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Resolutions - 2014.10.08 - 21526
MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #14234 October 8, 2014 BY: Public Services Committee, Bill Dwyer, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE — FISCAL YEAR 2015 AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY (ATPA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State of Michigan, Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA), has awarded Oakland County funding in the amount of $1,541,736 with a grant match of $644,709 for October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015; and WHEREAS the ATPA encourages multijurisdictional agreements; Oakland County's award includes one Detroit position and Detroit's award includes one Oakland County Sheriff's Office position; and WHEREAS Oakland County's award is $1,401,777 with a 41% required match of $574,729, and Oakland County's portion of the Detroit ATPA award is $139,959 with a 50% required match of $69,980; and WHEREAS the Oakland County ATPA award includes funding for the following: $962,799 for Oakland County Sheriff's Office with a required match of $394,748; $126,017 for Farmington Hills Police Department with a required match of $51,667; $101,420 for Hazel Park Police Department with a required match of $41,582; $106,236 for the Waterford Township Police Department with a required match of $43,557; and $105,305 for the Detroit Police Department with a required match of $43,175; and WHEREAS each participating municipality is responsible for their own match requirement; and WHEREAS Oakland County's total required match, for both the Oakland County ATPA award and City of Detroit ATPA award, is $464,728 and is available in the General Fund non-departmental grant match account; and WHEREAS the award provides funding for the following positions with the Sheriff's Office: one (1) Special Revenue (SR) Sergeant position (#4030915-10333) and five (5) SR Deputy ll positions (# 4030915 - 06108, 06109, 06147, 06148, and 10898); and WHEREAS the award provides funding for one (1) General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) position (#4030629- 11149) contracted with the City of Pontiac; and WHEREAS the grant award includes funding for investigative supplies phones/pagers; vehicle lease and mileage, and overtime; and WHEREAS funding for (1) SR Deputy II position (#4030915-11067) in the Sheriff's Office, who is assigned to the Detroit ATPA program, is continued through a separate ATPA grant awarded to the City of Detroit and confirmed by a letter of agreement dated August 14, 2014 naming Oakland County Sheriff's Office as a participant in the Detroit ATPA grant award; and WHEREAS one (1) unmarked vehicle with radio, phone/pager, and overtime cost are included in the Detroit ATPA award; and WHEREAS this grant award was processed through the Board of Commissioners' Grant Procedures. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts grant funding from the State of Michigan, Auto Theft Prevention Authority in the amount of $1,541,736; Oakland County's required match is $464,728; other participating municipalities required match is $179,981; for the period of October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) SR Sergeant position (#4030915-10333) and five (5) SR Deputy II positions (#'s 4030915-06108, 06109, 06147, 06148, and 10898) be continued in the Sheriff's Office/ Investigative & Forensic Services/Special Teams Unit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) GF/GP Deputy II position (#4030629-11149) contracted by the City of Pontiac and reimbursed by the ATPA grant be continued in the Sheriff's Office/Patrol Services/Pontiac Unit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one (1) Special Revenue Deputy IF position (#4030915-11067) be continued in the Sheriff's Office/Investigative & Forensic Services/Special Teams Unit; and is continued by letter of agreement authorizing the Sheriff's Office to participate in the City of Detroit's ATPA award. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant agreement and to approve any grant amendments, within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which are consistent with the original agreement as approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that continuation of this program, including positions, is subject to the Gosling Amendment and contingent upon continued future levels of grant funding. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Sheriff's Office GRANT NAME: FY 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan State Police Auto Theft Prevention Authority DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Sgt. Kevin Banycicy 858-5208 STATUS: Grant Acceptance DATE: August 27, 2014 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #13180, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioner& committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (8/19/2014) Department of Human Resources: Approved (No Pill. Committee) Lori Taylor (8/26/2014) Risk Management and Safety: Approved by Risk Management. — Robert Erlenbeck (8/19/2014) Corporation Counsel: Approved. — Nicole B. Tabin (8/20/2014) COMPLIANCE Michigan Auto Theft Prevention Authority (1992 PA 174, Chapter 61) httn://www.michigan.gov/documents/Actl 74 55646_7.pdf From: To Cc: Subject: Date: VanPelt. Laurie "West. Catherine"; "Julie Secontine"; "Lori Taylor"; "Pat PayIs" "Cunningham. Dale''; panycicyMoakow.corti; "Tammy Fe°le"; "Seaman. Lori"; "Metricic Tammy";'ILlakliz, Prentiss" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority - Grant Acceptance Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:28:55 PM Approved. From: West, Catherine [mailto:westca@oakgov.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:15 PM To: Julie Secontine; Laurie VanPelt; Lori Taylor; Pat Davis Cc: Cunningham, Dale; banyckyk@oakgov.com ; Tammy Feole; 'Seaman, Lori'; Metrick, Tammy; Malone, Prentiss Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt — Lori Taylor —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Oakland County Sheriffs Office 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: August 26, 2014 GRANT INFORMATION Date: August 19, 2014 Operating Department: Sheriff's Office Department Contact: Sgt. Kevin Banycky Contact Phone: 858-5208 Document Identification Number: 08-15 REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance — Resolution Required Funding Period: 10-1-2014 through 9-30-2015 New Facility /Additional Office Space Needs: None IT Resources (New Computer Hardware /Software Needs or Purchases): None MWDBE Requirements: No Funding Continuation/New: Continuation Application Total Project Amount: $1,404,277 Prior Year Total Funding: $1,330,865 From; Taylor, Lorf To: West. Catherta; Heather Mason Subject: Re: FW: GRANT REVIEW: SherIfF's Office - 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority - Grant Acceptance Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:09:41 PM Approved. (No HR Committee) Lori Taylor Manager-Human Resources Oakland County Michigan 2100 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 248-858-0548 www.oakgov.com/jobs From: To Cc: Subject: Date: Erieniagglashut "West Catherine"; "Julie SecontIne"; "Laurie VanPelt"; "Lorl Taylor"; "Pat Davis" "Cunningham. Dale".; banyckykt&oakoov.com ; "Tammy Feole"; "Seaman. Lore'; "Metrick. Tammy"; "Malone Prentiss" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authorlty - Grant Acceptance Tuesday, August 19, 2014 2:35:25 PM Approved by Risk Management. R.E. 8/19/14. Robert Erlenbeck, Risk Management Office: 248-858-1694 Cell: 248-421-9121 Office schedule: Monday through Thursday 7:00 to 5:30 From: West, Catherine [mailtomestca@oakgov.corn] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:15 PM To: Julie Secontine; Laurie VanPelt; Lori Taylor; Pat Davis Cc: Cunningham, Dale; banyckyk©oakgov,com; Tammy Feole; 'Seaman, Lan'; Metrick, Tammy; Malone, Prentiss Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt Lori Taylor —Julie SecontIne— Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Oakland County Sheriff's Office 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments;via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: August 26, 2014 GRANT INFORMATION Date: August 19, 2014 Operating Department: Sheriff's Office Department Contact: Sgt. Kevin Banycky Contact Phone: 858-5208 Document Identification Number: 08-15 REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance — Resolution Required Funding Period: 104-2014 through 9-30-2015 New Faciiity / Additional Office Space Needs: None IT Resources (New Computer Hardware /Software Needs or Purchases): None From To: Cc: Subject: Date: i..a.12i1111.C.0103.02adatte "West. Catherine"; "Julle._Secoritine"; "I urie VanPelt"; "Lori Taylor" "Cunningharn, Dale"; Da nycityls(Doakgov.corn; 'Tammy Feole"; "Seaman. Lori"; 'Metric k Tammy"; :Malone., Prentiss" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority - Grant Acceptance Wednesday, August 20, 2014 4:11:04 PM Approved. VOAKLAINP - Nicole B. Tabin Assistant Corporation Counsel Department of Corporation Counsel 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 14 East Courthouse West Wing Extension, 3rd Floor Pontiac, Mt 48341 Phone Number: (248) 858-1475 Fax Number: (248) 858-1003 E-mail: tabinn@oakgov.com PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL — ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION This e-mail is intended only for those persons to whom it is specifically addressed, It is confidential and is protected by the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. This privilege belongs to the County of Oakland, and individual addressees are not authorized to waive or modify this privilege in any way. Individuals are advised that any dissemination, reproduction or unauthorized review of this information by persons other than those listed above may constitute a waiver of this privilege and is therefore prohibited, If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately. If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Corporation Counsel at (248) 858-0550. Thank you for your cooperation. From: West, Catherine [mailto:westca©oakgov.com ] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:15 PM To: Julie SecontIne; Laurie VanPelt; Lori Taylor; Pat Davis Cc: Cunningham, Dale; banyckyk@oakgov.corn; Tammy Feole; 'Seaman, Loft; Metrick, Tammy; Malone, Prentiss Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt — Lori Taylor —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Oakland County Sheriff's Office 2015 Auto Theft Prevention Authority Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. STATE OF MICHIGAN RICK SNYDER DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE COL. KRISTE KIBBEY ETUE GOVERNOR AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY DIRECTOR LANS/NG August 13, 2014 Capt. Joseph Quisenberry Oakland County Sheriffs Department Oakland County Auto Theft Unit 1200 North Telegraph Rd., Bldg. 38 East Pontiac, Michigan 48341 Dear Captain Quisen berry: Re: Grant No. 08-15 Oakland County Sheriffs Office, Oakland County Auto Theft Unit Fiscal Year 2015 Grant Award Notice I am delighted to inform you that on August 7, 2014, your Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) application was reviewed by the Board of Directors and has been selected to receive grant funding. As you are aware, since the inception of ATPA in 1986 Michigan's auto thefts have fallen from 72,021 to 24,973 per year, a decline of 65.3 percent. We are hopeful that your team's efforts will help us to continue this trend. Please review the enclosed budget detail carefully, since modifications could have been made to your original request in the grant application. Prior to the release of any funds, we have scheduled a mandatory orientation meeting for both the Grant Official Project Director and the Grant Official Financial Contact to attend. At that time, the