HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2013.05.09 - 20800MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #13096 May 9, 2013
BY: Public Services Committee, Bill Dwyer, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Department of Human Services (DHS) has amended grant funding to the Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for program year (PY) 2012 and extended the period of performance
from April 1,2012 through March 31, 2014; and
WHEREAS the DHS chose to amend and extend the PY 2012 award for one additional year; in lieu of a
separate PY 2013 grant award; and
WHEREAS this grant award also provides funding for the City of Pontiac; and
WHEREAS Oakland County will serve as fiduciary and lead agency for the entire award; and
WHEREAS an intergovernmental agreement has been drafted (as attached) by Oakland County
Corporation Counsel and will be submitted to the City of Pontiac for signature; and
WHEREAS this is the fifteenth (15th) year of grant acceptance for this program; and
WHEREAS the PY 2012 grant award was accepted per MR. #12047; and
WHEREAS the DHS has amended and awarded Oakland County $98,102 of additional funding for PY
2013; $88,292 as a Federal pass-through and a 10% required match of $9,810; and
WHEREAS the required County match is included in the Fiscal Year 2013 Non-Departmental Adopted
Budget; and
WHEREAS the multi-departmental grant award provides project funding focusing on areas of opportunity to
increase accountability for juvenile criminal offenses and increase accountability in the juvenile system; and
WHEREAS the PY 2013 grant program consists of two projects: 1) Prosecutor Accountability— Teen Court
program continuation and expansion to the City of Pontiac including Teen Court supplies and 2) Circuit
Court Juvenile Drug Court Art Therapy program continuation; and
WHEREAS the grant award continues funding for one (1) Probation Officer I position (4010201-09330) for
the Teen Court Program; and
WHEREAS the grant amendment has been reviewed and approved through the Grant Review Process;
WHEREAS due to the grantor's constrained timeframe within which the executed grant amendment must
be returned to DHS, the amendment has been sent to the Board of Commissioners' Chairperson for
signature prior to the completion of the Board of Commissioners' Grant Acceptance Procedures.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts PY 2013
grant funding from the Department of Human Services in the amount of $98,102 including grantor funds of
$88,292 and County matching funds of $9,810 for the extended program year period of April 1, 2012
through March 31, 2014.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future
commitment, and continuation of the special revenue position is contingent upon future levels of grant
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execul,z:
the grant agreement and to approve any grant extensions or changes within fifteen percent (15%) of the
original award, which is consistent with the original agreement as approved.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the.adoptioligf the foregoing resolution.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Bosnic absent.
Katie West
Jones, Karen <jonesk@oakgov.com >
Monday, March 25, 2013 2:51 PM
'West Catherine'; Davis, Patricia'; 'Secontine, Julie '; 'VanPelt, Laurie'
'McMurtry, Julie'; 'Howes-Evanson, Jacqueline'; 'Lisa Langton'; 'Malone, Prentiss';
'Falarcieau, Nancy'
RE: GRANT REVIEW: Multi-Departmentai - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family
Division - PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)- Grant Amendment
From: West, Catherine Innailto:westca0oakgov.corril
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 9:31 AM
To: Davis, Patricia; Jones, Karen; Secontine, Julie ; VanPelt, Laurie
Cc: McMurtry, Julie; Howes-EvailbUil, Jacqueline; Lisa Langton; Malone, Prentiss; 'Falardeau, Nancy'
Subject; GRANT REVIEW: Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family Division - PY 2012 Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG)- Grant Amendment
Please Note: DHS has issued an amendment to the PY2012 JABG grant extending it one year and
including the 2013 funding in lieu of granting a new award for project year 2013. Please see Item S
(Options to Renew) located on page 34 in the 2012 JABG award document.
TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS Laurie Van Pelt — Karen Jones —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis
RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court Family
PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
Michigan Department of Human Services
Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating
your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to
all) of this email.
Time. Frame for Returned Commen : April 1, 2013
Date: March 25, 2013
Operating Department: Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court — Family Division
Department Contact: Katie West, Fiscal Services
Contact Phone: 248 858-2384
Document Identification Number: JAIBG-12-63001
REVIEW STATUS: Amendment to Current Contract over 15%
Funding Period: April 1, 2012 through March 31, 2014
New Facility / Additional Office Space Needs: None
GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Multi-Departmental: Prosecuting Attorney,
Circuit Court — Family Division, Children's Village
GRANT NAME: PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Human Services
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Katie West, Fiscal Services, 248 858-2384
STATUS: Amendment #1 to current contract over 15%
DATE: March 27, 2013
Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed
internal grant review. Below are the returned comments.
The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of
Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal
Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the
appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution.
Department of Management and Budget:
Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (3125/2013)
Department of Human Resources:
Approved. — Karen Jones (3/25/2013)
Risk Management and Safety:
Approved by Risk Management. — Julie Secon e (3/26/2013)
Corporation Counsel:
There appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require action at this time. — Karen P. Agacinski
The grant agreement references a number of specific federal and state regulations. Below is a list of
these specifically cited compliance related documents for this grant.
Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-87, A-102, and A-133
US Do.f 0,TP Financial Guide
http://www .ojp .usdo j,g o vlfinancialgui de/in dex.htrn
Department of Justice Nondiscrimination; Equal Employment Opportunity; Policies and Procedures (28
CFR Part 42) Section 42.302
http://www . access. 14P o.govinara/cfilwaisitix_ 01/28cfr42 01.1=1
US DoJ Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements (28 CFR Part 66 and
28 CFR Part 70)
htto://www.access.apo.govInara/cfrAvaisidx 04 /28cfr -v2 04.html
Executive Order 13513 "Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving"
http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press office/Executive-Order-Federal-Leadership-on-Reducing-Text-Messaging-
0.11,1DP Grant Programs (28 CFR Part 31)
http://ww w. access.gpo. go vinara/cfr/ wa isidx 01128cfr31 01.13tml
Department of Justice Protection of Human Subjects (28 CFR Part 46)
http ://ww w. access. gpo .vovinara/cfr/waisidx 04128cfr46 04.html
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006 (Public Law 109-282)
Michigan State Constitution of 1963 (Excerpt), Article XI § 5
http://www.legislatureani.gov/(S(mwv gws45khv2g255solxhp55))/mile,g.aspx?page=getObject&obj ectNaine—Inc1-
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.0 Section 2000d)
htto://wWW.usdoj ,govicrticor/coordltitlevistat.htm
Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act — "Act 453 of 1976"
http://www.legislature.rni.gov/(uq3 lxgeltrat-15z55z2uiwv45)/rrtileg.aspx?page=getobj ect&oblectname----mcl-Act-
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C., Sec 12101)
http://frwebgate4.access.gpo.2ov/cgi -bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID---42030427315+0+0+0&WAISaction—retrieve
Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act — "Act 220 011976"
http;//w ww.legislature.mi gov /(uq31 x veltmd5z55z2uiwv45)/mileg.aspx?pa(2e—getobj ectSzobjectnarne=m1-A
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 (29 U.S.C. Section '794)
Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA, Title H)
http://www cms.hhs „govfliIP AAGenInfo/Downloads/HIPAAlaw de df
Michigan —Freedom of Information Act 442 of 1976 (MCL 15.231)
http://www.legislature.rci.gov/(S(mxubm5f1vb5ubayl cp3x0efl '0/naileg. aspx?paae=getObj ec ter objectName=mc1-15-
Services provided by charitable, religious, or private organizations (42 USC 604a)
http://frwebQatc5.access.epo_,,govicgi -biniwaisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=993865208201±0 0-i-0&W AiSaz don—retrieve
Restrictions on Lobbying (28 CFR part 69)
http://www.access.gpo. ,2,v/naralrcfr/waisidx_04128cfr69 04.hunl
Government-Wide Debarment and Suspension (28 CFR, Part 67)
http ://www.access,gpo. v/nara/c fr/w aisidx_04128 c fr67_ 04 .htnal
Michigan Executive Order 2003-1 - Procurement Of Goods And Services From Vendors In Compliance With
State And Federal Law
http://www.rnichigan.gov/gov10,1607.7 -168-21975_21977-58719--,00.htral
Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 (Title 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681 -1688)
http:// www. dol. g.o v/oasamireg, s/stat-utes/tifieix, htm
Age Discrimination Act of 1975 42 U.S.C. Sections 6101 -6107
htto://www . dol. go v/oasauVreg sista tut es/ ag e ac L.httn
Equal Treatment for Faith Based Organizations (28 CFR Part 38)
Tribal Colleges and Universities (Executive Order 13270)
http ://ww w.doe.govisitesiprod/fi les1E0%2 0 13 270%20Triba1%20Co11e es%20and°/020 U niversiti es.pdf
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 USC 3789d)
http://www.usdoi .2ov/crtisplit/42usc3 7 8 9 d.htm
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act
MVP° jdn.ncirs.oEgiabout/jj dpa2002 titiev.pdf
Victims of Crime Act Administrative Provisions (42 USC Section 10604)
http://www.usdoi.gov/ert/cor/byagency/doj 1 0604.htm
Katie West
VanPelt, Laurie <vanpeltl@oakgov,com>
Monday, March 25, 2013 1:40 PM
'West, Catherine'; 'Davis, Patricia'; 'Jones, Karen'; 'Secontine, Julie '
'McMurtry, Julie'; 'Howes-Evanson, Jacqueline'; 'Lisa Langton'; 'Malone, Prentiss';
'Falardeau, Nancy'
RE: GRANT REVIEW: Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family
Division - PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)- Grant Amendment
From West, Catherine [mailto:westca(@oakgov.corn]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 9:31 AM
To: Davis, Patricia; Jones, Karen; Secontine, Julie ; VanPelt, Laurie
Co: McMurtry, Julie; Howes-Evanson, Jacqueline; Lisa Langton; Malone, Prentiss; 'Falardeau, Nancy'
Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family Division - PY 2012 Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG)- Grant Amendment
Please Note: DHS has issued an amendment to the PY2012 JABG grant extending it one year and
including the 2013 funding in lieu of granting a new award for project year 2013. Please see Item S
(Options to Renew) located on page 34 in the 2012 JABG award document.
TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt Karen Jones —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis
RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court — Famil
PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
Michigan Department of Human Services
Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating
your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via
all) of this email.
Time Frame for Returned Comments: April 1, 2013
Date: March 25, 2013
Operating Department: Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court — Family Division
Department Contact: Katie West, Fiscal Services
Contact Phone: 248 858-2384
Document Identification Number: JAIBG-12-63001
REVIEW STATUS: Amendment to Current Contract over 15%
Funding Period: April 1, 2012 through March 31, 2014
New Facility I Additional Office Space Needs: None
Katie West
Secontine, Julie <secontinej@oakgov.corn>
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9:22 AM
'West, Catherine'
RE: GRANT REVIEW: Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family
Division - PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)- Grant Amendment
Approved by Risk Management.
From: West, Catherine Ernailto:westcataoakgov.com]
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 9:31 AM
To: Davis, Patricia; Jones, Karen; Secontine, Julie ; VanPelt, Laurie
Cc: McMurtry, Julie; Howes-Evanson, Jacqueline; Lisa Langton; Malone, Prentiss; 'Falardeau, Nancy'
Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family Division - PY 2012 Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG)- Grant Amendment
Please Note: DHS has issued an amendment to the PY2012 JABG grant extending it one year and
including the 2013 funding in lieu of granting a new award for project year 2013. Please see Item S
(Options to Renew) located on page 34 in the 2012 JABG award document.
TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt — Karen Jones — Julie Secontine — Pat Davis
RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court — Fair.
PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
Michigan Department of Human Services
Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating
your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to
all) of this email.
Time Frame for Returned Comments: April 1, 2013
Date: March 25, 2013
Operating Department: Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court — Family Division
Department Contact: Katie West, Fiscal Services
Contact Phone: 248 858-2384
Document Identification Number: JAIBG-12-63001
REVIEW STATUS: Amendment to Current Contract over 15%
Funding Period: April 1, 2012 through March 31, 2014
New Facility! Additional Office Space Needs: None
IT Resources (New Computer Hardware / Software Needs or Purchases): None
M/WDBE Requirements: Yes, compliance with OMB circular A-102
Katie West
Agacinski, Karen <agacinskik@oakgov.com >
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 3:37 PM
'West, Catherine'; Julie Secontine; Laurie VanPelt; Jones, Karen; McMurtry, Julie; Jackie
Howes-Evanson; Langton, Lisa; Malone, Prentiss; 'Nancy Falardeau'
Grant Review: Multi-Departmental - Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family
Division - PY 2012 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) - Grant Amendment
Operating Department: Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit COurt — Family Division
Department Contact: Katie West, Fiscal Services
Contact Phone: 248 858-2384
Document Identification Number: JAIBG-12-63001
Funding Period: April 1,2012 through March. 31. 2014
New Facility / Additional Office Space Needs: None
II Resources (New Computer Hardware / Software Needs or Purchases): None
MPWDBE Requirements: Yes, compliance with OMB circular A-IO2
Funding: Continuation
Application Total Project Amount: $38,720.00 (Oakland County Program Year 2013 application)
Prior Year Total Funding: $128,095.00 (Program Year 2011)
New Grant Funded Positions Request: Continuation of Prosecutor Teen Court position number #4010201
Grantor Funds: $185,913.00 (Program Year 2012 is $97,621.00) Additional funding for Program Y
Total Budget $206,569.00 00 (Program Year 2012 is S108,467.00) Additional funding for Program Yea
Match and Source: $20,656.00, 10% required match is included in the General Fund Non-Departmental g
budget (Program Year 20112 is 510,846.00) Match for Program Year 2013 is $9,810,00
The multi-departmental grant is focusing on two project areas of opportunity to increase accountability
criminal offenses and increase accountability in the juvenile justice system. The projects include: 1) Prosecutor
Accountability - Teen Court program continuation, and 2) Circuit Court Juvenile Drug Court Art Therapy pro
Oakland County submitted an application requesting $34,848.00 of punt funding for program year 201
would cover a portion of the probation officer position for the Teen Court Program and help fund the Art Th
Program. After the application was submitted, DHS informed the City of Pontiac they were eligible to receiv
in JABG funding. The City of Pontiac signed a letter of intent with the option of electing Oakland County
fiduciary. The combined grant funds (Oakland County and Pontiac) for 2013 are $88,292.00. The City of Po
to utilize their funding to expand the Teen Court Program into Pontiac. Instead of issning an award for Program Year
2013, DHS sent Oakland County an amendment to the 2012 JABG grant The amendment extends the grant period by
one year, includes OC' s application amount for 2013 and Pontiac's funding for 2013, changes to the program description,
and additional requirement changes.
