HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2015.03.18 - 21753MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #15062 March 18, 2015 BY; FINANCE COMMITTEE, TOM MIDDLETON, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Public Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Units of Government, provides for adjustments to the adopted budget; and WHEREAS in accordance with Oakland County General Appropriations Act Section 22, which authorizes budget amendments for variances between the budgeted revenue and actual revenue, and Section 23, which authorizes budget amendments for variance between estimated revenue and projected expenditures, amendments are required; and WHEREAS the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 First Quarter Financial Forecast Report has identified several variances and budget amendments are recommended; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $220,000 is recommended for the Sheriffs Office to reflect the second and final insurance recovery monies received related to helicopter radio equipment damaged in FY 2014. The first payment received in FY 2014 was for $183,718; and WHEREAS the Sheriffs Office receipt of forfeiture/enhancement funds were previously posted to a liability account (deferred revenue) within the General Fund; due to the implementation of GASB 63, the deferred revenue account can no longer be used for this activity and these funds were moved to separate restricted funds that will require a transfer to the General Fund for use of the monies. Transfers In from the various restricted funds in the amount of $104,992 is being recognized for eligible forensic lab, dispatch, officer's training, and Correction Officer Training Fund (COTF) costs; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $24,000 is recommended for Economic Development & Community Affairs to reflect monies received for operating expenditures related to the Business Roundtable; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $28,010 is recommended for Planning and Economic Development Services to reflect reimbursement from Michigan Economic Development Corporation for software support with Salesforce; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended for the Treasurer's Office to re-appropriate $87,000, authorized per M.R. #14054, but not spent in FY 2014 to cover the remaining payments of the Check Writing software upgrade; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $48,000 is recommended to reallocate funds from the Treasurer's Office Pilot-State Owned Land account to Payment in Lieu of Taxes account to more accurately reflect the budget with actual revenue activity; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $5,000 is recommended for Prosecutor's Office related to the Fiscal Year 2015 Crime Victims Grant to recognize Amendment #1 within 15% of the original grant award; increase in award from $218,900 to $223,900; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $35,529 is recommended for the Library Board to correct budgeted expenditure line items to reflect the correct program; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to reallocate $23,353, from the Board of Commissioners Special Projects (MR. #14131) budgeted line item to cover the salaries of two part-time non- eligible positions (positions 11568 and 11569 ) for the digitization of the Research Library; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $3,000 is recommended to reallocate funds from the 52-4 Troy District Court's Office Supplies account to the Drug Testing account to more accurately reflect the budget with actual expenditures; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $11,095 is recommended to correct the department number (per M.R. #14267) from District Court Administration to District Court-Novi; and WHEREAS a budget amendment totaling $962,683 is recommended to reallocate funds from the Circuit Court's Family and Business Division salaries and fringe benefit accounts (Fund 10100) to the Child Care Fund salaries and fringe benefit accounts (Fund 20293) to more accurately reflect the budget with actual expenditures; and WHEREAS the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Board has approved the FY 2015 Special Revenue Budget (#21180) for the EDC in the amount of $28,700, same amount as the FY 2014 budget, a budget amendment is required to amend the FY 2015 Special Revenue budget to reflect line item adjustments; and WHEREAS Circuit Court requests a budget amendment to transfer funds in the amount of $11,330 from the Circuit Court Child Care Fund (#20293) to the Project Work Order Fund (#40400) to cover costs associated with the Courthouse - Drug Court and Adoptions unit relocation to more effectively serve clientele; and FINANCE COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. WHEREAS a budget amendment totaling $110,000 is recommended to reallocate funds from the Circuit Court General Jurisdiction Civil Mediation Payments account (10100-3010301-121150-240201) to the Judicial Administration's Expendable Equipment expense account to allow funding to purchase furniture for the new judge; and WHEREAS a budget amendment totaling $ 60,000 is recommended for Probate Court's Estates and Mental Health Defense Attorney Fees expense account to more accurately reflect the budget with actual expenditures; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $22,500 is recommended for FY 2015 and $30,000 each year for FY 2016 and FY 2017 for the trustee tethering program at Animal Control; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to recognize additional revenue sharing in the amount of $5,875,255 based on FY 2015 projections from the State of Michigan; FY 2016 and FY 2017 adjustments will be included in the FY 2016 - FY 2018 County Executive Recommended Budget based on outcome of State budget (current recommendation is to maintain revenue sharing projections); and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance for substance abuse and prevention programs (GL#381352) to Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) in the amount of $3,519,180; and WHEREAS a budget amendment of $6,300 has been requested by the Children's Village Division to reallocate expenditures between line items to more accurately account for actual activity; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to transfer funding in the amount of $28,492 from the General Fund (#10100) under the Health and Human Services Admin Division to the Project Work Order Fund (#40400) in order to convert the current music classroom at Children's Village into a temporary clinic space; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended in the Homeland Security Division to accept supplemental funding from the Homeland Security Grant Program in the amount of $9,334 under the 2011 grant award and $78,709 under the 2012 grant award for a total of $88,043, which is less than a fifteen percent increase over the original awards; and WHEREAS an amendment is recommended to Information Technology Fund to reallocate funds of $139,180 for FY 2015 and $127,637 for FY 2016 based on the FY 2015-2016 Master Plan priorities established by the Leadership Groups; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to transfer funding from the Facilities Maintenance & Operations Fund (#63100) in the amount of $116,000 to the Project Work Order Fund (#40400) in order to replace the fire alarm system at Children's Village J Building; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to transfer funding in the amount of $59,857 from the Information Technology Fund (#63600) to the Project Work Order Fund (#40400) in order to reconfigure the IT computer room, changing the HVAC system airflow, ensuring the computer equipment continues to be properly cooled; and WHEREAS a budget amendment is recommended to transfer funding from the Animal Control Legacy Fund in the amount of $4,945 to the Project Work Order Fund for the removal of laundry equipment from the Oakland County Sheriff's Office (OCSO) and installed at the Animal Control Division; and WHEREAS a Parks and Recreation budget amendment is recommended to transfer Building Maintenance funds in the amount of $68,546 from the Facilities Maintenance cost center to various cost centers incurring expenses during the first quarter of FY2015; and WHEREAS a Parks and Recreation budget amendment is recommended to approve the allocation of the FY2015 Salary and Fringe Benefit budget based on FY2014 actual cost center activity; and WHEREAS the Water Resources Commissioner (WRC) recognized the acquisition of 16 vehicles at an estimated value of $614,353 that was included in the 2012 agreement to acquire the Pontiac Waste Water Treatment Facility and operations of the Water and Sewer systems and said vehicles will be included in the County's fleet as Department Owned vehicles. No transfer of funds are required as these vehicles will remain in the respective Pontiac Water and Sewer Systems and included in WRC's long range capital replacement plan; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs has attempted to collect funds from loan recipients for the Community Development Block Grant totaling $21,146.94 and the Home Investment Partnership Act Accounts totaling $179,008, and recommends $200,154.94 be written off in uncollectible loans; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds has attempted to collect funds from customers for using public inquiry services totaling $434.70 and recommends after several unsuccessful attempts the amount to be written off as uncollectible; and WHEREAS Animal Control & Pet Adoption Center received two (2) $500 gift cards from Meijer's located at 800 Brown Road in Auburn Hills, $665 was donated from Pet Smart Charities for participating in an adoption event held at the Detroit Zoo in September of 2014 and $500 was donated from a local citizen; and WHEREAS Parks & Recreation received donations totaling $3,800 for various programs. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners accepts the Fiscal Year 2015 First Quarter Financial Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $110,000 be transferred in FY 2015 from the Circuit Court General Jurisdiction's Civil Mediation Payments account (10100-3010301-121150-240201) to the Judicial Administration's Expendable Equipment expense account to allow funding to purchase furniture for judicial chambers. GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 3010301-121150-630245 Expenditures 3010101-121100-750154 Cir Crt Gen Jur — Civil Mediation Payments Total Revenues Expendable Equipment Total Expenditures FY 2015 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED a budget amendment is recommended to transfer the remaining restricted fund balance for substance abuse and prevention programs (GL#381352)_to_Qakland County-Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) as the designated substance abuse coordinating agency in the amount of $3,519,180. GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues 9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Balance Total Revenues FY 2015 $3,519,180 $3,519,180 Expenditures 9010101-134790-740160 Substance Abuse Coord Agency Total Expenditures $3,519,180 $3,519,180 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the uncollectible debts, as recommended by the Department of Management and Budget and detailed in the attached schedules are authorized to be written off. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the donations be recognized in the Parks and Recreation Department and the Animal Control & Pet Adoption Center. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2015— FY 2017 Budgets are amended pursuant to Schedules A and B. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of :t e foregzoing-resolution. ( OAKLAND COUNTY MICHIGAN MANAGEMENT & BUDGET OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE L. BROOKS PATTERSON Laurie Van Pelt, Director (248)858-2163 I vartpelti@oakgov.com TO: Members of the Finance Committee FROM: Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management and Budget Lynn Sonkiss, Manager, Fiscal Services Gaia Piir, Chief, Fiscal Services Ebru Adoglu-Jones, Supervisor of Fiscal Services SUBJECT: Letter of Transmittal - Fiscal Year 2015 First Quarter Forecast DATE: March 12, 2015 FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT Attached please find the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 First Quarter Forecast Report. In total, Fiscal Services forecasts that the County will complete FY 2015 with an overall favorable variance of $16,845,743 in General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) operations, compared to the amended budget. GF/GP includes all operations except grants, enterprise funds, and internal service funds. This overall favorability is split between receiving $6,788,593 more revenue than anticipated and projected favorability in expenditures of $10,057,150. REVENUES GF/GP revenues are 1.58% more than budget or $6,788,593. Major variances are the result of the following events: A. TAXES — Favorable: $300,000 Favorable Payment in Lieu of Taxes in the Treasurer's Office to reflect actual revenue activity for payments from the State on Department of Natural Resources (DNR) land. B. STATE GRANTS — Unfavorable: ($552,500) Reduced state funding is the result of reduced Child Care fund costs. The revenue loss is more than offset by projected reduced expenditures. Expenditures are favorable for Foster Boarding Homes, Independent Living, and Private Institutions - Residential and Foster Care. C. OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE — Favorable: $5,809,255 Due to favorable Revenue Sharing of $5,875,255 based on FY 2015 projections from the State of Michigan. The favorability is partially offset by unfavorable revenue from the State for Cigarette Tax Distribution ($48,000). D. CHARGES FOR SERVICES — Favorable: $1,152,007 Favorable primarily due to increased activity for Land Transfer Tax in the County Clerk's Office. The favorability is offset by unfavorable Civil Action Service Fees in the Treasurer's Office due to the decline in foreclosures and unfavorable fees across the District Courts due to statutory changes and fluctuations in caseload. 2100 Pontiac Lake Road County Executive Building 41W I Waterford, MI 48328 I Fax (248) 452-9172 I OakGov.c EXPENDITURES In total, expenditures are projected to be 2.35% under budget or $10,057,150 favorable. Many departments have experienced personnel savings as the result of the hiring freeze, turnover, and under-filling of positions. As the year progresses this overall net favorability may increase as departments continue to work to reduce their costs and reorganize. There is one department projected to be unfavorable at the end of the fiscal year (barring any amendments); Sheriff's Office. Sheriff — Unfavorable: ($1,622,800) • The department is forecasted to be unfavorable due to increased use of overtime and related fringe benefits; primarily in the Corrective Services area which has a large number of vacant positions and employees on leave. Overall the department is short nearly sixty (60) deputies. New deputies are required to complete 13 weeks of additional training and certification prior to filling a vacant position. The unfavorable overtime is partially offset by favorable salaries and fringe benefits for the vacant positions. Note that while individual divisions may be over budget, the budget is controlled at the department level. The General Appropriations Act requires that appropriations accumulate at the following three summary levels of expenditures within each County Department and are deemed maximum authorization for expenditures: Personnel Expenditures, Operating Expenditures, and Internal Support Expenditures. Reauired Reporting Adjustments The Quarterly Forecast presents the County's financial position in relation to the amended budget (Budget perspective). This form of presentation is used so that users of this forecast can assess the true financial impact of County operations in comparison to the budget for the current fiscal year. However, it is important to note that this presentation style does not fully coincide with the accounting requirements of audited financial statements produced by the County. The County's financial statements are required to follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP. Forecast Presentation — Budgetary Perspective The presentation reflects the true fiscal activity of the County for FY 2015: Revenues - over/ (under) budget Expenditures — (over)/under budget Total Officially Reported Favorability $ 6,788,593 10,057,150 $ 16,845,743 GAAP Reauired Reporting Method Under GAAP, the Planned Use of Fund Balance is removed as a "revenue" source. The amended revenue budget assumed the use of $39,426,243 in fund balance. Fund balance is budgeted, and if available can be used as a funding source, however GAAP does not allow fund balance to be "recorded as revenue". This is because Fund Balance is the residual of revenue and expenditures accumulated over the years, revenue cannot be recognized as income more than once. Thus when Use of Fund Balance is removed from the revenue calculation, the impact on the County's official financial statements is: 2100 Pontiac Lake Road I County Executive Building 41W I Waterford, MI 48328 I Fax (248) 452-9172 I OakGov.c n Revenue Variance Reduce — Planned use of Fund Balance Revenue Variance Expenditure Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) GAAP Reported Effect on Fund Balance $ 6,788,593 (39,426,243) $ (32,637,650) 10,057,150 $ (22,580,500) It is important to analyze the forecast using both the Budget perspective and the GAAP perspective to accurately reflect the impact of fiscal activity generated from FY 2015 operations. The Budget perspective recognizes the overall favorable operating budget variance and confirms the County's continuing efforts to maintain long-term fiscal stability particularly through continuation of prudent fiscal policies, such as budgeting for full employment of all authorized positions, the non-2417 hiring freeze and the stringent scrutiny applied to all requested expenditures. The Budget perspective shows that the County is projected to be favorable by $16.8 million when comparing budget to actuals. The GAAP perspective provides information as to the effect on Fund Balance. This forecast projects that the General Fund balance will decrease by $22.6 million by the end of Fiscal Year 2015. The use of Fund Balance is consistent with information provided to the Finance Committee and the Board of Commissioners, as well as what is reflected in the FY 2015-2017 Triennial Budget — the County PLANNED to use fund balance, which has increased over the past several years through accelerated budget reductions, to support operations beginning in FY 2015. However, it should be noted while the amended budget reflects the utilization of $39.4 million of Fund Balance, this forecast projects the use of Fund Balance needed to support FY 2015 activities of $22,6 million, $16.8 million less than planned. 