HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2001.09.11 - 2022- ! 6 -Go , 2 1,922 273 357 Given under our hand this 17th day of September, A.D., 2001 Post-rr frax rvorc .:Q! . /7 ....- ( , p' p-Elyna F r QM rrOirl ,''S , 1 61,44---,-C-- oo ibict Co. PAana M PtIorie g C.I < ''.7 ,.. 7 i / '-' Fax S Pg,M7r g :-71-7-- 'Oates? I 7,11 .1 I *.•if 7ER7FICATE OF BOARD Oi= C_,A,,V../AssTzs • STATE OF MICHIGAN) SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND) c - i Pon:,ac We, the undersigned, coastitutMg TZ;c7:ty of the tloa.rd cf Convasser.s for the City of Pontiac. Oakland County, Ivlichigan, do here'oy certify, n Wresdai, September -12, 2!)01, ,Ne net and c..anvassed the Lea= of the Election Inspectors for the Primary Election :lett ta said City of Pontiz,: on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, and we do hereby certify that the votes cast at said Ele:rioo for candidates for the o 'tare of Mayor and City Council District :41, City Council District #2, City Council Dish-tc( 45 and for the Annexation!,..,..-uestion of :he City of Fonciac i Oakland County, Michigan, were as follows! MAYOR WALTER MOORE 2,691 WILLIE PAN CITY COUti NO. RAY ALEXANDER 790 CATHY 1QN1N ARD ciTy couNot insTRECT NO. 2 K ONE BOWMAN 526 PAUL M. sm.? KA CITY COUNCIL - DISTRICT NO. 5 „TACK BRESSLER 235 JOE HANSEN 470 01;ESTION YES 5,379 NO 1,086 We further certify that Walter Moore and Willie Payne, having received the majority of votes cast, for the office of Mayor, arc duty nominated to appear on the bal.lot for the General Elector. ofTuesda y, November 6, 2001; and We further certify that Rai Alexander and Cathy Kinnard, having feCeived the Trajority of votes cast for the Office of City Council District #1; Kone Bowman and Paul Stupka, having received the majority of votes cast for the Officc of City Council District 2; Jack Bressler and Joe Batmen, having received the majority of votes cast for the Office of Council District OS. am rtul y tiorninate,-3 to appear on th ailor for the Genera] Election ty bv; held on Tuesday. November 6, 2001: and We further certify that the Annexation Question having received the majority YES votes cast in the City of Pontiac duly passed. /142/17/2-deeddt..---e ODESSA MC CLELLON I 1 191 Aida Nommmieg. ilvIAN SP ASN, ',.:14C7 -,'" ir :1IY CLERK 1`21-1d-kr) IIVIAN SP ANN, :1IY CLERK 9- LC% LCI C, • 1 Printed by Authority of The Local Election Commission ANNEA6T1ON PROPOSAL. A PROPOSAL FOR THE ANNEXAT/ON CPA PORTION OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOONIFTELD, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHiGAM, TO THE CITY OF PONTIAC, OAKLAND COUNTY. MICHIGAN. A proposal for the annexation of a portion of the Charter Township of Bloomfield to the City of Pontiac, Oakland County, tiltierigen, area Includes part of Bloomfield -Acres Subdivision Lots 1 thru 30, Lots 41 dere 50 and Lot 63, and also that part of Hood Road, 1:14etseJ Road and Myrtle Road, which are adloinIng, said above descrfbed Jots in Bloornfleid Acres SubclivIsion as recorded in Litter 41 Page 49 of Fiats of Oakland County Records, and also Tax Parcels: 19-05-176-001, 19-05-178-003, 19-06-226-008 being on the Charter Township of Bloomfield Tax Roll. Said area contains approximately 74.73 acres Including the above mentioned public roadway; and is legally described as Wows: - Part of "Bloomfleki Acres", a subdivision of part of the SW 114 of the NW 114 of Section 6, as recorded in Libor 41, Page 49, Oakland County Records, end part of the West 112 of Section 5, and part of the NE 1/4 of Seotion 6, T. 2N., R. 10E., Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, MiCiligan, being more partieulaN described es commencing at the West 1/4 corner of Section 5, T. 2N 9 R. 10E.; thence N. Or 51' 174' W., 702.26 feet to the point of beginning; thence N. 60* 14' 30" W., 200.00 feet along the Northerly R.O.W. line of Telegraph Road (204 feet wide); thence N. 39* 45' 30° E., 125.00 feet; thence S. 50° 14' 30" E., 89.36 feet; thence N. 01° 40' 30" W., 767.44 feet along the West Una of said "Bloorntield Acres': thence N. sr 53' 00" E., 1285.47 teat along the North line of said "Bloomfield Acres"; thence N, 87° 54' 49" E., 113823 feet; thence S. 05° 08' 58° E, 1227.61 feet; thence S. 04° 21' 42" E, 427.82 feet to the center of said Section 5; thence S. 88° 13' 20" W., 1019.25 feet along the East and West 114 line of said Section 5; thence N. 02°02' 50" W. 498.39 le Et thence S. BEV 09' 40" W., 258.15 feet; the-nee N. 710 03' 15" W., 320.95 feet; thence S. 39° 45' 34" W_, 168.74 feet; thence N. 50° 14' 30" W. 353.00 feet; thence S. sa° 45 34" W., 80.00 feet; thence S. 39 0 45' 34" W., 300.00 feet; thence Ni. 50" 14' 30" W., 409.92 feet along the Northerly FLO.W. line of Telegraph Road ,(204 feet wide) to the point al • • beginning. This site contains 3,254,690 s.f. or 74.73 acres Inducing public roadways and contains 3,113,150 al or 7t47 acres exchiding public roadways and Is subbed to any restrictions or easements of record A "YES" vote means the property will he annexed. A "NO" vote means the property will not be annexed. Shall the above described properly located in the Charter Township of BlOomfiald, Oakland County. Michigan be annexed to the City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan? YES 14111 NO C-,11 CC> ci <=, Ch. I PAX* fit3fAnt 91747Z--- MX 4; GATE: _ PAGEf3 I IM-ImNG WE PAGE Pi-latt X: 76'0'1') 00 7 I