HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2018.03.08 - 23349MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #18071 March 8, 2018 BY: Commissioner Philip Weipert, Chairperson, Planning and Building Committee IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF FACILMES MANAGEMENT — APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF JOINT PROJECT AGREEMENT (JPA) WITH THE US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (USDOC) FOR USE OF SPACE LOCATED IN THE ANNEX I BUILDING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs is responsible for ensuring the economic growth and development of Oakland County and has developed an aggressive business assistance function to support and promote small businesses and exporters located throughout Oakland County; and WHEREAS the United States Export Assistance Center promotes exports of United States goods and services through the United States and Foreign Commercial Service worldwide network of offices, and works to protect United States business interests abroad; and WHEREAS BusinessUSA supports innovation and entrepreneurship in the United States business community to enhance United States economic resiliency, assist United States job creation, and help American firms transform themseives into globally competitive enterprises; and WHEREAS the Oakland Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs, and desires to continue to, work closely with the United States & Foreign Commercial Service and BusinessUSA offices on campus to foster economic development across Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners in MR#13013 approved a Memorandum of Agreement to allow the United States & Foreign Commercial Services and BusinessUSA to use building space in the Annex I Building on the County campus, and was renewed last year in MR#17072; and WHEREAS the United States Department of Commerce has drafted an agreement, which is attached, to establish a Joint Project Agreement, to provide for the continued work among Oakland Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs, United States & Foreign Commercial Service, and BusinessUSA and to provide for the continued use of space in the Annex I Building by United States & Foreign Commercial Service and BusinessUSA; and WHEREAS Oakland County Corporation Counsel and the Department of Facilities Management has reviewed the Joint Project Agreement; and WHEREAS the parties will review this agreement once every year to determine whether it should be revised, renewed, or canceled; and WHEREAS the Joint Project Agreement will become effective when signed by all parties, will terminate at the end of one (1) year, and may be amended at any time by written agreement of the parties; and WHEREAS United States & Foreign Commercial Service and BusinessUSA will provide its own furniture, computers, fax machines, office equipment, etc., and reimburse the County, at its standard rate, for phone service; and WHEREAS the County would provide janitorial service, general building maintenance, security, grounds work, a reasonable number of parking spaces, and utilities except for network / Information Technology services; and WHEREAS the Joint Project Agreement provides for the use of approximately 3,707 gross square feet of office space within the Annex I building, effective lease terms is from when signed by both parties and terminates September, 30 2018; and WHEREAS attached In Kind Budget (Exhibit A) shows associated costs are essentially equal and the United States & Foreign Commercial Service and BusinessUSA agree to: • work with Oakland Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs and Oakland County businesses to provide market information and counseling; • provide appropriate market, industry, and other international trade data, selected reference materials, publications, and export-related information as consistent with International Trade Administration and Department of Commerce policy; • identify, coordinate, and execute trade promotion programs; • participate in events sponsored by business incubators and economic development organizations located in the county that promote small businesses and exporters; • host business seminars and workshops; • promote County business programs, services and events on the BusinessUSA.Gov website for the duration of the leasehold; and PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Dwyer absent. Conimissioner Philip Weipert, District #8 Chairperson, Planning and Building Committee WHEREAS any party may terminate this agreement by providing 120 days written notice to the other parties. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and authorizes the attached Joint Project Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or his designee to execute the attached Joint Project Agreement and all other related documents between the County of Oakland and United States Department of Commerce, which may be required. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Com_mittee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. JOINT PROJ_ECy•,(.1PA) . • . TW.EEN, THE • - ' U.S. & FOREIGN COMMERCAI.4 SERV CE,GLOBAt MARKETS (GM), INT.tRNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION : „.. -U.S.-DEPARTMENT OE COMMERCE - AND • ' OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIG- greement,NuMber:• 18 RA 009 ..,••:, -• • •• , I. l'Ait'KIES This document .constitutes, an ,Agreement the between- the .11.S.. & •Foreign Commercial- Service (hereinafter US&FC), Global .Markets (GM); qf-thg. International Trade Administration (ITA) within the Department of 'Commerce. (DO and the County of Oakland (County), through its Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs (Oakland DEDCA), haa'aiitheitiio'vartieirilate:hie.404pita'ni.O.tgin.PrOjectSfactiyitieS with thetounty undei ; .(1) 15 Sectjon :1525, the ,Departinerir Joint iPpject. Authejity,- which :precieA, that the ,Department may enter into feint, projects wrth non-profit, researek.. or., public organi4ations on 'patters of tnitnal;interest, the. coSts of, which are equitably appottioned; . . . . (2) 15 1,1:S.C. Seetion471, which autberizes 1.TS&FCS romote exports,. and support IJ.S. commercial interests abroad, ilL PURPOSE Pursuant to this Agreement the parties will work tegether truternote,T.J.S.. export from Oakland , County, This project Oables,:. the parties to iesources o:facilitate .0e : identification of export.g.ready companies in Oakland cOnty .and:to proVido,therkenhanced lleflefits such as client counseling and overseas Market . assistance i .Thelsharing, of offce -sp4Qe.:Wili assiSt LIS&FCS and Oakland DEDC.A:.in meeting.The,eXporting:needa tifftliusineas.:Coirinaunity H Oaldand County, especially small- and medium-sized çomiaTiIcs: TO us end ,,the parties ,,Will share office space located at 1025 S Campus Drive, Annex i 131,1ilding 47 .:West;51katerfOrd, Oakland DEDCA,ls respOnsinte for'enpnring -tile,:COPyrinc,.growtkanc-Lbusiness. development of Oakland County and has developed av.aggresSive.b•aSiness."..assikanee fthietion. to -support and • promote small busiiiess.azidepoiterSiloCated'.thioughont Qakland County. , • The Commercial , Service., -.Pontiac promotes -exports of US.. goods and services through US&FCS's .worldwide network of offices :al/4 v:rorks to Protect U.S. bbsiness interests abroad. , This:..prOjectsj.:0'ep..$04.'y.,,,p,ildil*ei* iihek, ... tiliwou::.pf..v.g&F..q§! as ideridped in 15 . •, • , • • .• " - • -. •• •• , ,.;_r .::. .. ..:..., . .. . . _ . . . . '•II:S.C.cotiOn.,fpl, •in,t4tit.:*-111,:',:•- .. ../ ' . • • ' -,' '„, :'-'•,'J ..-. 0 Increase tli. •-.:hurilber..• of 4.clentiged:'/eXbort:•:,ready 4'!Tn.i.wi-to-..itiarket :. Oakland County . companies, anc1,1":prOmOte 'g•Virareiligs'-':, and .:•Aisage''Ot.!US8,4TS,- products and service, designed to assist U. S '..•cornpanieS. to 640174 generate revenue, and create jobs, • . :..4",, ExpandtTS&FCS' 00treachleffOrtS to Oakland County technology , and service cornpaniek • • and2enhande:On-Site'One-stoP7shOp 'stipPort :to! better serve Clicnts....• : ..• ,• . . • - . ,• • ...: , .: ,.. ._ .• , . . , , : . . . , ,• . • 4 . . ,A., • „ , e.'::.11S$EFO$;.i., " has aebitty064 that thisi;:prOjeet.--04iinOt'.bef:':dc.iiie as effectively without the , ,,. : ,. .. •• .: ,, , , . _. , , . •,. . , ... . ; • . •, • . . - • • • - • :particiPOiOn'of . Oakland' , OtiiiiSO: Oftlieniitoil.role Oaldand .11?;BDCA. plays in 6c011QmiC '..diniblOpin.iit'foi..Niiiikie.$:tibirgii0iit Oakland :'06i.inty..l: .: ' ' ' - • - , • . • •• ., • . , . cV,e ' t O ' adand. . DED • GA.1 ' *.4g 'S g. ' . r si-:;4:1'ts'uiiih..."..1'.14;4-!6tPP4 . 9: -.. id. 111s•s 0ajandOEbdA!:ta,:peish'inteliiati0a11it4•ftrs °lae#.g-d b . . xPert11 ,citnty'Oakland .. MUTUAL INTEREST OF THE This • : • : . itibe,1ig ..0 I pArtiO ibebante -. b"cith•liart' 'tecbgnize that ) U.S. . . , . companies, particularly small businesses ' and okporters, are a:critical:part ...