2100 Pontiac Lake Road I County Executive Building 41W I Waterford, MI 48328 I Fax (248) 452-9172 I OakGov.( SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GE/GP) FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND (#101001 Elul Erszam Aa.c.t EuadAff—Qa_Unit Account Name Sheriffs Office Revenue 4030601 116220 698200 Insurance Recoveries $ 220,000.00 Total Revenue $ 220,000.00 Expenditure 4030601 116220 760126 Capital Outlay Miscellaneous $ 220,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 220,000.00 Revenues 4030901 4030501 4030301 4030301 9010101 116240 695500 21340 Transfers In 116230 695500 21396 Transfers In 112580 695500 21397 Transfers In 112580 695500 21397 Transfers In 196030 665882 Planned Use of Balance Total Revenues $ 9,678.00 $ 12,398.00 $ 11,548.00 $ 71,368.00 $ (104,992.00) $ economic Community Affair% Revenue: 1090101 171000 632065 Seminars/Conferences $ 24,000.00 Total Revenues $ 24,000.00 Expenditures: 1090101 171000 731458 Professional Services $ 24,000.00 Total Expenditures $ 24,000.00 7 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY2015 FY2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND (#101001 economic Community Affairs Revenue 1090205 171030 631827 Expenditure 1090205 171030 731780 Reimb General Total Revenue Software Support Maintenance Total Expenditure $ 28,010.00 $ 28,010.00 $ 28,010.00 $ 28,010.00 Treasurer's Office Revenue 9010101 121200 665882 Planned Use of Balance $ 87,000.00 Total Revenue $ 87,000.00 Expenditure 7010101 186040 731773 Treasurers Office Revenues 7010101 186070 631540 7010101 186070 601525 Software Rental Lease Purchase Total Expenditure Pilot-State Owned Land Payment in Lieu of Taxes Total Revenues $ 87,000.00 $ 87,000.00 $ (48,000.00) $ 48,000.00 8 p rosecuting Attorney - Crime Victims Rights Grant Revenues 4010101 122050 632163 9010101 196030 665882 Library Board Expenditures 5010302 165000 5010302 165020 5010302 165000 5010302 165020 5010302 165000 5010302 165020 5010302 165000 5010302 165020 5010302 165000 5010302 165020 772618 772618 750392 750392 774636 774636 774677 774677 778675 778675 SCHEDU LEA OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY2015 FY 2016 FY2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND f#101001 Eisarslaircammiazignrailibanclisarsi Expenditures 5010101 180010 731822 5010301 165000 702180 State Approp Victim Witness Planned Use of Balance Total Revenues Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Metered Postage Metered Postage Info Tech Operations Info Tech Operations Insurance Fund Insurance Fund Telephone Communications Telephone Communications Total Expenditures Special Projects EmergencySalaries Total Expenditures $ 5,000.00 $ (5,000.00) $ $ (5,172.00) $ 5,172.00 $ (349.00) $ 349.00 $ (28,637.00) $ 28,637.00 $ (237.00) $ 237.00 $ (1,134.00) $ 1,134.00 $ $ (23,353.00) $ 23,353.00 $ 9 Expenditures 3010402 3010402 3010402 3010402 3010402 3010402 111000 111000 111000 111000 135060 135060 702010 722770 722780 722790 702010 722770 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY2015 FY 2016 FY2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS -SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND (#10100) 52nd District Court -5214 Troy Expenditures 3020501 121020 750399 3020505 113290 730548 Circuit Court Revenue 9010101 196030 665882 Office Supplies Drug Testing Total Expenditures Medical Exam Medical Exam 27151 Trans Out to 52/1 Drug Court Fund 27151 Trans Out to 52/1 Drug Court Fund Total Expenditures Planned Use of Balance Total Revenues Salaries Retirement Hospitalization Social Security Salaries Retirement $ (3,000.00) 3,000.00 11,095.00 (11,095.00) (11,095.00) 11,095.00 $ (481,342.00) $ (481,342.00) $ (481,342.00) $ (481,342.00) $ (481,342.00) $ (481,342.00) $ (178,992.00) $ (178,992.00) $ (178,992.00) (49,724.00) (49,724.00) (49,724.00) (51,512.00) (51,512.00) (51,512.00) (13,693.00) (13,693.00) (13,693.00) (403,070.00) (403,070.00) (403,070.00) (111,973.00) (111,973.00) (111,973.00) 52nd District Court -52/1 N_ovi Expenditures 3020101 113290 731185 3020205 113290 731185 3020101 121050 788001 3020205 121050 788001 10 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2016 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS -SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND f#101001 Circuit Court 3010402 3010402 3010201 3010201 3010201 3010201 9010101 135060 135060 121100 121100 121100 121100 196030 722780 722790 702010 722770 722780 722790 788001 20293 Hospitalization Social Security Salaries Retirement Hospitalization Social Security Transfers Out - Child Care Fund Total Expenditure (94,282.00) (30,835.00) (17,019.00) (4,727.00) (5,554.00) (1,302.00) 481,341.00 (94,282.00) (30,835.00) (17,019.00) (4,727.00) (5,554.00) (1,302.00) 481,341.00 (94,282.00) (30,835.00) (17,019.00) (4,727.00) (5,554.00) (1,302.00) 481,341.00 $ (481,342.00) $ (481,342.00) $ (481,342.00) Child Care Subsidy 10100 Transfers In - General Fund Total Revenues $ 481,342.00 $ 481,342.00 $ 481,342.00 481,341.00 481,341.00 481,341.00 $ 962,683.00 $ 962,683.00 $ 962,683.00 Child Care Fund (#202931 Circuit Court Revenue 9010101 112700 615359 9090101 112700 695500 Expenditure 3010402 3010402 3010402 3010402 113321 702010 113321 722770 113321 722780 113321 722790 Salaries Retirement Hospitalization Social Security $ 599,081.00 $ 599,081.00 $ 599,081.00 230,000.00 230,000.00 230,000.00 83,602.00 83,602.00 83,602.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Total Expenditure $ 962,683.00 $ 962,683.00 $ 962,683.00 11 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS -SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND f#101001 Circuit Court Child Care Fund tE 2 0 2 9 3 Expenditures 3010402 112570 731843 3010402 112570 788001 Probate Court Revenue 9010101 196030 665882 Expenditure 3040403 124015 730450 Public Services-Animal Control, Revenue 9010101 196010 620534 Expenditure 1070805 114090 730373 Non-Departmental Revenues 9010101 196010 620534 9010101 196030 665882 State Institutions 40400 Transfer Out - Project Work Order Fund Total Expenditures Planned Use of Balance Total Revenue Defense Attorney Fees Total Expenditure Planned Use of Balance Total Revenue Contracted Services Total Expenditure Revenue Sharing Planned Use of Balance Total Revenues (11,330.00) 11,330.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 5,875,255.00 $ (5,875,255.00) 12 SCHEDULE A OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE (GF/GP) FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS GF/GP OPERATIONS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND (#101001 Children's Village Child Care Fund ft/202931 Expenditures 1060501 112090 750063 1060501 112090 750560 1060501 112090 750294 1060501 112010 731780 Custodial Supplies ToiletArticles Material & Supplies Software Support Maintenance Total Expenditures $ (6,300.00) $ $ 5,000.00 $ $ 1,000.00 $ $ 300.00 $ $ - $ (6,300.00) $ 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 300.00 $ - $ (6,300.00) 5,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 - Health and Human Services-Children's Villaae Expenditures 1060101 133000 731458 1060101 133000 788001 40400 Professional Services Transfer Out-Project Work Order Fund Total Expenditures $ (28,492.00) $ 28,492.00 $ 13 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY / SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Rept ID PUtilL4M Ag„Qt Fund Aff Ooer Unit Account Name Sheriff - LAW ENFORCEMENT EttljApICE LAB FEES (#213401 Revenue 4030101 116240 665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance 9,678.00 Total Revenue 9,678.00 Expenditures 4030101 112580 788001 10100 Transfer Out - to Sheriff 9 678 00 Total Expenditures 9,678.00 Sheriff-TRAINING (#213961 Revenue 4030301 112590 665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance Total Revenue 12,398.00 12,398.00 Expenditures 4030101 112590 788001 10100 Transfer Out - to Sheriff Total Expenditures 12,398.00 12 398.00 sheriff-SHERIFF BOOKING FEE TRAINING M213971 Revenue 4030301 112580 665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance Total Revenue 11,548.00 11,548.00 Expenditures 4030301 112580 788001 10100 Transfer Out - to Sheriff Total Expenditures 11 548 00 11,548.00 14 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Peot ID Proaram &al Fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name Sheriff SHERIFF BOOKING FEE TRAINING (#21397) Revenue 4030301 112580 665882 Planned Use of Fund Balance Total Revenue 71,368.00 71 368.00 Expenditures 4030301 112580 788001 10100 Transfer Out - to Sheriff Total Expenditures 71,368.00 71 368.00 economic Develooment Corp (Fund 21180) Expenditures 1090202 171110 730072 1090202 171110 730709 1090202 171110 731213 1090202 171110 731507 1090202 171110 731818 1090202 171110 732165 Advertising Fees - Per Diems Membership Dues Public Notices Special Event Program Workshops and Meeting Total Expenditures 800.00 1,000.00 (2,000.00) (400.00) 1,000.00 (400.00) FM&O Project Work Order Fund (#404001. Prai ID# 100000002143 Courthouse- Drua Court and Adoption Move Revenue 1040101 148020 796500 20293 Transfer In-Child Care Fund 11,330.00 Total Revenue 11 330.00 Expenditure 1040101 148020 796500 Budgeted EquityAdjustments 11 330.00 Total Expenditure 11,330.00 15 SCHEDULE B ACCOUNTNUMBER OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Ps rot ID Emu= Aut Fund Aff ODer Unit Account Name ,FM&O Project Work Order Fund (#404001. Prol ID# 100000002157 Children's Village Music Room Conversion. to Clinic space Revenues 1040101 148020 695500 10100 Transfer In-General Fund $ 28,492.00 Total Revenues $ 28 492.00 Expenditures 1040101 148020 796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustments Total Expenditures 28 492.00 28,492.00 HOMELAND SECURITY - Domestic Preparedness Eauipment (#293401 GR0000000697, Budget Reference 2011, Activity GLB, Analysis Type GLB Revenue 1060601 115127 610313 Federal Operating Grants Total Revenue Expenditures $ 9,334.00 $ 9,334.00 1060601 115127 731465 63054 Program $ 5,382.00 1060601 115127 732018 63054 Travel and Conference $ 48.00 1060601 115127 760157 63054 Equipment $ 3,904.00 Total Expenditures $ 9,334.00 HOMELAND SECURITY - Domestic Preparedness Eauipment 1#293401 GR0000000698, Budget Reference 2012, Activity GLB, Analysis Type GLB Revenue 1060601 115125 610313 Federal Operating Grants Total Revenue Expenditures $ 78,709.00 $ 78,709.00 1060601 1060601 1060601 115125 115125 115125 750077 750154 760157 63054 63054 63054 Disaster Supplies Expendable Equipment Equipment Total Expenditures $ 18,883.00 $ 11,201.00 $ 48,625.00 $ 78,709.00 16 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY /SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NU M BER FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY! SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Peot ID &glum ISagt Fund Aff ODer Unit Account Name JNFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 63600 Expenditures 1080101 152000 731458 1080201 152010 731458 1080601 152090 731458 Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services Total Expenditures (139,180.00) $ 98,938.00 $ 40,242.00 $ (127,637.00) 83,875.00 43,762.00 FM&O FUND (#631001 Revenues 1040101 148000 665882 Planned Use of Balance Total Revenues 116,000.00 116,000.00 Expenditures 1040101 148000 788001 40400 Transfer Out-Project Work Order Fund Total Expenditures 116,000.00 116,000.00 FM&O Proiect Work Order Fund (#404001. Proi ID# 100000002138 Childrens Villaae J Buildina Fire Alarm System Revenues 1040101 148020 695500 63100 Transfer In-FM&O Fund 116,000.00 Total Revenues 116,000.00 Expenditures 1040101 148020 796500 Budgeted Eq uity Adjustments Total Expenditures Professional Services Transfer Out-Project Work Order Fund 116,000.00 116 000.00 JNFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND (#63600) Expenditures 1080601 152090 731458 1080601 152090 788001 40400 (59,857.00) 59,857.00 Total Expenditures 17 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOU NT NUMBER FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Pent ID Exagmn Agra fund Aft Oper Unit Account Name ,FM&O Project Work Order Fund (#40400). Proj ID# 100000002137 Info Tech HVAC System upgrade Revenues 1040101 148020 695500 63600 Transfer In-IT Fund $ 59,857.00 Total Revenues $ 59,857.00 Expenditures 1040101 148020 796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustments $ 59,857.00 TotaI Expenditures $ 59,857.00 ANIMAL CONTROL LEGACY FUND (#21310) Revenues 9010101 114110 665882 Planned Use of Balance Total Revenues $ 4,945.00 4,945.00 $ Expenditures 9010101 114110 788001 40400 Transfer Out-Project Work Order Fund $ 4,945.00 Total Expenditures $ 4,945.00 f M8.0 Project Work Order Fund (#40400). Proi ID# 1000000021J09 1-aumint_Ectuinmenfillove to Animal Control Revenues 1040101 148020 695500 21310 Transfer In-Animal Control Legacy Fund $ 4,945.00 Total Revenues $ 4,945.00 Expenditures 1040101 148020 796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustments $ 4,945.00 Total Expenditures $ 4,945.00 18 5060417 5060720 5060328 5060732 5060732 5060426 5060735 5060910 160044 160070 160010 160070 160070 160044 160070 160430 730198 730814 730198 730814 730198 730198 730814 730198 SCHEDULE B ACCOUNT NUMBER OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRETARY/ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS-SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS perit ID Emma( Agra fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name Parks and Recreation Fund (#50800) Expenditures 9,560.00 266.00 2,972.00 2,851.00 31,047.00 19,215.00 2,635.00 (68,546.00) Building Maintenance Charges Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance Charges Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance Charges Building Maintenance Charges Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance Charges Total Expenditures Parks and Recreation Fund (#50800) Expenditures 1020601 1020658 1020658 5060101 5060326 5060326 5060327 5060327 5060328 5060328 5060330 5060330 5060356 5060356 5060417 5060426 5060427 5060430 5060456 182040 182050 182080 160000 160010 160015 160010 160015 160010 160015 160010 160015 160010 160015 160044 160044 160044 160044 160044 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 74,819.00 68,541.00 81,620.00 (6,355,042.00) 199,621.00 126,648.00 234,193.00 165,083.00 165,620.00 106,174.00 175,200.00 115,650.00 240,853.00 151,237.00 32,493.00 9,452.00 6,261.00 3,896.00 18,135.00 19 SCHEDULE B OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY/ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ACCOUNT NUMBER FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS peot ID Emu= Agigt fund All Oper Unit Account Name Parks and Recreation Fund (#50800) Expenditures 5060540 5060715 5060720 5060724 5060725 5060729 5060732 5060735 5060751 5060755 5060760 5060765 5060805 5060831 5060837 5060845 5060870 5060910 1020601 1020658 1020658 5060101 5060326 5060326 5060327 5060327 5060328 5060328 5060330 5060330 5060356 5060356 5060417 5060426 160500 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160210 160210 160210 160210 160210 160430 182040 182050 182080 160000 160010 160015 160010 160015 160010 160015 160010 160015 160010 160015 160044 160044 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 702010 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits 89,633.00 490,084.00 470,971.00 83,883.00 467,410.00 25,080.00 77,958.00 178,240.00 39,030.00 91,605.00 