HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2012.11.28 - 20624November 28, 2012 REPORT (misc. #12297) BY: Human Resources Committee, John A. Scott, Chairperson RE: Circuit Court —2013 Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDCI) Pilot Program — Grant Acceptance TO: Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Human Resources Committee having reviewed the above referenced resolution on November 14, 2012 Reports with the recommendation the resolution be adopted. Chairperson, on behalf of the Human Resources Committee, I move the acceptance of the foregoing Report. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott absent. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE November 28, 2012 IVIISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #12297 TY: .PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE, JIM RUNESTAD, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: CIRCUIT COURT — 2013 URBAN DRUG COURT INITIATIVP (Inc") PILOT PROGRAM- GRANT ACCEPTANCE the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: 'WHEREAS the Circuit Court applied for a grant with the State Court Administrative Office (SCA0), Urban initiative (LIDCI) Pilot Program with a grant period of October 1,2012 through September 30, 2013; and 'WHEREAS the SCAO grant award, plus PA511 funding make up the total program funding for FY 2013; and WHEREAS the UDCI Pilot Program has a budget of $414,229 which includes a SCAO grant award of 3247,229 and PA 511 funds support of $167,000; and WHEREAS no county match is required; and WHEREAS the UDCI Program will focus on high-risk, high-need offenders who have committed criminal offenses within the city of Pontiac and who have been diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder; and WHEREAS this Program consists of three phases including varying types of treatment programs, court i•tibpearances, incentives and sanctions, as needed with specific goals for graduation into the next phase and ultimately jiraittuation from the program; and . WHEREAS this grant provides for the creation of one (1) Special Revenue (SR) full-time eligible (FTE) Youth and Fomily Caseworker Supervisor position in the Circuit Court Civil/Criminal Services (#3010301) Criminal Case Support area and WHEREAS the new position will coordinate weekly case conferences with judges and probation officers, performs screening for eligibility, and follow each case through completion, including assessments, as well as liaison and contr:act oversight with service providers; WHEREAS position #301402-10677 also will provide administrative support to the Urban Court initiative Pilot Pr:- ..arn and be partially funded by this grant; and WHEREAS this program provides also funding for drug testing supplies and kits, interlock tethers for participants, Inn costs, and therapy; and VHEREAS the grant agreement has been reviewed and approved through the County Executive's Contract iF • .7 tocess and the Board of Commissioners' Grant Acceptance Procedures. JUM THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accents the 2013 ii•nhative (UDCI) Pilot Program in the amount of i.I(247,..229 from the State Court Administrative Office (SCA0), far oterior: of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013. ISE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes the Board Chairperson to sign the ii-ant agreement for the total program amount of $414,229, which includes the SCAO grant award of $247,229 anci PA 511 funds support of $167,000. IIInF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant is conditioned upon continued interpretation of the . onsistent with the February 6, 2001, letter from tnetvlichigan Supreme Court. State Court Administrative Office, a-1E1i assurance #3 of that grant application shall not be cons.trued as a mandate for future funding of the program . tundina unit, said letter attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no expenditures are authorized until a grant agreement is fully executed with Usiunty's obligation limited to the grant funding period. SIT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) SR FTE and Family Caseworker Supervisor position be created In thr-: CIinouit Court/Civil/Criminai Services)/Criminal Case Support ang fully funded by the SCAO grant. SF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) SR Technical 2iNssistant position (#301 402-10677) be also partially winded oy the tcroon Court Initiative Pilot Proj.-jrarn funds, and Adult and Juvenile Drug Court Grant Programs SiEj IT FURTHiER RESOLVED that continuation of this position(s) associated with this grant is contingent upon (Jon tinuarion ot state •Inding, and receipt of additional 'funding sources. IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the ,T;c,ritra:t agreement and that tne chairperson may approve amendments and extensions up to fifteen (15%) percent trom the award, consistent with the original agreement as approved. BF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future oomm trnent. Chairperson ; on benaif of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. Ptiblic Services Committee Vote: Vint:or, carried unanimously on a roll call vote Nancy Falardeau From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: West, Catherine <westcaeoakgov.com > Tuesday, November 06, 2012 10:22 AM 'Falardeau, Nancy' FW: GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF: Circuit Court - FY 2013 Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDCI) Pilot Program - Grant Acceptance Grant Accept Sign Off Pkg.pdf; C06 UCDI Revised FY13.pdf From: West, Catherine [mailtomestca(aoakgov.coml Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 9:114 AM To: 'Cooperrider, John'; Lynch, Richard; Lisa Langton; Howes-Evanson, Jacqueline; Kevin Oeffner; vaughtg©oakgov.com ; Koshen, Karen Subject: GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF: Circuit Court - FY 2013 Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDCI) Pilot Program - Grant Acceptance Please Note: Attached is the revised FY2013 Urban Drug Court Initiative Contract GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Circuit Court GRANT NAME: FY 2013 Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDCl) Pilot Program FUNDING AGENCY: State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Rich Lynch /John Cooperrider 22171 / 80256 STATUS: Grant Acceptance DATE: October 31, 2012 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be place on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW _ Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (10/12/2012) Department of Human Resources: Approved. — Karen Jones (10/11/2012) Risk Management and Safety: Approved per revised FY2013 Urban Drug Court Initiative Contract received by Corporation Counsel (copy attached). — Andrea Plotkowski (10/25/2012) Corporation Counsel: There appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require action at this time. — Karen Agacinski (10/26/2012) 1 COMPLIANCE „ The grant agreement references A number of specific federal and state regulations. Below is a list of the specifically cited compliance related documents for this grant. Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP)/County Incentive Program (CIP) 2012 PA 200 htt : wwwJllich . ov documents treast_p//E df Drug Treatment Courts: The Ten Key Components http://www.olp.usdoi.gov/BJA/Arant/DrugCourts/DefiningDC.pdf The Ten Guiding Principles of DWI Courts htto://www.dwicourts.oralearn/about-dwi-courts/-guiding-principles Juvenile Drug Courts: Strategies in Practice https://www.ncirs.gov/pdffilesl/bia/197866.pdf Family Dependency Courts: Addressing Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Using The Drug Court Model https://www.ncirs.goy/Delffileslibia/206809.pdf Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA, Title II) http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HIPAAGenlnfo/Downloads/HIPAAlawdetail.pdf Department of Health and Human Services Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records (42 CFR Part 2) ht-tp://www.access.gpo.goviriara/cfr/waisidx 02/42cfr2 02.html Executive Order 12549 — Debarment and Suspension htto://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12549.html Michigan — Conflict of Interest - Contracts of Public Servants with Public Entities — "Act 317 of 1968" http://www.legislat u re. mi.gov/( u q31.xgeltm rj5z55z2uiwv45)/mileg.aspx?page=getobiect&o biectn a roe=mcl-Act-317-of- 1968&qu ervid=14761946 Michigan — Standards of Conduct for Public Officers and Employees (Act 196 of 1973) http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(30eoca2irf3u2z55n2kiztms))/mileg.aspx?Dage=getObiect&objectName=mcl-15-341 Katie West Oakland County Fiscal Services Phone (248) 858-2384 Fax (248) 858-9724 westca@oakgov.corn 2 : 24E7305—S747 Ics _02 .03732112 • - 7-4211 P;i2/112 J-)11 h-06-O. 01 t 16P rnakenzie Fa-N-a1 INT Prom440 MAX Micbi Suretne Court sw4 at=t itarnirastrAitve .ofitce . Box300411 • • Larlsirs, Tuirachissr, diga.9 • Plone(51.7)373-tuz) pm Feny,Tr..SrateCtturt Administrat.pr 'clxturry 6, 2001 Honorable Brian MacKenzie 52:4 DisArict Court 42195 'Grand RivarAVS. Novi, 114 483744= . Dear .btdr IVIanicenziet • ' . • • Puma= to our conversation this miming 3Awn.ding the IvEcltigtro Drug Court Groot Piorian, rarn psoviding igaroLtion. co=rning _Msoxance #4 in six: applitolion ruatezials. The mural= ineluatol nt KiChtgall Drug Coat Grant 'application roateriaLs are the same as the assurao= replied to apply for an& accept fedL—al program, funding for Crag cowl progrirns.. Assman= #4 *ski= the applicant to provide 8451411nCe of apt-gown's cort4unc fiznarag whether &Abe faun local, other state, or fctiwa1 sources of ftrading, The Kohighn Drug Court C-740 Prow= is sts±c4xppropriztr4d iorairstra fund:id with ilitiatt.t rtti fund claws, ' The tandin is intended a.ssiSt de ping and inapt:Blot:nate new programs and provide limited support to =Winning proxrami. h is howevar, the program's responsibility to i4at1itany teak SPUrr-42 of fin:lams_ This thoula tot ho esonsuned as a thatulat'e for fltztvfng of a prc•igiam :from the fir.dig • . . • . - . . . Ityciniume any funk= quitstiozs, please cam . • • Siu=ratf, " - . - KT; tkrWil )14 Mdak Deputy State Cot= AarairdS;rattar REQUEST: 1. To accept the FY 2013 Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDC!) Pilot Program, State Court Administrative Office (SCAO). 2. To create one (1) Special Revenue (SR) Youth & Family Caseworker Supervisor position in the Circuit Court/ Civil/Criminal Services/Criminal Case Support 3. To partially fund one (1) Special EVENUE (SR) Technical Assistant position #3010402-10677) BOARDICOMMI'TTEE ACTION: Public Services Committee: November 13, 2012 Human Resources Committee: November 14, 2012 Finance Committee: November 15, 2012 Board of Commissioners: November 28, 2012 PROPOSED FUNDING: The Urban Drug Court Initiative Program has a budget of $414,229 which includes a SCAO grant award of $247,229 and PA511 funding of $167,000. OVERVIEW: The Circuit Court has applied for a grant with the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) Michigan, Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDCI) Pilot Program with a granting period of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013. The Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDCI) will focus on high-risk, high-need offenders who have committed criminal offenses within the city of Pontiac and who have been diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder. The program will comply with Michigan Compiled Laws 600.1060 et seq, and the Ten Key Components of Drug Courts. Participants will be screened near their arraignment date for eligibility into the program. The program consists of three phases including varying types of treatment programs, court appearances, incentives and sanctions, as needed, with specific goals for graduation into the next phase and ultimately graduation from the program. The Court is requesting the creation of one (1) Special Revenue Youth and Family Caseworker Supervisor that will support the UDC! as a case manager in the Circuit Court/ Civil/Criminal ServicesiCriminal Case Support. This position coordinates weekly case conferences with judges and probation officers, performs initial screening for eligibility, and follow each case through completion, including assessments, as well as liaison and contract oversight with service providers, supervisiOn of participants in the UDC! program, and preparation and maintenance of program procedural manuals. The Urban Drug Court Initiative Program will have the administrative support of one (1) SR Technical Assistant position (3010402-10677). This position will be partially funded by Child Care Fund provided by the Juvenile Drug Court Program, the SCAO grant funds provided by the Adult Drug Court Program and funds provided by the Urban Drug Court Initiative Pilot Program grant which will receive support from this position. This award will also provide funding for drug testing supplies and kits, interlock tethers for participants, and contractual services. The continuation of the program and positions associated with this grant is contingent upon state funding, and receipt of additional funding sources. Annual Cost Creation of one (1) SR FTE Youth & Family Caseworker Supervisor 1 year-step, Fringes @ 47.92% Total Healthcare Based Fringes Total Cost: $55,882 $26,779 $14485 $97,146 Acceptance of the grant is conditioned upon the continued interpretation of the contract consistent with the February 6, 2001, letter from the MiChigan Supreme Court, State Court Administrative Office providing that grant application shall not be construed as a mandate for future funding of the program. COUNTY EXECUTIVE KCOMMENDATION: Recommended as requested. PERTINENT SALARIES (FY12 RATES): Ciassmcat.ien Gr. Period Base - Year z Year 3fear. 4 •ear 5 Year Youth & Family Annual 52,605 55,882 59,162 62,438 65,717 68,998 14 Caseworker Supervisor Bi-weekly 2,023.28 2, 149.31 2,275.48 2,401.48 2,527.59 2,653.76 *Note: Annual rates and costs are shown for illustrative purposes only. SALARY AND FRINGE BENEFIT COST: **Note: Fringe benefit rates displayed are County averages. Annual costs are shown for illustrative purposes only. Actual costs are reflected in the fiscal note: MICHIGAN SUPREME COURT STATE COURT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE URBAN DRUG COURT INITIATIVE " FY 2013 CONTRACT Grantee Name: 6th Circuit Court - Adult Federal ID Number: 38-6004876 Contract Number: SCAO-2013-094 Grant Amount: $247,229 Project Title: N/A Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Title: N/A CFDA Number: N/A Federal Agency Name: N/A Federal Grant Administered by N/A Federal Grant Number: NIA 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.01 This contract is made between the State Court Administrative Office, Lansing, Michigan (SCAO) and the 6th Circuit Court- Adult program. 1.02 This contract incorporates the Grantee's approved grant application request and final approved budget. 1.03 This contract is for the Urban Drug Court Initiative. 