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Resolutions - 2013.12.12 - 21131
MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #13312 December 12, 2013 BY: Public Services Committee, Bill Dwyer, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFFS OFFICE — 2013 COMPETITIVE GRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM — HOLLY DISPATCH CENTER — GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Sheriff's Office (OCSO) has entered into an agreement with the Village of Holly (Holly) to consolidate Holly's dispatch services into the OCSO's Dispatch Center, authorized by Miscellaneous Resolution # 13187; and WHEREAS the OCSO has applied for and been awarded funding for a Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) Project from the Michigan Department of Treasury, Office of Revenue and Tax Analysis (ORTA) to assist with consolidating Holly's dispatch services (Village of Holly Dispatch Consolidation Project); and WHEREAS the maximum award amount of $21,700 is for reimbursement of equipment and infrastructure expenses related to this project. Specifically, ORTA has agreed to reimburse OCSO fot equipment and infrastructure expenses related to radio connectivity, moving Holly's dispatch console and furniture to OCSO's dispatch center, installing Holly's call box and 911 system, and performing space renovations at the OCSO's dispatch center to build a sound partition; and WHEREAS the grant funding period is October 12, 2012 through September 30, 2016; and WHEREAS this grant award has been processed through the County Executive's Contract Review Process and the Board of Commissioners' Grant Acceptance Procedures. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the acceptance of ORTA's grant award in the amount of $21,700 for the Village of Holly Dispatch Consolidation, for the period of October 12, 2012 through September 30, 2016. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant award and to approve any grant extensions or changes, within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which are consistent with the original application as approved. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 72 (Rev. 1I-13) STATE OF MICI-ItGAN RICK SNYDER DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY R. KEVIN CLINTON GOVERNOR LANSING STATE TREASURER November 4, 2013 Michael J. Gingell Board of Commissioners Chairman Oakland County 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, MI 48341 Dear Mr, Gingen: Re: Grant No. 103024-13 Final Award - CGAP Grant FY 2013 (Round 2) The Michigan Department of Treasury (Treasury) - Office of Revenue and Tax Analysis (ORTA) received the required resolutions, minutes and/or agreements related to your grant application for Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) funding. We are pleased to inform you that the project your governmental unit submitted entitled Village of Holly Dispatch Consolidation for the amount of $21,700.00 has received final approval for the grant period of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2016. The final approved budgeted items are enclosed. The project has been assigned the grant number 103024-13, Please be sure to reference the grant number on all communications with the Department of Treasury. Reimbursements CGAP funds will be released on a reimbursement basis. Payment reimbursement requests must include a completed CGAP Reimbursement Request Form (form 4923) and copies of source documentation supporting the requested reimbursement amount, including but not limited to invoices and cancelled checks. The continuation of grant funding is subject to appropriation and availability of funds. If appropriations to enable the State to effect continued 'payment under this grant are reduced, the State shall have the right to terminate this grant. Notice of grant termination shall be given in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of termination, A copy of Form 4923 — CGAP Reimbursement Request is enclosed for your reference. An electronic fillable form is located on Treasury's website: http://vvwvv.michion.qovitreasurv/0,4679,7-121-1751 2197 58826 62422---,00.html. Reporting Requirements The reporting requirements for the CGAP include quarterly narrative and financial status reports. The reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of a quarter (i.e. due by 1/30; 4/30; 7/30; 10/30). In addition, the final narrative and financial status reports are due within thirty (30) days after the completion date of the project. Failure to submit any required reports may result in termination of the grant. 