HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2013.08.01 - 20936MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #13205 August 1, 2013
BY: Public Services Committee, Bill Dwyer, Chairperson
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and
WHEREAS the State of Michigan offers funding to local communities under PA 511; and
WHEREAS this funding is targeted to divert non-violent offenders from prison into local
jail or sentencing alternatives; and
WHEREAS Oakland County has been receiving Community Corrections funds since
1994; and
WHEREAS the application has been completed and is requesting funding in the amount
of $1,700,788 for plans and services for the grant period October 1, 2013 through September 30,
2014; and
WHEREAS a total appropriation of $2,015,895 is requested for probation residential
services, which the State now pays directly to the Probation Residential Centers since they hold
the contract for all residential services; and
WHEREAS the grant application seeks full-time eligible funding for positions 7425, 7426,
7429, 7432, 7433, 9243, 9247, 9291, 9295, 9648, 9649 and PTNE funding for positions 9292 and
9397 within the Community Corrections Division; and
WHEREAS the grant application also seeks funding for positions 7834 and 9396,
whereby the State will fund 50% of the costs, and the County will match 50% of the total costs for
these two (2) positions in the Community Corrections Division; and
WHEREAS the grant application seeks full-time funding for positions 7419, 7420, 7418,
7421, and PTNE funding for position 7417 within the Sheriff's — Correction Services Division; and
WHEREAS any programs created through these funds become part of the County's
Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan; and
WHEREAS PA 511 of 1988 requires that the "County Board or Boards of Commissioners
of the County shall approve the proposed comprehensive plan prepared by their advisory board."
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the application to request $1,700,788 from
the State Office of Community Corrections for the purpose of continuing programs contained
within the Office of Community Corrections FY 2014 grant application for offenders who meet PA
511 eligibility is hereby approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
approves the $2,015,895 allocation for probation resid6ntial services to be administered by the
Michigan Department of Corrections / Office of Community Corrections.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
approves the proposed comprehensive plan prepared by the Community Corrections Advisory
Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the
foregoing resolution.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Taub absent.
" On
Gi,LANT NAME: FY 2014 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Corrections — Office of ammuniry Cometions
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Barb Hankey 248 451-2306
STATUS Application — Resolution required
DATE: July 8, 2013
Pursuant to Misc. Resolution 401320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed
internal grant review. Below are the returned comments,
The captioned grant materials and grant application package (which should include an application Report
from Fiscal Services to the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners', the grant application, and this
Sig" Off email containing grant review comments) may he submitted to the Chairperson of the Board of
Commissioners for review and signature, with informational copies to the appropriate Board of
Commissioners' committee(s).
Department of Management and Budget,
Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (7/01/2013)
Department of Hunan Resources:
Approved. — Karen Jones (7/01/2013)
Risk Management and Safety:
Approved by Risk Management. — Robert Erlenbeck (7/02/2013)
Corporation Counsel:
There appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require action at this time. — Karen P. Agacinski
Van aft, 'Laurie <vs .,oeltl@oakgnmcorn>
Monday, Juty 01, 2013 1:36 PM
'West, Catherine'; 'Davls, Patricia'; 'Jones, Karen'; 'Secontire, Julie '
'Hanicey; Barb; 'Elgrably, Kimberly'; 'Meiers, Terri'
• RE: GRANT REVIEW: Community Corrections - FY14 Comprehensive Community
Corrections Plan and Application
Frame: West, Catherine [mailto:westcardioakaav.coH
Sent Monday, July 01, 2013 1:13 PM
To: Davis, Patricia; Jones, Karen; Secontine, Julie ; VanPelt, Laurie
- Cc: Hankey, Barb; 'Eigrably, Kimberly; Meiers, Terri
Subject GRANT REVIEW; Community Corrections - :14 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt —Karen Jones—Julie Secontine — Pat Davis
FV14 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
Michigan Department of Corrections - Office of Community Corrections
Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating
your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to
all) of this email.
lime Frame for Returned Comments: July 9, 2013
Date: July 1, 2013
Operating Department: Community Corrections
Department Contact: Barbara Hankey
Contact Phone: 248 451-2306
Document identification Number:
REVIEW STATUS: Application - Resolution Required
Funding Period: October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014
New Facility / Additional Office Space Needs: no
IT Resources (New Computer Hardware / Software Needs or Purchases): no
NI/WBE Requirements: No
Continuation/New: continuation
Application Total Project Amount: $1,700,788 for Plans &Services and an additional S210,240 for Substance
Abuse Residential beds which will be held by the State and not recorded as income
Prior Year Total Funding: 1,702,317 for Plans & Services and 208,771 for residential beds
Jones, Karen <jonestc(Doaltgov.cc
Mondey, July 01, 2013 1:20 PM
West, Catherinei; 'Davis, Patricia'; 'Seporatine, Juiie ; "la riPelt, Laurie'
'Hankey, Barb'; 'Elgrably, rmibieriy'; Ivieiers, Terri'
RE: GRANT REVIEW: Community Corrections - FY14 Comprehensive Community
Corrections Plan and Application
From West, Catherine [mailtomestcaOloakgov.comj
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 1:18 PM
To: Davis, Patricia; Jones, Karen; Secontine, Julie ; VanPelt, Laurie
Cc: Hankey, Barb; 'Elgrably,. Kimberly; Meiers, Terri
Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Community Corrections - FY14 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt —Karen Jones—Julie Secontine — Pat Davis
FY14 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
Michigan Department of Corrections - Office of Community Corrections
Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating
your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to
all) of this email.
Time Frame for Returned Comments: July 9, 2013
Date: July 1, 2013
Operating Department: Community Corrections
Department Contact: Barbara Hankey
Contact Phone: 248 451-2306
Document Identification Number:
REVIEVV STATUS: Application - Resolution Required
Funding Period: October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014
New Facility / Additional Office Space Needs: no
IT Resources (New Computer Hardware / Software Needs or Purchases): no
M/WBE Requirements: No
Continuation/New: continuation
Application Total Project Amount: $1,700,788 for Plans & Services and an additional $210„240 for Substance
Abuse Residential beds which will be held by the State and not recorded as income
Prior Year Total Funding: 1,702,317 for Plans & Services and 208,771 for residential beds
Erlenback, Robert <erlenbeckrOaoakgov.corni>
'rues:day, July 02, 2013 2:49 PM
'Easterling, Ferri'', 'West, Catherinei; 'Davis, Patricia; 'lanes, Karen'; 'Secontine, Julie
''VanPelt, Laurie'
'Monkey, Barb`; rElarably, Kimberly; 'Meters, Terri'
RE: GRANT REVIEW: Community Corrections - FY14 Comprehensive Community
Corrections Plan and Application
Approved by Risk management. RE, 7/02/13:
From: Easterling, Terri rmailto:esisterlineRleakoov.cem]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 9:04 AM
To; 'West, Catherine', 'Davis, Patricia'; 'Jones, Karen', `Secontine, Julie ; VanPelt, Laurie'
Cc: 'Hankey, Barb'; 'Eigrably, Kimberly', 'lleiers, Terri'
Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Community Corrections - FY14 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
Please be advised that your request for Risk Management's assistance has been assigned to Bob Erlenbeck, (ext. 8-
1694). if you have not done so already, please forward all related information, documentation, and
correspondence. Also, please include Risk Management's assignment number, Wi13-02.38, regarding this matter.
Thank you,
From: West, Catherine [mailto:westc oakociv.corn]
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 1:18 PM
To: Davis, Patricia; Jones, Karen; Sec-ontine, Julie ; VanPelt, Laurie
Cc: Harkey, Barb; 'Elgrably, Kimberly', Meiers, Terri
Subject GRANT REVIEW: Community Corrections -,FY14 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
(=RANT P camsa=sases.amettnr.....aera....
TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt —Karen Jones—Julie Secontine — Pat Davis
FY14 Comprehensive Community Corrections Plan and Application
Michigan Department of Corrections - Office of Community Corrections
Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating
your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to
ail) of this email.
Time Frame for Returned Comments: July 9, 2013
Date: July 1, 2013
Aciacinsid, Karen <a
Friday, July 05, 2013 2:26 PM
'Hankey, Barb'; 'West, Catherine'; Jones, 'Karen; Juke_ Secoritine Laurie VanPolt; Meier,
Terri; elgrablyk@oakgov.corn
Grant Review Community Corrections - FY 14 Comprehensive Community Corrections
Plan end Application
Operating Department: Community Corrections
Department Contact: Barbara Hmkey
Contact Phone: 248 451-2306
Document Identification Number:
Funding Period: October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014
New Facility / Additional Office Space Needs: no
IT Resources (New Computer Hardware! Software Needs or Purchases): -no
INT/WBE Requirements: No
Co nthauationIN evv: continuation
Application Total Project Amount: 31,700,788 for Plans & Services and an additional $210,240 for Substance Abuse
Residential beds which will be held by the State and not recorded as income
Prior Year Total Funding - 1,702,317 for Plans & Services and 208,771 for residential beds
New Grant Funded Positions Request: 0
Changes to Current Positions: 7421, 7425, 7426, 7429, 7432, 7433, 7834 (.5), 9243, 9247, 9291, 9292 (PTNE), 9295,
9645, 9649, 9396 (.5), 7417 (PTNE), 7418, 7419, 7420, 9391 (PTNE)
Grantor Funds: $1,911,028
Total Budget: $2,103,030
Match and Source: $102,002 GP/CIF for the .5 of positions 7834 & 9396
This is the application for the annual MDOC grant for Community Correction.s programs. A resolution approving the
application by the governing board of the county is required as part of Public Act 511.
REVIEW STATUS: Application - Resolution Required
There appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require action at this time.
Thank you.,
Karen P. Agacilasid
Assistant Corporation Counsel
Department of Corporation Counsel
1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 14 East
Courthouse West Wing Extension, 3" Floor
Pontiac, MI 48-341.
Phone Number: (248) 858-8677
Fax Number: (248) 858-1003
This e-mail is intended only for those persons to whom it is specifically addressed. it is confidential and is protected by the atiorney-ciient privilege and
work preduc,I doctrine. This priviLege belongs to toe County of Oakland, and individual addressees are not authorized to waive or modify this privilege in
anyway. individuals are advised that any dissemination, reproduction or unauthorized review of this information by persons other than those listed above
may constitute a waiver of this privilege and is therefore prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immiadiate.ly. If
you have any questions, please contact the Department of Corporation Counsel at (248) 858-0550. Thank you for your cooperation.
-Eve, Every
ffice of Community Alternatives
Community Corrections Plan and Application
Fiscal Year 2014
CCAB Name: Oakland County Application Type: Annual/Full
Email the application to:
Send one copy of the application to:
DUE DATE: June 3, 2013
Office of Community Alternatives
P.O. Box 30003
Lansing, Michigan 4809
NOTE: CCABs in a multi-year contract will need to complete SECTION I (A, B, C) as well as the new BUDGET form and
program descriptions for any proposed program changes.
Page 1 of 11
Periera[ MI Number:
1 Title: -
Address: e:-.,: -...?`") toke Rd 'cl
„. ,.
1 200
City: Pi - 1 `.:':".'• 7 tIOC
I Zip: h , Phone: :'(),:-. i „ -
Fox: I : 1 . r ',ext.
Email: '2Y;1 - :.(2113 ;7:::.; '
Type of Community Corrections Board: County
Counties/Cities Participating in the CCAB: Ockicmci
_. Date application was approved by the local CCAB: May 23, 2013
Date application was approved by county board(s) of commissioners (and city council): Ciick here to enter iiiext.
Date application was submitted to OCA: :_ine 3, 2013
Member' ;
Represer;C: :,,-ah (-2, email if available): ----- — -- — — County Sheriff:
Chief of Police: vi c;rg.
Circuit Court Judge: lc,12ii277, ;: f al; :H. ,-)V. COM
District Court Judge: ;: • ::.:'/::ii kos'it':.-:::'),-:, ,,
Probate Court Judge: ,4„7 : v. r :)rn
County Commissioner(s): ':-J Li .:.:1!1._
Service Area: Chr[ ,`.. Nith:!'....
County Prosecutor:
Criminal Defense: jock 1-01 117 es ja citho/rue....:,- :.com
Business Community: Moon DC'Francisco mod . :.,(.41c-cirt
Communications Media: Frnri A1)(1E-I:son anon? t.)iir,k.ne-t
Circuit/District Probation: Share 0c)oicer Booker53 L, ,i.wl.gov
General Public: Frecl Me.ster judgErnest:?
City Councilperson: AVA
Does your CCAB have Bylaws? If yes„ have they been revised within the last 2 years? (Please send copy) Our By-Laws
are largely based on the PA 511 Act of 1988. It does not make sense to update our By-laws until after the PA 511 Act has
been addressed.
Does your CCAB have a "definition of a pattern of violence" that excludes offenders from any PA511 programming? If
yes, please explain. :::, i...ubmit with your upplicntion documents)
Page 2 of 11
' J inv(.,,,%/:;,g i., ,.. , 1 1
a. . - -ney contribute tc rech. .,::1/malrci-ained PCRs? 1 -
- . and Residential .r.f: ., , -,- ...-- at s.,.
..lt they will be s....i to ptis,:.:::,
fldardized risk I need .: .- ...
,. , i's:f 2S I'. : .1' :am 114.' -
: .,. ' ',' 'VW
:.ctitenc.,-.e icl.,.- ,
treotn:,-;i ,,,,,L:e. This will .1::._ , :,,,e _,. ... . ::; jrq rr:.: (,, ,
b. Explain what da'.a measures show your PA511 funded programs have contributed to reductions in your
PCR: Tile : ' - TR rates for the various SP/. ries will be z., .:,-k,
I'd has been able to maintoit P, ate to .1„7;.".,' : :% ,115
to I.::. OLTIL W. These are goad inafi- : -A` our r. -( .1,
d:ir and that they are working.
What proErams, practices and policies contribute to improved jail utilization? (--,.':, ,S
. the Pretrial Assessment and Supervision programs, t:i2 ; ' I
a. How do they contribute to improved jail utilization? Making rem::::t .:: ::::':.1
for . :;:.7.1 release on de,f,?n, : 0 -rtn be safely released, re,Cra. ,k...
releasing ,Ilore de f ?i,.:r creating space in the jot!. Th e so 0ts
raCial officers an option rather than incarceration for higher risk pretrial offenders thereby
jail admissions and crowdina. The other prooraros all offer either time cuts or susoended
sentercc-s for program completions.
b. Explain what data/measures show your PA511tunded programs have contributed to improvements in
your jail utilization: Each program has specific measures that show lircJir contributions to jail
::- :7 n ;igen-ion t. Howeverail programs capture jail days ,coved, and rcrrcdYm among their respective
Page 3 of ii
, 0 • I-- - - .
Strategic Issues are identified as Felony Dispositions, Jail Utilization and Local Priorities.
OCA will provide the CCABs with OMNI Felony Disposition and WIS data. CCABs shall analyze this data along with local
CCIS data (reports run locally from Case Manager) and develop Key Objectives and supporting Strategies that will lead
toward attainment of Goals and Priorities established hy the State Board and OCA, as well as local objectives cind
priorities promoted in the comprehensive plan.
A thorough review of the data should include:
Overall PCRs, rates within sentencing guideline ranges, PCRs within Group 1 and Group 2 offense categoripii,
L:tatus at time of offense and technical probation violation PCRs
Reference to changes in PCRs compared to prior years
. Other changes in your CCAB/area that influence changes (new stakeholders, policies, emerging crimes,- offend:.:
,.. characteristics, etc.)
Review your past OCA funding proposals for ideas
For the Strategic Issue of Felony Dispositions, consider the stated Goal and Priority as outlined on the following pages
and complete an analysis of your county's prison commitment rate data provided by OCA. Establish objectives related
to prison commitment rates. For example:
1. Reduce PV commitment rate from 32% to 25%
2. Reduce Straddle rate to from 43% to 35%
Under each OBJECTIVE outline in bullet form those STRATEGIES (steps) to be taken, including continuing, new and
revised programs, or established and revised policies or practices., that will support the attainment of the objectives you
have specified. Identify if these are "new", "continuations," or "modifications," or for short term (this fiscal year) or lo
term implementation.
Keep in mind that all of the programs for which you are requesting PA511 funding should be identified as strategies.
Additionally, policies and practices you propose (such as targeting specific populations or characteristics) are also
strategies. Strategies may apply to more than one objective and should be repeated under each objective as
For Example, the objective of "Reinen PV rat - i-rorn 31-0: to 25%" may have he following strategies:
1. Initiate structured sen L7•Hlowed by RS followed by community Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
program that targets Level 2 and S probation violators. (New, FY 2013)
2. Target Level 2 and 3 PVs as priorities for Residential Services. (Continuation)
The same strategies (with modification'suiHd be appropriate for the objective of reducing the PCR of Straddle Cell
offenders. Further OMNI data analysis may support an additional strategy of:
3. Target C_IRP eligible straddle cells, especially those from Group 2 without MDOC status, for local sanctions
. Goals, ait have b • :ie office of Community Alternatives in accordance with
1 Public Act 51.1 and State Board priorities. will be required to establish Objectives and Strategies based upon
• OMNI Felony Disposition, JPIS, CCIS and locai ijAa that will support State Goals and Priorities,.
Page 4 of 11
1 !
: plete analysis for each county. , , 1 eturns are -' n this se!, ::lph.) .
Si 2.ir ssf.,,, .
Public Act 511 of 19:',S stipulates that counties shall develop a community corrections comprehensive plan and provide
an explanation of how the county or counties prison commitment rate will be reduced by ciive !,-d::::::-. non-violent
offenders, and procnote recidivism reduction while public safety is maintained, The Act is intended to encourage the
participation in community corrections programs of offenders who would likely be sentenced to imprisonment in a state
correctional facility or jail, who would not increase the risk to public safety, have not demonstrated a pattern of violent ,
'behavior, and do not have a criminal record that indicates a -pattern of violent offenses. .
Goal: Reduce demand for prison resources and related budgetary requirements.
Priority: Reduce prison commitment of offenders who can be safely and effectively sanctioned and treated in,the !.!
community by following the principles of effective intervention (i.e., risk, need, cesponsivity).
