HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1963.11.06 - 20304ete6IITY BC.e.T* OF UpyRITT SCap
Oakland, Michigan (herein called the Applie an
the UNITED STATE '1? AMERICA, acting by and
aro or Supervisers of the County
that the said Grant Offer,
uding the Special Conditions
or qualificatio an 7
vemter 6. 1963
r. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen.
RE the form of acceptance of a grant offer by the United
States of America thru its Housing and Home Finance Agency on Probject
0APW-MICH-297-0 has now been received by the Board of Auditors; and
REAS, the following is the forti received by the County for
accoptance of the grant, to-wit:
WHEREAS. There has been
afTlical . Project Number APW4ICH-297-G dated December 18, 196
r Fedela4. assistance under the Public Works Acceleration Act.
blie Law 87-6
through the Regional Director ox e =unity Faeilities, has trans-
fled with the Government in behalf of
mitted to the Applicant for ceptance a Grant Offer dated November 1
1968, at Federal assistance in connection with the project referred
said applicaskee and described in said 0..e-; and
Gran r has ben fully considered in accordance
with all pertinent t'L4J.es ocedure and legal requirements, and
made a part of the Applicantys public reccrds; and
WEEREA deemed advisable and in the public interest th. Ad
Grant Offer be accepted;
NOW, THERBFOkE, be it resolv
of Oakland, Michigan (Name of Applic
-a true and correct copy of which
and theterms and conditions,
hereby is accepted without rese
the same
iTre'F--requThrW-To—aT:) Da
ousing and Home Finance
Community Facilities Administration*
PP can ne
_L- )
4 ,PgFaulam Applicant agrees to comply with the provisions thereof.
d by the aforementione ,overning body of the Applicant on the
day of
Approved as a Valid :4cceptance of the
above-mentioned Gra Offer
AS, it is necessary for this Board to Authorize the accept-
ance at -eeution of the Acceptance of the County,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT Rk;SOLVED, that Delos Hamlin, Chairman (--A'
the Boarci of Supervisors of Oakland County, be and is hereby authorize r
execute the °Acceptance of Grant ter° as above referred to, or any other
documents which may be necessary complete transaction.
MR. CLIAIRKAN, on behalf of the Ways and Means and Buildings and
Grounds Committees. 7. move adoption of the foregoing rlsolution.
# 42 1
Moved. by Levinson supported by Brickner the resolution be
Alward, Richert, Bloc, Brickner, Calhoun,
(ase, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Cooley,
l_dth Pewan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm.Duncan,
H , Forbes, Fouts, Goodspeed, Hagstrom,
Hall, H. k. Hoard, Horton, Huber, Wm. Hudson, Hursfall,
Kephart, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin,
Lc - RarAall, McAleer, McCartney, McGovern,
Mc] .i,chrjo.9.. Hiller, Mitchell, Moore, OlDonoghue,
oftH: .eFinoff, Potthoff, Potter, Rehard, Remer,
Rhinc Slaver's, Smith , Solley, Stephenson, Tapp,
Tayl,oz, Tjley, flusiman, Turner, Veil, Wagner, Webber, Wood, Yockey. (81)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution
was adopt:ed
i'•0 PTA I Al
ta Board of Audi tors
ctivie County Clerk
Date November 8, 1963
D ea r Julra
airr turn i ng to you the Foil owi ng papers in rel at i on to Supervisors
Res ol uti on rAo. 11237;
I. 6rant OFfer including Exhibit A, B and C. These should appear
in the journal proceedings as read.
2. Resolution #42 1-13, together with your special certi fi cation as
record ing 01
TH_q*t you io'cih ,i1JHL these for your file.