430 WEST ALLEGAN STREET • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48922 www.relchlgen.gev/Ireaury • (517) 318-3200 Oakland County November 4, 2013 Page 2 Copies of Form 4971 — CGAP Narrative Report (NR) and Form 4972 — CGAP Financial Status Report (FSR) are enclosed for your reference. Electronic fillable forms are located on Treasury's website: http://www.michigansiov/treasurv/0,4679.7-121-1751 2197 58826 62422---,00.html, We are requesting that the first filing for Form 4971 and Form 4972 cover the period of October 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013. All subsequent recoiling will be completed on a quarterly basis. Completion of these forms is a requirement of the grant conditions, even if there has been no activity during the reporting period. Treasury and the State Auditor General's Office (and/or any of their duly authorized representatives) may access any books, documents, papers, and/or records of the grantee which are related to this project for purposes of inspection, audit, examination, or review. This grant may be terminated if Treasury concludes that the grant is not in compliance with conditions and provisions of the grant or has falsified any Information. Grant Conditions Please review the conditions of the grant award that were previously sent with the Notification of Intent to Award letter. The conditions contain important information pertaining to the grant award (Le. requirements for reimbursements, reporting, etc.). The conditions are also available on Treasury's website in the FY 2013- Round 2 Application Packet: http://www,michigan,govitreasury/0,4679,7-121-1751 2197 58826 62422 62427---,00.html. Source of Funds The CGAP is supported by revenues from the state sales tax. There is no single audit requirement associated with this grant program. Congratulations on the grant award, We appreciate your interest in the CGAP and look forward to working with you on this project. We ask that you Inform all participating local units of this final award notice. if you have any questions, please let us know, We can be reached at (517) 373-2697. t';0( ( Evah Cole, Administrative Manager Office of Revenue & Tax Analysis Enclosures Mel Maier, Chief of Emergency Management Operations Oakland County November 4, 2013 Enclosure: Final Approved Budget Amounts Grant No, 103024.43 Village of Holly Dispatch Consolidation Below is the final approved budget for your grant project. Please note, all feasibility studies were funded at 25%. We have assigned budget categories to each of your original budget line Items, Please use these categories when submitting your reimbursement requests*. Budget Category Budget Description ' Application Budget Amount Final Award Budget Amount Comments Contracted Services Radio Connections (perform toning & alerting) $6,500.00 $6,500.00 Contracted Services Console Furniture (move furniture out of Holly) $2,500,00 $2,500.00 Contracted Services Dispatch Console (move Holly console to OCSO Dispatch) $5,000.00 $5,000,00 Contracted Services 911 System (move 911 system out of Holly) $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Infrastructure/Equipment Console Furniture (Improve console furniture with a sound partition) $5,000.00 $5,000,00 Infrastructure/Equipment Call Box (install Holly call box) $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Furniture (install furniture in former Hof! dIsiatch $6,000.00 $ .00 Denied Budget Total $26;700.00 $21,700.00 *Reimbursement requests must include copies of invoices and cancelled checks supporting the costs, Michigan Department of Treasury 4923 (Rev. 07-13) Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) Reimbursement Request SEE PAGE 2 FOR INSTRUCTIONS TO COMPLETE THE REQUEST ART , FROECTiNFORMAT!ON • 1, Grant Number K. 2. Project Titfe 3. Request Number 4. Period Vert Dale a. Period End Date a. Request lype E Partial riFInal 7. Primary Grantee FEIN 8. Primary Grantee Name - a, Telephone Number • 10, Payment Melling Address ' City State ZIP Code PART 2 . tENPIT IETAI. ..: , • • r,.LF.?.,:.#,';Ui;•P ',, .. '...'' A. Budget Category B. Total Expenditure Incurred for Period C. Percentage Funded D. Amount incurred this Period E. Amount Incurred to Date 11. Feasibility Study 25.0% $0 12. Contracted Services 0.0% $0 13, Administration 0,0% $0 14. Training 0.0% $0 . 