HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1962.11.07 - 19938#4050 November 7, 1962 November 7„ 1962 To the Oakland County Board of Supervisors: IN RE: REPORT RE ROAD COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Roads and Bridges Committee respectfully reports to the Board that it has considered, pursuant to Rule XXIII of the By-Laws, 7 applications filed with the County Clerk by persons desiring consideration by this Board for appointment to the Road Commission. All of the applications were filed at least 30 days prior to this meeting of the Board at which the appointment is to be made. All of the applications were referred to the Roads and Bridges Committee for study and report. Your Committee further reports that subsequent to the filing of the applications, notice was given by John C. Reharcl and Arno L. Hui& that their applications were with- drawn and are not to be considered. Your Committee further reports to the Board that there remain the names of 5 persons to be considered by the Board for appointment to the position of Road Commissioner for the 6-year term beginning January 1, 1963, as follows: John B. Huhn Clayton G. Lilly Ralph A. Main Richard J. Morel Frazer W. Stamm Attached to this report are copies of the application forms as filed by these persons with the County Clerk for study by members of the Board prior to the next meeting. To assist the members of the Board of Supervisors in making a review of the enclosed applica- tions, your Committee wishes to point out that it regards the principal duties of members of the Board of County Road Commissioners to be in the areas of administration and public relations. Your Committee will arrange for the names of these applicants to appear on the agenda of the Board meeting as required by Rule XXIII. This report was considered and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Committee at a meeting on October 24, 1962. Respectfully submitted, ROADS AND BRIDGES COMMITTEE Don R. MacDonald, Chairman Naine John B. Huhn Home Phone LI -23747 Bus. Phone eight years as Councilman for the City of Berkley; three years or Pro-tek Signature of Applicant OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF ROAD COMMISSIONER PERSONAL DATA Address 2828 Gardner Ave. Berkley, Michigan Marital Status: Single ri Married Widower 0 Divorced n Separated Number of Children 5 Their Ages 21 19 18 14 12 Length of Time You Have Lived in Oakland County 43 Years Are you a Citizen of the United States? yes Natural Born yes Naturalized EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA j • In this section and on additional sheets, if necessary, please describe all of the positions you have held which you feel have prepared you for the position of Road Commissioner. Please give the dates of employment as accurately as possible. Also, list any training or education which you have received which you feel has prepared you for this position. Two years as President of Chamber of Commerce after serving four years C5 Board Directors. Nine years on City of rkley Planning Commission, One and a half years on Oakland County Board of Supervisors, serving on drain Committee. Graduate of St. Marys, Royal Oak. Additional short courses in 7 10-alculture Horticulture and Forestry at Michigan State University. _ _ . - continued on other side -1 I I certify that the statements made by me on this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. ptember 8, 1962 Date of Application I --r7 0 , 0 -I 11 `-n I (J4 :T;,7 7-------"FiXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA - continued Owner and operator of perkley Flower Shop for twenty two years. Owner and oDerator of tree plantation in Tuscola County, resident of Oakland County forty three years. I would be willing to serve full time, or on a per-deum basis. Li iI Rome Phone Li j5239 Bus. Phone Li 6 -1 Name 0 1p,7 (7.-r. Marital Status: Single 0 Married Widower Divorced L Separated X_ Number of Children Their Ages In this section and on additional sheets, if necessary, please describe all of the positionsl you have held which you feel have prepared you for the position of Road Commissioner. Please give the dates of employment as accurately as possible. Also, list any training or education which you have received which you feel has prepared you for this position. ''''resent. 