11,859.00 11,509.00 619,036.00 582,957.00 383,071.00 37,020.00 17,732.00 702,468.00 30,433.00 27,879.00 33,199.00 (2,584,947.00) 81,197.00 51,515.00 95,259.00 67,149.00 67,367.00 43,187.00 71,264.00 47,041.00 97,968.00 61,517.00 13,217.00 3,844.00 20 SCHEDULE B ACCOUNT NUMBER OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FISCAL YEAR 2015 FIRST QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY /SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FY 2015 AMENDMENTS FY 2016 FY 2017 AMENDMENTS AMENDMENTS PROPRIETARY /SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - SELF BALANCING AMENDMENTS Pent ID azuzin Arat fund Aff Oper Unit Account Name Parks and Recreation Fund (#50800) Expenditures 5060427 5060430 5060456 5060540 5060715 5060720 5060724 5060725 5060729 5060732 5060735 5060751 5060755 5060760 5060765 5060805 5060831 5060837 5060845 5060870 5060910 160044 160044 160044 160500 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160070 160210 160210 160210 160210 160210 160430 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 722740 Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Total Expenditures 2,547.00 1,585.00 7,376.00 36,459.00 199,344.00 191,570.00 34,120.00 190,121 .00 10,202.00 31,710.00 72,500.00 15,876.00 37,261.00 4,824.00 4,681.00 251,796.00 237,120.00 155,816.00 15,058.00 7,213.00 285,732.00 21 SUB-TOTAL GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE $ 388,226,553,00 $ 389,269,995.00 $ 396,068,588.00 $ 6,788,593.00 1.74% PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE $ 34,115,409.00 $ 39,426,243.13 $ 39,426,243,13 0.00% 10.26% 3.01% 2.16% 7.98% $ 5,196,000 00 486,000,00 130,000 00 $ 5,812,000.00 EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Circuit Court 52nd District Court Probate Court TOTAL ADMIN. OF JUSTICE $ 50,255,654.00 $ 50,620,129.00 $ 45,424,129.00 16,121,116.00 16,150,627.00 15,664,627.00 5,976,991.00 6,031,087.00 6,901,087.00 $ 72,353,764.00 $ 72,801,843.00 $ 66,989,843.00 3.84% 1.22% 0.71% 0.58% 0.00% 10,215,808,00 10,254,769.00 9,860,619.00 394,150.00 8,487,522.00 9,830,132.00 9,710,132.00 120,000.00 2,722,883.00 2,758,682.99 2,738,982.99 19,700.00 1,334,523.00 1,334,687.00 1,326,987.00 7,700.00 5,056,243,00 5,107,910.00 5,107,910.00 $ 27,816,979.00 $ 29,286,180.99 $ 28,744,630.99 $ 541,550.00 1.85% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTALS 0.00% $ 51,364,190.00 $ 52,393,116.00 $ 52,393,116.00 ($22,580,500.13) ,od $ (22,580,500.13) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FY 2015 ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET AS AMENDED FY 2015 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE/ f UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT REVENUES GENERAL FUND Taxes Federal Grants State Grants Other Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Indirect Cost Recovery Investment Income Other Revenues $ 209,419,939.00 565,647.00 19,466,588.00 21,367,871,00 103,815,319.00 7,800,000.00 1,864,900,00 23,926,289.00 $ 209,419,939,00 565,647.00 19,468,301.00 21,595,873.00 104,509,403.00 7,800,000.00 1,864,900.00 24,045,932.00 $ 209,719,939.00 300,000.00 580,319.00 14,672.00 18,915,801.00 (552,500.00) 27,405,128.00 5,809,255.00 105,661,410.00 1,152,007.00 7,800,000,00 1,864,900.00 24,111,091.00 65,159.00 0.14% 2.59% -2.84% 26.90% 1.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.27% $ 422,341,962.00 $ 428,696,238.13 $ 435,484,831.13 $ 6,788,593.00 TOTAL GF/GP FUNDS 1.58% LAW ENFORCEMENT Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Board of Commissioners Library Board Water Resources Commissioner 18,851,506.00 18,940,520.00 18,406,820.00 533,700.00 2.82% 133,840,273,00 135,818,696.97 137,441,496.97 (1,622,800.00) -1.19% $ 152,691,779.00 § 154,759,216.97 $ 155,848,316.97 $ (1,089,100.00) -0.70% COUNTY EXECUTIVE County Executive Admn. Management and Budget Central Services Facilities Management Human Resources Health and Human Services Public Services Economic Dev. and Comm Affairs TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE TOTAL DEPARTMENTS $ 6,780,436,00 18,880,613.00 2,427,361.00 1,226,514.00 4,088,980.00 61,002,688.00 16,099,835.00 7,608,826.00 $ 118,115,253.00 $ 370,977,772 00 $ 7,209,264.84 19,042,985.00 2,437,167.00 1,226,514.00 4,130,708.00 61,196,020.00 16,357,026.00 7,856,196.33 $ 119,456,881.17 $ 376,303,122,13 $ 7,209,264.84 17,820,985.00 2,437,167.00 1,166,514.00 4,067,208.00 58,287,020.00 16,357,026,00 7,317,996.33 114,663,181.17 $ 366,245,972.13 1,222,000.00 60,000,00 63,500.00 2,909,000.00 538,200.00 $ 4,792,700.00 $ 10,057,150.00 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES $ 422,341,962.00 $ 428,696,238.13 418,639,088.13 $ 10,057,150.00 2.35% General Fund/General Purpose Favorable/(Unfavorable) - Budget Perspective GAAP Renijired Atiiimtment leilminatinn I me of fund he lanrm: "rev enuen GAAP -BASED REPORT (forecasted impact on Fund Bala nce) 0.00% 6.42% 0.00% 4.89% 1.54% 4.75% 0.00% 6.85% 4.01% 2,67% $ 16,845,743.00 $ 16,845,743.00 $ (39,426,243.13) $ (39,426,243.13) 175,000.00 80 000.00 175,000.00 80 000.00 300,000.00 475,000.00 80,000.00 82,000.00 85,500.00 64,612.00 82,000.00 85,500.00 49,940.00 82,000.00 85,500.00 49,940.00 14,672.00 4,542,255.00 90,000.00 14,196,596.00 4,542,255.00 90,000.00 14,749,096.00 4,542,255.00 90,000.00 14,747,833.00 (552,500.00) -2.84% $ 19,466,588.00 $ 19,468,301.00 $ 18,916,801.00 $ (552,500.00) Total State Grants 30.16% Favorable Revenue Sharing $5,875,255 based on FY 2015 projections from the State of Michigan partially offset by Unfav Cigarette Tax Distribution ($48,000). 19,320,478.00 $ 25,147,733.00 $ 5,827,255.00 OTHER INTER-GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES (620000 - 626999) Non-Departmental 19,092,476.00 $ COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT Adopted Budget Amended Budget FY 2016 Forecast Amount Favorable ju nfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances TAXES (601000-6019991 Property Taxes - July Tax Levy Other Taxes - Delinquent Tax - Prior Years Treasurer Payment in Lieu of Taxes Other Taxes - Trailer Tax Total Taxes FEDERAL GRANTS (610000-610999) Sheriff Prosecuting Attorney Homeland Security - Disaster Control Health Division Children's Village Total Federal Grants STATE GRANTS (615000-615999) Sheriff-Patrol State Match Foster Care Prosecuting Attorney Economic Development Health Division Water Resources Commissioner Non-Departmental - Child Care Subsidy 0.00% 0.00% 171.43% Fay. due to tax payments from the state on DNR land. 0.00% 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 29.38% Fav. Disaster Control Fed Subsidy primarily due to receipt of payment from the State for 2014 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG). 0.00% 0.00% 2.59% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -3.75% Built into the Circuit Court Family Division, Human Services Administration and Children's Village budgets are Child Care Fund expenditures. A favorable variance within these expense areas reduces the 50% reimbursement the county receives. Unfav revenue variance is offset by Child Care Fund expenditure favorability. 1 of 13 232015 $ 209,066,439.00 $ 209,066,439.00 $ 209,066,439.00 $ 98,500.00 98,500.00 98,500.00 $ 209,419,939.00 $ 209,419,939.00 $ 209,719,939.00 $ 300,000.00 48,207.00 300,000.00 565,647.00 $ - $ 1,000.00 85,500.00 48,207.00 300,000.00 665,647.00 $ 450.00 $ 1,000.00 85,500.00 48,207.00 300,000.00 580,319.00 $ 450.00 $ 1,000.00 85,500.00 14,672.00 Adopted Budget 54,001100 4,500.00 1,800.00 300,000.00 1 915,095.00 $ 21,367,871.00 Amended Budget 54,000.00 4,500.00 1,800.00 300,000.00 1,915,095.00 21,595,873.00 $ (unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 36,000.00 (18,000.00) -33.33% Unfav. Local Match due to the installation of fewer than anticipated sirens. Offset by expenditure favorability (Tornado Siren Equip). 4,500.00 0.00% 1,800.00 0.00% 300,001100 0.00% 1,915,095.00 0.00% 27,405,128.00 $ 5,809,255.00 26.90% HE-IS - Homeland Security Circuit Court District Court Sheriff Non-Departmental - Reimb Judges Salaries Total Other Intergovernmental Revenue FY 2015 Favorable Forecast COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND / GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT 0.00% 0.00% -8.21% Unfav. Assessment Fees ($215,000) due to assessing a fee on Sobriety Court participants only rather than all convicted drinking and driving offenders, Assessments and PSI ($130,000) due to a statutory change allowing these assessments for specific offenses only and Ordinance Fines and Costs ($100,000) based on historical collection for the past several years and Filing Fees DCU ($30,000) due to a decrease in the number of civil cases filed; partially offset by Fay. State Law Costs $50,000 due to an increase in State violation caseload and No Insurance Proof Fee $30,000 due to fewer check payments as a result of online payment options. Also, Fay. Late Penalty $20,000 and CVR County Portion $10,000 based on collection for the past two years. -4.86% Unfav. Assessments and PSI ($45,000) due to a statutory change allowing these assessments for specific offenses only and Unfav. Assessment Fees ($27,000) due to assessing a fee on Sobriety Court participants only rather than all convicted drinking and driving offenders. Also Unfav. Garnishment Fees ($12,000) and Filing Fees DCU ($7,000) due to a decrease in the number of civil cases tiled; partially offset by Fay. Late Penalty $10,000 based on collection for the past two years. CHARGES FOR SERVICES (630000-635999) Administration of Justice Circuit Court - Civil/Criminal Circuit Court - Family Division District Court - Division I (Novi) 2,786,000.00 $ 1,947,000.00 4,458,000.00 2,786,001100 $ 1,947,000.00 4,458,000.00 2,786,000.00 1,947,000.00 4,092,200.00 (365,800.00) District Court - Division II (Clarkston) 1,668,200.00 1,668,200.00 1,587,200.00 (81,000.00) Amount 2 of 13 242015 Probate Court - Estates and Mental Health 507.600.00 507 600 00 507.600.00 0.00% Total Administration of Justice $ 17,436,785.00 $ 17,436,785.00 $ 16,698,250.00 $ (738,535.00) -4.24% COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT District Court - Division III (Rochester Hills) Adopted Budget 3,784,935.00 Amended Budget 3,784,935.00 FY 2015 Forecast 3,576,400.00 Amount Favorable funfavorablel Percent Explanation of Significant Variances (208,535.00) -5.51% Unfav. Assessments and PSI ($129,500) due to a statutory change allowing these assessments for specific offenses only. Also Unfav. Probation Fees ($34,935) due to a decline in caseload, State Law Costs ($20,000) due to late fee assessed incorrectly. In addition, Unfav. Garnishment fees ($15,000), Filing fees DCU ($15,000) and Drug Treatment Court Fee ($5,000) due to a decrease in the number of civil cases filed and Refund Fees PD Def Attorney ($8,000) due to a decrease in attorney requests. These are partially offset by Fav. Forfeiture of Bonds $14,000 due to an increase in caseload and better collection initiatives and No Insurance Proof Fee $4,900 due to an increase in civil infraction caseload. District Court - Division IV (Troy) 2,285,050.00 2,285,050.00 2,201,850.00 (83,200.00) -3.64% Unfav. Ordinance Fines and Costs ($50,000) due to the People vs, Cunningham impact and Assessments and PSI ($35,000) due to a statuatory change allowing these assessments for specific offenses only- Also Unfav. Garnishment Fees ($10,000) and Piling Fees DCU ($5,000) due to a decrease in the number of civil cases filed. These are partially offset by Fav. Refund Fees PD Def Attorney $10,000 due to an increase in public defender requests, Drunk Driving Caseflow DDCAF $5,000 due to an increase in filings and Warrant Recall Fee $2,000 due to an increase in warrant appearances. 3 of 13 252015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT Amount Adopted Amended FY 2015 Favorable Budget Budget Forecast (unfavorable) Percent Explanation of Significant Variances Law Enforcement Prosecuting Attorney Sheriffs Office Sheriff- Administrative Services Sheriff - Corrective Services Sheriff - Corrective Services Satellites Sheriff - Emergency Response and Prepared. Sheriff - Patrol Services Sheriff - Investigative Forensic Services Total Law Enforcement 287,000.00 $ 317,000.00 317,200.00 $ 200.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 2,600.00 700.00 249,100.00 249,100.00 406,300.00 157,200.00 3,018,266.00 3,018,266.00 2,882,666.00 (135,600.00) 576,816.00 576,816.00 560,916.00 (15,900.00) 1,986,502.00 1,986,502.00 1,622,602.00 (363,900.00) 46,235,675.00 46,899,759.00 46,903,059.00 3,300.00 813,391.00 813,391.00 833,791.00 20,400.00 $ 53,168,650.00 $ 53,862,734.00 $ 53,529,134.00 $ (333,600.00) 0.06% Favorable unbudgeted receipts of Forensic Lab Fees and Miscellaneous for $200. 36.84% Favorable receipt of unbudgeted Reimbursement Genera] of $700. 63.11% Favorable ; Gun Registrations of $58,000; Fingerprints of $49,500; Photostats of $35,000; Registration Fees of $13,800, and Fee Income of $900 ; all due to increases in activity. -4A9% Unfavorable largely due to reduced receipts of Diverted Felon revenue of ($192,000) due to lower number of inmates with certain offenses that are billable to the State; Reimbursement Salaries of ($14,100); Fee Income of ($2,700); and Miscellaneous of ($2,700) due to less than anticipated activity. Partially offset by favorable Board and Care receipts of $15,900 budgeted in the Satellites Div.; and Inmate Board and Care of $60,000 -2.76% Unfavorable Board and Care receipts of ($15,900) received in the Corrective Services Div. -18.32% Unfavorable receipts of Civil Action Service Fees due to the decline in the number of foreclosures, and civil service requests (see corresponding favorability in Fees Civil Service expense). 0.01% Favorable receipts of unbudgeted Fee Income of $1,900; Reimbursement General $1,200; and Liquor Control Sheriff of $200. 2.51% Favorable Reimbursement of Salaries $14,100; Confiscated Property $3,600; Miscellaneous of $2,700; due to higher than anticipated activity. -0.62% General Government Clerk - County Clerk 2,890,100.00 $ 2,890,100.00 $ 2,985,600.00 $ 95,500.00 3.30% Fay. Photostats $51,500, Gun Permits $43,500, Photographs $48,820, Jury Fees $30,000, CVR County Portion $17,300 and Forfeiture of Bonds $3,000 due to increased activity. Partially offset by unfavorable Forfeiture of Surety Bands ($50,000), due to less than anticipated activity. 4 of 13 2612015 Total General Government County Executive County Exec - Compliance Office County Exec - Corp Counsel M&B - Equalization Division M&B - Fiscal Services Division $ 20,476,798.00 $ 20,476,798.00 $ 22,232,798.00 $ 1,756,000.00 230,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 3,233,968.00 3,233,968.00 3,233,968.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 8.58% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT Clerk - Elections Clerk - Register of Deeds & Micrographics Treasurer Amount Favorable {unfavorable Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 2,800.00 2.90% Fay. Election Filing Fees Late $14,000 due to Corporation Counsel efforts to collect on late filers, Partially offset by unfav. Board of Canvasser Service Fee ($11,000) due to less than anticipated activity. 1,844,000.00 19.86% Fav. Land Transfer Tax $2,000,000 due to increased activity. Partially offset by unfavorable Enhanced Access Fee ($100,000), Deeds ($50,000) and Tract Index ($6,000) due to reduced activity. (192,400.00) -3.03% Unfav. Civil Action Service Fees ($450,000) due to declining foreclosures and Tax Increment Finance Authority/Downtown Development Authority (TIFA/DDA) Recovery Ad Valorem ($150,000) due to less anticipated activity. Partially offset by favorable Industrial Facilities Tax $288,000, Maintenance Contracts $100,000, Tool and Die Recovery Renaissance Zone (TDRRZ) Act 376 $8,000, Deeds $6,900 and Obsolete Property $5,000 due to anticipated increase in activity. 7,900.00 14,000.00 6,100.00 77.22% Fay. due to prescription program royalty fee income. 0.00% 0.00% Board of Commissioners 7,900.00 Adopted Amended FY 2015 Budget Budget Forecast 96,500.00 96,500.00 99,300.00 9,287,250.00 9,287,250.00 11,131,250.00 6,349,200.00 6,349,200.00 6,156,800.00 Library Board 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 Water Resources Commissioner 1,831,848.00 1,831,848.00 1,831,848.00 Central Services - Support Services 335,651.00 335,651.00 335,651.00 0.00% Human Resources 475.00 475.00 475.00 0.00% HE-IS - Administration 0.00% 5 of 13 2/7/2015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT HI-IS - Health Division Adopted Budget 3,057,097.00 Amended Budget 3,057,097.00 FY 2016 Forecast 3,477,097.00 Amount Favorable (unfavorable). Percent Explanation of Significant Variances 420,000.00 13.74% Fav. Reimb General $400,000 due to grant administrative overhead. Fav. Food Service Licenses $50,000 and Permits $50,000 due to increased demand. Fav. Rabies Vaccine Fees $10,000 due to higher costs to administer vaccine. Partially offset by unfav. Dirt Between Chg and Init Pay ($25,000) due to the difference between insurance billing and reimbursements. Unfav. Hepatitis Vaccine ($15,000) due to the administration of free vaccines from State. HHS - Children's Village 2,865,000.00 2,865,000.00 2,865,000.00 0.00% HHS - Homeland Security 0.00% Public Services - Veterans Services 0.00% Public Services - Community Corrections 230,000.00 230,000.00 230,000.00 0.00% Public Services MSU Extension 21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00% Public Services - Medical Examiner 308,000.00 308,000.00 308,000.00 0.00% Public Services - Animal Control 886,495.00 886,495.00 886,495.00 0.00% Public Services - Circuit Court Probation Economic Dev. & Comm. Affairs - Admin Economic Dev. & Comm. Affairs - PEDS 353,400.00 353,400.00 401,542.00 48,142.00 0.00% 0.00% 13.62% Fay. due to No Haz Program revenue higher than anticipated. 