15. Merger Expenses 0.0% $0 18. Infrastructure/Equipment 0.0%. $0 17, Other $0 0.0% 18. ADJUSTMENTS DUE To OTHER FUNDING - Reimbursements by other funding sources or the use of cash on hand I $0 1111.111 Column E 01 - 18, TOTAL AMOUNT INCURRED THIS PERIOD Sum (lite amounts shown In Column D 20. TOTAL CUMULATIVE AMOUNT INCURRED TO DATE - Sum or the amounts shown In 21, AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY REIMBURSED - Line 20 on the prevIous reimbursement req_uest form ( ) $0 22, AN!OUNT REQUESTED FOR REIMBURSEMENT-Subtract Line 21 from Line 20 . . . i:,:.:...,L;=.:.; . TIFICATION, ,,,,, .,, .,i, ;„:-..g.:.::::,., .....n ;,.i2-. ;W: %.7i ,.. t'..1,,,1::'AT.,1;*'71;-'19:V;144' 1.: .A ?1.7.:.,,TAW.:1 -,:f, .z;!M-2.Vtis;;0!... .-,,::•ien:,:ti ii:n I hereby certify that the information in this request is complete and accurate ado all expenditures for which reimbursement is requested are the eligible scope items as defined in the Final Grand Award 1.etter for the above project, and that all expenditures have been made during the prefect period as listed In the Final Grand Award Letter, and are Identlfted and Ned according to accounting proCeorures set forth by the Michigan Department of Treasury Printed Name of Primary Grantga Chief Financial Officer • -Mu Signaler° of Primary Grantee Chief Financial Officer • Date 4923, Page 2 Grant Amount: Less Previous Reimbuisement(s): REMAINING GRANT AMOUNT $ Total Expenditures this Request $ ( ) Less Ineligible Costs or Reductions ( ) $ TOTAL REIMBUIRSEMENTAMOUNT $ Index Budget Amount Previous Request(s) This Request Balance 5001 • 6002 5003 6004 5005 n • 5006 5007 Total ' Payments will not be processed without expenditure documentation (including but not limited to invoices and cancelled checks) and the required signature. Return this completed request along with all documentation to: Michigan Department of Treasury Office of Revenue and Tax Analysis PO 13ox 30722 Lanstng, Ml 48909 Instructions for Form 4923 Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) Reimbursement Request The numbers listed below coincide with the numbers on the reimbursement request form, Lines not listed are explained on the form. PART 1: PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Grant Number: Fill in the respective grant number that was assigned by the Michigan Department of Treasury. 2, Project Title: Short name that was used on the grant application to describe the project, S. Request Number: identify the number of this reimbursement request, 4. Period Start Date: Indicate the period start date of this reimbursement request. 5. Period End Date: Indicate the period end date of the reimbursement request. 8. Request Type: Check whether this is a partial or the Anal reimbursement request. 7. Primary Grantee FEIN: Federal Employer IdentificatIon Number that Is Issued by the Internal Revenue Service. 8. Primary Grantee Name: The primary Grantee that has the authority and the responsibility for the administration of the project In accordance with the project conditions. For example, 'Oily of Blank" is acceptable. 0. Telephone Number: Phone number, Including area code, of the Primary Grantee. 10, Payment Mailing Address: Street number and name, Including suite number if applicable, of the Primary Grantee. PART 2: EXPENDITURE DETAIL Lines 11-17 Enter eligible costs incurred to dale for each budget category. Entries In this section must be rounded to the nearest dollar. Column A: These are the approved budget categories from the Final Grant Award Letter, Cotumn B: Enter the total amount(s) Incurred for the period for each budget category. Column C: Enter the percentages of funding approved for each budget category from the Final G rant AWard Letter, Enter the percentages using a decimal (i.e. 10% would be entered as .10) Column Mumble amount(s) incurred end requested this period (Coiumn 8 times Column 0). Column El Show the cumulative amount(s) to date (from project Inception). NOTE: YOU MAY SUBMIT NO MORE THAN ONE REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT DURING A CALENDAR MONTH. MAIL DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT THE INCURRED COSTS INCLUDING COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL INVOICES, CANCELLED CHECKS, AND ANY OTHER REPORT(S) THAT WOULD SUPPORT THE REQUEST. lahlgen Department of Treasury 4971 {Rev. 11-12) Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) Narrative Report (NR) Completion Is a condition of the grant. SEE PAGE 2 FOR INSTRUCTIONS . ..i ;;;:;;;;:7,..;:s..1•;.::7: 4, '... l':t "‘" =I :'; -!: - '1 ' ', :I. , 7:::::.5 .i.:::".:7;f::)',' 3' fi.,- 1. Grant Number 2, Pmfeot Title 3. Primary Local Unit Name . 4. Telephone Number 1, MallingAddresa , City Stale ZIP Code 6. Period Start Date 7. Period End Date 9. Report Type Quarterly 0 Final 9. Percentage Completed I % to, allretated Completion Date .PART 2 PROJECT :. t . ,. , • , . k ;D. -.. . ,.