HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2014.03.06 - 21209MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #14032 March 6, 2014
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the State of Michigan, Center for Shared Solutions and Technology Partnerships is
leading a coordination effort with local governments across the State to acquire orthoimagery for the
entire State of Michigan; and
WHEREAS the coordination effort will result in significant cost savings in the acquisition of 2014
orthoimagery and provide consistent, high-quality orthoimagery to local governments across the State,
including the County; and
WHEREAS Oakland County acquires orthoimagery every two years for use by county staff, cities,
villages and townships (CVTs) and the general public for use in mapping and geographic information
system (GIS) applications; and
WHEREAS Oakland County will share the 2014 orthoimagery with its cities, villages and
townships (CVTs) at no cost; and
WHEREAS funding for the project in the amount of $100,651 is available in the Non-
Departmental General Fund; and
WHEREAS Oakland County Information Technology has gained approval from the Budget Task
Force for the purchase; and
WHEREAS an agreement has been drafted (as attached) by the County's Corporation Counsel
and accepted by the State of Michigan.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners approve the attached
agreement with the State of Michigan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Chairperson is authorized to execute the
Agreement on behalf of Oakland County, and hereby accepts and binds Oakland County to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County's portion of the 2014 orthoimagery collection will
be in the amount of $100,651 and will be paid in full to the State within 30 days after receipt of the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the following budget amendment is recommended for Fiscal Year
General Fund (#10100) FY 2014
9090101-196030-773630 IT Development (100,651)
9010101-152010-788001-63600 Transfer Out to IT Fund 100 651
Total General Fund -0-
Information Technology (#63600)
1080101-152010-695500-10100 Transfer In
1080201-152010-731458 Professional Services
Total Info Tech
Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long and Quarles absent.
Agreement to establish the cost, licensing, and restrictions on the purchase and use of
digital ortho-imagery data and LIDAR data (referred in this document as "Data") collected
by the State of Michigan (State) for Oakland County as part of the State's collection efforts
during 2014, per the specifications defined in the State's Contract# 071B3200070
("Contract") and the Scope of Work incorporated within. Partners may include, but not be
limited to, State, Local and Federal Government entities. Data to be created and delivered
to Oakland County is defined in the attached Product Schedule.
A copy of Contract# 071B3200070 is available online at:
http://vvww.michidan.00vidocuments/micontractconnect/3200070 411799 7.pdf
This agreement is entered into between Oakland County and State signing as of the
effective date identified below.
Conditional upon Section 2, below, the State hereby assigns to Oakland County ownership
of the Data. Notwithstanding this assignment of ownership, the State retains for itself art
unlimited, irrevocable license to use the Data, per the terms of the Contract.
Oakland County agrees to the following:
(i) Area of Interest (A01) for which Data is to be acquired is defined by
(ii) Products to be acquired per Data acquisition options from the Product
Schedule at a total cost of: $100,650.71
Data acquisition requires specific environmental conditions as detailed in the attached
product specification document, SOM CSS Imagery Specifications 2012.
The most common parameters are listed in the attached M1SA1L Acquisition —
Environmental Criteria.
Oakland County Contact designated in attached Product Schedule has the authority to
communicate to Sanborn and State that environmental conditions are acceptable for
Please sign this agreement and return to:
State - Center for Shared Solutions
Attn: Everett Root
Romney building — 101h floor
111 S. Capitol Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933
Michael J. Gingell, Chairman
Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Eric Swanson, Director
Center for Shared Solutions and Technology Partnerships, Michigan
DTMB/CSS Contact: Email: Phone:
Everett Root rootegmichigan.gov 517-373-7910
Partner Contact: Email: Phone:
Anita Campbell campbellaoaligov.com 248.858.2388
Use attached CountyAreaBuffer for project boundary covering Oakland County.
Total Square Mileage (including any buffer): 907.