1.04 In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants in this contract, and the benefits to be derived from this contract, the parties agree as follows: 2. TERM OF CONTRACT 2.01 This contract becomes effective when it is signed by the parties, the State Court Administrator or Deputy State Court Administrator, and the Grantee's authorizing 2.02 This contract commences on 10/1/2012. This contract terminates on 9/30/2013, at 11:59 p.m. 3. RELATIONSHIP 3.01 The Grantee is an independent contractor, and it is understood that the Grantee is not an employee of the SCAO. No employee, agent, or subcontractor of the Grantee is an employee of the SCAO. 3.02 No liability or benefits, including, but not limited to, retirement benefits or liabilities, pension rights or liabilities, insurance rights or liabilities, fringe benefits, training, holiday pay, sick pay, vacation pay, or such other rights, provisions, or liabilities arising out of an agreement of hire or employer-employee relationship, either express or implied, shall arise or accrue to either party as a result of this contract The Grantee is not eligible for, and will not participate in, any such benefits. 3.03 The Grantee is responsible for payment of all taxes, including federal, state, and local taxes arising out of the Grantee's activities in accordance with this contact, including, but not limited to, income taxes, social security taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and any other taxes or fees. 3.04 The Grantee understands and agrees that all parties furnishing services pursuant to this contract are, for purposes of workers' compensation liability or other actions of employee-related liability, not employees of the SCAO. The Grantee bears the sole responsibility and liability for furnishing workers' compensation benefits to any of its employees for injuries arising from or connected with services performed pursuant to this contract. 3.05 The Grantee shall not direct the work or commit the working time of any SCAO employee under this contract. To the extent that the Grantee seeks the assistance of any SCAO employee to perform the Grantee's responsibilities under this contract, the Grantee must obtain prior written approval from the state court administrator or his designee. 3.06 The Grantee does not, and shall not, have the authority to enter into contracts on the SCAO' s behalf. 4. SCOPE OF SERVICES 4.01 Upon approval of the Grantee's application and signing of this contract, SCAO agrees to provide funding from the Grant in an amount not to exceed the amount of this contract. In no event does this contract create a charge against any other funds of SCAO or the Michigan Supreme Court. 4.02 The Grantee shall, during the contract term, use the Grantee's best efforts and endeavors to promote the interests of the SCAO. The Grantee, and the Grantee's employees or subcontractors, shall devote such time, attention, skill, knowledge, and professional ability as is necessary to most effectively and efficiently carry out and perform the services as described in this contract and in any amendments to this contract. 4.03 Commitment of state resources for the acquisition of goods and services, and execution of purchase orders, contracts, and similar agreements, shall remain the sole responsibility of the SCAO. 5. PERFORMANCE AND BUDGET 5.01 The SCAO agrees to provide the Grantee a sum not to exceed $247,229 for the court program operated pursuant to this contract. 5.02 The grant agreement is designated as a sub-recipient relationship, 5.03 Any Grantee equipment purchases supported in whole or in part through this agreement must be listed in the supporting Equipment Inventory Schedule. Equipment means tangible, non-expendable, personal property having useful life of more than one (1) year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Title to items having a unit acquisition cost of less than $5,000 shall vest with Grantee upon acquisition. SCAO reserves the right to retain or transfer the title to all items of equipment having a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, to the extent that SCAO's proportionate interest in such equipment supports such retention or transfer of title. 5.04 The Grantee agrees that it will not expend funds obtained under this contract for any purpose other than those authorized in the administrative requirements specified in the application and revised approved budget for the Grant, and will expend grant funds only during the period covered by this contract unless prior written approval is received from the SCAO. 5.05 The Grantee must sign up through the online vendor registration process to receive all state of Michigan payments as Electron Funds Transfers (EFT)/Direct Deposits. Registration information is available through the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget's website at: http://www.michigan.gov/budget/0,1607,7-157- 13404 37161-179392--,00.htm1 5.06 All payments for the proper performance of the contract shall be made by the SCAO quarterly, upon submission by the Grantee of financial reports for approval by the SCAO on a form approved by the SCAO. The financial reports shall include a specific amount of the hours worked, hourly salary, the detailed services provided by the Grantee or Grantee's staff, and/or the specific amount expended on supplies or operating costs necessary for program operation. 5.07 Requests for adjustments in expenditures within line items and between line item categories must be made using a Contract Adjustment Request form, and approved by the SCAO. 5.08 The Grantee shall make reasonable efforts to collect 1 st and 3rd party fees, where applicable, and report these as outlined in the SCAO's fiscal procedures. Any under-recoveries of otherwise available fees resulting from failure to bill for eligible services will be excluded from reimbursable expenditures. 6. CONDUCT OF THE PROJECT 6.01 The Grantee shall abide by all terms and conditions required in the application assurances, budget requirements, and the Grantee's approved program outline aryl 1.11 ,A get. 6.02 The Grantee shall operate its grant-funded program in accordance with the application assurances. -6.03 The Grantee agrees that funds awarded under this grant will not be used to support any inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytizing. If the Grantee refers participants to, or provides, a non-federally funded program of service that incorporates such religious activities: (1) any such activities must be voluntary for program participants, and (2) program participants may not be excluded from participation in a program or otherwise penalized or disadvantaged for any failure to accept a referral or services. If participation in a non-federally funded program or services that incorporates inherently religious activities is deemed a critical treatment or support service for program participants, the Grantee agrees to identify and refer participants who object to the inherently religious activities of such program or service to a comparable secular alternative program or service. 7. ASSIGNMENT 7.01 The Grantee may not assign the performance under this contract to subcontract personnel except with the prior written approval of the SCAO. 7.02 All provisions and requirements of this contract shall apply to any subcontracts or agreements the Grantee may enter into in furtherance of its obligations under the contract. 