- - .., z ,. i ,/,, 11. Provide a brief outline of the work accomplished during the reporting period (or grant period. If this Is the final report) relative to the proposed work plan and timeline. 12. Provide a brief outline of the work to be completed during the subsequent reporting period. . . 13. Provide a brief description of any problems or delays, real or anticipated, experienced. 14. For FINAL reports only, provide a description of the prqect accomplishments and any unanticipated benefitskiifficulties experienced while completing the project. 16. For PENAL reports only. Are you willing to complete a follow.up questionnaire with Treasury one year after the grant project Is finalized? 0 Yes 0 No 0A0iViiiiriff06-Afii-Wiw4i,,, -,,,F:4„..., :,,,.:p::::, , ,,,,,,i,- !hereby certify that aff ,staternents In this report, Including all supplemental information, are true, compfele and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Pitted Name of Primary Local Unit Representative Title Stgneture of Printery Local Unit Representative Date 4971. Page 2 Instructions for Form 4971 Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) Narrative Report The numbers listed below coincide with the numbers on the Narrative Report. Lines not listed are explained on the form. PART 1: PROJECT INFORMATION 1, Grant Number: Fill in the respective grant number that was assigned by the Michigan Department of Treasury. 2. Project Title: Short name that was used on the grant application to describe the project. 3. Primary Local Unit Name: the Primary Local Unit that has the authority and the responsibility for the administration of the project in accordance with the project conditions, For example, "City of Blank" is acceptable. 4. Telephone Number: Phone number, including area code, of the Primary Local Unit. 6. Mailing Address: Street number and name, including suite number if applicable, of the Primary Local Unit. 6. Period Start Date: Indicate the quarterly period start date of this report. For the FINAL report, indicate the start date of the grant (i.e. 10/01/2011). 7_ Period End Date: Indicate the quarterly period end date of this report. For the MAL report, indicate the end date of the grant (i.e. actual project completion date). 8. Report Type: Check whether this is a quarterly or the final report. 9. Percentage Completed: Indicate the estimated percentage (%) completed of the project work plan. 10. Estimated Completion Date: Indicate the estimated project completion date. For the FINAL report, indicate the actual project completion date. PART 2: PROJECT NARRATIVE Lines 11-14: if you are unable to fit your narrattve.descriptions in the boxes provided, please type in 'see attached' and attach a copy of the complete narrative. Return this completed report within thirty 30) days after the end of the quarter (1,e. due by January 30th; April 30th; July 30th; October 30th). FINAL reports are due within thirty (30) days after the completion of the project. Return this completed report via e-mail to TreasRevenueSharing@michigan.gov or by mall to: Michigan Oepartment of Treasury Office of Revenue and Tax Analysis PO Box 20722 Lansing, MI 48909 Michigan Department of Treasury 4972 (Rev. 11-12) Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) Financial Status Report (FSR) Gomp3eUon is a condition of the grant, SEE PAGE 2 FOR INSTRUCTIONS .. ._.. , 1. Cram Number 2, Project Title 3. Primary Local Unit Name 4. Telephone Number 6. Mailing Address City State ZIP Code 6. Period Start Date 7. Period End Dale 8. Report Type Quarterly 0 Fin& 9. Petoentage Completed % 10. Estimated Completion Date . ANOIAL REPORT! ,. zi .... A. Budget Category B. Amount incurred to Date C. PfOjeCted FULUre Enendtures to be Incurred D. Total Projected Expenditures for Project E. Approved Original or Amended Eudget F. Difference Between Projection and Budget 11. Feasibility Study $0 $0 12. Contracted Services • $0 $0 13. Mministration $0 $0 14. Training $0 $0 15. Merger Expenses $0 $0 . 16. Infrastructure/ Equipment $0 $0 17, Other $o $0 18. ADJUSTMENTS DUE TO OTHER FUNDING- Relmbursententa by other funding sources or ihe ea* of hand () c ash . ( ) on ( . SO ) ( ) ( $O ) 19. TOTAL AMOUNTS- Sum of amounts shown In the column . $O $O .PAJT.3, CERTIFICATION . ,,,,,.,,,,.;;;:i., .,..: ' c't.ty:i,:r.q.•:,,,I,,,:"' ,...:: ,v.r,-....