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Resolutions - 2012.04.18 - 20178
Apri1 18, 2012 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION W,2101 BY: Public Services Committee, Jim Runestad, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE - AUTHORIZATION FOR SALE OF RECOVERED AND STOLEN PROPERTY IN SPRING AUCTION To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the provisions of Act 54 of the Public Act of 1559, as amended, requires board authorization for the disposal of recovered and stolen property that has been unclaimed for six (6) months; and WHEREAS the Department of Central Services conducts a spring and fall auction for the County of Oakland; and WHEREAS the spring auction will be held on Saturday, May 12, 2012; and WHEREAS the Sheriff of Oakland County, by letter of March 7, 2012, has requested the authority of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to proceed with the sale of the aforementioned items, as detailed in the attached list, in the spring auction. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes the Sheriff of Oakland County to dispose of unclaimed property in the manner prescribed in Act 54 of the Public Acts of 1959, as amended. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Jackson absent Main floor: kJ LA.1 ro pTty ; March 14, 2012 253:09 PM $61.00 8/5/2011 0.07l0,090075249 Compaq hresario V5000 E,l2. Scanner ro q 020089010 040028190 040114021,070001460 ; 086070861,080074845, 090012785,0 1.'lll)5•754. 0900613 1 ,1001a10,,b HP Pavilion 9880 Desktch Western, Digital Drlve Lot of Bulk Took 3 1131 $39.00 12/2.8/2011 28341 $16.50 5/24/2011 23624 842.50 6/15/2011 6915ll ll,, 050044561 Campbell Hausfeld Air ComKressor 28542 $56,00 6/11/2011 0 60044561 Campbell 1-1‘,.;.usilPld Air Compressor 28543 $52,00 6/11/2011 l ,l H71a.. 0500297150 Longine. •:':.,l, 29357 $158.50 8/4/2011 24B 050029550 Bulova .y .:,;-n:.:h 29151 $7.50 8/4/2011 71392 020120258 Sony riDl, 51421.1) Car Radio 27395 $26,00 2/28/2011 060019123 Model GO') and Work Light 31136 $32.50 114/2012 060019123 Lliass Swan & Heart Sta6Je 31,137 840.00 12/2932011 060019123 Hockey bag with Hockey Equipment 31139 $3 2.69 12/27/2011 .... 060042832 DPII Laptop 26816 861,00 1/10/2011 060121959 Battery Charger 29350 9 20 51 _„, ... 8/2/2011 060055521 1 GB 1no6 77404 831.00 -n 2/28/i_q i...1 .•:„..,....':"., ,60062905 14 l':,l, Amathyst ilin.:;- l7ll817:5 $76.00 6/18/2011 • i: : . ,.:.,....':-..:6•5" Lindy ,eta Sall •, e ::::,„,. •, 0 K 2:009 $46.00 7/13/2011 Sony Flan,.1,..==y1'%/:,,-,.,. rame, 26932 $811,00 1/18/2011 lli 1320 P:.- , ••.ie ,..•.'ll.) l•'::,•:::•- 7n..13.,4, $36.00 1/15/2011 :l:".,':;!•1*:.‘l::.; I .,- l' • • • .• ..,‘ -!. I, Printer ..?;• .:: li 510.00 __ ..,,. 05:1.:'078031 C.,' . ion 5 0 ..‘ C.' .,...• LII C;; r. 2/ a - , 825.00 2/28.;2011 foL.,....u.',.;u:140 Dur-abrand ;-,•':a!•!•'1,16.T 5:•: •-:":-, .a.,-:.!. cord. 28352 820.50 5/24/2011 737779 C''"".::0140 Nikon a)c.,!piy. 5900 5.1 :.....•.a„ ,,••:":' '..:. :.''' -'-'.