7.03 The Grantee shall provide copies of all subcontracts for services funded in whole or in part by this grant to SCAO for review and approval prior to entering into a subcontract agreement and shall be responsible for the performance of any subcontractor. 8. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 8.01 In order that the Grantee's employees or subcontractors may effectively provide fulfillment of this contract to the SCAO, the SCAO may disclose confidential or proprietary information pertaining to the SCAO's past, present, and future activities to the Grantee. All such information is proprietary to the SCAO and Grantee shall not disclose such information to any third party without prior approval from the SCAO. The Grantee agrees to return all confidential or proprietary information to the SCAO immediately upon the termination of this contract. 8.02 Both the SCAO and Grantee shall assure that medical services to, and information contained in the medical records of, persons served under the provisions of this contract or other such recorded information required to be held confidential be federal or state law, rule, or regulation, in connection with the provision of services or other activity under this agreement, shall remain confidential. Such information shall be held confidential, and shall not be divulged without the written consent of either the Patient or a person responsible for the patient, except as may be otherwise required by applicable law or regulation. Such information may be disclosed in Summary, statistical, or other form, if the disclosure does not directly or indirectly identify particular divi dual s 9. HUMAN SUBJECTS 9.01 The Grantee must submit all research involving human subjects conducted in programs sponsored by the SCAO, or in programs that receive funding from or through the state of Michigan, to the Michigan Department of Community Health's (MDCH) Institutional Review Board (IRB). for approval prior to the initiation of the research. 10. HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT, 42 CFR PART 2, AND MICHIGAN MENTAL HEALTH CODE 10.01 The Grantee assures that it is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 42 CFR Part 2, and applicable confidentiality provisions of the Michigan Mental Health Code, to the extent that this act and these regulations are pertinent to the services that the Grantee provides under this contract. These requirements include: A. The Grantee must not share any protected health Or other protected data and information provided by the SCAO or any other source that falls within HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and/or the Michigan Mental Health Code requirements, except to a subcontractor as appropriate under this contract. B. The Grantee must require, in the terms and conditions of any subcontract, that the subcontractor not share any protected health or other protected data and information from the SCAO or any other source that falls under HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and/or Michigan Mental Health Code requirements. C. The Grantee must use protected data and information only for the purposes of this contract. D. The Grantee must have written policies and procedures addressing the use of protected data and information that falls under HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and/or Michigan Mental Health Code requirements. The policies and procedures must meet all applicable federal and state requirements including HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and/or Michigan Mental Health Code regulations. These policies and procedures must include restricting access to the protected data and information by the Grantee's . employees. E. The Grantee must have a policy and procedure to report to the SCAO unauthorized use or disclosure of protected data and information that falls under H1PAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and/or Michigan Mental Health Code requirements of which the Grantee becomes aware. F. Failure to comply with any of these contractual requirements may result in the termination of this contract in accordance with section 20. G. In accordance with HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and/or Michigan Mental Health Code requirements, the Grantee is liable for any claim, loss, or damage relating to its unauthorized use or disclosure of protected data and information received by the Grantee from the SCAO or any other source. 11. RIGHTS TO WORK PRODUCT 11.01 All reports, programs, manuals, tapes, listings, documentation, and any other work product prepared by the Grantee under this contract, and amendments thereto, shall belong to the SCAO and are subject to copyright or patent only by the SCAO. The SCAO shall have the right to obtain from the Grantee original materials produced under this contract and shall have the right to distribute those materials. 11.02 When activities supported by this agreement produce books, films, or other such copyrightable materials issued by Grantee, the Grantee may copyright such materials, but shall acknowledge that the SCAO reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, and use such materials, and to authorize others to reproduce and use such materials. This publication right does not include service recipient information or personal identification data. 11.03 Any materials bearing the SCAO' s name must be approved by the SCAO prior to reproduction and use. 11.04 The grantee shall give the SCAO recognition in any and all publications, papers, and presentations arising from the program and service contract 12. WRITTEN DISCLOSURE 12.01 The Grantee and Grantee's employees or subcontractors shall promptly disclose in writing to the SCAO all writings, inventions, improvements, or discoveries, whether wprightabk, patentable, or not, which are written, conceived, made, or discovered by the Grantee or the Grantee's employees or subcontractors jointly with the SCAO or singly by Grantee or Grantee's employees or subcontractors while engaged in activity under this contract. As to each such disclosure, the Grantee shall specifically point out the features or concepts that are new or different. 12.02 The SCAO shall have the right to request the assistance of the Grantee and Grantee's employees or subcontractors in determining and acquiring copyright, patent, or other such protection at the SCAO' s invitation and request. 12.03 The Grantee represents and warrants that there are at present no such writings, inventions, improvements, or discoveries (other than in a copyright, copyright application, patent, or patent application) that were written, conceived, invented, made, or discovered by the Grantee or the Grantee's employees before entering into this contract, and which the Grantee or the Grantee's employees desire to remove from the provisions of this contract, except those specifically set forth by attachment hereto. 13. INSURANCE 13.01 The Grantee should carry insurance overage in such amounts as necessary to cover all claims arising out of the Grantee's operations under the terms of this contract. The Grantee shall indemnify and hold harmless the SCAO for any liability incurred as a consequence of Grantee's failure to maintain insurance coverage for Grantee or Grantee's subcontractors. 14. INDEMNITY 14.01 The Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the SCAO, the Michigan Supreme Court, their agents, officers, and employees from any liabilities, obligations, damages, penalties, claims, costs, fees, charges, and expenses (including, but not limited to, fees and expenses of attorneys, expert witnesses, and other Consultants) that may be imposed upon, incurred by, or asserted against the SCAO or the Michigan Supreme Court by reason of the Grantee's acts or services provided under this contract. 