R. E. Lilly
yL 7
y • I •
SIP, AT ON Project No AN-KICH-:=297;
40V i 1963
Offer Date
and the .1Tetie to
at, t. • .. • • • -•••• • a r t f
85 Idegionad Director of County Facilities
.ted 11-62 , attached hereto and
the Special Conditions attached hereto and
-using and Home Finance Agency -, hereinafter
heH offers to make a grant of $ 32,24D00
eligible project cost, whichever is the lesser, to
T to aid in financing the construction of
iy c:,,timated to cost $ 64b,000
••;,••• and r_fl tan n tniaiilding s
(herein call! Ho Project"): rii -v-(1, that in the event the actual eligible
project cost as determine6 by the :.:.7'..3.1ffient upon completion is less than 6.4_6000
the amount of the grant shvii A so that the grant amount shall not exceed
the above of the act eliible project cost.
Upon accptaa4:,., LUs to•,thel- with the Terms and Conditions and the Special
Con6itions refered t„), •c: the "Grant Agreement."
referred to a7
Prior to di set
nave the ri
notice of
terminate th':
with the COdS
i This Oft3r must
of aPy oovernment grant monies hereunder, the Applicant shall
miaae this HauL Agreement effective fifteen days after giving
-Th:mi to the 61overnment, The Government shall have the right to
•.'t Agrssment, effective upon fifteen days notice thereof to the
•.Y: it determines that the Applicant has failed to proceed promptly
financing of the project,
H.thin fifteen days from the date of receipt.
Housing and Home Finance Agency
Community Facilities Administration
1 Previons Editions Obsolete
Project No,
COUNV QX Czkirat6„ UchiF11 The following Speojai. c(.:,rKtWHrb ace 3T,?:;,,Ole a part of the Grant Agreement for the
above-numbered prnieptg
The Applican.••.: •
(a) Within 260)
project .. ••::t is
been E." inro tO
pro ject .
*Ite of receipt of the Grant Offer, it
.:=.-1:71 evidence that its share of the
firm and binding arrangements have
funds as they are needed to meet
(P) Within 120 clays from the date of
cause on-site labor to he eRracT
rec eipt of the Grant Offer, it will
d. tn the construction of the Project.
Failure' of th e • a:: -Po 11 1 give the Government „
2- Section 26 of
is hereby delf:Leel.,-,
3. The GOVel-TMIEM h;:vvie. 7e.J.41-1ft --x3-ace the amount of grant set forth •
OP the Grant Offer, tm)... to nol-Ace,c the eligi- ble project TO.-,ts aftea of the ce:::7truction contracts arc determined by the L. be lb:-s t,11 the estimated costs uPon which the
.• • of
4,.. Section 21 of tLe TarCfl.6 PnO Conditions, Date ,4, (i1262), Exhibit "A", .
' is hereby deleted and the follo -,Ang Ins soled in lieu thereof:
Section 21.
the ripht cc'
-*) CondittenP, dated (1 1-62), Exhibit "A",
f. The TibPlicant
any eAtoloyc
origin- TY.:=5
(b) The Appl:.
tion wpf
funds iOn
for Gov:::
t:Nat ':.,here shall be no discrimination against :
-ed in carrying out the Project, or against any ,
because of race, creed, color or national -
a include, but rbt be limited to, the following:
, or recruitment or recruitment
or termination; rates of pay or other forms of corn-
election .Zor aa-pren.Aao
to the fill colcii conditions (i) it will
incorporated into any contract for construe
therebf, paid for in whole or An part with
u:T=for the Grant k -:e-':7=1t, t' Provisions prescribed
..•ntraats and Ye.c7,;:lJy assistec.: construction contracts by SeCtiO :::01 Of Executive erd•:• T=5, as mendod; (2) it will assist and coop3ra e actively wlth the Ebnp- and 7.4.ame Finance Agency and the
President's oirni ou. alTloyment Opportunity (the "Committee")
in Obtaining the comp .. of cohtracto -cs and subcontractors with said
contre, 'hrovisions and with Ihles„ reiens, -and relevant orders of
ti He.-::); (3) it will, o --..*ntn and furntsh to the Housing and Home
Finance jwgehay. and to the such Lnforma.tion as they may require
for the superviston of sren. M it will enforce the obliga-
tions of contxaetors and shkicnnitors under such 7rovisions, rules,
regulations and crel (5) it wt)I oanry out sanctions and penalties
for vtoI L -i:mya upon contractors and subcontrac-
tors Lh.: Committee or the Housirg an Home Finance Agency; and (6) it