Your analysis forms the basis for your objectives and strategies. A weak connection between data analysis, objectives-
' and proposed proaramminq (strategies) may result in denial or conditional approval of your plan.
B-1: Usin7. OMNI Felony Disposition. data Supplied by OCA for FY 2011 and FY 201;1r:
1. Are felony dispositions increasing, decreasing, or stable? Despite war was rk: , . ., , 'd
', felony ci.,-,positions in OaH..md :,..ounty have increased Liy 2.7% (.1.4::::., i..:,. --. in -vi' .z !
r-iy is ,cn,- L ;-• -.-.::e, however some 53L categories have increased more then c•-:h - . !
2. Describe changes within SGL categories. Report rates with detailed explanation: 7-il, [ire
'I two that experienced decreases, The ciecreLses wet - is
. cz:tergaries. Neither of these categories are actively tarzed by 0::::l, ,
--'ons. The increases were in the N/A (which is generally r .--1,1tiOri Vit.ii.::: c (IMP-
ries. These are two categories which are actively taraetc for programmir ,T ,
- ories was 196 offenders, There was a 14% increase (105 o f:-.. .',.' ''-s m'tti in ::'.•
(..1:1 offenders) within the straddle cell cateoory. The incrt„, ' 7 . -k-2 nunljer ,:-., . :. ,
t!-.7e pris(,,n commitment arta fc,r that category, it rose frot., 2..5% ,:•:!..:,..:: ,,', :,:, by
- : ler within the straddle cell catego ry we were able to reduce the percen:.:,ge of Group' 2
: 'rs 'vhn were r?,,ltunder IVIDOC supervision but received a prison sentence from 49.6% to 46.4%,
-:c1eanry the commitment rate actually decreased from 18.9% to 17.8% ever though 11 more
,--:::---e :F.ent to- prison in FY12 from FY11,
,-'if Rs for Oakicmd County remain below the statewide averages a.:; ,s :,.a: :it .11 ,
! N/A (violators) at 17.8%.
-::..,'t rate for the °Ult. ill category spiked significantly in F1/12 to 25.3%, up from 16.4% in
F:11, .:... is oqi4. c:. total of 97 offenders however, there was an overall drecrese of 26 offenders to this
categar7tIOM f::rst year driving the PCF? up,
3. Can you attribute any changes to strategies/programs in your comprehensive plan? There he: been no
,:ant changes in the plans that con account for these fluctuations. There are many officers returning to
the streets in several communities, thereby driving up the number of felony arrests.
4. Describe any changes in criminal justice system stakeholders that may have contributed to changes in rates:
., - f:r,r Oakland Country, Cheryl Bragton, was transferred out of Okolna after ohiy 3 years, The
?r, 5,hc,TE,,e Eooker, has been handling the duties in Oakland County. It is difficult to soy if this
v•flo::., nod ony offect on program utilization,
5. De:scribe any changes in felony populations that warrant a change in your plan: There ore not an ,:„.:7yrran t ,7; chancie to our pion.
Page 5 of 11
C , Provide ddidonal Enaiysis yon rciel necessary to expiain your prison commitment -fliies here:
j:.-!.C..t.tVeS dral :,,zriategies
Five objectives are not required; objectives should be measurable arid provide sufficient detail so progress can
be monitored.
Each objective should be followed by at least one strategy (step, action, policy, program) that will help you
achieve your objective.
Your objectives and strategies should be supported by the analysis you did above. If you did not provide analysis
for a PV or Group 2 population, you wouldn't develop an objective related to that population.
'Keep in mind that all programs for which you are requesting funding are considered strategies Be sure to
clearly identify them as strategies. ---__ — 1_ Objective trii: ; Li' :,., the PCR at .10 Mer:' 1( :.%::.' Ste ..'
1 Stra Legies in support of Objective #1 (number and separate strategies i i using carriage return [enter]):
-: :iine hi:: i'.., S f srs review ony c ,: ihi which e -eL. :..!‘,-;.:,' ,-.),,! ir !.,.
' :-.; through :.-. . ._.d ucatior ; ' ?y
.,,),:o (..i",' Cc!' i ' Corrections /wog ratriS r... ut " „
- - - .
2. ObjeLL,,,iii: ii.l. 4 -r.:: in straddle cell Group 2 nor S. iiao
r ri,
Strategiesaip.0;! Up;ective #2:
? '.- :,,` Thinking Matters c.is ::-;c-, structured jail sente.nce for stm
7rdynming according tc ii:ompAis irp f: - , of a short t erm prisoi,
7,t.s completed through the Ci/ :., or i,.:in'd in to, ke to liii DC'!".- prob4t ion ociPnts
sef':::s may be used to determine a riw 2 referrals for programming based on risk /
.''; rough printed ma te ri a is or meetings: ti.:::-,t :-:i"::::iricfers 0 ;It placitirif
_ ,.iLin,v.:rrd pro g rc, m for offenders w'-:.;' are h i cj; I risk / nigh n ' 1,,.,!-'.-; .: jo,:,,,s on those
s's cell category who have a GrOUp 2 c„;._.-Y.2 and were not und:,- 10L-i0C. supervision at the
', fn lieu of d short prison term,
3. Objective #3: To continue to maintain, or reduce, the 17.8% PCf? for the [v/C lO.,elotic,p violator] , : .
Strategies in support of Objective 43:
i050 of Step Forward for PV tecii -i;s:i , violators rather than return to prison.
2) .th,f:: ;:::: .5 .'u.:.:!!'i.f s for 30-90 days for PV.s with ,! technical violation for a "positive" druoi test,
2) Objective #4: 7-0 reduce the OUIL ill PCR to no more Nifinii- 20% ,
Strategies in support of Objective #4:
.i.) •- - ie -- - :!iit Aduit Treatmert Court as an alternative for prison for OUP iii - ,, - :lers witi-; Ts ::'.::o --.;,:l
3,74.1CtiOrt Cells. ,..„ ..
one delayed S E' 11 tell c-e program for OUR. MS On port:gar/or i;.i„ ,.:.j.i:fiL'e• SM-eCti0; 1 00
Page 6 of n
111C,,11 CI ye; (Vic' L4le OWL thefe,
2 Objective #5: Click. here 'SO enter text.
Strte g prt of Objective :
We OMNI data to track changes in prison commitment rates that were identified as objectives.
Monitor and report on changes'in:local circumstances or offender populations/characteristics that prevent
attainment of your objectives. . .
e Use CCIS data to determine the utilization of your programs by your i .argeted popurdons.
What steps wifl you take if you find that you are not meeting your objectives or your strategies are not being
implemented as planned? PCR numbers are reviewed at SCAB meetings and we will contin Lie to do so, if
211 the strategies, e discuss how those -strategies will need to chungr--. • meet
Se separate meetings with the Area Manager and other supervisors / to
Page 7 of 11
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1. Does your county have a written county jail population management plan per PA 139 of 2007? NO
2. In CY 2012, did your sheriff initiate a reduction in population because the jail exceeded 95% of RDC for 5
consecutive days per Public Act 140 of 2007? Yf.s. If YES, explain how this was carried out .0 - 1 , )7P5 a 1,,5:. ..r.,t'' ,..,' inmates, tit. SEi • • .:•.: the i'ist. to tz-e 'Circuit Court !:-
0';• e , .C LOmP to Booking. ...e re vi,..,:•:u a. :ion.
3. In CY 2012 how many times did the county declare an official (in writing) jail overcrowding state of emergency
(over 100% of RDC for 7 consecutive days) per Public Act 140 of 2007? a Li7e
4. Does your jail submit JPIS data? YES We have been trying for mom to :: ,-.P one 2: . .: re
(-1. problem is,
5. What vendor or jail management software is used to report jail utilization? Intellitech
Strategic Issue:
Jail resources should
present a higher
the demand for
maintaining public
Goal: Operate
Jail Utilization .
be prioritized for use by individuals convicted of crimes against persons and/or offenders who
risk of recidivism or risk to the public. Local comprehensive community corrections plans should reduce
jail beds by diverting non-violent and lower-risk offenders, promote recidivism reduction while
safety and reduce jail overcrowding.
local jails at 90% or less of the rated design capacity which can reduce the costs and liability for the
jail utilization and reduce need to board inmates in other facilities; avoid releases under the
overcrowding act; maintain jail below the rated design capacity. ---------- - - --
Priority: improve
C-1: Using JPIS data or local data as available) provide an analysis of local jail utilization including the average daily
populations/lengths of stay of jail populations including felon and misdemeanant utilization, sentenced and
unsentenced populations, partially sentenced populations, boarders, and offense categories. (Regionals: use carriage
return [Enter] to separate information by jail)
1. This application uses combination of data. The ii)1.5 duta still has a problem with importing correctly„ So
this rep-d,-; mill use information from our data warehouse as well as from the j.-::"::'n .,T -;erit sys.:-.:.,f ...!. ;.ne
pr•:, ,::/a:'ion is at 48% and the sentenced at 52%, lf :.'S data is aceLnIste tl .t.'s -...::.-1, be th:.
! .............. Oakland has had in the last several ,.. :.. The felony pe,aulation is 68% with
52% of the tota ,' rt,...L ,:.!lction. The cancel n is i'','E' high percentage of unsent.:fic E --'
f-Ile jail 58% T,°.;is 15 ‘')I7 Lsue that WE° ha •••‘e t 'rt t,yThq to address locally .';',..
c10 5;. 'LL-c.),.,:o c." :...:.,-.e to the Praxis, However' it is ;Poing to , .: ;•:•afo,- legislative inter,,,
clay real chonge ;n the system.
2. Are bookings up, down, or stable? The ac!missioes rE'p,'211. that we wore able l:„-.. I-6. ,-, z;.stcch
:Ha.: there were 1 '3, 380 C7CIMISSiC.,- :' ; • • .71"20'T2. lf this is (-.7: . ra : e or
Page 8 ofil
3. Describe r: - nPes in ADP or AvLOS or rnajor popuiation groups: Cii' here to r
4. Provide El ciditional informaJon to explain your jai! ti 'i ':io.) h.: :re inciuding changes r s eholders, law
enforct. T :: t , riorities, bed closures i 'c.: L7: '
1 . _
C-2 .-..'-.• a - , i:: - t;rectices that irtili ,.. _ . ..: _ •
1. Does the jail iieve a "bed allocation plan"? .
2. Does the county have a "jail task force' in place to address jail utilization issues? NO
3. How are sheriffs good time and trustee credits awarded / forfeited?...,:k. s ;rood time Q.:I.'
orfeitf-d artly for ::; !loon/ irtfr act i ortS C!..Tiri ref MD 171,:: : .: Cf
:Me is bed on one d:-.', ,. -:::-..-y 12 days served and can be to!: eke: , - "
r ' DOD Ville
Is the jail "closed" to certain types of offenses/offenders/warrants? YES Non-assauitive m';',':=...,
, 1 .5 cre r:- co;:, '...;.:d prior to arraignment.
5. Does the jail accept boarders from other counties? NO If YES, what is the daily rate charged for a boarder?
- Dick h,re ti) ,.(7.: l'Ire r text.
6. Does the jail have a county-imposed cap on local bed utilization to provide space for boarding? ."'t',7, if YES,
report number of boarders and the % of the RDC for all boarders. Click, here to enter text.
7. Does the jail accept Parole Violators on MDOC detainers? YES the agreement with MDOC is
— -, .- .:.,:e transfer ..: 1 1.'.i5in three ..,. , !), rote paid is $43.so
8. Does the jail accept MDOC or Federal boarders under contract? NO If YES, what is the daily rate charged for
MDOC and/or Federal boarders? Click here to enter text.
9. What was the revenue from boarders for CY 2012? NM
10. What was the revenue from County Jail Reimbursement in CY 2012? Click here to enter text,
11. Does the jail operate a work release program (offenders leave the jail to work and then return to the jail)? YES
If YES, how many beds (number and % of RDC) are work release beds? None- the work release ,.- .,'--:•!7 is all
done through GPS electronic monitoring. Offenders retarl to ..!Ieir own homes e.cch core much are
offenders charged to be on work release? GPS tether is ..:c1e,f,0; GPS with Vi-Ca;.;(... .,.'.,...,i! :e.thei-)
12. Does the jail accept weekend sentences? NO If YES, approximately how many weekenders book in each
weekend? Click here to enter text.
13. Provide additional analysis you feel is necessary to explain your jail utili7ation here: Click here to enter text. - --
C-3: Key Objectives and Strategies
e Five objectives are not required; objectives should be ineasureable and provide sufficient detail so progress can
be monitored.
Each objective should be followed by at least one strategy (step, action, policy, program) thal: \.•••ill lielp you
achieve your objective.
0 Your objectives and strategies should be supported by the analysis you did above. If you did not identih,, the LOS
of misdemeanants in your analysis, you wouldn't develop an objective related to that population.
0 Refer to the most recent JPIS data or your local data/snapshot if you don't have JPIS).
Keep in mind that all programs for which you are requesting funding are considered strategies. Be sure to
clearly identify them as strategies.
1. Objective #1: Main tuin or reduce the current unsentenced jail populatkel through the use of the Pretrial
3: Elvi ce.s P;'-;.r., : .-.-, CI' differential s up e rvi5i on options.
Strategies in support of Objective #1 (number and separate strategies by using carriage return):
CF:4-lot recommendations from the Praxis matrix to promote more nor,,.:(1 - : pretrial
Page 9 of 11
through the we will discuss [row those strateQies w,7/
;o be separate meei.ip,> with the jail administrator and other super
to to met
rs / st(.
::.-nairlor of this fiscal year is to snowrhcrnpesto th e P n:-.!;.".F recarr
rOy the matrix includes a recor.;-. for :;;2rr-ci bond. AS
Page 10 of 11
o........„ ........
s•. • ..I (_,7"7enders who receive a jail only sentence for the Thinking Mgttep, procirairi. Th.:,• : ._t ..l.r li
16 i.:• • • L'b n upon successful core Die tiori,
2; .',),-itinge to t;J I- )r)ht and recommend the use of Pi oboricm k.e5pleiHiul Centers on .',mt- of a ftructured Se6E ,'":"IT-E2
portion/or/1y for GI ot.; 2 straddle cell offehgers.
2; Objective #3: ?number of : and PS techs reicirevinig jr;i, ...Ler2es
Strategies in support of Objective #3:
1.) cf,. • ... promote the use of Probation Residential Centers for PVs in lieu of jail
. t; .: c use of Thinking Matters for P V reeks through Step Forward
_ .!..,,f, too/ to assess offe,OCIPT's risk aket needs coo ollace Chem Into in ,1" erve nti ot1'..•
those heeds ' reduce violations.
. ot
.5) Objective #4: Click here to enter text.
Strategies in support of Objective #4:
.....". enter text,
Objective #3: Click here to enter text.
Strategies in support of Objective #5 :
''."II I.: • ':ext.
- - -
C-4: Assessment
Use PIC data (or local snapshot if NIS isn't available) to track changes in jail utilization that were identified as
Monitor and report on changes in local circumstances or offender populations/characteristics that prevent
attainment of your objectives.
Use CCIS data to determine the utilization of your programs by your targeted populations.
What steps will you take if you find that you are not meeting your objectives or your strategies are not being
implemented as planned? The jail population C reviewed at CCAB meetings and we will this..
D: Local.Priorities
Present any local priorities such as development of criminal justice coordinating councils, jail exransionirepair, public
education, etc,, which have not been identified in the above sections:
Page 11 of 11
SUMMEI'' of Program
Code a:pug:Num & V-ice Typo Na n PtoTemed
Enapiln!ents IMrs Total in Progparn
n i 3 i Agarniniser - , ma n/P
Coign! it ve
PoonTive -Commamity 550 utronic V,sinitoririg a ,n 350 Brum-la! Supe-vision Fret! 3 1 Vf.Slon
Browla l ggssecasment Pretra n & Assessment &ETD
Actuarial Apse:pp:pent Stec Formai d Image ' 1150 Actuarial Assessment Step Parviard Mental Flea vi Screening - 45 190 201 IDDIB Asses-pryer-it & Treatment ServIces Drunk Driver screen S. g races 125 :BS !G3rekeeper Lentral int31e 1035 1540 2(&) LiTUR Di hsil Assepsmont 3 Dav HCAIS,,g 308 305 124 Cnrivnunty Based Case Management Patep Forward 1100 1105 1300 Other Group Service Youthful Offonde GI-uup 100 103 203 NAB gosidentia! Services Re, dent.: Uervices 400 405
- G
.1 0
- -
Proijam Cost Descriptions
1 Position 1
r _ 1Manager Community 1 itle: I Corrections Name of Individual: 3arbara I Idrikey
Number ot FiCUFE. Wotked Per Year
(Psi Time is 2060), 2080.00 .FTC Equivalent: 1: it.
Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Progrural Code/Carve CPS DWR Local/Other Fee Rouurrso Totals Duties nd Responsibilities
Administration 170,730 075,793
Responsible for managing all Dspecgs of the CC Division. Completes all require ,
reports. Develops and maintains the budu for hots the state tADUC grant and
the county GP/C.F. Cullivates nelatittnships Jetweer CC and its part,ers on the
local, state and fc3eral levels.
- - - 0
Totals I 175,713 - 175,793
Title: Chief Community
Corrections J Name of Individual Larry Doyle
Number o' outs ..Worked Per Year
(Full Time i, :,,080) .. 208000 .Equivalenn
FTE 1.001
. Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Program Code CPS DaIR LooailOthor Fee Revenue Totals . -1— Duties and Responsibilities
Administration 122,360 022303
Reeponsible for overail day to eay oneranons, trouble shoots problems, staffing
issues and provides proposed solutions to the Manager for handling such
matters. Attends meetings or other functions as rece:Eary and act, in ne
tcopscitv of Manager jotter absen..
Totals 122,368 122,368 1 .
Position 3
Titiel Community Corrections
Support Specialist Name Of Individual: Diana Carver
Number of I lour:. Worked Per Year.