14.02 The Grantee also agrees to assume responsibility to safeguard the Grantee's property and materials and that of the Grantee's employees or subcontractors. The Grantee agrees to save and hold the SCAO harmless for loss of any such property and materials used by the Grantee pursuant to the Grantee's performance under this contract. 14.03 In the event any action or proceeding is brought against the Grantee by reason of any claim covered under this contract, the Grantee will, at the Grantee's sole cost and expense, resist or defend the action or proceeding. 15. ACQUISITION, ACCOUNTING, RECORDICEEPING, AND INSPECTION 15.01 The Grantee agrees that all expenditures from this contract, including the acquisition of personnel services, contractual services, and supplies, shall be in accordance with: (1) the standard procedures of the Grantee's funding unit, and (2) the administrative and budget requirements of the grant. 15.02 The Grantee agrees to maintain accounting records following generally accepied accounting principles for the expenditure of funds for the purposes identified in the approved grant request, final approved budget, and any applicable approved contract addendum andlor budget amendment. 15.03 The Grantee agrees that the Michigan Supreme Court, the SCAO, the local government audit division of the Michigan Department of Treasury, the State Auditor General, or any of their duly authorized representatives, including program evaluators and auditors, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, copy, or transcribe any pertinent transaction, books, accounts, data, time cards, or other records related to this contract The Grantee shall retain all books and records, including all pertinent cost reports, accounting and financial records, or other documents related to this contract, for five years after final payment at the Grantee's cost. Federal and/or state auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the SCAO, shall have full access to and the right to examine and audit any of the materials during the term of this contract and for five years after final payment. If an audit is initiated before the expiration of the five-year period, and extends past that period, all documents shall be maintained until the audit is complete. The SCAO shall provide audit findings and recommendations to the Grantee. The SCAO may adjust future or final payments if the findings of the audit indicate over- or under-payment to the Grantee for the period audited, subject to the availability of funds for such purposes. If an audit discloses an overpayment to the Grantee, the Grantee shall immediately refund all amounts that may be due to the SCAO. Failure of the Grantee to comply with the requirements of this section shall constitute a material breach of this contract upon Which the SCAO may cancel, terminate, or suspend this contract. 15.04 The Grantee's accounting system must maintain a separate fund or account that segregates grant contract receipts and expenditures from other receipts and expenditures of the Grantee. 16. PROGRAM REVIEW AND MONITORING 16.01 The Grantee shall give the SCAO and any of its authorized agents access to the court at any reasonable time to evaluate, audit, inspect, observe, and monitor the operation of the program. The inspection methods that may be used include, but are not limited to onsite visits, interviews of staff and mental health court participants, and review of case records, receipts, monthly/quarterly statistical reports, and fiscal records. 17. REPORTS 17.01 The SCAO will provide report forms for all required reports. The Grantee agrees to submit timely, complete, and accurate reports as identified in this contract and the application assurances and administrative requirements for the grant to the SCAO as listed in Attachment A. _.17.02 The data for each participant who is screened and accepted into the program must be entered into the appropriate Case Management System. 17.03 The Grantee is responsible for the timely, complete, and accurate submission of each required report and data as outlined above. 17.04 If any report is thirty days past due, a delinquency notice will be sent via email notifying the Grantee that it has 15 days to comply with the reporting requirement. Forty-five days past the due date, a forfeiture notice will be sent to the Grantee via the U.S. Postal Service notifying it that its funding award has been rescinded due to contract noncompliance. 18. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION 18.01 The Grantee may not contract with or make any award of grant funds at any time to any third party that has been debarred or suspended or is otherwise excluded from, or ineligible for, participation in federal assistance programs under Executive Order 12549, "Debarment and Suspension." 19. AUDITS 19.01 This section only applies to Grantees designated as sub-recipients. Grantees designated as vendors are exempt from the provisions of this section. 19.02 Grantees must submit to the SCAO a Single Audit, Financial Statement Audit, or Audit Status Notification Letter as described below. If submitting a Single Audit or Financial Statement Audit, Grantees must also submit a Corrective Action Plan for any audit findings that impact SCAO-funded programs and a management letter (if issued) with a response. A. Single Audit: Grantees that expend $500,000 or more in federal awards during the Grantee's fiscal year must submit to SCAO a Single Audit prepared consistent with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations," (as revised). B. Financial Statement Audit: Grantees exempt from the Single Audit requirements that receive $500,000 or more in total funding from SCAO in state and federal grant funding must submit to SCAO a Financial Statement Audit prepared in accordance with GAAS if the audit includes disclosures that may negatively impact SCAO-funded programs including, but not limited to, fraud, financial statement misstatements, and violations of contract and grant provisions. C. Audit Status Notification Letter: Grantees exempt from both the Single Audit and Financial Statement Audit requirements (1. and 2. above) must submit an Audit Status Notification Letter that certifies these exemptions. 19.03 The required audit and any other required submission (i.e. Corrective Action Plan and management letter with a response), or audit Status Netification letter must be submitted to the SCAO within nine months after the end of the Grantee's fiscal year to Michigan Supreme Court, State Court Administrative Office, Hall of Justice, PO Box 30048, Lansing, Michigan, 48909, attention Kathryn Van Asperen. 19.04 if the Grantee does not submit the required Single Audit reporting package, management letter (if issued) with a response, and Corrective Action Plan; or the Financial Statement Audit and management letter (if issued) with a response within nine months after the end of the Grantee's fiscal year, and an extension has not been approved by the cognizant or oversight agency for audit, the SCAO may withhold from the current funding an amount equal to five percent of the audit year's grant funding (not to exceed $200,000) until the required filing is received by the SCAO . The SCAO may retain the amount withheld if the Grantee is more than 120 days delinquent in meeting the filing requirements and an extension has not been approved by the cognizant or oversight agency for audit. The SCAO may terminate the current grant if the Grantee is more than 180 days delinquent in meeting the filing requirements and an extension has not been approved by the cognizant or oversight agency for audit 19.05 Failure to submit the Audit Status Notification letter, when required, may result in. withholding from the current funding an amount equal to one percent of the audit year's grant funding until the Audit Status Notification letter is received. 