HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.04.02 - 2234CANVASS OF VOTES AT THE ELECTION HELD ON APRI:L 2, 1990 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF aTY CF TROY t NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE; cimamp alumni, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY LtVItf Het ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Ortior by Fano No. M.391 CANVASSER BOOK SpociFy whether Gomm!, Notary of Special Eloctioo PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS STATEMENT OF VOTES OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES ‘11/ 3 rok% STATEMENT OF VOTES ., qlT Fl(L44iI The whole number of votes given for the office of pozTER CF couNizm IN r.Wil LOJ.kiiA04 was Two thousand two hundted seventy five ' 22 ond /hey were given for the following named persons: Randall J. Husk received crie thousand cre hunired ftext.cptwo votes 1 1 4 2 Louise_E, Schilling received one thousand ane hundred thirty three votes : -I -I -; -; ,; 1 —711 received votes 11 TOTAL votes _. The whole number of votes g iven for the office of MENEE21 OF CCUNCIL _ was ! and they were given for the following named persons: i Louise E. Schilling received votes ! received votes i I received votes TOTAL votes : __. . . ... . _ ..__ The who e number of votes given for the office of was •Ij and they were given for the following named persons: received votes . i received votes received vot TOTAL votes 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of was I and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes -I received votes 7 received votes I received votes received votes received votes received votes I received votes ; , fl received votes II received votes TOTAL votes : 1 1 5 PIA £1601tES Ic ri4IS COlaMt4 and one thirty five 3 : STATEMENT OF VOTES CHAFER AllifiAiDitg'T NO. 1 Shall Chapter 15, Sectioa 15.2 be :melded to read as follows: All records of the City shall be wade available to the public in mull - The whole number of vo awe with the State taw, sad shall be kept le the city offices except whim required for official nuns or for purposes of safekeeping ti be elsewhere? tirusand five hundred sixty eight of which number votes were marked YES me thcusand fat-lr hundred ninety two nty six votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, was and 1 rj;fj8 i 49 2 76 '5 6 CHARM AMENDMENT NO. 2 Shell Chapter I, Smiles 9.11 be emeeded to moire that the Beard if Review else meet es the second Mayday of March, as rushed by State 1.21N, aid te remora to ruminant that their meatiness eel at 5:00 p.m.?' The whole number of votes given for and against was of which number cne thalsand fotZ_Itnired-fgurimen votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 3 Shall Chapter 9, Sectiee 1.10 be mended to read as Mews: The whole number of vat TbIl Assessor shall give Petite of tho muttegs of the Bud at Review by palish* such Notice at lust tore times in is eowspaper of moral circulations withis the city, the irst ef which pellicatiees shall he tot mere than tea au less tine three days before the first lay ef review. Fellers to give airf of the Notices herein specified shell net invalidate the essessmeet roil or ari assessment therein attained? was cne thaasand five hundred thirty fair of which number votes were marked YES and two hixidred twenty votes were marked NO ZouroaEst TOTAL VOTES, CHARTER AMENDMENT NO 4 Shall Chapter 9, Settee 9.11 be The whole number of votes given for and against the amended to allow for su Morgue ; le the somber of members of the Beard of Review? ane thousand five hundred &mven was of which number one thousand seventy thritiA= votes were mark ed YES four hmdred thirtv' four votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES and PUT fIGUREI SLI.O1 COU111(14 • ! 1 votes were marked YES one hundred sixty six I 1: 6! 6 and 9 4; 3 91.4L0 4 9! 9 4 4 2 r7 51 7 1! 0 TOTAL VOTES, TOTAL 4 2 votes 11 The whale number of votes given for the office of was voteS votes votes Votes STATEMENT OF VOTES CHARTER AMENDMENT NO, 5 Shall Chapter 9, Section 9.14 be emended to provide that the per. manent record of the Board of Review be filed with the City Clerk within sixty days after the final ad- was one thousand five hundred eleven iournment of the Beard el Review? . of which number_____MiLt. The whole number of votes given for and against the votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 6 The whole number of votes given for and a gainst the Shall Chapter 9, Section 9.20 be amended to remove the require- ment that the Mayer annex his warranty to the tax rail? was one thousand four hundred thirty nine nine hundred forty votes were marked YES four hundred ninety nine and votes were marked NO of which number I 1 1! , TOTAL VOTES. The whole number of votes given for and against the was one thousand four hundred twenty four of which number one thousand fifty seven votes were marked YES three hundred sixty seven votes were marked HO CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 7 Shall Chapter 9, be amended by the repeal of Section 9.29 entitled "Vacating of Tax", which is pro- vided for by State Law? 1 and 31 9 and they were given for the following named persons: received received received received TOTAL having received a sufficient number of - having received a sufficient number of a CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, s. COUNTY OF QAKt AND The Board of Canvassers of the crrY '...7,-:: .. _ of. TROZ i iciii...iiii, 7 , V ^ 5 J., , . , 1 ! Hcge I C.,,,'Y. C n rne, 7 :,..,,,,7 ,,, ,H.:1,y having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said____,.. (c.k.ii-iiir ciry, Tc.r, sit; 0 or at the- Ceneral_ _ _ Election, held on the_ 2nd day of Arrri 1 , one thousand nine hundred and 40 De Hereby Certify and Determine That „Randall J.. Husk having received a suffoient number of votes is elected.. _ 0;!unci1mart That -Louise E.- -Sct having received a sufficient number of votes is elected_ - CbiZICilWartrin - - That . having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That _ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That- - __ - - - -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - received a sufficient number of votes is elected That.. - having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That _ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected-- That_ . _ votes is elected_ — That votes is elected_ _ That _ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That — votes is elected That votes is elected_ That _ votes is elected_ having received a sufficient number of _ having received a sufficient number of _ h a vin g received a sufficient number of _ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected . 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HAWS Of mcrossuoss 1 NASA OF FROPON1110041 NAMS OF morosmoss CHARTER AMENDWENT NO. 4 NAPA Of PICOFOBITION 5 CHARTER AtetrIMIT NO. 5 Received HavingtOOCtinted Sufficient Received HaviegVOCR‘WiitaC Sufficient Received Sufficient Havingwocuatimy Received Having Sufficient Passed was Zeitine Pass was Passed was ttiMdetl Passed wasAlittitTeti Passed was In Wiliness Whersof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the CITY of CiPy Township or Village) (County, City, TOW}, or Village) this Se:mild day of PiPril in the year one thousand nine hundred and niiinetV