(14f a strong economy ' and critical to : an increase in jobs in Oakland: County.. Oakland County companies and ocifiapailid§'Ibkiighimit;ptaigiehi /iiiichieari. 'Will benefit' by having abeesS -f6 all US&PCS 'ekport programs' at 'titie' loc-ati8ii and tO leClitiOlOgy that faCilitates .ielatiOriship betWee4lobal businesses and,reSourdes !6ailable oiateide 'Otheitimniediate .areatTS&PCS 'and the County agree that this project, furthers their 'Mutual interest inprOinOting :internaitiiinal business A. US8cFcS agrees to Pei:fain th oItiitieiid :support Of the joint Projectia.ctivity: n. 'prov de;tlie :following reSOurces in 1;1' 'Assigil: (4),-dS;Yc'POS•l tradd SpiCialfs6"td,.Work .With 'Oakland DED CA • and 'Oakland • 'Count:it.bnihièds ' 'to iprov.1 e qua ket idol/nation, and . counseling, including danductirte'silbW ).aCtiiiiti0- 'theace11 pr6idd' t!St: Oakland DEljCA.. The .tii0q1JS CorniiLicwl Scivnie a Pontldc,MI 'File Pontiac USt'A:C 'Director These perwrs shalT not be employees of the dottnt-P: `• .'" 2. Pay 'salii,rP Cot`gi. trrer'ektiOe*tici. all '..r:ittier-OpeiatiOrial dtists for official US&FCS ••• : business incurred by the USOCS staff[ : ; "....'..3.•.-1 Pidvicle 'Oak1andlIEDCA 'ikitit'appi:OPtiate ?rnarkett iiiiinstay and other iiiiternaliritcal tracle'"44ta.;:'elott.4 keferxie-rnàteritiIs pubi tionsand'expor6.,!related information consistent ,WithITA - - 3. .PrOvide.:Oaldand DEDCA With appropriate Market,. industry and other international :•trade data, selected reference nnaterials","'. -pobIicatons and export-related "information Consistent:with ITA " 4. Work with ..04klatid PEDCA::0 'identify; coordinate and execute trade . promotion :P:aitiel,Patof with Oakland 081-3C4 events sponsored, by business incubators and • eCcatiinin:;'deVeiopinek erganiiatiChs:. •located in ; the county that prornote • small businesses and exjorters.".":.' ' '• • • : ::,. • 7 6. Jointly best bithineiS seininarS•ahd.•wb4ShOpsWith Oakland DEOCA.. 7. Participate iii regularly Scheduled meetings. With Oakland.. PEDCA to discuss USAFCS aerslices'' "and:::•inarket•::inferinatiOn.::pertinent:to _ expanding _exports and -aifStii,rig Oakland CountybasinesSes and enti:epretieurs,, • • 8 Supply the ;office: with the 'stand a i'di.:10S&PCS .,•computer hardware and . software PaCkageS;and .:genei.al,4000opplies.::: , • 1.1:',RenthilfsP'41*ICOuntY,;:at*-Standard.r46,:foi.:phone.Services..: ProVide and:pas,,for.:iiiter4et•,:a60i. and nSage.• ' • , . • • B. The County agreps.ta :pegOrm: the,following‘.activities.'and..pro vide the.fol lowing resources in support of the joint project activity: Coordinate t'and•prouttOte"..bitSineSs ,..assistanoactiv,i0S;;"prOgranis, trade :events and initiatives...Unde4aken With 1.)$&....ps;, consistent with ITA and . ••• ••••• .• ••• . • . • , tr'skFc$: • : . office space loC4ed at:.I 025 'S 'Campus Dr; Annex l Building 47,W6gf-Witerfoi.a ' • ' , , . , 4.: Participate in ::regiilarly"•,..§ChedUled meetings with US&FCS to .discuss US&FCS services and market information peitinent:te expanding exports and assisting 'Oakland County businesses and entrepreneurs.: 5. • Participate with US&FCS ineVents sponsored: by busi ness incubators and economic development 'organizations located the county that promote small business and 6. . _ Provide routine cuStediau .:Anci•sequrity•SerVieps, including snow removal, for the 7: •Provide a ,I.ea'Senabic-nWiiher'Of Parking Spaces fOr.tiS&FCS:staff and visitors, 8. Provide and pay for all utilities t,Or the Office space. : 9. Provide phone service for di6 ciPio .ipaoe,,iliat-t)S86FCS,sliall reimburse the County " for at the County's standard rates,. " VI. EQUITABLE APPORTIONMENT OF COSTS The. costs, of this .projpetafo appOrtiOned as :oirtli ;led . in the attached bUdget (Exhibit A). The U,S8'§FCS',estirsia.ted .in-kindj,40§-foi.tbiS',PrOjeCt..are-$120;50.0.-Dfred Cost are. $4500 fOr :tiS&FCS for telephone setvices US&PCS total estimated :in-kind and direct costs for this project are -$115,0on::, The County's estiMatedin—kind COStS.f6r this project are t126,50: The contacts of eaelf:Paky .tO this .,Ngreonient are Richard ,Corson• Director . 1. . .Commercial ,ktivice;POniiat 1025. ekinii its:PriV.t: South; Bldg,. A 48328 • . • Phone: 248: . _ .