(Full Time 52,280) 2,280)
Equivalont: 1.00
Funding Sources & Cost Allot
Program C CPS 0030 ,...ocaliOther Fee Revenue Totems Duties and Responsibilities
Admin.stration 47,208 47,2 9/.512
1Responsible for maintaining and updating all databases withir Community
Corrections. Sends monthly COIN data to OCC and maintains the integruy of the
3,-.a. Updates all brochures, newsletters, a nd other prrited informadon Inc
the Division.
1 Total 47,258 42,256 04 512
Position 4
Supervisor Community Name of Incilvidual, Du/NI O'Neal, K.arer Farr:aeon, Lisa Smith. Frio Schrtidt
Number of Hours Worked Per Year.
(Fut Time Is k,O.,,t0`,
1 i ,
8320.00 . IEsxlvalent.
Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Program Code CRS DDJR I LrsaallOtlter Pen Revenue - Totai.s -- ' Datia oral Responsibilities —
723 - Pretrial Supervision 122,513 1.22,B1a
T.sle supervisor it respcnsi2le both the supervision as anc EM units. She
is responsible for procedures,, staff issues and pm-Pori-hence appraisals.
vines cclvtsage as needed, ,
F22 - pretrial Screen & Assessment 117,778 117,775
There is one supc-aisoFfol both the District Court and jail staff. The
supervisors handle staffing issues, conduct work evaluations, draft policy
and fill staffing gams Os nedded.
124- step Forward 27323 27,328
The Sties Forward supervisor oversees day to day operations of the St,ks,
Forward Program. Responsible for procedures, employee issues and
works as a liasien between OCC staff, NIDOC staff and Administration.
Also carries a smail caseload oftpecial needs clients Si transfer cases.
Aciininistration 27,373 54,745 82,121
Administration 115,314 115,314
Responsible for the skieerkend and Weekend Alternative for
Misreameanants programs. Was coordinates all PA511 placement; form
she jail fur MDOC and for the misds,
Totals 54,746 463,395
Position :5
Title: Office Assistaat Name of Individual: 1 Code LaMarte, Kathryn F'3ocii Julie Berres„emaie I tarnm, Anita Lindsy
Niu,..., 51 HetrIS Woriced Per r FTE 9560.70 Equiv tent 4.50 '
Funding Sources'& Cost Allocation
Program Code CPS 0015 LeualIottrer Fee Peaessae totals Duties and Respon.ibilitte
Adrnmis tion 75,710 797io
Arts I at;au assistant 5, she Fetes II
peruonnel requisitions and billing duties.
F22 - Pretrial Supervision 73,8E5 73,885
Sorts and enters supervIsion vases as they are received. 5ccures and enters next
C01,1 da,,es iron, thE.,' Courts . uhler databases. Sends letters and perform,
other general cleric,: duties au needed.
I24 - Step Forward 62,735 60,147 ,21,8,7
AssL51:5 in data ants,' To C*Star for (2..;715 data, sets up a ppc.41tme ruts fos cIFen-s,
tracks referrals, answers phones, sorts mail. Other general Clerical Duties. There
is i FIE iv eacn of our 2 locarir:,
125- Central Intake 14,962 14,95c.
Assists with data entry and support of lire ads. Inputs answers from the
COMRAS Mr sinring, genteel clerical tinier
- - - 0
Totais 76,595 213,24a 290,437
Position 6
I Corernurtity Corrections Titlett Nerne of Individua Specialist III Edmonds, Stitt, r-iSdIev, rluvurnocr, Dennis, Baril Coca,
Number of Houses Worked Per Year,
16640.00 (Pull Time is 2,092)
Equitralentr a.co
Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Program Code CPS DDJR LecaltOtSer Fee Seven. Totals Duties and Responsibilities
F22 - Pretrial Screen &': Assessment e-00,784 30.784
S.Ipervises the day to day activities of the Corrirmnity Corrections Specialists us.
Sets prior ities acco,cing to available resources, checks work, acts as a Ilasion
Ineur.een. Iail, cote, and staff.
Responsible Per the day to day operatic, at the unit and the DffenderLink
sys,ein. Responsible for al, new enrollees and those that may be rejested by the
s-ystern due to incomp,ets information. Monitor, the case loads ol line staff to
ensure work is being corrplesed in a tirely fashion. asisi also oversees the Ern
F29 - Pretrial ISupe,,isis, a 102,379
122 - :Thep Ponderd Intake 92,644 52,644
i .socnsib;o for c.fry to duy op:radon of und elle staff. Carrios a smelicr caseload
• Aso esponsikle for makinE sore f : • r.•... , CO, red, Mfr .-1g ,.,e Staff w.Th
• 1t c mats and Di."C.. a i[diSCn,..Vith • .. H'. Jose -C.vidin sere re, at Step
124 - Step Poly:of-et 151,143 Profddcs rofn-oliaiS . c, ms with aoaropriate ref oral
CC1 - fhinkrfg Matt:ars -Orarnmu •- 40,207
• Lead staff s raspansible for r mdl 0002 1. do 2 V.,,,k. Or a/so
:,,c.t. auci, of the groeps of other staff to be sore of Peekty ts the pfogram.
Totals - . 17O12 -
C/Sition 7
Title COin Munity CoiTeMions
Specialist II , Name of Individual: cobedu,Rogersffinley.Stoups, Rector:1'0910T Dutcher, Falls,Surrmeryille, Merl,
:r in
11u mber of Hours Worked Per Year. I
22850.00 Tsui' Time is 2,080:
ETC 1 Equivalent: i i
. Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Pno4ram Code CPS Olin/ f, Local/Other Fee BooBoos Totals , : Duties and Responsibilities
- Pretni-el Screen & As ment 230.035
748,4 1-528,486
aamaiews in custrely defendant, and caaropiies a bend inersit 1n accordance its
MC, 5.10 .6. Bail recommendations are made using the Praxis all information is
verified through thini parties as often as possible. 51.0 also calculat.11112s for
bond consideration
635 - pref-rfal Supe on 144,799 79.9,971 444,77
Monitors pretrial defendants on s / ion for cart tile p with
conditions of bond ordered by the cotatt
DOS - Pretria1Sup'ervision 40,507 49'087 Also :esponsible for defencinats placed on DV, utalf!s resoo.nsiele to-
offender whereabouts,schedullim, MO ri0015g o arms,and meopordiro
•.Totais 474,521 - 1,048,402 - 1,522,323
Position 8
. . Title: Community Corrections
Specialist II
• • • Name of individual: • • :
Houle, Miles, Short, Poisson, Denison, Biritholz. Sharp, Donaldson, Fanning,
Twirl ey
. .
Nurnber.of Hou, Worked Per Year,,
e is ,..01 (Full 'l im i.i 16480,00 •TE
Equiaoler.t• 7.92
Funding c Cos Allocation ,
Program Cod? CPS 01516 Local/Other,: Pee Revenue Totals Duties and Responsibilities
124 - Step Porward 194,616 240,791 435,407
Case rea nage, 1-ove caseloads or about 70, for which they coonlinate treatment
and oupervision plans using the comPAS and Carey Guides.. Staff is responsible
1for communicating witli agents / courtsiegradin progress Or lack thereof. The
1011111 case manager has 001L Ili cases any. this can manger visits all clients
i prior to being released from the PRC to establish a rapport with the offender.
201 - Drunk Driver Screen & Assess 145,324
!Conducts compreheenisve assessments including drugs and alcohol for
145,324 loffender referred into the 01111. III delayed sentence program.
C01 - Thinking Matters -cornrnunity I 48,654 50,168
Each case manager conduct at least 7 sessions of the Thinking rnatters
98,822 groups per week. Responsible for running the group, checking homewors
and reporting progress
22- Step Forward Intake 25,833 79,714 105,545 To conduct intake asseassments ICOMFAS) on all referred offenders into
the Step F171 -ward program
Totals 269 103 145,324 370,669 785,096
Position 9
Title: Inmate Caseworker Name of Individual. Rice, Mitru, Merrell
Number of Itstas Worked Per Year.
fF e is 2,080) 6240.00 FTE
Equivalent: • 3.00
rutrdisng SourceoCost Allocation
Program Code CPS MR LonaltOther dee Revenae To is Duties and Responsib es
CO Th'n1Ong MatIers - Jail 332,435 32'2'485
Facilitates an sessions of the. Thinking Matters in tnelail, also n-eets with
all participants on a one-on-one basis to develop a post -release plan.
Provides other lectures on topics important for reentry.
Porsitiori 10
F.M a:e Sorcenev Snipe of
Nurtil,er Qf Flours ,,',/c rl.c.I Pe, Year.
(Full f-irrc 2,080)
1 IFTE 2580.00 IEGUivalect.:
I i
landing Sources tB Cs ...location
Program Code CPS DOSS Lanai/Other Fee Revenue Totals li Detias and pa bl s
l25 - Central intake 90,493 50,495
Saioni ti_S. ',./.-.„e To- . - 1,305,301 .145,324 3,136,175 750
, Contract 1
: Name Of Provi Oakiand County Information Technology
Services Provided: Computers, support, development of all IT applications and phone foes; Support ass rental of phone, and fax lines
Terms of Reirribursurnenb -•
115709/ Quarter or 16,952/ year for computer rental and 510,000 for development; $ ts,200 for phone usage, B00/rnorith fcst
fax/copier/scanner maintenance and repairs
Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
. • Program Code CPS DDiR Local/ Other F e Reoeeoe 1 Totals
Adrorotration 15772 15,752
''Sub-Total 19,752 - - 15,752
Contract 2
Name of '-'0 •.. lies: Woodward Counseling
Services PriNided: Creep for Youthful Offenders
• Terms of Reimbursement:
"Funding Sources & Cost Ailocation
Program Code CFS Mal 5 Local/Other Fee Revenue Totals
COO- Youthful Offenders Group 25,500 25300
.LJD r 250100 25,500
Contract 3
Name of Provider: Oakland bunny 5ach-tiee, Mainrenopru and Operations
Services Provided: Building space rental
Terms Of Reimbursement: 515,On / spun-a *cos 7 337 reet of stare
Funding Sources & Cost allocation
Program Code CPS DaIR i LoosifOther Fee Revenue Totals
,A.d minis ration 9..207 0,207
Sub octal 9.20li 9,207
Contract 4
Name of F'rovider Common .3round
Services Provided c Health assessments, referrals, .and short solution ficipirP Usdividiral counseling
'burns of Reimbursement: 2.5 days per 'o'', 5585 x 57 •maiseks
Funning Sources & Cost Allocation
Program Code CPS DaIR LocaliOther Fee Revenue Totals
122 - Step Forward Mental Health
Screening 50,000 50,000
0 —
Sub - Total 50,003 50,000
Contract 5
Name of Provider: ADE, INC
Services Provided: '4EEDS assessments for offenders that require a substance abuse assessment according to COMPAS ant/or the 7 ..7,U .
• "Terms of Reimbursernert: $6.00 per test
Fending Sources& Cost
Local/Other (Tee Revenue
Totals Program Code . CPS . - DEIJR.
122 - Step Forward intake 3,500 I 3,500
Sob - Total 3.500 - I 3 500
Contract 6
Name of Provide Rancillio & Assoc, House Arrest, & 045
Services Provided Electronic Mon ,or ng services for pretrial defedants who are unable to pay.
Terms of Re mbursemen Average cost $12.00/day pius $100 hook up fee.
Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Program Code CPS . 0111 11 LocaliOtner Fee Revenue Totals
DOS - Pretrial Supervision 9,020 9,020
ZO - Drunk Dtivet ocr eve & As,vos 30,816 80,816
Sob - total 9,020 30,816 39,836
Contract 7
Name of Prows lOakiand County Sheriff's Office
Se/Vices Provided Housing for OU1L III offenders
Terms of Rei horsemen 48.00 per day up to 5 days.
Funding Saurceo & Cos Allocation
Fragrant Code CPS D JR Local 0 her Fee Raeevov Totals
207 5 Day IX dsin 57 208 67,27"
Sub Total 67,208 67,208
Contract 8
Name of .Provider: Residential Services
. Services Provided: Resiciential Services
Terms of Reimbursement: outs $48.00 per day
- Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Program Code CPS RDA LaoailOteer Fee Revenue Totals
303- Ressi -ial Service, 210,240 i 210,240
Sun - Total 310,240 i 210.340
Contract 9
Name of Provider:
Services Provided:
Terms of !PieiticOrattiSeirellt:
fending Sources Ce f:ost ialioceeion
aro Code CF0 paiR I Local/Ciller -Fee 00verwe7 .
• i
SI1L - Mtai
Contract 10
Warne of ','rev]cliac:
Services Provided:
Torms of Reimburser lett
Funding Sources & Cost Allocation
Program Code PS 0000 T Local/Other Fe, Revenue il Totals I i •
To ..I 11"3,1- 30-.2
Pro i• am Coii CPS ODOR Locepatbor Fee i -- Totals Description
rtdministrmion Ei
Total .
Pro irn Code CPS Dalk ocal/Other Fee P.ovenue Totals Description ri sat 'SOC 400 Genera! Oft!, sueplies
- - 0 !
Total 4,:,0t 40
Program Cade . CPS a DOOR LoaclIE/aer roe Rev TotaH Decor/pt/en Ad en in is - re t 003 lOLL Tr -vel ti I, state
Tot/0i 1,030 1 UGh
_ Training
Provam Code CPS ODOR Lore1010cr Foe Revenue To IDescroon, • Acre esetroOlr 1,36s iTad i Conference and train ng fees within the state
1.,3601 1.3,0 mIni
Board Expenses
Program Code CPS DDJR Local/D r Foe Rrcenuc tar s ption Administration 1,000
To al 1,000 iiiii
Code i Foe Reve,lue
ri • Azsessrrnt
• .. ard .es ;etc)
osation (printed snatetCds)
!cvices receroficalloo
Tota I 2,400 2,100
S 2014 FUl4011•4G PROPOSAL
Comprehensive Plans Servicec 7
Program Program Cocie Pt ndrag Raquest Approved Funding Resery-ed Fundin,g, Total Funding
Recommendation '
Community Service
Placement All
Work Crew - Inmate A25
Work Crew - Community 426
i Group-Based Programs
Education BOO
lite Skills
13131 381,139
Domestic Violence
Sex. Offender f
Substance Abu:: 11/
Other Group 5 il/g,, ,
406,639 -
- ,
Supervision Programs
Lay Reporting
lotens,ive Supevisirm D28
Electronic Monitorim; 008 58,107
Pretrial Supervision 023 144,799
Sub-Total 203,506 - _ - Assessment Services
Actuarial Assessment 122 79,333
Pretrial Assessment F22 281,035
Sub-Total 360,968 -
Jail Population Mon:to' 123 -
Gatekeeper 125 95,455
Sub-Total 95,455
Case Management 124 283,724
Substance Abuse Testing C17 -
Other 700
Program Total 1,350,292 -
Administration Total 107,148
Total Comprehensive Plans EL Services 1,457,440 0 0
Drunk Driver Jai Reduction
Program Program Code Funding Request Approved Funding Reserved Funding Total Funding
Assessment & T;eatment Services 201 175,140
5-Day ir Jail Housing 702 67,208
Residential Servcices Z03 210,240
Totals 4E3,888 0 0 0
•,h the lwai pro M. ri7rne. 1/ acronyms.
Program 2:
Program 3:
Program 4:
Program 5:
Program 6:
Program 7:
Program 8:
Program 9:
Program 10:
Program 11: :24 - sod ---Steo Forward
Program 12: 125 -
Program 13: Choose a
Program 14: Choose an item.
Program 15: Choose an item.
Program 16: Cr100*' an item.
Program 17: Choose an item.
Program 18: Choose an tern.
Program 19: Choose an item.
Program 20: Choose an item.
Page 1 of 1
Administration s defined as those activities and related costs that have been incurred for the overall
executive and administrative functions of the local office or other expenses of a general nature that do
not relate solely to the operation of a specific program as defined/approved within the local plan. They
are costs that by their nature are administrative in support of the overall duties and functions of the
local OCA. This category must also include its allocable share of fringe benefits, costs, operation and
maintenance expenses, and if applicable, depreciation and interest costs.
NOTE: A SUPPLY has a life expectancy of less than a year (paper, toner, folders, urine testing supplies,
etc.) while EQUIPMENT has a life expectancy of more than a year (fax machine, PBT, leaf blower).
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text after a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated perm it carriage returns [press Enter; to create separate paragraphs.
'df,,r admstrative staff .,-1:.‘1 the, du:ijo- and. responsibilities of those staff
a. Name and title of CCAB manager: ... „
b. Name(s) and title(s) of clerical and/or administrative support staff: Diane :.,.,..
c. Is there a request for funding of administrative or support personnel such as IT, human
resources, etc.? NO
d. How frequently are CCAB meetings held? Monthly with the e.1.:c.: l'i!,e
months .
e. Describe what is done to prepare/prepare board members for CCAB meetings and who
(manager, clerical, etc.) does what: ,,.! .!' ./bsi: - :Jrepirrz.5 , ,
needed reports, or other informatid --- r:-.--. The cleric:
notices a week prior to ti-::! :' - -.-., Ild rf:.',. ' , mc :::1-q Clerical ta;::..!:: - -nscribc: c •.,i.: •
f. Do your CCAB meeting agenda include the following items (please remember to forward
agenda and meeting minutes to our office):
i. Review of prison commitment rates/recent sentencing trends: ial
ii. Jail utilization/state of crowding: [Zi
iii. Program utilization in general and by targeted populations: LI
iv. Status of contractual conditions (if applicable): [7,7
i v. Status of contractual objectives: ,L7
vi. Correspondence from Lansing Office of Community Alternatives: :%"/
vii. Expenditures and reimbursements to date Z
viii, What other items are typically on your meeting agenda? These ' n.4.•
be c.,7:.:....,:.:,,,f at ez.:Ty meeting but as they a.... ,
items include: ; s. ,. •:70mmen....; - ,...1 of Aim:: .1..er'.; Re pon. tvi .;.;
covers most of the usia 1,7 i_vi'; : .7! Lipdat.....: ..i..:5; and
Page 1 of 4
g. II- --, -,.led to OCA. in i_ .,,t — „.
, The
Th e
, .;w. ,. es, c.:-
. .. .': vi::: email to l',40 CA kr r.. "i..5,:.'. ..
h. How often does the manager meet with, visit, and evaluate contracted programs?