Please note that the imagery will be clipped to the boundary shapefile provided
(tiles will not be filled out in full)
Identify products to be acquired per data acquisition options from the Contract:
1. Imagery:
a. Square Miles: 907
b. Coordinate System:
NAD_ 1983 _StatePlane Miehigan_South_FIPS_2113_Feetind
c. Additional Projection: No
d. Resolution: 6"
e. Format (default is GeoTIFF/TFW)
f. County wide and Township wide compressed imagery mosaics: Yes
i. If yes, compressed imagery format: MrSID
compression (default is 20:1)
1 County wide mosaic with the same extent as the AOI.
iv. 25 Township wide mosaics. Using the County provided
PLSSTownship file, vendor will buffer each feature by at
least 1/4 mile for the extent of each mosaic.
g. County will provide ground control : Yes
h. Confirm delivery of 4-band (R, G, B, NIR): Yes
i. Confirm standard 5,000' X 5,000' tile grid YIN ( if no, provide
custom tile gird)
j. Other: NA
2. Lidar: NA
a. Quality Level:
3. Raw Point Cloud: NA
a. LAS format: (v1.1 or v1.2)
b. Upgrade to LAS format v1.4: (YIN)
4. Classified Point Cloud: NA
a. LAS format: (v1.1 or v1.2)
b. LAS format v1.4: (YIN)
5. Bare Earth Surface Digital Elevation Model: NA
a. ASCII text format: (Y/N)
b. Raster ERDAS .IMG format: (YIN)
6. Hydro-Flattening: NA
7. Hydro-Enforcement: NA
8. Intensity Images: NA
Insert Pricing Table Here:
907 $28.00 $25,396.00 12" base
907 $82.53 $74,854.71 6" buyup
1 Countywide and
25 Township wide
imagery mosaics
TOTAL $100,650.71
MISAIL Acquisition Environmental Criteria
Parameter Criteria Reportable Conditions
Sky Conditions
Clear, with no clouds,
smoke, dust, smog,
haze, or precipitation
such as rain or fog.
State/County to report any unusual conditions not
likely to be reported or seen in ordinary weather
reports, such as large fires, activities likely to produce
large amounts of dust.
Generally the responsibility of Sanborn.
Sun Angle
Greater than 30
degrees. Difference
between flight lines of
less than 15 degrees. Full responsibility of Sanborn
Conditions Clear of snow
State/County to Authorize acquisition in writing (email
acceptable) when conditions are acceptable and if
there is any change in that authorization to a point that
imagery would not be desired at that point (i.e.. snow
falls after authorization given). Most areas should be
basically clear of snow. Minor snow piles or
embankments in non-critical areas, such as bases of
trees, may be acceptable.
Deciduous trees free
of leaves
State/County to Authorize acquisition in writing (email
acceptable). Recommendation is for trees to be
relatively free of leaves. Very small (i.e. thumbnail-size)
leaves may be acceptable. Certain ornamental trees
may leaf-on unusually early and typically are not
disqualifying. Requirement may otherwise be loosened
at State's option per contract in such as open fields,
pine forest, and urban areas. Sanborn will provide it's
professional opinion for consideration by the
Streams and
Rivers Within natural banks
State/County to report any unusual conditions that
have or have the potential to cause flooding.
State/County will notify Sanborn of significant rain
events and any observed flooding.
Lakes Free of ice
State/County to Authorize acquisition in writing (email
acceptable). Some ice on lakes may be allowed, if other
conditions are favorable
Not wet from recent
State/County to report any unusual conditions not
caused by ordinary, observable weather phenomena.
SOM CSS Imagery Specifications 2012
1. Reference Documents
GeoTIFF Specification, version 1.8.2, found on the web at
2. Requirements
2.1 Characteristics
2.1.1 Image Format
Images shall be delivered in GeoTIFF format. Individual GeoTIFF images shall form a mosaic that covers
the areas of interest. The file format shall conform to the GeoTIFF Specification, version 1.8.2 at
htto://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/soec/geotiffhome.html . Proprietary tags shall not be used.
Image size shall be 5000 x 5000. Projection information in .XML format should accompany each ortho-
The No Data value shall be specified in the metadata and shall not occur within the image data. A No
Data value of (0,0,0) shall be used. No Data areas shall only occur outside the boundary of the specified
Area of interest (A01).
All ortho-imagery shall be delivered on individual external hard drives by Area of Interest to the State of
Michigan, CSSTP.
Image files from each AOIshall be labeled with names that end in five digit numbers. The number fields
at the end of the filenames within an AOIshall all be consecutive without omission or duplication and
shall begin with "(moor. The text preceding the image number within the image filename shall be of
the form
(area of interest code)_(contractor code)_YYYYMMDD
where YYYY is the year, MM is the two digit month, and DD is the two digit day of acquisition.
2.1.2 Image Type
Image tiles shall be 4-band image files comprised of the three visible bands and the near-infrared band.