• . . . . . *.DireCtor, .recniontia:DivelepMent & Community Affairs' 2166 Pontiac Lake Rd 41 W PliateiIer.d,74 . • i.lione-:14 84584909 , • • Fax 248 452-9215 1!dila ii sotinoSeri4Oaltioi-ccein Director: :Oakland'County .pppa.i.tufenf of Fa gititieS.Management One Public Woika Di lYe " ' • WaterfOrd,11/1148328' Phone:. 148-8584460 Email: :liOldswortlia0bakaimeoini The parties.. agree that if there is a change regarcling..th the AnfOrniatitni, in this section, the party inaki.ngthechan:ge iii'Otheni,'1*.tyrin.writingiViOltri 30 days of such change: . . . . . PERIOD Oi4GREEMENt AND MODIFICATION/TERMINATION • • The - " • •-• Agreement. .,m.di• .:•bec.om.e .ectiye.'Avthen signed by ,kith parties: The Agreement will _ • terminate -on e'liteiriiheir (4.'.2018,;',:but:;MaY extended at any time by mutual , _.. • . ...• .... • • , . written .consent of the parties:, This Agreement eontains the .entire .agreement between the parties hereto and shall not be itiOdified;ainended:or,-supplethented; Or any .righ ts. herein Waived, unless :such aMendmenkOr.M.OolifiCation .iii.":-pii:s.:Ag*In61(i): is in writing; (If) refers to this Agreement; and (iii) is . exeented,..by :an apthOrized.',i:epresentatie..:Of, each::party: This Agreement supersedes any and all jrevious agieements, whether vritten or oral, between the parties. . either :partyinay.terininate.thiSAgyeeinentjiy:.preyiding_•110 days • written:'notice to the' other .party. Agreement is terminated, each .party, shall: be solely responsible for the •:..payment of 'an,...ew:perises',it haS .'inaUrrecl,, ,;Any:bbligationS:.itilder .this Agreement are sukject to the avai/abilityof.diipropijake.4 .funds 441..t.d,,applicablelatve:ahd regulafidns: 4 IOWA .disagreerneiii*lae ,'On.:IheAnterpretiitiOn 6f the iVovisitins Of this Agreement - or .arnendirients .,and/Or reviiSiOxistlieretc4!that eannotbe:resolyedat .the operating leyel, the area(s) of disagreethent, 4101:he sta(ed:.,:in:.wiiiting,lay . eackpailk jaricl-pr*nted to the Other party for eonSideration. If agreeinent.'Onlinterpretation iiSnofteaChed:within thirty days, the parties shall •:forWard:the.'writteripreiehtatiOn of the disagrOmen• k•reSpediVe higher official's for appropriate . THEREFORE, .::thparticilieretpliayc:cap$cd this Agreement' to be executed by their t4e.errri§;. Dale Tasharski Acting Deputy -Director General Global Markete.0.8:'&,Thireign:Cciiiiniercia Service . . 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW . Washbigton, DC: 26230 • Michael Gingen Chairperson,.Oakland County Board of Commissioners 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341 US&FCS Ju Kind 'Salaries (20%) ,Operational Costs Travel, Joint'Prog-raitirnhIg 4:Tnide.Events Shared Business Assistance ACtivities Total ' Direct Costs Telephone Services - . US&FCS Total. • °Abut' Comity Kind ' Salaries (209o) Office Space (3,707,S.F.) Operational Costs . Joint Prograinming.84 Trade.Everits ,Shared Business Assistance Activitia kOutreaCh. $2,500 •$69,475 $50,000: $2,525 $5,000. • MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #13013 January 23, 2013 BY PLANNING AND ,BUILDING COMMITTEE, JIM RUNESTAD, CHAIRPERSON IN RE DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOM WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (USDOC) FOR USE OF SPACE LOCATED IN THE ANNEX I BUILDING . TO THE OAKLAND'COUNTY BOARD.OFCOMMISSIONERS ChairperSoniLadies and Gentlemen: . WHEREAS the Department of Ecopornic Development and Community Affairs (Oakland DEDCA) is responsible for ensuring the economic growth and development of Oakland County and has develbped an aggressiVe business aisistance function to support and promote small businesses and exporters located throughout Oakland County; and WHEREAS the Pontiac U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC) promotes exports of U.S. goods and services through the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS) worldwide netwark of offices, and works to protect.U.S. business interests abroad; and WHEREAS BusinessUSA.