3.89% Total County Executive Non-Departmental Non-Dept - Charges for Services Total Non-Departmental 12,021,086.00 12,021,086.00 12,489,228.00 468,142.00 712,000.00 712,000.00 712.000.00 712,000.00 $ 712,000.00 712,000.00 0.00% 0.00% Total Charges for Services $ 103,815,319.00 $ 104,509,403.00 $ 105,661,410.00 $ 1,152,007.00 1.10% INDIRECT COST RECOVERY (640100) 7,800,000.00 $ 7,800,000.00 $ 7,800,000.00 $ 0.00% INVESTMENT INCOME (655000-655999) District Courts (Div. I - IV) 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 0.00% 6 of 13 282015 Percent 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Explanation of Significant Variances 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 210.00% Favorable Enhancement Funds of $10,500 transferred from Restricted Funds to purchase law enforcement tactical equipment. 0.00% 100.00% Refund Prior Years Expenditures. 0.00% Prior Years Adjustments. 26.67% Favorable Refund of Prior Years Expenditures of $1,600. 100.00% Refund of Prior Years Expenditures. 100.00% Fav due to Cash Overages. 0.00% 100.00% Fay, contributions due to voluntary donations for elected officials fringe benefits. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% Fay. due to Prior Years Revenue $1,080; Donations $750; County Auction $51; Cash Overages $36. COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT Sheriff Corrective Services Sheriff InvestigativelTechnical Services Treasurer Clerk/Register of Deeds Economic Development Non-Departmental Total Investment Income OTHER REVENUES (670000-695500) Circuit Court District Court Probate Court Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff Office Sheriff - Administrative Services Sheriff - Corrective Services Sheriff - Emergency Prep and Communications Sheriff - Patrol Services Sheriff - Investigative/Forensic Svc Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Board of Commissioners Library Board Water Resources Commissioner Human Resources Central Services - Support Services Facilities Management Engineering Health Division FY 2015 Forecast 60,000.0 - 0 2,500.00 1,800,000.00 1,864,900.00 $ 76,778,00 15,500.00 100.00 7,600.00 43,500.00 3,200.00 4,200,0 - 0 300.00 1,917.00 Amount Favorable (unfavorable) 10,500.0 - 0 100.00 1 ,600. 0 - 0 43,500.00 3,200.00 4,200.00 1,917.00 Adopted Amended Budget Budget 60,000.00 60,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00 1,864,900.00 $ 1,864,900.00 $ 76,778,00 $ 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 300.00 300.00 Children's Village 142.00 142.00 100.00% Fay. due to County Auction $125 and Refund Prior Years Expenditure $17. Homeland Security Public Services Public Services - Animal Control-Other Revenues Public Services - Animal Control-Transfers In Economic Development & Comm Affairs Economic Development - Contributions Non Departmental - Donations Non-Dept - Sundry Sheriffs Transfers 168,240.00 417,500.00 144,328.00 35,765.00 168,240.00 417,500.00 144,328.00 35,765.00 168,240.00 417,500.00 144,328.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7 of 13 292015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND! GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT Treasurers Transfers Non-Departmental - Transfers In Total Other Revenues Adopted Amended Budget Budget 4,005,543.00 4,005,543.00 19,179,378.00 19,186,478.00 $ 23,926,289.00 $ 24,046,932.00 Amount FY 2015 Favorable Forecast (unfavorable) Percent 4,005,543.00 0.00% 19,186,478.00 0.00% 24,111,091.00 $ 65,169.00 0.27% Explanation of Significant Variances PLANNED USE OF FUND BALANCE (665000-665999) Encumbrances and Carry forwards Use of Prior Yrs Fund Balance Total Planned Use of Fund Balance 2,552,227.13 36,874,016.00 39,426,243.13 $ 2,552,227.13 36,874,016.00 39,426,243.13 $ $ 34 115 409.00 $ $ 34,115,409.00 $ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% TOTAL GEN. FUND IGEN. PURPOSE REVENUE $ 422,341,962.00 $ 428,696,238.13 $ 435,484,831.13 $ 6,788,593.00 1.58% 8 of 13 302015 Internal Support Expenditures 161,880.00 162,384.00 162,384.00 $ 1,987,608.00 $ 1,988,112.00 $ 1,942,112.00 $ 46,000.00 Civil 1 Criminal Division Personnel Expenditures $ 1,752,676.00 $ 1,752,676.00 $ 1,752,676.00 $ Operating Expenditures 5,221,944.00 5,221,944.00 4,186,944.00 1,035,000.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2015 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES P.4 O.! •••• • • • • 0. 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% - 59.56% - Fay. due to a reduction in the use of Visiting Judges $25,000. Also Fav. Metered Postage $8,000, Computer Supplies $5,000, Professional Services $3,000, Equipment Maintenance $3,000 and Software Support Maintenance $2,000 due to lower than anticipated use. 0.00% - 2.31% 0.00% - 19.82% - Fav. Defense Attorney Fee payments $700,000, Juror Fees and Mileage $200,000, Attorney fees Mediators $60,000, Transcript on Appeals $25,000 and Interpreter Fees $20,000 due to a decline in caseload. In addition, Fav. Office Supplies $20,000, Printing $20,000 and Metered Postage $20,000 due to lower than anticipated use. These are partially offset by Unfav. Professional Services ($30,000) due to a higher than anticipated use. Judicial Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 8,414,182.00 $ 8,414,182.00 $ 8,414,182.00 $ Operating Expenditures 110,876.00 287,850.00 287,850.00 Internal Support Expenditures 321,802.00 341,529.00 341,529.00 Transfer Out 76,778.00 76,778.00 ^ $ 8,846,860.00 $ 9,120,339.00 $ 9,120,339.00 $ Business Division Personnel Expenditures $ 1,748,494.00 $ 1,748,494.00 $ 1,748,494.00 $ Operating Expenditures 77,234.00 77,234.00 31,234.00 46,000.00 Internal Support Expenditures 2,236,709.00 2,323,022.00 2,323,022.00 0.00% - Transfers Out $ 9,211,329.00 $ 9,297,642.00 $ 8,262,642.00 $ 1,035,000.00 11.13% 3/6/2015 31 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CIRCUIT COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Family Division/Juvenile Maint. Personnel Expenditures $ 10,894,494.00 $ 10,899,519.00 $ 10,899,519.00 $ 0.00% - Operating Expenditures 13,121,945.00 13,121,945.00 9,016,945.00 4,105,000.00 31.28% - Fay. due to decrease in placements to State Institutions $4,000,000 and Priv Institutions Residential $5,000. Also, Fav. Fees Guardian Ad Litem $100,000 due to decrease in caseload and Professional Services $100,000 due to a lower than anticipated use; offset by unfavorable Non-Dept Child Care Subsidy Revenue (50% Reimbursement). Internal Support Expenditures 1,546,624.00 1,547,617.00 1,537,617.00 10,000.00 0.65% - Fay. Info Tech Operations due to lower than anticipated use. Transfer Out 4,646,794.00 4,644,955.00 4,644,955.00 0.00% - $ 30,209,857.00 $ 30,214,036.00 $ 26,099,036.00 $ 4,115,000.00 13.62% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 22,809,846.00 18,531,999,00 4,267,015.00 4,646,794,00 -------------- $ 50,255,654.00 $ 22,814,871.00 $ 22,814,871.00 $ 0.00% 18,708,973.00 13,522,973.00 5,186,000.00 27.72% 4,374,552.00 4,364,552.00 10,000.00 0.23% 4,721,733.00 4,721,733.00 0.00% $ 50,620,129.00 $ 45,424,129.00 $ 5,196,000.00 10.26% 3/6/2015 32 $ 203,583.00 $ 203,583.00 $ 203,583.00 $ 7,300.00 (3,795.00) (3,795.00) 11,095.00 11,095.00 $ 210,883.00 $ 210,883.00 $ 210,883.00 $ $ 4,107,055.00 901,941.00 352,254.00 $ 4,107,055.00 $ 4,032,055.00 $ 901,941.00 901,941.00 365,199.00 345,199.00 75,000.00 20,000.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 5,361,250.00 $ 5,374,195.00 $ 5,279,195.00 $ District Court Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out Division 1 - Novi Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out Total Division 1 - Novi Division 2 - Clarkston Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 0.00% - 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.83% - Fay. due to turnover and underfilled positions. 0.00% - 5.48% - Fay. Info Tech Operations due to lower than anticipated use. 0.00% - 2.08% - Fay. due to turnover and underlined positions. 8.28% - Fay. Defense Attorney Fees $25,000 due to restructured schedule for defense attorneys. Also Fay. Electrical Service $7,000, Medical Exam $4,000, Travel and Conference $4,000 and Printing $4,000 is due to effort to keep costs down. In addition, Fay. Juror Fees and Mileage $3,000, Professional Services $3,000 and Computer Research Service $2,500 is due to lower than anticipated use. 2.46% - Fay. Info Tech Operations due to lower than anticipated use. 0.00% $ 1,924,781.00 $ 1,924,781.00 $ 1,884,781.00 $ 40,000.00 631,208.00 633,846.00 581,346.00 52,500.00 196,123.00 203,460.00 198,460.00 5,000.00 95,000.00 1.77% Total Division 2 - Clarkston $ 2,752,112.00 $ 2,762,087.00 $ 2,664,587.00 $ 97,500.00 3.53% 383/201 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $ 4,881,340.00 $ 4,885,490.00 $ 4,704,490.00 $ Division 3 - Rochester Hills Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out Division 4 - Troy Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures DepartmentTotal Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 2.41% - Fav. due to turnover and underlined positions. 19.40% - Fav. Defense Attorney Fees $25,000 due to a decrease in requests for appointed counsel. Also Fav. Juror Fees and Mileage $10,000, Postage-Standard Mailing $8,000, Printing $7,000, Travel and Conference $7,000, Office Supplies $4,000, Medical Exam $4,000 and Computer Research Service $3,000 due to effort to keep costs down. In addition, Fav. Expendable Equipment $4,000, Bank Charges $3,000, Personal Mileage $3,000, Laboratory Supplies $3,000 are due to lower than anticipated use. 1.36% - Fav. Info Tech Operations due to lower than anticipated use. 0.00% 4.12% - Fay. due to turnover and underfilled positions. 0.52% - Fay. Electrical Service $10,000, Postage-Standard Mailing $5,000 and Personal Mileage $2,500 due to lower than anticipated use; partially offset by Unfav. Defense Attorney Fees ($15,000) due to an increase in requests for appointed counsel. A budget amendment is recommended to reallocate $3,000 from the Office Supplies account to the Drug Testing account to more accurately reflect the budget with actual expenditures. $ 3,730,634.00 $ 3,730,634.00 $ 3,640,634.00 $ 90,000.00 417,483.00 417,483.00 336,483.00 81,000.00 733,223.00 737,373.00 727,373.00 10,000.00 $ 2,183,425.00 $ 2,183,425.00 $ 2,093,425.00 $ 90,000.00 479,207.00 479,207.00 476,707.00 2,500.00 181,000.00 3.70% 252,899.00 265,340.00 235,340.00 20,000.00 7.83% - Fav. Info Tech Operations due to lower than anticipated use. ----------------------------- --------------- -------------- $ 2,915,531.00 $ 2,917,972.00 $ 2,805,472.00 $ 112,500.00 3.86% $ 12,149,478.00 $ 12,149,478.00 $ 11,854,478.00 $ 295,000.00 2.43% 2,437,139.00 2,428,682.00 2,292,682.00 136,000.00 5.60% 1,534,499.00 1,561,372.00 1,506,372.00 55,000.00 3.52% 11,095.00 11,095.00 --------______ $ 16,121,116.00 $ 16,150,627.00 $ 15,664,627.00 $ 486,000.00 3.01% 364/201 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROBATE COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Judicial/Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 2,301,583.00 $ 2,301,583.00 $ 2,251,583.00 $ 50,000.00 2.17% 29,481.00 29,481.00 13,481.00 16,000.00 54.27% Fav. due to turnover and underfilled positions. Fay. Library Continuations $8,000 due to efforts to reduce spending and Visiting Judges $6,000 due to the Court limiting the use of visiting judges and Court Reporter Services $2,000 because substitute court reporters are not needed as often due to video courtrooms. Internal Support 287,098.00 291,123.00 291,123.00 0.00% Transfer Out Estates/Mental Health Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Transfer Out $ 2,618,162.00 $ 2,622,187.00 $ 2,556,187.00 $ 66,000.00 2.52% $ 2,022,586.00 $ 2,022,586.00 $ 1,942,586.00 $ 80,000.00 3.96% Fav. due to turnover and underfilled positions. 709,943.00 731,943.00 747,943.00 (16,000.00) -2.19% Unfav. Medical Services Guardianship ($25,000) and Interpreter Fees ($8,000) due to a continued high demand for these services; partially offset by Fav. Fees Guardian Ad Litem $7,000, Medical Services Probate Exam $5,000 and Printing $5,000. A budget amendment is recommended for the Defense Attorney Fees account to more accurately reflect the budget with actual expenditures. 626,300.00 654,371.00 654,371.00 0.00% ------------ -------------- ----------------- 3,358,829.00 $ 3,408,900.00 $ 3,344,900.00 $ 64,000.00 1.88% $ 4,324,169.00 $ 4,324,169.00 $ 4,194,169.00 $ 130,000.00 3.01% 739,424.00 761,424.00 761,424.00 0.00% 913,398.00 945,494.00 945,494.00 0.00% $ 5,976,991.00 $ 6,031,087.00 $ 5,901,087.00 $ 130,000.00 2.16% 3/6/2015 35 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 2,155,744.00 $ 2,155,744.00 $ 2,077,144.00 $ 78,600.00 3,199.00 3,199.00 3,199.00 0.00% 0.00% 3.65% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY AMOUNT FY 2015 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 2,182,099.00 $ 2,182,099.00 $ 2,189,599.00 $ (7,500.00) -0.34% Unfavorable largely due to projected overtime charged to this division, but benefiting other divisions within the Prosecutor's Office. Personnel work across divisional disciplines as assigned. Offset by projected favorabiltiy in salaries and fringes in the PA's Office due to large numbers of underfilled positions. Operating Expenditures 515,213.00 515,213.00 515,213.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 1,754,573.00 1,766,587.00 1,766,587.00 0.00% Transfers 77,000.00 77,000.00 0.00% $ 4,451,885.00 $ 4,540,899.00 $ 4,548,399.00 $ (7,500.00) -0.17% Litigation Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out Warrants Personnel Expenditures $ 9,569,771.00 $ 9,569,771.00 $ 9,256,671.00 $ 313,100.00 33,296.00 33,296.00 33,295.00 855,589.00 855,589.00 855,589.00 $ 10,458,656.00 $ 10,458,656.00 $ 10,145,556.00 $ 313,100.00 $ 2,152,645.00 $ 2,152,545.00 $ 2,073,945.00 $ 78,600.00 3.27% Favorable due largely to a number of under filled positions and positions assigned to this division but actually working across divisional disciplines. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.99% 3.65% Favorable due largely to a number of under filled positions and positions assigned to this division but actually working across divisional disciplines. Also, includes favorable Overtime due to less than anticipated use. 3/6/2015 36 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY AMOUNT FY 2015 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET Appellate Personnel Expenditures $ 1,776,763.00 $ 1,776,763.00 $ 1,627,263.00 $ 149,500,00 8.41% Favorable due largely to a number of under filled positions and positions assigned to this division but actually working across divisional disciplines. Also, includes favorable Overtime due to less than anticipated use. Operating Expenditures 8,458.00 8,458.00 8,458.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 0.00% $ 1,785,221.00 5 1,785,221.00 5 1,635,721.00 5 149,500.00 8,37% Department Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out $ 15,681,178.00 $ 15,681,178.00 $ 15,147,478.00 $ 533,700.00 560,166.00 560,166.00 560,166.00 1,754,573,00 1,766,587.00 1,766,587.00 855,589.00 932,58900 932,589.00 ----- ---------- --------- $ 18,851,505.00 $ 18,940,520.00 $ 18,406,820.00 $ 533,700.00 3.40% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.82% 316/2015 37 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFFS OFFICE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES ---------------------- -- -- -- ------- Sheriffs Office Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures 68,236.00 68,236.00 68,236.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 318,690.00 318,690.00 318,690.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% $ 2,050,950.00 $ 2,050,950.00 $ 1,974,150.00 $ 76,800.00 3.74% Administrative Services Personnel Expenditures $ 2,055,342.00 $ 2,067,480.00 $ 1,939,080.00 128,400.00 6.21% Favorable Controllable Personnel due to turnover $57,400, projected overtime $30,400 and reduced costs of fringe benefits largely for hospitalization and retirement $40,600. Operating Expenditures 1,207,738.00 1,377,561.97 1,377,561.97 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 237,537.00 237,537.00 237,537.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% $ 3,500,617.00 $ 3,682,578.97 $ 3,554,178.97 $ 128,400.00 3.49% Corrective Services Personnel Expenditures 30,244,662.00 $ 30,195,436.00 $ 30,871,836.00 (676,400.00) -2.24% Unfavorable overtime salary expense of ($3,007,900), and overtime related fringe benefits of ($210,700) due to the large number of vacancies (over 30) and over 30 additional deputies on short term leave or worker's compensation. New deputies are required to complete 13 weeks of additional training and certification prior to filling a vacant position. Currently the Sheriff is short 50 deputies that are unavailable to fill slots; thus overtime is used to compensate. This is partially offset by favorable salaries of $2,542,200 due to vacant positions in Corrective Services Division. Operating Expenditures 8,231,031.00 8,266,457.00 8,266,457.