Band order to be as follows:
Band 1: Red
Band 2: Green
Band3: Blue
Band4: Near-Infrared
Image radiometric resolution should be set to 8 bits per channel to create 32-bit image files. All bands
should be balanced such that natural-color (Red, Green, Blue) and standard false-color composites
(Infrared, Red, Green) are spectrally correct. Natural color composites should appear natural to a
human observer.
2.1.3 Image Coordinates
All ortho-imagery and derivative data, such as tile footprints and flight line files, shall be referenced to
the following coordinate space:
Coordinate System: Michigan State Plane, appropriate zone
Datum: North American Datum 1983(1986)
Units: International Feet
Care must be taken such that the datum is actually NAD1983(1986) rather than another realization of
NAD1983, such as NAD1983(CORS96) or NAD1983(HARN). As of September 2012, GPS data collected in
Michigan using real-time correction data from the Continuously Operating Reference Network (CORS)
will be referenced to NAD1983(CORS96). It is important that the vendor transform any data to the
correct datum before image processing begins.
2.1.4 Image Scale
Data collection shall occur at 12 inch (0.30 meter) ground sample distance (GSD) ±10%. This will be
considered the standard product GSD. Optional data collection at 6 inch (0.15 meter) GSD and 3 inch
(0.075 meter) GSD will also be available as an optional product per details in Section 6 of this document.
2.1.5 Metadata
Metadata shall be supplied for all images and shall include
• Image location and outline
• Accuracy statement giving the measured RMS 2D error and the corresponding error at the 95%
confidence level, assuming a circular Gaussian error distribution
• 2D accuracy statement referencing the National Map Accuracy Standard for geospatial data at
the 95% confidence level
• Camera used
• Date and time of acquisition
• Ground sample distance as collected
• Focal ratio and exposure time
• Remarks on image quality and artifacts, if any
• FGDC compliant metadata for the Area of Interest
• The name of the supervising Certified Photogrammetrist
2.2 Image Quality
Certified Photogrannmetrist: All production shall be under the supervision of an American Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Certified Photogrammetrist. All products shall be
reviewed and approved by an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist. The name of the supervising Certified
Photogrammetrist shall be included in the metadata.
Page 2
2.2.1 General Image Quality
Images shall appear sharp when viewed at 1 pixel per GSD and displayed or printed on high quality
equipment at 80 to 100 pixels per inch. Mosaicking artifacts and other image artifacts shall be minimal
or completely unnoticeable. Color mosaics shall be free from clouds, cloud shadows, haze, prominent
seams, gridding due to uncorrected camera vignetting, and other obvious, uncorrected artifacts. Hot
spots and water glint shall be corrected.
2.2.2 Instrument Corrections
Instrument corrections for distortion and radiometric level shall be applied to raw data values based on
most recent and up-to-date camera calibrations. Camera calibration records shall be maintained on file
by the aerial photography company and copies of these records shall be provided.
2.2.3 Radiometric Correction
Images shall be color balanced to minimize perceptible differences in color tones within and between
adjacent images. Color balancing shall result in colors which appear natural to a human observer.
Image contrast and brightness shall be adjusted to minimize perceptible differences within and between
adjacent images.
Adjustment(s) as necessary shall be undertaken based on State of Michigan (SOM) review of each A01.
2.2.4 Spatial Correction
The best available Digital Elevation Model (DEM) or Digital Terrain Model (DTM) representing the
ground surface (e.g., Bare-earth) should be used to ortho-rectify the imagery. The elevation data may
be obtained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), or from another source, such as the State
of Michigan or a partner. Elevation data may be derived from LiDAR, photogrammetry or aerial
triangulation autocorrelation as long as it provides sufficient accuracy and precision to support ortho-
imagery horizontal accuracy requirements.
Cultural features such as roads, bridges, overpasses, buildings and other important features that are
impacted by DEM artifacts shall be repaired.
During ortho-rectification, images shall be re-sampled at the specified GSD.
2.2.5 Mosaicking
Prior to tiling, image seams shall be placed to minimize disruption of important features of cultural or
geographic significance—for example, large buildings, bridges, and major rivers. Image seams shall not
run through elevated structures, such as bridges, overpasses, and large buildings. When feasible, seams
shall be placed at naturally occurring lines in the image to render them less noticeable. Skews greater
than one pixel shall be corrected.
2.2.6 Accuracy
All ortho-imagery shall meet the horizontal accuracy requirement for 1:1,200 scale data, National
Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) at the 95% confidence level. The horizontal accuracy value
Page 3
is equal to or less than 3.80 feet, or 1.159 meters. In other words, 95% of the positions in the dataset
must have an error with respect to true ground position that is equal to or smaller than 3.80 feet.