0 C • : Cit ene.e e ef Li) 2 Pe :t P t C 4 Dr a r, C ue 36p OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF ROAD COMMISSIONER PERSONAL DATA Address -.,_ 11, .7 20, Length of Time You Have Lived in Oakland County 40 yea Are you a Citizen of the United States? Yes Natural Born Yes Naturalized - continued on other side - I certify that the statements made by me on this application are true, complete and correct to the be. St my knowledge/And belief and are made in good faith. Signature of Applic 7 — Date of Application , i -F ,EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA - continued I ,..... I ]t) - . i-r. 1.7 ,.. S Army . ,. . :: ' — .:t--- : Tra'::::::--,,, — ' 1 . v , p:. Loo.al Draft ,jc.,untv. 7 Twe7 , ,., _,,r. in Board - N.,,otiatio.T. i ''1"-'. aLW ::':'1 1 TOWII Dra In. .,„. - , St...!.-: t r for l'i ' ' G a s=c;:l..i•la Dealer 1 , Prc.J.,, C..' zno,,. - ..,..y.°5 5 on, 10„,„ Present - -or and Past ..„ of .',- ?rfted Food De a lers of Greater Detroit„ 1 r!.. r:,_!- flf ifsizei Park Ficzh - . . , -,,..._.. , i, , — _ i 1 1 1 1 .. ... , . 1 i 1 1 2_4 ‘962 rt " OfVt APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF - ol vaoations s 4 as an ins -sector on street construction 4-0-1 with Bono of Ellwood City, Penna. summers of Entered. University 8-2 in Engineering Department of Boro of Ellwood City, Penna in various capacities such as inspector, transitman, chief party" also did draft Ci - inftering (.1!,...:;7.rT.e from of Sci adoated , Dati:f Apglica ion - ignature of Applicant OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN ROAD COMMISSIONER PERSONAL DATA Name Ralch A 0oin Home Phonei 4-2112 Bus. Phone Mi 2214 Address 1819 Fairview, T3ir-Ird Michigan Marital Status: Single 171 Married Fl Widower Number of Children 1 Their Ages 35 ....._ Length of Time You Have Lived in Oakland County 29 Divorced [1] Separated Are you a Citizen of the United States? 7(e3 Natural Born Yes Naturalized EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA In this section and on additional sheets, if necessary, please describe all of the positions you have held which you feel have prepared you for the position of Road Commissioner. Please give the dates of employment as accurately as possible. Also, list any training or education which you have received which you feel has prepared you for this position. of Fittsbur .gh ..fall_of_12 .to .s .tody. Civil DIAring vacations for improvements of streets_i sanitary sewers and storm sewers etc, University of Fittsburh with class of 1926. -7. continued on o er sloe - r 1 certify that--" e statements made by me on this application aretrue,_complete and correct to the bespp =b y knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.' I EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA - continued 1 3 arvQ. az ikssiqt9,,lat Bolo Engiza ' . Th - 1 ... duties such as dl.qir.--L.n,, 1.ayout-,,,._-Laz„wL j.c,±,_L:L_n__a_f__,x_-- seYe s. Ert_ !II.. (iY:1 1 ..o ..rivate ,-!).ractice with n - fatten Co , 7_ :' - , -1",nrleer) until 1929. , Served as Eng,-1.-,:-.1 , in charve of an enf:zinee]:linE, branch office, .for . -,-------j i , [ corsulting engineer in the- Pitts'our,qh area d esLno r51 an rn-p.J. until "Var oh of 1929 -,,41-: en I _.-,a ce -rat d a o ,'i I , In am, Iffichiaan EriVrteeri_n,:-; Depa -,-,-tme,p_t. In Birrriingham„, I c)rked in various aoac-,,itif-,3 as 0131.ef of sun-ye:It rqzrrty-,,,, inspector on r ild and ,,,-,:,2-,7..-- con ,4tructlon and dea.:L.,--mr of 1.-1-',9 ,-9,9, qr ,=.1 1 1930 I r ,cei T"--' iii Ch 1 - ,E-'"47,4- ratio a- a in -P,,,,,-Ir, si, 4 , No. 216:5) b7 takinR the examinationq (the bard way ),• 'Ma pAT-qm-1 f icit 1 cyrif5 ', ' , . , In 1932 the Q.-epression_ caliht Ur, to MP Rnd 1 ynrnd ta Pr yIicnin for .J -P'27 .z_.' t 'A - - ' - •. n -67.1 - ,4-, , a , ..t.. , . . . . ' ' '. _... . .,. to receive nay professional degrpn of "C]ivi1 F.1-1,0-1710, In 1937 I vas called hack to Birmingham to take c-harge of the City' Engineer1n ,7 Department. This work included. the reg2a1ar muniotpal. engineer- . I., c:1 ,t°e of rer, rl.ia. ,Dla_ ,-eci.fi-a,z' na c, ntra— a. C.: ,na, _sewe'n swaaks. , erved the „.. I. of 1-3,,,, mincliarn al L;:° _944 wh , -vae e(...a,„7-.) a 0 ,s , g traing offie in the ';4'.3,bee,k Saild11-°, 4 194r- „, c.