will from entering into any contract subject to this order, or
aK.tension or other mor3ification of subh a contract vitll a contractor
debarf-.:d fre Govenyment nodnests and FAderl:ly assisted construction
un:tsr Fart TIT. t.u.h.oart. I) of Ex.ecu tue ardor 1092, as
net- h-ke elig-Uritittr for such contracts
as 1..J•enLdeJ EarT -LE( .--cIrtive Order 10925, as amended; and (7)
ii. the evet the :T,1.11s and refuses to comPly with its under-
takings Ume A.:Wieent e7rces t3.-t the Housine- and Home Finance Agency
may cancel, termineLe -In whole or in part the Grant Agreement,
may refrailq from at_.ng any. further assjstance under any of its
programs slyject to ':-.n.ecutive Order 11114 until satisfactory assurance
of futur • :Ti.lanoa 11::V3 rehetved from suc-n. 1:ipplicant„ or may refer
the ease e. 0 10 Eiep,nment of Jus+ihe for ap-prob-tato leal broceedings.
' i!ean- a Penk or trust company which is a member of the Federal
e Corp-o-ation.
r'L3J -V-
Veyosit in
; Part of the Grant Agreement .Providing For the
Fittar:,-,; and Construction of Public Works or Facilities
Under H of the Housing Amendments of 1955, as Amended
by Ow :'! ' Corks Acceleration Act, Public Law 87-658.
Section i s ed, in these Terms and Conditions:
"Government" means the United States of America.
"Project" means the Public Works or Facilities covered by the Grant Agreement.
6S1 • • • • " 1. H.. coin:Tact between the Government and the Applicant
COVOtl!i I and includes both these Terms and Conditions and other con-
tract instrument,.
"Applicant" means the public entity designated in the Grant Agreement.
"Project Costs" means the costof construction work for the Project, cost of necessary
arrbitectu Ajengl,m-:oring services, legal, administrative and clerical costs, costof
hue! nece -7iiry travel expenses, interest during construction and de-
l...p!nent, and othcr necessary miscellaneous expenses, all as determined by the
reject Costs" Project Costsless the costs of land, rights-of-way,
equipment with the exception of those items directly
ed the completion of construction, planning financed by a
702 of the Housing, Act of 1954, as amended, and
• expenses, all as determined by the Government.
Section 7. Prerequisites to Governincills Obligations. The Government shall be under no obliga-
tion to
(a) pepyLs( -. A n7 ;1 ,i' made by the Applicant to the Government in connection
with tin , thew .. ect or incomplete in any material respect, or the Govern-
ment rp::, :'1H:(.11ri: has failed to proceed promptly with Project financing or
construe ,
-3elurtc.I a under the -Grant ikgreetnent if:
roe: en - eci•or re-
e tor:y;
in tie det..-.1eprient
..g it io s ibl.e for
Ti E.-cell-up-Ilan the objects of
(b) Concurrence by Government. The Applicant, having submitted to tlie (con .- a. • ant-- of the
documents mentioned in Section 10 hereof which under the: L P !: re the
Government's prior approval, shall have proceeded to •e%
lated obligations without having been advised by theCut ern tn‘t:
it being the purpose of thisprovision to insure that no ac:
of the Project which would result in legal or contractual
the Government to make the grant hereunder or for the parte-a
the Grant Agreement;
(c) Prohibited Interests. If any official of the Applicant L-2 I:
behalf of the Applicant to negotiate, make, accept or app -ove, or r.
making, accepting, or approving any architectural, engine(
materials, supply, or equipment contract or any subcontract in c
of the Project, shall become directly or indirectly p.:
subcontract, or if any official, employee, architect, attorney, et;
the Applicant who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf :-
legislative, executive, supervisory or other functions in coo
oally: in
ta 1 in such capacity and on
taae any pa -;a: in negotiating,
inspeco:a„ COilEarliCtiOn,
•le.- Lion H a construction
contract or
of or for
.etaoli. •nit to exercise any
the ..onea"ta, don of
the Project, shall become directly or indirectly interested Fataca,:illy in any construction,
materials, supply, equipment or insurance contract, in any sulacoot,-act or any ota!er contract
pertaining to the Project.