REVIEW STATUS: Amendment to Current Contract over 15%
There appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require action at this time.
Thank you,
Karen P. Aaacinski, Assistant Corporation Counsel
Department of COrporation Counsel
1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 14 East
Courthouse West Wing Extension, 3 rd Floor
Pontiac, MI 48341
JABG Grant Number: 3A1BG12-63001
intergovernmental Agreement
The County of Oakland and
The City of Pontiac
This Intergovernmental Agreement (Agreement) is made between the County of Oakland, a
Constitutional and Municipal Corporation, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan, 48341
(the County), and the City of Pontiac, a Municipal Corporation, 47450 Woodward Avenue,
Pontiac, Michigan 48342 (Pontiac). In this Agreement, the County and Pontiac may be referred
to individually as "Party" or jointly as "Parties."
In consideration of the mutual promises, obligations, representations and assurances in this
Agreement, the Parties agree as f011ows:.
Purpose of Azreem ent
1.1. The Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) program administered by the
State Relations and Assistance Division of the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention (0.1.1DP), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of
Justice, provides block grants to states for programs promoting greater
accountability in the juvenile justice system.
2. The County of Oakland and the City of Pontiac are eligible for grant funds under
the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for program year 2013.
1.3. Pursuant to the attached Michigan Department of Human Services Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant Intent Form, Pontiac has indicated that it wishes to
combine its direct JABG allocation with JABG funds that the County will receive.
Pontiac has requested that the County, in the capacity of fiduciary, accept and
expend the funds for Pontiac's benefit consistent with the goals, terms, and
conditions of the grant and its amendment number 1.
1.4. The Parties enter into this Agreement to establish the terms and conditions for
such a relationship for the purpose of administering JABG grant funds for the
grant period which began on April 1, 2012 and extends through March 31, 2014.
2. Definitions
2.1. "Oakland County (County)" and "City of Pontiac (Pontiac)" each shall be
defined to include any and all departments, divisions, commissioners, elected and
appointed officials, directors, board members, council members, commissioners,
authorities, committees, employees, agents, subcontractors, volunteers andior any
such persons' successors of the referenced governmental entity or unit ("Agents").
Intergovernmental Agreement
Oakland County, Pontiac
JABG Grant Number: JAfBG12-63001
3. Terms
3.1. The County will execute the amendment to Grant Contract Number: JAIGB-12-
63001 and return it to the Michigan Department of Human Services for the
aggregate of JABG funds allocated to the Parties for the period specified in the
grant amendment number 1.
3.2. The County will accept grant funds on its own and on Pontiac's behalf.
3.3. The County will act as the fiduciary for any funds granted to Pontiac for Grant
number JA1BG12-63001.
3.4. The County will use any and all funds it receives under grant amendment number
1 only for expenses related to the programs described in the grant contract and
grant amendment number I and only to serve the purposes defined in the grant.
3.5.- The County will complete reports and provide other information required to fulfill
JABG grant requirements,
3.6, Pontiac shall comply with the County's reporting and fiscal management policies
to the extent necessary to provide information required by the State of Michigan
regarding use of grant funds and will 'provide any other information required
pursuant to the grant application and/or grant agreement.
3,7. The County will pay grant program expenses for programs described in the grant
and its amendment number 1 according to the County's purchasing and financial
management policies and procedures.
3.8. Amount of Grant Funds. The funds granted to the Parties by the State of
Michigan under the JABG program shall be combined and used for the operation
of the programs, described in detail in the grant and its amendment number 1:
3.8.1. To the County of Oakland: the sum on; 132,469.00
3.8.2. To the City of Pontiac: the sum of $53,444.00
3.8.3, Total Grant Amount: the sum of $185,913.00
3.9, Duration. This Intergovernmental Agreement shall be for a term of the grant.
3.10. Termination. hither Party may terminate this Agreement on 7 days written
notice for any reason provided such termination is not contrary to the terms and
conditions of the JABG grant application and/or other conditions imposed upon
the acceptance of grant funds, if any.
3.11. No Employee-Employer Relationship. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
Intergovernmental Agreement
Oakland County, Pontiac
ABG Grant Number: A18612-63001
construed as creating an employer-employee relationship between the County
(including any of its Agents) and Pontiac (including any of its Agents).
3.12. No Indemnification. Each Party shall be responsible for its own acts and/or
omissions and the acts and/or omissions of its Agents. Nothing in this Agreement
shall be construed as creating an obligation to indemnify or defend the other
Parties for any claim, damage or liability arising out of or stemming from the use
of the grant funds managed by the County pursuant to this Agreement.
3.13. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Except as provided for the benefit of the Parties,
this Agreement does not and is not intended to create any obligation, duty,
promise, contractual right or benefit, right to indemnification, right to subrogation
and/or any other right in favor of any other person or entity.
3.14. Reservation of Rights. This Agreement does not, and is not intended to impair,
divest, delegate, or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal
right, privilege, power, obligation, duty or immunity of the Parties.