To ensure the data meets the horizontal accuracy requirement, the vendor will calculate the horizontal
root mean squared error (RMSE) by comparing transformed ortho-imagery coordinates with field-based
ground control point and check point coordinate locations. The vendor will then calculate the horizontal
accuracy at the 95% confidence level using the following equation.
Accuracy, = RMSE, * 1.7308
Accuracyr = Horizontal Accuracy at the 95% confidence level
RMSE,= Horizontal Root Mean Squared Error
To obtain this level of horizontal accuracy the vendor shall employ Airborne Global Positioning System
(AGPS) and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) technologies to record the precise location (X,Y,Z) and
attitude (roll, pitch, yaw) of the sensor during image capture.
The vendor must also collect additional field-based ground control points (GCPs) to supplement the
airborne data such that minimum accuracy requirements are met. At least 2 check points must also be
located in each county or AOI, whichever is smallest in extent. In other words, if an A01 is composed of
5 counties, there must be 10 check points collected; 2 for each county. Check points may be located
anywhere in the A01 but should not be in the same vicinity as the GCPs. Check points are not to be used
in the Aerial Triangulation solution.
GCPs and check points must be accurate to equal to or less than 0.10 meters in the horizontal (x,y) and
equal to or less than 0.20 meters in the vertical (z).
Existing ground control supplied by the State of Michigan, a partner or a commercial entity may be used
if available, assuming it meets the minimum accuracy requirements. Some data supplied by the State of
Michigan may need to be marked by the vendor. For example, existing monuments may need to be
marked prior to aerial acquisition but coordinates will be supplied.
All field-based ground control points and check points shall be taken at locations which are clearly
identifiable on the aerial imagery.
Page 4
2.3 Image Collection Constraints
2.3.1 Equipment
All Imagery from a single Area of Interest (A01) shall be collected using a single digital aerial survey
camera in good working order with up-to-date calibrations, an image stabilization system using an
inertial measurement unit (NU) and equipped with airborne GPS (AGPS).
Imagery shall be acquired using a large-format digital, metrically calibrated imaging sensor capable of
simultaneous multi-spectral capture of red, green, blue and near IR bands.
The digital camera shall employ methods for preventing image smear related to forward motion if
necessary. Frame-based cameras must utilize Time Delayed Integration (TDI), or an equivalent
technology, to address image smear.
The camera lens and detector array shall be clean and free of excess dust or lint.
2.32 Flight Path
Imagery in all AOls shall be collected on either north-south (which is preferred) or east-west lines
whenever feasible, and all imagery in a single AOIshall be collected on parallel lines, unless flight path
restrictions in the area make this impractical.
2.3.3 Camera Orientation
Imagery shall be collected at a crab angle of less than 5 degrees, which is measured between the
camera's along-track image axis and the aircraft line of flight. The camera shall be nadir pointed within 2
degrees on average and shall not exceed 4 degrees off nadir at any time during image collection.
2.3.4 Image Overlap and Sidelap
Imagery of the AOls shall be collected with 60% in-track overlap and ?.30% sidelap.
2.3.5 Camera Settings
Camera aperture and exposure time shall be adjusted for light conditions to achieve optimal image
quality, consistent with the camera manufacturer's recommendations or automated settings, unless the
camera operator has data which demonstrate that a different setting produces superior results under
conditions at the time of collection.
2.4 Environmental Conditions
Imagery shall be collected under clear skies. The air shall be free of smoke, dust, and excessive haze.
Imagery shall be collected at sun elevation angles greater than 30 degrees. Adjacent flight lines shall be
flown at sun elevation angles which differ by less than 15 degrees.
Roadways shall not be wet from recent precipitation.
The ground shall be free of snow cover and lakes free of ice. The ground shall not be obscured by fog.
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Imagery shall be collected while deciduous trees are free of leaves, unless this requirement has been
waived by the customer in writing for the specific AOI. The requirement for leaf-free collection may be
waived by the customer, at the customer's option, in areas where this is not critical, such as open fields,
pine forest, and urban areas, in order to allow collection of imagery after the leaf-off season is over
3. Areas of Interest
Areas of interest (A01s) shall be identified by County boundary plus a designated buffer area. If an A01
includes an island within the Great Lakes, the island shall be flown and processed like any other land
area. AOls totaling the desired number of square miles shall be identified by the State and provided via
an ESRI shapefile.