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 7,095,128.00 7,206,381.00 7,206,381.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% $ 45,570,821.00 $ 45,668,274.00 $ 46,344,674.00 $ (676,400.00) -1.48% $ 1,664,024.00 $ 1,664,024.00 $ 1,587,224.00 $ 76,800.00 4.62% Favorable Controllable Personnel due to turnover $38,100, projected overtime of $13,000 and reduced fringe benefits largely due to retirement of $25,700. 3/6/2015 38 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES •n••••n•n•••••••,•••••••n6,....., Corrective Services-Satellites Personnel Expenditures $ 11,520,119.00 $ 11,520,119.00 $ 13,187,619.00 $ (1,667,500.00) -14A7% Unfavorable due to increased usage of overtime at the Corrective Services Satellite facilities ($1,250,800) caused by Hospital Watch, vacant positions, prisoner transport, employee sick and other leaves, and East Annex security; and overtime related fringe benefits ($550,100). Partially offset by favorable regular salaries of $133,400. Operating Expenditures 80,750.00 80,750.00 80,750.00 0.00% internal Support Expenditures 979,245.00 981,410.00 981,410.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% $ 12,580,114.00 $ 12,582,279.00 $ 14,249,779.00 $ (1,667,500.00) -13.25% Emergency Response and Preparedness Personnel Expenditures $ 7,165,249.00 $ 7,299,438.00 $ 7,112,838.00 $ 186,600.00 2.56% Favorable salaries of $350,000 due to turnover, partially offset by unfavorable overtime of ($102,000) and fringe benefits of ($61,400). Operating Expenditures 1,064,122.00 1,064,122.00 702,222.00 361,900.00 34.01% Favorable Fees Civil Services expense of $364,000 is due to the continuing decline in the number of home foreclosures, and civil service requests (see corresponding unfavorability in Civil Action Service Fee revenues). Partially offset by unfavorable Equipment Rental ($2,100). Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 146,042.00 146,042.00 146,042.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 8,375,413.00 $ 8,509,602.00 $ 7,961,102.00 $ 548,500.00 6.45% Patrol Services Personnel Expenditures $45,047,404 $ 45,533,725.00 $ 44,875,425.00 $ 658,300.00 1.45% Favorable projected overtime of $399,000 and salaries of $499,400;.partially offset by unfavorable fringe benefits of ($240,100). Operating Expenditures 647,278.00 1,000,581.00 1,000,581.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 4,838,736.00 4,870,719.00 4,870,719.00 0.00% Transfers 40,595.00 216,536.00 216,536.00 0,00% $ 50,574,013.00 $ 51,621,561.00 $ 50,963,261.00 $ 658,300.00 1.28% 3/6/2015 39 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2016 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES SHERIFF'S OFFICE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Investigative/Forensic Svcs Personnel Expenditures $ 7,858,524.00 $ 7,870,662.00 $ 8,561,562.00 $ (690,900.00) -8.78% Unfavorable salaries and fringe benefits of ($513,600) largely due to posttion overfills and overtime fringes, in addition unfavorable overtime of ($177,300). Operating Expenditures 970,133.00 1,264,133.00 1,264,133.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 2,025,602.00 2,026,929.00 2,026,929.00 0.00% Transfers 334,086.00 541,728.00 541,728.00 0.00% $ 11,188,345.00 $ 11,703,452.00 $ 12,394,352.00 $ (690,900.00) -5.90% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out $ 105,555,324.00 $ 106,150,884.00 $ 108,135,584.00 $ (1,984,700.00) -1.87% 12,269,288.00 13,121,840.97 12,759,940.97 361,900.00 2.76% 15,640,980.00 15,787,708.00 15,787,708.00 0.00% 374,681.00 758,264.00 758,264.00 0.00% $ 133,840,273.00 $ 135,818,696.97 $ 137,441,496.97 $ (1,622,800.00) -1.19% 3/6/2015 40 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES --------------------------- ------- -------- ---------- Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 746,428.00 $ 746,428.00 $ 746,428.00 $ Operating Expenditures 52,300.00 62,300.00 43,600.00 8,700.00 16.63% Fav. Office Supplies $5,500, Equipment Maintenance $1,000, Expendable Equipment $1,000, Freight and Express $800 and Fees-Per Diem $400 due to less than anticipated use. Internal Support Expenditures 63,733.00 65,766.00 65,766.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% $ 862,461.00 $ 864,494.00 $ 855,794.00 $ 8,700.00 1.01% County Clerk (Vital Stets & Legal Rec's) Personnel Expenditures $ 3,502,039.00 $ 3,502,039.00 $ 3,375,539.00 $ 126,500.00 3.61% Fay. due to turnover, underfilled, vacant and part-time positions. Operating Expenditures 303,896.00 303,896.00 226,896.00 77,000.00 25.34% Fay. Court Transcripts $30,000 due to prosecutors ordering fewer transcripts; Professional Services $40,000, Personal Mileage $4,000, Freight and Express $3,000, Workshops and Meetings $2,000 due to less than anticipated use. Partially offset by unfavorable, Charge Card Fee ($2,000) due to increased activity. Internal Support Expenditures 606,402.00 643,083.00 643,083.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% $ 4,412,337.00 $ 4,449,018.00 $ 4,245,518.00 $ 203,500.00 4.57% 3/6/2015 41 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERIC/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT FY 2015 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Elections Personnel Expenditures $ 817,875.00 $ 817,875.00 $ 779,775.00 $ 38,100.00 4.66% Fay. due to turnover and undeffilled positions. Operating Expenditures 779,078.00 779,078.00 779,078.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 260,040.00 260,287.00 264,187.00 (3,900.00) -1.50% Unfav. Telephone Communications ($3,900) due to increased use. Transfers 0.00% $ 1,856,993.00 $ 1,857,240.00 $ 1,823,040.00 $ 34,200.00 1.84% Register of Deeds (and Micrographics) Personnel Expenditures $ 2,468,334.00 $ 2,468,334.00 $ 2,384,934.00 $ 83,400.00 3.38% Fav. due to underlined, part-time and vacant positions. Operating Expenditures 265,494.00 265,494.00 $ 222,844.00 42,650.00 16.06% Fay. Metered Postage $24,100 Office Supplies $14,500, Printing $3,800 and Travel and Conference $1,000 due to less than anticipated use. Partially offset by unfavorable Charge Card Fee ($1,300) due to increased use. Internal Support Expenditures 232,354.00 232,354.00 $ 232,354.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% _-_-_-_-_-_-__ ----------- $ 2,966,182.00 $ 2,966,182.00 $ 2,840,132.00 $ 126,050.00 4.25% 3/6/2015 42 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2016 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES r•n•••n•n•••••••••n••n•••n•n0 •••••••nn••••••.M.n•••n•••• n•••• 21,700.00 Jury Commission Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 17,522.00 68,776.00 $ 17,522.00 $ 17,522.00 $ 68,776.00 47,076.00 0.00% 31.55% Fav. Metered Postage $20,400 and Miscellaneous $1,000 due to less than anticipated use. 31,537.00 31,537.00 31,537.00 0.00% $ 117,835.00 $ 117,835.00 $ 96,135.00 $ 21,700.00 18.42% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 7,552,198.00 $ 1,469,544.00 1,194,066.00 7,552,198.00 $ 1,469,544.00 1,233,027.00 7,304,198.00 $ 1,319,494.00 $ 1,236,927.00 $ 248,000.00 150,050.00 (3,900.00) 3.28% 10.21% -0.32% 0.00% $ 10,215,808.00 $ 10,254,769.00 $ 9,860,619.00 $ 394,150.00 3.84% 3/6/2015 43 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY TREASURER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 3,204,451.00 $ 3,204,451.00 $ 3,204,451.00 $ 4,605,440.00 4,605,440.00 4,605,440.00 0.00% - 0.00% - A budget amendment of $87,000 is necessary to re-appropriate funds to Software Rental Lease Purchase line item (account 731773) to cover the remaining expenditure needed to complete the Check Writing Software upgrade authorized in M.R. #14054. Internal Support Expenditures 557,631.00 701,218.00 701,218.00 0.00% - Transfers Out 120,000.00 1,319,023.00 1,199,023.00 120,000.00 9.10% Fay. Due to no transfers required to Facilities for demolition of property. Division Total Department Total ------- $ 8,487,522.00 .............__ $ 8,487,522.00 $ 9,830,132.00 $ 9,710,132.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 9,830,132.00 $ 9,710,132.00 $ 120,000.00 1.22% 1.22% 3/6/2015 44 COUNT(' OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2015 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 2,060,511.00 $ 2,029,583.00 $ 2,029,583.00 $ 475,305.00 540,897.99 $ 521,197.99 0.00% - 19,700.00 3.64% - Fay. Legal Expense $8,000 and Legislative Expense $8,000, due to less anticipated use. A budget amendment is recommended to reallocate funds from Special Projects line item to the Library Board for the digitization of the Research Library. Internal Support Expenditures 187,067.00 188,202.00 $ 188,202.00 0.00% - $ 2,722,883.00 $ 2,758,682.99 $ 2,738,982.99 $ 19,700.00 0.71% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 2,060,511.00 $ 2,029,583.00 $ 2,029,583.00 $ 475,305.00 540,897.99 521,197.99 187,067.00 188,202.00 188,202.00 0.00% 19,700.00 3.64% 0.00% $ 2,722,883.00 $ 2,758,682.99 $ 2,738,982.99 $ 19,700.00 0.71% 3/6/2015 45 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES LIBRARY BOARD AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Library Board Personnel Expenditures $ 535,842.00 $ 535,842.00 $ 535,842.00 $ 0.00% Operating Expenditures 371,528.00 371,528.00 363,828.00 7,700.00 2.07% Fay. Office Supplies $2,600, Travel and Conference $1,500, Workshops and Meeting $1,200, Fees-Per Diem $1,000 and Special Projects $900 due to less than anticipated use. Internal Support Expenditures 427,153.00 427,317.00 427,317.00 0.00% Transfers $ 1,334,523,00 $1,334,687.00 $1,326,987.00 $ 7,700.00 0.58% DepartmentTotal Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expend itures Transfers $ 535,842.00 $ 535,842.00 $ 535,842.00 $ 371,528.00 371,528.00 363,828.00 427,153.00 427,317.00 427,317.00 7,700.00 0.00% 2.07% 0.00% $1,334,523.00 $ 1,334,687.00 $1,326,987.00 $ 7,700.00 0.58% 3/6/2015 46 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Water Resource Commissioner Personnel Expenditures $ 208,781.00 $ 208,781.00 $ 208,781.00 $ 0.00% 587,975.00 587,975.00 587,975.00 0.00% 4,203,322.00 4,254,989.00 66,165.00 56,165.00 $ 6,056,243.00 $ 5,107,910.00 $ 5,107,910.00 $ Department Total $ 5,056,243.00 $ 5,107,910.00 $ 5,107,910.00 $ 0.00% Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Division Total 4,254,989.00 56,165.00 3/6/2015 47 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY EXECUTIVE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Controllable Personnel $ 2,112,426.00 $ 2,112,426.00 2,112,426.00 $ 0.00% - Controllable Operating 282,944.00 697,497.00 $ 697,497.00 0.00% - 0.00% - Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out ComplianceOffice Controllable Personnel 399,485.00 404,197.00 $ 404,197.00 $ 2,794,855.00 $ 3,214,120.00 $ 3,214,120.00 $ $ 1,491,884.00 $ 1,496,222.00 $ 1,496,222.00 0.00% 0.00% Controllable Operating 49,252.00 $ 49,952.84 49,952.84 0.00% Internal SupportExpenditures 179,751.00 183,451.00 183,451.00 0.00% TransferOut Corporation Counsel Controllable Personnel $ 1,720,887.00 $ 1,729,625.84 $ 1,729,625.84 $ $ 2,013,215.00 $ 2,013,215.00 $ 2,013,215.00 Controllable Operating 59,133.00 59,133.00 59,133.00 0.00% 0.00% - 0.00% - 3/6/2015 48 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY EXECUTIVE AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Internal Support Expenditures 192,346.00 193,171.00 193,171.00 0.00% - Transfer Out $ 2,264,694.00 $ 2,265,519.00 $ 2,265,519.00 $ 0.00% Department Total Controllable Personnel $ 5,617,525.00 $ 5,621,863.00 $ 5,621,863.00 $ 0.00% Controllable Operating 391,329.00 806,582.84 806,582.84 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 771,582.00 780,819.00 780,819.00 0.00% Transfers Out $ 6,780,436.00 $ 7,209,264.84 $ 7,209,264.84 $ 0.00% 3/6/2015 49 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 220,181.00 $ 220,181.00 $ 220,181.00 $ 0.00% Operating Expenditures 4,017.00 4,017.00 4,017.00 $ 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 12,739,00 12,739.00 12,739.00 $ 0.00% $ 236,937.00 5 236,937.00 $ 236,937.00 $ 0.00% $ 7,991,445.00 $ 7,991,445.00 $ 7,291,445.00 $ 700,000.00 8.76% Favorable due to underfilled positions/vacancies. 431,404.00 431,404.00 394,404.00 37,000.00 8.58% Favorable Professional Services $35,000 and Travel and Conference $2,000 due to efforts to reduce spending. 864,152.00 931,733.00 931,733.00 0.00% 0.00% $9,287,001.00 $9,354,582.00 $ 8,617,582.00 $ $ 7,739,088.00 $ 7,739,088.00 $ 7,289,088.00 $ 388,600.00 388,600.00 353,600.00 737,000.00 7.88% 450,000.00 5.81% Favorable due to underfilled positions/vacancies. 35,000.00 9.01% Favorable Printing $20,000 and Metered Postage $15,000 due to efforts to reduce spending. 1,228,987.00 1,323,778.00 1,323,778.00 0.00% 0.00% $ 9,356,675.00 $ 9,451,466.00 $ 8,966,466.00 $ 485,000.00 5.13% 3/6/2015 Equalization Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Fiscal cervices Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers 50 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENTAND BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2015 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 15,950,714.00 824,021.00 2,105,878.00 $ 15,950,714.00 $ 14,800,714.00 $ 1,150,000.00 824,021.00 752,021.00 72,000.00 2,268,250.00 2,268,250.00 7.21% 8.74% 0.00% 0.00% $ 18,880,613.00 $ 19,042,985.00 $ 17,820,985.00 $ 1,222,000.00 6.42% 3/6/2015 51 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES CENTRAL SERVICES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2016 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE} PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administrative Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 215,082.00 $ 3,298.00 9,121.00 215,082.00 $ 3,298.00 $ 9,121.00 $ 215,082.00 $ 3,298.00 9,121.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $ 227,501.00 $ 227,501.00 $ 227,501.00 $ 0.00% Support Services Personnel Expenditures $ 1,134,895.00 $ 1,134,895.00 $ 1,134,895.00 0.00% Operating Expenditures 400,622.00 400,622.00 $ 400,622.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 664,343.00 674,149.00 $ 674,149.00 0.00% Transfers 0.00% $ 2,199,860.00 $ 2,209,666.00 $ 2,209,666.00 $ 0.00% Department Total Personnel Expenditures $ 1,349,977.00 $ 1,349,977.00 $ 1,349,977.00 $ 0.00% Operating Expenditures 403,920.00 403,920.00 403,920.00 - 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 673,464.00 683,270.00 683,270.00 - 0.00% Transfers - , - 0.00% $ 2,427,361.00 $ 2,437,167.00 $ 2,437,167.00 $ - 0.00% 3/6/2015 52 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 198,756.00 $ 198,756.00 $ 198,756.00 $ 0.00% _ Operating Expenditures 5,764.00 5,764.00 5,764.00 0.00% - Internal Support Expenditures 19,167.00 19,167.00 19,167.00 0.00% - $ 223,687.00 $ 223,687.00 $ 223,687.00 $ 0.00% Facilities Engineering Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 780,420.00 $ 780,420.00 $ 168,682.00 168,682.00 53,725.00 53,725.00 $1,002,827.00 $ 1,002,827.00 $ 720,420.00 $ 168,682.00 53,725.00 942,827.00 $ 60,000.00 7.69% - Fav. due to underfilled positions. 0.00% - 0.00% - 60,000.00 5.98% DepartmentTotal Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 979,176.00 $ 979,176.00 $ 919,176.00 $ 60,000.00 6.13% 174,446.00 174,446.00 174,446.00 0.00% 72,892.00 72,892.00 72,892.00 0.00% ----------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------- $ 1,226,514.00 $ 1,226,514.00 $ 1,166,514.00 $ 60,000.00 4.89% 3/6/2015 53 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 736,771.00 $ 736,771.00 $ 736,771.00 $ 0.00% Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out Workforce Management Personnel Expenditures 287,622.00 287,622.00 277,622.00 $ 10,000.00 3.48% Favorable Professional Services $10,000 due to efforts to reduce spending. 34,874.00 36,345.00 36,345.00 $ 0.00% $ 1,059,267.00 $ 1,060,738.00 $1,050,738.00 $ 10,000.00 0.94% $ 1,813,648.00 $ 1,813,648.00 $1,763,648.00 $ 50,000.00 2.76% Favorable due to underfilled positions/vacancies. Operating Expenditures 248,740.00 248,740.00 248,740.00 $ 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 632,680.00 672,937.00 672,937.00 $ 0.00% Transfer Out - $ $ 2,695,068.00 $ 2,735,325.00 $2,685,325.00 $ 50,000.00 1.83% Benefits Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 168,496.00 $ 168,496.00 $ 168,496.00 $ 0.00% Operating Expenditures $ 16,977.00 $ 16,977.00 13,477.00 $ 3,500.00 20.62% Favorable Travel and Conference $2,000, Office Supplies $1,000 and Personal Mileage $500 due to efforts to reduce spending. Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out 149,172.00 149,172.00 149,172.00 $ 0.00% -------.