3.15. Agreement Modifications or Amendments. Any modifications, amendments,
recessions, waivers, or releases to this Agreement must be in writing and agreed
to by the Parties.
3.16. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the
Parties and supercedes all other. Ageements between the Parties governing the
matters described here. The language of this Agreement shall be construed as a
whole according to its fair meaning, and not construed strictly for or against any
3.17. The Parties have taken all actions and secured all approvals necessary to authorize
and complete this Agreement. The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of
each Party have legal authority to sign this Agreement and bind the Parties to the
terms and conditions contained here.
(Remainder of page intentionally blank)
Intergovernmental Agreement
Oakland County, Pontiac
(print name) 1-a.1/5 - irk yi-2.2_1
JABG Grant Number: JAIBG12-63001
In consideration of the mutual promises, obligations, representations, and assurances in this
Agreement, and pursuant to the requirements of the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants
(JABG) Program that in order to accept grant funds that are available, the Parties enter into this
For the City of Pontiac:
Intergovernmental Agreement
Ookla.nd County, Pontiac
Contract No.: JAIBG-12-63001
Amendment No.: 1
Grantee: Oakland County
County: Oakland
Method of Payment: Actual Cost
1st Year Amount: $97,621.00
2 Year Amount: $88,292.00
Total Contract Amount: $185,913.00
Check all contract years
Yearl Year 2 El Year 3
affected by this amendment Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
WHEREAS, the Department of Human Services of the state of Michigan (hereinafter referred
to as "DHS'') entered into a contractual Agreement effective April 1, 2012, with Oakland
County (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"), having a mailing address of 1200 N. Telegraph,
Building 12E, Pontiac, MI 48341, for the provision of certain services as set forth therein; and,
WHEREAS, it is mutually desirable to DHS and to the Grantee to amend the aforesaid
THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants hereinabove and
hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree to the following amendment of said
Article I
This amendment shall be effective from the date of DHS signature.
Article It
The maximum dollar amount of the Agreement shall be increased by $88,292.00 from
$97,621.00 to $185,913.00 for the period April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2014.
Rev. 12-12
From the total amount the maximum amount that may be expended during the following
periods is:
Agreement Period Amount
April 1,2012 through March 31, 2013 $97,621.00
April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014 $88,292.00
Payment shall be made in accordance with the attached budget.
Article III
In Section I., GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES, Item C., Location of Facilities, shall be
amended to include the following locations:
Pontiac School District
Odell Nails Administration Building
47200 Woodward Avenue
Pontiac, MI 48342
Stoney Creek High School
575 E. Tienken Rd.
Rochester Hills, MI 48306
In Section I., GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES, Item H., Services to be Delivered shall be
deleted and replaced with:
Service #1 of 3: Teen Court
1. Activities the Grantee shall perform:
The Grantee shall:
a. Accept low level misdemeanor crime referrals from local law enforcement
agencies and the Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney's Office for youth who
have committed low level misdemeanor crimes.
Provide a Probation Officer to oversee the Teen Court program. The Probation
Officer's duties shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
1) Determine if referred youth are eligible to participate in Teen Court.
Determination shall include the following activities:
• Review case facts
Rev. 12-12
• Call Juvenile Intake to determine whether there are any previous
diversion or other current actions pending
• Cali Youth Assistance to determine whether there was any previous
contact with family (may or may not involve juvenile Teen Court
• Call officer-in-charge/assistant prosecutor to obtain additional inforrnation
regarding the youth
When a determination is made that a referred youth is eligible to participate
in the Teen Court program the following actions shall be taken:
• Assign a case number
• Document acceptance in the Access database to track case
• Create a physical case file
• Prepare a letter of acceptance and send to the primary caregiver(s)
• Schedule and conduct meetings with the primary caregiver(s) to
communicate the Teen Court process and the expectations of juvenile
When a determination is made that a referred youth is not eligible to
participate in the Teen Court program the following actions shall be taken:
• Notify the referral source through a memorandum/letter
a Document the determination in the youth's case file
2) Schedule a date and time for the Teen Court trial to occur. Prior to the Teen
Court trial the following activities must occur:
• Contact volunteer student attorneys and jurors by letter
• Prepare individualized Teen Court protocol which includes: script, case
summary, jury instruction, and sentencing standards which may include
options such as restitution and community service
• Distribute protocol to respective teen court participants
• Confirm availability of judge for scheduled Teen Court date
• Prepare and distribute an individualized session plan and case summary
for volunteer student attorneys, bailiff, juror, and mentor roles
• Coordinate schedule with paralegal
3) Perform the following activities on the day of the scheduled Teen Trial:
• Ensure that the paralegal is available to provide assistance as needed
on the day of the trial
a Check-in Teen Court participants
Rev. 12-12
• Conduct individual pre-trial hearings with the student participants to
confirm knowledge of their responsibilities and the case summary
• After trial results and sentencing meet with student defendant to explain
conditions of sentence and compliance requirements
• Record results of trial in Access database
4) Perform post-sentence follow up for each youth to include the following
• Contact individuals and agencies whose support is required in order for
the student defendant to comply with the conditions of the sentence and
arrange for youth to participate in the agencies services and/or projects,
i.e., restitution, community service, etc.