(BUSA)supports innovation and entrepreneurship in the U.S. business community to enhance U.S. economic resiliency, assist U.S. job creation, and help American firms transform themselves into globally competitive enterprises; and WHEREAS the Oakland DEDCA has, and desires to continue to, work closely with the US&FCS and BUSA offices on campus to foster economic development across Oakland County; and WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC) has drafted the Memorandum of Agreement (MCA) attached and Oakland County Corporation Counsel and the Department of Facilities Management has reviewed the IVIOA; and WHEREAS the parties will review this agreement at least once every two (2) years to determine whether it.shoUld .be reVised,:renewed; or canceled; and WHEREAS the MOA will become effective when signed by all parties, will terminate at the end of two (2) years, and may be amended at any time by written agreement of the parties; and .WHEREAS US&FCS arid BUSA will provide its own furniture, computers, fax machines, office equipment, etc., and reirnburse the County, at its standard rate, for phone service; and WHEREAS the County would provide janitorial service, general building maintenance, security, grounds work, a reasonable number of parking spaces, and utilities except for network / IT services; arid WHEREAS the'MOA .provides for the use of approximately 3,707 gross square feet of office space within the •Annex I building from January, 2013 through January, 2014 at a rate of $- 0-.per sq0are foot; and • . WHEREAS in exchange for theCounty providing.the building space at a rate of $-0- per square foot, the US&PCS and BUSA agree to: • work with Oakland DEDCA and Oakland County businesses to provide market information and counseling; • provide appropriate market, industry, and other international trade data, selected reference materials, publications, and export-related information as consistent with ITA and DOC policy; • identify, coordinate, and execute trade promotion programs; • participate in events sponsored by business incubators and economic development organizations located in the county that promote small businesses and exporters; • host business seminars and workshops; • promote County business programs, services and events on the BusinessUSA.Gov website for the duration of the leasehold; and PLANNING & BUILDING COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. . • WHEREAS any party. may terminate.this agreement by providing 120 days written notice to the Other parties. • , . . . • • . • NOW THEREFORE BEII.RESOLVED that the,Oakfand County Board of Commissioners, hereby approves and authorizes the attached.,MOA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County,Board of Commissioners hereb y directs its Chairperson or his designee to execute the attached MOA and ali other relate d documents between the County of Oakland and USDOC, which may be required. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that:the Oakland county Board of Commissioners h e r e b y terminates.the existing .lease•between the County .and USDOC, • . Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Coinmittee, I move the adoptio n o f the foregoing resolution. • • PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Pursuant•to this agreement, the parties Will work together to proniote exports and business growth from Oakland County. To this end,the parties will establish an office for US&FCS services, information and counseling. Oakland liEbC.A. iSrrespOnsible for enurmg the economic growth and development of Oakland County and has developed an aggressive business assistance function to support and promote small businesses and exporters located • throughout OakIand'County. '• The Pontiac U.S.. Export Assistance Center (USEAC).promotes exports of U.S. goods and services through US&FCS's worldwide network of Offices; and works to protect U.S. business -interests abroad- al...ISA supports itinovaiick and entrepreneurship' in the U.S.. business community, in order to enhance U.S. economic resiliency, assist U.S.job Creation. and helP •American films transform themselves into globally competitive enterprises. BUSA. is designed to make it easier for businesses to access the full range of Government progams•and servicei. BUSA wOrks across the DOC bureaus to promote their respective programs. •This-prOjectis,"fiecessarY and essentiIto. further the tuission of1)0Q aS identified. in 15 U.S.C. Section 4721 and Section 1512, in that it will , a Increase the nUmber'of identified eXpOrt,readYan 4,neW4o-market Oaldancl County companies, and promote awareness and usage of US&FCS products and SeryiCes :'and other roc resources designed to .assist "U.S. companies -to export, generate revenue, -00 -create jobs.: : a Expand US&PCS ',outreach effOrts'to'Oakland County technology and service companies and enhance on site one-stop-shop support to better:serVeClient; , • • Because of