19.06 The SCAO or federal agencies may also conduct or arrange for "agreed upon procedures" or additional audits to meet their needs. 20. TERMINATION OR FUNDING HOLD 20.01 Each party has the right to terminate this contract without cause by giving written notice to the other party of such termination at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of such termination. Reasons for termination may include, but are not limited to, failure to make ongoing progress toward the program's goals, failure to submit reports in a timely fashion, or using a vendor suspended or debarred pursuant to section 18 of this contract. 20.02 This contract may be terminated immediately without further financial liability to the SCAO if funding for this contact becomes unavailable to the SCA O. 21. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 21.01 The Grantee shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of the federal, state, and local governments, and shall save and hold the SCAO harmless with respect to any damages arising from any violation of the same by the Grantee. 22. MICHIGAN LAW ..22.01. This contract shall be subject to, and shall he enforced and construed under, the laws of Michigan. 23. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 23.01 The Grantee presently has no personal or financial interest, and shall not acquire any such interest, direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of this contract. 23.02 The Grantee and the SCAO are subject to the provisions of 1968 PA 317, as amended, MCL 15.321 et seq., MSA 4.1700(51) et seq., and 1973 PA 196, as amended, MCL 15.341 et seq., MSA 4.1700 (71) et seq. 24. DEBT TO STATE OF MICHIGAN 24.01 The Grantee covenants that it is not, and will not become, in arrears to the state of Michigan or any of its subdivisions upon contract, debt, or any other obligation to the state of Michigan or its subdivisions, including real property, personal property, and income taxes. 25. DISPUTES 25.01 The Grantee shall notify the SCAO in writing of the Grantee's intent to pursue a claim against the SCAO for breach of any term of this contract within seven days of discovery of the alleged breach. 25.02 The Grantee and the SCAO agree that with regard to any and all disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of or in connection with or relating to this contract; or any claim that the SCAO violated any local, state, or federal ordinance, statute, regulation, law, or common-law doctrine (including discrimination or civil rights claims); or committed any tort; the parties shall attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation. Selection of a mediator will be by mutual agreement of the parties. 25.03 The Grantee and the SCAO agree that, in the event that mediation is unsuccessful, any disputes, controversies, or claims shall be settled by arbitration. Selection of an arbitrator will be by mutual agreement of the parties. The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding on both parties. The award, costs, and expenses of the arbitration shall be awarded at the discretion of the arbitrator. This agreement to arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable. A judgment of any circuit court shall be • rendered upon the award made pursuant to submission to the arbitrator. 26. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 26.01 This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior written or oral promises and representations. No other Understanding, oral orotherwise, regarding the subject matter of this contract exists to bind either of the parties. 27. AMENDMENT 27.01 This contract may be amended only upon written agreement of the parties. 28. DELIVERY OF NOTICE 28.01 Written notices and communications required under this contract shall be delivered by electronic mail, regular mail, overnight delivery, or facsimile device to the following: A. The Grantee's contact person is Honorable Nanci Grant, 6th Circuit Court, 1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341. B. The SCAO' s contact person is Dr. Jessica Parks, State Court Administrative Office, Michigan Hall of Justice, P.O. Box 30048, Lansing, MI 48909. 29. SIGNATURE OF PARTIES 29.01 This contract becomes effective when signed by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the SCAO and the Grantee have executed this contract: 6th Circuit Court - Adult By: Authorizing Official (Signature and Title) Authorizing Official (Please Print Name and Title) Date: Authorizing Official: Must be a person who is authorized to enter into a binding contract for the entity receiving funds. The authorizing official may not be a judge or other state employee. The authorizing official is normally from the Executive or Legislative Branch of the entity (e.g., City Manager, Mayor, Council President, Board Chairperson, Chief Financial Officer, etc.). STATE COURT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE By:Date: •• Deputy State Court Administrator ATTACHMENT A URBAN DRUG COURT INITIATIVE (UDCD. FY 2013 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013 . „ DtC1WS DATA. VALIDATION/ CCMIS i ATA EXCEMON REPORT DUE DATE NOTE February 15, 2013 Courts will be validating that data is entered into DCCMIS for the time period of October 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012. Courts will also be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS - for the time eriod of October 1, 2012, tbrou!.h December 31, 2012: ' May 15, 2013 Courts will be validating that data is entered into DCCMIS for the time period of January 1, 2013, through March 31, 2013. Courts will be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS for the . ... • time period of January 1, 2013, through March 31, 2013. August 15, 2013 Courts will be validating that data is entered into DCCMIS for the time period of April 1, 2013, through June 30, 2013. Courts will be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS for the time period of April 1, 2013, through June 30,2013. November 15, 2013 Courts will be validating that data is entered into DCCMIS for the time period of July 1, 2013, through September 30, 2013. , L____ Courts will be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS for the time period of July 1, 2013, through September 30, 2013. _ -ceS4siAAWSIT 010 DUE DATE NOTE January 31, 2013 Courts will be confirming user access to DCCMIS. , _ C REPORTS „., DUE DATE NOTE January 20, 2013 Courts will be reporting on expenditures from October 1, 2012, through December 31, 2012. April 20, 2013 Courts will be reporting on expenditures from January 1, 2013, through March 31,2013 July 20, 2013 Courts will be reporting expenditures from April 1, 2013, through June 30, 2013. October 10, 2013 Courts will be reporting expenditures from July 1, 2013, through 1 [ September 30, 2013. I 3udget Sunirriary Budget Category UDC! Award (SCA()) Local In-Kind Contributions wawaveWieikitn TOTAL COST 72,721 $ 6 55,630 $ 9,708 $ 15,390 $ 33,780 $ Z47,229 $ ummary of Drug Court Funding H IUDCI Award (SCA()) Other Grant or FundingESOurces (identify; e.g4Chiitt4dtp Fund, BIA DiscreLitmary Grant, etc. IPA 511 Funds and Community Men ocal Contributions • !Cash Personnel Fringe Benefits Contractual 167,000 Supplies/Operating Travel TO,tal Project.Cqs • 167,000 Other Grant or Funding Source (specify below) (MIS It $ 72,721 55,630 236,708 15,390 33,780 414,223 ilfatleIRMIPIONIOMMIS 247,229 :••• .