-.r.p. D...o.n.T.:.:. .:: — -. ' i hereby certify that the information in this financial status report Is complete and accurate and all expenditures which are presented are for efigibta scope items as defined in the Final Grant Award Letter for the above project, and that all expenditures have been made during the project period as /feted in the Final Grant Award Latter, and are Identified and filed according to accounting procedures set forth by the Michigan Department of Treasury Printed Name of Primary Local Unit Chief Fintede] Officer Title Sioneture of Primary Local Unit Chief Financial Officer - Data 4972, Pegs 2 Instructions for Form 4972 Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) Financial Status Report The numbers listed below Coincide with the numbers on the Financial Status Report. Lines not listed are explained on the form_ PART 1: PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Grant Number: Fill in the respective grant number that was assigned by the Michigan Department of Treasury. 2, Project Title: Short name that was used on the grant application to describe the project. 3. Primary Local Unit Name: the Primary Local Unit that has the authority and the responsibility for the administration of the project in accordance with the project conditions. For example, "City of Blank' is acceptable, 4, Telephone Number: Phone number Including area code, of the Primary Local Unit, 5, Mailing Address: Street number and name, including suite number if applicable, of the Primary Local Unit, 6. Period Start Date: Indicate the quarterly period start date of this report. For the FINAL report, indicate the start date of the grant (I.e. 10/0112011). 7. Period End Date: Indicate the quarterly period end date of this report. For the FINAL report, indicate the end date of the grant,(I.e. actual project completion date). 8. Report Type: Check whether this Is a quarterly or the final report, 9, Percentage Completed: Indicate the estimated percentage (%) completed of the project work plan. 10, Estimated Completion Date: Indicate the estimated project completion date. For the FINAL report, indicate the actual project completion date, PART 2: FINANCIAL REPORTING Lines 11 -17: Enter eligible costs Incurred to date for each budget category. Eligible costs entered for lines 11 and 16 should reflect the state match only, 25% for feasibility study expenses and 50% for infrastructure/equipment expenses, Column A: These are the approved budget categories from the Final Grant Award Letter. Column B: Enter the cumulative allowable amount(s) Incurred to date (from project inception). Column C: Enter the projected amount(s) to be incurred In the future, Column D: Sum of Column B and Column C. Column 5: Enter the approved budget for each category from the Final Grant Award Letter or Amended Budget Letter. Column F: Subtract Column E from Column D. Return this completed report within thirty (30) days after the end of the quarter (i.e. due by January 30th; April 30th; July 30th; October 301h), FINAL reports are due within thirty (30) days after the completion of the project. Return this completed report via e-mail to TreasRevenueSharingamichigan.gov or by mail to: Michigan Department of Treasury Office of Revenue and Tax Analysis PO Box 30722 Lansing, MI 48909 GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Sheriffs Office GRANT NAME: 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Treasury DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Mel Maier 248 858-1645 STATUS: Acceptance DATE: November 12, 2013 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #13180, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (11/6/2013) Department of Human Resources: Approved. — Karen Jones (11/5/2013) Risk Management and Safety: Approved by Risk management. — Robert Erlenbeck (11/5/2013) Corporation Counsel: No legal issues. APPROVED. — Nicole D. Tabin (11/7/2013) From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: VanPelt, ',prig "West, Catherine; 'Julie Secontine"; "Karen Jones"; "Pat Davis" majarmEggisg.gy=; "Cunningham, Dale"; mccabemfOoakgov.com; Ilarg=::; "Seaman, Lori"; "Malone, Prentiss" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance Wednesday, November 06, 2013 1:07:00 PM Approved. From: West, Catherine [malito:westca@oakgov.com ) Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 12:51 PM To: Julie Secontine; Karen Jones; Laurie VanPelt; Pat Davis Cc: maierm@oakgov.com ; Cunningham, Dale; mccabem@oakgov.com ; 'Tammy'; 'Seaman, Lori'; Malone, Prentiss Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt Karen Jones —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE —Oakland County Sheriff's Office 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program Michigan Department of Treasury Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MOD IFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: November 