Click here I., ent-._r ..:ext. Explain: _ .-,- of PR'S for Oakland County al .
at .',:- ast 7 '' 7 ' L1C ,:11.1, f; !- ,? ,1:,. ..''''l e COn trocts for the .t.elo,•.,• .?1-.,:,
, ..... - :-5.::-.'.1 ...-2:,. Our other main co,--?':,:..-
....,. 7-:rvices. The CO 41 tr: :-.t•. . . . .,-...
so tiv.J:-, , ,,,, . This FY We 0: ., : with
unseling .' er group. This q:-:;i:15 .t.'.'ted
at ..:tr :.,f.dlofing so then: .7.- , q ;; this provider. Meetings w! .
Ts are held c..t ' .
i. Answer the following two questions only if PA511 funds support the CCAB manager's
i. How many staff does the manager directly supervise? Click here to eriLer text.
ii. How much time is spent training, evaluating or disciplining staff? Click here to
enter text.
j. How often does the manager meet with probation supervisors/officers? There is no set
interval, it is as needed Explain: Click here to enter text.
. How often does the manager meet with the prosecutor? Never Explain: The
Prosecutor has refused to sit on the CCAB or even send a designee
I. How often does the manager meet with judges? As needed or requested Explain:,
There is no set interval although I speak with many of the judge5 on a fairly reaular
m. How often does the manager meet with the sheriff/jail staff? As needed or requested
Explain: Thp jail administrcaor is on the CCA5, I talk with her as nppcip-d sometime;
weekly, sometimes everyday. it just depends on the issue;.
n. How often does the manager meet with financial support staff? as needed Explain:
As the .-?:..::.!:ger I have full access to financial information and reports for my Division.
I can run :Try report i need at any time.
o. How often are CCIS data reports run and re.vie\rved for accuracy? The reports are run
monthly Explain: The accuracy of the reports are also reviewed against our n:
data!: r, f.?. We have developed an additional CCiS report which further t ee :; f ,
1225 _, ., 1.72--.'s so a differentiation can be mode between in jail and comrnur
Page 2 of 4
co; .
P. How much time is estimated to be spent developing the plan and applic -tion?
Describe when and how the plan is developed:
r. Describe the involvement of other stakeholders or si_locommit es in r.ir[ii n ysis or
plan/program development. There really is
stakeholders in the- lysis as tl .._
However analysis of the data is
deveia;,memt, changes, etc. ...
e5i0 ' :I- ace nee
s. Flaw or: i ..ezation and expenditures monitored?
:Mil, FSR cf?
,..;... .
C*Star) 6. I.:, ., CC/S.
t. What actions are taken when programs are under- or over-utilized? •
include meetings with if !Jets, appearance ,. tot: 0
nails, c1ir i etc. Serious nd rape. a
:utillzatinn run:. . .or closing of a program l
anti trencfs are aiso used to
,root carn.n. .,,
u. Who develops the suhcontric i'j:- funded i:±rvices? , Coon:
' contract. The .:: :. :123: is the n
thE ...r, et, All contracts .ceL:- • ,- and
are subject to RFP and./or other rules,
v. Who calculates jail bed days saved and how much time is devoted to that task?
t:: ie C*Sta: 2 , ,f-
, -• "t. /On or
. This fierl is queried and summ ed
The ra f.. ..7, indirect
SCWPC!,l'.0ah..... , :. - -
w. What specific tasks are assigned to clerical support and what is the frequency and
amount of time dedicated to those tasks? The usai . lailst is roll"-
the grant and is ref.:,:: '..- for the main .
acts c...-:: the Ralson .1a _ i the sto
. . I, „
Page 3 of 4
If there is no clerilal so;:Hort, describe
clerical tasks/frequency and time demands if performed by the manager: Chick here :o
ente- .
x, Does the county have procurement or purchasing policies for contractual rervices,
supplies, and/or equipment? yes Describe: County has
d purchasing policies that atff upon request
y. Please describe the county's policies on travel expense reimbursement
allowance, etc.): The cow::
that are available upon reque.; sr th website.
cage, meal
merit policies
z. Does your county have the facilities to host training (such as for cognitive programs or
application training)? How many can your facilities comfortably accommodate?
Up to 200 Would you be interested in hosting training? YES
aa. Does your county have a computer lab available for computer-based training? YES
How many can your computer lab comfortably accommodate? 20-38 Would you be
interested in hosting training? MA YEE
Page 4 of 4
._ -
A 1;17r0 'ICC,' LC'S CiA.Le:
ApprovE-ci Projected Erq.-.11ment:
24./dget Recorrtmenclobon:
' i
V i 6 :''. I . ,'Ct.10 ri..n
. . E.:Nice Ty;)e: —
F:ojected Enrollment:
Projected Length of Stay: -
Does this program also use C.:JR funding? Ntir:, If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected? :::1,,..,‘ h . . to
P,:oFram Location (select all that apply): Jail: Li 1 Residential: D i Community: E
Program Status (new, modification, continuation).
If a modification, describe here:
List projected enrollment by member county:
• This form is for program activities delivered primarily through a group or class-type structure.
When developing eligibility criteria think about what behavior or characteristic in addition to
addressing PCRs or jail utilization that the program is intended to address.
• Use of individual sessions should be described when asked for.
New CM codes have been established to identify the specialized nature of some programs
and their populations.
• Cognitive, Substance Abuse Treatment, Sex Offender Treatment, Employment, Life Skills, and
Domestic Violence programs are all programs that would use this form.
GOO is an option for "other" group-type programming not specifically identified here (discuss
with your coordinator first).
In the future cognitive programs may have separate COS codes based on a beginning,
intermediate or intensive program design.
• It will be recommended that CCABs receive a memorandum of understanding from local
school districts, substance abuse coordinating councils, community mental health agencies,
etc., clarifying what services are or are not available for your targeted populations under their
existing funding and why/why not PA511 funds are required for these services„
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
• Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part l) that this program is
designed to address:
PCR at no ma:, no statewide cr/e-
:.'1. straddle cel; Cr-. under 7(J CC w
reduce, the 17,6 for the N/A (Pr-- v!:
2. Based on your objective(s. what is your target population?
••ad ,fern ale offenders, eitheritiony or misdemeanor, enrolled in the Ster.,
Page 1 of 4
se to decrease the number of
h disposition; To continue to
----- ----- - - ! _..,
3. Describe the- program: -1 _ _ _
a. Based on what your program is intended to address within your targeted population,
what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Include requirements for
assessments and assessment results. /teen
— /f:.7f hrn/P :-.•,;%drn.
":..:Eiii, nity,
cr::'.::7al asscci.:Te T.. or s , _ -E..
b. Assessment (not screening) is the foundation of evidence-based practices. Referrals to
treatment programs should be based upon assessed needs. Please describe your
assessment practices below: Click here to enter text.
i. Is a risk and/or need assessment (includes substance abuse or mental health
assessment) required prior to referral or admission to this program? Y.F5,
Prior to Referral
ii. If an assessment is used, identify the tool: The COMPAS is used c .. .5 ...
iii. Who completes the assessment? Step Forwc.::. ' .. staff
iv. Does the substance abuse assessment result in a recommended level of
treatment per American Society of Addition Evledicine (ASAM) criteria? NA
v. Is there. a process to ensure that offenders receive the recommended level of
treatment per the assessment? NA
c. Are recommendations for the program made in the PSI or PV sentence
recommendation? YES Are required assessments completed prior to the
recommendation? Sometimes
d. How else are offenders identified and/or referred to the program? Cr:h.f. a.,:frs
br referred just into the Thinking Matters group, instead it is part of a .f: ier 1:-:.,:r.silLe
e. Identify who is responsible for confirming eligibility and describe the process. The Step
Forward intake staff, elTgi,'..:i-v :::-Jestions can be referred to a supervisor if necessary.
f. Describe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility.
0.;:.,l'enciers who do not score in one of the above categories are not placed into the
ir.: matters group,
g. How is COS data gathered/entered? ,ri :-r-hation on admissions arid completions are
LY and then entered into the O.. -r....q...:5:-.15.t?. Program information is stored
,r inSer prooram code Col - community, Vie can c.,!...., ;...he database at any time for the
nul.::)er of C01-communitys completed that day or within a speriPed tilt,: .:.:,2,io:::'. Ail
required MS information is captured as a comma delineateci ;:i1:! ri ..,
North Pointe.
H. Describe the program design (programs using this description form should be delivered
primarily through a group or class structure):
i. Name of curriculum (if applicable and please spell out abbreviations).
Page 2 of
ITC) --1 ' Pro ,, n - )
v. How r. 3 '
service provider? All off ,
isst, c t.ts Step Forwari-! •
ross rue ore entered
5t0i00. 'The
;.,,te:s, There
ii. Is the group upon or closed? Gten
Li. What is -the minimum/maximum number of participants per group, as identifie
in the curriculum? m-t-1 of 55
iv. What is i-iticipated number of groups that will be conduct,,,,1 during the fiscal
A amps per Week at out
is total of 13 per week or6::
outwill be completed per group?
What is the length of each group session?
vii. Identify what skills are taught in this prograr .,:
viii. Identify if/how participants transition between various phases or treatment
locations (jail/residential/community) as applicable to your program:
s..v!i be able s' n form the fail
'tters progra.t .!.
r ..oth programs us,p
ix. Are individual sessions part of the program? NO
x. If individual sessions are part of the program and billed separately, how many
individual sessions are anticipated per participant? N/A
xi. On what basis would individual sessions be used? N/1.4
Identify the training or credentials held by your service provider qualifying him/her to
provide this service: ihstn.4,::tors are case managers of 3:;:p Fcrrcrri
2nded the foci training lbrThiekin is , many ;
How are delivered services and offender progress and participation documented by the
k. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral
source? Include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of
reports provided such as intake, monthly, termination, etc. ceive •reporL; ;I:'p2 status of each of their
,::*sttivr do 155cr at anytime to see how c;i:,:fkts are doing.
I. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: Click here to enter teyte
4. A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there should be consistency
between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application„ your targeting and
eligibility noted above and your response here.
a. Will this program reduce prison commitments? Y'ES
Page 3 014
. Wdi, this p.ogra imrct all i- -
i. if YES, clearly descril-,e now ja i--re:.=,it is ;:warded and . cumcnt .:.' or this
program: :.
. Estimate how many jail beu .., wil: ,.,! :?iilfeil due to tHs n and
describe how your estimE:tri was r-••!at-,
c. is this program intended to impact recidivism? :
I. If YES, describe how and how it will be measured: The P ,
u. e-,, CBT has been si ,:sYwn to u: _
2 criminogenic. f . . -tri.:: to redicivi--, ,-;c.:i•-
i'ssing critt - •-c: e:awe recidivi.-- '
high oe:- .,:., , ram will r,
period, --::oreoient
" .c.-- 0050.
-- -----
5. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the
status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum:
a. OCA recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's 1
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s).
c. Track jail bed days saved if applicable iu ybui program design.
d. Track successful and unsuccessful terminations from the program.
e. Track the successful /unsuccessful discharge from -probation for program
completions/failures. ---.—.
6. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as newly
acquired or improved skills, tests passed, pre/post test results, etc., as you deem appropriate.
Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Page 4 of 4
Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is
designed to address:
ts 7. ho more thun the. stch
2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population?
.5.e.duce the number al releases
the Oakland Jail
.t..ricing guide/irk,: crc ::T1/ •
are convicted of
Page 1 of 5
Approved CC'S Code:
.Approved Projected Enrollment:
• Budget Recommendution:
LT-->e Only:
Projected Length of Stay:
Does this program also use DDIR feinding?. ND If YES, how many OUR, 3rds are projected?
Program Location (select all that .a;.ly): Jail: Li Residential: Li Community: Li
Program Status (new, modification, continuation): Car ,,,,,,,,,
If a modification, describe here: NA
List projected enrollment by member county:
• This form is for program activities delivered primarily through a group or class-type structure.
▪ When developing eligibility criteria think about what behavior or characteristic in addition to
addressing PCRs or jail utilization that the program is intended to address.
• Use of individual sessions should be described when asked for.
• New COS codes have been established to identify the specialized nature of some programs
and their populations.
Cognitive, Substance Abuse Treatment, Sex Offender Treatment, Employment, Life Skills, and
Domestic Violence programs are all programs that would use this form.
GOO is an option for "other" group-type programming not specifically identified here (discuss
with your coordinator first).
• In the future cognitive programs may have separate CCIS codes based on a beginning,
intermediate or intensive program design.
• It will be recommended that CCABs receive a memorandum of understanding from local
school districts, substance abuse coordinating councils, community mental health agencies,
etc., clarifying what services are or are not available for your targeted populations under their
existing funding and why/why not PA511 funds are required for these services.
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
. ...I .: Describe the program: -------- ---
a. Based on what your program is intended to address within your targeted population,
what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Include requirements for
assessments and assessment results. `'-'' ' ' t
ch. • '::-..ifTrY -r 1 ,
ir!:.,:.-.":-.:.: . 4.. ! `' Z ?
into the pro(;: :, .._ :AP:QC assess i.,.• L '.,
• sc..,..,.-e IP.: C --. , '', ittve th..r.;: ore given pr[ority for participatrc,
s nc;'. fiile.::•.:', ..:Ifenders who score in the mid range in this areas will be
':'''C'c'i r: ext t .::-ert those who score low .
b. Assessment (not screening) is the foundation of evidence-based practices. Referrals to
treatment programs should be based upon assessed needs. Please describe your
assessment practices below: Click here to enter text.
I. Is a risk and/or need assessment (includes substance abuse or mental health
assessment) required prior to referral or admission to this program?
Prior to A.c...-:11.!•;;..ton,
ii. If an assessment is used, identify the tool: s ee use of Cariii,':',o:, : ...-.;:•.::,-3ment
ii. Who completes the assessment. Central Intake Screener (Gatekeeper) - , , •
iv. Does the substance abuse assessment result in a recommended level of
treatment per American Society of Addition Medicine (ASAM) criteria? NA
v. Is there a process to ensure that offenders receive the recommended level of
treatment per the assessment? NA
c. Are recommendations for the program made in the PSI or PV sentence
recommendation? NO Are required assessments completed prior to the
recommendation? NA
d. How else are offenders identified and/or referred to the program? Offenders con be
st= ;..e.riced into the program by the courts, or ;:;re screener in reviewing the jail
..:ic• :, :on for e ii gibie CeSZ 11 Aria t es will f. t4 c.:: r-€;:,, Li OS t S -L-0 the co Li rt 5 .tor an C-1171 t:7 17 ci ea'
•.:-!;.!nce. Additionally offenders can make requests to participate in the program
other caseworkers working within Cie jai!,
e. Identify who is responsible for confirming eligibility and describe the process. The
Central latake screener (gt-Ttelceeper).
f. Describe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility.
.„ :cfri der is sentenced to the program by the courts or en iru.r.li:;1.;-je charge the
2r if notified, and a letter is sent to the Court informing the ./,:.:::ge :c:-:t the
ofei .• ie. ineligible for the prowani for consideration of other progran•:.:- :
b.:- 7",'Iese offende.rs are e. - 1.:1 17- CO ril 01 unity correct,'on
Page 2 of 5
a Ho -
year? There are 3
Each of thes:,-y.ro.
several part.L:..ipc;:,
stated that 900-•
nded arourIc being- run (2
vii. How many sessions will be completed per group?
viii. What is the length of each group session? .!
ix. Identify what skills are taught in this program:
x. Identify if/how participants transition between various phases or treatment
locations (jail/residential/community) as applicable to your program:
are self contained
at the stort of new
in the gr sessions
the often
will be. 111
sessions can ais:: a
C011,4PA "7,
:1 a
service provider? A:: are r
CI .1 inforrr.. s!ored. The
noon s,
Page 3 of 5
h. Describe the program design (programs using this description form should be delivered
primarily through a group or class structure):
I. Name of curriculum (if applicable and please spell out abbreviations).
ii. Is the group open or closed? Open
iii. What is the minimum/maximum number of participants per group, as identified
in the curriculum? 15
iv. What is anticipated number of groups that will be conducted during the fiscal
v. Are individual sessions part of the program? YES
vi. If individual sessions are part of the program and billed separately, how many
individual sessions are anticipated per participant? indiv!thail
occur but not be
vii. On what basis would individual sessions be used?
Identify the training or crede als held by your service provider qualifying him/her to
provide this service: Ca_2-i .rs have corn. sininq in the Thir-b.•f...:
Acklitiarmiy have receivo ; )cal training in • •:
How are delivered services and offender progress and participation documented by the
5 .
I k. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral
source? Include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of
reports provided such as intake, monthiy, termination, etc.
I. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically I
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: NA -- - -- ------ -------
------- - -
A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there should be consistency
between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and :I
eligibility noted above and your response here. - - --
a, Will this program reduce prison commitments? YES
i. if YES, clearly describe how: ;,--:::-. z..i.--,-i,:ylaced into t' 7 are required
to have stra,:.,,:-.:•7e cell sentencing guidelines. T;-.L-•••••-, inmates that rot4:....:: oave
potential,:;_. :•:• if :::n .sioit-e-nceri to prison. The CO .:..; . to have then_ .1
_ the.ir sentenc.: ,n the Count!): fail and complete the class rather than .
The program is cognitive behavioral in nature c,'"...''.! is effective in r:
several of the criminag.enic factors that contri.!: :.- '..r to redicivism.
b. Will this program impact jail utilization: YLS
I, If YES, clearly describe how jail credit is awarded and documented for this
program: A prerequisite ' .. •-,;•.: in the Th.:IL:no
15.:oval fro 111! the Courts, ,.,.:::::roi:.ri 1 cio,; •
„ _ - • 1 ,., . • :2ir jail Seri ::e. , ' - f
"oil dcp7, .---..-.. - star and can be ciP,E.•;-
. Estimate how many jail bed days will be saved due to this program and
describe how your estimate was calculated: A 25% senten,.:-: :rN.... 5
granted to an in",•tc co.•-r;:.%`•_=.:....Th !:::. 5- ' curriculum. Th's 2 -
is calculated ire, . IN ;.,..., in M a t O. is senLL:
Cc. - - . ,',775,,, ee ri the • ' .