Section 3, Applicant's Funds. The Applicant: shall initiate and prosecute to cotael -:: ion all pro-
ceedings necessary to enable the Applicant to provide its share of the Project Cc to on or prior
to the time that such funds are needed to meet project costs
Section 4, Legal Matters. The Applicant shall take all actions aea) to enal.le it to finance,
construct, and develop the Project in due time, form, and manner a i:oquiye,1 ny law and the
Grant Agreement.
Section 5. Prerequisites to Grant Disbursements. Prior to the Gover.on.—; •nabursing any
portion of the grant proceeds, the Applicant shall present satiefactoty
(a) It has obtained, or can obtain, all land, rights-, P tr, . on:
Federal, State, County, and Municipal approvals required ic n n.etion tot-an rm.•tion
and operation of the Project, including approval of the final plans and specifications by the
appropriate State authorities;
(b) It has the funds or a firm and binding commitment to prcoaide its share of the P-ro ject costs;
(c) It has deposited into the Construction Account, in addition la
then available of the funds to be furnished by the Applic^.at to
costs and that it will promptly deposit any remaining pm i
, any portion
sna ,:e a the 'Project
gle,! re, 1::!: Elf ject costs in
order that all payments in connection with the Project can be t. as the same become due;
(d) The Project can be completed at a total cost satisfactory to the Government which will be
within the amount of funds available therefor;
(e) The Applicant (1) has formally amended its capital improven -wnt plan, taaNta- or other seined-
'tile, or is in the process of so amending it, to incorporate the irean ,D:.f-, ; its: planned net
expenditures for capital improvements pursuant to the resolution furnish.,..1 adth the grant
applic),; ion, (2) has secured, or is in the process of securing, approval of the amendments by
any or other public_ body having authority in such matters; and (3) has arranged for, or
IS lot g expe(litlooly to obtain, the funds needed for such increase in expenditures.
Section 6,
grant as
The Applicant may requisition disbursements against the
(I) 257 upm , .,,pproval of the awaid of the construction contract(s).
(2) 50% when construction. is 50% complete,
(3) 15% upou final inspection,
(4)10% after Project cen 'toe anti audit, subject to adjustment to reflect the actual cost as
determined by the Gevie
Such requisitions shall be a. .npu;icd by such supporting data as the Government may require
and shall be none,u,-,d subject: to the provisions of the Grant Agreement. No
request for of a ,0 :'elneoatlen of the Government affecting the grant payable under the
Agreement will be to e'4. such request is received by the Government not later than
three months followirp,, netice to the ,\pplicant of such determination.
Ali account t;ig records iv
inents and eeetaerlielloh
inning bank deposit slips, cancelled checks and other supporting docu-
--• Lie ): aw ard'.3 shall be retained intact for audit: or inspection by the
Section 7, re ,..•!i.. it A(..conote the Applicant shall set up in a Depository Bank, or with the
fiscal agette, ei the e,)'i 'cau. fixf-,,d by law, a separate account or accounts (herein collectively
called the "CiiwAreiLeti ,,o eecoutit") into which shall be deposited the proceeds of the Government
grant and the binds D. ';;11.3:ed by the provisions of the Grant Agreement to be furnished by the
Applicant to al3stir,-.D the payment of all Project •costs. Moneys in the Construction Account shall
be expended only for such purposes as shall have beer) previously specified in the project cost
estimates aprreved by the (jOovernment. The Applicant shall pay all Project costs from the
Moneys in the Constructioe Account shall be secured by the Depository Bank in the manner
Prescribed 1:y statutes lebe :',),}: to the securing of public funds. Where the moneys on deposit in
the Coristin)-1en Ace a;. eeeeed the estimated disbursements on account of the Project for the
next 90 dap, ea , ,:n:.zy direct the Depository Bank to invest such excess funds in direct
obligations prin(ilpal of and interest on which are guaranteed by, the United
States Goveueent a H); u •-e later than18 months after the date of such investment
and which 5a0 be snniee: lellen-T')on at any time by the holder thereof. The earnings from
any such M . ie..ntnients --!ne1) :Irlersit:ed in the Construction Account by the Applicant.
