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Resolutions - 2014.12.11 - 21636
MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION .#14300 December 11, 2014 BY: Public Services Committee, Bill Dwyer, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE — 2015 OFF-ROAD VEHICLE (ORV) SAFETY EDUCATION PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), has awarded the Sheriff's Office Marine Safety Unit $450 for the Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program; and WHEREAS the grant contract period is October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015; and WHEREAS no county match or additional positions are required; and WHEREAS the acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment; and WHEREAS the continuation of the program is contingent upon future levels of reimbursement program funding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners approves the Department of Natural Resources 2014-2015 ORV Safety Education Program Grant Acceptance Agreement and that the Board Chairperson, on behalf of the County of Oakland, is authorized to execute said agreement, as attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no grant match is required. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Sheriff's Office GRANT NAME: 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Natural Resources & Environment DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Sergeant Michael Suarez (248) 858-1664 STATUS: Grant Acceptance DATE: November 5, 2014 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #13180, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioner? Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Department of Management and Budget: Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (11/3/2014) Department of Human Resources: HR. Approved (No Committee) — Lori Taylor (11/3/2014) Risk Management and Safety: Approved by Risk Management. — Robert Erlenbeck (1113/2014) Corporation Counsel: Approved. — Nicole B. Tabin (11/5/2014) COMPLIANCE Michigan Natural Resources and Environments Protection Act 451 of 1994 http://www.legislaturesni.gov/(S(yldlbtyil3q11h3ofinx40x55))/mileg.aspx?page=GetObj eet&objeetname ---Incl-Act-451-of-1994 From: To: CC: Subject: Date: 31112Ea-Lalltia "West. Catherine"; "Julie Secontine"; "Lori Taylor"; "Pat_Davls" "Cunninaharn. Dale"; "Seaman. Lori"; "Suarez. Michael"; rnillerianeoakoov.corri; "Godschalk. Gary"; "Malone, Prentiss"; "Matkoskv. 3oe" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance Monday, November 03, 2014 4:01:53 PM Approved. From: West, Catherine [mailto:westca©oakgov.com ] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 2:35 PM To Julie Secontine; Laurie VanPelt; Lori Taylor; Pat Davis Cc: Cunningham, Dale; 'Seaman, Lori'; 'Suarez, Michael'; millerjan©oakgov.com ; Godschalk, Gary; Malone, Prentiss; Matkosky, Joe Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS Laurie Van Pelt — Lori Taylor —Julie Secontine— Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE—Sheriff's Office Marine Unit 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program Michigan Department of Natural Resources Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: November 10, 2014 GRANT INFORMATION Date: November 3, 2014 Operating Department: Sheriff's Office Department Contact: Sergeant Michael Suarez Contact Phone: (248) 858-1664 Document Identification Number: REVIEW STATUS: Acceptance— Resolution Required Funding Period: October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 New Facility / Additional Office Space Needs: N/A IT Resources (New Computer Hardware / Software Needs or Purchases): N/A M/WBE Requirements: No From To: Cc: Subject: Date: Tavlor,Lgri "West Cathe&e"; "Julie SecontIne"; "Laurie VanPelt"; "Pat Davis" "Cunningham. Dale; "Seaman. Lori"; "Surez, Michael"; Tr illeOanPoakgov.com ; "Godschalk, Gary"; "Malone. Prentiss"; "MaticosN, he" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office -2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance Monday, November 03, 2014 4:35:36 PM HR Approved (No Committee) Lori Taylor Manager-Human Resources Recruitment & Workforce Planning Oakland County Michigan 2100 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 ta_ylorioPoakgov.cQm www.oaketv.cornaobs Phone: 248-858-0548 Fax: 248-858-8391 From: West, Catherine [mailto:westca©oakgov.corri] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 2:35 PM To Julie Secontine; Laurie VanPelt; Lori Taylor; Pat Davis Cc: Cunningham, Dale; 'Seaman, Lori'; 'Suarez, Michael'; milledan@oakgov.com ; Godschalk, Gary; Malone, Prentiss; Matkosky, Joe Subject; GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt— Lori Taylor Secontine— Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE—Sheriff's Office Marine Unit 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program Michigan Department of Natural Resources Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: November 10, 2014 GRANT INFORMATION Date: November 3, 2014 Operating Department: Sheriff's Office From To Cc: Subject: Date: Eilenbeck, Robert "West, Catherine"; "like Secontine"; "Laurie VanPeit"; "Lori Taylor"; "Pat Davis" "GunnInoham. Dale"; "Seaman Lorl"; "Suarez. MSchael"; milterianc@oakgovsom; ''Godschalk. Gary"; "Malone, Prentiss"; "Matkosky, Joe" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance Monday, November 03, 2014 5:13:54 PM Approved by Risk Management. R.E. 11-03-14, Robert Erlenbeck, Risk Management Office: 248-858-1694 Cell: 248-421-9121 Office