• ear.ian;•9nW.iitY11n11n6;* 167,000 vitimmemai flOIXONINA 71.4,229 Total Project Cost •FY 2013 UDCrEtLJIGET AWAlitt•tUMMANY.:•:::T..: COURT NAME: Sixth Judicial Circuit Court In-Kind John Cooperrider Name of Person Completing Budget TO RE COMPLETED BY MICHIGAN SUPREME COURT FINANCE STA SC Finance: Approved:by (Signature) CONTRACT NUMBER 1SC Finance: Approved by (Print Name AIL WO UDGET 3 UDC! CONIPUTAT1ON (hours worked on project XI !MCI Award (SCAO) hourly rate) Other Grant Or Funding Source (H in budget summary) Name/PosItion Local Cash Contributions I In-Kind Contributions TOTAL 40 hours fis $25.2910/hr Casework Supervisor 35,882 , 55,882 36,839 Technical Assistant 16'83 16 hours ES $20,2389/111- $ _ $ $ _ T_ $ _ S _ 72 .• 7272 Personnnl '.r.O14f FY 20 A. Personnel 8 FrI titeneflts a.. .... itath .:,. Per,Witt' ,94:, ...II... • • . • .?:.Iterri . itetttage..961: 'Ill, - . them : PAttAntake . . . . employer FicA 8% -"---*rr."--7Vision Insurance 014 0 Other 1 IIKinoansro 37% U Unem laymen U Other 0% * Hospital .Insurance 0% U Worker's Compensation 1% U Other 0% Dentalinsurance 0% 0 LIfe Insurance 0 0 Other 0% .. COMPO5I1ERATE .. . -48% The court requests a case manager position. The Case Manager perrorrns the job duties of coordination of weekly case conferences, inItital me screening for eligibility, liaison and contract oversight with service providers, supervision of participants In the UDCI program, and preparation and maintenance of program procedural manuals. Oakland county established the pay grade for thIsposition as the equivalent of a Youth arid Family Caseworker if position. It Is anticipated that the successful 'Candidate will begin at the one-year step of teh salary grade. (Total Cost $55,882) The court also requests partial funding torn technical assistant position who will be responsible for entering all case related data for participants in the DCav115 system. Oakland County established the pay grade for this position as the equivalent of a Technical Assistant position. It is anticipated that the successful candidate wilt be the same person Inputting data for the Juvenile Drug court and Adult Treatment court. (Total Cost $10,524) A. Personnel Justify personnel costs (he., wages) associated with the project. Mete personnel costs should tie back to the Budget Summary and Budget Detail Worksheet. Your text will automatically wrap to the that Ilne, but If you need to create a line break, press Mt + Enter, nmi Fringe tienQiitS 'Other Grant or Funding Sources UDC! Award (SCAO) 1(specify) Contributions e requested fringe benefits adhere to*Oaklincl counts standafilbeneflt package for a full-t(ine eligible employee under the Oakland county fvlerit System. In addition to the hospital dental and vision which are as follows: hospital $13,973, dental $762, and vision $110. (Ta ml for Casework Supervisor $41,623) (natal for TechnIcal Assistant $14,007) tech nnual dire es listed above 47.92%, there are • Fringe Benefits Justify fringe benefit costs associated with the project. These fringe benefit costs should tie bad to the Budget Summary and Budget Detail Worksheet. Your text will automatically wrap to the next line, but If you need to create a line break, press Alt + Enter. ---- urges tor C. Contractual COMPUTATION (hours Worked Other Grant or Fending Source (ti Name of Contractor uoa Annird (SCAM I Cash ContributiOnS Local In-Kind Contributions TOTAL COST an project X hourly rate) In budget summary) ---. SolutiOnS to Recovery & Sequoia Recovery 10,000 $ 60,000 - ,000 This figure include-4 residential and traneltlonaltiaustngftrr participants. Per diem heating out of appOrInat&* S48,50/day, „ _ . Office of Substance Abuse 5ervlrsrovl—="1I 15,708 Is 72,000 I $ - 1$ $ =------ 87,708 This line fterdaddreSiesiOistenee abuse treatment optiOnsoffetett through•OSAS end Its stakeholders. It Includes residential treatment dews options; iniertilve nut patient therapy, and gram anclindhilduoltherepy sen.!Itti$,COtt tirearalcea detailed - . . in worksheet F. 1 - i $ Di_ 44,000 .. _ ..... .,.. ____ __ . „.............. ........_ ___.. .. , _ ... oixtg.:Wunt , Oakland County Community Mental Iteatth ----------------Fr—a7 000 - 55,000 AddreasesitreatTnehten0 fe,rdSvI,P0-10-10iii,-Pi'tkitianta v4t6W-O.0014,11100iiiii:04(of serik -i at li.a In wpridiiio:f -----'-"""'--- *.....1r-a'.7.. -..7''.7' $ 7 ."•--71 $ . Name 1 (Cnter sery '..tb:bit. proyiderthera( ' - . ..... ` Name IS 15 . - -- _..... , (Entereen,deeetio:hesinevidedlere).: „ Pierce rs--. I $ ' I $ • $ ==... - . . .. _ .... ... !Enter wvi ;to jigpr000 tiara), Nam - - 1... - (Enter service p tie proVided ref .... Nam 11..........„......_,....__ " I $ (Enter services tab, provided lierq Name r7"-- - - - .. Enter services to be providetlIse Name .__._M----"---„„=k.„ TT T) ... .., .„ . .. , ... ... . , .. )Errternervlcev tn be provided karol Name ...__.........____E...:____„..m.... .. _ „ . ,...-...._=.—r :1 .„ .. ___ ,.._. .,...... : . (Enter services to be provide ere) ' 'rr"-I '" ::.t „,......._:_-:*_,......... .........,..1:_.....3,72 CB $ - 167,000 $ .2570S 'sweet:wed JO.J. 511009 luawies4 latna pue 'Stu9e4.1 Pup 'Arfeia ,41erip)Npui Flue dr cul gnopen lutsnce4 leuutesueit pue uapgai Ku le pue paysvo 3 4p/ eseicl Nuaiq aim manu paaunoA ;nq 'auli3xau ai cu demi ApaagemunneflJMum) inoA laays)flompelaa;a Spne eta pue Auewwes leapn8 aul 01 pug an mous '003 lunpaqua3 aseql PIojd ay; tope pemposse slew leniaelluo3 Algenr lenpeiluo3 E. Supplies/Operating COMPUTATION (Cost Per Unit )(- Number of Units) $7 x 55 part x 9 tests $ $7.50 x 10 part x 75 d $10 x 7 part x90 days $ $ UDC! Award (SC.A0) 3,465 $ 5,625 $ 6,300 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,390 $ Other Grant or Funding Source (1 in budget summary) ToW.Si.ipplieS/Pperatirt Item Instant Drug Testing Kits Interlock Daily Fee Alcohol Tether Local In-Kind Contributions Local Cash Contributions E. Supplies and Operating Justify supplies and operating costs associated with the project. These supply and operating expenses should tie back to Budget Summary and Budget Detail Worksheet. Your text will automatically wrap to the next line, but if you need to create a line break, press Alt + Enter. Instant Drug Testing kits provide immediate feedback on a participant's performance In the program. The requested line item provides for 500 Instant drug kits which averages 9 tests per participant in a year presuming full capacity from day one. The court recognizes that many eligible participants will be subject to some level of driver's license sanction. Consequently, the court requests funding for the cost of the Interlock ignition daily fee ($7.50) to ensure that the interlock option Is available for all participants. The court requests funding for an alcohol tether to ensure that the UDC! pilot may offer a full range of sanction options to participants who relapse during the course of completing the program. As identified above, the daily cost for tether is $10.00. t PUrpos'es and/or MA COMPUTATION (Cost Per Unit X Number of Units P registration and lodging UDC' Award (SCAO) ther Grant or Funding Source (II in budget summary) Local In-Kind Contributions Local Cash Contributions