After ,:e):),:nhe;11 of
Construct l• c,count
Project cont. n.j the 1 1
ii:. tint) and payment of all costs of the Project, any balance in the
remain tbu rein pending determination by the Government of the total
grant. Suet: balance shall be used to refund promptly to the Govern-
ment any C i iC 01 1 ,ee 1 e with ' t to the Federal grant; any amount thereafter remaining
shall be a )nittable for disposition by the Applicant in accordance with its other contractual
agreements, anplicable State or local law or other governing conditions.
Section 3, P .f , 7e--Economic Construction. The Applicant covenants and agrees that
it will pr he with all matters necessary to the financing and the development of the
Project; and that the Project will be undertaken and developed in such •re• that
be promoted in such development and in the construction work,
Section 9. Approvals and Permits. The Applicant shall obtain approvals and permits required
by law as a condition precedent to the acquisition, construction, development, and operation of
the Project.
Section 10. Submission of Proceedings, Contract and Other Documents, The :'.c yle:rtit shall
submit to the Government such data, reports, records and documents relating to 0.e oostruction,
financing, and operation of the Project as the Government may require. Approval of Hve Govern-
ment must be obtained prior to the assignment of any interest in or part of any ent•oct relating
to the Project.
Section 11. Construction by .Contract. All work on the Project shall he clone nndle.• enarract and
every opportunity shall be given for free, open and competitive bidding fcr ev-ery con-
struction, material, and equipment contract. The Applicant shall • adver-
tisement or calls for bids by it for the furnishing to it of work, Jai er, 0 .
as required by applicable law and as will provide adequate comp :1' :,•••••••••,
contract therefor shall be made, after approval by the Govern' . . . bidder as soon as practicable; Provided, that in the selectice - c ...•...- he
Applicant may, in the interest of standardization or ultimate ec -es -,0 -•,, •H: cif such
standardization or such ultimate economy is clearly evident, a contract to responsible
bidder other than the lowest in price, The Applicant shall obena concurrence of die Govern-
ment before approving subcontracts relating to the Project.
(a) Contracts and subcontracts shall provide for submission of sucti employment and other 0,
relating to construction of the project as the Applicant may require.
(b) The Applicant shall include in each of its construction contracts a provision le •iniring the
contractor, insofar as practicable, to give preference, in the farina - of t re foe. he
Project, to qualified local labor. The provision also will require each the
same or a similar provision in each subcontract for the Project.
Section 12. Changes in Construction Contract, Any change in a cin -re,i ,cCeri tca: t shah be
submitted to the Government for approval. Construction contracts shill inclirdca provision
specifying that the above requirement will be met.
Section 13. Contract Security. The Applicant shall require that ere•il •-cn. .:,,ntraCtOr
shall furnish a performance bond in an amount at least equal to '[r; price
as security for the faithful performance of his contract and also a payment amount
not less than 50 percent of his contract price or in a penal sum not less than thet
State, territorial, or local law, as security for the payment of all. persons perf.,..re,-iei: hilan on
the Project under his contract and furnishing materials in connection with his •••::oti ,-aet, The
performance bond and the payment bond may be in one or in separate instruments in accordance
with local law.