12, 2013 GRANT INFORMATION Date: November 5, 2013 Operating Department: Sheriff's Office Emergency Response and Preparedness Division Department Contact: Mel Maier Contact Phone: (248) 858-1645 Document Identification Number: 103024-13 REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance — Resolution Required Funding Period: October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2016 New Facility/Additional Office Space Needs: N/A IT Resources (New Computer Hardware / Software Needs or Purchases): M/WBE Requirements: No Funding Continuation/New: New From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: )(2.0..es, Karen "West, Catherine"; "Julie Secontine"; "Laurie VanPelt"; "Pat Davis' malermOoakgov.com; "Cunningham, Dale"; mccabernaoakgov.com ; "Tammy";''Seaman. Lori"; "Malone Prentiss" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance Tuesday, November 05, 2013 1:04:50 PM Approved. From West, Catherine [mailto:westca@oakgov.com] Sent; Tuesday, November 05, 2013 12:51 PM To: Julie Secontine; Karen Jones; Laurie VanPelt; Pat Davis Cc: maierm@oakgov.com; Cunningham, Dale; mccabem@oakgov.com ; 'Tammy`; 'Seaman, Lan'; Malone, Prentiss Subject GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt— Karen Jones —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE—Oakland County Sheriff's Office 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program Michigan Department of Treasury Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: November 12, 2013 GRANT INFORMATION Date: November 5, 2013 Operating Department: Sheriff's Office Emergency Response and Preparedness Division Department Contact: Mel Maier Contact Phone: (248) 858-1645 Document Identification Number: 103024-13 REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance — Resolution Required Funding Period: October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2016 New Facility/Additional Office Space Needs: N/A IT Resources (New Computer Hardware / Software Needs or Purchases): M/WBE Requirements: No Funding Continuation/New: New From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Erlenbeck. Robert "West. Catherine"; "Julie Sgcontine"; "Karen Jones"; "Laurie VanPelt"; 'Pat Davis" rnaTermeoakgov.com; "Cunningham. Dale'; mccabem2oakgov.com ; 'Tammy"; ''Seaman. Lori"; "Malone, Prentiss" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance Tuesday, November 05, 2013 4:16:39 PM Approved by Risk management. R.E. 11/05/13. From Easterling, Terri tmailto:easterlingt@oakgov.comj Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 3:23 PM To: 'West, Catherine; 'Julie Secontine'; 'Karen Jones'; 'Laurie VanPeltl; 'Pat Davis' Cc: malerm©oakgov.com ; 'Cunningham, Dale'; mccabem©oakgov.com ; 'Tammy'; 'Seaman, Lori'; 'Malone, Prentiss' Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance Please be advised that your request for Risk Management's assistance has been assigned to Bob Erlenbeck, (ext. 8-1694), If you have not done so already, please forward all related information, documentation, and correspondence. Also, please include Risk Management's assignment number, RM13-0400, regarding this matter. Thank you, From: West, Catherine [mailto:westcaCaoakgov.corr] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 12:51 PM To: Julie Secontine; Karen Jones; Laurie VanPelt; Pat Davis Cc: maiermoakgov.corn; Cunningham, Dale; mccabern(aoakgov.corn; 'Tammy'; 'Seaman, Loft; Malone, Prentiss Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt Karen Jones —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE —Oakland County Sheriff's Office 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program Michigan Department of Treasury Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: November 12, 2013 From: Tobin, Nicole Berna_dette To: "West. Catherine" Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance Date: Thursday, November 07, 2013 3:25:10 PM No legal issues, APPROVED. COAKIANb : 70L1F4TY MICRICNAh Nicole B. Tabin Assistant Corporation Counsel Department of Corporation Counsel 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 14 East Courthouse West Wing Extension, 3rd Floor Pontiac, MI 48341 Phone Number: (248) 858-1475 Fax Number: (248) 858-1003 E-mail: tabinn©oakgov.com PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION This e-mail is intended only for those persons to whom it is specifically addressed, It is confidential and is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. This privilege belongs to the County of Oakland, and individual addressees are not authorized to waive or modify this privilege in any way. Individuals are advised