° d th 1,-1,,,-rcir -7}- („',it7 C ()Mini 3 3 I- On Wh Lob I zerved. for thre e three. year t erms inc.,' :bid .._ra.c.,' t No di f f e,rent terms as its r ., Dr. CI am -or .sntl s erv incl. my 4th -ear term on the r'it --- Cr ...rri.:,:,:-.:Ior.),,• -out 1948 I was apoolated -by the Ot to ThIllitiSS ,_Ori to t -' 023,7:hand County • Board of Supervisors •here I served several nears on the Road Committee . All "d f lair Commission* Ea -A. Clark and ( s passing 1-(:'sdi, County Drain Cowmissioner. Yaroh 1951 I ac appointed D Commissioner by the lat served as Drain Commissioner until December 31, 1956. During my terms in the Drain Office I am proud of several accomplists a. Twelve Ten Drain:- Set up districts, held meetings with Board, hired enFinesrs to design, appointed coordinator, established. Ro-yal Oak office, named. drain. The Sure Court uphold all action taken -01 my office on this matter, b. Served as President and later as secretary-treasurer of the Michigan Associ'ation of County Drain Commissioners, ce Served man7 years on the Drain COMMiS2iQn'!",T8 legislative committee and was instrumental in sccurinn the recodification of the Drain Act, d, Conceived and reco=ened to the ,a”s and Means Committee and the Drain Committee that the County pro-7ote a law to set up a County D P.s. to function similar to cities. This recommendation was made on August 3, 1956 and Oakland County had an office In operation about August 2, 1957. e. Conceived and worked, to get the Farmington Sanitary Interceptor and the Evergreen Sanitary lut e under way. The -preliminaries were v:orked out under my direction in the drain office and later when the was a reality they were turned over to the new office for constnuction, f, As a member of the Red Run Drainage Board I was instrumental in letting engineering and construction contracts for many bridges along the route of the drain., g. The Clinton. River Spillway also had the construction of severa larger hARIaTay bridges under my jurisdiction. b. The Eight Mile 1_ drain preliminary surveys and designs v,ere completed before I left office. 1,Tqt -LsTScipi 2uoiT3 E4unoo 4 ,qq O4 (c{ pTnoo I w44 i -g. put gu.-q pu-noaD3 "Zum Ru owT .T4GToos I .elloTssjoJd Ru -Erx TT.3,TAs JO '41.T .:To .)OAIT T14 uo g.AJ';;IS ITT1S T aoS ao4o",)jTP 8-emI 1:0)17T-P Jo .k"1-(T) T"3 0 So--TjuT 9u . .1 1W3Turo1TW 'T43, 0 41,1 T dpzuo 1,J.eaouoH ui pQpat:, Uq. GAEU ),,TT -E *TIgnd. 4s.;),ag4 -uT Rm JOA osaG1440 Juow puIl; 00q::Oult4 'paojxa41,2 s RodI jo AT0 '110Iscquiltio ,0 p .00 .g4uno0 quloo-eN ((dTquimoj-_, ,g4T0) q“J 14-4n0 6 u0TJO ‘PI@TJWooTg 'DT01-J111-007J4 PT-TV OTTU PiTT,Trat Jo S4TO QUTJQ-JATO JO 271,T.TA Joj sptoa p4ona4suoo ta.1 -% i7121C2Tsp -DABO, puu SJQA8 6 SUI -Eiap 4 0p130a 0•8 uSros :I.U1U;AA0Jd1:41: uoTTATpqns' Jo piGT,T flJ,J aT JO0 23uTallTiU) DuT4Triuo:o 44T-0 P0 nuT4u-00 0 ALO00 j000J 4qq. sr fjj'eqs 0SatT t 4n0q;Im 31,1010, QAbq I Lg6T 'T KJ•onuf 03U 0 "1"-q4 TIoT1dmoo6 0 4 OcOs'E;m qnct 000 rood J;:,)qqo SuPW Home Phone Li 8 -0517 Bus. Phone TE 4 8110 Richard Name nch Address T arl a .?:17 from Tflstitute of TochnoloJr/ is Li.nt. warl.‹: as a Safety for a insaranoc and tuch of this work was with road contractora red. Thc; duties consisted of seing to SIC 'with the thought in nind Of 1 1' or property,, ilese con build these I 4"" li fe n55 7,mr held wi supervison to review safety measures, of workers sidling in naki as possible. 7. continued on other side Signature of ,Applicant OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF ROAD COMMISSIONER PERSONAL DATA Marital Status: Single F-1 Married Widower Divorced ri Separated ri Number of Children 4 Their Ages 14 12 Length of Time You Have Lived in Oakland County Are you a Citizen of the United States? Yes Natural Born Naturalized X EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA In this section and.on additional sheets, if necessary, please describe all of the positions you have held which you feel have prepared you for the position of Road Commissioner. Please give the dates of employment as accurately as possible. Also, list any training or education which you have received which you feel has prepared you for this position. ' of While t not to .eost•- have done I certify )it the statements made by me on this application are•rue, complete and correct to thA5pt,of my knowledge--- belief and are made in good faith-. Oot. 11, 192 Date of Application 0 1 .EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA - continued 1 in rvAion to t.,,.. above, I hove done quite hit o . work with -t,1? - l n aZ00 '72.ftx',:07i tsee in laying out the roads in and arouA "-ti w. :.:yu famous ' 1 work y - 5trictly on an ad•i.0 taste and we spent q 1•a bit of time Lt, Halliday e . 