. ._ , , eirs, on c..v=:' • , •;• , • is .: ,
C r e C' is. £ni :-.f ,, , Z'-: ehro: 5, ,,. _ lc; ,..-- saving 1 7,1,..:'..7. direct : •
c. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? YES
I. If YES, describe how and how it will be measured: The prorc., r is cognitive .1
behat,qoral in nature, CB T has been sh::-:,:vn to be effective .',-,, a;;•::.'_ire.,:.sing several
of the criminogenic factors that coi.:,:iot,:te to redicivism, 17•EsE.,.f..... shows that
addressing criminogenic needs can re-Nice recidivism by up to .3(:,:.;6, Targeting
high risl; ,L-ii,:,•h r7Peci offenders to this pi .,:•);i:rarri will recluc: P the Jr: :7- :;h7n,d of
re,,offending ..-,±:.-ne.r with a new crime or for a technical violation. i:L•-zcia"ivisn--,
will be measured by # of inmates who successfully complete the program but
are returned to fail .-..siLhin a 11 month period. This measurement is possible
t.', - •:0 cri.-.1: ,, .
5. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the
status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum: .
a. OCA recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's 1
:primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of yourobjective(s). • - . • li
Page 4 of 5
e ch - .as inPCP,s, ADP and/or !OS 1' your orccram ohjec
Part l, This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s).
c, Track jail bed days saved if applicable to your program design.
d. Track successful and unsuccessful terminations from the program.
e. Track the successful /unsuccessful discharge from probation for program
Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as newly
acquired or improved shills, tests passed, pre/post test results, etc., as you deem appropriate.
Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Page 5 of 5
Approved CCIS Cod ,
:d Enrci'ment:
Conte:- one:
Projected Enrollment: Coordinator:
Projected Length of Stay:
Does this program also use DL)JR funding? Chccr,e an ilerr. If YES, how many OWL 3rds are projected? CILck,
Program Location. select all that apply): 1- Jail: 0 S Residential: 0 Community:7i
Prograrl ':'.atus (new, modification, continuation): o n
If a describe here: Cr.±
List projected enrollment by member county: ent
▪ Supervision programs include Day Reporting, Electronic Monitoring, Intensive Supervision and
Pretrial Supervision.
It may be proposed that Day Reporting be eliminated as a program type since service typically
delivered under DR could be funded under Case Management or Intensive Supervision.
PA511 funds can not be used to provide Electronic Monitoring Services for MDOC
probationers unless it is for pretrial supervision of a probationer with a new charge (call your
grant coordinator for exceptions).
• When developing eligibility criteria, think about what behavior or characteristic in addition to
addressing PCRs or jail utilization that the program is intended to address.
Supervision programs are not intended to simply provide access to substance abuse testing
absent other supervision activities.
• Costs associated with Substance Abuse Testing may be incurred as "supply" costs in this
program's budget if testing is part of the program design.
• OCA recommends that an objective pretrial assessment be used before defendants are
referred for pretrial supervision.
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is
. designed to address: '
1 1.7.-,!. r,.,riNcP the current unsentenced jail population torough the use c.f l...ie Pretrial Services
F en:.c.::ntiol su .pervision Options.
Based on you nobjective(s);.what is Our target population? —
. :get :::::. ,,.--,.-1 ..[:)r Electronic Monitoring is defendants on pretrial release that require more
'-17-:t i ye/ i o ai r – .. F!r .ision based on the 0/ca/and County Praxis. Defendants who hove a risk
more on TI7ricl 2 (non-,,fiotent „."- .s o - severity misoreme.mlors) or have Cl CiSk ,COre
Service ProvicieL-:
CCS. Service Type:
Page 1 of 5
, ------- -----,- 3, Describe the program:
4 a. Is an assessment or screen required to d ,--termine eligibility?
, h. If an asse...;::.-nent is used then pi OVP. th - name of the assessment tool: • ..
„ . ::/ ofsul. ,
i, 6 rt.. '
- ekt : ENT who h ' ...: .:
c. Based on what your program is intended to address within your targeted population,
what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Be sure to include assessment
scores if applicable, in arc'::;':) be ,..:1 E'' -
•• ' an ' _ _ _ br: , '
0 ( , .., ni, ,s ut , . .st!.:: i.,,,--, .t.,co,
, :: t.,:l':311,:: _. , ,- i"fr. t f ., , , :,.. ;'..,7;:.S , ""
d. Are recommendations for the program made in the PSI or PV sentence
recommendation? NO
e. How else are offenders identified and/or referred to the program? i 'e
referred to the . .,, "am - ;f, '': .flec::.; :,.,t. ' ' • - the Pretrit r ''
nod til'l•iro:- l, o .• he fu,'
. Identify who is responsible for -iniii rning eligilillitv and describe the process?
cases:: , :::mdled botyveroo 5 ,
court r,:; 'sr has been recieu .:Cf . '
, r orf.:.:ST, They review the court 1.t . .- . ..„..sctr. t.,i.:,:, ;!onti. ,
., :ficiy restr'c ns, SC . The co:e • , -tr35., e, i c:::::
rise 7: am so , - - . .o it [5 the jail to dolly reviewing t
, -
g. Describe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility. .. ,
h. How is COS data gathered/entered? ,,„. .-. :..s ,,,.- e entered Cs ;r:: c:'-- C''''Stor
55.`77E5 in a sir-, 'i±=c,' - -----
.:::y, crt, code, 0; 1 r :, re ws; i
.,,ncyateoi it is .. .,..., a-ery :,:,,:i jat,ii..„: ,
:: number :.)..5 comptete.:.:, , C .. within a s,leciflPor ti: ;•:cid,
.::'red COS l:; : tl m is captui c.:.: os o co' :cd delineated file and SC::..
.P;;: • Oin te%
i. Are offenders supervised through (select all that apply):
Office Visits: Li EMS:IY..,1 TX Reporting: Li TX System (e.g. OffenderLink):LX:_,' Field Contacts: •
Other (describe): Cid< here so enter text.
i j. If using electronic monitoring or other technology (including phone systems) answer and
clearly explain the following (use NA if not applicable to your program). NOTE: The ,
MDOC charges $6.50 per day for radio frequency or Sobrietor units with monitoring, or
$7,75 per day for both.
i. What kind of equipment/system: An REP ,
Page 2 of 5
ii. Vendor for i I
iii. Cost assessed by the vendor per unit/offender/day (cieuly describe):
- -.-.
. s.
j:•••:r ;.
iv. • Who does the equipment installation/retrieval? i
6- r.::-C1.:-:.-riC "Tioni..-74-ii.::,. h.po.....:':!:f,i is the; :?..:-.:,onsil:4,:,
v. Who .5.2.S up schedules and/or monitors compliance? r
.tri:..ir: ':'...,':?cril C.N,,:.:::.!C• ' ,••,, ":!.:::.1'S
' , .: ,- -e ''; !..? fl ("I
_ ': n i ti": ,:' ti .-: _S..., ....!In to
Eri.c.:::e l±: vendors or j... ', ' -
k. What is the frequency of reporting/contact with the offender? The ,
is once pc., : . rns,
ct .., r;, the case , „,istn these -,ts than
once per week.
How is frequency of reporting/contact determined? Al' - . it'tht's on any electronic
mc.:rt '• :':1•:~: device are eo ,:. kih! cc -" ',lye' a plc '. -,.., high level
1 -v.'ssi.,t7. T.b,-:.• ' 3 •-",--e:.dVdby .:„...4 r j'udges(c.,..:- , c ..).,:fr
, cs :.i.ai levels of s...: . , icr "I..; tttnsi.,:e .' supervisor; is once
m. What happens during a typical "report" and how long is it estimated to take?
V a 3 minute automated .;:., " ...:: is d e.:: f _ •)' .'',.. :. • :::.-1:7:., • •,,,r,,
-:-'s conditions of bond c, ..
defendants ore c(intocted pr Y: - ','.; by their case 1 -t- tc.--1 review
spa :if ' requirements, — ...,!tildhs or alarms.
n. Does the program design include collateral contacts with family, employer, school,
treatment provider, etc.? YES, if Pmpinyment. Pchrerftithl, and/or theatmcht is
ordered as a Condition of release, the program does i::::,:de COUGterci co:.;toets with
these agencies. Additionally, if victims are involved, vio:dms are contacted,
a. Does the program assist offenders with securing identification and/or refer to additional
social or supportive services? YES the program is designed to assist the defendant
(and family members if necessary) with referrals to comm unity agencies for supportive
services (it.--,.. Victim services, alcohol/Writ f. SL,':.:.....T.'-:' 5,-Y1.1iCr..'., mental health services).
p. Does the program monitor for new criminal activity? YES Pretrial investigators in the
field contact the supervision unit if someone who is already on pretrial supervison is
rearrested! This enrollment ir-,,..'..7t,-,..tion it. L r • ' ': an C5 tar and is readily available to all
Page 3 of 5
ci. This p:-3g,---ar;T ,.:• drug/alcohol testing.
r. Expiain involvement in 'p above including the frequency/cost of testing if provided:
lfdrug testing is a condition of bond, the casernanagers will make referrals to a testing
• program and monitor the defendant's compliance. Compliance is then reported to the
court trhough progress reports.
1 1 5. How are delivered services and offerer progress and participation documented by the
service provider?
-.' ::7 r..1 C-:- 10'
service. This is checi: .7i- ,
t. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral
source? Include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of
reports provided such as intake, monthly, termination, etc. - .,. ti, .
-en , is c o - :
u. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: 77.e
t :,' /stem a: s ,1:„ :, , ' ,.`, court7-7,i ' ': ''• • cvits -
-- • -'„
, . A program must meet at least one Oi icie ibiluwing objectives and there should be consistency
between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of youi application, your targeting and
eligibility noted above and your response here.
a. Will this program reduce prison commitments? NO
1. If YES, clearly describe how: CI:ck here to enter text:.
b. Will this program impact jail utilization: YES
i. if YES, clearly describe how jail credit is awarded and documented for this
program: :-....-,,,..,?ciarits placed or; FM c se diverted from jail and therefore do
no: receive c777-0ct jail cre,--.!:t. in c:7.i• 1. indirect jail days save, the form Ufa
ia,s been Hey for day cre:-
ii. Estimate how many jail bed days will be saved due to this program and
describe how your estimate was calculated: 30,100 indirect jail days; ALOS
SPX 3 ...: :. :-.:,.r.:rect :.-!:
c. is this program intended to impact recidivism? YES
I. if YES, describe how and how it will be measured: tvicin. ,
Page 4 of 5
- ------- --- r7-- PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyeai- and Year end you arc: veciuired to rent c.:;.1 the
status of the following Kcy Pcri-o:-mance Inc,licators, at a minimum:
I- - a. OCA recommends that 75% of PASiliunded program enrollees are from this program's .
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s).
c. Track jail bed days saved if applicable to your program design.
d. Track successful and unsuccessful terminations from the program.
e. Track the successful /unsuccessful discharge from probation for program
. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as securing of
identification, completion of other monitored programs and conditions, etc., as you deem
appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Click here to enter text
Page 5 of 3
s with ci ,••• ::'s
ady servin q a se; ;
1--,r-HP ,--
Service Provider:
COS service Type: -
Projected number of assessments enrolih ,
Does this program also use bDiR funding?
Prograrn Location (select all that apply):
Program StaC- s new, modification, continuation)
if a mod . , describe here:
List projectE ,:enrollment by member county:
I or OCA (,;52
AMproved CCIS Code
ApprOVe1,4 Projected Enrollment:
Budget Recommendation:
how many OWL 3rds are pr '? Cid< bp rC tr, enter
.:!Fidential: J Community: LJ
I, • •re.oHmtext,
ASSESSMENT SERVICES - Provides for thorough assessment of offender needs:
• COMPAS or other objective, commercial risk/need assessment
• Assessment for substance abuse, mental health, or pretrial services eligibility
Assessments provided by different service providers will require separate program
description forms
• In the future OCA may be recommending use of the modified Virginia Pretrial Risk
Assessment (author Dr. Marie VanNostrand) as a condition of pretrial funding
• Funding under assessment. also includes the task of using results to develop treatment plans
and/or recommendations for available services
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
1. Copy theobjective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis. (Part l) hat this program is
designed to address:
the current unsentencE:( tr.ro! Li retrial E
stipc.,:rvision options.
2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population?
ipi -cuftc.fly misciernetfittor end felony (..1 .? ..`.2r-rts- who o-e wrested end arc, re' ,77 '" • t LIT t
the C..7*1:7;: County Jail on at one or f :.:ourt lock ups.
3. Describe the program:
a. Describe eligibility criteria, including exclusionary criteria, for an assessment:
i'ktder MCR 6,505 all Ci fCA.r.AC f:sre entitled to P. errefo re no c*::,•t-C.,
excluded- e :..:,ssessme.n .t process. Pre
Page 1 of 4
b. What programs (PA511 and/or locally funded) require this assessment to determine
eliibiiity? /-1 .'lliP 6: . .
C. WhEr as:;F:5;17,Eil irSi.rUITIFTIt. is proposed? -
d. Is the assessment completed during the pre::.entence investigation period (prior to
sentencing)? YES
e. How are offenders identified and/or referred for an assessment? ' - e
. 11.)-efendu.--..: t th ,
_ are ....i es. — occ:1
i'f-ti s ..:,i e 1.:, _ ii- =-- i iockups,
, be ) -I or tly f:::, :
. Is this service contracted to a vendor or does local community corrections staff
complete the assessment(s)? .ity Corrections
Describe the training, certification process, or credentials of the person(s) doing the
assessment(s) which qualify him/her to do them — include dates of training/certification
and who conducted the training: C - - i..-i/h..-, are
7 - i CES.`.' "L t '
i 1 of :--':.- ' fr,:r , ..cH - •ke'fr i bar
- Federal Cri nifr: . ' ''' tEIP,f
4 1 is
com pleted t; ::' in ing
. .c. 'vei One Proccitioner OO the ''riai,
. of Pretrial Servii ..
h. What is the cost of the instrument itself, per use? The develop,
was a one-time cost and hos no per use fee.
I. How much time is anticipated to complete one assessment (not including subsequent
development of a recommendation or plan)? Assessments on each indi
,. * vary based an irtatlirle factors.The a.sses.,stnerft with the defendant
ly .15-20 minutes or cony verification and ci'fruinal re cord checks
to ', the assessment process may take uo to an additional 30-9C
Wand' time may be required to enter all information into the dc.7tabase,
tenath of the criminal histc,,ry„ etc.
j. Is the assessment completed through an interview with the offender or would the
offender fill out a questionnaire for later scoring? Each pretrial risk assessment
includes a face to lace interview with the defendant.
k. Is subsequent verification of information required prior to making a recommendation or
Page 2 of 4
Is the reLor
m. How much
.:-IdaLon written?
e is it estimated to take to put
Explain your response.
foniTtion into a recommend ption?
n. Does a substance abuse assessment result in a recommended level of care per ASAM
o. How is the information 0ained from the assessment used in sentencing
pretrie; :...ssessment c, cc
on SI.
on, treatrne:.;
p. How is completion of assessment documen
ore crecgc:-/ n:
Corvecii:.:J.? 5 Web-baS.
q. How is information about the number of completed assessments ente
Manager and tracked for CCLS purposes?
C'Stor database
r; irs t;i7 (It P-rv- h
ed by the service provider?
IA° Case
the datab
or within a specified time
delineated file and sent to fy
Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program:
vithc to post bond and re=in at the joli Of
p17.,. trial
.:rified address, ern
. A amended report wit;
r5ort renicons: 10 custody they
4. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the
Page 3 of 4
rze iut
a. OCA recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are horn this program's
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
Track the changes in PCRs„ ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s).
c. Track the percentage of assessments that result in placement in programming based on
assessed risk and/or need.
Develop additional performance indicators based on your program as you deem appropriate.
Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
.ere to enter
Page 4 of 4
0( •
CT!".:, Service Type: •
Projected Enrollment:
Projected Length of Stay: —; ecqfts
Dees this program also use DDJR funding? NO If YES, how many DIX. 3rds are projected? Cch here to nter
P; f_e,ftram Location (select all that apply): Jail: EA Residential: E Community: E
Program :atus (new, modification, conLinu,,eri:::,:- Cc
If a moc::.!'ication, describe here:
List projected enrollment by member county: wt.
co Supervision programs include Day Reporting, Electronic Monitoring, Intensive Supervision and
Pretrial Supervision.
It may be proposed that Day Reporting be eliminated as a program type since service typically
delivered under DR could be funded under Case Management or Intensive Supervision.
PAS11 funds can not be used to provide Electronic Monitoring Services for MDOC
probationers unless it is for pretrial supervision of a probationer with a new charge (call your
grant coordinator for exceptions).
When developing eligibility criteria, think about what behavior or characteristic in addition to
addressing PCRs or jail utilization that the program is intended to address.
Supervision programs are not intended to simply provide access to substance abuse testing
absent other supervision activities.
Costs associated with Substance Abuse Testing may be incurred as "supply" costs in this
program's budget if testing is part of the program design.
OCA recommends that an objective pretrial assessment be used before defendants are
referred.for pretrial supervision.
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis Part I) that this program is
designed to address:
Apprg-/Cd CCIS Code
Approved Project-al Enrollment:
SudgE:t RecommendriLion:
Con dc (005:
thc cc-rent unsehtenced fait population t; . .
• 21145IC hotiohs.
Based. on your objective(s), what is your target population?
:,'efendonL: thot have a r1511 score o c-
.1: felons and high severity nil.,
e use of the Pres' r'h
Er c
2 or more
Page 1 of
3. Describe the program:
a. Is an assessment or screen required to determine eligibility?
b. If an assessment is used then provide the name of the assessment tool: Praxis is a
Pretrial risk assessment tool built for Oakland County by Luminosity. It is based on the
Virginia model risk assessment
c. Based on what your program is intended to address within your targeted population,
what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Be sure to include assessment
scores if applicable. ,e;nr,r I-I r 4 or
- i-s) 2
. ;Id .7" (.,,:
, 0.
d. Are recommendations for the program made in the PSI or PV sentence
recommendation? NO
e. How else are offenders identified and/or referred to the program? P.s : ' 4 0%717 a are
program via ,' T ). ..' P.,: rri7:.;::: • ' `. ' -' 'diSerlices
- • - :: Lit i t and ult: cc r.