-----_-__ ------------- $ 334,645.00 $ 334,545.00 $ 331,145.00 $ 3,500.00 1.05% Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfer Out $ 2,718,915.00 $ 2,718,915.00 $ 2,668,915.00 $ 553,339.00 553,339.00 539,839.00 816,726.00 858,454.00 858,454.00 50,000.00 13,500.00 1.84% 2.44% 0.00% $ 4,088,980.00 $ 4,130,708.00 $ 4,067,208.00 $ 63,500.00 1.54% 542015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures 199,496.00 $ 199,496.00 $ 199,496.00 $ 0.00% - Operating Expenditures 8,760,134.00 8,760,134.00 7,760,134.00 1,000,000.00 11.42% - Fay. due to Private Institutions Foster Care and Private Institutions Residential $550,000; Independent Living $250,000; Foster Boarding Homes $200,000. Costs are based on caseload, difficulty of care, and treatment of services ordered by the Court. Favorability is partially offset by unfav. Non-Dept. Child Care Subsidy Revenue (50% reimbursement), Internal Support Expenditures 12,789.00 12,789.00 22,789.00 (10,000.00) -78.19% - Unfav. Info Tech Operations due to emergency notification system. Transfers Out $ 8,972,419.00 $ 8,972,419.00 $ 7,982,419.00 $ 990,000.00 11.03% Health Personnel Expenditures $ 23,535,707.00 $ 23,535,707.00 $ 21,785,707.00 $ 1,750,000.00 7.44% - Fay. due to turnover and underfilled positions. 65,000.00 Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out 2,888,269.00 2,913,953.00 2,848,953.00 2,612,932.00 2,746,028.00 2,746,028.00 2.23% - Fay. Professional Services $150,000 due to contractor accepting Medicaid rates. Partially offset by unfav. Vaccines ($75,000) due to increased costs and increased demand from employee vaccination program. Unfav. Medical Supplies ($10,000) due to increased costs. 0.00% - 8,640.00 8,640,00 8,640.00 $ 29,045,548.00 $29,204,328.00 $ 27,389,328.00 $ 1,815,000.00 6.21% 552015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 0.00% - 40,000.00 1.08% - Fay. Provisions $25,000 due to increased reimbursement for improved nutritional requirements and decrease in resident population. Fay. Professional Services $15,000 due to the utilization of part-time nursing staff in lieu of contracted nursing staff. 0.00% - 40,000.00 0.19% Children's Village Personnel Expenditures $ 15,354,849.00 $ 15,357,376.00 $ 15,357,376.00 $ Operating Expenditures $ 3,693,861.00 3,693,861.00 3,653,861.00 Internal Support Expenditures 2,395,910.00 2,412,567.00 2,412,567.00 Transfers Out $ 21,444,620.00 $ 21,463,804.00 $ 21,423,804.00 $ 562015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Homeland Security Personnel Expenditures $ 810,780.00 $ 810,780.00 $ 810,780.00 $ 0.00% - Operating Expenditures 290,680.00 301,932.00 262,932.00 39,000.00 12.92% - Fay. Tornado Siren Equipment $24,000 due to the installation of fewer than anticipated sirens. Partially offset by revenue unfavorability (Local Match). Fay. Equipment Maintenance $15,000 due to limited repair costs incurred on specialty/hazmat vehicles. Internal Support Expenditures 438,641.00 442,757.00 417,757.00 25,000.00 5.65% - Fav. info Tech Operations based on usage. Transfers Out $ 1,540,101.00 $ 1,555,469.00 $ 1,491,469.00 $ 64,000.00 DepartmentTotal Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating N on-Controllable Operating Transfers Out $ 39,900,832.00 $ 39,903,359.00 $ 38,153,359.00 $ 15,632,944.00 15,669,880.00 14,525,880.00 5,460,272.00 5,614,141.00 5,599,141.00 8,640.00 8,640.00 8,640.00 1,750,000.00 4.39% 1,144,000.00 7.30% 15,000.00 0.27% 0.00% $ 61,002,688.00 $ 61,196,020.00 $ 58,287,020.00 $ 2,909,000.00 4.75% 5/72015 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2016 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES AMOUNT FY 2015 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Public Services - Admin. Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures $ 215,166.00 $ 215,166.00 215,166.00 $ 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 5,734.00 5,734.00 5,734.00 $ 225,700.00 $ 225,700.00 $ 225,700.00 $ 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% Veterans' Services Personnel Expenditures $ 1,539,184.00 5 1,533,815.00 1,533,815.00 $ 0.00% - Operating Expenditures 190,912.00 190,912.00 190,912.00 0.00% - Internal Support Expenditures 166,852.00 168,427.00 168,427.00 0.00% - Transfers 0.00% 5 1,896,948.00 $ 1,893,154.00 $ 1,893,154.00 $ 0.00% Community Corrections Personnel Expenditures $ 3,584,502.00 $ 3,662,816.00 3,662,816.00 $ 0.00% - Operating Expenditures 502,025.00 502,025.00 502,025.00 0.00% - Internal Support Expenditures 506,290.00 531,624.00 531,624.00 0.00% - Transfers Out 0.00% - $ 4,592,817.00 $ 4,696,465.00 $ 4,696,465.00 $ 0.00% MSU Ext. - Oakland County Personnel Expenditures $ 789,000.00 $ 653,900 00 $ 653,900.00 $ 0.00% - Operating Expenditures 89,689.00 216,689.00 216,689.00 0.00% - T42015 Internal Support Expenditures AMENDED BUDGET 247,997.00 AMOUNT FY 2015 FAVORABLE FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT 247,997.00 0.00% ADOPTED BUDGET 247,566.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES $ 1,126,255.00 $ 1,118,586.00 $ 1,118,586.00 $ 0.00% Medical Examiner Personnel Expenditures $ 3,241,704.00 $ 3,241,704.00 $ 3,241,704.00 $ 0.00% - Operating Expenditures 520,006.00 520,006.00 520,006.00 0.00% - Internal Support Expenditures 782,650.00 812,321.00 812,321.00 0.00% - Transfers Animal Control Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures $ 4,544,360.00 $ 4,574,031.00 $ 4,574,031.00 $ $ 2,239,095.00 $ 2,280,229.00 $ 2,280,229.00 $ 190,097.00 190,097.00 190,097.00 0.00% 0.00% - 0.00% - Internai Support Expenditures 764,143.00 855,985.00 855,985.00 0.00% - Transfers Out $ 3,193,335.00 $ 3,326,311.00 $ 3,326,311.00 $ 0.00% Circuit Court Probation Personnel Expenditures - $ 0.00% Operating Expenditures 54,326.00 54,326.00 54,326.00 0.00% Internal Support Expenditures 466,094.00 468,453.00 468,453.00 0.00% $ 520,420.00 $ 522,779.00 $ 522,779.00 $ 0.00% R2015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers Out ADOPTED BUDGET $ 11,608,651.00 1,551,855.00 2,939,329.00 AMENDED BUDGET FY 2015 FORECAST AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT $ 11,587,630.00 $ 11,587,630.00 $ 0.00% 1,678,855.00 1,678,855.00 0.00% 3,090,541.00 3,090,541.00 0.00% $ 16,099,835.00 $ 16,357,026.00 $ 16,357,026.00 $ 0.00% gP2015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Personnel Expenditures $ 1,204,321.00 $ 1,204,321.00 $ 1,140,221.00 $ 64,100.00 5.32% - Fav. due to turnover and underfilled positions. Operating Expenditures 358,222_00 379,582.00 307,582.00 72,000.00 18.97% - Fav. Professional Services $34,900 due to reduction of contractual services; Mileage $6,200, Supplies $19,400 and Travel $11,500 due to less than anticipated usage. Internal Support Expenditures 55,767.00 89,558.00 85,258.00 4,300.00 4.80% Fav. Info Tech Operations $2,300, Motor Pool $400 and Telephone Communications $1,600 due to less than anticipated usage. Transfers $ 1,618,310.00 $ 1,673,461.00 $ 1,533,061.00 $ 140,400.00 8.39% Planning and Economic Development Services Personnel Expenditures $ 3,847,020.00 Operating Expenditures 1,302,983.00 Internal Support Expenditures $ 3,847,020.00 $ 3,732,520.00 $ 114,500.00 2.98% 1,493,856.33 1,275,156.33 218,700.00 14.64% - 751,639.00 64,600.00 7.91% Fav. due to turnover and undertilled positions. Fav. Professional Services $4,900 due to reduced resident participation in the NO HAZ program (offset by reduced program reimbursement);Workshop & Meetings $79,300, Supplies $46,000 and Printing $88,500 due to reduced usage. Fav Info Tech Operations $56,100, Info Tech Managed Print Services $5,200 and Telephone Comm $3,300 due to less than anticipated usage. 814,893.00 816,239.00 Transfers $ 5,964,896.00 $ 6,157,115.33 $ 5,759,315.33 $ 397,800.00 6.46% At 1 /2 0 1 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT EXPENDITURES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Community and Home Improvement Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Transfers $ 5,076,961.00 1,661,205.00 870,660.00 Workforce Development Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Department Total Personnel Expenditures Operating Expenditures Internal Support Expenditures Transfers $ 5,076,961.00 $ 4,898,361.00 $ 178,600.00 1,873,438.33 1,582,738.33 290,700.00 905,797.00 836,897.00 68,900.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 25,620.00 $ 0.00% 0.00% 3.52% 15.52% 7.61% 0.00% $ 7,608,826.00 $ 7,856,196.33 $ 7,317,996.33 $ 538,200.00 6.85% /12/201 $ 325,187.00 33,305.00 18,000.00 1,400,000.00 100.00 325,187.00 33,305.00 18,000.00 1,400,000.00 924,347.00 $ 325,187.00 $ 33,305.00 18,000.00 1,400,000.00 924,347.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION NON-DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS COUNTY OPERATIONS Insurance Fund Insurance Surety Bonds Logos Trademarks Intellect Property Road CommissionlCurrent Drain Assessment Road Commission \Tri Party Agreement Interest Expense 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00% Provisions 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00% Transfer to Community Mental Health Authority 9,620,616.00 9,620,616.00 9,620,616.00 0.00% Total $ 12,927,208.00 $ 13,851,455.00 $ 13,851,455.00 $ 0.00% COUNTY BUILDINGS $ 2,854,447.00 $ 2,767,558.00 $ 2,767,558.00 $ 0.00% STATE AND FEDERAL - COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS Michigan Assoc. of Counties National Assoc. of Counties S.E.M.C.O.G. Traffic Improvement Association $ 73,000.00 $ 24,100.00 500,000.00 30,000.00 73,000.00 $ 24,100.00 500,000.00 30,000.00 73,000.00 $ 24,100.00 500,000.00 30,000.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0,00% Total $ 627,100.00 $ 627,100.00 $ 627,100.00 $ 0.00% SUNDRY EXPENSE $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 0.00% RESERVED FOR TRANSFERS Expenditures Classification and Rate Change Contingency Disaster Recovery Emergency Salaries Grant Match Info Tech Development Legislative Expense Misc. Capital Outlay Overtime Appropriation Security Reserve Substance Abuse Coord Agency Summer Employees Salary Appropriation $ 329,954.00 $ 241,013.00 254,405.00 144,557.00 300,000.00 831,000.00 831,000.00 1,160,000.00 875,358.00 5,326,050.00 4,335,190.00 8,600.00 8,600.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 53,000.00 53,000.00 2,919,904.00 2,919,904.00 5,686,140.00 5,800,141.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 $ 241,013.00 $ 144,557.00 300,000.00 831,000.00 875,358.00 4,335,190.00 8,600.00 125,000.00 53,000.00 2,919,904.00 5,800,141.00 250,000.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Total $ 16,944,053.00 $ 15,883,763.00 $ 15,883,763.00 $ 0.00% S3/201 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2016 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION Transfers to Other Funds Fire Records Management CLEM'S Information Technology Bldg Auth Fac lnfras IT Debt Fringe Benefit Fund Project Work Order Fund Long Term Revolving Fund Facilities Maintenance and Operations Building Fund $ 413,145.00 1,844,186.00 3,620,676.00 2,278,375.00 4,555,001100 3,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 $ 442,803.00 1,844,186.00 4,620,676.00 2,278,375.00 4,555,000.00 3,722,200.00 $ 442,803.00 $ 1,844,186.00 4,620,676.00 2,278,375.00 4,555,000.00 3,722,200.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $ 17,711,382.00 $ 18,963,240.00 $ 18,963,240.00 $ 0.00% TOTAL NON-DEPT. APPROPRIATIONS $ 51,364,190.00 $ 52,393,116.00 $ 52,393,116.00 $ 0.00% TRANSFER TO GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS Child Care Fund $ 22,747,833.00 $ 22,765,754.00 $ 22,765,754.00 $ 0.00% Social Welfare Fund Foster Care 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00% $ 22,748,833.00 $ 22,766,754.00 $ 22,766,754.00 $ 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 74,113,023.00 $ 75,159,870.00 $ 76,159,870.00 $ 0.00% /14/201 FY 2015 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY 2015 BUDGET AS ADOPTED - GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS BUDGET AMENDMENTS M.R. #14252 - 10/2312014 Facilities Mg mt/Facilites Planning & Engineering - Treasurer's Office - Book Room Conversion Project M.R. #14242 - 10/23/2014 Public Services / MSU Extension - Modification of Professional Services Contract for 4-H Youth Development Coordinator Positions and Educational Programming Services M.R. #14243 - 10123/2014 Circuit Court / Friend of the Court - Creation of Friend of the Court Referee Position M.R. #14245 - 10/23/2014 Board of Commissioners - Funding for Safe and Healthy Kids Partnership with Oakland Schools to Provide Anti- Bullying Training for Educators and School Administrators M.R. #14259 - 11/19/2014 Treasurer's Office Tax Management System M.R. #14260 -11/19/2014 Information Technology Reference Architecture Project M.R. #14264 - 11/19/2014 Departments of Facilities Management/Sheriffs Office - Approval and Acceptance of Lease Agreement with 2470 Elizabeth Lake Road, LLC, for use of the Quality Pontiac Building for Storage of Equipment at 2470 Elizabeth Lake Road, Waterford, Michigan M.R. #14270 - 11/19/2014 Circuit Court- 2015 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program (Adult Treatment Court) Grant Acceptance M.R. #14271 - 11/19/2014 Circuit Court -2015 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program (Juvenile Drug Court) Grant Acceptance $ 422,341,962.00 8,200.00 (8,100.00) (1,839.00) 30,000.00 $ 1,199,023.00 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 323,753.00 18,940.00 57,838.00 M.R. #14295 - 12/0412014 Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2014 Year-End Report and Budget Amendments Encumbrances Carry Forwards Disaster Recovery $ 555,360.13 $ 1,996,867.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 2,852,227.13 M.R. #14284 - 12/04/2014 Department of Health and Human Services/Health Division - Youth Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign M.R. #14274 - 12/04/2014 Human Resources Department - Salary Administratin Plan 1st Quarterly Report for FY 2015 M.R. #14275 - 1210412014 Department of Public Services -Veterans Services and Animal Control Position Changes M.R. #14278 - 12/04/2014 Sheriff's Office - Position Changes - Inmate Program Services M.R. #14281 - 12/04/2014 Sheriffs Office - Contract Amendment #1 for Law Enforcement Services in the Charter Township of Lyon 2013 -2015 M.R. #14283 - 12/04/2014 Sheriffs Office - Contract Amendment #2 for Law Enforcement Services in the Charter Township of Commerce 2013 2015 M.R. #14282 - 12/04/2014 Sheriff's Office - Contract Amendment #2 for Law Enforcement Services in the City of Rochester Hills 15,000.00 1,263.00 35,765,00 (249.00) $ 483,098.00 14,464.00 109,944.00 65 FY 2016 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 2013- 2015 M.R. #14298 - 12104/2014 Sheriffs Office - Contract Amendment #3 for Law Enforcement Services in the Charter Township of Oakland 2013 -2015 M.R. #14299 - 12/0412014 Sheriffs Office - Contract Amendment #1 for Law Enforcement Services in the Charter Township of Oxford 2013 - 2015 M.R. #14302 - 1210412014 Board of Commissioners - Position Changes and Reorganization M.R. #14303 - 12/04/2014 Board of Commissioners - Annual Stipend Allowance for Board Leadership M.R. #14304 - 12/04/2014 Animal Control (AC)/Facilities Planning & Engineering (FPE) -Animal Control Building Security Enhancement Project M.R. #14279 - 12/04/2014 Sheriffs Office - Position Changes - OCCMHA Reimbursement for Jail Alliance With Support (JAWS) Program $ 29,984.00 $ 26,594.00 $ (42,963.00) $ 12,035.00 $ 214,000.00 $ (24,701.00) TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 12/31/2014 $ 428,696,238.13 66 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND TREASURER'S OFFICE ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES - DELINQUENT TAX REVOLVING FUND 51600 REVENUES Charges for Services $17,500,000.00 $17,500,000.00 $17,500,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 19,400.00 2.19% Fay. Prior Years Adjustment $19,400 due to interest charges on older delinquencies, Michigan Tax Tribunal, July and December Boards of review decisions. $19,400.00 0.11% 0.00% 65,350.00 20.54% Fav, Professional Services $56,000 and Legal Services $10,000 due to less than anticipated use. Other Revenues 884,000.00 884,000.00 903,400.00 Total Revenues $18,384,000.00 $18,384,000.00 $18,403,400.00 OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel Expenditures $ 183,331.00 $ 183,331.00 $ 183,331.00 Operating Expenditures 318,210.00 318,210.00 252,860.00 Interest Expense Transfer Out to Other Funds: General Fund - Collection Fees GF - Non-Departmental Work Release Facility Refunding Debt Svc Office Bldg Renovation Refunding Debt Svc 52-3 District Court Refunding Debt Svc Total Transfer Out to Other Funds Total Operating Expenses 315,000.00 4,005,543.00 10,800,000.00 1,607,350.00 1,871,300.00 1,323,300.00 $ 19,607,493.00 $ 20,424,034.00 315,000.00 4,005,543.00 10,800,000.00 1,607,350.00 1,871,300.00 1,323,300.00 $ 19,607,493.00 $ 20,424,034.00 80,000.00 235,000.00 74.60% Fay. related to lower debt interest rates/level of debt. 4,005,543.00 0.00% 10,800,000.00 0.00% 1,607,350.00 0.00% 1,871,300.00 0.00% 1,323,300.00 0.00% $ 19,607,493.00 0.00% $ 20,123,684.00 $ 300,350.00 1.47% REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES* Total Net Assets - Beginning Total Net Assets - Ending Ending FY 2014 Designated Fund Balance*: NP-UnRes - Designated - Debt Service NP-UnRes - Designated - Deling Taxes Receivable NP-UnRes - Designated - Collection Fees Undesignated - Fund Balance Total Net Assets - Ending ($2,040,034.00) ($2,040,034.00) ($1,720,284.00) $205 462,591.19 $203,742,307.19 $41,184,956.00 156,265,861.95 8,011,773.24 ($1,720,284.00) $203,742,307.19 $319,750.00 " Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as 'Planned Use of Balance" in the revenue category. •* Please note the designated equity amounts are adjusted at year-end only 125 DTRF 51600 Quarterly Foreoastxlsx 6172015 FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUNDS TREASURER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX (51800) OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE $733,042,00 936,038.00 $733,042.00 936,038.00 $600,000.00 746,158,00 ($133,042.00) $189,880.00 -18.15% - Unfav. Administration Fees ($130,742) due to fewer delinquencies and Reimb Salaries ($2,300) due to less than anticipated use. 20.29% - Fav. Controllable Personnel $50,770 due to underfilled position. Also, favorable Professional Services $139,200, Postage-Standard Mailing $10,000, FA Proprietary Equipment $2,000 and Office Supplies $2,500 due to less than anticipated use. Partially offset by unfavorable Indirect Costs ($18,440) due to actual charges determined after budget finalization. NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ($202,996.00) ($202,996.00) ($146,158.00) $56,838.00 -28.00% NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 6,288.00 6,288.00 3,000.00 ($3,288.00) -52.29% Unfav. Due to lower investment base. TOTAL INCOME BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS ($196,708.00) ($196,708.00) $ (143,158,00) $53,550.00 TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS)* ($196,708.00) ($196,708.00) ($143,158.00) $53,550,00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 327,098.76 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $183,940.76 'Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item bock) this is budgeted as 'Planned Use of Balance" in the revenue category. 