schedule: Monday through Thursday 7:00 to 5:30 From: Sandy Johnson [mailto:JohnsonS@oakgov.com] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 2:48 PM To; 'West, Catherine; 'Julie Secontine; 'Laurie VanPelt'; 'Lori Taylor'; 'Pat Davis' Cc: 'Cunningham, Dale'; 'Seaman, Lorit; 'Suarez, Michael'; trnillerjan©oakgov.comr; 'Godschalk, Gary'; 'Malone, Prentiss'; IMatkosky, Joe' Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance Please be advised that your request for Risk Management's assistance has been assigned to Bob Erlenbeck (ext. 8-1694). If you have not done so already, please forward all related and future information, documentation, and correspondence to Terri Easterling and Sandy Johnson. Also, please include Risk Management's assignment number RM14-0392 regarding this matter. Thank you, From: West, Catherine Ernallto:westca@oakgov.com ] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2014 2:35 PM To: Julie Secontine; Laurie VanPelt; Lori Taylor; Pat Davis Cc: Cunningham, Dale; 'Seaman, Loft; 'Suarez, Michael'; millerjanaoakgovsom; Godschalk, Gary; Malone, Prentiss; Matkosky, Joe Subject: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriff's Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REViEW DEPARTMENTS Laurie Van Pelt — Lori Taylor —Julie Secontine— Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — Sheriff's Office Marine Unit 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program Michigan Department of Natural Resources Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Tabin. Nicole _Bernadette "West Catherine"; "Julie Secontine"; "Laurie VanPelt"; "Lori Taylor" "Cunninaham. Dale"; "Seaman. Lori"; "Suarez. Michael"; mHierjanaoakgov.com; "Godschalk. Gary"; "Malone, Prentiss"; ''Matkoskv, Joe" RE: GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance Wednesday, November 05, 2014 8:38:54 AM Approved. IC=0 KIND Nicole B. Tabin Assistant Corporation Counsel Department of Corporation Counsel 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 14 East Courthouse West Wing Extension, 3 1t1 Floor Pontiac, MI 48341 Phone Number: (248) 858-1475 Fax Number: (248) 858-1003 Eriitui tabinng_oakgovxorn From: West, Catherine [mailto:westca@oakgov.com] Sent Monday, November 03, 2014 2:35 PM To Julie Secontine; Laurie VanPelt; Lod Taylor; Pat Davis Cc: Cunningham, Dale; 'Seaman, Lat. 'Suarez, Michael", millerjan©oakgov.corn; Godschalk, Gary; Malone, Prentiss; Matkosky, Joe Subject GRANT REVIEW: Sheriffs Office - 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program - Grant Acceptance GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Laurie Van Pelt — Lori Taylor —Julie Secontine — Pat Davis RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE—Sheriff's Office Marine Unit 2015 Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program Michigan Department of Natural Resources Attached to this email please find the grant document(s) to be reviewed. Please provide your review stating your APPROVAL, APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION, or DISAPPROVAL, with supporting comments, via reply (to all) of this email. Time Frame for Returned Comments: November 10, 2014 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LANSING Sincerely, Maureen Houghto Parks and Recrea 5'17-284-6104 houohton (.michigan.clov rogram Specialist Division RICK SNYDER KEITH CREAGH GOVERNOR DIRECTOR October 15, 2014 Sergeant Michael Suarez Oakland County Sheriffs Office 1200 North Telegraph Road, Bldg 38 East Pontiac, MI 48341 Dear Sergeant Suarez: SUBJECT: FY2014-15 Off-road Vehicle Safety Education Grant Enclosed are two copies of the FY2014-15 Off-road Vehicle (ORV) Safety Education grant agreement, issued to your agency by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). As with last year's drastically reduced funding limit, the FY2014-15 funding level was set at $29,200 for ORV Safety Education grants statewide. With this limitation, I did my best in allocating the funds fairly, based on past performance in the program by each agency. In order . to stay within the funding limit, significant across-the-board reductions were necessary. Please review the enclosed agreement carefully. if your agency agrees to participate in the program for FY2014-15, fill in the agency's contact information on the grant agreements, sign and date both copies and return both documents to the address shown below. A fully executed agreement, with original signatures, will be mailed to you once it has been signed for the DNR. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the grant program, please feel free to contact me. Our mailing address is: Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Division, PO Box 30257, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7767. Thank you. Enclosure • Cc Lt. Andrew Turner, DNR Law Enforcement Division Cpl. John Morey, DNR Law Enforcement Division Mr. Jason Fleming, DNR Parks and Recreation Division Ms. Jacklin Blodgett, ONR Parks and Recreation Division CONSTITUTION HALL. • 525 WEST ALLEGAN STREET P.O. BOX 3002E LANSING, MICHIGAN 4E909-7528 www.mIcHgan.govidnr • (517) 284-MONR(6357) Michigan Department of Natural Resources Parks and Recreation Division / Law Enforcement Division OFF-ROAD VEHICLE SAFETY EDUCATION GRANT AGREEMENT By authority of Part 811 Off-Road Vehicles, 1994 PA 451, as amended. This Agreement is between the Department of Natural Resources for and on behalf of the State of Michigan (DEPARTMENT) and OAKLAND COUNTY Federal Tax identification Number, 38-6004876 1.. The Agreement period is October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015, 2. The GRANTEE has been approved by the DEPARTMENT to receive Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Safety Education program funding for instruction of ORV Safety Education classes, following the Department-approved curriculum. An estimate of 76 students will be instructed in ORV safety by the GRANTEE, for potential grant payment of not more than: FOUR HUNDRED, FIFTY Dollars $ 450 3. The DEPARTMENT agrees as follows: To grant to the GRANTEE a sum of $150 per student instructed in ORV safety up to the grant limit inOicalted in paragraph 2, following curriculum approved by the DEPARTMENT, and upon approval of required documentation specified in paragraph 5 of this Agreement, submitted by the GRANTEE. 