that any dissemination, reproduction or unauthorized review of this information by persons other than those listed above may constitute a waiver of this privilege and is therefore prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately: If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Corporation Counsel at (248) 858-0550, Thank you for your cooperation. From: West, Catherine [mailto:westca©oakgov.com ] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 12:51 PM To: Julie Secontine; Karen Jones; Laurie VanPelt; Pat Davis Cc: maierm©oakgov.com ; Cunningham, Dale; mccabem@oakgov.com ; 'Tammy'; 'Seaman, Lore; Malone, Prentiss Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt— Karen Jones —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE —Oakland County Sheriff's Office 2013 Competitive Grant Assistance Program Michigan Department of Treasury Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your CGAP Application — Oakland County Part 4: Project Details Question 26: Project Description Village of Holly Dispatch Consolidation with Oakland County Sheriff's Office Dispatch Center The consolidation of dispatch services currently provided by the Village of Holly into the Oakland County Sheriff's Dispatch Center will create a cost savings for the residents of the Village of Holly and Groveland Township. Currently, the Village of Holly dispatches police and fire emergency services for the Village of Holly and dispatches fire emergency services for Groveland Township. As with many other municipalities in Michigan, the Village of Holly is looking for ways to cut their costs to make up for lost revenue due to a decrease in revenue sharing and tax revenue. The Village of Holly spends $306,000 a year on dispatch services and contacted the Oakland County Sheriffs Office (OCSO) to request information on the cost of consolidating their dispatch services with the Sheriff's Office Dispatch Center. The OCSO prepared a presentation that was given to the Village of Holly Council, Village Manager, and Groveland Township Fire Department which described the services that would be provided as well as the cost of a yearly 24- hour dispatch contract. After looking at the options, the Village of Holly agreed to enlist the OCSO to consolidate their dispatch services for the residents of the communities it currently serves. This consolidation will save the Village of Holly $125,000 annually based on their projections. With the consolidation they will acquire the full services offered by the OCSO. For example, the OCSO Dispatch Center offers critical infrastructure that smaller dispatch centers cannot afford to invest in. The OCSO has 12-full OPEN SKY radio consoles, 2 T-5 radio servers, 2 full State MPSCS radio consoles, full UPS Power Backup and generator system at the dispatch facility, primary and backup audio recorders for all OPEN SKY radio — as well as all phone lines into Central Dispatch, telecommunication lines installed per National Electric Code Article 800, custom back-up CAD system from CLEMIS-unique Central Dispatch and additional backup radio and CAD terminals onsite. In addition, the OCSO has invested over $1 million in modernizing and upgrading its Central Dispatch facility. All of these investments and cost savings are passed on to all of its contracts with other agencies. The current list of OCSO contracts includes: • Addison Township- Fire! EMS and Law Enforcement • Brandon Township- Fire / EMS and Law Enforcement • Commerce Township- Fire! EMS and Law Enforcement • Franklin/Bingham- Fire Department • Highland Township- Fire/ EMS and Law Enforcement • Holly Township/Rose Township- Fire Department • Independence Township- Fire / EMS and Law Enforcement • Lake Angelus- Law Enforcement • Lyon Township- Fire / EMS and Law Enforcement • Oakland Township- Fire / EMS and Law Enforcement • Orion Township- Law Enforcement • Oxford Township- Law Enforcement • Pontiac — EMS and Law Enforcement • Rochester Hills- Fire! EMS and Law Enforcement • Royal Oak Township- Law Enforcement • Springfield Township- Fire! EMS and Law Enforcement • City of Wixom- Fire! EMS and Law Enforcement • City of Wailed Lake- Fire / EMS and Law Enforcement • City of Wolverine Lake- Fire / EMS and Law Enforcement • Oakland County Community College- Law Enforcement • Oakland County Animal Control Due to the fact that the OCSO has contracted with the above agencies, consolidation practices have been methodically structured to ensure seamless transition from one agency to another. After consolidation occurs, the Village of Holly residents can expect to see faster or equal call and response