HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.04.07 - 2250i p.1 9, Ap.,i1 9 39 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST Al THE ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 7, 1980 (DATE OE ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF CITY OF TROY OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN nnmE CF COusrry, CITY, TOWNSE.M.CU viLLAGE MANUFACTURED BY maw Lat, tO, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primar y or Special Election Year termF ?4, Richards. Doyle :NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS • • :• PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 2. 3. 4. 5. 11 I! ! , ) , TOTAL For a Threo _Year tern1 S76 2. 3 4. g.0 PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF Von's WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL For a Year term!' , NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS i 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES • Ike whoie number of votes given far the office • for a was One Thonsand_Eight_Hundr_ed_gixty Three and they were given for the fodowing named persons: 7. 8. 9. 10. The whole number of votes given for the office of City Cnuin1 isrt.usilusre. was Three Thousand One Hundred Eighty and they were given for the iollowina named. persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES Jeanne 14, Stine Peter A. Taucher NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS /1.,s-t6-73 ; .TOTAL ...— ......._ _ The whole number of votes given for the office of for a Year term was.. 1 . and they were given For the following named persons: 2. 3. 4. The whole number of votes given for the office of WC35 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 2. 4 TOTAL 1/17/1 , 1 / 5T5 37' 3 STATEMENT OF VOTES The .whole number of votes for and ctacisr the Charter Amendment #4 "Shall the Charter be amended by the repeal of Chapter 12 which provides for a Municipal Court which has been replaced by a District Court?" PUT MURES IN THIS COLUMN was Two Thousand Two Hundred Fourty -Three oF which number One Thousand Seven Hundred Twelve votes were marked YES Five Hundred Thirty One votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES and The whole number of votes for and clookur the Charter Amendment #5 "Shall the Charter be amended by the repeal of Chapter 16 which provides for members on the County Board of Supervisors which have been replaced by County Commissioners?" WCIS Two Thousand Two Hundred Fourty -Two of which number One Thousand Seven Hundred Seven votes were marked YES Five Hundred Thirty Five votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the Advisory Question "Shall the State Property Tax Laws be amended by the Legislature of the State of Michigan to provide a Homestead exemption of $5,000 of State Equalized Value to each owner occupied single-family residential unit of property?" Two Thousand Five Hundred Sixty of which number Two Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Four votes were marked YES and Three Hundred Twenty-Six votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES and was :77 1 1 11 Mayor Jeanne M. Stine Councilwoman Peter. A. Taucher Councilman Charter Amendment #3 Passed Having Received „ i.oec Sufficient votes was 4.14444ecei ,DeieutecL 113. NAME Of PROPOSITION CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN.) COUNTY OF Qalaancl i The Board of Canvassers of the City cf Troy _ (County, City, Township or Viliopei (County, City, Township or ViOog-0 -' having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said tit_y iCounty, City, Township or Village) -' at the General _Election, held on the seventh .day of APrii ' one thousand nine hundred and el-ghtY . Da Hereby Certify and Determine That Richard E. Doyle having received sufficient•number of votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected. That votes is elected_ That_ votes is elected_ That votes is elected_ That votes is elected_ That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected . having received sufficient 'lumber of having received sufficient number of . having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of Do Further Hereby Determine; That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION Charter Amendment #1 NAME OF PROPOSITION Charter Amendment #2 Received Passed Having Nvi..44e„i„..4 Sufficient votes was ei Received - Hov!ng 4,4e44.60,44ed..Suffcient votes was D.6.444. In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of the t Co ty, City, TIownehip Sr VI€ lege I of- County, Cjyyrroweshie ot Village I this day of _ Ausamisann sw in the year one t usand nine hundred 5 SEAL • : samminnzatautectimm CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST: (LESS OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS, Was Two Thousand Three Hundred Fourty-Five „2 ,/ The who number of votes for and against the Charter Amendmont #3. "Shall Chapter 7, Section 7.5 be amended to eliminate reference to the Municipal Judge who has been replaced by District Judges?" WaS Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-Four ofwhichnumber One-Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Three votes were marked YES Five Hundred Seventy One votes were marked NO and tof3 TOTAL VOTES pi/ 5 5=5-7 g' votes were marked YES and Five Hundred Fifty One votes were marked NO 3 STATEMENT of VOTES The whole number al votes for and against the Charter Amendment #1 "Shall Chapter 6, Section 6,1 be amended to eliminate all reference to the Municipal Judge, Officers of the Township of Troy and Supervisors, and to eljminate the two year residency requirement for elective office and appointment to city boards andscommissions?" ra MUM IX PM COLLIRth ofwhichnumber One-Thousand Three Hundred Fourty-Five votes were marked YES Nine Hundred Fifty Seven votes were marked NO )13FY . : _ TOTAL VOTES Thewholenumberofvotesforondouoinnthe Charter Amendment #Z "Shall Chapter 6 be amended by the repeal of Section 6.8 which provides for the filling_of vacancies in the office of Municipal Judge, which has been replaced by District Judges?" Was Two Thousand Two Hundred NinqT,Four of which number One Thousand Seven Hundred FourtyThree TOTAL VOTES lit. (Coonty. City, Township i nem „I { CiWitty, City, Town ship or VilIvgv this seventh day of ____________ in the year one thousand nine hunched and ei_glitY t (4 . tt4 FT suAL timinroMatinimattomtim CLEM< brBOARD OF-CANYAS CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN.) COUNTY OF014/INIti-iS j- SS, The Board of Canvassers of the of icuuniii, city, Tuwnship or villneot having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said (Courly,'City, Townsh/ at the Elgction, held an the : --C6-4-164-1"-"" day of_ one thousand nine hundred and Eigh Do Hereby Certify and Determine • • That RiChardL.Doyle having received sufficient number of votes is elected Mayor That_ Jeanne M. Stine votes is elected Council- _Member That Pptpr_A- "Faucher having received sufficient number of " votes is elected Council _Member That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That having received sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected (County, City', Township or Viitvg or Vi tilgge) . having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of Da Further Hereby Determines That the following Propositions or Questions were pci:sed or defeated as indicated below: " Received rtavng d .ttnicient votes 4.4e+4etrive NAME OF PROPOSITION Charter Amendment #4 NAME OF PROPOSMON was Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was • 44e+-44iee-rieed Defeated Charter Amendment #5 NAME OF PROPOSITION Having Received Passed • Sufficient votes was 9 0.4444eeekred Ci--494 Advisory_Question _ in Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the Cita of Tro_y