Section 14. Insurance During Construction. The Applicant shall require that each of its con-
struction contractors and his subcontractors shall maintain, dash. i e life of his contract,
Workmen's Compensation Insurance, Public Liability and Property l'..:-,n,cle .i.r:surance in amounts
„ The Applicant shall require of its contractors that all
PY'lect be paid in full (less deductions made mandatory by
la "sl, not 7
Section 19.
shall be ear
and that Jr-la;
and on e
Project for Ti
may appear, rt
ry Jo the Government. The Applicant shall maintain Builders' Risk In-
cover:-.!g•a) on a 100 percent basis on the insurable portions of the
:a: beta:1.ft cr.; the owner, prime contractor, and all subcontractors as their interests
nal the Pirriect is rise ,:•ie rat and is accepted by the Applicant.
Section 13, (a
of Labor bl
can;., s' n'!1
it ci
wage ratcs
If, after the
occupation n,
time of the
notify the A;
work in exc,:
unless such
times his
in excess
Wa:=o Ratese Upon receipt of the list of wage rates determined by the Secretary
the Act of March 3, 1931 (Davis-Bacon Act, as amended), the Appli-
': -ilic.:ontracts calling for work on the Project and require adherence
P reratire of each of its contractors that such list shall be posted
on the site of the Project. Unless otherwise required by law,
is)n-manual workers, including executive, supervisory, ad-
it becomes necessary to employ any person in a trade or
cove ti.sL, such person shall be paid at not less than a rate to be
j•- of Labar. Such approved minimum rate shall be retroactive to the
of such person in such trade or occupation. The contractor shall
:-.0.;•01 to employ persons in trades or occupations not classified in
• ;; w obtain approved rates for such trades or occupations.
.Applicaut shall comply with the provisions of the Contract Work
s Act (PL, 87-531) which provides that the Applicant will also require of its
no laborer or mechanic shall be required or permitted to be employed in such
of eight larres in any calendar day or in excess of forty hours in any workweek
ear or tres; r;lc receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half
rate of pay t`yr all hours worked in excess of eight hours in any calendar day or
suro in SUCh workweek as the case may be.
hold from !Le_
on the work
the contract alai th
may die', i •itch LU!-
SpeCtIV::-51, Li ,:,!es is
abC' boljustments. The Applicant shall require of each of its
ii.nt of wages by the contractor, the Applicant may with-
:•ut due, an amount sufficient to pay workers employed
conrrr et the difference between the wages required to be paid under
-t actually paid such workers for the total number of hours worked and
so withheld by it for and on account of the contractor to the re-
tey are due,
-.1lection 18, Astl-Kiekback 7a9tote, The so-called Anti-Kickback Statute, .Public Law No. 324,
73rd Congre, approved June 13, 1934 (43 Stat. 1948 as amended), and the regulations issued
pursuant ths , are a part of the (Jr anta n .eement, and the Applicant shall comply, and require
each of has actors eleCoyed in toe construction, prosecution, or completion of the Project
• to comply oe •.etol, and to ea eee 11s subcontractors to do likewise.
Pr': v.- ation, The Applicant shall require of its contractors that precaution.
at all t ;aeo• for the protection of persons (including employees) and property,
CC be guarded against or eliminated.
1 appli-
)1nntb the
a duly
-nth by
Section 20. Supervision and Inspection. The Applicant shall provide and rce•
half competent and adequate architectural or engineering services cov •erit- t
inspection of the development and construction of the Project.
Section 21. Nondiscrimination. The Applicant shall rctirt... that there :••, I l he y..•
against any employee who is employed in earring out rho Ple • et, or A - ic auch
employment, because of race, religion, color or national e This -f.et i -,e hut
not be limited to, the following: employment, upgradinff, f!at: •:11•;ralent or
recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of coil; • i •r atio s ; and
selection for training, including apprenticeship.
The Applicant shall insert the foregoing provision of this Section in all its contra,
work and will require all of its contractors for such work te insert a similar to:
subcontracts for Project work; Providetl, that the foregoiratt hinn at
apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial
The Applicant shall post at the Project, in conspicuous places -
cants for employment, notices to be provided by the Government -
this nondiscrimination clause.