4. The GRANTEE agrees as follows: To accept $16 per student in grant funds, and to charge each student (optional) no more than an additional $25, for a maximum of $40 received per student. No cash contributions will be accoepted by the GRANTEE from any other sources for the purpose of ORV safety education. 5. This Agreement shall be administered on behalf of the DEPARTMENT through Parks and Recreation Division. a. At the completion of each class, the GRANTEE will send completed instructor forms within thirty (30) days to: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION RECREATION EDUCATION PROGRAMS P.O. BOX 30031 LANSING MI 48909 b. At the completion of instruction activities for the grant period, but nc later than October 15 following the grant period, the GRANTEE will request payment by submkting a completed Grant Payment Request (form P R1 831 -1) to: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAM SERVICES SECTION P.O. BOX 30257 LANSING MI 48909-7757 Two payments per grant period may be made based on a flat rate of $15.00 per student instructed by the GRANTEE, subject to review and approval by the DEPARTMENT of the required documentation submitted by the GRANTEE. If the GRANTEE requests two payments, the first payment period is October 1 through March 31, with the payment request due by April 30. The second payment period is April 1 through September 30, with the payment request due by October 15. The GRANTEE may opt to request one payment only, for the grant period October 1 through the following September 30, with the payment request due by October 15. Payments will be made based on the number of students actually instructed and as documented through Marketing and Outreach Division. No advance payments will be made. , (GRANTEE), Page 1 of 2 PR19813-5 (Rev. D5/15(2012) Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Grant Agreement 6. The GRANTEES contact for this grant is: Name The Sergeant mionaei. Suarez Address City, State, ZIP _isjatia.c.3_u_i$1.41 Telephone No. 24.8-858-1664 Fax No. 248-858-4965, n E-mail suarewm@oakgov.com 7. The GRANTEE may not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement to any other agency, group or individual, 8. The Agreement may be executed separately by the parties. This Agreement is not effective until: a. the GRANTEE has signed it and returned it, and b. the DEPARTMENT has signed it. The individuals signing for the parties indicated below certify by their signatures that they have the authority to do so and will ensure the terms of the Agreement are fulfilled. GRANTEE Michael Gingell ' Name (Printed) Signature Commissioner, Board of Commissioners Title Date DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Jacklin Blodgett Name (Printed) Program Services Section Chief Title Signature Date Send this completed arid signed agreement to: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAM SERVICES SECTION P.O. 60X 30257 LANSING MI 48909-7767 Page 2 of 2 PR1eze-5 (Rev. 05/15/2012) FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #14300) December 11,2014 BY: Finance Committee, Tom Middleton, Chairperson IN RE: SHERIFF'S OFFICE — 2015 OFF-ROAD VEHICLE (ORV) SAFETY EDUCATION PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), has awarded the Sheriff's Office Marine Safety Unit $450 for an Off-Road Vehicle Safety Education Program. 2. The grant period is from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. 3. The DNR provides $15 per trained/certified ORV student; the estimated number of students is 30. 4. No County match or additional positions are required. 5. A budget amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015 Sheriff's Office Marine Safety budget is recommended as follows: GENERAL FUND #10100 Revenue 10100-4030601-116200-615571 Grants State 10100-9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Balance Total General Fund Revenue FY 2015 $ 450 ($ 450) $ -0- FINANCE COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long and Quarles absent. Resolution #14300 December 11, 2014 Moved by Crawford supported by McGillivray the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted), AYES: Dwyer, Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin, Hatchett, Hoffman, Jackson, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Runestad, Scott, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bosnic, Crawford. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). /-)////ty I HEREBY APPROVE THIS RESOLUTION CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 45.559A (7) STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 1 ith, 2014, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 11 th day of December 2014. — Lisa Brown, Oakland County