based on a determinatioll of hrency, toget with Cegittive financing plah te be contKited in, the earlier yeer of prq,,xam, cdl.n :!,r of all reted plans of the department or subdivi (d) of all related planned activitioa among ti: h etate :hod locali,..g.2z.ntal il.A.t:t concerned,. CO In rto th.h: other 2reed.1..sioet er tba. eammiir,h-A.,m ma) hh,d, eay or .aohhh ';ha and wi.th Cucht*.ras and. hh commiesion may do any arJAI all thS...;,-* _ral• to secu the financial., ate. or -cooperation ent, in e.sifrying out the fhnctions of the cenmd4,n -,Lou., by a 2/3 vote of the board of. hHhh:;.:visors,' 5, it for Che t.-00,g. maps, 0.eto, MMA he comAitxgtn'n fcr the cahnty plar,min4 the plan ,:ch a 'heaolutlon,1Ii N.Aq' hy soecaoohv reaoluciona x-tg, of; the plao, oorvs.o.e.91.6ing to mai,:or aho'Aone of the county or to functihhhl diviaions :.:-.hect matter of the plan, and. may adopt any e -.;.?-:.h.1,:sat or art :m er addiLon theca.to The .doption t..:i;;Kk plan, ot 01 athhh:',Nhut, extension, or addition, 'Mali by voq;01J.P.t -.tg . c:grrte by aiCicmative votes of Oct less th,an, a malorihci ab* the commiasion after duly advertised. poPf:t reoolution. shall refer expreasly to the maps, and dencriptive =Id explanatory matter intended by thh to form, the vhoLt.. or part of the plan, and the a.oh, Lafaeh. recorded on. the maps, plata, charts, and deacrlpri4e and pi!,.Azi_atory . county pl.,:mw! i:i!, The c.:1o4liQy Ave alld chN%zaive ••I ; “guluVila1 1 2 p4r).0 C.-5 0.,a,.!:•7-=:. .i.C."2Vitet,C; i ::•• - 4 ol 51rpTcA. 204 1 -4").4CM,:::rf A.:4011V q ' t • — ChazIna A- DeA,s- *omty prob1146. .f-A'An the commLy. 0_t1 - functional ?:1a: V....: of the governmental • inc*rporated ft.a Cunty ha 45.,d.opted a plan for the „ for pat Co“try, it .r,Tpori thst the Conmission of.-m for CAtikE, l'cAT -7,ps, the Road (:;,:i.mission and County ..!st-ç,nr.mt or Aoncy on a consulting aervio baste but it it mandatory named bodies consult vitli a Ornalion My may therefore, 1:-R planning if they are RO ,q.uthorized -o-r may utilize the CommisrAon t-•) desire- I t.rust this may be of acsistance, Yoor very troly, A_ Dgnfi8 3. TAIR6 .cn? f Co IfvzTq.,:v Board a 4upion0" Cd].&,,Ae XaVi fv,k!:v rel,lort rt- by .4 Prnject. CaCipliNted during the c'aien.d.ar yezx 1961 I, 19•0 Special, eontalned operattiun 1: Thr.: data for unefi;:6. of will be analy%i.!;,; county and. 2., MAA4li 9r rg. Markett V A I Ian.4 uae 4, 4-H Aeitivitlt. 2.. - L.f.soagtin.,:7 r..foje‹.. wee to 41'.popuraci.ve anaiygee, akAl be made a part .t.:zst and project ,:r.i.cts on sizes, one jfl be plotted on w0-4zer plan report on stakf cht: Ca,5u,F The amoja.e.iug fnr wItk t land esa cotaats to 1 XJ,....:cA•AaLti-t to th#g -)Ad otLIILLUI , wzim: county', '34,,.:Argmentz :v-i rects completed prior to 1161 (p.g. Land, Subdiviai 1953 Thr 1,a150• patt provida, welc -f37wgat ,ht tbo to mAk... were prepelqy T.,•.1tA to comply ThiA publicationwas deai -3. the to realtorz, land deveip, lots, as well az to oitR, and. developt was The a ' Fl fuure plats. 2, -i.a.c,t'at ,:14:E'Lm, l'Nvvey of Oakland. 195J one ef by the subdivider 8hould fol7 t ,r5 t: 0.tic:ftv..a...1.7.‘..ci. to Exprev7vii:t .v-6 1,5,VA - 2.Unufacturtag, Survey of. Oakland County, 195 - Continued Ttf? genet$7 teen made availLbln and utilized by nu- merowJ: .