3/6/2015 68 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREATION ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2014 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAWN NFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION (50800) OPERATING REVENUE $ 8,752,911.00 $ 9,210,411.00 $ 9,210,411.00 $ 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSE $ 25,151,352.00 S 25.626,652.00 25,626,652.00 $ 0.00% NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ (16,398,441.00) $ (16,416,241.00) $ (16,416,241.00) $ 0.00% NON-OPERATING REVENUE $ 16,398,441.00 $ 16,416,241.00 $ 16,416,241.00 $ 0.00% (EXPENSE) TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS 0.00% TRANSFERS IN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $ TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS)* TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 95,820,847.29 TOTAL NET ASSETS- ENDING 95,820,847.29 692015 DRAIN EQUIPMENT FUND ( 63900) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING REVENUES: Inside $33,681,449.00 $34,094,505.00 $32,507,748.00 ($1,556,757.00) -4,65% Unfav - Reimbursement Salaries ($1,700,000) due to unallocated payroll charges for turnover and vacant positions offset in Salaries and Fringes. Fav - Reimbursement Building Space Cost $113,243 due to updated allocation to include the new Office Building on Dixie Highway: partially offset by unfavorable operating expenses for new Office Building. Outside 351,000.00 351,000.00 351,000.00 $0.00 0.00% Total Revenue 34,032,449.00 34,445,505.00 32,856,748.00 (1,586,757.00) -4.61% OPERATING EXPENSES 33,694,949.00 33,974,775.00 32,271,552.00 1,703,223.00 5.01% Fav - Salaries $1,000,000 and Fringes $700,000 due to turnover and vacant positions. Fav - Depreciation Buildings $8,623 due to over estimated depreciation schedule. Unfav - Maintenance Supplies ($3,000) a result of needed maintenance supplies at the new Office Building on Dixie Highway. Unfav - Water and Sewage Charges ($1,200) due to the new Office Building on Dixie Highway, Unfav - Personal Mileage ($1,000) the result of employees using their own personal vehicle to attend meetings. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE 337,500.00 470,730.00 587,196.00 116,466.00 24.74% NON-OPERATING REVENUE/(EXPENSE) 62,500.00 62,500.00 62,300.00 (200.00) -0.32% 739/2015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES TRANSFER IN - 0.00% TRANSFERS (OUT) 133,230.00 133,230.00 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER (UNDER) $400,000.00 $400,000.00 8516,265.00 $116,266.00 EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 8.361.173.07 $8,877,439.07 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 7312015 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND RISK MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 201$ VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(LINFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 67700 OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue $ 16,192,00 $ 16,192.00 $ 16,192.00 $ Inside Revenue 2.475.176.00 2.475.176.00 2,475,176 00 0.00% Total Operating Revenue $ 2,491,368.00 $ 2,491,368.00 $ 2,491,368.00 $ 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSE $ 3,533,550.00 $ 3,533,550.00 $ 3,533,550.00 $ 0.00% - CLAIMS PAID • TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 769,400.00 769,400.00 769.400.00 $ 4,302,950.00 $ 4,302,950.00 $ 4,302,950.00 $ (1,811,582.00) (1,811,582.00) (1,1311,582.00) 0.00% 0,00% 0.00% NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00% NET REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 5 (1 661 582 00) $ (1 661 582 00) (1,661,582.00) $ - 12 516 265.00 5 10 854 683 00 3/6/2015 72 FRINGE BENEFITS FUND 67800 ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND FY2015 VARIANCE FORECAST FAVAUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIG NIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING REVENUE RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION - PTNE DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN - PTNE EMPLOYEE 1N-SERVICE TRAINING EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UNIT FLEX BENEFIT PLAN WELLNESS UNIT FRINGE BENEFITS TUITION REIMBURSEMENT RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS 33,998,500 2,511,900 160,000 14,700,000 200,000 1,351,200 833,700 200,000 701,900 94,000 460,000 1,200,000 33,998,500 2,511,900 160,000 14,700,000 200,000 1,351,200 833,700 200,000 701,900 94,000 460,000 1,200,000 34,598,500 2,511,900 160,000 15,700,000 200,000 1,351,200 857,700 200,000 701,900 94,000 460,000 1,300,000 600,000 1,000,000 24,000 100,000 1.76% - Charges from departments favorable due to underestimated budget. 0.00% 0.00% 6.80% - Favorable due to projected revenue more than budget projections - increase of new hires who participate in the Defined Contribution Plan. Offset by unfavorable expense. 0.00% 0.00% 2.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.33% - Favorable due to projected revenue more than budget projections. Offset by unfavorable expense. GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 555,000 555,000 555,000 0.00% SOCIAL SECURITY 14,600,000 14,600,000 15,000,000 400,000 2.74% Favorable due to projected revenue more than budget projections - increase in new hires. Offset by unfavorable expense. MEDICAL INSURANCE 34,551,000 34,551,000 33,551,000 (1,000,000) -2.89% Unfavorable due to projected revenue less than budget projections. PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE INSURANCE 9,590,000 9,590,000 9,590,000 0.00% DENTAL INSURANCE 3,038,000 3,038,000 3,238,000 200,000 6.58% - Favorable due to projected revenue more than budget projections VISION INSURANCE 217,500 217,500 300,500 83,000 38.16% - Favorable due to projected revenue more than budget projections. DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,530,000 2,530,000 2,530,000 0.00% WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,009,800 3,009,800 3,009,800 0.00% UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 700,000 700,000 700,000 0.00% INVESTMENT INCOME 319,600 319,600 319,600 0.00% EXT - FLEX BEN MEDICAL - EMPLOYEE 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 0.00% EXT - MEDICAL INSURANCE 280,000 280,000 280,000 0.00% EXT - PRESCRIPTION DRUG REBATES 700,000 700,000 700,000 0.00% EXT - DENTAL INSURANCE 25,000 25,000 15,000 (10,000) -40.00% EXT - VISION INSURANCE 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% EXT - FLEX BEN LIFE INSURANCE 355,000 355,000 355,000 0.00% EXT - FLEX BEN DENTAL INSURANCE 115,000 115,000 105,000 (10,000) -8.70% EXT - FLEX BEN VISION INSURANCE 105,000 105,000 105,000 0.00% EXT - FORFEITURE OF DEPOSITS 20,000 20,000 820,000 800,000 4000.00% - Favorable due to International City Maria gement Association (ICMA) Forfeiture. EXT - TRAINING 700 700 0.00% EXT - OTHER REVENUE - ICMA REBATES 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.00% Transfer In 4,555,000 4,555,000 4.555.000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE 136 828 600 136.828,600 139,016,300 2,187,700 1.60% 73 FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PAYMENTS WELLNESS PROGRAM ACCOUNTING SERVICES TUITION REIMBURSEMENT RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS MEDICAL INSURANCE PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE DENTAL INSURANCE VISION INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE WORKERS COMPENSATION GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN - PTNE PENSION CONTRIBUTION EXPENSE EMPLOYEE IN-SERVICE TRAINING IN-SERVICE TRAINING - INFO TECH EMPLOYEE BENEFITS UNIT 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 31,000 3.40% - Favorable $45,000 due to two underfined positions and one position filled with lower step in the 1st quarter. Unfavorable ($14,000) in Professional Services due to required second open enrollment which are offset by favorable Employee Benefit Unit revenue. 100,000 50.00% - Favorable due to projected costs less than budget projections. 0.00% 0.00% - 0.00% (100,000) -8.33% - Unfavorable due to projected costs more than budget projections. Offset by favorable revenue. 0.00% (400,000) -2.74% - Unfavorable due to projected costs more than budget projections - increase in new hires. Offset by favorable revenue. 38,921,454 38,921,454 38,921,454 0.00% 10,200,000 10,200,000 10,200,000 0.00% 3,150,000 3,150,000 3,150,000 0.00% 324,000 324,000 260,000 64,000 19.75% - Favorable due to projected costs less than budget projections. 2,530,000 2,530,000 2,530,000 0.00% 3,009,800 3,009,800 2,987,900 21,900 0.73% - Favorable WC Excess Insurance costs less than budget projections due to the County's loss control and increase in deductible bringing the premium down. 700,000 700,000 376,500 323,500 46.21% - Favorable less claims due to the nonqua lification of seasonal workers, Michigan State reduction in the weeks eligible and termination of the extended benefits. 200,000 4,555,000 1,001,200 350,000 912,246 200,000 4,555,000 1,001,200 350,000 912,246 200,000 4,555,000 1,001,200 350,000 881,246 200,000 701,900 94,000 460,000 1,200,000 200,000 701,900 94,000 460,000 1,200,000 100,000 701,900 94,000 460,000 1,300,000 910,000 910,000 910,000 14,600,000 14,600,000 15,000,000 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FRINGE BENEFITS FUND FRINGE BENEFITS FUND 67800 ADOPTED AMENDED FY2015 VARIANCE E BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAVAUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIG NIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING EXPENSE RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT PRINC. RETIREES MEDICAL - VEBA DEBT INT. RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN 21,410,000 21,410,000 21,410,000 - 0.00% 12,588,500 12,588,500 12,589,000 (500) 0.00% 2,671,900 2,671,900 2,671,900 - 0.00% 14,700,000 14,700,000 15,700,000 (1,000,000) -6,80% - Unfavorable due to projected costs more than budget projections - increase of new hires who participate in the Defined Contribution Plan. Offset by favorable revenue. CHILD CARE FACILITY HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX REINSURANCE FEES MICHIGAN HICAA TAX PATIENT CENTERED OUTCOME RESEARC INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL EXPENSE 209,600 209,600 35,000 35,000 504,000 504,000 386,000 386,000 24,000 24,000 _ 280,000 280.000 136.828,600 136.828 600 209,600 40,000 504,000 381,000 24,000 391,600 137,900,300 (5,000) 5,000 (111,600) (1,071,700) 0.00% -14.29% 0.00% 1.30% 0.00% -39.86% - Unfavorable due to actual charges devel aped after budget finalization. -0.78% NET REVENUE OVERAUNDER) EXPENSES . 000 1,116,000 1 116 non TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 33,493,389 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 34 60cI 74 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (56500) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) TOTAL INCOME BEFORE $4,297,821.00 $4,297,821.00 6.654.963.00 6 654 963.00 ($2,357,142.00) ($2,357,142.00) 278.744.00 278 744.00 $4,297,821.00 6,654 963.00 ($2,357,142.00) 278 744.00 $0.00 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 $0.00 0.00 CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS ($2,078,398.00) ($2,078,398.00) $ (2,078,398.00) $0.00 TRANSFERS IN CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 2,078,398.00 2,078,398.00 2,078,398.00 $0.00 0.00% TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS) $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $ 80,154,509.84 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $80,154,509.84 3/6/2015 75 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAVI(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES MOTOR POOL FUND 66100 OPERATING REVENUE: Outside Revenue 99,500.00 $ 99,500.00 $ 99,500.00 0.00% Inside Revenue 7,457,194.00 7,537,601.00 7,537,60t00 $ 0.00% Total Revenue $ 7,556,694.00 $ 7,637,101.00 $ 7,637,101.00 OPERATING EXPENSE 8,146,371.00 8,209,350.00 8,209,350.00 $ 0.00% OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ (589,677.00) $ (572,249.00) $ (572,249.00) $ NON-OPERATING REVENUE 235,000.00 235,000.00 235,000.00 $ 0.00% (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS $ (354,677.00) $ (337,249.00) $ (337,249.00) $ TRANSFERS IN / (OUT) 23,500.00 316,821.00 316,821.00 $ NET REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES (PLANNED USE OF FUND BAL.) * $ (331,177.00 $ (20,428.00) $ (20,428.00) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $ 8,216,738.87 $ 8,196,310.87 76 3/6/2015 ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FY 2015 VARIANCE FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES I FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (#63100) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Revenue $333,500,00 $333,500.00 $583,500.00 $250,000.00 74.96% - Fay. External - Other Revenue primarily due to more than anticipated Outside Agencies Maintenance Charges for Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA). Inside Revenue 22,813,360.00 22,824,193.00 22,824,193.00 0.00% Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSES $23,146,860.00 $27,093,014.00 $23,157,693.00 $23,407,693.00 $250,000.00 $27,131,540,00 $25,881,540.00 $1,250,000.00 1.08% 4.61% - Fay. Salaries and Fringe Benefits $450,000 due to vacancy/turnover; Natural Gas $350,000 due to purchasing natural gas from third party sources; Electrical Service $250,000 due to lower-cost third-party contracts and savings from FM&O energy conservation initiatives; Water &Sewage Charges $200,000 due to seasonality; Radio Communications $50,000 due to budget allocation which includes one time charge from FY 2014. Partially offset by unfav. IT Operations ($50,000) primarily for new CAD workstations and GIS training. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($3,946,154.00) ($3,973,847.00) ($2,473,347.00) $1,500,000.00 NON-OPERATING REVENUE $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 0.00% - TRANSFERS IN 0.00% - TRANSFERS OUT 18,910.00 18,910.00 0.00% - NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES' ($3,846,154.00) ($3,854,937.00) ($2,354,937.00) $1,500,000.00 TOTAL NETASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NETASSETS - ENDING $10,442,409.97 $8,087,472.97 *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. 7/7/2015 VARIANCE FAVAUNFAV) PERCENT $5,700.00 0.33% (1,980,700.00) -8.06% $26,300,890.00 $26,313,931.00 $24,338,931.00 ($1,975,000.00) -7.51% $33,334,833.00 $34,340,874.00 $29,646,574.00 34,694,300.00 13.67% NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($7,033,943.00) ($8,026,943.00) ($5,307,643.00) $2,719,300.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES ADOPTED BUDGET Information Technology - Operations (63600) AMENDED BUDGET FY 2015 FORECAST OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $1,750,518.00 $1,750,518.00 $1,756,218.00 Inside 24,550,372.00 24,563,413,00 22,582,713.00 105,500,00 122,200.00 0.00 0.00% 1 310 640 00 1 310 640 00 1,310,640.00 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION ($1,940,242.00) ($264,000.00) NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP ($1,701,832.00) ($1,676,242.00) NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) 4,934,561.00 1,934,561.00 16,700.00 15.83% Fay. primarily due to Interest Income; higher cash balance than anticipated. (3,000,000.00) -60.80% 0.00% 105,500.00 3,915,971.