• -., 29278 826.50 7/27/2011 7.', .1 r/C 2 Pcn'tab!,-.- DVD P!2,••,.:.:7: 7 8357 $30.00 5/24/2011 •::"•,...a:.. 060095953 Diamond En„garF ...a:-.5t Ba,g 28567 8177.50 6/12/2011 ,• ..7::7"•:.• 050104161 Compaq Presario V2000 , :-'• •:- c.,:dmput-nr 28359 $85.00 5/24/2011 066108511 AC to DC Power 1n5erter 27392 $20,00 2/28/2011 .e :.'!':".' I '',.. 060119864 CP HP Laptop 0,.• :3i-1-..n.'?' $132.50 6/19/2011 74B18 080119864 Gatcrwrs Lap-to,. :7. ':,t.::::r ...'5..•16 $21200 8/25/2011 75720 060979761 612 '.;:':!... :23;91....d-H,:, 2c5395 8135.50 8/19/2011 76040 070037809 Wiens Cons 712tc.5 22580 $15.50 6/18/2011 070049177 Sterling Sik:er Nerddace/Faring Set 29617 8a 3 e-cr- , n --fi,n j 8/22/2011. 7-6 2.8.7,7 070046 581 01 112 ' '••••• ' a i Diamond Ring 23.579 $100.00 6/18/2011 75674 070053502. iVir5 L ,' e 25 '..: 58 $78.00 1/972011 777'51 070087153 Yello,,-;,, Jnrt/ 81ack 516699 ' '''•'... • ''' 30591 71*5 9 12/20/171.3. ;:.:••7:; 070113155 Ring 650.00 6 118,./2H 070119025 Swann '•„6 .::•!.: .". 5 ,:.raurity Camera 31138 $41.00 1/4/2012 7. 14 070130387 Vivitar Digital Camera 29010 8630 7/13/2011 .::"',.,...::•:, .(3•87.15.2......5 HP Pavillion 7288000 31111 8127.50 12/30/2011 79390 dj55012404 Toshiba 85.3e6q12 731286202 Laraod Computel 20515 .c.,,, .1? cn .P.3,..1.-,.iti 8/72/2011 ::•.::'.i'..-... 089013404 De9 Fa, :1R.2 12:.-::.Y.: Lapi:on 28961 $63.00 5/24/2011 ::.'•'.:••:'::::•.• 080017687 , ---:: -,.,....1 Th. ,ar Model 11 r•--200 912„50 6/15/2011 080034429 K(.8!ak Lasyshare C553 26692 818.50 1,14/2011 •8.9.:-.7'. C.2 1.:'.1;18161..4 Kenwond c,:rir Stn,reo ...12g57 521;50 1/9: .8311 .::i. i.;.F., •:•:1 -•,:,.7. ,,..:'.5.•„: .5780,080095780 Deipl ,: R -"•''..:. e •.:".'. r ,....,,,..., ,:, r 27,:02 $20,00 2: .' :.:••'... 011 caf 1)9 80936 1 5 Air Cono:: - a ;:-•or 28514 $20.00 6/11/2011 ' E " 0801025 116 Kodak Eas..!$' are 0X76 ,110 23358 922,50 S/24/2011 080075446 SwiSs Watch 28683 937.50 6/18/2011 811w ;: 080040886 Acer Laptops and Printer 29434 $137.50 8/8/2011 .S0583 080115097 Chain Saw 26794 9240.00 1/4/2011 80F 9 4 030115097 Huscparna Chain Saw 26795 $192,50 1/4/2011 0.80115097 Weed ,Ainip 26859 $113,27 1/9/2011 0801,215097 house, Gas Hedgf, Trimr:iar 26936 6122.50 1/18/2011 0801 1 5097 Dewalt 3800 PSI Power Washcr 27391 $586,28 2/28/2011 030115097 Kawasaki Cordless 19.2 V Dril 26853 $44,56 1/10/2011 080115097 Kawasaki Cordless 19,2 019 H 26854 $42,00 1/10/2011 080115097 !'.:;vasaki Curdiess 19.28 DrIU 27390 $41,00 2/28/2011 (180116009 1n ,•la): Easyshare Camera 26801 $15.00 1/4/2011 •: '61 090003029 G.::Thin Strnutplirq GPS 29851 $56.00 9/13/2011 81262 090003029 Magellan Maestro GPS 29154 311,00 7/19/2011 31265 09000302 9 Sony PSP Unit 29 -39 928,00 9/4/2011. 8137u2750 080132630,090075249 HP Computer 1user with po ,Nor cocci. 29618 9122,50 8/24/2011 81379 080137630 HP Photosmart 04580 27395 , $30.00 2/28/2011 81380 080132.630 HP Photosmart 7760 Printer 27397 530.00 2/28/2011. 