Section 22, Payments to Contractors. Not later than the fit::
Applicant shall make a partial payment to each conster ,.tio
certified and approved estimate of the work performed during the pre
the particular contractor, but shall retain until final completion and ace ;;:
by the particular contract a reasonable amount, specified in the contract, 7:
proper performance of the contract,
Section 23. Audit and Inspection, The Applicant shall require of its :etors that the Govern-
ment 's authorized representatives be permitted, and it will itself permit V , nmirtneat all work,
materials, payrolls, records of personnel, invoices of materials and na ,rant data and
records appertaining to the development of the Project; aro shal permit tiT • :,•••I‘i:r rit 's author-
ized representatives to inspect or audit the books, records, and accounts :I a 'Yei..P .-art per-
taining to the Grant and the develtpment of the Project.
Section 24. Signs. The Applicant shall cause to erected at the site of it••• Proj -•eti, alai main-
tained during construction, signs satisfactory to the Government the Project and
indicating the fact that the Government is participating in the development Cto.,: Project,
Section 25. Operation of Project. The Applicant ct-a—rt-oei•i-,S H i t -7:11 or,
Project or provide for the operation and maintenance the
for which the Grant has been made available under the Fed -.•al I: •,..• ta.1 iS
Section 26, Surety, The Applicant covenants that each id
custody of Project funds during acquisition, construction, ree : chea lot•ty„•-•:•-: of it:
be bonded at all times in an amount at least equal to the total funds coo
ass having
!y at any one
Section 27. Interest of Third Parties. The Grant. Agreement is not for tht -, lae
parties. The Government shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party on
of third
than the
Delegates to Congress. No member of or delegate to
admitted to any share or part of this Grant Agreement
• • • • execution of the Grant Agreement the Applicant repre-
.sentF• : . • not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose
of s s. ::,[r the Grant hereunder,
end tin
ng in the Grant Agreement to the contrary not-
shall -require the Applicant to observe or enforce
m any other act or do any other thing in contra-
law: Provided, That if any of the provisions of the
State or territorial law, or if compliance with the
require the Applicant to violate any applicable State or
at once notify the Government in writing in order that ap-
y be made by the Government and the Applicant to the
ci soul-1.as possible with the construction of the Project.
Del os Ham] in
County Rea rd
man Oak] and
.S_tiperv ors
Julia Maddoe
Acting Oakland County Clerk
COUNTY or Oakland Julia Maddock
Moved by Levinson supported by Brickner the resolution be
AYES: Allerton, Alward, Bachert, Bloc, Brickner, Calhoun,
James Carey, John Carey, Case, Charteris, Cheyz, Clarkson, Cooley,
Cummings, Pavids, Davis,Demute, Dewan, Dohany, J. W. Duncan, Wm.Duncan,
Durbin, Edward, Edwards, Ewart, Forbes, Fouts, Coodspeed, Hagstrom,
Hall, Hamlin, Heacock, Hoard, Horton, Huber, WM. Hudson, Hursfall,
Ingraham, Jackson, Kennedy, Kc-il --ct, Knowles, Lahti, Lessiter, Levin,
Levinson, Love, MacDonald, Marshall, McAleer, McCartney, McGovern,
Melchert, Menzies, Michrina, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, OTDonoghue,
Oldenburg, Osgood, Perinoff, Potthoff, Potter, Rehard, Remer,
Rhinevault, Seeterlin, Slavens, Smith, Solley, Stephenson, Tapp,
Taylor, Tiley, Tinsman, Turner, Voll, Wagner, Webber, Wood, Yockey. (Si)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution
was adopted.
Acting Clerk of the Circat for the Cc -lnty of.. Oak:Lai d , in Chancery, th.: sam
a C.-, seal, do certify that I have compared the annexed copy of
1963 meetin& of the Oakland County
Board of Supervisors
with the original record thereof now ram. in my office,
and is -a true and correct transerip' and of
I have hereunto set lny hand
the seal c" .-:;(1 Court, at _r_o_htiao_,_ Michigan
, ... _
this _ __ 6th _„_
Resolution #4237 adopted at the November
_ _ .
Y--- - _ .. Deputy Clerk.