the.p.afties'...coOdinatiOn and collaboration, increase Oakland County companies' use of businessusa;gov, which provides one-stop :electronic access to federal, state, local and non-profit business assistance resources:. The US&FCS andBUSA:haVe determined that this project Cannot be done as effectively without the participation of Oakland DEDCA because of the Major role Oakland DEDPA, plays in economic development for businesses throughout Oakland County. IV. MUTUAL INTEREST OF THE PARTIES This project is of Mutual interest to the parties because US&F'CS, BUSA, and the County recogni7e that U.S. companies, particularly small businesses and exporters, area critical part Of a strong economy and critical to an increase in jobs in Oakland County. Oakland County companies and companies throughout eastern Michigan will benefit by having access to alI :DOC export programs at one location and to technology that facilitates relationships between local businesses and resources available outside of their itactecliate area US&FCS ; BUSA, and the County agree that this project furthers their mutual interest in prothoting international and domestic business activities. V. RESPONSIBILITIES OF TFIE PARTIES A. US&FCS agrees to perform the t011owing activities and prOvide the following resources in Support of the joint project activity: , • ' " • • ' '• I. Staff the offiee .with.USOCS trade specialists to work with'Qakland DEDC.A and Oakland County businesses to provide Market'infottratiOn, and eatinseling. These Persons shall not be deemed employees of the County Pay salary costs; travel expenses; and 4 other operational costs for official US&FCS business incurred • by the US&FCS staff. • 3. Provide Oakland DEDCA with appropriate market, industry and other international trade data, selected reference materials, publications, and export-related information as consistent with ITA and DOC policy, 4. Work with Oakland DEDCA to identify, Coordinate, and execute trade promotion programS. 5. Participate With BUSA and Oakland DEDCA in events sponsored by business incubators and economic development organizations located in the county,that'promote small businesses and exporters. 6. Jointly host business seminars and wOrkshops with Oakland .1:/DCA and BUSA. • 7. Participate itiregnlarlyschedutednidetings with 0*laud DEDCA and BUSA to discuss DOC services and Market information Pertinent to e*panding exports and assisting Oakland County businesses and entrepreneurs. : -• 8. Coordinate With BUSA to supply.t.he office with the standard DOC computer hardware and soft -Ware :paeka.ges and general of:1-,iee supplies.' 9. Reimburse theCounty, at its Standa:rd rate,: for phone service 10. PrOvide. and pay foi,Internet access - and usage. BLTSA agrees-.O perform the:fdlloWing aCtlVities and .provide the following resources in support ofthe joint ,projectActivrityy, 'Pay .alary costs, tve! expenses, d.à11 dther -..OperatiOnal Costs forofficial BUSA business _incurred by its staffinemberS statiOned in Co.-ant-Y.; Jointly host business seminars and Wdikshops iyithOaltland DBDCA'and ITS&FCS. Participatein regularly scheduled Meetings with-Oakland DEDCA and•US&FCS to discuss DOC services and market information pertinent to -exPanding exports and assisting Oakland Countybusinesse,s and 4. Participate with US&F(S and Oakland DEDCA in events sponsorcd by business incubators and economic ci.:CvelaPnient organiZationS.located intheconntythat piornoie Small biaSinesses and exporters. 5, ,Ri'On2Ote OaLjandiDEDCA'.'s btiSinesS prOgraniS, services : and events; as appropriate, on the BitsinessUSA:Gov website.' ; : :Coordinate with IIS&FCStn:stiPplYthe office With:standard DOC computer hardWare and software packages and general office supplies. 7. Reimburse the County, at its standard rate; for phone service. C. The County agrees to perform the follewing actiVities and provide the following xesources in support of the joint project actiVity: • . . Provide use of 3,707 square feet of office space located at 1025 S Campus Dr, Annex 1,. Building 47 West, Waterford, MI. , 2, Coordinate and promote business asSiStance.acriVitieS, programs, trade events and initiatives undertaken with US&FCS'and BUSA, as appropriate and consistent with ITA and DOC:policy. Jointly host business seminars and workshops with US&FCS and BUSA, 4. Participate in regularly schechiled meetings with US&FCS and BUM to discuss DOC services and market information pertinent to expanding' exports: and aSsisting Oakland County businesses and entrepreneurs. 