objectives, overall management, and grant reimbursement procedures will be reviewed. If your project is a multi- agency task force, a copy of this letter is, also being sent (as referenced below) to the Financial Contact for the sub-grantee. It is highly encouraged that Financial Contacts of the multi-agency task forces who are responsible for providing financial information to the grantee, also attend this meeting. The orientation meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. on August 26, 2014 at the Dearborn Police Department, 16099 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Michigan. Congratulations, your agency has been awarded additional incentive funding based on the criteria you indicated in your original grant application. This means that your agency and sub grantees, if applicable, are only responsible for a hard match of 41 percent and the ATPA is providing a reimbursement rate of 59 percent. If you have any questions, please contact the ATPA Financial Auditor, Ms. Tracy Lambert at (517) 241- 1089. Our best wishes for a successful programI Sincerely, Mr. Daniel G. Vartanian Executive Director Col, Kriste Etue — Chair Patrick Dolan. Russell Kohler — Representing Purchasers of Automobile Insurance Curtis Caid. Michael McCabe — Representing Law Enforcement Fausto Martin. Laura J. Pierman - Representing Automobile Insurers MICHIGAN STATE POLICE HEADQUARTERS • 333 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE • P.O. BOX 30634 • LANSING. MICHIGAN 48909-0634 www.mlohigan.govimsp • (517) 241-1087 A B C COUNTY OF OAKLAND SHERIFF DEPARTMENT OAKLAND COUNTY AUTO THEFT SQUAD n COMBINED BUDGET DETAIL 4 G-8-15 , 6 59% 41% 7 . BUDGET ATPA 1 GRANTEE 8 AWARD i SHARE SHARE 9 SWORN EMPLOYEES . 10 (6) Oakland Co. Deputies & (1) Sgt.: 409,420 ! 241,558 i 167,862 ig Overtime 20,472 12,078 8,394 12 Employees Benefits: 283,848 167,470 116,378 27,216 -1,361 13 14 P. Officer-Oakland Co-Pontiac 66,380 39,164 ' 15 Overtime 3,320 1,959 1 16 Employees Benefits: 54,863 . 32,369 I 22,494 23:699 1,181 17 34,103 : 1,699 13,135 18 P. Officer-Hazel Park PD 57,802 ' 19 Overtime 2,880 20 Employees Benefits: 30,738 . 12,603 21 El P. Officer-Waterford Twp PD 62,067 36,620 1 25,947 23 Overtime 3,103 1 1,831 1,272 24 Employees Benefits: 31,066 I 18,329 12,737 25 . 1 . 28,296 1,415 26 P. Officer-Farmington Hills PD 69,015 1 40,719 I 2,036 27 Overtime 3,450 28 Employees Benefits: 43,552 25,696 ' 29,686 , 17,856_ 29 30 1) Detroit PD-Detective 50,315 20,629 Eg Egl Overtime 3,774 2,227 1 1,547 Employees Benefits: 42,909 25,316 : , 17,593 Ea 34 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 1,238,974 : 730,995 r 507,979 El , 28,700 36 VEHICLES 37 (7) Sheriff Vehicle Rental/Usage -inc Pori 70,000 ' 41,300 38 (1) Farmington Hills vehicle Usage 10,000 ' 5,900 I 4,100 39 (1) Waterford Twp Veh. Usage 10,000 ' 5,900 4,100 El (1) Hazel Park Vehicle Usage 10,000 5,900 .4,100 41 (1) Detroit PD-Vehicle Rental/Usage 7,500 4,425 3,075 42 TOTAL VEHICLES 107,500 63,425 I 44,075 43 44 FIELD OPERATIONS 45 Inv. Supplies 500 ; 295 , 205 639 271 . 28,1.25-- 46 Cell Phones 1,558 660 49,085 919 47 MAATI and IAATI dues 389 28,960 . 48 Automatid License Plate Reader System 49 TOTAL FIELD OPERATIONS 51,803 30,564 . 21,239 50 1,435 51 OFFICE OPERATIONS 52 Phone/Pager/Supplies 3,500 2,065 , A B C COUNTY OF OAKLAND SHERIFF DEPARTMENT _ 2 Ell OAKLAND COUNTY AUTO THEFT SQUAD ._ ._ COMBINED BUDGET DETAIL 4 .. G-8-15 5 6 ' 59% 41% El BUDGET ATPA GRANTEE 8 AWARD , SHARE i SHARE 53 TOTAL OFFICE OPERATIONS 3,500 : 2,065 1,435 54 , Eil 56 SUB TOTAL 1,401,777 827,048 : 574,729 ADDITIONAL INCREASE - , .. Eil 58 59 GRAND TOTAL 1,401,777 827,048 ; 574,729 REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 59% 568,051 74,350 1--- 41% 60 Oakland COSD . 962,799 . _394,748 5-1,6677- 61 Farmington Hills' 126,017 62 63 Waterford Twp ; 106,236 62,679 59,838 43,557 _.. 41,582 Hazel Park 101,420 64 Detroit 105,305 62,130 ; 43,175 65 1,401,777 ; 827,048 574,729 A 81 C D 1 COUNTY OF OAKLAND SHERIFF DEPARTMENT _ ___ _ ' . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ 111 OAKLAND COUNTY AUTO THEFT SQUAD BUDGET DETAIL El G-8-15 ___ _ 6 - _.___ ___ _. _ 59% 41% . 7 BUDGET ATPA F GRANTEE a _ AWARD , SHARE 1 , - SHARE , 9 SWORN EMPLOYEES , Pontiac is incIud 10 Salaries & Wages: -----1 11 (6) Oakland Co. Deputies & (1) Sgt.: 409,420 241,558 , 167,862 ' 12 Overtime 20,472 12,078 1 8,394 ; 13 Employees Benefits: 283,848 167,470 I 116,378 ! 14 15 P. Officer-Oakland Co-Pontiac 66,380 ' 39,164 , 27,216 16 Overtime 3,320 1,959 1 1,361 17 Employees Benefits: 54,863 32,369 ! 22,494 1 18 19 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 838,303 494,599 ; 343,704 21 VEHICLES 20 Sheriff Vehicle Rental/Usage 70,000 41,300 1 28,700 1 NI (7) 24 TOTAL VEHICLES 70,000 41,300 28,700 I -1 i 25 FIELD OPERATIONS _ 26 Inv. Supplies _ 500 295 205 ' , 27 MAATI and IAATI dues 600 354 246 28 Cell Phones 1,558 919 639 29 Automated License Plate Reader Systen 49,085 28,960 20,125 30 . 1 , 31 TOTAL FIELD OPERATIONS 51,743 I 30,528 I 21,215 1 __ _ 32 33 OFFICE OPERATIONS - - -- -- - -- -- - _ 34 Phone/Pager/Supplies 2,753 1,624 . ----- - 1,129 35 TOTAL OFFICE OPERATIONS 2,753 1,624 1,129 36 394,748 I 37 SUB TOTAL 962,799 568,051 ' 38 ADDITIONAL INCREASE 1 39 GRAND TOTAL 962,799 568,051 1 394,748 I 40 REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 59% 41%; 41 42 43 Note; 44 Field Operations 747 is for Detroit . , A I B C 1 FARMINGTON HILLS POLICE DEPARTMENT 2 OAKLAND COUNTY AUTO THEFT SQUAD _ 3 BUDGET DETAIL - 4 G-8-15 5 6 _ 59% 41% 7 BUDGET ATPA , GRANTEE , 8 AWARD . SHARE 1 SHARE 9 1 SWORN EMPLOYEES I 1 0 Salaries & Wages: 11 P. Officer-Farmington Hills PD 69,015 40,719 ! 28,296 12 Overtime 3,450 2,036 i 1,415 _ 3 Employees Benefits: 43,552 25,696 17,856 • ... 14 • 15 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 116,017 68,450 I 47,567 1 1 16 17 VEHICLES _ 18 (1) Farmington Hills vehicle Usage 10,000 5,900 4,100 ! 19 TOTAL VEHICLES 10,000 ! 5,900 4,100 20 21 SUB TOTAL 126,017 74,350 51,667 22 1 i 23 GRAND TOTAL 126,017 74,350 51,667 ; _ 24 REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 59% i 41% r . .._ 25 26 1 A E3 C 1 WATERFORD TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT 7 OAKLAND COUNTY AUTO THEFT SQUAD BUDGET DETAIL ._ 1 G-8-15 , , 6 [ 59% 1 41% BUDGET ATPA i GRANTEE 1 8 AWARD 1 SHARE ; SHARE 1 _ 9 1 SWORN EMPLOYEES 10 Salaries & Wages: 11 P. Officer-Waterford Twp PD 62,067 36,620 25,447 12 Overtime 3,103 , 1,831 1,272 3 Employees Benefits: 31,066 , 18,329 ' 12,737 14 I 15 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 96,236 56,779 : 39,457 16 4,100 , 17 VEHICLES 18 (1) Waterford Twp Veh. Usage 10,000 i 5,900 19 TOTAL VEHICLES 10,000 5,900 4,100 20 21 SUB TOTAL 106,236 62,679 43,557 22 23 GRAND TOTAL 106,236 62,679 43,557 1 24 REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT , 59%1 -- 41%1 - 25 26 27 28 Notes: 29 Vehicles: Waterford in 2012 Exp. $6100, 1st half of 2013 $1525 B I C HAZEL PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT .._ _ OAKLAND COUNTY AUTO THEFT SQUAD 3 BUDGET DETAIL 4 G-8-15 -r-- _ _ 5 , : , , 6 59% 41% 1 7 BUDGET , ATPA GRANTEE ; _. _ 8 AWARD ; SHARE ' SHARE 1 .._ 9 SWORN EMPLOYEES . 10 Salaries & Wages: _ 11 P. Officer-Hazel Park PD 57,802 , 34,103 23,699 12 Overtime 2,880 ! 1,699 I 1,181 13 Employees Benefits: 30,738 18,135 12,603 14 _ 15 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 91,420 ! 53,938 ; 37,482 I 16 . . -1 17 VEHICLES 18 (1) Hazel Park Vehicle Usage 10,000 . 5,900 , 4,100 19 TOTAL VEHICLES 10,000 ' 5,900 4,100 20 , 21 SUB TOTAL 101,420 59,838 41,582 22 23 GRAND TOTAL 101,420 59,838 41,582 24 REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 59% 41%1 25 , I 13 1 DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT : - 2 OAKLAND COUNTY AUTO THEFT SQUAD 3 BUDGET DETAIL 4 G-8-15 59% 41% ATPA ; GRANTEE , BUDGET 8 AWARD SHARE SHARE 1 __ 9 SWORN EMPLOYEES . 10 Salaries & Wages: , . 11 (1) Detroit PD-Detective 50,315 29,686 20,629 . 