• Distribute sentence compliance forms to appropriate agency/individuals
• Follow-up with individuals and agencies included in youth's sentencing
requirements to monitor youth's compliance with his/her sentence
Arrange for drug testing as applicable to each youth
• Schedule jury duty role in a future Teen Court for the youth
• As part of satisfying a condition of sentence, schedule youth attendance
at a violation of probation hearing to observe what happens at that
5) Close the case files using the following guidelines:
a. When a youth completes all components of their trial sentence:
• Document completion in the youth's case file
• Prepare and send a letter of completion to the juvenile and
• Record completion activities in the Access database
b. When a youth does not complete all components of their trial sentence:
Request a prosecutor order number to proceed with review for
criminal action
• Prepare memorandum and deliver to assistant prosecuting
attorney to prepare petition
• Contact the officer-in-charge and advise of youth's incompletion
• Record action taken in the Access database
6) Promote awareness of the program to aid referrals of defendants by
collaborating with local law enforcement, school liaison officers, local sheriff
departments, mass mailing and presentations to professional organizations.
7) Promote awareness of the program to aid referrals for student Teen Court by
connecting with local schools including: students, administrators, teachers,
parents, law day presentations, private attorneys, mass mailings, program
information on Oakland County website, and presentations to professional
8) Continue ongoing program review by requesting an evaluation from all
juvenile defendants and parents after each Teen Court session. The
evaluation will be used to note participants' feelings on the program and to
report the impact that the program had on the participants sense of
responsibility and decision making skills. Additionally, the evaluatiOn will cover
the juvenile's positive changes in behavior and awareness in realizing the
negative consequences that their past behavior had on their community,
primary caregiver(s), and family. The report is used internally to determine
sites for Teen Courts sessions in subsequent years. The evaluation feedback
allows the Probation Officer to identify schools and courts where the program
is working most effectively and also assists in identifying ways to make the
program more effective in other areas.
2. Volume of Service
a. Clients — The estimated number of unduplicated eligible clients to be
served during the period of this Agreement shall be: 62
Unit Definition(s): One unit equals one (1) hour of Grantee time
implementing the Teen Court services to eligible youth and their
families as described above.
c. Units: The estimated number of units of service to be provided per term
of Agreement shall be: 2080
Service #2 of 3: Art Therapy Program
Activities the Grantee shall perform:
The Grantee shall:
a. Provide an Art Therapy Program as an alternative to group therapy treatment for
youth ordered to complete drug court.
b. Provide a Substance Abuse Therapist to manage and instruct the Art Therapy
Program for eligible youth. The therapist shall:
Rev. 12-12
• Conduct two (2) art therapy workshops each consisting of 7-week sessions.
Each weekly session shall last two (2) hours in duration for a maximum of 15
• Arrange and schedule an art exhibition at the end of the program to display the
projects completed by the program participants.
• Obtain youth's agreement to participate in the Art Therapy Program and Art
Exhibition. Obtain written consent from each youth's primary caregiver to allow
his/her participation in the Art Therapy Program and Art exhibition.
2. Volume of Service:
a. Clients — The estimated number of unduplicated eligible clients to be served during
the period of this Agreement shall be: 15
b. Unit Definition(s): One unit equals one hour of Art Therapy Workshop provided by
the Grantee.
c. Units: The estimated number of units of service to be provided per term of
Agreement shall be: 28
Service #3 of Fiduciary Services
Activities the Grantee shall perform:
The Grantee shall:
a. Act as fiduciary for funds received under this Agreement, for purposes specified in
this Agreement and administer Agreement funds for the purpose of managing a
service delivery system and fulfilling oversight responsibilities. The Grantee as
fiduciary shall ensure funds are expended in compliance with federal and state laws
and with Agreement requirements.
b. Make purchases, process invoices, and make payments to subcontractors in
accordance with the Grantee's agency wide written purchase, contract, and
competitive bid policies.
The Grantee shall be exclusively restricted to purchases of those services and/or
commodities that are reasonable and necessary to the prevision of services
identified herein.
c. Be specifically prohibited from subcontracting fiduciary responsibility under this
Agreement, in whole or in part, to other entities.
d. Determine reimbursement, authorize payments, and document subcontractors
Rev. 12-12
e. Comply with all Federal and state policies and rules to which the funds are subject
including but not limited to fiscal and non-fiscal monitoring.
f. Make prompt payment to all providers for services provided upon receipt of an
approved billing statement.
g. Perform the following activities with each subcontractor funded through this
1) Identify Federal awards made by informing each subcontractor of CFDA titleand
number, award name and number, award year and name of federal agency.