Travel (mileage fo Type of Travel Expense 7,q70 $ 450 $ 660 $ 33,780 $ F. Travel • Justify travel and/or MADCP registration and lodging costs associated with the project. These costs should tie back to Budget Summary and Budget Detail Worksheet. Your text will utomatically wrap to the next line, but If you need to create a line break, press Alt + Enter. $— Bus Passes $66 x 55 part x 9 mo $— MDCAP Conference Registration 3 part x$150 $— MDCAP Conference Overnight 3 part x $110 x 2 night 'Total StappliegOperatIn ubstance Abuse TestTng 15 5 $ 20 $ 1.0 20 SA Outpatient Detox $200 - $220 SA Sub-acute Detox 175 - $325 reict $68/15 minute unit $75/1Srninute $ • "'":" ' ' Urinalysis* Alcohol Breath Alcohol Enzyme Oral Swab Alcohol Tether Drug Test Confirmations Interlock Daily Fee for Indigent Participants Other Assessments ! Cost Substance Use Disorder Assessment $65 to $100 ---, Mental Health Assessment 81 ' COMPAS Assessment State Elays , Substance Use Disorder Treattrient . SA Residential SA Intensive Outpatient SA Outpatient SA Early intervention SA Group*** Other I iMeiltan filealth:Treatrilarit Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Case Management/ Support Coordination Co-occurring Treatment Services vwsi I DR ;+5, e.enel 1111R Sear jiCaS 6—A.11 M Crisis Residential/Intensive Crisis Stabilization Doctor/Medication Review Employment Services Inpatient Hospitalization/Partial Day Hospitalization Reside ntal Therapy Services ,iinnsportation expenses Bus Token Average miles to participants' homes Other 47 to $200 $90 - $110 $60- $65 $25/group; $65/iridiv , $23 to $45 . 1$25 for didactics CMH does not offer, $40 through °SAS' s :Depends i-AverSge Of $1.62/diy, $ Cott:: f $66 for 30 ckaV pas$, 25 miles mesamermaammiceamewowtroo .53 per rile * Cost charge by vendor/agency or cost of supplied and staff time ** Cost per day *** Cost of group session divided by the average number of attendees SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT FY 2013 Upri BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY SUPPLEMENT TO BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET F Supplement to Budget Detail Worksheet F Substance Abuse Testing Oral Swab: Administered by MDOC, but not local stakeholders. Could not identify MDOC cost at this time. Substance Use Disorder Treatment SA Sub-acute Detox: $175 to $325 depending upon substance(s) SA Residential: $47 to $200 per day depending upon co-occurring disorder and referral source (corrections or OSAS) SA Intensive Outpatient $90 to $110 depending upon needs SA Early Intervention: $25 per group, $65 per individual SA Group: $23 to $45 per individual per group session Other: $25 for didactics, $125 psych eval., $4.72 per day for methadone treatment, suboxone is $5.72 per day Assessments COMPAS Assessment The State currently pays the fee associated with the COMPAS assessment. Neither the Court nor the other stakeholders are billed for this assessment. Could not identify MDOC cost at this time. • Mental Health Treatment Assertive Community Treatment $68 per 15 minute unit Co-occurring Treatment Services: If charged through OSAS, $23 to $110 depending upon services provided. Community Mental Health costs require additional information to accurately price. Community Based Services: $56 per hour OSAS case management. Additional information needed to accurately quote an event cost through CMH. Crisis Residential/ Intensive Crisis Stabilization: CMH does not offer crisis stabilization. The crisis residential rate is $430 per day. Crisis intervention is offered at a rate of $170 per 15 minute unit. Doctor/ Medication Review: $40 through OSAS. The CMH rate is $146 per encounter. Psychiatric evaluations are $375 per assessment. Employment Services: The supported employment services rate is $6.30 per 15 minute unit. The skill building rate is $3.52 per 15 minute unit. Inpatient Hospitalization/ Partial Day Hospitalization: The rate depends upon the hospital. The current range is $550 to $650 per day. Partial day hospitalization is $240 per day. Residential: Residential averages $162 per day and includes CLS and personal care. Depending upon the severity of the client, the cost could go over $300 per day. Therapy Services: Individual therapy services depend upon the length of the session and range from $100 to $150. 2 FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #12297) November 28, 2012 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: CIRCUIT COURT —2013 URBAN DRUG COURT INITIATIVE (UDC!) PILOT PROGRAM - GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Circuit Court has received a grant award from the State Court Administrators Office (SCAO), for the Urban Drug Court Initiative (UDC') Pilot Program in the amount of $247,229 for the period of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013. 2. The total program budget is for $414,229 which includes an award from SCAO of $247,229 and PA 511 Community Corrections contributed funding of $167,000. 3. There is one (1) special revenue, full-time eligible Youth and Family Caseworker Supervisor position (3010301-New) that is fully funded by the Urban Drug Court Initiative SCAO funds totaling $97,505. 4. There is one (1) special revenue, full-time eligible Technical Assistant position (3010402-10677) that is partially funded by Urban Drug Court Initiative SCAO funds of $30,846 and the remaining cost is offset by the Juvenile Drug Court program funds (Child Care Fund) and the Adult Drug Court SCAO funds. 5. Total operating costs for the Urban Drug Court Initiative Program are $285,878 of which, $167,000 is PA 511 Community Corrections contributed funding and $118,878 is funded by the Urban Drug Court Initiative SCAO funds. 6. A budget amendment is recommended to the FY 2013 Adopted Budget as follows: Special Revenue Fund #27135 FY 2013 Amendment FY 2013 Circuit Court Civil/Criminal Services Adopted Amended Project #GR0000000626 Activity A, Analysis Type GLB Revenue 3010301-121200-615571 Grants State $ 0 $247,229 $247,229 Total Revenue $ 0 $247,229 $247,229 Expenditure 3010301-121200-702010 Salaries $ 0 $72,721 $72,721 3010301-121200-722750 Workers Compensation 0 902 902 3010301-121200-722760 Group Life 0 225 225 3010301-121200-722770 Retirement 0 26,863 26,863 3010301-121200-722780 Hospitalization 0 19,473 19,473 3010301-121200-722790 Social Security 0 5,563 5,563 3010301-121200-722800 Dental 0 1,135 1,135 3010301-121200-722810 Disability 0 1,025 1,025 3010301-121200-722820 Unemployment Insurance 0 269 269 3010301-121200-722850 Optical 0 175 175 3010301-121200-731458 Professional Services 0 69,708 69,708 3010301-121200-731997 Transportation of Clients 0 33,780 33,780 3010301-121200-750280 Laboratory Supplies 0 15,390 15,390 Total Expenditure $ 0 $247,229 $247.229 FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. Resolution #12297 November 28, 2012 Moved by Crawford supported by 'McGillivray the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Crawford, Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Nash, Nuccio, Potts, Quarles, River, Runestad, Scott, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic, Covey. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). HERE:Y CHIEF oL.--iinf COUNTY EXECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 46,559A (7) 3 STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Bill Bullard Jr., Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on November 28, 2012, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 28th day of November, 2012. Eta, g Bill Bullard Jr., Oakland County