5: Participate with T,JS&ECS and BUSA 6 events:sponsored:by business incubators and economic development organizations located in the county that *mote small businesses and exporters. 6. Provide routine custodian and security serVices:, including Snow removal for the office space. 7. Provide a reasonable number Of parking spaces for DO( staff and visitors. 8. Provide and pay for allutilities for the office.sPace. • 9. Provide phone service for the offi ce space except that US&FCS ;Intl 13,USA separately shall reimburse the don)* for the phone service at the CoUnty's:siandard rates. VI .EourrAkz A0o.itii0141n,/iENT OF OID:ST : . The costs of this project are equitably apportioned as outlined in the attached. budget (Exl3ibit A) The DOC's estimated costs for this project are S132,400. The County's estimated costs for this project are $137,525. The 'contacts of each:party to. this agreenierit are:. Richard Corsciti Director, Pontiac U.S. Export'Assistance Center Phone: 2484154604 ' Fax: 248-975-9606 : Email.:. Riclrard.aorsonOtr • Cynthia Martin Customer Service Manager, BitsinesSUSA - Phone: 248-975-9.697 ' • Fax: 248-975-9802 Email: CSlating@comMerceconnect.gov Matthe'AGThb peputyCounty Executive: ' PliOn248-976-9.6.36 248452-9215 Email .0ibbittegaakgov_cdrn Further, while this agreement will serve as a two-year umbrella agreetent, under this agreement US&FCS and BUSA will obligate funds to cover phone charges only for Fiscal Year 2613 (from the effective date of the agreement threttsh September 30, 2013) US&FCS.and BUSA will obligate funds for future fiscal years pursuant to Yearly amendments to this agreement, subject to the availability finds Each amendment obligating funds for phone expenses will include estimated costs for the current year's phone charges and a revised Statement of atidget. _ . . „ Any party may terminate this .agreement hy„providing, 420. days Written notice to the other party:. In the event this agreement is terminated, each party shall be solely responsible forthe payment of any expenses it has Mcurred_ This agreement is subject to the availability of funds. IX. OTHER PROVISIONS . Should disagreement arise on the interpretation of the provisions of this agreement, or amendments and/or revisions thereto, that cannot be resolved at the operating level, the area(s) of disagreement shall be stated in writing by each party and presented to the other party for consideration If agreement on interpretation is not reached within thirty days, the parties shall forward the written presentation Of the disagreement to respective higher officials for Oakland County ttiParitrient of Facilities Management . ' • ' One Publie Works Drive. • Waterkircl, MI 48328 . Phone: 248-85840160 • FOX:. 248:452.2250 Email holdsWoirtha q -aigoir.O6in The Parties' agfgi that if there is a change regarding the infooiatian in this section, the party making the change will notify the other Party in writing within 30 days Of the change. VIII. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT AND MODItI6AITON/TERivaNATION This agreement will become effective when signed by all parties The agreement will terminate at the end of two (2) years but may be amended at any time by written agreement" of the parties The parties will review this agreement at least once every tub (2) years to determine Whabee it should:be reVised, renevved, or , canceled: • appropriate resolution. Under the Irispector General Act Of l0,778; ainended; 5: USC App. 3, a reliiew of this agreement may be . • . conducted at any time:: The Inspector General of the Department of Commerce, or any of his or .her duly authorized representatives,,shallliae.aeceis to any pertinent books, documents ; papers and records of the parties to this agreement whether written, printed; recorded, produced or reproduced by mechanical, magnetic or other process or medium, in order to make 'anditS,:inSpectioriS;. excerpts, transcr.ipts, or other examinations as authorized by law. X. This ragreemerit is:apprOyed on h.tehalf Of the parties. by Charles Ford, Acting Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion and Director General Of the U.S. 84, Foreign Commercial Service • . • 14th Street and Constitution Ave. NW • Washington; DC 20230 . Dennis AlvOrd Executive Director • BusinessUSA I4th and ConstitutiOn Ave., NW Room 2830 Witgtoh; DC 20230 Michael J. Gingell Date Chairperson; Oakland County Board of Commissioners 1200 North Telegraph Road • - Pontiac, 1V1I 48341 UStIcFc (trikind) , Salaries:(15%); Office Supplies Travel Expenses telephones • Office Furniture 84 EquiPinent 60,000 2;0011 .,3„600 20;000' US&FCS TOTAL $90;660: MBA (In Kind) Salaries (10%) Office Supplies Travel Expenses Telephones Business assistance activities and. ontreadi - BUSA 'TOTAL • $41,800 • COUNTY (In Kind) Salaries.