HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1973.11.06 - 2370nY OF ROCHES TER REGULAR ELECTION NOVEMBER 6, 1973 AT Tit: ELECTION REGULAR HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1973 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND . i.c.A0vAs.s.ga BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN XlenCRIXE:11.101KX1)41.4,12MEKIWWItIlilgat'AX MANUFACTURED BY aaatLEakv gitgg, er) ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND ,PRINTERS 1919 East 1(1.60.re.:::.R.p.(14 • Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election STATEMENT OF VOTES LI TOTALS CITY COUNCIL THOMAS V. CASE LAWRENCE E. HOPP SAMUEL A. HOWLETT RICHARD C. MOORE 4 5C OFFICE AND CANDIDAT E NAMES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER Nr 20 kwr was and they were given for:the FolloWingrrfled.erIOft5 .; received received vale TOTAL votEn votei THOMAS V. CASE receive LAWRENCE E. HOPP received , receivc.d receive I. SAMUEL A. HOWLETT received RICHARD C. MOORE mceived WILLIAM R. MURRAY KENNETH J. PURDOM VOleS • ,.'otes:ii.•••••••1 • I voes • ..• • ..•:.•• • .••• vote THOMAS L. 'WERTH receiv received received kites Vorei„. received TOTAL received STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given For the office of I was and they were given for the following named persons: received vore:,:s received received. TOTAL The whole number. of votes•given for the office of IL II. was and they were given for. the following named foem received votes votes votes vote received . • -:i0i:es; The whole number of votes given for the offic , c°4 CITY; COUNCILMAN (Vote for not more than Four) d were given for ..the followi*nained per,on5: "DETROIT EDISON FRANCHISE" PUT :RUMS: U.? DM 1:;:01241f1 The whole number of votes citiven far ond agair,st ti le ConOzr4ng grant of franchise to The -1-1 : Detroit Edison Company, or the purpose of the erection, construction and maintenanCe 1 . , ' of tqwers,...gples„mains,,wires, pipes,_conduits, agparatus, eta., requisite for_thed i ' ' . : transmission) transforming and distribution of electricity for public and private u.e., : wos / . . ,,, 6:,,,,, '---' -.L.,,, 1 '.-.:.'.- - - - 1-1-- t , • __,2...,:_ -• 1 1 of Which nurn6er • • • votes were marked.. and votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number_ votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO The whole nu ber of votes given for and against the was of which number vot es were marked YES and votes were marked TOTAL VOTES, The who number of votes given for and against the_. was of which number votes were marke and: votes were •Mat IL hn/c1 on _day L. !and nine tiondred and s eventy-three : •..NOYFXBU_ the REGULAR 71 having received the Hraest number of _having recei'.cd thekiict number That_ -- _having sd the larie•.-4. 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