2) Advise subcontractors of requirements imposed on them by Federal laws,
regulations and the provisions of contracts as well as any supplemental
requirements imposed by the Grantee.
3) Monitor the activities of subcontractors as necessary to ensure that Federal
awards are used for the authorized purposes in compliance with laws,
regulations and the provisions of contracts and that performance goals are
4) Ensure that subcontractors expending five hundred thousand doliars
($500,000.00) or more in Federal awards during the sub-contractors fiscal year
have met the audit requirements for that fiscal year.
5) Issue a management decision on audit findings within six months after receipt of
the subcontractors' audit report and ensure that the subcontractors take
appropriate and timely corrective action. The management decision shall clearly
state whether or not the audit finding is sustained, the reasons for the decision
and the expected subcontractor action to repay disallowed costs, make financial
adjustments or take other action. If the subcontractor has not completed
corrective action, a timetable for follow-up shall be given. Prior to issuing the
management decision, the Grantee may require additional information or
documentation from the subcontractor including a requires for auditor assurance
related to the documentation, as a way of mitigating disallowed costs. The
management decision should describe any appeal process available to the
6) Consider whether subcontractor audits necessitate adjustment of the Grantee's
own records.
7) Require each subcontractor to permit the Grantee and auditors to have access
to the records and financial statements as necessary for the Grantee to comply
to this part.
Rev. 12-12
Article IV
In Section I., GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES, Item P., Federal Guidelines for Use of
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Funds, shall be amended to include the following:
Based on the recent USDOJ Office of Civil Rights audit, all DHS USDOJ contracts must
require any subgrantees or contractors to comply with any applicable statutorily-imposed
nondiscrimination requirements, which may include the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act of 1968(42 U.S.C. §3789d); the Victims of Crime Act (42 U.S.C. § 10604e); the
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. § 5672b); the Civil
Rights Act of 1964(42 U.S.C. § 2000d); the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794); the
Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12131-34); the Education Amendments of
1972 (20 U.S.C. §1681. 1683, 1685-86); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C.
§6101-07); Ex Order 13270 (equal organizations); and 28 C.F.R pt. 38 (U.S. Department of
Justice Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations).
• Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis
of race, color or national origin in the delivery of services (42 U.S.C. § 2000d), and
the USDOJ implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R Part 42, Subpart c;
The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex in the
delivery of services and employment practices (42 U.S.0 §3789d(c)(1)), and the
USDOJ implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subpart D;
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of disability in the delivery of services and employment practices (29 U.S.C.
§794), and the USDOJ implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subpart G;
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which prohibits discrimination
on the basis of disability in the delivery of services and employment practices (42
U.S.C. §121)2), and the- USD0j implemerlting regulations at '28' CA.FR Part 35;
Title IX of the Education Amendments-of 1972, which prohibit discrimination on the
basis of sex in educational programs (20 U.S.C. §1681), and the USDOJ
implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. Part 54;
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975: which prohibits discrimination on the basis of
age delivery of services (42 U.S.C. §6102), and the USDOJ implementing
regulations at 28 C.F.R Part 42, Subpart I;
The USDOJ regulations on the Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations,
which prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion in the delivery of services and
prohibit organizations from using funding provided by the USDOJ on inherently
religious activities (28 C.F.R. Part 38);
Rev. 12-12
• In accordance with Title VI Prohibition Against Origin Discrimination Affecting
Limited English Proficient Persons (67 Fed. Reg. 41,455 (June 18, 2002)), the
Michigan Department of Human Services must receive certification within 90 days
that meaningful access to services, as outlined in this agreement, will be given to
Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons; and
In accordance with Federal civil rights laws, no action of retaliation should be taken
against individuals taking action or participating in action to secure rights protected by
these laws. In the event that a Federal or State court or a Federal or State
administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing
on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability, the sub-
recipient should forward a copy of the finding to the Office of Civil Rights, Office of
Justice Programs and to the Michigan Department of Human Services.
Article V
DHS will exercise the first of two, one-year options to extend. Therefore, the ending date of
the Agreement shall be changed from March 31, 2013 to March 31, 2014.
Rev, 12-12
Oakland County
irector or Authorized Designee
Print Name
This Amendment shall be attached to the Agreement, said Agreement being hereby
reaffirmed and made, a part hereof.
The undersigned have the lawful authority to bind the Grantee and DNS to the terms set forth
in this Agreement.
Signature of Director or Authorized Designee Date
Contract # JAIBG-12-63001
Rev, 12-12
Line Item
1 ;Salary and Wages
1Direct Service ()ricer - Probation Officer for Teen Court
2 .tc quired Fringe Benefits
El Unemployment Insurance
!Worker's Compensation
City! Rate1UnitslUOML
1.000148 534.000 0.000 ,
1.0001 180.0000.000
1.000! 109.00010.000 98.00
Life Insurance
Disability Insurance
Total for Optional Fringe Beru.