(142,a1 govntal and private :zKv.i:cie;,.): t. tad in ,wund 5.n4 itt.dkoal development:, 3, Vehic ,ulat Study,. 19A capacity stilAy '0;,;,P• uz:De:r..?,.,7-t...akela to determloA tho vractical ci,..._pacity i k,. Field cc4p..cL during ,romoikpl. 19!„, , id 4.72 allA,g.e.t1 was ir.v.w::.?...vrifid, fo.z . After u.t 11;ii.?,.?6....nto';F:y each to tht practial capac.ty, compgred to tht& volume,„ Eath inri'.e1::'6.-y.c..r_.'„A)n was determined thP,;'..n to adequate to meet, the. 14:!1 ,56 trafi.le needa,„ c6timate af the ,,11 carrying of fiO.d aed iu Mdl„n.0E,1o.L volumes with and priority y, The 4:.u4T In.. the, "fR0721,..:ay 'F..e,poit:t to the p14.op of the !,...1v ,..n5sn being miAde to thA Detroit The wata County Road e4mmA.1.,....11„. Coum4tt.1J.e. OVF::lia.11 1:.:. probleva The ncit ropreant tehnloPri plan, tip 1#10...,. a 'fi-tcry to Euprol:1.-..s..2.5.A..: to hs,PxE progr4o Ft • Lre ,As tto 0. 5,, Better Service Sivy o (1e.:T1 19.54 Tb.16 of rgtail habitn 195=4„ • iU *f AAWInA ,Aration, • qA.udy to collaboratko.p, with aomm5;:in<, The, ourvey waa 4.ksx .JilvA to 4Ut,Wit Where are the major ratail abopplig reutAr& of retail fonction do they prform? What fa the extent of Or marke area. aervv_d center ea Where are the pr000.e. Why do pople make their wh•r .f.:heir• local locie I c .T.mmudzy What ig the 'tole of co.l.e of travel to.te b4,6ata? ligt-a7. is the ralati*r: A. .ro...b3A,. ple.‹.!A r16.6 T"115! ship they ▪ othor Studie8 of taa natura axe retail activiy.„ vhart and 14.xatfog of On tbz etber eateg, alap potitiom, the dynaAa and. of the io oi La al.1.41.4; no sc'pl:re of account of how much cgaMr ci w.4atar mmimmTtion 45 pient typl: i4.ade by booed w,:o in g61, it was y,04. 1965 needs c ”Ar 50. ito A and uf and. 2-A - rt&I$sion embarked upon the ..!:zR,iasc the results of this type both withla Uqf.t -: Oakiar. 1956 - ConU Iv. rbio p'Lae.e arew lamd it aw,4. ha t the TV F or this Lret T.se mappi, and LU..,:a.n the in terms of store !x.Fat.1,6 County s.vi“ use. of 0.1.6 consumar survey to Lwar nya..T,ionm. Thus a dual mcoilers !)en.c.itd as did tlw progress of County ?-15.p,o4 :, i5ossaisto egonomic study, VIA;,.. ::::-..1,.'.1.::g .!..1;.''.n.6 ..!:: 1,..ki. .-.,. !::.-;. -: .1. :.2:!..P.....j. ZS.,1.a..:.:%..6:!: att 'a", •7:; mi. Ktt t Vfie:•C rf • C travA Lc§ ALCCU c s 4 1.t; :.; tho Oakland. and. it 11 will tiho activities alW. be C I CO ot tbe, Board ol ainf.1 stt.R.21v1.:A,..on • to f$::.0 ▪ $1.o on earlier hs o. yeans, The ,Tnrrent ▪ Ita purpoge for loc6.1 a .J.4uide guide comfd..ttee b.00. ..:.oxiciou volumes, one for devel ,...:Te3, 7.'as m.O. of .1! t 1Y3- • to .taoue Loca1 of ha•a covered drii,va-r.tm,%nt oi E.- the arm4 ,:,rojects„, .7.n1 tLvle 9. S 4.7A151;.5i:: 7,1 111,! o ao..t at C6• 0,ach. 9 „ • s 8 „ 7.g?" y - A':ottgmv1.4t4 for fuT.uvr8 3tudl V A.7 -1 dio t up -ro date q by pa.x.1 LF.MR.ritory , F 1,r t o t, 3. ? r t -Lb tivk foil a 1. b rfH t -Y)g piL:g ; : AFK ND I X 67, „ 43 345. 41 8 , I (, a -:1? C 4 t n do r . • .7 CI v Do n V I 2 7,33, 12,7 590, 0 400,00 210 .7, 00 00 00 u Oa'4.1 and CanceliatZo :N-,ahase Orde r iq:3362 EAt'uallma 12i31458 tac. Presa Sal. of Sala Projent fr Sole c,t MAJT:E .4%