. Identify who is responsible ['or co; i rii [ninF., chw ility and describe the process?
•-. 'frrned ti, ii - :.i2i3 tc :..,.' iciiiPt ' ' sion
. ,, a.-ess,e, :, d, when
z ,• .e Flat bee:: sc -1
.:. Praxis due to a .,, , irr eilt, housed in -.:: clinic,
,- -a funneled to one coca ar fitidn ti a - drillsion unit who scares ali the
the level of st,In.' ,:do has been determine, the case is assigned to the
2,:? case
g. Dcaaribe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility.
'1e•iciarpt is ordered to supervision ,',,o; does M2:: S rreet the above eiaLkPity
dndant is sim::ily -.fed on a nrron..:.ering , . ' ' coseload. This 5.
: court I-: - - 2 c• Us _:. - .-!-17ing e.: :
h. How is CCIS data gathered/entered? i • II supervision cases a:e.- e:i;:c:c::,' into our C*.Star
: E, it operates in a sio.1 .1 - i.J.shion as COMPAS case manac:cr, in that ouch
ei:rolin ,ent requires a prc,:i::-;--.;.h ce ' . Our codas mimic the COS codes, Therefore when
a so.. .-- Talon enrollment is tssod it is s..., AI as an F23. We con query the
d.: ,(E, at any time for ti: : i, , . Of Ti.:: completed for that day or within a
specified time period. Ail requio ,: C.;l3 information is captured as a comma delineated
the and sent to NorthPointe,
i. Are offenders supervised through (select all that apply):
Office Visits: 0 EMS: III TX Reporting: Z TX System (e.g. OffenderLink): 0 Field Contacts:
Other (describe): Click here to enter text.
j. If using electronic monitoring or other technology (including phone systems) answer and
clearly explain the following (use NA if not applicable to your program). NOTE: The
MDOC charges $6.50 per day for radio frequency or Sobrietor units with monitoring, or,
$7.75 per day for both.
Page 2 of 5
tee cribe):
icf of equipmer
Vendor for equipment/service:
iii. Cost assessed by t!---2 vendor per un't/off-
L •
iv. Vatic) does the equipment installation/retrieval? 1V1,
v. Who sets up schedules and/or monitors compliance?
k. What is the frequency of ropo
m. 0 17 th for
1g/contact with tIne
envision, twice l.•.,-,-
How is frequency of reporting/contact determined?
m. What ha us during a typical "report" and how long is it estimated to take?
n. Does the program design include collateral contacts with family, employer, school,
treatment provider, etc.?
o. Does the program assist offenders witn SCCU
social or supportive services? YES.
identification and/or refer to additional
p. Does the program monitor for new crimina l
the fie;;. contact the supervisior
is e..:raltraerit InC
q. This program monitors druglalcohol._testing.
Explain nvolvement in 'p' above including the frequency/cost of testing if provided:
Page 3 of 5
s. How are delivered -,ifend-.r progress and participation (locum& • 2 „ 71 1
Se. • "iCe rovider? i
t. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral
source? Include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of
reports provided such as intake, monthly, termination, etc.
-, '-
...-.; , ii.:;.ble to L '
u. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: 7.1-,-f
!so mca,.: , ::4.,r tr:-:fe:: , , •t,
clE ' i -
single in.::.: railun-: ..::•;,...::,-;-.
A program must meet at leasi. one of the following objectives and there should be consistency
between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and
eligibility noted above' and your response here.
a. Will this program reduce prison commitments?
i. If YES, clearly describe how: Click here to enter text.
. Will this program impact jail utilization: YES
I. If YES, clearly describe how jail credit is awarded and documented for this
program: On ' red en .7:.7.7.-, 'Lila!? are diverted from H.'.'
therefore do ncii , , .::.ci: jail crec.'.. in calculating indirect j1;: .5 .;ys saved
the formula ha:: 1.)t7c ... for day co::::i.c,
ii. Estimate how many jail bed days will be saved due to this program and
describe how your estimate was calculated: 1.- ,..,:7:.; indirect Jciii days; ALOS
(85) X projected enrollments (2333)
c. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? YES
I. If YES, describe how and how it will be measured: Pretrial Supervision
monitors defend:;' -,,- r.f,--Pi3/ 1-,--, ensure they adhere to the bond z.::,
,r;',7,-aear for co ri! ; --I.: races until they are sentenced. The concitic ,,-zs ,
,. d lot ,: 6'te risi: of reoffendeina while ,7fidressing crimii;c.Lgeinc
reels which also lea -Cs to a reduction in recidivism. Defendants that are not
doing well under supervision may be direct edf:.:,r :.f.:icfitional services or ill,,;•; ..--,
recommended for a bond heciring. The hearing cool,:;' result in de:qetItion prior
to the defedant c,ommiting a new criminal act. Pretrial supervis: will
measure recidivism as re- function o • rearrest during the pretrial s1,4per.r: li
oeriod. --- — .. ..' 5.. : PERFORMANCE MEASUUMENT:-.•At Midyear and Year end you are required. to report on the
Page 4 of 5
he :: ..J,.,..in , rfu:tc. i:(..d Indicators, at a ...Ir.: 'JUNI
a. OCA recommervis that 75% of P1\511 funded program enrollees are from tlnis prc.igrarn's
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). •
c. Track all bed days saved if applicable to your program design.
. Track successful and unsuccessful terminations from the program.
e. Tiacl: tr:e successful ./urisu.,„e..sfuldischarge fron -; -,,iobation for program -
6. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as securing of
• identification, completion of other monitored programs and conditions, etc., as you deem
appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Cik. - • 2t-Ater text
Page 5 of 5
CCIS Type: a
Projected Length of Stay:
Does program also use DDJR funding? NO If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected? Click here to
4pprc ci cr_7:.. Code;
tr-;.ovider: Approved Projected Enrollment:
Budget Recommendation:
- Coordinator:
Program Location select all that apply): Jail: [-I Residential: Lii Community: Fl
Program Status (new, modification, continuation): ,
If a modification, describe here:
List pr::,;ecteci enrollment by member county:
• This form is for program activities delivered primarily through a group or class-type structure.
When developing eligibility criteria think about what behavior or characteristic in addition to
addressing PCRs or jail utilization that the program is intended to address.
• Use of individual sessions should be described when asked for.
• New CCIS codes have been established to identify the specialized nature of some programs
and their populations.
• Cognitive, Substance Abuse Treatment, Sex Offender Treatment, Employment, Life Skills, and
Domestic Violence programs are all programs that would use this form.
• GOO is an option for "other" group-type programming not specifically identified here (discuss
with your coordinator first).
• In the future cognitive programs may have separate CCIS codes based on a beginning,
intermediate or intensive program design.
It will be recommended that CCABs receive a memorandum of understanding from local
school districts, substance abuse coordinating councils, community mental health agencies,
etc., clarifying what services are or are not available for your targeted populations under their
existing funding and why/why not PA511 funds are required for these services.
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part l) that this program i s
designed to address:
;17::e !'") main tain, or reduce, the 17.8% PCP. for the N/A (Probation violator) category. Reduce
Group 2 felons and PV techs recieving jail s entences
2. Eiased on your objective(s), what is your target population?
- CI loots of t.ro .",:tt'rlivardprogrc,,,T, who risk c.,1
Page 1 of 5
r LI • ivinLLc) Hi r 1 I t
3 .i.:...::i::-
H at your program is intended to address within your targeted population,
what your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Include ri.:quirements for
asii:.: pits and assessment results. ii:
...•tii,JE or rieil-irli•:..
. '.-11.[C` scores- to - ci,iii r
, CaTtiSOCICil peer.S., .. - ..
. Substance Abuse, An ..
N. Assessment (not screening) is the foundation of evidence-based practices. Referrals to
treatment programs should be based upon assessed needs. Please describe your
assessment practices below: Our assessment practice ilicli...if .:..:_iia. use of an acturail
risk / needs assessment tool, COMP/6,S. All referrals are assess:ad using this instrument.
From the assessment a cupervkion and treatnlent plan is built around the offenders
identified risks and criminogenic needs.
i. Is a risk and/or need assessment (includes substance abuse or mental health
assessment) required prior to referral or admission to this program?
Prior !.::J .5.....salon
ii. If an assessment is used, identify the tool: '.
iii. Who completes the assessment? Step Fon- .P::.. :i.„ :.. 4' - oil
iv. Does the substance abuse assessment result in a recommended level of
treatment per American Society of Addition Medicine (ASAM) criteria? '
v. Is there a process to ensure that offenders receive the recommended level of
treatment per the assessment? Click here to enter text.
c. Are recommendations for the program made in the PSI or PV sentence
recommendation? NO Are required assessments completed prior to the
recommendation? NA
d. How else are offenders identified and/or referred to the program?
...e referred to the in :. unit Def:'iv.`,-,:.1t1: cii..1. 1 .,:'1::::-1..rj eit:. -,
ifLi:ciems ar.? .-- ' •:' e Pi,-.::.
.:,c,,--,-y chliaai:;,,,iis. MC ' C.. E.
• .;.3.1 (;..:..,1.-...:.,!:.
e. Identify who is responsible for confirming eligibility and describe the process.
intake sitzu..) is responsible fo ,- .'7',:-:.:.i, - frig eLH.L.it ,., :-:::;017 their (Tim-L.-, ....; ..;t a -,
and COI:k.i...):::: scc.'es from the lot: ,:e and asse.ssn: !rt. ....'uestions on ei,:..:?' ..
referred to irt: e Supervisor for resolution.
f. Describe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility.
No ctitspit Is not eligible for .0;:h Fory..,:::.-..1 i:::::.- co!J ,1: and/or Agent is notified
• : ::=.1y miter th!:. 1,....t...;-1.,-- :'o.ci ' ' •.' r:: phonE, cadlor in .:
- ,'''.'le , ,.. ..:::r :. i.,:l;.? '.'-: Nifty rESOurce.--; tif-.-:-: r ':-.!...:',''?
-;i::?::. an a less' fa f f.::r7::7 ,..:.
g. How is CCIS data gathered/entered? !ii.iiiiisi been ciev .-:...
Step Fo ,...,,, -..: I'Ltay pre t.• ..':-!:) rd: ' ,.:.. it o.::,.:-
Page 2 of 5
h. Describe the program design (programs using this description form should be delivered
primarily through a group or class structure):
i. Name of curriculum (if applicable and please spell out abbreviations).
.. - ,
ii. Is the group open or closer. (,_.
iii. What is the minimum/maximum number of participants per group, as identified
in the curriculum? 13 •
iv. What is anticipated number of groups that will be conducted during the fiscal
year? 2.2' or:...i,r.:.- will F . - ' . , "7 .71 at each locution per year. for a
total of 4,6 nr:-.,ups
v. How many sessions will be completed per group? 102 sessions per year (22
sessions per group).
vi. What is the length of each group session? — is 2 hours in length
vii. Identify what skills are taught in this program: lel focuses on
assisting off:i..-.'ers in d,..fv,,:;:- ' :, t.T,:.:• ' „.qp them to
re o rcsr n ''.7•:" •:.,•!.1' !-:- Iota. --q7 promote criminal
end :-:-3:.MC:E.' 2.
viii. Identify if/how participants transition between various phases or treatment
locations (jail/residential/community) as applicable to your program: This
!r=nisonly e:Y -.i,','.7,.°!: in the community.
ix. Are individual sessions part of the program? NO
x. If individual sessions are part of the program and billed separately, how many
individual sessions are anticipated per participant? N/A
xi. On what basis would individual sessions be used? N/A
i. Identify the training or credentials held by your service provider qualifying him/her to
provide this service: Wc.,,o0word CLT„ --.:;:-.)r over 20 years.
The: c with a variety of cour,:.7 c.. 7, Pontiac Prole,
.1., Circuit Court, and Office of 5:.,..:.;:t.di; , , – They have
--, — C37 L• :..n -' and '::...1 Cril - - r.'; : '. c:F
'• : ' ::-:'
is :-• 2, iDC-iticad me 3: .'"/ ..ir.rit'-itd I. .
L.':,': rtgp n i.,.1;:; il:J ;i1c..;.:;• f2rv:4.-es„ and To ..,i. 1:.i.ja,,,...,,::.s.
j. How are delivered services and offender progress and participation documented by the
service provider? Progress reports are submitted after every group to the Step
Forward case manaciers on client's participation.
k. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral
source? include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of
reports provided such as intake, monthly, termination, etc. The Step Fprword case .... .., rt
Lack to the probation department and/or the court monthly ;.-.,-i .;'.17e
',,ri:1-::ipution or lack ofprocfress. A teicphorTe or email contact is - '''
Page 3 of 5
I, RE .. .•!! yo ,: r ..;-k-•••.--..-- - 'Iurrir Iri7e. 't er : -,Fts ol • le program not P• :ccally
identified above that you feel are critical to unde.rstanTh iis program:' re trc.;
A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there should be consistency
between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and
eligibility noted above and your response here.
a. Will this program reduce prison commitments -!?
-- ---- -------
I. lf l'ES, ck.-...7:rly d ,:..ril7.:e Kow:
b. Will this program impact jail utilizEtion: Y'--0:::).
H If YES, dearly (1 ,2-scribe how 7:11 credit is awarded and documented for this
program: , rwcr,-.` -.,--,-,, itt--; rft ft :t., t.', t.-,t' p fl: I
:-:-72 ...';.:C . This ;..: ..:
ii. Estimate how many jail bed days will be saved due to this program and
describe how your es:.imate ‘qas calculated: 1 .:,:::,. is
c. is this program intended to impact recidivism? YES
— ----
H if YES, describe how and how it will be measured: .:;-7 is CZ
Cf.:,.:.;71:ii•:•.--- I r • . • ,(7.rOril, The.,--;..:.' r,
re: ,
f,-)r a technic .;
successfully cr-.
period: This i,-, - him.: ; -
. .. ...5.
.... ...
PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year enC you are required to report on the
, status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum:
a. OCA recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I, This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s).
c. Track jail bed days saved if applicable to your program design.
d. Track successful and unsuccessful terminations from the program.
e. Track the successful /unsuccessful discharge from probation for program
• completions/failures.
----- 6. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as newly
acquired or improved skills, tests passed 5 pre/post test results, etc., as you deem appropriate.
Page 4 of 5
rn r 7i-7 'It coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Page 5 of 5
CCIS Co,' h
pro;PCtE::.t •"-
Use 1 Approt d Pro,/ alirererri:
budttet Rt.:coo-1m end-at-ion:
List projections by rnernbc.- county: .
Drunk Driving Jail Reduction/Community Treatment Pro_gram: 5-Day housing is only available to those
. CCABs that still have DDJR funding available to them. Eliglity is:
• Convicted of OUIL 3 rd
• Intermediate sanction cell, or, Straddle cell with a PRV of less than 35
▪ You may bill for 5 days of jail housing post conviction at a rate of $43.50 per day
5 days of housing is valued at $217,50 per offender
ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits
additional text when a drop-down option with further instructions is selected. Some text
entries permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
Describe the program: ------------ ,.. a. What is your DDJR/CTP maximum available for programming? 41T
b. How many OUIL 3rd offenders do you project to bill for this fiscal year? 308
c. Calculate your H20-01 budget:
Projected OUIL 3 rd 308 X $217.50 = 67,208
d. How are OUIL 3 rd offenders identified for reimbursement? OUT.!... i'li - 't-rs ore
identified through the rrimihht — titarehoubte whi .t, . -, ...5,'. --- ri with jail
e. Who determines/confirms eligibility? The County ht. ..t to this
tc:.4c. He is responsible f.,‘- i- .':.totting the report and ci. .... :
•::"eltS- Meet the criterim t h-Lrt he has completed the in ,,.. ' b
Cohtm• - Corrections. Ea::': r is enrolled in C"Star : , r ' as a '
check at' . ..- eligibility.
f. How is CCIS data gathered/entered? Ali OLIIL ill ruscs - :•:-.tered into - ....
' ..t.':. :.:o.se. it operates ih thion as case :• tp that eta:
., ; 11.; !.:int-7 tt: program c.c.tc..!e. -Tmic tft..,--- r''''c' :Wore . , ii ....-broilment is 1 5705. 5: .
„.••:::- c,..• fh,ty.t. •
: Ail required C67.8 information i , cab .: red us a cor itt,•70 o.nea I. sr.':e
to .',1-.:-rthPCifflit-e..
-1 g. Are eligible OUIL 3 rd offenders actually assessed for treatment or other programming
during the 5-day period? YES,[oat of the time. ..4s.u.a,..;;:.....ants are
p,retri:-..-' -.cried, sometimes ac ir before a .7tniViCti0.-, 4S5e55I:•:':.
, rsubst-crt-: 7 :2 . :15:00511 PACE. See as-.-...:-
h. What assessment instrument is used? ;..t.,•CE u,34.- ::',.,f.'-r.•rttr caller! Ce-IFF-IvET which Jr
Page 1 of 2
d. ADP and LOS in jail for OUIL 3 offenders and changes if impacted by DDJR funded
e. Subsequent CPS/RS/DDJR funded program participation by these offenders.
MEASURUVI At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the
-wing, at a minimum:
a. Number of offenders documented as eligible and billed under DDJR 5-day housing.
b. Number of eligible OUIL 3`d offenders actually assessed for treatment or case
management within the 5-day housing period.
PCR for OUIL 3 rd offenders
Page 2 of 2
cci,3 '.;-e.,,rvice.
is non-vioient felon y and
may or mciy not exhibit substci
reed Of in enstve rase mg
• :70.6•.:-!E. r'''!"0bat1017 violates
r::Te ;-•
j oprov..!CO .