(1%)- : • Office Space (3707 s.f.) Utilities Parking Space Security Custodian Services • 35,006. 1500: ;00' . sob 1,225 Exinbit•A: Statement of Budget „ Resolution #13013 The chairperson referred the resolu.Von to the Finn:CaCOrnmittee. There were no objections January 23, 2013 General Fund *10100 Revenues: : • 9010101-196030-665882 IlannedL Use 'of FUnd Total Revenues • , • Expenditures . . 1090201-1710007770031 Bldg S Otte Cost Allot. Total Expendtures $ 40,608 LA0.608 • FINANa .:.:COitorOITI".5.4 V.075;„ . . Motion 'carried UnaniMouslY On :a ral cali,vote)Mih Long and . Coiatie§ pbse4 scALNOTE .• Fe,bruary.7, -2013 • FINANCE.c0W01-1,:'.-rOkii..iiinLiblttON,'.CHN'RiDik8oN:::. • IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF/FA,01(11T!ES MANAO'Ell4ENT:-,..'APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF MEMORANDUM OF AtREEMENT.I(MOA) VVITRTHtiS.:0EPAkITMENT OF COMMERCE (11sDOC) FOR .LJS.E OF SPACE:LocATEb:IWTHEAtnINExi .B:UILDiNG TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY'BOARD oF:pommis'sloNERs . . .• Chairperson,• Ldies'and•GOntlem'eLn:;•• . 'Pursuant to.Rule,'XII-C. of this'Board., the Finance Committee has revjewedlhe.above referenced,:resolutiOn'Od finc(s;,1 • , • : 1.; ...The:reSolutiori.'40'jyee;:and Piithories!a MemOrandOrn•Of Agreement (MOA) .betWeen..t .klarkFCtu, County and and the:U.S.Departmentof Commerce for 0.S and Foreign Commercial S6.6ijOeLs (US8,Fb8).and..ButinessIUSA(BUSA) offices located in the Administrative .Afiriek I, building 2. The'MOA'PrOvidet.for:the Ute of. abprc:))arriately 3,.707 dross square feet of office • space in the Administrative Annek I . building :by Commerce Connect and Export • Assistance from Jandary 2013.'through'Jdnuary2014'at no charge to the U.S. Department of COmmerce. .• Under terms of the AgreeMent, US&FOS'ind,'B:USA will provide furniture, compLiterS, and office equipment and reimburse the County for telephone .servite.: . . • . .:Oakland:bouiti*O .:joiqvide: janitorial. service,• general building maintenance, . security, graLihcfs :).6:iorkt: p"arkifid, and uii.litie's..ekceOt for network/IT Services. The parties":to the Agreerrient'will 'review the MOA•at least once•every;two years to determine whether tne,:egreernenpshbuld be revised renewed, or canceled. Annual ;•In-kind costs for the Agreement .are'eSti,m ..ated• at $182;400.forthe U.S. • Dej.b.ariment:pf CammerCe.ancj.$"187.25,for Oe(ciand.CoUnty at noted:in Exhibit .A•ofthe.agreement .,,,:. .'•' - • • • • • • L. • • • • , . • • • • • • • • Fy2013:pudget..erheriditent,is'recOrnrneficted.t6'edjust,lease revenue and .„ . • . •.• • • .• • • ” • ••,building:Sjike.ch.arg4-.fo:r January 2Of3: throb' 6h. SpOter6ber 2013:. • . . . . . Fealties Majiit &.0Peratiorit #63100 ' ReVeriues: • 10407.024140010•635017 ,Ext.:Agencies• Rev 1040702-140010631386 Office Space Rental 'GFGP Total •Revenues - FY 2013 • ($40,608) 4b608 •$ 0 Resolution #1.3013 Moved by Long, supported 'py:McG!ifiVray tf:ie resblutions . (With ,fisCal notes Agenda be adopted. • attached) on the Consent AYES: Dwyer, Gersherison, Obssefin, HetChett; Hoffman Long, Matis, McGilliVray, Middleto n , Quarles, Runestad,•Scott,. SPisz, Taub, Weipek; Wbodward, Zack, Bosnic, Crawford. (19) NAYS: NOne. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in .favor, :the resOlutiOn• with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda were adopted.. 0EIP:.,APPRpV.E::11fFpffG.OING.RptiLUTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland do : hereby certify that th.fai-pgoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted. by The Oakland County Board of Commissioners on February 7, 2013, with the original 'record thereof now remaining my office, • . , In Testimony . Wheredf,. I have hereunto:.'Set..6:1;f:6and and '4fixe-d the seal of the bounty of Oakland at .Pontia c ,:MiChigan . this . 'Llsa. Erwin, Oakland County February 7, 2013 Resolution #18071 March 8, 2018 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.