times to the service that is currently being provided. In addition to the salary costs that Holly will save on a year-to-year basis, it will also avoid future costs for maintenance and technology of their dispatch equipment and 9-1-1 console. The Village of Holly typically will spend $20,000 on yearly equipment upgrades and maintenance to keep their dispatch center up-to-date, In the near future, larger pieces of technology would have to also be considered to replace outdated and aging software and equipment. The cost for the replacement of this equipment is approximately $50,000. The consolidation with the OCSO Dispatch Center will in turn create more savings from the elimination of these technology upgrades, in addition to the savings of the salaries and benefits for dispatchers. With this consolidation, it further reduces the number of Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) in Oakland County. During the 1990's, Oakland County had over 40 PSAPs. With the consolidation of the Village of Holly's dispatch services, only 22 PSAPs will exist. This reduction is PSAPs streamlines the 9-1-1 system. Having communities who share public safety resources that are dispatched by the same PSAP ensures accurate and timely assignment of mutual aid responders and equipment. After consolidation begins on August 1, 2013, the OCSO will be tasked with switching all of the radio connections, console furniture, and software systems out of the current Village of Holly Dispatch Center and into the OCSO Dispatch Center. This transition process will take approximately 60 days. In addition, a call box will be installed in the Village of Holly and replacement furniture will be added to the offices that formerly housed the dispatch center. The consolidation is due to be completed by October 1, 2013, At this time, the OCSO will be acting as the fully functional dispatch center for the Village of Holly police and fire emergency services as well as the fire emergency services for Groveland Township. FISCAL NOTE (MISC . #13312) December 12, 2013 BY: Finance Committee, Tom Middleton, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE — 2013 COMPETITIVE GRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM — HOLLY DISPATCH CENTER — GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen; Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Michigan Department of Treasury, Office of Revenue and Tax Analysis (ORTA) entered into an agreement with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office (OCSO), and has awarded funding for a Competitive Grant Assistance Program (CGAP) project to assist with consolidating Holly's dispatch services (Village of Holly Dispatch Consolidation Project) into the OCSO Dispatch Services Operations in the amount up to $21,700. 2. The grant funding period is October 12, 2012 through September 30, 2016. This is a one-time reimbursement funding award. 3. ORTA has agreed to reimburse OCSO for equipment, and infrastructure expenses related to radio connectivity, moving Holly's dispatch console and furniture to .0CSH's dispatch center, installing Holly's call box and 911 system, and performing space renovations at the OCSO's dispatch center to build a sound partition, 4. No County match is required; this is a one-time project; and henceforth the Village of Holly will contract with the OCSO for dispatch services. 5. Fiscal Year 2014 General Fund Budget is amended as follows: FY 2014 COMPETITIVE GRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FUND #29300 Amendment Grant Number #GR0000000663 Revenue 4030501-116230-615571 Grants State $21,700 Total Revenue $ 21,700 Expenditures 4030501-116230-730373 403050 1-1 16230-788001-53600 Total Expenditures Contracted Services Transfers Out $15,200 $ 6,500 $ 21,700 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FUND #53600 Revenue 1080310-115150-695500-29300 Tranf from Grant Fund 1080310-115150-665882 Planned Use Fund Bal Total Radio Comm Revenues $ 6,500 ($ 6,500) $ 0 FINANCE COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott and Matis absent, Resolution #13312 December 12, 2013 Moved by Spisz supported by McGillivray the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, SpIsz, Taub, Weipert, Zack, Bosnic, Crawford. (18) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). # HEMSBY AIlloRthle '11-11S RESOLUTION CHIEF DEPUTY couort EXEWTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 45.559A (7) STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 12, 2013, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 12th day of December 2013. 1•41(gofi Lisa Brown, Oakland County