1 m7 oo force. ., . Tn. addition, s on the Berkley. Plannlng Commission T,,there',we did. 1 '.::. a bit of with ater road plan, street safety, and .road plai wihtrk:ing safety and . fancors ben,LT considered- I W7.5 the Chairman of the Commission when I rem ' in July belo of the 7rf ,,,cr's of my bust ices Prior to '' appontrA to the P1D.,fl.n ' .'j(VL I. was Presidnet of Berkley Safet7 Council and aherc of ccm.eso ww had ::: ng to do i thol.,.._.! only on an advioory ba.515, with the planning of intersection, parking, street safety in general. , if ,ere is anyt1-1 ...:;-yi. ,47::,sh to me and proT'do , '-'--e position is still open you may contact no either at 834-8110 or U 3 0,517. 1 i Richard j. Morel , _ 1 , 1 Staman Braze Name Home Phone 349 2037 Bus. Phone 349 2188 Marital Status: Single Married Widower Divorced Separated I J -----S4nattre of Applicant Date of Application OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF ROAD COMMISSIONER PERSONAL DATA , Novi, Address ( Home) 26850 Wixom Rd ichigan (Business) 25939 Novi Rd., Novi, Michigan Number of Children I Their Ages 26 Length of Time You Have Lived in Oakland County ° 58 years Are you a Citizen of the United States? yes Natural Born Yes Naturalized EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA In this section and on additional sheets, if necessary, please describe all of the positions you have held which you feel have prepared you for the position of Road Commissioner. Please give the dates of employment as accurately as possible. Also, list any training or education which you have received which you feel has prepared you for this position. have been the Supervisor for the Township of Novi since ember of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors for that period of time, I have been close to all of the problems of the County, including those of the Road Commission. I have seen our County grow and I have seen the problems of county government grow, and T have been in a position as a member of the Board of Supervisors to take a roach -t...osaLylag........_amb_ls.D.E.,_u_d_i_jayskmp.Ln le to Lake pr ide with my record as a member of the Board of Supervisors. As a member of the Board, F- continued on other side --I .-'-- (1----certily that che statements made by me on this application are true, complete and correct i- =toHthe best of mV",knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. .1' -- October 3, 1962 one form or another aware of the needs of the Count in all and a De LEXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA - continued have served on the Boundaries Committee, the Drain Committee, the Special Court House Committee, and the Salaries Committee, and have been Chairman of the latter committee for the past four years. I have attended the University of Miami in Oxford, Ohio was enrolled in the Business Administration school, and attended the University of Detroit, where T was enrolled in the Commerce and Finance school for a .eriod of 17 ears I was the mana.y-. - in Northville, Michigan, and in that capacity learned to make decisions of import to the (=any. In the Rast three years, I hav begn_gatgagfd in the insurance and real estate business in Novi, To sum u say that all of my life I have meeting the public, have ness-in As the supervisor for Novi Township, prior to the Village of Novi incorporating a portion of the area I had the responsibility, along with the County of Oakland, to see to it that our roads were maintained The hui1.d1.14„, maintaining, and planning of roads would ugt be altogether now re MP, and I will bring to the position my many years experience of lust plain " getting along with people': ARAI° L. 17/ I erf Home Phone .frii-,7-.5—,40()6)us. Phone ../4 /0 :7/94 2- Dte of Application OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN C; APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF 1 1C ROAD COMMISSIONER PM ie DEPUTY CLERK PERSONAL DATA Name Address Marital Status: Single 11 Married [K] Widower Ell DivorCed Number of Children .."