Approved Projected Enrol/am-2n t:
Budget Recomin3ndat;on:
Conditions: Projected nurn'un of assess ,-..L,-cs (enrollment): 1,1Lki Coordinotor:
Does this prog;.ani also use DC.iF; fundin g? YES If YES, how ri•Jm y OUlL 3rds are projecte2 ,
Prog ram Location (select all that appl y): Jail: EJ n I Community: [Li
Pro g ram Status (new, modification, continuation):
If a modification, describe here: .••:• .2•O:2to e.,
List projected eriro:men:: b y member county: CLeik
ASSESSMENT SERVICES - Provides for thorough assessment of offender needs:
• COMPAS or other objective, commercial risk/need assessment
• Assessment for substance abuse, mental health, or pretrial services eligibility
• Assessments provided by different service providers will require separate program
description forms
In the future OCA may be recommending use of the modified Virginia Pretrial Risk
Assessment (author Dr. Marie VanNostrand) as a condition of pretrial funding
• Funding under assessment also includes the task of using results to develop treatment plans
and/or recommendations for available services
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is •
- designed to address:
the PCi at no more than the statewic.±- average. To continue to orerse the
cell Group 2 nal under IVIDOC who receive o; prism, c:
2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population?
om offenders who ore at hfahfor
cbuse and/or co-occurring
so f-Iiictes and speck-111mi
cyledrters who were not sticr.7.5
Describe the program:
a. Describe eligibility criteria, includin g exclusionary criteria, for an assessment:
Particir... its must not be c. an fe offense, nor can the y have
con, one of these L.; within t 5 yPars, The intake process is to
Pa ge 1 of 3
. V at programs 1PA511 ,:ild/or locally ii.:iiCe ,dV C tin .sessr„ei: ;etermine
el .r. -
c. What ESS:SSIIiir.:fli- atrurr.e rr is proposed?
d. Is the assessment completed during the presentence investigation period (prior to
e. How are offenders identified a -)d/or referred for an assessment?
T r
f. Is this service contracted to a vendor or does local community corrections staff
complete the assessment(s)? Community Corrections staff are responsible for
... ...:7ets
g. Describe the training, certification process, or credentials of the person(s) doing the
assessment(s) which qualify him/her to do them — include dates of training/certification
and who conducted the training: All staff have (.; a. . of a bacheL e in
ychology, soci.- linc:
Ic :erview. d (. ... :.O'N :,
Th:? and NEEDS.
h. What is the cost of the instrument itself, per use? There is no cost by the department
for the COMPAS. The NEEDS costs $6.00 per assessment
i. How much time is anticipated to complete one assessment (not including subsequent
development of a recommendation or plan)? The COMPAS and 1,-7EDS each take
., 4,nutes per :-
scedacdfor9C r notes.
j. Is the assessment completed through an interview with the offender or would the
offender fill out a questionnaire for later scoring? The COMPAS is mailed to the client
to complete prior to o interview. The riieOt brin gs the completed
paperwork to tne schedule.: nIche and the intake staff enters their answers. Once the
LOMPA..5 has been cornput:.:d, the intake staff will conduct an interview with the
fender to verify information and focus in on any criminodenic needs that have been
fioggemm as high so that more detailed information can be gathered.
The NEEDS is administered at intake If it is dete rmined that a DSIv7-Vdioaniosis or
454M level is needed as part of their ,e t.
k. is subsequent verification of information required prior to making a recommendation or
determining eligibility? NO
I. Is the recommendation written? YES
m. How much time is it estimated to take to put all information into a recommendation?
45 minutes Explain your response. Once the COMPAS has been antarcf.;., he
imake chff anct offender no through the -n- ify the rf ns we r.1,7 pra
Page 2 of 3
n. Does a suis— c- buse asses sr ie.:....o a recommerided i I of care per ASArvl
critera :
o. How is the information gained from the as:.e.s -nent used in sentencing
recommendations? AP itu
tith t-.
p. completion of assessment documented by the service provider?
q. How is information about the number of completed assessments entered into Case
Manager and tracked for CCIS purposes? .
- i:
c.f .
r. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program: Ciick here
to enter text.
4. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end youare required to report on the
Status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum:
a. OCA recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). .
c. Track the percentage of assessments that result in placement in programming based, on
assessed risk and/or need.
5. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program as you deem appropriate.
Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Flick here to enter text.
Page 3 of 3
Service Provide •.
CCIS Service Type:
Projected number of asses:,..ments (enrollment): 190
For OCA Use 0 nr-iTy;F:
Approved CC1S Code
Approved Projected Eitroign en t:
Budget Recommendation:
Does this program also use DDJR funding? HO If YES, how many OWL 3rds are projected? Click here 1-.,o enter
Program Location (select all that apply): Jail: L Residential:
Community: X_
Program Status (new, modification, continuation):
If a modification, describe here: Oint here tr.-) enter le• .
List projected enrollment by member county: Click here to enter text.
ASSESSMENT SERVICES - Provides for thorough assessment of offender needs:
• COMPAS or other objective, commercial risk/need assessment
o Assessment for substance abuse, mental health, or pretrial services eligibility
• Assessments provided by different service providers will require separate program
description forms
In the future OCA may be recommending use of the modified Virginia Pretrial Risk
Assessment (author Dr. Marie VanNostrand) as a condition of pretrial funding
Funding under assessment also includes the task of using results to develop treatment plans
and/or recommendations for available services
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is
designed to address:
rit 7,•:.7in,. or reduce, thh PC.Rfor rh e N/A (Probation violator) cat.?::0 ry To
the number of ofh:,. . Tn in straddle cell Group 2 not under MDOC1. r,:ceive
2. Based on your objective(s), what is your target population?
of Step Forward, who exhibit signs. .`tri Hi issues.
3. Describe the program:
a. Describe eligibility criteria, including exclusionary criteria, for an assessment:
Participants must be a Step Forward client so they must meet PA. 511 E.' ,
:41 as score a 5 or on the Valence Recidivism or General Recidivi.-..m. This
to focus on the higher risk c 'enGrers.
b. What programs (PA511 and/or locally funded) require this assessment to determine
ehgibility ACCaSS so SertliCOS provided by the Oakianar County Community Mental
Page 1 of 3
'M.- '
... . • .
d. Is the assessment completed during the presentence investigation period (prior to
sentencing)? NO
e. HO.1 are offenders identified and/or referred for an assessment? . ..
c.: ..
Is this service contracted T.c, a vendor or goes loe.ai community cornections staff
complete the assessn.:er e
C017 tr CZ ct titro,..,:.!;, . , ,i -lis tl. , , ::(.;;I::.. '
g. Describe the training, certification process, or credentials of the person(s) doing the
assessment(s) which qualify him/her to do them — include dates of training/certification
and who conducted the training:
:, ---'.: Socia.. '
h. What is the cost of the instrument itself, per use? :
How much time is anticipated to complete one assessment (not includinc, subsequent
development of a recommendation or plan)? ,. • f;.;Lrients are 5‘0.;,., ,(..:,4"fgr 1,,5
j. Is the assessment completed through an interview with the offender or would the
offender fill out a questionnaire for later scoring? The assessment is completed
....ci face to face b .:-.-...,,-,-,•tt with t ,.: s
k. Is subsequent verification of information required prior to making a recommendation or
determining eligibility? _ .i well as if
the cheat is on existing cam:, .. , .. ,:rvices t. f' '''
I. Is the recommendation written? iTT
m. How much time is it estimated to take to put all information into a recommendation?
45..,-,..:, .:'•!:.:1,s Explain your response. When :.,‘ 4 ;1,:i , • Is - Urtri eligible for Cia.:;',
:;ocurnentation and criteria hc ::.• :, ; : .::.,:::...,,,,'1,. ii:,.- _ justify the referral :'.-
Pviders to begin care. There i: ...: :::-;_•.: c,-. :;:.,,:: :j: r ..-: .,, :-...h-- entery and
..,-work that must be compietec a;;•: : ,..-f. .s.l.h1.:.T I-- r .,;a: : /stem.
n. Does a substance abuse assessment result in a recommended level of care per ASAM
criteria? Not Applicable
o. How is the information gained from the assessment used in sentencing
recommendations? This information is usually not con•:..:;-,tod prior Z':0 1.::'
recali-,.ner dation. However, all results are shared with ...',.!? -p Forv..ea ., a
as well as the referring agent so that amen •-':-,--r,..'-; to the .n.r.• '00 or
order of probation con me made if necessary,
p. How is completion of assessment documented by the service provider?
. ,.,-,r,. E.Tit5 ore set throug!, lIe Si -- ,::::?;... id clerical, Therefore therf, ' f : of
nt:s in C'Stcp', 's ::.;sm ent are forwar., -cp
Page 2 of 3
ci, -;!..rna--ion aix ,
•rd tracked leo (CI .c P'
n -
r. Review your aiiswers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifical y
identified above that you feel are critical to understandi .-;g this program:
. „....,--' , , : .:;:.7n t. 1 ...._:L. ;;L fk::: Le :.:: •:./-fir iii L -2,
.:: .orocess ..:;.-,
4. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the
status of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum:
a. OCA recommends that 75% of PA511 funded program enrollees are from this program's
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s).
c. Track the percentage of assessments that result in placement in programming based on
assessed risk and/or need.
Develop additional performance indicators based on your program as you deem appropriate.
Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Click hero to enter text.
Page 3 of 3
- Fnr CIA Lice
Projected number of assessn-Lnts ent;:
Approved CCLS Code
Approved Prqfpcted Enrollment:
Ramjet Recommendation;
Does this program also use DDJR funding? YES If YES, how many °Lift 3rds are projected? 1.
Program Location select all that apply): Jail: J Residential: Community: F.1
Program Status new, modification, continuation):
If a modification, describe here: EYE
List projected enrollment by member coun :
ASSESSMENT SERVICES - Provides for thorough assessment of offender needs: -
* COMPAS or other objective, commercial risk/need assessment
• Assessment for substance abuse, mental health, or pretrial services eligibility
• Assessments provided by different service providers will require separate program
description forms
In the future OCA may be recommending use of the modified Virginia Pretrial Risk
Assessment (author Dr. Marie VanNostrand) as 3 condition of pretrial funding
• Funding under assessment also includes the task of using results to develop treatment plans
and/or recommendations for available services
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
•1. Copy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part I) that this program is
designed to address:
OR OUR_ PCR to no more than 20%
2. Based on your objective (s), what is your target population?
;yrs who ;Jaye been adjudicated for OUll: 81 and have an SGL score in the intermediate or
PRV of greater than 35.
3. Describe the program: .
a. Describe eligibility criteria, including exclusionary criteria, for an assessment:
Offenders :-:...i;o have been Liarjur:,a ted for Citilt lll cod have an SQL score in the
i n ter me ;:.: or straddle cell,....:;.i...dL. v:rith a PRI/ GI •:;.::.cite.r than 35.
b. What programs (PA511 and/or locally funded) require this assessment to determine
eligibility? placement into a PRC that is reside) ,:ensea' requires an
.....17-ite lit
c. , What assessment instrument is proposed? C LI':rEDS and the Ct::•' :
Cl tisychc-socirii l:: '. 411a5501'j:::.: . ,,111 alSO 05 ,•
Page 1 of 3
. Is the assessment completed during the presentence investigation period (prior to
sentencing)? YES
e. How are offenders identified and/or referred for an assessment? _
i.cct!v I 1,`!./f...
' be immediately ...,. ..-, date
._ .
f. Is this service contracted to a vendor or does local community corrections staff
complete the assessment(s)? _d L - - -t C. -i....
Corrections staff person.
g. Describe the training, certification process, or credentials of the person(s) doing the
assessment(s) which qualify him/her to do them — include dates of training/certification
. and who conducted the training: , and
1 'S 7 7.'-?f_, has
„. , i
.., , :..rd Asses.:-,,-,-:,-., 7c"
i:, _ ccc
h. What is the cost of the instrument itself, per use? .1cac cost for the 1.1
there is a $6.00 fee per NEEDS instrument used.
i. How much time is anticipated to complete one assessment (not including subsequent
development of a recommendation or plan)? All assessments are _cc:he:jut:.
j. Is the assessment completed through an interview with the offender or would the
offender fill out a questionnaire for later scoring? The NEEDS v.,.,7" ic ah'nthe
.7' :-..,rit while in the courtroom , ,.. -clerk. This quest;::.,-:::.u,'...e will
...-:c]...2d and forwarded to Community Corrections so that may be scored and
.. efendont's assessment. The ss,2--.,.:.:en: is completed with a face to
face ictcrview with the offender.
k. Is subsequent verification of information required prior to making a recommendation or
determining eligibility? NO
I. Is the recommendation written? YES
m. How much time is it estimated to take to put all information into a recommendation?
- Explain your response. Once Tic: interview E4 0, 3:::::5r:17; en t I.; :.--:.: CeSS iS
:Mail-ling inforrnaticm co , - , - ... minutes.
Page 2 of 3
ecl itY-i.o Case q. How is inforrndtion about the number
Manager and trac•d for CCIS purposes?
ment resdt in a recommi(:_iiinc
Ci HOW iS t5_
ssmerrt I.
;-.eview your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program:
4. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required to report on the
tus of the following Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum:
a. OCA recommends that 75% of PA511fun.ded program enrollees are from this program's
primary target population. This discourages net-widening and focuses on populations in
support of your objective(s).
b. Track the changes in PCRs, ADP and/or LOS based upon your program objectives per
Part I. This will reflect status toward achievement of your objective(s). •
c. Track the percentage of assessments that result in placement in programming based on
assessed risk and/or need. -
5. Develop additional performance indicators based on your program as you deem appropriate.
Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
k here to enter text.
Page 3 of 3
COpy the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part that this program is
designed to address:
Based on your objectve(s), what is your target population ?
Page 1 of 5
; me:
Serv;ce Provider:
COS Service Type:
Projected Enrollment:
Projected Length of Stay:
Does this program also use DDIR funding? YES If YES, how many OUIL 3rds are projected?
Program Location (select all that apply): Jail:
Program Status (new, modification, continuation):
Residential: Community: 0
If a modification, describe here: Chrjk here to ettpr •
List projected enrollment by member county: C!ici< here to enter text.
• Only Community Based Case Management uses this form. Jail Population Monitor and
Gatekeeper use a different form (Case Management is more of a SERVICE while JPM and
Gatekeeper are more of a FUNCTION).
• Proposed definition of Case Management:
o Problem-solving activity for specific populations to address barriers to successful
completion of probation characterized by advocacy, communication, and resource
management; promotes reduction of barriers to success and improved outcomes.
• Since this sounds suspiciously like "probation" or possibly "intensive supervision", proposed
use of this program should be for very specific populations (targets) and very closely tied to
your objective(s).
You will be asked to clearly explain why additional case management beyond what is provided
by probation supervision is necessary to help achieve your objectives.
e Case Management is not used to simply do data entry for offender enrollment and
If you have questions about what form to use or if your program really is "case management"
please contact the OCA program section manager or your grant coordinator.
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs,
is an assessr-H ': r.n.t screer-: •11„ aetermr t
fit i7.
b. Is assessment (not screening) part of the case planning process? YES Once the case
managers receive the COMPAS results and bio/psych/social narrative from the intake
staff, this assessment is used to create the treatment plan for the offender. We are
currently using the treatment planning section of the COMPAS which assists in a
seamless transition from intake to case planning to meet the offender's needs.
c. Based on what your program is intended to address within your targeted population,
what are your eligibility (including exclusionary) criteria? Be sure to include assessment
scores if applicable. Ciii,:::.,7 r..,•, - •• — - -.._ `'- -- --' , .•1 ust
a 3 or greater on C,J :•"?':.;.i:m --,..-: P: . - '•.d.-1.'v• -,,n/P
7 or r: - rreas hi which the 5': crc is a.. ,,.:4%::1 0r '. '''P'',F..tib,:2.5..'.e' care
•r; Need Scales on th:,:. COPv;,..,-...
d. Are recommendations for this program made in the PSI or PV sentence
recommendation? itT
e. How else are offenders identified and/or referred to this program?