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2016 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS / ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Fay. Enhanced Access Fees $35,000 due to increased customer usage. Offset by unfav. Managed Print Services ($25,300) and Deferred Land File Tax ($4,000) due to lower than anticipated usage. Unfav. OC Dept! ($1,634,100) and OC Dept! Ops ($371,600) due to rates remaining at prior year levels & limited resources available to complete development due to vacancies. Partially offset by fav. Equip Rental $25,000 due to increased rebills to departments for maintenance charges on IT Office Equipment items. - Fav. Sal & FB $2,319,300 due to vacant positions; Expendable Equip $1,371,800 for equip replacement; Equip Maintenance $400,400 due to lower than anticipated hardware maintenance costs; Communications $131,900 due to rate reductions and Membership Dues $9,000 due to lower than anticipated costs;Travel $35,600 due to decline in staff attending conferences; Deprec $711,200 for IT capital projects in progress not fully operational; Software Maintenance $31,500 due to timing of software support payments; Supplies $16,800, Mileage $7,200, Printing $53,600 and Internal Svcs $800 based on usage. Partially offset by unfav. Prof Svcs ($272,200) for previously approved IT projects; Contracted Svcs ($21,900) due to increase in usage and Charge Card Fees ($100,700) for increase of credit card activity. Fav. Capital Contributions revenue due related to Building Authority Capital Projects for [T. TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 21,609,586.44 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $19,669,344.44 *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned Use of Fund Balance' in the revenue category. 78 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS! ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2015 FORECAST VARIANCE FAV(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Information Technology -Telephone Communications (67500) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $9,700.00 $ (20,300.00) -67.67% Unfav. Sale of Phone External due to reduction in landline charges. Inside 2,828,952.00 2,830,052.00 $2,864,152.00 34,100.00 1.20% Fay. Sale of Phone Internal due to increased usage. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $2,858,952.00 $2,860,052.00 $2,873,852.00 $13,800.00 0.48% OPERATING EXPENSES $3,307,438.00 $3,308,538.00 $2,832,638.00 $475,900.00 14.38% Fay. Depreciation $239,800 subsequent to budget; Exp Equip $71,200 due to decreased demand for equipment replacements; Software Maint $19,000 due to lower maintenance rates; Maint Equip $18,900 due to lower than anticipated contract rates; Sublet Repairs $71,900 due to lower than anticipated repair volume; Communications $85,900 due to decreased rates; Tower Charges $10,000 due to decreased pager usage and Travel $5,200 due to decreased usage. Partially offset by unfav. Internal Svcs ($35,000) due to actual usage and Voice Mail ($11,000) due to higher than anticipated costs. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $41,214.00 $489,700.00 35,700.00 5,700.00 19.00% Fav. primarily due to Interest Income; higher cash balance than anticipated. 0.00% 0.00% $76,914.00 8495,400.00 4.116,226.81 $4,193,140.81 ($448,486.00) ($448,486.00) 30,000.00 30,000.00 ($418,486.00) ($418,486.00) *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category. 79 ($1,881,377.00) 94,100,00 2,044,186,00 $946,700.00 59,100.00 168.86% Fay. primarily due to Interest Income; higher cash balance than anticipated. 0.00% ($2,828,077.00) 35,000.00 2,044,186.00 ($2,829,187.00) 35,000.00 2,044,186.00 0.00% 0,00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ($750,001.00) ($748.891.00) $256,909.00 $1,005,800.00 20,321,097 99 $20,578,006.99 NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS! ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FY 2015 FORECAST VARIANCE FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Information Technology - CLEMIS (53500) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $3,829,116.00 $3,829,116.00 $4,238,716.00 $409,600,00 10.70% Fay. Access Oakland Fee $30,700 due to updated law enforcement FTE count used for billing; CLEMIS Crash $175,000, CLEMIS Citation $26,400, CLEMIS Parking $2,000 & Crime Mapping $4,200 due to increased usage by Oakland and non-Oakland agencies; Parts & Access $3,500 & Rebilled Charges $141,400 billed to Tier 2.5 & 3.0 agencies for connectivity costs; Maintenance Contracts $6,600 due to an increase in the volume of agency owned equipment out of warranty that was not included in the budget projection & In-Car Terminals External $19,800 due to Mobile Data Computer count is higher than budget. Inside 2,158,732.00 2,159,842.00 2,180,342.00 20,500.00 0.95% Eav. In-Car Terminals Internal $18,600 and OC Dept Ops $1,900 due to Mobile Data participation count higherthan budget projection. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES $5,987,848,00 $5,988,968.00 $8,817,035.00 $8,817,035.00 $6,419,058.00 $430,100.00 $8,300,435.00 $516,600.00 7.18% 5.86% Fav. Salaries & Fringe Benefits $778,600 due to vacancies; Equip Maintenance $200,000 due to less than anticipated cost of repairs; Communications $200,000 due to actual costs less than anticipated; Software Rental $113,600 due to the timing of software expenses & Internal Svcs $179,100 based on actual usage. Offset by unfav. Bank Charges ($112,300) due to cost of PayPal services for E-Commerce transactions; Rebillable Services ($224,500) based on actual connectivity costs to Tier 2.5 and 3.0 agencies; Depreciation ($590,200) due to additional equipment not included in the original budget projection and Supplies ($27,700) due to usage. Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category and Budgeted Equity Adj in Expenses. 80 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2016 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS! ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAVAUNFAND, PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Information Technology - Radio Communications (53500) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $5,595,000.00 $5,595,000.00 $5,602,800.00 $7,800.00 0.14% Fav. E-911 $38,000 due to increased volume of users/receipt of 911 surcharge. Partially offset by unfav. Antenna Site Mgt. ($24,800) due to removal of equipment & Outside Agency Revenue ($5,400) due to fewer non-emergency agencies than anticipated. Inside 386,000.00 386,000.00 465,300.00 79,300.00 20.54% Fay. Parts Access $77,900 due to reimbursement by participating agencies for equip replacement & Productive Labor $3,600 due to Mobile Data Computer repairs for OC Agencies. Partially offset by unfav. Leased Equip ($2,300) due to lower than anticipated non-public users of the new system. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $5,981,000.00 $5,981,000.00 $6,068,100.00 $87,100.00 1.46% OPERATING EXPENSES $8,948,128.00 $8,948,128.00 $10,263,428.00 ($1,315,300.00) -14.70% Unfav. Depreciation ($1,744,700) due to acceleration of useful-lives for all portable and mobile radios; Communications ($36,600) for connectivity costs for cell tower sites used for coverage enhancements of the Radio system; Software Lease ($218,700) due to the timing of software license purchases for new member agencies. Partially offset by fay. Salaries & Fringe Benefits $87,800 due to vacancies; Equip Maint $49,900 due to maintenance costs of the radio system; Supplies $5,100 and Internal Svcs $326,000 due to usage; Indirect Cost $48,200 subsequent to budget projection; Travel $12,500 due to decline in out-of-state training; Prof Svcs $77,700 due to CAD Upgrade project enhancements; Special Projects $40,000 due to timing of projects including tower painting and Utilities $37,500 based on actual usage. NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($2,967,128.00) ($2,967,128.00) ($4,195,328.00) ($1,228,200.00) NON-OPERATING REVENUE 180,000.00 180,000.00 147,100.00 (32,900.00) -18.28% Unfav. Interest Income due to lower rates and cash balance than anticipated. TRANSFERS IN 7,800.00 23,400.00 23,400.00 0.00% TRANSFERS (OUT) (486,000.00) (486,000.00) (486,000.00) 0.00% CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION 0.00% NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* ($3,265,328.00) ($3,249,728.00) ($4,510,828.00) ($1,261,100.00) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 45 619 328.45 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $41,108,500.45 Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category and Budgeted Equity Adj in Expenses. 81 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 FIRST QUARTER REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS! ENTERPRISE FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Fire Records Management ( 531D0) OPERATING REVENUES: Outside $196,453,00 $203,279.00 $211,679.00 $8,400.00 4.13% Fay, primarily due to Outside Agencies; timing related to implementation of new member agencies. Billing begins once Fire Department is operational. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES $196,453.00 $675,078.00 $203,279.00 $211,679.00 $685,107.00 $638,407.00 $8,400.00. 4.13% $46,700.00 6.82% Fay. Sal & FB $39,200 due to vacancies; Communications $18,100 due to decrease in connectivity rates; Software Maint $19,900 due to decrease in maintenance costs; Equip Maint $1,000 due to lower than anticipated server maintenance charges, Mileage $1,000 based on usage. Offset by unfav. Indirect Cost ($30,600); Depreciation ($900) and Internal Svcs ($1,000) due to actual usage. $55,100.00 NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS ($478,623.00) ($481,828.00) ($426,728.00) NON-OPERATING REVENUE TRANSFERS IN TRANSFERS (OUT) NET REV OVER(UNDER) EXP* TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING 3,000.00 413,145.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 442,803.00 442,803.00 ($36,025.00) $18,575.00 (500.00) -18.67% Unfav. Interest Income due to lower rates and cash balance than anticipated. 0.00% 0.00% ($62,478.00) $54,600.00 400.659.38 $419,234.38 *Please note that in the Adopted Budget (line-item book) this is budgeted as "Planned use of Fund Balance" in the revenue category and Budgeted Equity Ad) in Expenses. 82 iCASE # 3564 7055 HOMEOWNER David & Suzanne Curtis Margie Mullins * Mary Elardi/Sylvia Elardi BAL DUE ADDRESS $ 5,693.94 $ 7,700.00 $ 7,753.00 970 Golfview Dr, Lake Orion 48362 323 Strafford, Ferndale 48220 3991 Fieldview Ave, W Bloomfield 48324 2014 UNCOLLECTABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 11))11": $21,146.94 ITotal Write offs: 83 2014 UNCOLLECTABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ACT ACCOUNTS CASE # HOMEOWNER BAL DUE ADDRESS 9518 Gail Mentzer $ 18,040.00 584 E Saratoga, Ferndale 48220 10134 Wendell Miracle $ 19 695.00 3203 Eastwood Dr, Rochester Hills 48309 8271 Julie A Draveski $ 9,900.00 2686 Wakefield, Berkley 48072 9612 Julie A Draveski $ 26 728.00 2686 Wakefield, Berkley 48072 9392 Gregory Voltam 15,835.00 524 Nahma, Clawson 48017 8579 Margie Mullins * 11,577.00 323 Stratford, Ferndale 48220 10555 Margie Mullins * $ 6,552.00 323 Stratford, Ferndale 48220 8647 Frederick Yelland $ 12,775.00 529 E Guthrie, Madison Hts 48071 8687 Karen L Williams/Richard Willia $ 20,765.00 110 E Elza, Hazel Park 48030 9405 Sheila D Locano $ 15,332.00 62W Mapledale, Hazel Park 48030 10313 Laura D Furlong $ 21,809.00 3661 Noble Rd, Oxford 48370 1 i TOTAL: $179,008 TOTAL AMOUNT UNCOLLECTIBLE to 2/15 $200,154,94 Write off17/14 *Client has more than one loan Total wri e offs: 11 i 1 Grand total write offs: 14 i 1 84 Clerk/Register of Deeds JNVOIGE # P130002401 PIB0001500 P1130002407 P130001182 PI130002374 PIB0001799 PIB0000671 PI130000721 P1 B0000708 P1 B0000696 PIB0002359 P1 B0000828 P1 B0000949 PIB0001171 PIB0001178 PIB0001293 PIB0001321 PIB0001441 P1B0001604 PIB0001509 PIB0001583 PI80002388 PIB0001743 P1B0001808 P180002172 I000000775 I000001201 NAME DUNCAN, JEREMY EL-BATHY, BASSEL FOLEY, SHAWN ISELER, JIM NEMSH1CK, LAURA TODD, NADINE BEYDOUN, JULIA JOHNSON, GEORGE HOLLOMAN, RACHEL PIERCE, LIONEL SMITH, STEVE KELLAPOURES, MARK MONTNEY JR, DON BOMBARD°, TAMARA, L HANS, ALL DINKINS, DEON RASHEEN-EL, HAKEEM, ABDUL SAUNDERS, MORRIS TINSLEY, JEFFREY TINSLEY, JEFFREY DONALDSON, KRISTI SMITH, JEFF DALE,JARRY DAVIS, CARMEN LEVON, TODD GOLDEN TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY GOLDEN TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY iNVOICE AMOUNT $36.50 $26.60 $3.00 $43.00 $4.25 $42.00 $17.75 $13.00 $7.50 $16.76 $21.50 $38.50 $16.50 $7.50 $10.50 $4.00 $10.75 $3.25 $4.25 $14.00 $7.00 $0.20 $12.50 $21.75 $28.25 $25.00 $1.00 TOTAL OF ACCOUNTS FOR WRITE-OFF = $434.70 85 OAKIAN13— COUNTY MICHfGAN _oak ANIMAL CONTROL & Pet A dopti9D 2014 SUMMER EVENTS INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Kim Eigrably, Management and Budget FROM: Picnie Toole, Animal Control DATE: January 7, 2014 RE: Donation from PetSmart Charities This memo is to inform your office that the Oakland County Animal Control and Pet Adoption Center received a donation of $665.00 from PetSmart Charities for participating in an adoption event held at the Detroit Zoo in September of 2014. The funds were electronically sent to the County in November 2014. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions in regards to this matter. Thank you. 1700 Brown Road I Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326 Fax (246) 391-9266 OakGov.com/PetAdoption 86 tOAKLAND ASL, wpm., wow., COUNTY MICHIGAN ANIMAL CONTROL 84, Pet Adoptiptio, 2014 SUMMER EVENTS INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Lynn Sonkiss FROM: Bob Gatt DATE: 12/23/2014 RE: Gift Card Donation from Meijer On December 22, 2014, we received two $500.00 gift cards from the Meijer store located at 800 Brown Road in Auburn Hills. The donated gift cards will be used for food and supplies for the animals. 1700 Brown Road I Auburn Michigan 48326 I Fax (248) 391-9266 OakGov.corn/PetAdoption 87 CAMINO-7- COUNTY MICHIGAN • ANIMAL CONTROL 84, Pet Adoption 2014 SUMMER EVENTS INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Lynn Sonkiss FROM: Bob Gatt DATE: 12/2312014 RE: $500.00 Donation On December 22, 2014, we received a $500.00 donation in the form of a check from Ramona Nave. The donation will be used for food and/or supplies for the animals. 1700 Brown Road I Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326 I Fax (248) 391-9266 OakGov.com/PetAdoption 88 FY 2015 1st Quarter Report for Contributions (Donations) - October 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014 Budget Center ProjectProgram Source Amount ADM Pontiac Heritage Signs Installation Support ADM Commemorative Brick Contribution ADM Commemorative Brick Contribution_ ADM Commemorative Brick Contribution ADM Motor Citizens Volunteer Services Day West Construction Services James Houston for Bruck Duncan James Houston for Bruck Duncan James Houston for Bruck Duncan Chrysler Foundation Commemorative Bench-Bark Park Bob Contribution in recognition of FS cut service REC Nature Center Program REC Nature Center Program REC Nature Center Program REC Nature Center Program REC Nature Center Program REC Nature Center Program REC Adaptive Recreation Program .16-77,Nt . • . Inon Oaks Park OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION goo) Breakfast Club - Orion Oaks Anonymous Customer Tuning Your Tot Contribution Tuning Your Tot Contribution Tuning Your Tot Contribution Tuning Your Tot Contribution Tuning Your Tot Contribution Tuning Your Tot Contribution Tuning Your Tot Contribution Portia Fields-Anderson Recreation Administration Sub-Tota . _ $500.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $25.00 _ . S,Su Services SU bAntal- _ _ RDP RDP RDP Red Oaks Nature Center Red Oaks Nature Center Santa Program Contribution for Animal Feed Contribution for Animal Feed General Contribution $2.00 $5.00 $3.00 Commemorative Bench Pr oirj 11 Comrnel-nornli,c BeAlch fledpalcs.Perk ,Sub-Total Linda DeHetre for Dennis DeHetre $1,040.00 pririgfield Oaks Golf , cOwARI§Oki01.0.1: Nancy Holland for Ronald Holland $1,000.00 Grand Total $3,800.00 89 Resolution #15062 Moved by Middleton supported by Woodward the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Woodward supported by Zack the resolution be amended as follows: March 18, 2015 Insert: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that $5,000,000 in unrestricted fund balance be designated for a matching fund program for repairs to badly deteriorated county and local roads. Vote on amendment: AYES: Jackson, McGillivray, Quarles, Woodward, Zack, Bowman, Dwyer, Gershenson, (8) NAYS: Hoffman, KowaII, Long, Matis, Middleton, Scott, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Crawford, Fleming, Gingell, Gosselin. (13) A sufficient majority having not voted in favor, the amendment failed. Discussion followed. Vote on resolution, as is: AYES: Jackson, KowaII, Long, Matis, McGillivray, Middleton, Quarles, Scott, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Bowman, Crawford, Dwyer, Fleming, Gershenson, Gingell, Glasselin, Hoffman. (21) NAYS: None, (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution was adopted, 5 HEREBY APPROVE IS RESOLUTION 2 CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY F.XECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO !VIOL 45.559A (7) STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on March 18, 2015, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 18th day of March 2015. Lisa Brown, Oakland County