--Their Ages /740 s LengthLength of Time You Have Lived in Oakland County 1,1 Are you a Citizen of the United States? C.h.,), Natural Born Naturalized EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA In this section and on additional sheets, if necessary, please describe all of the positionsl you have held which you feel have prepared you for the position of Road Commissioner. Please give the dates of employment as accurately as possible. Also, list any training or education which you have received which you feel has prepared you for this position. Separated - continued on other side - I certify that the statempts made by me on this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledip and/belief/and are made in good faith. („<4 ignature of Applicant EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA - continued 1 4 ,^. • PERSONAL DATA .Due 7iT of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc. Former member EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING DATA I OAKLAND COENTY, MICHIGAN APPLICATION FOR TEE POSITION OF ROAD COMMISSIONER F- I ; Name John. C. Rehard. Home PhonellA 6: 6321 Bus PhonE682-1 200 Address 6799 East Dartmoor . Road, Birminm.1 Michigan Marital Status: Single r-1 Married [i] Widower Li Divorced Li Separa:c Number of Children 1 Their Ages 17_ Length of Time You Have Lived in Oakland County a-a-,-)roximatel'y nine (9) years Are you a Citizen of the United States? Yes Natural Born 71!...ea- NaturalizeG ering, Latest one Public Relations in Government. In this section and on additional sheets, if necessary, please describe all of the positions you have held which you feel have prepared you for the position of Road Commissioner. Please give the dates of employment as accurately as possible. Also, list any training or education which you have received which you feel has prepared you for this positien. • istered Profes s ional (hchanical) Engineer Michian 5383 Ohio 18220 (purses in Continuinp educatOn in fields of Government Administratio az Membar of National Fire Waste Council until that body was discontinued. Former Associate Member of A.S.A Sectional. Committe B-9 (Refrigerating EoUi7)mont) and it's Inter- pretations Sub-conin.ittee, Working Sub-committee of A...3...A B-31 (Pressure Firing) and 1,,S.M.X2,, Boiler Code Conference Corn.- continued on other side - I certify that the statements made by me on this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my,kuowledge-FdTbelief,ghd are made in good faith. 10.. .1962 Date of Application atuie o-f Ap-plIcant— _A___ /1 / / / / ! I EXPERIENCE AD TRAINING DATA - continued Presently Supervisor of West Bloomfield Townshi yrs.)2 member Oakland County Board of supervisors, it's Special Aviation Committee and Roads and Bridges Committee l_representative to Supervisors Inter County _ Committee and Government Research Committee of that body. Served the National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors in an Administrative capacity for approximately two (2) years. Operated M7 own Sales & Engineering business for approximately five years. Served he City of Detroit Department of Buildings & Saf ety Engineering er aepro imatelv fifteen 1 .) years (early 19 .V7 to late 1951)1 the last five (5) years as Chief Safety Engineer. , ',Iroute the Detr,oit Gq.. M .1.# ...L na (ozizinal) Gas Code and (oriFinal) , Chapter 18 (Air Conditionin2 t _Heatin7,1 etc,) of the Basic Code of the , Building Officials Conference of Amen i a. Presently a member of the kersomnel aaramitta,,of that oru.nization. Also have written several , articles for various engineering Publications. . Me s_ 73.. --+A - 1' .71. „:- ..:Ak.,: e. 7 ...cc o, America. American Society of Mechanical ..Inc.:ineers National Society ' Professioral Engineers, , Michigan State Association of Supervisors, Oakland County Assessing O:-fiL,_Q_Qu_,,_aaalAs'a_tjan National Association of County Officials, National , ..4 IF (,c, _47 - 17T 1 ' i