,,, rsferred to the intake unit.' De.=::::.---.-- ....,re refefTec: e!! .7( ;
.-.,i tTf ,,re refer,- :.: by the i)r,::::i...;...'..-.113e.p,ortn.,.,-, ti,,?h-
prols,:•:•iibrpc,-; '). .:,-.1o;•.;.:., H.. ri":1 is may cc,....:le directly frori: He '.'e,. c:
ccv.:i7,.:c; cif; kwell.
f. Identify who is responsible for confirming eligibility and describe the process?
intake :-:::,...ic reziL:.:.): f -:. for cc;.... : e.iriHiny ckaseci upon their C:'.:
ant CC. : ,• O1: 1, sce .--• rn the intal..a cod assessment. Questions on e1igiU.7i..., -
referred .:(:, the Su„:...2r-_.•;,..or for resolution. g. Describe your process for addressing referrals not meeting program target/eligibility.
a .7.11.. is ri:::1:-. r Step Forward ii:: .!f ''t c .1c"...'. - Agent is r7:-)
:',itake has Le :::1 .., Via •... ..:• aini„,"or 11.2 c
Her is prr--::-,:5 i:: f :.:ocmunik.. resourcc.:. tic..: ag be able
• _ ._ r.:2.-...-..,...: :•,1 c fess in;::i: ,;is,
h. How is CCIS data gathered/entered? C ,i:e.c., the client has been ,;:.: -:-
•-.1, they are entered into 0 ,C"Stat database. It c-,.. -
fos-fli .. COMPAS case manager, in : :: 0::;Lh •..:..- :-/,';1:ent ref; it-,:, a in :
Cu- !;:•MiC the PCIS codes, Ttier: : ;:-..TIAturcir ens -
is saved as an 12-1 under toe Pa f „, :22. Can que.ry .:=.? at
to: :he r ..: rib..• - -•,' ' - :mpfered for that :ivy ,,ir,e
Page 2 of 5
i. Does Case :,litinagernent include goal/task setting If yes, e',. plain how
goals/tasks are established and monitored: , ,
j. If referrals are made to other programs, they are 5.. sc
What is the frequency of reporting/contact with the offender? 1-t::.= rose mc ,-,
'• :- o.;e Jrne per monti, vie,„, ,: e
-::: ' , r'
i. How is freqw.hr&,' Li' reporting/contact dieteitiiiiHt_l ? icy is bases.t` -on the
{ c's ir,": l • ,I .., smog and their ,-;. • Jei; iniLg.iily, meetinc). •:'-ii-
,..,. 2 more f re i• , ,, a more cf , rit
.-f,-:L;rease : :vill reduce their re - ' - • •
_ tofi,. ,aice or increase it if v. ...,.
m. What happens during a typical session with an offender and how long is it estimated to
take? a typical se.f.: , a . :. month' .?,r the treatment i., ' ', is reviewed
rents a t2 r Th - I ,-,?rs are asskir,-
r. rotate groups, st.r. . , :-.'m. :a'
.,, - se tia;.;,.- L _, ii: Viii Li I SCrVi:::::7
nsHj; (housing, env. .. "7ent ,.;:l. ..,' (..:.-•:.. ., ,..,-.:-: also target ; _ :,...ds of
c..r and work wit." •::: pens on a I- "-; i, a the Cares. --H•'-- • ,
. . ' ': o2enic areas.
n. Does the program design include collateral contacts with family, employer, school,
treatment provider, etc.? " - , alanaaer's work with the offenders on iss, ;
rP ;:'' 1, their family r_ .. 7t, referrals to educational i .,tit vf
ar. :rs in the c.). -.;i:
Tr.: cta-:.::' i--, •,-; tai a s - . aaiity COrili: i f.0 :,:a th 7: v c:•:n
ef, .::. ._ a:-e. ii:foiL,::, i;:co; ,.;,... ': progress or eras:; of concern , Lae
offend::: : ar:E.7 Merit pkir;,
o, .-) Does the program assist offenders with securing identification and/or refer to additional
social or supportive services such as health care or clothing assistance? YES case
mano::::.rs connect the offender to any services in the community that they need to be
succe.,Val. The referrals range from obtai -:i;;:., :::'irth records; social security cards,
State ID or their Driver's License, Additionally, the case managers utilize community
agencies that have clothing assistance, food pantry's, or to a free clinic for medical
p. Does the program monitor for new criminal activity? YES Pretrial inve:..tiat.--_,Irs :'1 -:±:..?
fiel:: :vill contact the Step Forward program if s'7 :';,'..t,;;tze who is enrolled he ,5'cep
' ' , . .„ ES KEA on SE IS rEttiC.Nly
Page 3 of 5
r. Explain involvement : n i:e includin.,,=:, u ,.:iiiii,:m- //cost of testing if provil...d
part of this program: ,
s. How are delivered services, eider progi s and partHp H.ion documented by the
service provider?
t. How is offender progress/participation reported to the probation officer or referral
soutce? Include frequency of reporting positive and negative progress and types of
reports provided such as intake, monthly, termination„ etc. .7..7
C::-,L. 170 tifiec ' ,, , - ,
u, Why can probation officers not provide this level of service?
, ,Drk
' ,,:, :;147,-.
These .e ail r
7 i .
v. Review your answers above, Summarize other aspects of the program not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this program:
s; ,, _ ,
0 lid , .. ' - - '
clients -:: ;1:,:.. ..d olio ,
from t., :.? .._ CC ril all a:
eleasec" ; z
4. A program must meet at least one of the following objectives and there si 1 1.1d be consistency
between the objectives and strategies identified in Part I of your application, your targeting and
_ '-rihility noted above and your response here.
a. Will this program reduce prison commitments?
i. If YES, clearly describe how: Hipii rl: i7ders are often referred to the
St;; ::orward progrr,!n us a condition c-.) ::-:ion, or as a result o.,:r :::: -t-,?chnical
--ion, HO On p ,:,'7 e.: , referred to ,5,-,1,-,:! 1 .d reduces their c!'!:-: ':!di activity
by i:u-,getind crit I: ic needs, This :it-n:1y reduces tr:
addition violation; or new criminal beha ,. i,er that could result in ;-:: p , loan
b. Wili this program impact jail utilization: YES
Page 4 of 5
Estimate how many jail bed days will be saved due to this program and
describe how your estimate was calculated: 130,889; number of projected
successful completion x the ALOS for successful completions 803 x 103
Is this program intended to impact recidivism?
i. if YES, describe how and how it will be measured:
PEP.FORMANCE MEASUREMENT: At Midyear and Year end you are required
us, of the 'following 'Key Performance Indicators, at a minimum:
.,OCA recommeLn ds tH6i h91
.primary target
.support üf your ob
•Track .the•changes in P.C.r.s., D
i. TOLs rehect steLus t
D3L .11 LipL)F.1 PLtm ix
il Le : dxys ei if xxx 1: ' n E ro.nc am
.,_,L.,_.L.2.siJI a:.n,..] ,A ,,r,',(--ci,-L,,,,u1 I E-, ,I;iP, 3thill.:, T oni
rick the s essfji jLin,iicr.n.,,,iiil u .1 '_., ( 1 fl
completions allure ,.
for f2pHr-1
Develop additional performance indicators based on your program design such as completion of
other monitored programs and conditions, improved family or community stability, improved
assessment scores, etc., as you deem appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for
assistance if necessary.
here to enter text.
Page 5 of 5
CCi•:; er
Total Projects Enrollment (for Gatekeeper,: 1.100
Does this program also use DDJR fundins? 1:!' YES, how many OLJIL
3rd s are projected? CHcle. h2re in entch-
Projected Early Jail Releases (for JPM): CM, •
Program Status (new, modification, continuation
If a modification, describe here:
i..ist_projected enrollment/release by member county: Click here tip enter text.
Gatekeeper and Jail Population Monitoring are necessary processes or FUNCTIONS rather
than programs as we typically think of them.
• Gate.keeping includes initial screening for program eligibility (not assessment) such as
determining if the offender meets established target and preliminary eligibility criteria (SGLs,
crime group, PV status, number of priors, etc.) and the subsequent referral and enrollment in
programming as appropriate.
Gatekeepers will complete CCIS data entry for program enrollment and may need to maintain
waiting lists if programs are over utilized.
In CCABs where there are no outside contracts (all services are delivered by managers or CCAB
staff) a Gatekeeper program description may not be necessary. Determining eligibility and
enrollment into the program can be done at the individual program level. Contact the
program section manager or your grant coordinator with questions.
Projections should be based on the total number of PA511 program referrals that will need to
be screened for eligibility, referred, and enrolled in Case Manager.
• Subsequent data entry such as termination/discharge from programming and calculating jail
bed savings is a function under administration.
Jail Population Monitoring is ONLY appropriate for jails with acute overcrowding where the
primary function is to expedite EARLY release of offenders to avoid overcrowding
• A JPM is NOT to simply facilitate the movement of offenders into already-ordered programs
(this could be Gatekeeping) but to expedite releases to immediately reduce the ADP of the jail.
1PM impact must be monitored so that local practices can be adjusted to AVOID the
incarceration of those who are consistently released
Projected enrollment should not be all offenders booked into the jail but the number that are
projected to be successfully moved out of the jail (not into jail-based programming).
OCA supports the following:
Page 1 of 5
per Act 139 o
Funding should be limited to a period of years to permit local authorities to make
policy changes to avoid jail crowding.
The form permits text, uses drop-down options, and permits additional text when a drop-down
option with further instructions is selected. Some text entries where longer responses are
anticipated permit carriage returns [press Enter] to create separate paragraphs.
. for GATEKEEP".-7. if Aii. POPULA r: fq MONiTO: 112. ,
a. This service functions as a GatekiH.per tor ..3.7.1 cc is on-P,(::.5.c..;. i
b. - Are eligibility criteria for all PA511 funded programs established in Case Vii.iil. ,.?t- (or 1 through some local system if not using Case Manager)? Explain: ', • ,.f.Wlity
is not built into C*Star. i.:ov,'...',,,:,:- Community Corrections has a Bench Guk:.:', , 1..
Lill p r:. f.-.:, , cm i 5 and program eligibility are listed. In addition our website has the same
c. List riflecral sources and how referrals are made for screening and enrollment: The
..- accepts se t- :.a,'s from inmat '7'f, l'/7-':- :UL,,: if- 'kites" reciu --.:
; ycreenino. Prat."s sic description:i :.- r ......pssurums are civ&i.:7J,':,/,. ..,
the ic - -,'' 'ide. The L., .5 ,150 i...,::',..iews and proccrs 5. Thm,.. _
:EntenC,: t. _
.•': otters c!:;,:E., r.i,i the Court.
d. How are offenders identified for program screening/enrollment? The '
accepts self referrc:/s from inmates W ! m onJif "kites" reque:Ing an eligibibti
,..rreenina, . 'a n. r;es,: .. ._.f v,.... ri:.. ' So 'ornates via the . . , .
' lo P. riS 0 :" -i !:::-.7 CQi'vc'PA.[ i .,•••.p. deteru.,: . _ .c , - t/
en:;Jo. :;-le.- -,,;tit,:k.:,..cri:r ciso i:,::Vi.eY.• prOCeSSeS ihriwtes thc,: are sentenced to
TI-,.1i.kirt,ti Matters dk.r etly by the Court.
n'' What proportion of program enrollment is via direct referrals rather than Gatekeeper
initiated placements? Appro-;.:,-.:ly 29%.
f. Describe the steps taken to determine offender eligibility for a program: The
gatekeeper reviews an inmate's current charges,. A criminal history utilizing LEAN is
thor performed to review for past assaultive convictions, A review is then done of the
behavior domino the current confinement or past incarcerations lo the
County Jail, 4 COMPAS assessment Is then administered to the inmatr, to
,;:s.t.s.:;:?ii.;e inmate's needs,
g. Do all offenders ultimately enrolled in PA511 programming have judicial orders
mandating participation? YES Explain: As a 25% reduction in the inmate's jail
sentence is awarded upon successful completion of the Thinking Matters Program,
judicial approval is needed to reduce the amount of days of the centence.
. Estimate how long it takes to determine initial eligibility and complete Case
Manager/CCIS data entry for a new offender: Generally 2-4 hours For an established
Page 2 of 5
f -,•_ ininF or ,,, ' m referi- ocur..ents?
j. W i ,ijams does thi, ri.,.itC:eeper screen/refer for?
. r
k De..-,; lioi., .nor.1 be referrer:
I. Describe the process of referring an eligible offender to PA511 pro IS(what do you
do) and how long it takes: , etermines thc. f-
_ , . ion to ; . ./...:, the
the request. S
m. How is the referral source notified of offender enrollment or ineligibility?
n. Unat proportion of your requested CPS budget is in this line item? :.•:,..„ ;:-.
6.5% of the- tott-41 P & ;
o. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of this service not specifically
identified above that you feel are critical to understanding this function:
L -
I J -
.5 On , _
_ ITG,':
2. For Jail
Population Monitor complete :
Does the County where this service is requested have ... ,ii-n,ten jail population
management plan per Public Act 139 of 2007? Chocy:,.: ..n item.
b. Identify the objective(s) from your felony and/or jail analysis (Part ) that this program is
designed to address: Click here to renter text.
c. Based on your obje.ctive(s), what is your target population? Click here to enter t_ext.. -
6. What is the rated design capacity of the jail (s) prior to any bed closures? Click here ro
enter text,
e. What is the current operational capacity of the jail (s) after bed closures?
enter text.
List the average daily population as a % of the rated design capacity of each jail where
this service is requested: Click here to enter text.
. What data/information is used for targeting inmates for release? C c roer
Page 3 of 5
you are called upon to reLommend eleases:
Describe the process for identifying and recommending inmates for release and how
long that process takes: Clic'K here to enter ;:ext.
Is the judge/probation officer notified of offender release? Choose an item.
Describe how inmate releases, recommended releases, and inmate movement is
documented: C• •;,,.!:.
I. Do you track released inmates by characteristics such as crime class, offense type, legal
status, guideline range, etc.? Choose i • .
m. How do you report inmate movement to your CC/AB and OCA? Click here t - er .
n. Is information on inmate releases used for future planning such as bypassing jail with
immediate program placement for specific offenses/offenders? Choose an rie,H
o. What proportion of your requested CPS budget is in this program line? Click here to
enter text.
p. Review your answers above. Summarize other aspects of the service not specifically i
identified above that you feel are critical to .understanding this function: Click here to 1
'"GE' BOTH SERVICE AREAS s Gatelteeping and ,Pl,./, ,=,.2 not :,r2cessqi ' , -2;!cific
contributions toward toe below objectives mqy not l:::c c).'ovious. Answer 7.s q.Fir.,:opr:a1H? i-ieipg_
• careful to not doubIe r.:.‘,.!rit Nil bed r.;ayl; sccd In.I;':'21 c;Ciatek:?.e.pii --',ND I.-. t-c: prct,,c -,z,ms
offenders may be reieased /refer-red up.
a. Will this program reduce prison comr..i ..•
i. If YES, clearly describe how:
program. It is through efforts :.....Jho ,.7tekeeper who fin:: e inmates and
has their sentence amended thai oats a majority of the 6.:, -Y,'ers into Thinking
Matters. Inmates with Straddle Cell sentencing guidieir E.: are a prioirity
population for this program. These are inmates that could have potentially
been sentenced to prison. The Court opted to have them serve their sentence
in the County Jail.
b. Will this program impact jail utilization: YES
i, if YES, clearly describe how jail credit is awarded and documented for this
program: Inmates who successfully complete the Thinking Matters Program
are awarded a 25% sentence reduction. If the gatekeeper had not found these
inmates they would not be in the program and not receiving the credit
thereby staying longer in the jail.
ii. Estimate how many jail bed days will be saved due to this program and describe
how your estimate was calculated: Jail beds are not saved directly by the
Gate keeper function. Jail savings are calculated under the Thinking Matters
hi. If jail bed days saved can not be calculated, how is impact of this service
documented? By tracking the number of offenders who were not directly
sentenced into the program
c. Is this program intended to impact recidivism? No
I. If YES, describe how and how it will be measured: Click here to enter text.
Page 4 of 5
Page 5 of 5
bed days saved if applicable to your program
PcircentaEe raf program relerraistenrcilmm its or ing vjth the Gatekeeper °LI P
r,-itfe_r than another source such as probation or t
CCi:':" data •ifl be cornpletf..,ti ad F.ccurateiy entered for a!! Pi!,.511,
Develop acui -p..iial pertop, ince indicators based on yoL program design as you
appropriate. Contact your grant coordinator for assistance if necessary.
Cl S(2. c:)1'
pace using itind prOgra:c.
trO Ey:Lt.
In order
four Co n ,or to tj.c..;:cln out
• 1.
many On Inded residential beds do you have: 12
A A:, uee younrcLslL050 0005 carefu: to n
ay housing or CPS-type prograTrIng
;f you tise.ljata funds ..for,resideptiai
exceed your totail.43.1R sets
DDJ eligibility is:
Convicted of °LIU: 3
ojectcd ADP
Click her(' tc.
enter text.
enter to
Click heiti. to
enter text.
C ick here to
enter text.
Chck:•ir2re to
enter text.
Click here to
enter text.
_ e to
cri'.er text.
LUCK nc_-.ke to
enter text.
erl• er
Click here to
enter text.
Click here to
enter text.
rojectec ADP
(Pi op- Solutions
Sequo a
V:::::11.jC.I.; '
Click here to
.: t..tixt.
Clicic here.
Cro ecteg ADP , Click lore to
..r .,
elm r
be your Resideritja.Servic,-.?s refeirniproces:;•
Page 1 of 2
rals to residential pro
the program? Ex
Hment captured in Case Manager?
•,, • , • •.•
e local mane: .11 e
Descri..)e any use of CPS funds in your plan to support non-core services at residential programs. Clearly
describe at which RS vendor and type of non-core service: N/A
How is non-core service enrollment captured in Case Manager? N/A
Do you count bed days saved for participation in residential programs? STS
If YES, clearly describe how jail credit is awarded and documented for residential participation.
Page 2 of 2
FISCAL NOTE (MISC #13205) August 1, 2013
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above
referenced resolution and finds:
1. The State of Michigan offers funding to local communities under PA 511 and
the funding is targeted to divert non-violent offenders from prison into local jail or
sentencing alternatives.
2. Oakland County has been receiving Community Corrections funds since 1994.
3. The Oakland County Community Corrections Division has applied to the
Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) requesting funding in the amount of
$1,700,788 for plans and services for the grant period of October 1, 2013,
through September 30, 2014.
4. The FY2014 application is $1,469 less than FY2013 award.
5. Michigan Department of Corrections holds the contracts for all residential
services, meaning the State is responsible for the payment and billing of the
Probation Residential Centers in the amount of $2,015,895, which will be paid
directly to the residential centers. The County is responsible for requesting the
allocation and tracking the costs. The remaining amount of $1,700,788 is the
County's responsibility as detailed on Schedule A.
6. The grant will continue to fund the following Community Corrections Division
positions: ten (10) FTE Community Corrections Specialist Ils (positions 7425,
7426, 7429, 7432, 7433, 9243, 9247, 9291, 9648, 9649, one (1) FTE Office
Assistant II (position 9295), one-half (.50) FTE Community Corrections Support
Specialist (position 7834), one half (.50) FTE Supervisor-Community Corrections
(position 9396), one (1) PTNE Community Correction Specialist I (position 9397)
and one (1) PTNE Community Corrections Specialist II (position 9292).
7. The grant will continue to fund the following Sheriff's Department positions; three
(3) FTE Inmate Caseworkers (position 7418, 7419 and 7420), one (1) FTE
Inmate Substance Abuse Tech (position 7421), and one (1) PTNE Office
Assistant II, (position 7417).
8. No County match is required with this grant; however, it should be noted that the
FY2014 Budget of this grant includes two (2) FTE positions (1070403-7834 and
1070410-9396) partially General Fund/General Purpose funded in Community
9. The application in the amount of $1,700,788 is included in the FY2014 Special
Revenue Budget. Therefore, no budget amendment is recommended.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
Resolution #13205 August 1, 2013
Moved by Dwyer Supported by McGillivray the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended
Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray,
Middleton, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic,
Crawford. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended
Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and
accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on August 1,
2013, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at
Pontiac, Michigan this 1 st day of August, 2013.