4, !Occu ri y
SuppliesiZ.,peratino Expenses
;General Consumable Supplies
7 ;Equipment
8 Construction/Remodel
1Subcontractors - Subcontractors - Facilitator for Art Therapy
Page 1 of 2
7 - 10. Budget Details and Summari s
3udget Detail for Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2013
Agency: Oakland County
Application: Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2013
FICA Medicare
Dental Insurance
1.0001 704.000;0,000i 704.001 634.001 70.00
1.0001 3,009.000' 0 0001 3.009.00 2.708.001 1.
4,002.00, 3,602.001 400.00
1 000113.973.00010.000i 1397300 1 12,576.00, 1,397.00
1.0001 762.000 0.000': ' 762.00, 76.00 :
1.000 1 67.00010.000J 1 67.00 60,00 7,00
1.000 `; ,346.000 i.00O1
1 8,346.00' 16.511.00 i.15,00
1.000, 149.000 0.000 149.001 134.00 - 15.00
1.0001 703.000113.0001 703.00; 633.00 -0.00
34,000.001 30,600.00
9,568.0001 1.00010,000i 9,566.001 8,309.001 00.7.00
1.0001 2,000.00010.000 1: 2,000.00 1 1,800.001 200.00
,102,00! 88,292.001 9,810,00
age 2 of 2
Budget Summary for Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2013
Agency: Oakland County
Application: Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2013
Line item 1 Total Grant Fede a! Ant2nt. Local Amount
4, Salary and Wages 48,534.00 43,681.00' 4,853.00
Fringe Benefits 33,002.00 1 34202.00.; 3,800.00
lOccupancy 0.00
, 0.01 0.00
1 Communication 0,00F 0.00k 0.00
:Supplies/Operating Expenses 9,566.00 8,609.001 957.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Construction/Remodel 0.00 [ 0.00 0.00
New Construction 0.001 0.00 0.00
Transportation 0.00. 0.00; 0.00
;Consultants/Contractual Services 2,000.00 1,800.00 200 00 ......
pecific Assistance 0.00 , 0,0:.;
0.00 I ittiCscellaneous 0.00i,
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 98, 02.00 88292.00j 9,810.00
FISCAL NOTE ,(1,11SC #13096) May 9, 2013
BY: Finance Committee, Tom Middleton, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution
and finds:
1. The Michigan Department of Human Services has awarded grant funding to the Prosecuting
Attorney, Circuit Court-Family Division, and Children's Village under the Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for the period of April 1,2012 through March 31, 2014.
2. The amended grant award budget of $206,569 (Program Year 2012 was $108,467) with
additional funding for Program Year 2013 of $98,102 which includes grantor funds of $88,292
(90%) and County matching funds of $9,810 (10%).
3. This amended award provides funding for the following projects: 1) Prosecutor Accountability
— Teen Court program continuation and expansion cost of $96,102 and 2) Circuit Court
Juvenile Drug Court Art Therapy program continuation of $2,000.
A The grant amendment expands the Prosecuting Attorney Teen Court Program into the City of
Pontiac; funding of $53,444 was awarded with Program Year 2013 to fund this effort; with
Oakland County acting as the fiduciary and lead agency for the City of Pontiac.
5. The County grant match is included in the General Fund Non-departmental grant match line
item in the Fiscal Year 2013 Adopted Budget.
6. In addition to the County match requirements, the County is expected to incur administrative
and support costs of $4,018, which is included in the Fiscal Year 2013 budget. This grant
does not allow for recovery of those costs.
7 The grant continues funding for one (1) FTE Probation Officer I (position number 4010201-
122060-09330) to perform Teen Court activities and purchase supplies. The award also
provides funding for contractual services for a facilitator for Art Therapy in the Circuit Court.
8. A budget amendment is recommended as follows:
9090101-196030-730800 Grant Match
3010401-121240-788001-27365 Transfer Out
4010201-122060-788001-27365 Transfer Out
Total General Fund
Amended Budget
FY 2013
Grant Number: GR0000000631
4010201-122060-610313 Grants — Federal $ 86,492
4010201-122060-695500-10100 Transfer In 9,610
3010401-121240-610313 Grants - Federal 1,800
3010401-121240-695500-10100 Transfer In 200
Total Revenue $ 98,102
Prosecuting Attorney Teen Court Program
4010201-122060-702010 Salaries $ 48,534
4010201 -1 22060-722740 Fringe Benefits 38,002
4010201-122060-750294 Material and Supplies 9,566
Sub-Total Pros. Atty. Teen Ct. Program $ 96,102
Circuit Court Drug Court
3010401-121240-730373 Contracted Services $ 2,000
Sub-Total Circuit Court Drug Court $ 2,000
Total Expenditures $ 98 102
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent.
Resolution #13096 May 9, 2013
Moved by Long supported by Quarles the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent
Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted and appointments being confirmed).
AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray,
Middleton, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic, Crawford. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent
Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted and appointments being confirmed).
I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and
accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on May 9, 2013, with
the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac,
Michigan this 9th day of May, 2013.
Lisa Brown, Oakland County