12 Overtime 3,774 ' 2,227 1,547 13 Employees Benefits: 42,909 25,316 17,593 ' 14 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 96,998 57,229 39,769 15 - - 6 VEHICLES .. - 17 (1) Detroit PD-Vehicle Rental/Usage 7,500 4,425 3,075 18 TOTAL VEHICLES 7,500 I 4,425 , 3,075 , 19 . 20 FIELD OPERATIONS 747 _ - , 441 1 306 21 Phone/Pager/Supplies 22 MAATI and IAATI dues 60 , 35 25 23 TOTAL FIELD OPERATIONS 807 ' 476 331 24 i _ 1 - 25 GRAND TOTAL 105,305 62,130 1 43,175 26 REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 59%1 41%! _ 27 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY LANSING WOK SNYDER GovERNoR COL. KRISTE KlBBEY ETUE DIRECTOR August 14, 2014 Capt. Joseph Quisenberry Oakland County Sheriffs Office 1200 North Telegraph Road, Building #38E Pontiac, Michigan 48341-1044 Re: ATPA Grant No, 08-16, Oakland County Sheriff's Office, Oakland County Auto Theft Unit Dear Captain Quisenberry: The Auto Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Grant #08-15 effective October 1,2014, authorizes you to assign five sheriff deputies and one sergeant to the Oakland County Auto Theft Team. It is my understanding that you still have a reciprocal agreement with the Detroit Police Department (DPD) to assign one additional deputy to the Preventing Auto Theft team, as listed on the attached Budget Detail page. This multijurisdictional arrangement is not only authorized by the ATPA, but encouraged in order to enhance the effectiveness of both teams. If you have any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, -Zoact Daniel G. Vartanian Executive Director Enclosure cc: Sgt. Vernal Newson, DPD Lt. Wendy Reyes, Oakland County Sheriffs Office Sgt, Kevin Banycky, Oakland County Sheriff's Office, Grant Official Project Contact Ms, Tammy Metrick, Oakland County Sheriffs Office, Grant Official Financial Contact Mr, Tim Bailor, ATPA Project Coordinator Ms, Tracy Lambert, ATPA Financial Auditor Kriste Kibbey Etue — Chair Mr. Patrick Dolan, Monsignor Russell Kohler — Representing Purchasers of Automobile insurance Chief Curtis Geld, Undersheriff Michael McCabe — Representing Law Enforcement Mr. Fausto Martin, Mr. William Jamnik - Representing Automobile Insurers MICHIGAN STATE POLICE HEADQUARTERS • 333 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE • P.C. BOX 30634 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-0634 www.michigan.gov/mso • (517) 241-1087 I B C OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF 2 INSURANCE FRAUD AND CONSPIRACY UNIT 3 BUDGET DETAIL 4 G-21-15 (Detroit Police Dept Preventing Auto Theft (PAT) 5 6 50% 50% BUDGET ATPA GRANTEE AWARD SHARE SHARE 9 SWORN EMPLOYEES 10 Salaries & Wages: 11 (1) Police Officer Oakland 66,380 33,190 33,190 12 Overtime 4,978 2,4-89 2,489 13 Fringe Benefits-35.70% 58,541 29,271 29,271 14 15 TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 129,899 64,950 64,950 16 17 FIELD OPERATIONS 18 MAVTI/IAATI total $60 60 30 30 19 20 VEHICLES 10,000 5,000 5,000 21 22 GRAND TOTAL 139,959 69,980 69,980 23 REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 50% 50% FISCAL NOTE #14234 October 8, 2014 BY: Finance Committee, -forri ivlicidleton, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE — FISCAL YEAR 2015 AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY (ATPA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) has awarded Oakland County funding in the amount of $1,541,736 with a grant match of $644,709 for October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. 2. The ATPA encourages multijurisdictional agreements; Oakland County's award includes one Detroit position and Detroit's award includes one Oakland County position. 3. Oakland County's award is $1,401,777 with a 41% required match of $574,729; and Oakland County's portion of Detroit's award is $139,959 with a 50% required match of $69,980. 