4. Quality Assurance Provisions
4.1 General
Independent quality checks shall be performed to certify the accuracy of the product and conformance
to image quality specifications. Specific inspections shall be carried out at appropriate image scale and
frequency to verify the Image Quality requirements.
4.2 Visual inspection for Specific Artifacts
All Image Quality Requirements in Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, and 2.2.5 shall be inspected at a
scale of 400 feet per inch or larger. Seam lines, glints, color balance, DEM artifacts, and bridges on
roadways shall be addressed in this inspection, and artifacts noticeable at this scale shall be corrected.
In urban areas, a scale of 200 feet per inch or larger shall be used for inspection.
4.3 Customer QA/QC
Successful vendor must have an existing, secure application website for use in project management,
quality control and available for use in communicating project status. The website shall allow for
viewing of incremental deliverable products for the purpose of performing QA/QC prior to final physical
delivery. Imagery shall become available for viewing with the completion of the first AOl and a 2 week
time period will be designated for each AOlto be available for review. Imagery made available for
review must be fully processed and should already have passed the vendor quality control process. The
application shall allow project stake-holders the ability to review ortho-imagery, identify and attribute
items in-question for discussion with both the State's Project Manager and the PM of the successful
Geospatial Contractor.
4.4 Warranty Against Image Defects
Defects in imagery collection that are reported by the customer within 90 days shall be corrected by re-
acquisition and re-processing. Defects in image processing reported by the customer within 12 months
shall be corrected by re-processing.
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5. Deliverables
5,1 Hard Drives
All GeoTIFF image tiles organized into one sub-directory per County and items identified in Section 7,
Deliverables, delivered to SOM via external hard drive.
Each partner to receive an external hard drive with the GeoTIFF image tiles and Section 7 items for their
5.2 Delivery schedule
Collected imagery in each season shall be delivered to the customer within 4 months of the end of the
applicable flying season.
6. Buy -up Options
6.1 High Resolution Areas (HRA)
In addition to 12 inch (0.30 meter) GSD imagery, the vendor shall provide separate pricing for data
collection at a GSD of 6 inch (0.15 meters) and a GSD of 3 inch (0.075 meters). The State of Michigan or
its partners may elect to collect portions of an A01 at 12 inch (0.30 meter) GSD and other portions within
that A01 at either 6 inch (0.15 meter) GSD and/or 3 inch (0.075 meter) GSD.
Spatial resolution shall match 650±10%.
If this option is chosen for an AOl the area will be imaged at 6 inch or 3 inch resolution, rather than 12
inch resolution.
HRAs in high density urban areas shall be collected with 80% in-track overlap and .60% sidelap. This
results in reduced building lean in these areas.
SOM shall provide an ESRI shapefile defining HRA areas.
HRAs shall meet the same image quality requirements as 12 inch (0.30 meter) GSD AOIs
6,2 Updated DEM (100% of A01)
The vendor will provide pricing for the purchase of the updated DEM resulting from the image
If this option is chosen for an A01, the updated DEM resulting from image feature correlation processing
and any OEM editing performed will be supplied to the customer for the A01. The OEM supplied will be
the OEM used to produce the orthoimagery for the A01.
6.3 Compressed Image Mosaics
The vendor will provide pricing for the creation of a compressed image mosaic for each acquired County.
In addition, pricing shall be provided for the creation of individual compressed mosaics for each City and
Political Township within a County. This is to be accomplished by "clipping" the County mosaic using a
boundary shapefile to be provided by SOM. All compressed mosaics to be delivered in JP2 or similar
agreed upon file format and named using the common name for the County, City, and Township.
Page 7
7. Additional Deliverables at no cost to the SOM
7.1 ESRI Shapeles
To be delivered in the same coordinate system as the ortho-imagery.
7.1.1 Tile index
A polygon shapefile of the image tile boundaries shall be provided in the appropriate coordinate system.
Each polygon will have a name attribute that corresponds with the image name and the flight date of
the image.
7.1.2 Flight lines
A shapefile of the flight lines shall be provided in the appropriate coordinate system. Flight lines shall be
attributed with the flight date.
7.1.3 Vector seam index
A shapefile representing the vectors used during the image seaming process shall be provided with a
flight date attribute.
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Resolution #14032 March 6, 2014
Moved by Dwyer supported by Jackson the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended
Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis,
McGillivray, Middleton, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic,
Crawford. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended
Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
4? -/
I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and
accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on March 6, 2014,
with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at
Pontiac, Michigan this 6 th day of March 2014.