8 1 381 080132630 GEM GIV1726C Camera 27401, 9 1 0,00 2128/2011 81421 080122879 Lawn Edger 29358 9126.00 8/2/2011 81422 080122879 -1o00 Snow Mower 29356 9103.50 8/2/2011 81571 090021432 Elgin Watch 28580 546,00 6/12/2011 090027'261 'Potehdo (51 Garde Svsc.c. • . $:33.00 2/28/2011 ,, .,.,..., 080038115 -':. ::..- ' Es ..! Hard Dri• • :!.:•.:-:..:t1 $15,00 5/24/2011 ,. Page 3 of 8 : . 0:40104209 589 HP Digital Camera Pionc e :;:peaker '3 po :354 5 $25,00 11/1112011 30146 525,00 11/10/2011 :.....:33 518,50 1_1/10/2011 :30796 553,50 11/27/2011 $53,50 :1.1/23/2011 056.00 11/230011 510.00 11120/201.1 '8 2.; 10 (.17i07 ' ..n.,.?„ HP ..:..4.::.-,!. ...:..:'3 :',3 57.2.,30 121 ri-,,,•;.', :1„ Hp Computer Tower 25334 $102,50 1/18/2011 .27:217 090048491 Callaway 'Th.: r<. 03 Club 29396 536.00 8/1 2/20:11 81278 09004E49 1 (2) Port7'''.3 P,CA Nirmiters. 29862 $61.00 9/12/2011 82279 090048401 Axion Portable 5V9 Player 29 -'93 515.00 810/2011 l-32347A 09004955 Nikon 1180 237.3 5850.00 2/7812.0131 SZ347R 090054955 Nikon 1190 Campra 22,43 9905,00 6/1112011 32757,77Fd 090075249,090075249 Naystation 3 Call of Only 4 29113 . 5178.25 9/12/2011 22759 090075749 Moterola bier:4.00th headset 28630 326,00 , 6/15/2011 3734 0900791'5 Gamin G11 5 Unit 23098 $76.00 10/25/2010 82'.8 f,:1 09003313 3 HP Pavilion 1152000 Laptop 29399 $332,50 8/19/2011 sn, 090072788,090072788, (Pod nano 41313, Cl rip, and 0581 CL,rti 30804 532.01 12/23/2011 100122304 ,„„7 ,7c,r, , ,43,, ! ,,:,,,, (Pod Nano 2130 30805 $20,51 12/20/20(1 58.1.1 Garmin '..;2l'I0GPS 2 1, ..:uu 5 3 r .on 2/28/2011 P,6;.1 Motor .2. . .. 3. ..•: ) 3155.00 11/14/2011 s 0583: Circu!ar Saw 320,00 11/13/2011. Left HareLieci Bove. 8:7371 090104209 cha3nsae, 090104209 ,,, aln„,..,..,,Ty -.-- 2-; 0901 1348S Tackle Box 0901E13.8 Lanzar Vipe Arnelificir 090.i Reckfc,i-ci Fosgate Ari 090113488 Monster FM Transmitter 090113488 car Soot Liw.ht 090113488 Garmin No.1 GPS 1488 iPod Classic 80GB 0.1 3114682 Guitar Amplifier 090116878 MiHiaukee 11.00(j00142 [rho 100008867 HP (360 Laptop 100036381 Hockey Equipment Set 100039773 VilPstern Digital External Drive 100039773 TB SATA Hard drive 100(07713 1\100.12 :5 HP Compaq 693.0p LAmP 100' :1905 Gr=irrniti CPS 100044695 Kenneth Cole Watch 100044605 134 gb iPod Touch 100044605 32 GB iPod Touch 100044605 32 GB lOud Touch .100044605 Touch 100033102 Polaroid Digital Carrier 1000231P; Phillips perfi' Derriarini 87,4E.L '213 81/194 23343 83E65 84353 84359 11761A fs; .30200 941,00 12/5/2011 30801 973,00 11/23/2011 341803 837.01. 11/22/2011 30810 511.00 1.1/23/2011 30807 920.50 11/23/2011 30808 991.01. 11/23/2011 30806 530,55 11/23/2011 291 56 510.00 7/19/2011 30593 $32.00 29199 5103.50 7/24/2011 31145 5172.50 12/27/2011 28703 $26,00 6/19/2011 29435 931.00 8/1/2011 29400 . ' ,:-,5 -1 00 , — 3/13/2011 29157 01,52.50 7/19/2011 259860 5160.50 9/13/2011 28744 $76.00 8/4./2011 29011 510.00 7/13/2011 28740 089.71 6/21/2011 28747 $153,55 6/21/2011 ..::.:..,:: $178.76 6/21/2011 $128.49 6/21/2011 2.3750 c%15.50 ,— 6/21/2011 520,50 5/30/2011 525,99 8/12/2011. PrrLic rir ' 56ESiet1ES8 o re/g IO'Tc5 L ITOZ/8T/1„ 617 .1:7A C"-.0G'0 -.2 70GOV661-/L60001'. '661.7 -L 6000T p.ic.1,1 soWe'd Iv-) (e) 05'0Z!;, sowerd JuD jo oi 66t/J6000I66t766000T, 6617 it=7,00.0T '661.7e,6000T 9652 E.2.iG ..Z.1 ED 4.0 .., •, . . • ... „.:3 : OU ED 17/8SZTOOT tT07/07/9 00009S t'L / In' i3:1Pil laIl - 29I, 97TOOI ;mil scrt uolueo g''L'89OT0O'L- TTOZ/S/8 00If 9$ 09I10 7 :•. pue ispe'd ..u3D 66i-7:L6000T I IIILAT/L OS'01:9 6LT6L 00-i.o ...,-;:As AeD ilycyj 66-1-7Z0000I ITO -08V/ 00'01: : 97_15? soip.,A .I2-3 PiOi CO 6617Z6000V66t;'-e,660:-ii: TIOVEIL L87.19 V0I0L. 661; ITOZ/8I1L ICS'OZS (1e,) Pu'' jeD (6) '6617Z60001'66 -V?:600: TT:Gag/lb 00'L65 LE/...617..I'd 0:Pe8 pIeD 6617L60001-066t66000T TTOZ/6T/I 001(65$ 0669? sIII..:: PI(IIIIi girl% sal!! IIIPLPHAI OA 66177.6000T TI1L./6TIT. 001(150; 6869L sl :-. .:.;:; 0'1; ,..:,GAt s,DAII i:::--,PH.i'l (0 665?„601 ITOL/6T/T 00'5565 8169? (912H09 / 6OZ0i) suI9I p'.:. ] Yi:,'..• s-'-ir4 V--ti'J ,LnrcID i? 6617?260001 aiou...reD1',:10!G dk TIOZLILI9 06 615 TSLSZ 175SSB000I I1OZ16-1/9 056 [5 60187 lapski LisH LSI/SU:II:I' TIOVOT/I: ooSi5 6IF-I96 kiCi:3!.A11: Ai: 00 I600L5GOT ' 600/ 0001 TTOZ/ST/I 00 .79$ 6E696 "IIIawci!9 .13? :,. 'r.':' ' !' '7,:qucI; :0' ° s ,-,..2'': 'I90050001-0I6006011 1I5 7ITI./9 01.;69T05 GDI • 2S198 16855 2SI:S8 MSS' t8L.V8 nztz r..0-y!..osse 86027 1001.32909 Min GPO 30531 538.01 . 11L/1.01011 86156 100135861 ChairisalAi 30647 $31,01. 11/10/2011 100033102 Tem Tom GPO Unit 28337 534,33 5/24/2011 52. 1001_44220 Contractor Spot Lidett 29158 51850 7/19/2011 1001442.20 Contractor Spot Light 29159 51 5.00 7/19/2011 r,;•:.•:.••2!7,;::!-,--:, 100029554,100029554 ; Lot of IDE Hard Drives 31146 $57.00 12/28/2011.. .100029554,100029554, 100029554,100029554, 100029554 110004754- Apple !pod 8GB 1060092182 300r!?.21 5313 iPod 'Touch 100992182 32 GB iPo d Touch 100092182 8 GB iPod. Touch 100092182 PortaEe iWI) Player 100092182 Garmin GPO 100092182 TV 10009? 1R7 Garmin GPO Unit 100092182 1.1 :171P•in GPO Unit 100092152 (2: •in GPO Unit 100092182 Ici.1-10m GPO Unit 100092182 Nintendo DS 100002182 2G3 iPoci Td:..)00 -221.82 d 1000.'1 2182 8 od Touch ... 30592 520.50 12/20/2011 29361 576.00 8/2/2011 28758 596.00 6/21/2011 28759 5134.50 6/21/2011 28762 591.00 6/21/2011 28633 515.00 8/15/2011 25634 541.00 6/15/2011 28035 52.0,00 6/15/203.1 28636 $36.00 6/15/2011 28537 522.50 6/15/2011 ;:f1 .5::::11 $20.00 0/15/2011 2354 ',--56,00 8/2/2011 $51,00 8/2/2011 28762 323.50 6/21/2011 28763 $27.00 6/21/201.1 29620 5123,50 8/22/20 1 1 28765 528.50 6/21/2011. 10009218? HP PC 1000921B2 Ciarrriin CiPS Unit 100092182 Kod--Fik Vino recorder 100CY;2122 1vHrc GOB Unit 11 0i .182 GPS Unit 100092182 r.:,3r1n10 CPS Uidt 100092122 'Pod 6GB White 1000921142 Sony POP TianritdIdd 110011357 Cutters 110086647 Torn -Born One `OPS cli'i.50011 28644 ,:=0, ,-,, .,),;i3.0,9 6115/2011 $33,00 6/15/2031 $25.01 6/15/2011 6/15/201.1 $51.00 6/15/2011 ,..:9-)-, F.,n ..? -.-- , _ , 6/21/2011 28610 $5 L 00 6/15/2011 . 30811 '.