4. The ATPA award includes funding of $962,799 for Oakland County Sheriff's Office with a required match of $394,748. The award also includes funding for four other communities where Oakland County acts as fiduciary; that funding includes: $126,017 Farmington Hills Police Department with a required match of $51,667; $101,420 Hazel Park Police Department with a required match of $41,582; $106,236 Waterford Township Police Department with a required match of $43,557; and $105,305 Detroit Police Department with a required match of $43,175. 5. Oakland County was also awarded funding from the City of Detroit's ATPA grant, which is confirmed by letter of agreement received from the ATPA dated August 14, 2014 allowing the Oakland County Sheriff's Office to continue one (1) Special Revenue (SR), Deputy II position #4030915-11067 in the Investigative and Forensic Services Division/Special Teams Unit. 6. The County's total match amount of $464,728 ($394,748 Oakland County, $69,980 Oakland County portion of Detroit's ATPA) is partially available in the Sheriff's Office General Fund General Purpose (GF/GP) Transfer Out account in the amount of $334,086; with the balance of $130,642 available in the Non-Departmental Grant Match line item of the GF/GP budget. 7. This award continues funding for five (5) SR FTE Deputy II positions (#'s 4030915-116270-06108, 06109, 06147, 06148, and 10898) and one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position (#4030915-116270-10333). 8. In addition funding for one (1) GF/GP position (#4030629-11149) is contracted with the City of Pontiac and is reimbursed by the ATPA. 9. Also provided in the grant award is funding for overtime, vehicles, Investigative Supplies, and Phones/Pagers. 10. In addition to the County match requirements, the County is expected to incur administrative and support costs of $70,538 for FY 2015, which has been included in the FY 2015 Budget. This grant does not allow for reimbursement of indirect costs. 11. The FY 2015 budget is amended as follows: FY2015 FY2015 FY2015 Adopted Adjustment Amended GENERAL FUND #10100 Expenditures 9090101-196030-730800 Grant Match 4030901-116270-788001-27310Transfer Out Total General Fund Expenditures $1,160,000 ($130,642) $ 334,086 $130,642 $.1,421,086 0 $1,029,358 $ 464,728 $1,494,086 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND #27310 GR #0000000377 Revenues 4030901-116270-695500-10100 Transfer In $325,197 $ 139,531 $464,728 4030901-116270-615571 Grants-State $541,524 $ 96,506 $638,030 Total Sheriff - ATPA Grant Revenues $866,721 $ 236,037 $1,1,02„755. Expenditures 4030901-116270-702010 Salaries $ 475,798 $ 66,382 $542,180 4030901-116270-712020 Overtime $ 31,198 ($ 2,428) $ 28,770 FINANCE COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford absent. 4030901-116270-722750 Workers Comp, 4030901-116270-722760 Group Life 4030901-116270-722770 Retirement 4030901-116270-722780 Hospitalization 4030901-116270-722790 Social Security 4030901-116270-722800 Dental 4030901-116270-722810 Disability 4030901-116270-722820 Unemployment Insur. 4030901-116270-722850 Optical 4030901-116270-722900 Fringe Benefit Adj. 4030901-116270-778675 Telephone 4030901-116270-776661 Motor Pool 4030901-116270-750070 Deputy Supplies Total Sheriff - ATPA Grant Expenditures $ 12,400 $ 1,463 $ 134,244 $ 105,520 $ 36,398 $ 7,893 $ 6,889 $ 1,520 $ 638 $ 10,906 $ 400 $ 39,354 $ 2,100 $ 866,721 $ 0 $ 12,400 $ 0 $ 1,463 0 $134,244 0 $105,520 0 $ 36,398 0 $ 7,893 0 $ 6,889 0 $ 1,520 0 $ 638 $ 79,381 $ 90,287 $ 3,911 $ 4,311 $ 40,646 $ 80,000 $ 48,145 $ 50,245 $236,037 $1 102 758 Resolution #14234 October 8, 2014 Moved by Dwyer supported by Quarles the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Quarles, Runestad, Scott, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic, Crawford. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). HEREBY APPROVE THIS RESOLUTION CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 45.559A (7) STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on October 8, 2014, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 8th day of October 2014. "64-9A-n Lisa Brown, Oakland County