--19 -19 11/23/2011 308:-t) 533.01 11123/2011 $12,992.10 :91111Warr", Description GrillZone Gas Grill Moen Boutique Faucett (New in Box) Dewalt saw kit 84956 i465 84957 Motorola cellphone boost mobile Incognito 849581Sanyo Incognito cellphone boost mobile 84960[iPod Touch 640 Cellohone r. oc i ag # 73450 84955 , , 1Serial # CA87006CSL Model #- 6650-T Boutique !Make iGrillZone ---r- 1 1\1 oen Dewalt Motorola Sanyo on ;D780IS 88030 T ler Rodan black Purse, multi-color flat wallet 92584 VVilson Golf clubs with Orange Golf bag 92595 Golf clubs with Red Golf bay Live Snrinn2012 Prvl vls SP-RZR CC,''.1;NTY .AUCII,ON LIST Date: 3/27/12 Department: Sheriffs Office Division: Investigative & Forensic Services contact Person: Gloria Tovar Phone #: 248.858.5062 849611Canon Digital Camera wicase 12.1 MP 849621(5) CDs, (3) movie DVDs, (2) Music CDs 8505516 Qt. stainless steel stock pot 85799 iPod Silver Nano 8gb w/iTrip adapter 87767 Sirius portable radio 87865 Apple iPod 80gb Black w/Griffin car adapter Lye Sprng20•12 Pgl.xls 2 of Dated 3/29/2012 Department: Sheriffs Office Division: Investigative & Forensic Services Contact Person: Gloria Tovar Phone #: 248.858.5062 , pm . , %vs.. ur‘rleveta...w comp, 0 C Tag # Description Irilale Mole! # Serial # r - 92596 Golf clubs with Blue/Grey Golf bag , ----i i 1---- 92612 Nintendo iNintendo NES-001 I Make Emerson Nextar Samsung DVD-P191 KDC-MP225 KDC-135 CDX-1_410x )C-1155 KD-6300 Kenwond Son Kenwood JVC Sony OAKL kk!u) COUNTY AUCTION LIST 3/27/12 Department: Sheriff's Office Division: Patrol Services-Pontiac Substation Date: Contact Person: Gloria Tovar Phone It: 248.858.5062 I OC Tag # 08-27233 Emerson 3-CD changer 09-28051 Nextar GPS wI adacter 09-28051 Samsun. DVD-CD player 03-25360 Dewalt Circular Saw 11-00416 'Brown bag containing tools Description 111-10477 Red bag containing tools 07-48007 a Kenwood Car Stereo 07-48007 b Kenwood Car Steri,o 07-48007© Sony Car Stereo 07-48007(4) 1Kenwood Car Stereo 07-48007(e) JVC Car Stereo 07-48007(f) Sony Car Speakers 07-48007(g) 'Pioneer Car Speakers HP Monitor, Max Speed GM Base Unit, 03-54295 Keyboard, Blank CD-Rs 103-54295 1(31__paRs of Men's clothin Live Sprinc12012 PONTIACAls Pioneer ,N; 9 Department: Sheriff's Office Division: Patrol Services - Pontiac Substation Contact Person: Gloria Toyer Phone #: 248.858.5062 IJv SprH-T,2012 PONTIALy!s 2 of 2 Dated 3/29/2012 1-424bl, Resolution #12101 April 18, 2012 Moved by Run.estad supported by Covey the resolution be adopted. AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Hatchett, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Nuccio, Potts, Quarles, River, Runestad, Scott, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Covey, Crawford. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution was adopted. I HEREBY APP,O), THE,F,OpEyNG RESOLUTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Bill Bullard Jr., Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on April 18, 2012, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 18th day of April, 2012. gd.f2, eLaJ Bill Bullard Jr., Oakland County